The Sparta times and planter. (Sparta, Ga.) 186?-188?, October 03, 1874, Image 4

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Ittitac Your Own St*i»i»llos and Diversify Your Productions. Mayfikld, Sept. lClh, 1871. Editors Times «t Planter: Tills subject, our people nvc tnvnro, has been sounded in their ears fill they tiro filmmf uninlmllitl of its true sense mul meaning, Tito fanners con¬ tinued on in their cotton career, how¬ ever, till roughly apprised off heir de¬ structive eotirsc by the crashing panic terminating tho year 7«h And Ibis awakening has only been partial, Causing a slight percentage more land to ho devoted to a diversification crops—II small area town In small grain and perhaps a lltlle clover eon stltutcs tlie chief improve for 1STl, the suicidal policy of the past, I ven¬ ture the assertion flint there is not ex¬ ceeding 25 acres in sugar cane, in Hancock county, and that the acreage in other counties, in Middle Georgia, Is the same prorata. Yet, the climate and soil arc well adapted to its culture, and it is an indisputable axiom, that Georgians love syrup and sugar, eras the old colored woman said, “long aud short sweetnin.” The query then is: Why do not the people plant a sufficient area in cane to insuc enough for home consumption ? Then in junction with the cereal crops, they would bo entirely independent of West and Northwest, and of the dictation of tho outrageous terms of tho nit hie.* s commission mer¬ chant. Tho aii'Wcr to this query is. the people are In ane on the subject of cotton, and though the rigid lc- <>m> of tho recent past have induced them to plant more largely of j rain (hi year than formally, vet they will have to he ttlide.fc.t 1 a little more to make them conform ami then tiulierc to a fixed policy of general planting, anil conseqiteiil rotation of crops, Bueh u Ky detn would give oppr»rf ti¬ ll ity for enriching flic soil now tend¬ ed, and the reelnniiition of that reject¬ ed as “worn onl.” It might be urged in confutation of these I’tcts, that the growing of nine is very exhaustive the fertility of the soil. This I admit and then assert that in my opinion it is only half ns exhaustive us cotton. Again, it can he argued that It will pay better to rni e cotton and buy su¬ gar. This argiiim ut has been com¬ pletely annihilated in our past expe¬ rience of raising cotfon, ami with (he proceeds therefrom buying our sup¬ plies, |l lit, been demonstrated find it pays to produeu cereal crops on ivortt rlown latnh. Then certainly it will pay to rnl -o run •*, si net.* tint «•! i - mate and soil are alike adapted t<> it. And since it i IVIhtllMT to raise the-a several crops on our ished l pels condition, in their pre em impover¬ surely it will lie three fold more so, when we hall h ive b\ a hnmghl judicious ay: lands lem of rolalInn of crop'. ard fertility ottr lip lo a high stand¬ ^dished of liiversit’unl ; which can lie arrom l*y a plahifing oub.yhiril si>(eiMgi| lm— I'.v of life gnreable land on ;i firm in small grain, the grasses, «Ve,, one-third in corn, and the reniainiin; one-third Ineotion. it would take three years in plant the whole farm in rotton, and eon>t <aitviit ly all the land in etillii gfoti would rest on three year . Sueli a system, or something similar with a change front shallow preparation to a deep upturning of the mil, would make Georgia, indeed, the Empire State not of the South alone, Imt of tln> whole Union. \\ heat bread! A. I.. Illl.'OsoXn. Growth of Oivliimls, Editors Timi .s «(• Plant* KMowing flint tlicn* arc tirtuv ;.i‘i> !»l** How c uilcmjd tin" the «• 11i 11 :nut of voting tipjt'e fell ii.l . ami f. i'liii that tlictv i- 'treft! 1 1 • • L of ill thj miittei' roll’ll, if time and -j» u would permil, "ive id< is tl it would lie of to ueli lie ne li t ; but I r, ill i 'i * thin by .ittil addee i those who already have orrhanlr. There art' timm frees plnnled, Ihii few grow ; anil what do grow, most I y wild, w it bout ever hi iug pin od. I have ltotieed a *;'ivat iiiativ pU* orehards in (iettriria, and in iiearlv all of them oaeh tree i- hitriletied with enough branehe* for at least live six trees of their -i/e. Thus the over-li.'ilatiees the root and the trei mu-t decay : ;uu\ if it lives the fruit * not lit tor market, or it Mill tall when about tin 1 - ‘ ot' plums; five bvi'omo . iti'iY and arc like your poor cow- or hog -, full lire aud never pay for tho they cover. If (lie tree Is worth iug it is like your Lor e worth lug; though it is unlike your for yon mu-t fed him three times day—now omen year will do youi orchard- or ot., c every thi 1 " * will bring you good fruit. Now you have got a young orchard ot ple trees, do t;o! lei another pass w ithout pruning it until it nlmo-t make you cry to look at Lot the root and the body grow and tin n you may look tVr line 1 will -ay no more at present 011 th unhject, but w ill, if any w ish or «;ue-: it, give the the method for plant¬ ing aud grow lug. I'Amill'NiV, H xmv; At. iMfi t .sK.— ILl'itu dly rn thueiastic people me never >■> happy a? when (hey ute eudeiiv, ting to save yo from your.wIf. It , howev t r. lotlti ' nale tlut tho p.t a which ink-ruts such person*, is cue ot peculiar billtj K* doin ami eapticO, Their ambition i hi -, a * nutter *vh*i, >o that the bio- d he excrii-, 1 : and uttiti! rtn ed by piiuxipU', aud will Hit anv eia! olgx .'t in thx ie muu- i x , u>ey dixide their inductt\ xUHvdl^ 11■ u* ns ti> render »tidurabl# |h . *y* i - each: j \ brnt sh.Ax ot r«—ixletice' 8 v* hantihes o t ruHtitvi, who d. i- i feet j»»»v !«•»( or aointiuent belli.- c--’ *•«*«-.! to transfer hi* xii-jen Mti-'iif Ji in ax to Jeo*a*«*»' A. Lathcm's Space for Moses Whelchei’s j$AY DIE ! T?OI? YP,\ t; S PAST I have only ti«or! my I ’ medl. iuo for the special benefit of my lainlly mi'! neighbors They have of Into I'OrMindml me tuiiodx- ii known t > the world which I now 'lo. i will "ivc you the lending disc sets it cures ; £!'/** It eur h Cancel.-i, t otouniiti-.n In its fist stage anil if net a filial curt lor I’aney* s-is, it does it good. It hi m Micumatisoi, Ci ills and Fever, it^ ! 1 ' 'i’ ‘ ' 'i il ° f "’he ! i "v 1 '" ! hi. ‘ * - I cl ^ ■ i - system J CU!ire!y Imtilo Cltrou'e £5 1’riec per for His< uses, ; Untie Fellon, >} 1 ; K c Lotion, 50c. Follow nty d t eo ions which is m y d >■ e, and if you nto nut cuted from any ot the t.hovo diseas* ft which 1 any it wil cute, money li dice idly refund'd b. Mr. .] A. La Getur 1 Ag**n , c iucavilie, g i , to oil your ©i tiers b.v mail or ex j,let*# Certificn o ol tin old retidiul of Ilu 1 coun¬ ty Georgia: certify 1 hnd rating This i* I., h it nn c» r on medicine nty hip and Dr three yum eid s.-cund lilt o vluxi 1 to V, m«fgrm‘.V^hHr«VV’a 1 ? ‘ I ,,<hyn , , oil' otic f-ouKi hSo <d ,u ;uistice more will 'm.ihe n c re. I of highly wiih recomiiiend it to 1LL1AU uny aud 1 .ill OWDY. cu.cers. V March, 1S71. To MV I’MCipj Wtjo AJ 1 L Situ I s to certify that I w«s ve.y low w’lh Chi In and Fever and a humor ia my blood I look < no bollix 11 \ lx ! in 1, ‘'Never," whicli cur-.I mo smiii.i i.n I weal. 1 feel l int l am ti (! r » . 11 - n to recoin me. d ii to nil ii. a (Undid (iin'8. JAMES H, L ,'i'UAM, J. I*. (.'hies vii p. EvKi.— Wl.c i I s’Rln, my eyes w.-re cur d in thiily 8 \ Ilnurs by one up; ■■■ • ->.i i-*.« ot '•iNevc" S ly Id. ,” i’mi cm outy get it (ratu .J. A. Lutin in, <« iln wile, < hi. T. i'. UaTK.' ! , G i uisviile, Ga. 1(1.(0.11,1114 8 Si AT If.'■.V, Wo, the etidi r.-t -'it d knowing this med¬ ic ii ic, do chtcrfu ly lc.comniend if to the illliclcd, un i d i not In-ilnlu In say tlir-e l»if lien uro riv .-igncd jmnsiti n mid will do wlmt iln ys.iy. by J , N • hod. II, I Inn. w. l\ Smith, IIon. J). t >. (Sandler, A n. 0, Ioiimv, M'-rehant. 11. Co en, “ C Iciiieiils ,t I’uo., “ J. It M, W ii'urn. Gidia .ry. .1. .J. M. iuo, ''. ' 'i' N., ( lihi .Marshal f*. U, fUiuin'. s, Attuuu'y ut Law. E. W. Merrill, T. II. Biuifot'd, <toia:nrill\ (!e irjia. a ii'.t! 3m. BROWiS’B HOTEL. Reduction of Board. 84 oo r r I > ;i y i i;. nno.vN SON, prt rietorr : A• dib )< I, «o Id i urm nuiiiev oi t, i .ts lie - on iiud utter rti« l.-t <1 y of S. 1" ■ tat! i litg fates W II be reduced to A ’ 1" >’ o 1 I in' | V •] e ’< V Ill'll r per, i t! ly t'cMrtl t!ie : r gi’.itriul if.t I.. fm tie' vety ihcrnl roi.ii. ■ t■ .. 1 ■ i t • .ho io.'i .. nearly I w.'iil V .V' and a o.e tin i 1 ' to ny iiietol> that no v. ill ise ott! In?; t i loir iv. i'- fur the t.i ure i» '.tilU • Iin*s >«atUf»et$oa til t Wo, !i ivo in die past livny i.t 1 mioa rivoti to liitlit >: at.d laluik'.i, and I uge rorans ill r« udltn - for i "tnm o'ial tiiiveleri \i*it iiii' M lea... i; E Id OWN w SON. M>|Ml f. G 1.0 HE HOTEL, At: iUhT \, G A. Cornrr Lriad it::! Jack ca Ctr.cts. ! Ill E b id ’Rl’, Hi;TEl, Iri . b eit re Ijitii.i cd i.nd fetid,,), widi nil tiiu Modern AMI Conveniences Together wi lt 1 e a 'd ii n of a uuv d i making ii t i Id* id ! coin I It*’#* ! to tvls in tlte Co td y. and iu»\v ua Is lln BOCt Hint ih'Uh II Ilf t‘ « Ti «ve!i»n» P. M \ Y. I'r p'r. i a Mmm - Dr, \V. Ikm* Udlifoniitt * tie :• l!iu;T., V I l’li' J,:ii lo pj* • '!’ •• v, , —7 - i'f t \ u. I .. . • ef Dr. Vx'at.k La* ti. n. xtii’av u.n a ro.. ;i - 1 V-> \ \ Is y * * H uk U »»:>• it Mi \ 1 )| .«!* l a. W AN'I t in, l i A v | f t; i:p im wot EF.SV* \ an ! UI1 ** tltt’MiriF FOK RENT. . U >! . u , t N., - r. F iN. m ?- i J Fill ATLANTA MUfSIC HOUStC, IS’o* 4: Marietta Street* THE GREAT 11 HI Hi IPS! of to am Gxjilford, Wood «fe Oo., I I I * selected Atlanta ns their distributing point for Piano, Organs and Mu* steal Instruments generally. We ^ tiro sole Agents lor Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Florida and East Tennessee, for the sale of the eel. bratcd O li i c; k o r i n g I* i si 11 <> , winch .... acknowledged . . to be the leading Piano of the world ,, also , tho , GUI fa), M • CHUiiCll & CO., GUILFOliD & WOOL), NEW YORK, and other good pi. aims. We are also Agents in the same territory for the 3L<1 t CT V P 1* *"* ]| 9 » which i- unequah d by any other Organ in the country. Possessing facilities and advantages over other dealers in the South, we can °^ r ? rw “ di * co “ n,s to < J ,,urc, ‘° 8 > J 0 * 10 ? 1 '’ and Teachers. i’uinos . and Organs sold on the lostaimcat plan. Scud for price lists and culars. WE ARE PUBLISHEivS OF THE GEORGIA MUSICAL ECLECTIC, i n monthly periodical, devoted to Mimic, Ait and Literature, jj, { OO P er mini. Free to music teachers. Send for .,1, specimen conics. Address, L. july i, ly. Guilford, —, , Wood & _ Atlanta, Co., Ga. Jo-cph U. Kch il*. J. W. Echols. JLj ,, ,, 11 U L F u k) V7 o lx Vh . , Factors — \ND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AugtnUi, Ucorglii. Ci rtier J icksoa -8 llrynulds Streets. fiCf'-fi-.'lm, Situ at ion W anted. ;‘V \ Y'OUN<» MAN from Vi.ginia wishes to t .ko ckarif of a Coin.t ly Sc-.oot, on liis own responsibility, iu Uakliviu nr Math Han cock comity. Tenches l.ntin Gie<k, imih ics and the Engl,ah c ourse. Would like in o irresje ■lid at uiioe wi h ref fence to the S hoof. Thruu y< ars expvrieuco, licrtref e,cnee given. Address, FRAYSEU. J. W. rcp20-lm Augusta, Ga. Gin*Houses and Contents Insnred BY L. a. MORRIS, Ag’t. T V i: I’ElMthSl- NTS three Fire Com; a J[ | I 1 H 8 i.r.d i ne Lite, THE Fit VNKf.lN, 1‘liilailelj.liia, IVnn. Capita’ jF:’.,5lO0tU. AMI.RIGAN i ENTItAL t-i Louis, Mo., Capital $1 RU’. IUO. IT\RI.E HRE IN'iniANCK CO, Na^ltviHo. lvtiti.9 Capital $1,000,Ot O, PU.llMONT AliUMSTON UMI ( O. sepl'-t Sill TO EVERY PERSON, W IU) ARE AFFLICTED With tlio most Stubborn Causes of AlHiction, to its Mildest form, etc. TltO ttiulevioftBod proposes to say he will warrant to cure uino tenths ui each auef ev¬ ery coinp'uint a human being is heir to, fimu one mouth stan hug to twelve years, etc. FIRST—The undersigned will tc'l nil complaints mi man or woman without ask¬ ing ijue-ii otherwise, ns. only mci\ly by looking at them ov etc, SIV >NDLY The iiieb'i's ,.;ncdannounce# t • do' eit... us of Mac it met the ci ixei s ot the S ale. !i>' h is praciced f r a long pe foil nf i mo in J: Eh county, Georgia, nf the i xpira'iou of fifteou years, he again de Mr - t" re iiuic las priict icc, in order to be amongst n circle of friends, in order lo con litiu • on li s eaircer of rescuing people fioie pii'mature g:.'lV^" , . which that import is well established over this 8la'e. I iiese ret narks he does not it tike f om m lives of spe, u’a ti o Ion from iu tives to lie imparted to the idlUi'Ud. a d ilio?c motives can b,< identi¬ fied io by a large pi puUtion, if ucces ; ary to lie inquired ti to etc. 1 UtUHlA The nna. rgigtted propose? to cure lime-tenths of nil coinpluiuts. ID will ink. for hi# specially, FI I.VIONAKY CON-SLMFrp’N, AS1TIM.V. HUOF8Y of the CHEST, UROFSY of the BOWELS. llYl'KOCOLE lilMI'Sr, RMKl M.V ! IsM A< 1 TR. KEYING RIILtTMATlSM INFI.AM \ ro ,Y RHEUMATISM, HI MU, I KS, ON.USM, GRAY ED. S\ 1’IIILH. V UliONrC IM.MIRIKKA. KING’S EVIL. LIVER \FFF.ETIONS, DN -I’F.I'St A, KIDNEYS. SEINE,and SORES Of every form and of every kind. etc. A Go. ho will euro a'i Fjnmle Complain s, v»' mauer ot !\ w long s'andieg their eon t Ini tit may He, er how niueh Uebiliiatid iln*ir eoii-tiiutions mu y he Apply lo iin> i n iiisig. fd and receive - ine informs ion reg vrding v.iiir complaints. It will nor cost iiiiy:hin~. fti- undersigued, in ord< r to S ve . lair and in.; artial explanation to the pub...?, will nay lie will umJeri .k each and ; r :: anivh r be paid l y contract, as the cure j iTcgrrsse,. an4 mi on. Bui it will hr nices- | -ary tor all who desire to be cufc-l I I y contract to l e under his < Imgr, sa as t.> !•- enaV.e l ,) *ro themimcc day A - ihonb-vo complaints wnl he cur.-l u--1 i.ui w R in the spn-e of from three u ■' t--ve 11.0111 hs nn 'Iscn, v Ga., wi:!i j ’ - ee i -it stamp alii envelope n,closed. DR. M. FITZGERALD, ri.t r Mul erry an 1 Fourth rtteus M <■ * iatGOif r. O. lk x Nn. 311. Pulaski House, SAVANNAH. GA. S X, I’APOT \CO OMNIBUSSES M*et all Trains wrtrf -VV Stcairers *.x-. 1 1 iVl'Y : : C ac«- Ve :<i or ,l a . j , n -l b ivi> g fit i. jefart ishe-J j< ,-ro r ii <lclf ia - ahem May ot*, tf. t R. R. R, RADWAY’S READY RELIEF ct;iti:s tiijv worst vains I n from Ono to Twenty Ff:incites. NOT ONE HOUR after rea'llncttii. a.lvertiHrm.-ni n.*e l any ono SI KFKR WITH PAIN. B.VDWAYS HEAVY HKI.IBP IS A CUKE rOR fcYE«Y I-Al.v. Ii w.-.stht! lim and is The* OulyPaia Remedy Ihnt i!:-*gntlyMoj wtht ir.!>a*pxprun,iutift tmin*. a!lny« In !-snttiu»ii- n'*, ufi irttr^n whether r*t the J.iii.fs. or oilier kI.iu.U or organs, by t'ryujtpjic.djrrfi. IN FROM OXK TO TVTRSTX MTNTTK^, ro nuiHor hovrr vl deot or e*«ruH.itiiiiy the p«i n *he I'.fli.l M \1 DH»*1 i* l ifn. hiiiini, ( i.ppl(*.|, N»-r vtm,, ^etiriil*.'*c, <*r pr«Mtr»(f.d wills u*.»y mjiTer, RADWAY’S READY RELIEF WII.I. AFFoBH instant KA.SK. INFAMMATIOX OF TUB KII'VKVS. INF!. tNFt.AM«A'r:itX OF TUB m.AnnEir. A MM UlON of TUB ItolVKI.S. fiOIlK THROAT. hysterics, UKART ' HKAIUtTIK. TOOT 11 i AlAUUtL INFt.UF.XZ A. \rtn: .Nr l KM.'Jl V, RHEUMATISM. COM> riIIU^ t AHUK HULLS. 1 h > ;»r oftlse H *ndy Hrlirf id thepwrinr jpjr-M l '*111111 « - n*tint t. p*iu jr ditlicuifj cii* vuHurior.i ftii t r Twenty dropflin hnlfn AHl's,Nl*.\8Ms,St»l tumbler f*f w ater KMtiMAt w illtnufviv r. UK \ i! rittiiN, SL’K 11 K.Y I» Vt’IIE, MUlSICIHd.t. H, BY' N I IKY. « *I.D\ Ml Nil IN 'i UK UiWLLS, nr ! :i ! TUNS VI. V \ INS. \-Wr% »h> iUi Ii«licl‘ hUvhvh carry A t f Hud rvu) liciifte W ibthrm. V lew Ur •* <* ill W..i I will pi* vent >.»kt*Ci»H cr *u»v fr<da dn *;«• (*f U ' 4 trf. li IV LlUiUi . 4 ** Ub W ClLUlUUul. I IJVEIt AM) Aurc. rr.vm l> VGiTc'if'htfiirfifty T!»**rr* Iq .*» fell ’» I it* iiu% wot'bl (bitl w itt * r -•ti nil ••flntr tin i-. Hiboft, Tv* V. 'I'Vl. Ac! UV. a. . .h r I* Ib'Y.WcfvKA'UY cwrM f“l i* •! bv !i Vl» V Y t’lt.I.S* <m» 4» fi.M Ui: LlUK. liiUtfUli, j»ct‘ Ll'4»k. HEALTH I BEAUTY! 1 ATHt’Nfi \ vii rr k itmti iH/mn-nriTEAsK i ffi.::-,i ,Nti wr:i.iiir~«:i.KAR . ios. \m> m At nn i.< oMat.KXioNsKi i uiai roAi.u DR. RADWAY’S Sarsapariliiea Eesclveat T;;F TREAT BLOOD PliRTlER. 1! Vr S V \MCTI!KM*»!CT ASTd.M<! 1!VG r?’f»F* : so »,*» I» K. >♦> i; Wt\> \HK1 Hk « j|\\,; k> T!IK u *i*\ i >i*! iDinKo.i sr ft i iii. i\ri,rr\t’i*) 40 UU.S IKLLY WuMiLULCL MKbK'l.NK. * 111AT Every Lay an Increase in Flesh aid Weiiht is Seen and Felt. Frrrr Vomiu!., tfptp of tho s \ nr \ r \ n \ v Rrsnr.. vkn i 'SI** i!nN‘Uifl»lh»j HIhiI Sw.*n». I’rii.#. n»ut r Li’i.tiH fthtl JHifw of ti*«» w v-tvtii l!iv vLurtv Ibv \\ lUe 1 CNtfUMiMip’joii, W litul i h*r|il S'i*'»l tl t, S> **h Iiw. t t *'i w ill |i*v; tb ’ it, 'tin b, IH lil. li'i** rr *2 iWDt't jr <rt>M»f i!i#* «\ j»u in. mltm a *it:** 4 ir*«n tb«* nna w**ymi fi>rin*i *»f Suit! »iiw.*j'«*mi, ►t 'Uuii",. '-.riijf f.q L H i Htw ffji.f r A’’ ; v it ? k» •-*. W • . t • .*n tvnua«!u W «,«*». aud ui! w.«k u n*/ nr.t! p«i«*ft>l til*' ch . .*•- V i hf -**w »*i»u, I. -h • i in ;■!•»! . i v > i t* - f tlx.* .!• ;• o nn) » ibta »L« « • ? ' • r.». .e«’l t j*i • •I Vo Ifph ChFimur' . mul • fvw a*** will ui' | I 'V* 1 . if, \ J».*' . *| ||«| . « »l' r« tii#*r uf ii-esc iooua CSi*"*.* r.w pote;U r * •« r*»tlivtn I: h ji t • ... «1 i . r r* S d.! by trutei an i" »*-.'■'*» tfitl in (•'■: t-.H'tHy f HTGI* *•-.% *<iu u rt’i'W** v * ■ i,» r I€} •»: * tl ‘* won 4 ! V* >0 *1 . ID i';*r. Yl lit* L* . Ill ici.lbs 1 itfui—Mud id* t'. ,'A D’ '>N* W'l'ahii « 1 « * !« wv*ttr»‘—, 44 *tir r* <!9 * n ; ! r h |„»i* till-* ifjiH 'ty r-'fj niffuTti Itg • t d nlfir’jitttjQ, nn4 * i» »r* »?.id t,.o n - •». t(• t rj-ar - w «H u« raj. 4. *! 1 liny i ■ * t t )t wilfleeS litm^«*lfgmwiaj£ > t- tier nn-l |7«r;S Ut»* ? * 4-1.' »t . b iiut rttvin-r, tot* u 4 ift i»ti n r* iwir*: ^ Nt !l.,» 4 .e**t!ie 'il.MPir. lUiA'f nr.‘v<’Tr.NT • *l * rfiwlvl G Hpieut* m th** »*ufr r-f I’Ip "ii c. Sr ro I tlwUttPMl !.r*l. Ul.d SiklU U.b .MCA , mUlilli.0 frA) j iAiUv tr cure for lUdncy <{- lilndder Com plaints f t’rtmirT *n I W.'mhili«''s»es.Cr%'tl I'iti . IV i »y, ,V*'.*r. 1 mite iWe M • l u *»v. » • ii litii'ir », »ii> 1 in » I <■»*>■« »rC It .t'i-ld‘1' »i'» >.r'be-Her I-ihi' k,rl.iHal, » tr.«■' ,ro-H 1 *ke the „h; ' i a,rv , 1 - hit » • - k. ..rth.fM-i, . (t.i-k. *.'I. .weptene* >»• '1 W tilt - Imiie d'lM(lei—i -. I*- il ti-n tber*.I* w&d *»r- * ii ttu— "-ui, el«r . ; .--jn. water, i , 4 Q ti tu:l>, >IU*(.. «,i lie llw k akll -li-- le.lld. Tit in nr of 12 Years* Growth Cured by Had lady's Jiesulveut* DR. RADWAY S fd:i Pirptiw £ EsgiilisjPEs, p#*rfeet!r WftlM CTTID"! " ilh »-.M'€tpim, . I* * 4*. r r .ire i»l.*•*■ . f»*l :.*» M 'fiiarh, j |t tv*. ... K.d’itr ». Hi*L'tr, M»r lie ttt'4 I* >li» I R, D'S* fOUnt. IlillrMi* ►>' fr. , ltd Iiii.arnmAt =**n o f f lh« *. Mf*. Had nil 11 r tn > ■ |«fit<* of ?h • IijU* Wima e *. n *-tf* t » i'o»a, •* r ;re. 1* ,rciy \ ttu n!»,Bai< O'»uwrciuv. iu.uam* -tra-jt ut or ic.i i-cnrv* pti- ri.'« xr«» a-•««r h.% n*r\vsrn-vt:-. uil.lh » ! , »t - - Vrm l’.-.ce. »'•#..* p»r a- , soi.n it y isT BI'IH ••FXI.SK Oil TRI t: ■ -nlnni e !*iw |>l Rl Y X eo. N.-I ta W .rr-n M l. . Yrw. lufd TXAU^a worUi li, ■ -«a;g. » .. - «-nt >• >u. e. j. joiinston, Corner Mnlbury anJ Second Strceis,' JIltOA, UEORR't. T^E.YLKR M.v*r-»a-«. in W Fni,cy A Tell goods. Eg JEWELRY. &c Ag’ts t.r the ceGhrstcd DIAMOND SPECTA Gl.Lo. Ky,* Gia-es. j-, ne watch wot it a s P ,v aaiif. Jewelry repaired an-l engraving Oon«. jutte JR tf. : DEALER IN J?rUlt Fruit aU(l arid Ll^arS, Pio-«r<s Wholesale & Retail. n enera . n Hailroad -y'TT News Agents, . « A,!0T, * ers fr° ni Coaairy Merchants, or Or ** ei ' m * ih New# Agents on th* ; Train* will-i with pix-mpi aiteution. nsxLRU V Prize fob lily Canilicg, Augusta Advertisements. Real B ar ga i iaTsii —IN— F I II 8 T - CLASS DRY GOODS. NO HUMBUG-! NO SHODDY! No Soiled Goods ! No Shelf-worn But Genuine New, Fresh Goods ! AT UNPRECEDENTEDLY LOW PRICES. 4-4 LONSDALE at 12£c. per yard ; 4-4 FRUIT OP THE LOOM at 15c. per yard ; 7-8 BROWN 8111 R I7XU (heavy) at Sc. per yard ; ALL the best makes of' OALlCOE at Oc. ; 3-4 BLEACH ED SHIRTING at (lie ■ BLEACH ED SIIIRTING at 8c. j COTTON ABES and KENTUCKY at l2jc. ; GINGHAMS at 10c. Our entire stock will he sold at reduced prices FOR CASH. Ibis Sale is RXOLl SI\ LJA I Oil CASH. Parties keeping accounts us. who desire to purchase any of tho above Goods, and luvo them char-'ed will have to pay regular prices. febl 4 ly JAMES A. GRAY & CO PEOPLE’S CLOTHING STORE, w. A. RAMSEY, Agent IVo. 2G8 BUOAD SiTKEKT AUGUSTA, GEOHGIA WI:.: nmnafactarcd "Z™ eiry, an; expressly for ibis market by us. It lv .ii K ample facilities,, ISA 11 IIELs, UMHRKLL iS, etc. ’ MEASURES 1A KEN carefully, n.vt clothing m,do to order, warranted lo Jit, LARGE GLASS FRONT. juiv 27 3in Op; osito National Exchange Iniuk. ENCOURAGE HOME ENTERPRISE I -0.0. Golflsiilli’s Jeif-Faslfiiiii Mb Cola he. 3 ’atcntcrl ^Ypril, 1874*. --u:o Fill) Cotton Factors, Planters and Miinulaclti’crs, tho subscribers ate now 1 offer their entirely novel SELF FASTENING TIE, baling o t .r Cotton and o f h "‘ 1 l .* ov " ,- >' G’Toct «<* a»y Ties, W in U«e, bei. « «s easily fas' enod and , is Si 1 I i'.bilUt tiem the. fact that I tem-it ii Il'.o,, once . i.s an impossibility to remove die wntumi n,st cutting it, thereby GUAitAN I lll lN’i) IAirmets i.ud other in cm t •! p irites against loss «.l tr igbt by roeit.t of r, in vul of Hoops. This TIE has been ex.imincj ly nearly every 1’a, tor and Morel nut r,f Char e.stoo, mid It tH IH'fll |MuliiilliitjO(! a jMJl'It'Ci M|CU(*sK. Urd us for NEW or SECOND HAND lil VE I El) HOOFS will be n r mptly liked, low price other J io the , a as h Hi any t at nituiutnctory. MOSEo goldsmith & SON, ft •1,0, 8, 10, 12, 11 and Hi COLONNADE ROW, VELMJK A HUE. Charleston , 8. C jane J. II. OPFENHEIM, General A-cnt, 27 Rtn. Itfo Reynolds S reel, Augustu, Gh Dozier, Walters & Co., 1?) u Cotton P actor si AND w II o L E S A L E G ] 0 C E R S. I I TAVlNtt 1 secured a first class I’irc-Uionf Warehouse fur the 8 A LG AND 4 'I Ol(A^ i h Ol< CO I ION. wo respect Iuily Milioit oonsi^etnonts k of [same. Our M - K. J..DUZI KIl wi'l give his eutiro jicrsunal Httctiiion to tins depart men Our.stock of GKOOKHIKS AND f’L WTATiO.i SIJD- 1 LI Kj will he kept comiilctc, ns usual. july 1 l-3in I^OZIiOU, YVAIjTDJV AUGUST & CO.. A. GA. JAMES SMITH, Contractor efij Sxxilcioi SJ'AHIA, OA. Contracts taken for all kinds of Buildings. Having increased my facilities for the Manufacfuc of CO f ' CO © r* CD o *T3 © f // ^ £3 f - Q ’£ o ■ -a op cn g;-. CO CO ns CO °° v. CO o A - ______ I offer the ‘amc as Low as they can bo bought in any City in the State. ►Soasioned and 0<‘IIinj^, always o n hand Pmugh or Dressed. 4 LIME. L4TII^ f ETC., FOR S i l also make % m**s*-‘m3**?+-.**sm#*m**m ® .■ on short Coffiiift grades to of order. all £ *' COFFINS « ■i and prices. tit ret \ — Turning and Scroll-work of all kiuds-Jiuildcrs Hardware, ’ each as Ui„ BC8 cfc f jr r 8 . Kati , mates given . on application for any work in iny line. All orders prompt atfeuded to, and satisfaction guannfeed. juac 18 tf —•> 1 f' BRUM . Alio’imtn CLARKS Cist ' * i I ALG iitr fc <Trv rO x- K of nnr Millinery Goods. ^ , Tt Hat?, Bonnet*, Flowers. Feathers, Pxibfl 1 J bons. Laces, Collars ; Hair Curls. Braids ,Yc Ac. Faucy Dry Goods in , ( W l, variety. Belts. Buckles, Setts, Ear Drop*, Pins, Chain*, a nVM ’ ° 0 Shetland Wool, Buttons, Gimps, Fringes, ,. , *Vc Ac. Crape V cils, I^rc \ eiIs. aB l Bonnets made ol good material at reasonable prices. Mr» Ciurk is Agent for Madame L’cuiortst’s Patterns for Ladies and chil dreu. Send for Catalogue. MRS X BRUM CLARK, fob 14 ly *JM Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. mm, m lir fe ^ i e m * » WOF <> * THE GREAT REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION which can bo cured by a timely resort to this stand¬ ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by tho proprietors. It is aclmowl* edged by many prominent tho physicians reliable preparation to be most in¬ ever troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of^over resorted forty to in years. When it sel¬ season dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases Croup, of Coughs, Whooping Bronchitis, Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore¬ ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, &c. Bleeding Wistar’s at the Lungs, dry Balsam does not up a Cough, behind, and leave the cause as is the case with most preparations, hut it loosens and cleanses tho lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. rBEPAREn BY BETH W, FOWLE & fcJONS, Boston, Mass, Aud sold by Druggists mid Dealers generallyi THfBBiT MBT 1 IT Youisra mpn \\ ho wish to obtain u thorough Practice BusSress filucation, And pteptiro thitu8e!v>s ;or (ho duties of Ac no 1 litisim^H life, tinder (ho in slruet nn ninl advice of exp, rfencud ii, cum,tut I'’, s!i. aid at v ■ / ‘V /'* ■QiZ 4 i\ MmI issliliiiioi!, r 1 | 'll Schmii E l ifgi'ilmid in din Small hesi Pinched mrl lim Ibininonj only onu in die cit;,' j't'esided nvi'v by cxperil tit ed 4 e oaunt inis ind business men. TilH Cut'itv of 8ti.M<Y is eoinliicteil on act mil hostile s |ii',iu'i|Mjs, fiuppli d with Inin'.in:; in I oile r ullii'en, combining every known facility for inipnrliug a tho migli nriicttit'll and sislemniio liusim ■ s e‘uciitlnu in lie slioni'si po-silile lime mi l ill die leas', expense Ftu lcnls received for Telegraphv. No vacation . dtinleiils at any •itne. Calalogucs' m .i . d Fm- 1 <; lo any ad cVm. P. F. MOOHU A. M., H, P7i iy I’ll sidenf. B.Vi’2G!d!' "'’Ik GEORGIA COTTON PRESS# Fntrntcd ’March, 1H70, BY H’NLoETuN Li L0A1WMAN, AUGUSTA, GA. f PJIH nntisfftctioii this Press has giv J ft ii in the |>nst, the grout imptovo inctit made mi if, and tiio fact of it« being forty or fifty dollar.! cheaper than any oilier good J’rcs.s, should itiducc Planters and othcis to sctel for otic of our t iretilai'.s hoforo purchasing, VVa also tnanufacturc iroun lor Water powes Presses and Screw Presses. Address PFNPLI*; LON & POATIDMAN, Foundry and Machine Works, Kollock iSircit, Augusta, Ga july 1 D im. Mm f I iil * alii liii.Mj Works, 2I-0HGIA h • uri(H_ i-f8, e h-< per->n SS~k*Sa: ly letter the and pDce. ctiPfr or at mumb s.,.t 2 ; .r w. d. brantley. AUGUSTA HOTEL, PATRICK. .HAT. I*roplctor. r j , IIlS j rpn’tir Hotel has rcec-ntly been J put in ■ inplute o-der, nn-l fliorouahly re-turnkhe-l, nn.I our }ri( '!-> and the t rav cling j.ti’iH.- 'ill n ■■ tinl her • hearty i first C?a8S :,'urnod tinas an! it i *■, niiable r-*te iune J;J * tf,