The Sparta times and planter. (Sparta, Ga.) 186?-188?, October 24, 1874, Image 3

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H. E. McGOMB & CO ■ 9 Have Just Heccived AKT STOCK OF" 9 Every Discription, purchased since the decline in New York; which they arc selling Low for Cash. They defy Come one, Come all! Examine their goods and be convinced. $flic ami planter. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1874. ---- LOCAL AFFAIRS. THE TICKET TO VOTE. For Tax Collector HANCOCK COUNTY I DeLamar Turner. Subject to the Democrat it* nomination. ' Ten brands of Fine Cigars, to lie sold cheap, at the Sparta Drug Store. Buy Cattle Powders for your poor horse#, Mules nnd Cow#, at the Sparta Drug store. Apple Vin'gar. Home-made Apple Vinegar for sale at the Hpartn Drug Store. 75 rents per gallon. Passengers contemplating travel¬ ing North, South, East or West, should writo to B. W. Wrens. Gen¬ eral Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. aiiglfi tf. Citsli! Cash! Goods! Goods! Liberal advances, iu rn*h or good*, made on all cotton shipped through us to friends in Augusta. T. C. & I). 8. Turner. Oct. 10, 1871. tf A Larue and desirable lino of New Goods for the Fall and Winter tradejust opened at W. W. SIMPSON At CO.’s Also, full Stock Groceries, Hilts, Shoes and &r., r|| ut lowest prices forCASH. Sparta, octlO-tf. Hugging and Tics. The cheapest aud best in town at T. C. DeL. Turner's. oc(3tf. Cotton! Chilton ! ! Wc arc prepared to buy nil the Cotton brought to this market this season for Cn*h ! Will receive it on our platform, thus relieving cotton sellers of the necessity of carrying il to the Depot,—will always pay the highest prices the cotton will stand. Bring iu your cotton and try us. T. & DeL. Turner. orCl-tf. To all Whom II May Gonuorn ! On Novt'iiihpi’ 1st next, nil iiiToinits on ont* bunks will bi* pIompiI. Alter lliiil ilist<’ vvi* will wdl our rulin' stock of goods at prices to pli'tisi' Hip closest buyers for Canh ! To those owing as neeoinils, for this year or last, or ting other your, we will pay the Angiisln prices for Cotton for the Augusta weights, if delivered on or before the hi No¬ vember next. T. (’. & DeL. Turner. Del 3-11. Don't Fvie, when you visit Au¬ gusta, to call at the Hoot, Shoe aud Hal I'lHtahljshmeut id' Gallagher A nllierin. It loud sired, halfblock Haulers' Hotel. • let 17-ltlll Go to the Macon Store for cheap goods, and you can gel (hem every time. Oct. 17-lf Mr. Wii.ev Y Aitiinoinii is our duly authorized agent,nnd will re¬ ceive and receipt for subscriptions and accounts due this office. R*yy If you want the l»e«t goods at the lowest prices, the Macon store is I lie place to t l ade. A IliH'sKiioi.r IIi mi dv.—N o fam¬ ily should reinidy be vv itliout some ellieaei ous for the cure of affections colds, so universally prevalent ns coughs, sore throat, w hooping-cough _uud croup—-some he relied remedy, loo, w hich can onus sale, sure tain. hr, \S i*tnr* Halsain rtf Wild ('hrrry combines the drriilrrufum. To thk Weak, the Worn an the Weary.—' The editor of the Bo f ton Iteeorder says: "We can most unhesitatingly rtiviuu recommend the IV of the Syrup, a protected solution protoxide of iron, to all the w eak, the worn, and the weary, hav¬ ing richly experienced its benefit. It possesses All the qualities claimed for it by ils propretor." Southern Musical Jouhn vi„— Thi* popular Magazine enters upon ils rhUHTU Volume with the October number, mid the publishers may well he congratulated upon the uniform success It is ut tending it from the start.— how Idle enlarged the to thirty-four page#, w price of subscription remains the saute. Any one desiring this very attractive Musical Journal by remitting $1.00 can secure it for one li*t year, together with a choice from a of valuable premiums; among which, appears the offer uprigh^^^Bk of a clianec to vv superb $NtO. ."n.moflHBK vv hi. 11 i- to b. I Oiled sllb-ei'i!" ith I'it - «• nI I v . '-pccitjJH ud i.jKQa w -ii. ii in i-i a oil ill. LL • liVlIff* tl "|s (neri^^B|^^m ?” wife l to dy ing L* marry mun a a spouse, who had been -vnnewhat oi a ivruiH in hi* day. “Marry the devil, if you like!' w a* the sniff re ply. "N*>. 1 thank y«>u. my dear; one iiiisbaud of the same family is enough fv*r mi*.' in V ■i stio e.vinvle newlv married m hed in one ofour stores and ealb ed for soda w aier. The vdilieiiur pro prietor would have inquired ill vvliat syrup swain. they it. when the dchberatelv leaning over the eounier. je* nq.lted^ I some, .-stt-anger pm sugar uH.iiey tu it, is no A vounu Isdv wants to know whether a girl tuav be sure a man !%•%• * her unutterably when he *it-in b**r pre«eutf« for uu hour without sp* .vwoif. good NEWS. A New Court House. Hurrah for (In- (Jratitl Jury! — Tliry Mean UhiiIiii'H— Thry Condemn the old Court House, and Itecom inend u New One. As will be seen by the present¬ ments of the Grand Jury elsewhere, they recommend a New Court House, and the issuing of $25,000 worth of bonds, to bear interest at 8 per cent., to be paid in equal in¬ stallments each year, from March, 1875, to March, Is,SO; a tax to be levied each year to pay the bonds, principal and interest, as they ma¬ ture, which gives live years to pay for it, and makes it fall very lightly $1.2.7 on the people. It will he about on $1,000 additional tax : and so soon as authority cuii he iiad from the Legislature to issue bonds, which wc hope there will be no trouble about, we suppose steps will lie taken to let out the contract. We hope so, at least; and we hope by the next April term of the Court to see It completed. instructed Our Representa¬ tives are to use their in¬ fluence to secure the proper authori¬ ty, and wc know they will not he slow about it, for they are both en¬ terprising men, and have got pride enough for our noble old county to want to see her have such a Court House us sin- should have; and $25,000 will build a very respecta¬ ble ashamed. one—one of which they will not lie the The location, Grand Jury said disposal unthingahout tin or the of 1 old one; but we suppose they left that for the County Judge appointed and the three Commissioners to assist and co-operate with him. They are all good, practicable, interests busi¬ ness men, true to the lies! of the comity, and we are sure if it. is left to them everything will he done as if should he. Our humble opinion is that il would not pay to tear down the old one; not ten percent, of the old material could he used after be¬ ing torn down, as it is old ; and not only that : the county has a beautiful place for the new one—the square in front of Mr. Smith’s house. The old building could lie sold or rented, and made to pay tin..... or four hundred dollars a year lo the county. Now we hope not to hear a single objection to this action of the Grand Jury. We consider it a wise and eminently proper move. No man, with a proper amount of pride for the county in which lie lives, could look at our old Court House, especi¬ ally during court, and urge a rea¬ sonable objection against buijding a new one. the Some hut may object on ac¬ count, of tax. that will hard¬ ly he fell with live years to pay it in. and we hope no one will object oil that account. We suppose the arrangements can readily lie made to go ahead with the new building as soon as the bonds issue. So now let 11 - have no dissent ion about it, Wc need a new Court House all know, its work together now and have one, and we will not regret it. To Our Subscribers. There are many good names on our Looks who are behind with this paper for suhseriplion, some for three and four years, and we need the money. Wc have recently gone to a heavy expense iu purchasing new tv pe and material to improve the paper, aud w c w ant you to help us. It is a small amount lo each v on, but to u- hundreds of them put together make no small amount : aud we know you can pay, without in¬ convenience, so small a miiii. A merelianl sells you goods on credit, and he gets time on the goods? but vv e do not get time on a single article we Use to t ii i*ii i - Ii von a paper. Everything is cash, and if you don't pay can you expect u- to run a pa¬ per? We have uoi said much ahoiit it before, because we knew inouev was verv scarce; but we know you all have the money now, aud we want y ou to pay . Those who do not pay by < lirislmas will have their names stricken from our subscrip¬ tion books and their accounts placed iu a lawyer's hand for collection. We mean business. We intend to run a paper here, hilt we can't do it for nothing. A circular will he sent each one of you staling your indebt¬ edness, and we waul you to give it your immediate attention. I.iist Sunday Was a day ot'peculiar intere-t to our ehitteh-going people. At the morn¬ ing hour. Dr. David Will-, of Atlan¬ ta delivered a very impressive dis¬ course at the l’resbyterian church; while the venerable Dr. I.ovie Pierce preached one of bis characteristic sermons at the Methodist church.— I >r. Pierce's theme vv as t rue religion ; find his demonstration- of the vari¬ ous departures front the ancient land-mark- were very clear and con v hiring. At night •lolivt'tvil a ^^••t hurtli fuiat ion. i el»e ountv * for their th*'* fo: and if we L?», au.l eei Kiu’ol -u-tain I i in publish a l better pai^^^^Ri^nruovv. or h;»v« | reason to believe, that we will m-t pay tor our work. >o a merchant will sell cheaper if he know - he will get pay when he sells on credit; and si» w ill a doctor not only do it cheap rr. but with a better spirit and he '"«'re •atteniiv e As it now i*. they i '! u, it» h »bnibituiw «>i k that i!to-e v ‘riuaUy have to “foot | publi-hed' u 1 ev'","uTv"'out \o 'he it Itl i their intention., tie tvM i|, vv ill be highly beneficial to hhem.elves and the public: and we } I bul them ii,Hl M**H*d. • • I Nono the Grind .tun I tuent*. Then* is much of interest in them to the people. Sail Death. It is with a sad heart that we an¬ nounce the death of Miss 8ii>nky Lawson*, a beautiful, womanhood;— lovely young lady, promising, just entering intelligent and beloved by all who knew her. Truly —“Dcnth loves n shining mark. After a lingering illness of about three weeks, with inflammation of the stomach, (as wc learn), Wednes¬ day morning, at 9 o’clock, her sweet spirit took its flight, leaving a lov¬ ing, broken-hearted mother, sister, uncle and other relatives and friends, all of whom loved her. and will sad¬ ly miss her. We tender them our sincere sympathy and the condolence of the entire community in their sad bereavement. Not all the tears that arc shed over her grave will come from those hound to community her by the will ties of blood. No; the feel and deeply mourn her loss. Her remains were conveyed where to the cemetery yesterday morning, after a touching and impressive fu¬ neral discourse by Rev*. A. J. Jarrell of Millcdgevillc, they were deposi¬ ted. The large concourse of people in nttendcnce evinced the high esteem in which she was held by this com¬ munity. Mathematical Problems—2. and A 15 broker purchased cotton sold at 12’^ 50. cents a pound. these He 000 pounds of two lots for $S.(KtO, making 20 cents on each pound. How many pounds of each did he sell '( Solution of the laud problem Planter pub¬ of lished in the Times and the 3il iiist ; He received .5154.54 6-11 in gold; same in greenbacks. fliiJ 7-11 acres laud sold for greenb’cks gold. l:$6 4-11 “ “ SIX) total acres. J. T. Andrews. See: Wm. Stevens’ advertisements, lie is still on hand, ready to serve his many friends and all who call oil him. He has got iu a good stock now, and if him and Sid Simmons can t fix you up you need not go any where else. Legal Blanks. —To our lawyer friends, and every body else who has use for any kind of legal blanks, we would say we are now prepared to print them iu the very jess best style at $1.25 per quire for than live quires, and for that many and more $1.00 per quire. « ......... ...... ....... . - M ATIIEM ATIC A I, PROBLEMS,-—K\ 01‘V week we will publish an interesting problem, in figures, by Prof. Lane, to v\ liieli we solicit solutions. They will he short and interesting to many. ( In e of M r. Pigg’s horses ran away with his sulky the other day, but did not do much damage. He run into (In* stable and stopped, but so sud¬ denly that tin* negro didn't, and he was bruised a little. Ik yon order your paper discon¬ tinued when you owe for it, the law says wc shall send it on and you are liable till you pay tip; alter which you can order it stopped. A NOTH In It tilMili 1 , COMMENDATION. —Our last Orand Jury was full of business, with ail equal amount of vv isdom. They recommended that our Record. County Court be made a Court of That's a wise move and what we need, and we hope it will lie done. Rags! Hogs! W e w ill take clean cot ton rags of any color 'or stihseripfioti to the j*;i per, aud will give gf. cents per pound. Bring on your rags. Tin Shop. —Mr. Thomas A. Young has established a tin shop iu the rear of Mr. Stevens’ store, where he is prepared to do any thing in his line, lie is a first-class workman, and turns out only good work. Call on him. Dr. I’i u rue preached at the Meth di-t church last Sunday; l>r. Mills at l lie I’reshy terian. ♦-- Can't somebody get married?— Our preacher is getting rusty and might forget how. Cvpt. had the Cavalry com¬ pany out on drill Tuesday. A Growing Family. The cable announces the birth of another grandchild for Queen V icto¬ ria. a hov. the first baby of the Duke and I Miches* of Edinburgh, vv ho were married in St. Petersburg on the 23d of January la-L This new scion of royalty increases the number of Queen Victoria's grandchildren to twenty-six. and of this large family twenty-three are -till living. The Queen's elde-t child, the Princess Koval Victoria, wife of the Grown 1‘ritire of Germany, hit- had four -mis and four daughters, of which number one son lui* died. The Queen'- second child, the Prince of Wales, married to the Princess Al¬ exandra of Denmark. has had three soil- and three daughters, one son be¬ ing dead. The Queen'* third child, the Prittee-s Alice, wife of Prince l.oui* of lle--e-Darm»tadt, has had two son* and live daughter*.one son being dead. Next comes the Queen's t’ourtli child, the Duke of lldinhurgh married to the Grand Duchess Maria ot Russia, w ith one son. horn y e-u r fifth child, the Primes- Helena w ifo o l’r met f S -e ll> ’-t- : .u. ha- had two -mi- and two tors, all of whom are living I. I’vin. • — til' -i\th child, wife of the Marquis l.orne. is not yet the head of a family. The oilier three children of the Uncoil, Hi. Duke of L oiinauglu. Prince Leo peld. and the Princess Beatrice, are unmarried. Altogether. Queen Vie toria ha- thirty-two children ami grandchildren living, which eonsti tutey a v. ry re M HVtuble...ized family. even tor a quoou. * ♦ * - 11 *'re are some proverbs which Al l’ bouso Kmt s.y* are Kussian : - vml ,u **‘ » nmshriKvni let them put von in a basket “Debts are j noisy, but they keep oue 1 "Dne is u-'t love*! because he handsome, but because he is I cd " “Make friends with the but kevp hold of voui hatchet.” News in Brief Ben lull is to give Augusta a political speech Monday night. E. M. Morgan’s sons, Grangers’ agents, at San Francisco, failed on the 20th. The Grand Lodge of Georgia, F. A. M., meets at Macon on Tuesday the 20th. Charles O Cowkob and , Reverdy „ , j Johnson ,re still dbeuMil* the! Louisiana affair. ! The manufacturer, of soothing. syrup announce a great reduction in j flic prices. No excuse for old bach elors now. The inevitable pick-pockets are exhibiting their skill at the State Fair. The scoundrels kept in power in Louisiana by Grant’s support of the usurpers, propose to arrest seventy citizens of Shreveport, under the enforcement act, because they refuse to retain employees who vote the Radical ticket. Mr. Bediugflehl of Macon took the premium for Fair. the best hale of cotton at the State A Miss Conner fell down a stair¬ way at Wednesday the new Agusta and broke Factory her building neck. H. I. Kimball has returned to At¬ lanta and will kind probably there. cuter He bus¬ lias iness of some so arranged as to hold his big house iu his wiles name. B., Oglethorpe took Infantry, the lirst Company prize of Augusta, at the State fair; the Atlanta Cadets, the second prize, and the Governor’s Guards, of Atlanta, the third. Tunis G. Campbell, of Africa, will represent McIntosh county in tho Legislature. He beat the Demo¬ cratic candidate sixty votes. The reunion ot Colquitt’s brigade, in Atlanta Tuesday was a decided success. The Memphis Appeal states that Mr. Frank Latham, a young man who resides near Hernando, Missip pi, raised the bale of cotton that re ccivcd the reward of the first prize at the Memphis Fair. As a stage was descending a steep hill iu Nevada county. California, a telegraph wire crossing the road, which had by some means got let down nearly to a level with the tops of the heads of the horses, cut off the driver’s seat and the tpp of the coach, sweeping driver and passen¬ gers from their seats. Fortunately no one was hurt. It is getting to he an interesripg question how near to no time at all a horse can trot a mile in. COMMERCIAL. Cotton Market. Office of tiikTimh vm> I’i.vnti r,< Sparta, OrtulH-r Sk ls75. v M ACnx, • let. 42.—Demand fair; ordinary 12; (lliiif? onlinarv liiL; low inithiliiiL? 13 1 .; mill i:; v Nkw Yokk, Oftober 22.- »n, khIfs 1774; ii|*tam!s 11%; orlt*ai»8 mail k. • «iiii4*i. A cm sta, October 22.—Net receipts 1727; sales l:s#»i; middlings RH.fttl;!’,; demand gissl. Sava ANN AH—Net m-ei|its sales 2717; stork 2 l.rair,; iiii'lJliugs ;market stea dy; demand fair. Our market remains ipiirt. Rrreipts gri a«l u:itl v inrreasing. V\ e<|uote, for gissl uiiddii if»K Sparta Prices Current. VS COKltrcri l> WKFKI.Y nr T. c. X IK-1., tvrnf.r B acon.— < . It. " Isats ShonMem....... tan li Hams........... Is:i 2 i* BrtK Mk.vts __c. li. siiii- !• al7 Slioiiltlers Hams.... I. % un.-—4 hoi .... !Ma2G Flop h. Family, per . I. I2a4.2*» K\tia Fa mi 4..’!7 i a 4..'di l*ei l-’ancy...... bushel t on N.— .. l.ioal.l'i . Me %t«—Per bu slid., . 1.2G.11.27. IktUti!st*.—Per \ ard ird. ....IHalH Tie-.—P er mmud... . ..7kas t OKEKK.—Rio....... . .2.';•..•• Java ..,. .27‘,10 I jpira ..... m.'i I f a.—I ttiu .. t ireen... . .l.oual.'iii < il USE. . 22 ' ' a2."» ... a I’.i TT E It .—4 • onntry................. ................. r.tiGS.—Per do/ ,2»L»2i M’G AK.—Hr* wn, |M*r|*oti!»d........ .12a IS K\. i ill.'* II air » ru shed a'id Powdered.. l'ia s Vl.T.—I Liverpool, per sack....... 2.2.7 V ir^im.T................... • ANUI.I. — Full weiirht............ .I'.aW Ikon.—. Nail- per ke;r . .fi.uoa7.00 M AUKERKL.— Nails_ per |M>un<t Tobauco.— rittV- Mils. . . .’.! r 5e,-i‘«i .. 4 ^ Mnokitijr ^'•lilthltrjf* ................ " OTTON A KN8.~< 4 I ........ ' ' Shirting* Mieeiinj 7-^, .... ...lorn- 7 ** 4*4...... ..121111 Plaid* ;»n«l >t rijwv* . ir>ai7 The alswe sir retail prices oulv. Kolurtion el prices in lai irc !ui-. Spscial Notices. TV. ||| re I | I | Iff i a 1A 11 |* . xlxl | ' | t-a 4 V * ** r U A I lJv/L I I Li H \V , V the Ph v r ians of IIancock ( ' if ountv. , whose names art* lure* necessity of the times, wta'ch press our medical resources. tract the legitimate privileges of the public, and insure damage to our famili>*s, have resolve!, and pled >r e ourselves La the following policy: l lmt ftl!V int n ’, of us * nmst forward and ‘ aeh and ev -ry one i>t ils by t ;• -• *h (twenty fifth) day of next Decern her. i r past servie. rend-t —which insures for them our ser rices for the future. Else no se-r viees can lw> eTnwh.,1 ^ ted. .*,1 amt none --,11 wiU * ’ ... further , pledge . . otuer e t■' eac.i that, though we wnl require, ill the future,every patrvMi to make annual se*tWuts. we further agree that the diiuauds of tkue oharitv, will ever be recognized aud met by us. A. F Durham. \V. L. Alfriend, P. T l\ndleL>n, H. J.. Burt, II. L Alfrieud, W. II. Harris, W. H. Green, H. 8L»ue, J no. Stone, H. Smith, i Thos J. Jones, It. F. I*vav, j J J Cooper. \V. R. Gillmore. E *’ D. Alfnejid. octlO orn A CARD. EhBOTICE is hereby given HU to our friends and cus¬ tomers that we will not run any accounts for the current year beyond the first Novem¬ ber next; alter which time we will offerOUK KXTIRE STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES FOR CASH OR COTTON. AYe hope that parties indebted to us will prompt payment. W. W. SIMPSON & CO. septSO.tnovl Announcements. For Tax Receiver : ■ jg , SSStSSt^^SSSSSSiBU willy m. i' AKBROUGII. JS t Je FOB SHERIFF. „— we AKE AUTHOR! ZED > anil re¬ f ys* quested to announce i be name of £? “ 51 a. .1 ames Metis ay as a cs until lute for the office of Sheriff of Han next, county, and at he tlie asks election the to lie held in .Janu¬ ary support of his friends and the people of hancock, and promises faith¬ service if elected. "E-. —r.rj -T-' WE are authorized to announee ip-dta? office of SlIhRIF Fof Hancock Co., at the election to be held on thelith dav of Jan nary next. ©ctS -tde —tri i * ANNOUNCE my name to the the ““"th^Ue^HER* the 1st Mednesdnv at election to he held on in January next. I will lie glad to have the support of the peo¬ ple. and 1 pledge myself to serve them faith¬ fully ties of and the ptinetuall with v. and to discharge the du¬ office tldclitv if I am elected, octa-tdc THOMAS A. STEWART. For Tax Collector It-.#* The many friends of M. S. MEI »L< M K he *rehy announce liis name as a candidate id;< for the oftiee of Tax Collector of Hancock county, at the election to he held on the tlth dav of January next. Subject to the Democrat* e nomination. octir-tde MANY VOTERS. The friends of B. II. Miller, of lintieoek Linton, present his name to the voters of county, as a suitable man for the po¬ sition of Tax Coli,ector of the county. Mr. Miller is u man <|ualitictl in every way for the trust; and carries with him unmistakeahle ev¬ idence of his tidclitv to his country—wounds received Let iu the battles for Southern Albert i v. federate. us unite, and elect a noble wounded on MANY VOTERS. Moist Zion, ga., Oct. 8, 1874. To the Citizens of Hancock County: In presenting myself as a candidate ' for the office of Tax Collector, at the ensuing election, I do not do it on the ground that I am more worthy than other goist citizens, hut for the reason that I desire the office from necessity. In the lirst place, I nhi physically unable tola Imr in the Held, from the fact that t hare been a nmt cripple tc;;. from Secondly. my limlns I have sl- bet —inn ne in my arm n unu infortunnte X in misiness—net but'In by extra* .ijr ant living s. or a pr liirule life; fulling in with the ruinous ( in i ij*tom of our • country, selling j-oisls on credit, rmmnoii vv ith our good merchants,,1 must lie the worst sufferer. The general failures and crippled financially, of our farminif that I friends compelled have me so am a- an honest man, to surrender all 1 have i nto the hands of iny creditors, if required lo make ike satisfaction for my debts, lienee, I ask for the as a favor. Vorv respcctfullv, octir.tde LEWIS A. I’ATTILI.O. ffe>y* &3? r - the We name are of antto >lr. Stephen annoi K. I*< nice ferrifiF ear* 1 son as ;4 •*« miniate for the ofliee of TAX t_oLI.K< mi: of llaiD’oek county, at tlie :i to lie hi*id «in the hilt «tay of January next. Subject to the nomination.' I I HEREBY AN Not M E invsclf iJPaEr J* ean«li<late for lh«* ofliee of T.\ X &***&? * DlJ.Kt Hilt at the election to In* hcM in January next, for oilicersof Hi.- ueo«*k county. I a*k tlie votcsof the citizens ill, * 11 county, the believing that their I can •lifuhar rge <Iul i, '* s olticc !«» sati.sfacth m ; if eUs’tvnl, this shall be my aim. UN EK. oct.;.t.l Not ice. ( 1 APT. r.. f.. Lam IK. tliuin resent incumbent ) of l hi* OllitM* of 'I '.i\ efliu'itir, having an¬ iiift’tl that In* wil 1 not Is- « rand; Hi '.He f" il- Ksq.. re lion, ihi* frh*n«N of F. A. it him :i< a propur and vilii * 11 I"* 1 '- Mil t<» (ill Hit it* s’iiih 1 , at I he eleetion for voun sepTStd * V’ •rs, Im* lit'hi in Jail nary next, Legal Adveritsemen?b. t,ei»i'Kia, OkihsakVs o •FFICK, Ham <«k < ounty. s oeloln*!* Util. 1S74. v:iv J. i t m >I*KU, wift* of W.T. Fuoper’ l*lii»«l i> ‘iuplion iltt* IipimI nf }N*r«M»i»alty a family, having (8»iil aj» f< »r cm 1 of f < failing :tt itl ivfnsiiijf to apply), I will pasn ii i •• Itl l!»«* 81 aiiif at 11 o’t-lot k, ;t. in., of the 2U(ii of i »(*!< oIifi', ls74, at niv tillift*. Tllo>. I. LITTLF, Ordinary. :;s-2t-|irs fees i>< 1 Executor’s Sale. Win f. h’dinary lit* sold under of Hancock an onlcrof count\, the passed (Vuirt :it li tin* < h- toiler term of said four!. Inti, on the j *1 rm- lay in November, between the Iiouin «:tU‘ *, before tin* t ourt 11<Mine d*w»r, in the to\% n of Sparta, to t!»t* Iti^hesi bid Ide r, one tract of land, lyin^r and ln-intr in s aid mnty, and Iwlon^inif to the estate of W illiain II. ^iM'i^lits, ilect a«t*d, known as the “tiitm riaep,” tnljoi nine laud of ||. If. Siiunners and ttlliers, containing £ Three Hundred Acres, more or Jp-e*, sild !<• earrv out tlo* provisions • >f the will uf -ail William It. Spciitliis. Terms cash. WILLIAM D. VEA7.KY. !!n-4w K\’r. | W m. II. Sipvi|;lits, i|ei eie-e<l. A-dministrators INotice A PPUt \TIdN will be made to the t ourt of Ordinnrv, of Hancock 4 ounty. Hi its X«. yrmtier ••Tin 11 >\l ls74 for I leave to «.ell all the laml of Martha T. Dii-k-i i»n, Iat«‘ of -aid count,) •lec'il., 1' invr in -ai*l raunlv of Hnnem'k. < It ARLES W. 1 M l»o>K. Adtn*r., net:',-it of Martha T. Hick mod, dee’d. Sheriff Sales. WILL BE sou, before the Uourt >r:U Ho»i«t* •" * i f ir»a. between the le ll* *11 fs of sale, on the 1-t Tin — lav in November Ik* l next. (j,,. folon injr pi*»e*Tt v, t,» wit: The Depot in Sparta. Ilaneoek rounOy. lia., of the M:e on x Au^ti-ia Itnilmad. and all the MaUroad track, framhises, Xe.. of -aid eom paiiv. !—m ’’*:«Jif in -aid • ounty. to -ati-fy Uotirt—.'April one !i fa i from llii hnemd of ltamc-,V< -uperior Term, 1-7|. in fa'or iimininir met J. e. i . lltaek vs. the .*?*vcon j. M ,V <X*UK, Auirn-ta Rail¬ road < onipauy. vv. slitria'. . oeU-kla Y17II.I. vemln-r. 11K sof.D Is-for*- nn tin* ftr-t Tne-day in N v- t ourt llmise <hs*r in rparta. between the U-jja! hours of sate. 750 a 1 ’re-of land in 102 I Di-Iriet, adminim; land of -Las. IS. Gardner and others, to «ati»fv one 11 in ] l*i ft- *, rr v |“ iiiT« <1 *Mi, »v plamtitT- ,111• • • ne .. !AV " . ..... . hamdi k<<»i \tv— It.At sa; t e-tate ii«- m.t t«,-n futtv almini-N red nn gtrati*m !tn in i»- <»u ! I in in the ( b rk uf the *U|" - ration n’.'.T:,-. tlt i-er-in a(u*r<lui* put>ti of -hi- •. unle-. x.ilid ohjectioos '' r mteri- L vi tian.l .a mtofflria! signature this, *.T’* t'f OctviH r. 1*74. i " 1 Tt I'ts. I. LITTLE, Ord’y. Administrator’s Salo xrrn.l 1.1 - • ii:, i ' • >r „t v. ■■•. .■ N . irs''■'•**kii- e'.J T.InVof "«•« wm'’"nudim’^Lmtfort ■' *' *. ’ n a- ttn- Tie turpta* • «ii i tra.t f iar»i. oHirinaiiy Early. n..w utav "7 Sei»'«rn I-.Awr.-n IiVwSSjU rinif £ tl » the < reek. e* '»'* e. d» « «*a*ed. i**i. and 7»tiu*.’ r Tenr>- ,un ion auioug tilt* heir* «>f •aid .i wtr* f. I \ VV RENi E and JKt i It. I.AW ia.Nt E. a.irn'r u J. Laaren •**. dt > * For Sale. tTIiJff HF>Dl.n..n 1*1 TrKfP.IT ► *IHK < i • \t, !*vf*>re th* < <rt II *. dtw#r. in t»a.. to the highest hid def. f*»r e* ' i rt< ■ i f ind in Vfsnettrk man t z in m:: Run ( re* re> k. k. .vij.iininir ian«U tr .n*. -r’Sn.ii alsuit ttss acn—ap* rtion r count ., sold for divi>ion. oeUa-tda J. 8. sISlMoNs. New Advertisements. GROOilS^AND'PR^S^DEALER, SFARTA, CA. Would respectfully announce to his old friends and customers, and the generly. that he is still ready, at his old stand to serve them, and to sell them poods at living prices He keeps constantly on hand a first stock, consisting in part of BACON, LARD SALT. 6UGAR, COFFEF, CHEESE. CRACKERS, BAGING, IRON TIES, ETC., ETC. Call and see and I promise you prompt fair dealing and as much for money as anybody. Mr. ip ng- |Tj jp m Thos. A. Young has established a Tin Shop in the rear of my store is prepared to do anything in thnt line with promptness and dispatch, oct 17 tf WILLIAM STEVENS. B. WHITE. H. W. LANDRAM. W. T. ANttEUSOIf. Formerly with V. Richards & Bro.] [Formerly with V. Richards & Bro. . B. WHITE & CO., No. 228 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. New Store! Dry Goods at Popular Prices! We are now receiving our stoak of Fall and Winter Goods, bought in the Northern markets for Cash, and which we can and will sell at very low prices. Wo do the most of our own work, making our ex light, consequently we are prepared to offer goods to our friends the pnblia at very small profits. Our stock consists of eveiything kept in a First Glass Ilouse. and we take great pleasure in showing the people of Hancock and surro1tncl« country through our house - giving them goods at New York detail We will send samples, and fill orders, and pay express on all bills over dollars. All we ask is a call from those who want Dry Goods, and we will con them of the truth of what we say. To merchants we can offer extra inducements, giving them goods at it will cost them to lay them down at from the New York markets* J. S. WHITE <& CO„ Augusta, 17-3m No. 228 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Oct. The Best! The Cheapest! S-s.J S People of llaucock. when you go to don't forget to call ou PETEE KEENAN, Anfl supply yourselves with Boots and Shoes, the like of which has never been seen in this city for many yerrs. His stock is larger than ever be'ore. and made striet’y to order by the best inmufacturers in the country. He was in the market just after a crush, and with the cash got great advantages in purchasing, and can sell under almost anybody, and ’t less than New York prices now; therefore merchants can save money ’"'lying from him. lie is prepared to furnish country merch&nts on the besi terms, and guarantees bargains to all who may try him Every sold i'* guaranteed, and will be exchanged within three months or money refunded. He gratefully acknowledges the large patronage received from his in the’'country, , n ud will, in return, do his utmost to accommo¬ date aud please them. PETEK KEENAN, Central Building, Augusta, Ga. C. V. WALKKER, Auction Commission Merchant, And Furniture Dealer, 317 , 319 and 321 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Furniture of all styles, direct from tho factories, consisting of Cha**^, fgj all styles ; 1 tossing -"nits ( hamber £uits. Wardrobes, Heds^y^g 0 f different styles, Lounges, Tables, Desks, Hat U&ojia, Cribs, Cradles, Hookers, etc a«i„ These goods have been selected in person at tho factories to suit tho Southern market, and will be sold at factory prices, with freight and commission added. Give me a call, as l am deteamined to sell as cheap as any person South. q j jy ^ 1 c GrO , . To _ _ „ Thos. ■ Wood^s, r Next to Lanier House, 9 Macon, 9 Ga, »9 To Buy Furniture & Carpets Cheap. New Goods Just Arrived. B«*.!-’••« i-. I!.- tt-vim and i'.arbir Setts, (.hairs, Tables, Washatauds, Carpets, Olt-C'hah Wln doxv shades. Wall l’aper, 4e., X., Ctell and Look. yletalic Burial Cases and Caskets " ' j*! ‘II s *, UAsRs AND t'A»BET» of all kinds, and atany Price, Vctf“ Don't for *h NEXT 10 MAMER H 0 ISE. fM-ta-fim OLIVER, DOUGLASS & CO., HEALERS IX HARD W ARE, STOVES, T I N W ARE ^ ^ ® o ii s o Furnishing O o o d m THE LA BLAST STOCK OF POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY IN THE CITY. sepi-2m N M ( A & r u; IP m M m Wm m 7^. m tt ii GHT5^i BAD BLOOD! “A corrupt tree,” saitli the Inspired Vol* lime, '•bringeth forth not g od fruit,” nor can corrupt blood impart li. filth beauty and good flesh, or spirts “The B'ood is the l/ifo,” and health can only be enoyed in its full perfection wt ere the blood is kept in a pure and uncorrnpted state, lichee the ne¬ cessity of pure bloi d, to give health, beauty, bouyant spirits, long life and happiness. AN IMPURE CONDITION op thk BLOOD manifests itself in diffeent forms of diseases, such as Tetter, Salt RheUm, Scald head, Ring-Worms, Pimples, Blotches, Spots, Eruptions, Pustules Boils, Carbunchs, Sore Eyes, Rough skin, Scurf, Scrofulous Sores and Swell ngs, Fever sores, White swelling, Tumors, Old Sore* or Swellings, Syphihctic, Affccti ns of tho Skin, Throat aud Bones. Ulcers of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Lungs and Uterus. In this condition of things something is ueedsd AT Oncb TO CI.bansk thk blood, and neutra iz* the insidious poison that, BURNS LIKE A TERRIBLE FIRE, as it courses through the veins, sowing seeds of death with every puls.tion. Dr. Pemlierton’s Compound Extract of Stillingia, (or Queens Delight) will positive¬ ly tttect this desideratum, expelling eve y trace of disease from the blood and system, and leaving the skin SOF T, FAIR AND BEAUTIFUL. F.-r all diseases of the BLOOD, LIVER and KIDNEYS, this Great Vegetable Altera¬ tive is without a rival It will cure any CHRONIC or LONGSTANDING DIS¬ EASE whose real or diect cause is B \D LIMBS BLOOD, RHEUMATISM, PAINS IN or BONES, CONSTITUTIONS BROKEN DOWN by Mercurial or other poisons, are all cured by i\ For SYPH¬ ILIS, or SYPHILICTIC TAINT, there is nothing ll equal to it. A trial will prove i'¬ is a most us. ful Sprit g and Full Purillt •’ of the Blood. Its safety nnd innocence have been fu'ly tested so that it may bo administered to fit most tender itfant, t5y“Beware of counterfeits and substi¬ tutes. Try the Genuine Extract QUEUE'S DELIGHT, prepared by Dr. J. S. PU.VJ BERTON, Atlanta, Ga. For sale by A. II .BIRDSONG & CO., Sparta, Ga. BARRETT, LAND & CO., Wholesale Agts., Augusta, Feb Ga. 28 ly. A Boon to the Whole Race of Woman 1 I)R. J. BRADEIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR! It will brii g on the Menses ; relieve all pain at the monthly “Period euro Rheu¬ matism end Neuralgia of back and U crus ; Lcucorrboea or “Whites,” and partial Pro¬ lapsus all Uteri; check excessive flow, nml eor r. ci irregularities irritation peculiar to ladies. It will remove all of Kidneys and Bladder; relieve Costivene-s ; purify the Blood ; v ive tone nnd strength to the whole system ; cle .r tho skin, imparting a rosy hue lo tho cheek, anil cheerfulness to the mind. It is as sure a euro in nil the above dis¬ eases ns Quinine !• in Chi Is and Fever. Lailie. can cure til mselvis of at rhe above diseases without revealing (heir com¬ plaints to any person, which is always mor¬ tifying recommended to their pride by and the inodes'y. best It Is physicians and the clergy LaGuanok Ga., March 23 1870. Bhadfield& Co, Atlanti, Ga.—Do»r Sirs : 1 taks pleasure in stni ngihat 1 have used for the last iweu'y y ars die medicine you are now putting up, known as IE. J. Brndtield s FEMALE UEGULaTOU, and consider ii the licst comtiiimiiun i ver goiien tog. ther for the diseases for which it H ic commended. 1 h ive keeu familliar with the prescription, both as a practitioner of med¬ icine and iu domestic pine lice, and cun hon¬ estly say that I consider it a boon to suffer¬ ing females, and can but hope that i vi ry iady in our whole land, who may be sffiicr ing in any way peculiar to their sex, may be a de to procure a bottle, that their snfler ings may not only be relieved, but that (hey may he lettered to health and strength.— Wiih my kindest regards, I am, respect’ly, W. B. FERRELL, M. I). Nrvr Marietta, Ga„ March 21, 18Th. MESSifs. V\ M. BOOT & SON.- Dear Sira : Some numbs vgo I hought a hot lie • ot Bradfield’a FEMALE REGULATOR from you, and have used it in my family with the utmost salislaclion, and have re¬ commended il lo three oilier families, and they have found it just what it is recom¬ mended. T e females who have used your REGULATOR are in perf et health, and aie able to at'end to their housohold duties, and we cordially n commend ii to the pub¬ lic. Yours Respectfully, Rkv. If IJ. JOHNSON. We could add a thousand other certifi¬ cates ; but we consider the above amply Buficient proof of its viilue. All we ask is a trial. For full particulars, history of diAPRses, at <1 ccrtificalos o' its wonderful cures, ilia reader is refern d to the wrapper around Ihc boule. jianufiu tured nnd sold by BRABFIE L — co fob28 \fa\ 7 —owly Executor’s Sale. A \ J ILL be sold, before tho Court, llousn VV door, in Sparta on fho 1st Tuesda in November next, within the legal hour, sale, the following property tjolnngir the estate of Bo-jannn T. Ilairis, )• e ot said county deceased : One lot of lanu in said county, knev. the Clarke place, containing .107 afire more or less, on which arc th ee go. i : cabins, two stables and a good we 1 of v. ter ; about 110 acres under cultivation about 120 acres of tract original l'o C.-i fine winter , range for stock &e. One farm, known ns tho Buffalo place, the old Homestead in said county, containing 655 acres, more or li ss ; on tho p'ace is a good dwelling bouse Wltll s'x rooms ; five frame buildings, (our cribs and two log cabins ; ISO acres under cultivation, a sufficiency of original forest convenient¬ ly One located farm, for plantation use ^ containing adjoining the IIo*t less, esiend place, 520 acres, more or 102 acri s umGr cultiva ion and about 100 acres of orignal forest. Oil this place there are two log i abii s. Thetwo last named places may be sold as one farm if desired. Terms, one half cash-the other half, twelve months with interest, to be secured by mor gage on 'be land. HENRY HARRIS, ) Exr’s C. W. DuBOSE. <j ati 2 22tds r VJT 1 EORGI.V, HANCOCK COUNTY— To all whom it may concern : Joliri W. Mason h iving applied to me if proper form for permanent letters of admin intraiion on the estate of Jcrerniah McMul )in, 1 te ot said coun y ; This is to cite al persons concerned, k i,dr» d and creditor* o' said deceased to be and appear at my offic< and slioW cause if any they can, why sT John W Masoii should not be appointed ad tninistrat r t f the estate ot said J ere min McMul in nn the first Monday in Novi-r, her 1874 Witness my hand and official sig'a'ttri TUOS. 1 UTILE, Ord’y. S-pt. 25-->0d,