The Sparta times and planter. (Sparta, Ga.) 186?-188?, October 31, 1874, Image 3

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^^^fabi ■^ICIC over of M issniiri, m idp by taxation WiTTconsidpi'iiblo retetiuo —* I ■ Tax i 1 i there ' 1 i;. ii ri 'di/p.l '•<•.. <i. ;■ *• iiii .i liiindnd iiiM- ti« • i: i a p.'ijiilal ol l v. pu cwls I y-l'oii r led iii olcvcn ami ft'buck : good simf>|>, nurimon breed. 'fS'oinp i|J' ‘ is be rllji sold Jiu lined at ; 1 | m ill It Worth of tVoobftnd fat Hhcepuniounl baud ing to l!)f» $277,i)~>, and lie has notv on least shccji and lambs worth at |fM30. Ho says: ‘*1 cannot loll you the number that has breti it oil for tho table; >ve arc mutton supplied Outers, and tho table lias been Well every Summer. I have lost but four old • hrep by (he dogs, hut I know they kill ten or fifteen lambs i vory Spring. This year I lost thirty I limbs, twoiify of which f know ivrre killed In two bound ]>ups neighbor. belonging 1o my next door tirely ‘ My , lioep lm to been raised en¬ upon grass, Winter and Slim¬ mer. When the ground was eoverod by mov/, whleli is only a few days eaeli v, Inter, 1 have given them a few fired ol sJienf oats. This spring, ftfter (lie ewes commenced lambing, during tin* excessive wet weather, I fed < ye .1.’ ewes one-half bushel of fibelb il i u'ii paying daily for thirty days, j am now a man to take care of my • beep in iho barrens, where there is an abundance oi wild grass, lie herds them at night, on four acres of liped" I .n 0:o k which be exports to put in (lil t Full, and by. that me in - lire a permanent meadow.” Tli! i i far from being tin excep¬ tional <•'.< e, and it illustrates very Hourly be done and with forcibly capital how much in may a small favor¬ able latitude) in this department of Him k city raising. The most iuexperi -Nieeil man, if lie possesses a fair sliure of good Judgement, could from u bn- capita! of about three bund red dol iea'■ 1 enough in ten years by sheep film rai ing in tt.e South to make til Id' independent for t>i<* re I If 'Ill'll fuel , Wl w'ould rt t more lie widely known tficrc le-i of a struggle every¬ where to keep body and soul to¬ gether. F.vrn '.iso t’'H,—A sensible, prtveileft! oft itlfliier fifty .4 lliat lie lias ell iHdieed Unit enlves would thrive b«dti>i* on milk Unit is not rich in butler llym on w hat is commonly jj jdj'^l r»-i^ oF ^ lllilk. 'I'kgrunti'i eleiiients ittii. reside chiefly ititlin e.i'ine. If you have a vow flw. gives jnvriieiihirlt rich milk and o.® that pive a quantity poorer In bikitr. il i better to feed on milk of thcfiitlei*, T’lie calf will thrivel»et tt-vim’l ton it ill get more butter ’Trt-ir! the milk of the lirsl eow. Gam, iv Citti.e.—I f takes eleven jmuml pf live weight of milk toft to calf; add ftnd one pound nil ox dint weighs one thousand pounds rill ron iime tweidy-lwo pound* of Vmii in twenty-four hours to keep losing wrlvlif. If ho is to fnl Y* he mu d hnvo just twieo that *f»)tit> I This when is hegaiirntwo pound live pounds weight t y. one lev ei| pnumis good hay. To oil HRl'Oei' P Vfn’t;. rents a hundred for his hu\ (hirne mil d ell tat steel's at live pounds'. i nnd fifty rents per hundred I Tin lot m, M ii.* ii < 'mv, — The i; : " > . go «d milch eow rV-i , ■ i\ ol breeds, in l: *»ei» 1 eiisc. Milk 1 rented tv i the blood and her vital euer V whieh make the blood lliat is til hid! peuntble eomlitlon. The g nl ii’ii'h row HUM have a well h v,doped elit'-l, a heallhy digestive rpj' be ir.uto the and amilbtry udder glands mum peffeet, the must lie m . and pliable, clastic n>. a pitiee e, India rubber to tlio touch, vvheth ci tie i ;.- i.> full or emplv , - ■■ m~ Un V'.coai. I’.uu (' rn i,r. (Mm renal and mixed with water highly recommended us 1h i t l uv wi,,* -fh " n r. and arc l'lh th.' ML— H nr.. Li>’. wlu thor sick «r W . ■; is. 'ii ki'i'p. r know - iho . r git h- : ■ r w itolri - iho f .' ,,f tlw’ 'in. fvi in time to 7 o-qroi’lftlly “t'ti’f a long :ibm«n«'C 10 -tin. Many w ill think of tho rn iholr clothi's aim liable u> iim dsimpne«s. who will novoi* ro h.d mi »'<, ,'i'ioiml i xpoxuro of * . iHiff Uliliudit is rnfew ir V ■ norhi V on Laths oo-l ' | that Is :v i h.- I >r j.ot*ffTc fl .t. .,^'1 wmM.ut< still do - i - *' 'li v?' r.'i i't mVtm mrltTltmi'i i'h < * -i tl . o'of t.od’s most boniflroirl »rtf UUI thv.-e things the most ■>snv to ooil heal tit-—sunshine. I r .b a'r and water—yon can have n In hendioee. without uuiuev Cn o ’-out |»»'! ' 0 . ■OO.T If vou will. i ennn )., B i c 'Ir ■' • v—- tr^w^Tlm.Hevl with n- Ihe time: ti l! d he for an hour or so iu the ' s. and that vou quench v our tli I lid th in water. ♦ V r N't'tk 111 ., iv* out to md Mnlleriw* La v*s sweet with .1 over a _v eUovv jack* w tuu, her little rake, # I IlH ! IMstnn t'« T tw rn- th-ui * h f m bv m: l kind wi’ve re. e:v : k«. M N . th it ihe crow i c**»« .»f ti i*m v f birds. luintH". ’ never-ho llli • AUGUSTA USE, cct, • N l C3. |s9rtment of ■iandim-:, wr B:x'cs IW'TION. of ■fif Pros., iavis and the \ ( I'opuhir <>., Mr •em l 7 iauos ^n, Pr.i.oruKT, Pet.* Austin & Co’s Organs. IkAIIOS A prices and Organs sold at lowest factory for cash, nr In mnall monthly pay¬ ments. give entire Every satifuetion. piano and organ warranted to Hands supplied with Brass and Silver Instru¬ ments The Drums, Finest Halim Cymbals, and Hand Music. and Naples Hth urns for tho Violin and Guitar, sent post paid h> mail. Violin, per sot, fl; Guitar, $1 25. Orders for Music ami .Merchandise promptly filled. UEO.O. ROB IN Mo N and Co. ocU*,!lm cd Gotten §2 125 O y Factor Cfi 2 ~ n IS a .tl , 4 n x <* n e co Old s e -■> I Stand. h iL s ~z. ^ u Commission B Xo. ■s C5 rt. U 00 £*• I °i‘ II 6 O 11 si & | Ifa/ren e o D n %s -• 2 Block. r <»• E L ratw*udd3 S- s n r £ it r > ... n n 1 Merchant L feb SEWING 14 J iu - ' 12m • S 'I^ Z 'l CD IT 2® c* r*cf I? o TKl x | H w OLDEST MACHINE LG o 2 S H o; S3 ms’u u LmJ 0 tlo and < nsr the gs d k.j Si® Atlanta, 33 Ga. * o i. Opposite Oa bode Cl.uri h, Jackson St. - - » Aagusta, DKALEK IN Fruit and Cigars, Wholesale A lleliul. -o ; o- Railroad News Agents. orders from Country Merchants, or Or ders left with News Agents 011 Hi • Trains will meet with prompt attention. wn mrsti.K DKAi itii in fob r 1 z o C il tl <1 i O S I t ly E. .1 JOHNSTON. MuHiurjr and Second HI At (IN, <; 1:0 lltil 1 . ---:o:- pkEAI.KR I r Silver ».vo. in WATCHES, Fancy goo l*. ,\e. the cciebrntcd l)l\Mo,\|» Eye (lliihses. Kino waieh w uk Jewelry repaired and jime 13 tt‘. ■ [• I * ; vi ‘'i IS '6/S IMM& ol !>r ’ Walker's* Udlifornu .. IlihOrs > tl!i*cnr nr’ ft purely Yog etabh'juvparatien. the hertw found ni:.*i' hi. dy fro. ; native on tho lower CUigo-,’f :he S.e;. t N" l.i : mn Gains o’ i nlitornia. f ' mo-nemai | s-’i ’ t •'; of which at- extract,'d t without the - d' Vice!, d. l i,,> 'l^'Mtou is almo.o d... y asked, ’ ' >•"’ • ®i' tut atunvef ' ' l that \n iirv- thev m ff ■ n “’ ve ;’t ' 10 tf:W ‘ stf I , : ■ The ’ 5 * v c*i*s i” *'»f t».» h*. l T i hi*' giving prineipto, a V! Ken.' valor Siuv Uw and lnvigma! iu the r the s\ -tiu.i hi- of word 1 vs :» miHlkun* I \ c l 1 tl unjkable ■; :.t'it \ iv . . HirrsRjt i i tl: • o gnt < w : v u or 1*. ’fttie |ir ( >}>.'rti,'H if D«. Wai.k rv i 'w,. m m •' - D i »th\ i hi r j! j 111 n * i \\». :! ’..VV : l>mmt:.. SM.vuv'1' r-Irritant, S f:.u'. Alti rativ®, a US. n. II. VtrlWRJtG) ft eo„ - t Ns ,U v I'ruttUi. . a.i IN.I.i-.. / A w i fejr /- /■< A v n A # % %> / . rniwr ZED School! \ Thel^all Term of this School will Open August 3Ist, and Close December 18th, 1874, f PHK 1 location as regards clitra’c an i socic'y is unsurpassed, and the Princi¬ pals are detern ined that in dixipline and instruction, both m. ntol and mw nl, it shall be inferior to none. The course of instruction will unbrace all stud¬ ies usually taught in graded Schools irom the most elementary to the Classics aud Sciences. Relieving that future success in school, as well as in after life depends much upon the foundation laid in the clcmeumry branches, they wi I receive he especial alto tion. Habits of observation and the power of thought Will will assiduously cultivated. Practical application of the daily lessons be made lor the develoj uient of both tho mental and emotional uaturcs of the pu pile. The Principals after long and snccorsful experien"e, realize and appreciate the importance and responsibility ot their position, with tho influence upon the tompoial and eternal destinies of those entrusted to their care, and will spare no effort to meet 6»eh fearful responsibility. Hoard in private families, or with the IVincimds, at from V to 20 .’olhus p»r month. Reduction for those pupils who spend Saturday and Sabbath at home. Tuition in Junior Class . per Month. <* “ Inter mediate Class 5 “ u ct Senior C-ass 0 « Contingent deposit made on day of entrance, one dollar Pupils when entered will he considered entered lor thc term. No deductions lor less than three weeks, and then only fur unavoidable abet nee No interference with tins discipline of the school will be allowed. Regular daily attendance is inucspensable to.the progress of the pupil. Pattons desiring pupils excused for any portion of a day, or from any duty, mud aruke the request in writing. In order to keep in freqi ent communication with patrons thev will be furn itilled monthly circulars which must lie endorsed and returned to’tlic Principals T. A. Murray & J. S. Neuman, Sparta, july 1H, 0m, Principals. SCHOUIliUrs ino^v wobks. MAC 03 ST, G 3 SaUGI A. SGHRELD’S PATENT COTTON PRESSES 7H)H * llOlt'E, HAND, WATER or HTE'M. FAUOUTS’ t’ENTEU SDPTOUT Gi : Ginriug, Saw Mills. Grist Mills. Iron Rai iiig, Shafting, ruileys, ilan. eta 8 u gar Mills and Ivtii!*'s, Water Wheel.*, Muchinery .mid Omuics ot ail ‘kind.-- : Ir n mid Urns'). Special u'tcntiongiven lo icpairs of Mil is and Mncliinerv. W’ork all first cl-i »nd prices low. J- S- SCHOFIELD & SON. Nisbet’s Improved Wrought Iron Sereui Cotton Press, MADE ONLY AT NchOfiDlcrs J i*o u Woi'lis, Having made aim gemeHs with J. H. SCfiOFIRLD & SON lo manufacture my IM¬ PROVER COTTON*PRES4, and umed over my pittcrusto them 1 dciire ul! mv fri -i ds and patrons wanting my • Ol'TON l’RESSES lo call on them, us I c -,n tmsuie them that they w ill find the PRESSES manufactured with the same c ro »s 1 would exercGo myself. lmvc no* authorized oihers CgF'l nny than the MESSRS. SCHOFIELD A SON to in.nufaciure the NEaUKT i'UbSS, FAUT’S IRON CENTER bUPORT GIN GEARING. QUAU ' NS RED ro GIVE SATISFACTION. I, the «dd Gi„ with its oldec t ve points r moved Unlik all the tlorse-Powe-H made l'-r Ob n nj it j. s s | n > g •be. machine I nunlr wil 1 run to do ligliler iu work t an ary ho'se power made ary where or"by anybody. Jl's u H73TU In mors wdl call and see il cloro pun h sing ary power (o run gin and you won't buy tier. , any < J® S. uug 2 Em. S CHOFIELD & SON El- 3EP. Successor to WALKER & DOBBS. Importer of and Deader in CHINA. CROCKERY AND GLASS-WARE, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Chandeliers, Gas & Kerosene Fixtures, NOS KXPLOSSVE Li.^lFS, COAL OIL, LAMPS, BU R NEKS, CHIMNEYS, FI.OW KU I’OTS, afec. so & s-i Mulberry Street, ’S «v Agent for tho State of Georgia for PORTERS PATENT GARDEN and PLAN¬ septUli, Uni TATION COMBINATION HOES. Old and Reliable Movement 'rcarr s'tu.s. iV Cy lin l 1 <* ago 1 o i Ii 4 * W o 1 * 1 tl ! Crocket’# Portable Baliaacc Oear Horse Po>or Crocketts Patent Arsti Friction Gin Gear. ( inotrET’rf Cotton Screw, wi!l. Hall, or fonical lhd-rs-n»nc hcltor nuidn (' ock ) ••!'» Roll! g To th <»i .1 ’icar, tr«.ru 7 to 12 Let, wiii; pinion- C..11 and find hugmes Saw and Gfi I Vi.'ls. aid all hs parts. Also, I'mnps, l‘ip> s, (C.-.-r „n<l W’rougiii.) V'uiv vs. 1 ocks, IN Itisdis, and a I kind*, of Killing* for H>eam hi d \Vui»>r '.Vork« Also, all oil.or iirtic cs of Iron or tines fry .le at C KtJOKKT’S \VoitK>', sej'-O 3m M.icuu, tin. E. S J> II SON, : It, ! . S. JOUSm'N. .lit holmes john .on. F. S. JOHNSON & SONS, 1 — DEALERS JN—. 3E5 l ci, 1? d -w ar e ? I nine A^rii'Ui'id 1 anpSuscents* FAIKILWKS* SC’AIjKS, tarriasr Atsd Hatron Matrria?. Uebs and Npcriisi*? Goods. sffT/w r'f rott riff: Cqztox 31 THIRD STREET, nenr Contra! & City Blinks, - ' MACON, GA. k ..... <’ A M i’ H j; L i, A J () N E S . \\ aivhouso and Commission MiTdliaiits,! Miu'ou, (jcotTvin. f !h> MEET the . 1 . and* med, cnr’.v in ihe 8 ti I u in the Sit- Cott >«i i r ♦ I. ing olmiig- s O 1 n U A T K v a r. s v. s t n a t y. I'l'iumiiwien t 3 ...... —H 3 -* r S: i Thankful rege...... r t | | for ihe !i OT.'-tv at .e past, we mu¬ n f r acre . . ed paironsce lo t*i • 11- to ati -re ral. .* iv c have ti Mr 1 \V Stun. s. :v pro t ranger 1 t r. -f m h c- unty. v T w I'ighcr * tie pr sent .. i- \Y< for the inti r.' 8 .» S. : ii vr n* wi:h bus tu-js ; p i -.1 ;tt.-a in v -TO sc; 2 d :’m V AMl’BKt.I. A It .NTS T U V M A > i\ (i k i: i: x . C * GOEilitl. ii TF©Etd - ; arters'’ FUR Stoves, Cuilrry ?tnci House Furwisliiiiiv t.ootis F ALL KINDS. \ i VNIT AiTTUlNii .. -in TIN HE a, IMPOl ’ N •ir CUTI.FR Y. „ i a v a i i U " 1 ' tfer - V W - ,. VO-.,LI ^ r l"l_>AT%' r r^V IMTTSJC! IIODSK, jNI o 4 IVTnviottu. Htreot* THE.GREAT Si BESI liffl IF TIS SOBTS. Wood dte <Oo !J AVK selected Atlanta as Muir distributing point lor Piano, O "ana and i 1 Musical instruments generally. "eareaole Agents lor Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Florida and East i cmicsace, lor the sale ot the celebrated O It 5 C5 k ** i II <r I* i n n o , Wc are also Agents in the same teiritory lor the H t c y o r ^ tt ii , i-. ancqoalrd by any other Organ in the country. 1 osscsaing facilities and advantages over other dealers in the South oiler great discounts to Churches. Schools We flnJ ° and Teachers. re>ina S ° hl ° n thc 1,lSf 'dment phu. Send lor price lists and ---o:o WE AUK rUULISHEnS OF THE MUSICAL ECLECTIC, On i •‘tidy periodical, devoted to Mumo. Ait and Literature. $J QQ per Free to music teachers. Send lor specimen copies. Address, Guilford^ Wood & Co., july 4, ly. Atlanta, Ga. OO/l US Bj ic JL xx js —IN— FIRST-C L A 8 S DRY GOODS. HUMBUGS-! -jo:- NO SHODDY! Boiled Goods ! .tlo Shelf-worn Goods But Genuine New, Fresh Goods ! UWPHECEDEKTSDT.Y LOW PRICES. 4-1 LONS DA LK at I2.k. per yard ; M FIM’IT OF THK LOOM at 16c. } a,( ^ 5 "“8 REOW N SU IKTIAtJ (heavy) at So. per yard ; ALL the best of OALICOK at Oc. ; E l BLK.UTJ KI> KlUKTiNG at (ilc.: 4 4 SHIIITINC} at Sc.; COI'TONAOISS and KENTUCKY KAN'S at lain-; 0INUUAMS at 10c. L*5» Our entire stock will be sold at mluco.1 juices FOR CASH. Ibis Sale is KXGLI Sl\ LL\ FOHC'ASII. Parties keeping accounts with who ilcsitn to puicin-e any <d the above Goods, uud have them charged, have to pay ngulur prices. fob It ly JAMES A. GRaY & CO. ft- wiwr ^nrzaaiwwrgi WlftUftj ENOURACE HOfifiS ENTERPRISE J --o.o-- Mrnm folf-FasiGEii fete Cotton Tie. 1'si ten tod .April, 1874:. 8 Co*Ion cr.. Tunic's and Maanfiein ers, •},:? snl.soribcrs are now preparedfo otier do novel XU.V t .vfc J I.NING 1 IE, L.r baling Cotton ami o htr tiT'iir Ji 1 'e v- Mi lo' *h fre-ii r 11 CV, t|,o ; r - V , (net »h I • ,0 ; ! ‘"y i Tie i«• n-win i >s use. intpossiliililv b-i-gns easily fas'ened. . tin to remove the u0 !’ spaiust V loss of w. ight - I 1 * 1 by ,i,en re ' l y ,,t of ' r, ' !t ' vat N 1 of BKI.VO Hoops. Funnels end other ineslcd eon m 1 hM TIE has been examined by neatly every Factor and Merchant of Char’cston and s been i»onoinujcd a perfect success. Cedars for NEW or SECOND HAND RIVE l'EI> HOODS will be pr, n.otly liked, at uw a price as any oilier Tic, a: ihe o-annfaetory MOSES aoi« DSTvIITH & SOBI, 4,(1, , 8 >, !■>, 11 mi.l |C COLONNADE LOW, YEDL’E RANGE. ju .c 27 t'.in. J. U. OPPENHEIM, lb" General DeynokL S AKent,'"^ rcot, Augusta, Ga. ,.X •. .vm w v; rir>| nm u n nk i £ ~ mu |~l JAMES SMITH, i oxita.-e»,otoT£'aj2j:Z3-ujLL<a.©r .v. outrac-t 5 taken for all kinds of Buildings. If ah, j lncrcafi- i CO W . ?-wa spuiia £21 I ;t : » ninko'J O pT | d%] G land Jon short notice of i-m at red need to ortlcr,^” »*- w i d t IT ......* w Ipflccg. .. *. <•* I offer thc same as Lc.w as th v can I bought in any City in tho State S<»iiKonoU R ' 'oorin'e and Chfllinnr, always <*n and II h or Dressed. L \ TT ! *°, in C., T ’OIrl salt: Turning and .~ r. IDtrork of ill kin — BuiMers Hardware, such as Lack cio., for sale. -stim ites given on ” r any ">v r ik in my line. All orders promntk to, and s »t:sf act:t>: i. juoc H if SIRS. N. BRUsva CLARK’S, 15;*oii<! rif, * Auurusta, < i a.. AUG STO 'K i f Millinery <i • D' '•', i - an*' , I lowers, Feathers, Kibs t : - Lice r I! : ifftir Rr ve, Ac. > R- Kar Dcops.Pins,Chains, }»... • j -. Fringoe, Insertings, r. pe ' r on able price?, .: s i'att.rus tor Ladies and cbii gtt* Mll.« X. BKI’M CLARK, feb 11 Iv ' Street, Augusta, Ga. 4_^puTi **: etc mantes ‘sBipinoiiy ,v •J* IS h; wSH fcs-f^E THE CHEAT REMEDY FOR m ' ' ; ; 'which can ho cured by a timely resort to this stand¬ ard preparation, as has been proved testimonials by tho hundreds of received by tho proprietors. edged by It is acknowl¬ physicians many prominent to be the most reliable troduced preparation ever in¬ for tho relief and euro and is of offered all Lung complaints, to tho public, sanctioned by the experience resorted ofj.over forty years. "When to in season it sel¬ dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases Croup, of Whooping Coughs, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, Cough, Colds, Sore Throat, Chest Pains or Sore¬ ness in tho and Side, Liver the Complaint, &c. at Balsam Lungs, does dry, not up behind, Cough, and. leave the as is the case most loosens preparations, and cleanses but lungs, and allays thus removing the cause of the complaint. tlKD t>V BETH W. TOV/LU ds 13010, Easton, Haso,, And sold 5 >y Druggists acd Dealers generally. H» H, R® RAPWAY J S mm BELIEF OBWM8* THE WORST PAINS In frotii tr.i& ■;« .' •verity Silnutost MOT ONE MOOI5 •ftern*.’; r -rtW: wircrtlssbwct need lUBfona SIVVKR WITH PAIN. lUDWAYS ItKA F ’Y RKT.fKP Is A CUttK Fan V.VE fty VAIN. 2 in sji the P.iBt anC!, Tho Osh? y Paso Itomody Mint 1 imtn ntly h it <* most .•oTHria«!n« puln, rvllaysi Inflammation, t- ■ . ujr<*a ( • wlietfcer rfthe .* 1 !-; V. "rt ■•'•ter «-*a:t-i .. urgw&bjr e&finppliortUt ji. W TH( Y 05TO TUTSTV M1.VUTS3, W ..... cuim.■>.« iCi annier, RADWAY’S ISEAOT RftUEP VIM. AFVORO . LsTANT BASK. INKAMMATlil.N OV TjIPJ KiriXKV.l. ' ,;.,V INPLAM.I ftORBTUiiOA HVST taiCi:, •.: row I r v- .; uiiAUT. • '■ Cl', v.:;i:r;-.!UA. mtADAfn:’, BttnUMATISK. coi.o n i : a .....V.U, ciiiua Th'iii. it i ■ f i j’i -ISqparler rr.' '• ' ....... j. i or (' n<-' [ „aH9 onl'hii ..: Tw-• <!.'!. ': r.lnijn i • c.f 'wnter will!n •f-w » fi if ■ t: - ii ii:TO'i '.i’ll, > ■ a\, UV.."-‘ ■:i 'fUi! ilGV.'ilGH, •I . Triivci tu »:• ...» . ; h iw a l«.if;n ef Rod v: ty-(, , : ". .■ ii. m of WAtr. V fr .;,1 .'.nij.o « • W 1< I U hi-.;-:: O-ouinMlull liiiiiijjiur Jtu llUU •iiitiuluui FEVER AMD AGttB. Fh’Vyr • \ m ' JPtffl ff)F PAy i ’-1 »!*<!. Tho ro f i notr. roih.Ml'ni i* : v. -. Ui this v Hi euro Fovor a:\tl Tytiitoifl, /.<«. .. ......’. Mifltul ■ BUt>«», i^oarlot, , cH, •. ' Y ri.ow Iril.'U’tl by U/M). WAY x nu ,. fe u . H XUbVfAV'MiQAm lili j.j if . I tlo y*-ak fivucff j. •: ,< r:rir" nj.rvD-rN.iSRAOB 1 ‘I 1 S .1 >.' Cl”..... • I'.'.K I*' IN ANl> I '. i'.Ni'.;i'UUSi,'.OAI,U O’;’, ■ ■ ay j 3 Sars^Tdia VME Oft HAT 0!.*OO* PlfRIPSER. Il V " M V "iHTIf’* Ve?” > ST( .VMIIIN'O CTIHKR ! RO ■' ,Arn> AUK rn.: rMAN(,K;:,TiiK - . »! , :n m enok , vV Si,: a -'UL, v> Every ■•-.‘J •.LWieiiM ad Wj; ; i; jt is Saea and Felt i'-r- rr-vi f , p 1 1*A tl'.T.TJA N Rrr-OL <- d-.' .> » n’r-» t»i; t <* iii 'T rtrit, 1 »Lo ftytteiii tho •*«». l ol y *.v U$ no a- t ra Tv. f;t K i'hP.M, OnvimUrUOf!)!, N . 1 V'.'} t:.*-.ct, SfMM'.h, Tu in ’fi ''thcr j •-rta »*' the t j rtOfD, ’• :v< U- t’.T jcur*. fti.d • .. ,.a\\ -d!; lihvHi,-.’. f'rupu^na, .TCo'E'T Fcvci* ■ .: ' - U>*\ *'i.'nggfh « -'I: C’r.r, . m aaofctng di u ?.-*! paluinl :n<)t um ' I :‘«rin an-’. %vt. t t h*i it *t< 1 the •: raf.f;ec/i thf.i K.ry A.’ fltifcv/ fl yo * use will il»!■--* j f)tf n ..-rr oftUe&t f riwot in .yenhcin. 1 1 ttlovftd by 0 m9\ -...tea fully I'fOf »'.«.1 rcwlfrj t! ftUA’ « . v ! enUB J . : f u l<Ckil.U/ fi!)U flli/l ti * ’*• ■ pv*ur®-4i«ur9 . • '- ■ t ’ . «.. * rtv.y^y In *!n.’’iL*ititr.« ^ iiiii vnsf-a t&o it* ■ .1 ■ • 1 ». i-Jt'tfl, Tuttu.- nut) trvttry tV.y it..'; uiifl rtroi,yur, MI’, lm;r ,:ru;,audutfsh t if .S'.t».r 1/ ri#Ar*T 1141 klT f»LP ah'K-. tn j Kid*- V;l r - tho CUlt> O f» hrtmlc, Ek*r<j - Wid ( 1 't.v uiiMs: : UttUBtkfl Oiily . > toi k'R r r-la&l'? Vovtplainte, TTrJwyar' W’U’f, \Y. ’VCC,' f rlfi't. t>hv:, i'rJt'hus tV'tw, * du»i . in » wiuirc )*e if * 'if f j I’.ro o • • • r in ViicH, ri rn •.mice*! iw, »»d viTi2i%irat« lai&jiin •VI pRMkm WftUiT , eua v niiu nlurji th ) '. ‘Ann* Tuvian of Vi Tear# Gra C 'J|| C?V. v?ADV/AY*i m * | B h iC ' i ‘ L -> p«rfr«!!> i ■r-ntljr emtXrt r ; i>t V. d J ;; > m r:\tf, LM \ ! V/AV‘flVILI.?? w!!J p.-<- ts ■ r * «. v.p in- * . / >. 3J Wh . % .ah wvu'i&adi wi) I TfTli ilia i . J w 1 , as 4 v "ton Thernur' *7 Eenovatcd P.c-Tur: Loti Throughout, v. t-./lcr its new , Oct." .1.- V Is • 18T4. "g. . . pruvi fytpr nn; >. . mosiimu, Pro •■•K-t.or. JOSIAH MOSHER, SupOi-iikioiidont RAILROAD SCHEDULES. Cro.,& M* & A. E. R. arte.....>"■««. i-^'-ss GEORGIA RAILROAD. >VY , * 1 ' 8 I ‘ f ' 01:1,1 tj ‘AIN will Leave Augusta * a<...... 8.40 l.<eavo Atlanta nl...... a m Arrive iu Augusta f! ; an a m at 8;45, p m Arrive in Aihutant... 0:40 p iu Kiairr Jwssiiuoicit train. Leave Augusta at........... .........8:15 p nr Leave At Lula at............... .......<3:00 p m Arrive in A ugusta at.......... ..4:00 a m Arrive in Atlanta at.......... ..6:06 a m MACON AND AU(jU*TA. RAILROAD, »aoon PAeejisonR train. Leave Augusta at......................i 0 ; 4 r, a m Wo Camafc at ......................... 2 : 15 p m Leave Macon at 6:30 a m La male ............... Amvo • Augusta.................•g.po ..................... 10:45 a m in p m Atlanm Passengers from Athens, Washington, roa<i and or Brunches, , 41)y point oa the Georgia Rail* .vv-'vtu-ev t by taking tho Daily mm, will make close connection ; ; k ' v, |k ‘mine for Macon end all points Pullman’s beyond (first-Class) Palace Slkki* c.-n and Augiista Rai roads. Au-uta, Ga,, March” 1 st, 1874 Southwestern R. R. fcui“ iorintcndent’s Office, » Macon, Ga., March 1 , 1874 f COLuitUCB MAIL TBAIN. Leave Macon, 7:17 Arrive at Columbus, 12:45 p ta Leave Columbus, 2:30 a m native at Macon, 7:25 p m Making close connection with . Wes p ra tom Mo COLUMBUS DAY FIIT IOUT AND ACCOMMODA¬ TION TIIAIN. Si!*’- l|p» n.'L “ “ Arrive at Macon, Caliimbus Accommodation Train SatuS Joarcs Maeon Tuesday. Thms.tay and rotarmug Monday, Wednesday and Friday! KCFAULA MAIL TUAtN. Sesshu, sss&sr' a;: till Arrives Leaves Albany. «t M, con, JlO £ n m Gonpecte with the Albany Train at 13mith villo, and tho Port Guinn traias at Cuth belt daily, Moept Euuday. Gulf Outf Railroad ir^uV 1 , ? i Si trains 0 ° llu00{tl at Albany, with Atlantic mid and i“» to Arlington Blakely will da, on Extension Mon Tuesday, Woduesday Ihu sdny and Friday, returning 8 and Saturday. RI1KAUI A NIGHT PREKVUT and ACCOMMOda T-051 TRAIN. asjSfflu, Leaves hufimta, ,S;1SSS 7:25 p Arrive.: at Muo#n, m Trains leaving C 45 a m thw schedule IVIeenn and EuDu a. 0 « day gldfl, Sunday, Tuesday and Thurs¬ n connect ot ^mithyillo trams to Albany. VlKGiL rO'VEPB, liiigmeer . at.d Super itendent. Central Railroad. Grwubal i'upiauni'LfiDENT’s Officb ) SuTaniinh, November 1 , 1873, f / \Napduftar Sunday, tho 2nd instant, l nHMengcr I rains on the Georgia C t n trnl will Uiidrond, its branches and connectionB, mu ua follows : a rain no 1—aoiNo wonTii and west. Loaves Savannah 8:45 a m Leaves Augusta lt.05 a m Arrives in Augusta 4:00 p rn Arrives in Milleilgavillo 10.01) p m Arrives in Eutonton 1I:6S J) in A rrives in Mucou ti:45 p m Leuven Macon for Columbus 7:17 p m Leaves Mue.oa for Eufaula 0 10 p , n Lftayua Arrives t/lnon for Atiauia 7:30 p in Arrives at Columbus 12:45 ji m nl. Eufaula 10:20 p in Arrives at Atlanta J:40 h iu U INO-at'VTIl AND east. Leaves Atlanta 1:00 am Leaves Columbus 7-10 p m Leaves Eulaula 7 05 p m Arrives in Mi con from Atlanta 0.50 a m Arrives ut Macon from Columbus 4:10 a m /.rriros in Macon lrom Eul'aula 0:45 u m Leaves Macon 7:15 a m Leaves Augusta 0:05 ft m A - rives ut Augusta 4:0U p m Arrives at Buvauuah 5:25 p u» Tlt.-lX KO. 2 — (iOlNO NORTH AND WEST. Loaves tiovaunah 7:30 p m Leaves Augusta 8.05 p m Arrives in Augusta 6:66 a m Arrives in jvb'cou 8:20 n, m bonvoH Macon for (lolnmlms 0:20 a m Leaves Macon for Eufaula 0:05 a m Leaves Mucou for Atluut 0:10 a m Arrives in Gulumbus 6 35 p m Arrives in Eufaula 5:40 p m Arrives in Atlanta C:-48 p ui Oi MIN?1 BOUTfl Am> JJABT. Leaves At 'aulu 7:00 a m : vc.i Columbus 2-tJO p m Leaves Eufaula 8:50 am Arrives m Mac m from Atlanta 3:40 pm Arrives in Macon Irom Columbus 7:25 pm A rive.' 1 in lacon from Eufaula 6:10 pm Leaves Macon 7:85 ]. m Arrives at Mil c ’peviHo 10:00 p IU Arrives in Eatonton 11:55 p in Leaves Augusta 8:05 p m Arrives in Augusta 5:55 n ni Arrive in Savannah 7:15 am J ram . „ No. 2 being a through (ruin tho Ontr:-' on L-ilrm.’, smf.j.Jng only at whole nt:.: • ;, pvi or, '•'* for half stations cannot bo token oa or-pat n!F. wi :; l hike ni ■ train ro *,,r No. MiUwlgevillo and Efttonfon i from Ba and train No- 2 fron ■ ■ ■ ■ i' in nt Dalton.....................10:30 ................. p rn Arriy p m 1 h--.a at ChattunDrga ............... 1:10 am < • by thi , Dmwiiig-ltoom train nnd Bleep ■'> i Irom Atlanta to • ’’"tJ ;rp i.-t id! iiiteruittliato poiuts oiiANoB. i'll envoi 1 1' aviDg by this train nrrivo in York ihe n:Con-l ufiernooD, a 4.44 r. ov '-‘r diirtr. on liuurs earlier than puBsen - bv reiy *.t.■ r route can with safety New 1 ork, leaving the same evening, IUY WRETERU KXrREit. f. iv.'i M ,a nl ................11:10 pm L< Mm All ' ta at ..................... B:30 a m orti v s at Chattanooga............... «} ; 30 a m Close connection ut Chattanooga for all West. l'ulJman Palace Cars on all uight train*, F -r further particulars uddresa B. W, WRENN* Gvik ml P'li-fca’ i ,1 gent.