The Sparta times and planter. (Sparta, Ga.) 186?-188?, October 31, 1874, Image 4

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H. B ■ r?.T H Jj ISsivo Jtisl Hi‘<*c*ivi‘<l stocisl OP GOO.DS, Kvery Disniptioii, pmvlinscd since tin* decline in New York; which Ihov are selling; Low for (’ash. They Come one, Conic all! Examine their ^oods and he convinced. ifjte <Timc‘» ami ^Hauler. SATURDAY, OCTOIJElt 1 * -, 71 . LOCAL AFFAIRS. J\In. W.r.Kv V a mi annul is our duly authorized agent, and will re¬ ceive and receipt for snhscriptions and accounts due tliis ofliee. THE TICKET TO VOTE. For Tnx Collootor HANCOCK COUNTY DeLannir Tunier. Hiihjoi’t totlie l>eirt«»erntie tioiiiinntlnn. I JUST •v^ i 111 ltKKI, Nice Letter Heads, printed on good paper, for 17 . 00 . 1001 ), Nice Note Heads, printed on good paper, for *$.-).<K). iOOO, Ciood Envelopes with a neat business curd printed on them, •fb.Od. 10 <K>. Hill Heads,, ft), Nice Visiting Card-, only $ 1 . 00 . Wedding Cards and Invitations, put up in tin- Ileal and Latest S!\ h-s. Our type are all New and of the most Model'll Style*, and we have one of the lies! and l'a«tel .Machine Job Presses now in use; which ena¬ bles us to turn out any kind of Job Work i ipieal in style and Ie- in price tluiii City olUce.s, Try us mid we can convince you. IVll annuls nt I ill,* 1 itfUV -, In III* -njil I'lic.'l/i, nt Hie S|no i;i |>ni|' Mni'i*. liny ( nllli) I'mviliTs for your |ioor lim>r-, M iiles inul l 'mi *, nl I In* sjiarln Dnik ■Uoi'i'. Apple Viir (pr. Ilnmi*-liitti||i A|i|ilc \ ini'/il'' fur all'ill tlir S|ini'Ih Driijf Mure, i'i.'i rent per khIIihi. l'OHHeilglil'H conteillpllltillg tmve! ing North, South, East or West, should write to It, W. Witi ss, Hen oral I'oHseiignr Agent, Atlanta, (l,a. nuglff tf. f'tisli! CjisIiI tiouiN! (bioilsj Liberal advances, in rush n vijitmls, nnide on nil colion shippcil through us to friends in Augusta. T. C. k D. S. Ti nsi-'.it, Oct. lo, ls 7 l. ir A liAitoK, and de-irahle line of New (foods for the fall ami \\ iult r triidejnst opened nl W. \V. SI MPSON A l ib’s ANo, full Slock Uroeerie •*. ii a Shoes and\e., all at lowe l prices furl’A SI I, spuria, ociio-n*. lliiggliig iiml Ties. The eln-ape-l and l»e-l in (own at T. C. »Ni Di L. Tl hm it's. oebll f. 4 'nl ton! ( ol Ion ! ! We are prepared lo buy all the 4 'otlon hrmurhl to lliis ueirkei lids ncason for ( nsh ! Will receive it on our platform, tInis relieving rollon •el lei's of (he nercs-ity ol'earrviiiu ii to the Depot, will atway - pay the highest prices the cotton w ill s|and. Hring in your rot ton ami try IIS. T. ('. ,V I >i h. Ti \ i if. ocl 3 -t f. Don't Faii . when yon \ i-ii \u gn-la. to eall at Ihe Hoot, Shoe and Hal Establishment of (isilligher \ Mulht’rin.’JVd Hroad ireel. I di hloek below I’lanlers’ Hotel. Ot t 17 ;im 4 io to Ihe Macon Store fur cheap goods, amt yon can get them ev cry time. * h'l. 17 -tf 8 >. If you want the best gooti-at (Hi* lowt'si prices, the Maetiu -tore Is the place to trade. Hug!*! Wags* We will tiike cletu cotton r.i;'.' ol any color 'or siihsrriplion to ihe pa |*er, and will give *_". reiiis p, r pound. Hi'iug on your rags. 4 ’oxik ill mid pay up y our »uhsi rip lion. lie \d the new advcrii* ui 'nis, which ■ i 'pace di no:ice in T Tea. Tukkv will he a nteeme^m it Han 'Oi k Nlcdieal \«»i>i'i ition Tu'sday. an.l n full atten.lauec earnestly »!c«irc«l. 4 (’dr one. come till! buy and aome ctl of that splendid tea iu»t cei( af the I hat **torc. ( 'OHX—t’oKV 'N e w i!l take at the market price for due this paper, aid .of n, w be r*. Nottlix.. is more I'l Vt »h ll \|\ nip of pure, g« nuim i. i Ills ( can t«ax it' (on will imo»t some ••Npiunci ' VutogiMp! ' in i iluni n fair npiixahu: .u or Uhit'k or miviniv of hot* ! lipse. True to thi> predictions of the tron outers the ••shadow of old cart on'Cy n!Ida's hrow ’ was witnessed those of our people who took pains to be up between 1 and it clock lust Sunday m or..... .. it a “grand, gloomy and peculiar sight. The eclipse began at 11 . 48 p. m.; the middle phase occurred 2 . 01 ; and Hie eclipse proper ended 2 .AS. During the total phase moon presented a dull, smoky dish color, like tarnished and added nothing to the light ot starry eompitnioiis, ills’ll ii: v of’sr.s. An eclipse is an obscuration of of the heaven! v bodies by the inter position of another, either between it and the spectator, or between it •and the sun. The Iirst total of Which we have any at liahylon. The occurrence the occasion of great alarm, and in deed, tie fore the dawn of seienee, Wits of the earth. The ancients failed lo comprehend them within (lie order of nature, and regarded lhem as presages of events, while ill one time in Home was lda-piieiny and puni-lnm nt law to talk in public of their due to natural causes. In times when the rays of the were obscured the people out and made a great with drums and brazen their idea being that the ••fjueeii Night ” was in uilliciton, and that by making the .noise they" did frightened away those who tormenting her. According to I,Mint, w hen in eelip-e, was in pains of labor. According lo she was siillering from the arts w irked magicians. All barbarian tribes Judd notions concerning eclipses of moon. The ( hiltesc imagined that all obscurations of the sun or moon was eau-e.l hy the atlemjit i nt nii*ii -I* Iragoiis endeavoring devour them, and according!) when eclipses occurred they would assem¬ ble ill sired cornel's, and bv on gong-ami kettles strive io fright¬ en the mon ters ofi', ()n account the-i* popular uper-titions main pnrtie- hi'lier ver-i'd in ‘Cienee than tlie eo,union Ihrong w hi< h surround¬ ed them, by prcdieling the coining of an eclipse accompli da d\ events WInch Ue ol lo-day regard a aiilhen;ie a;id liisiorieal. H\ the for¬ tunate oeeuri'eliei' ol'ail i*eli| i I. I i hl'oii'hl peace lei well the V|ec|es and ihe Lydian-, and In predieiiiiR ail oh-i'Ul'ation of Ihe eele till orbs Columbus, on March I, iodl. ip .1 iiiaiea. proeiu'eil pi'ovi-ioiis for liini -ill and hi- companion', afii-r everv oilier etl'ol't to eeui'e -iii ii pro\ i-i,.;; had failed. *' I Il’Mi " I i \l, n»\s|' I r,M v. A pi'fidiar fact about clip-,*-, • Iril they :t 111 iciii* in re;uiar once only ill every eiglile»'ii \cnr a lid i'li' \ i n 1 1 n -. l id- fact V. a - <i i - covered by the ancient Chaldean and the period ! called tlie 4 :U» period. Therefore Ihe Iota! eeli| which we wilin' id on xmday morning took pine eighteen ago, in (li'lohi'!'. I '-Vi, Ihe eciip e of I s.'Ci oeelU'i'i'd Upon < lefoh r Eti il of lhat year. It w a not unite Ihe moon'- edge being about o 11 livi’-lniudi'eih part of it- di tne'li "IIIside of Ihe shadow . At each turn ol chflllccu yell’s il will more ami more near the centre oi l he b id nv, until limilly il will pa and by Ihe southern eti ;e of (he »i, ' low cease to bt> total. I n ot her wni'tl I.IHllI years lienee ihe tt'ii|tse ceil e lo he total. I.(Dll ', don't w ail for the teiiuial. 'im to tlie sparia Drily and Store, Inty souteofthal -plemlitl i have a Tea Drinking at home. M s. *b l;in s c! 11 -t d out last W etlnestlay. at puhii*' side, the main' of her furniture, ami ha w ith tier soli' to < otiimliiis. TUv\ ^ « IV of our uMrJ niul lii ^l 4 ’iii dip, :11111 w »• ivyrc! |o • ih ii’.’M 4 *. r!u*ir >o 11 ■<, <. tiiiln :ind ( «'.ir Were ln-iv 11 » :i-"i-l in li \hit llu’Ul up to uiox e. I hey Ii iVe li\ ed years in Colutnhti-, where worth am! merit ami ex > !h n ui***'’ r:i |>:i*ii\ li -• u i *4 * I i Iti’iji | »l;ix« »! hi :h UtinI an l Immmm* in ih»* inpi lies*. ii'e’e of that city , all of W they deserve, for they are e! v,*r ahead fellow aml the Eagle I’lnenix Mill- have found in J. by .loUI'd.iH. a- Seerelary a;itl tuvr, an imlispeusihle arm of extensive bu*ine»s, Ttieir and linher. now getting old. sold their place here, ami ;:*» I * ( luinbu- io live w ith them ; ami \\* ik the » ll" .,f ^^^W ll ii li ili, m. V t;H';.* ....... X' d at ! I >ru • h'l ,’H-tf jjflc Bnuildbig. g: Wc 1 Ih' this 1 s i! o( it !»\ s't IRi time if ii w H^W'peat. In hi iiH 1 ; but w ill «ay. if y .ni iiisj-t :l?, ° iu if anyhow, pie hHnua i : o’’ chalk w ith y «*u hat w e an ke p tip ti ■ . ci’.'ii. V Pot v to. ll'gc yam pv w ' . i ' 1 on 1 -x .V P,.< tiioti hy Mi', (Imr. h 11 'll. u ti brin.; t t t m to your' U f t.avc them - >1 nt*. " V 4 li hvIVH* t ? U !? \\p a: a w ai . W .h »t. Voting Men’s Democrat io dull Are retpiesietl to meet til the'I own If rill on Monday night, at 7 '.; o’clock sharp. As very iiuportaiit business will he Iran -acted ti full uttemlanee j s I»y order of. . 1 . T. .Iouiiax, Oct. Ill. 1 ’res’t. Hi sinkss is brisk in Sparta now Cotton is coming in lively and a great deal of it selling hero, flood prices are paid, and really parties can do heller to sell cotton here Ilian to ship it. Wen use it i- not so strictly classified, and then it is clear of ex¬ pense. To ship cotton and sell it eittails about a cent .expense on the pound. So bring your cotton here .....i -,n .... i s;ivi‘ money. M at hemal icnl Problems— _ nought 1 lots of land. The lir-t ................... * acre.-.; the third l'>d. and the fourth oti<». I gave a different price j„ *,* u«aa* fur the lir-t and second lot. ......... rosf (l f»« “‘ - 1 ^"»«"»' H ' 1 ' «»’« as the Iirst. and the -till the same as the second, iiuioimling lo •fFdlgil. Wleat was the price per acre i I m' ai!|sm.—L ast Sunday night an out-house on the place of Mrs. Harley, some t wo miles from town. was fired hv an incendiary and d 4 * •* - troved, with it-contents—about four bales of cotton—belonging to a ten¬ ant on her place. A fUtlh'iciit amount of i-imim-tau (i:t! I’vitlum* |n>i!itc<l to Stiycrs Sun* ford a-ihe guilty party, touuthorize ;i warrant R-uing for his arrest, ami hr is now on bond to appear for trial. \V r, rein i’ll our thanks to the Sec¬ retary of the Ureenc County Agri and Mechanical Society for iin invitation and ticket to attend their Fair, to lie held at Cuiou Point oil I lie Ii ll of November. Also to the Sander-ville Fair Asso¬ ciation. We are -oitvwc could not attend. Circumstances over which we had no control made our absence unavoidable. We hope, however, they made a glorious -uccc-- of it. » e **» Foil S\i,;:.—We have a new Whee¬ ler ,V Wit-on Sew ing Machine that co-l *fSa. W llieh we will -ell for fl'i.'i cash, ll has never been used, ('all early if \ on w ant a bargain. *'«>* Wouii—W ood—W e will take wood for subserip;ions dm* this paper ami for new sub eribers. Hring in vour Wood and ke p u- w arm. if \ oil can't help to Iced and clothe n-. Evs nv subscriber w lio-i* -nli-erip lion i- not paid up by the Idlli Deeeiuhi I* Will ll lV'C hi- paper slop¬ ped. I'oi' dull times sonic people seem lo have th' capacity of eoii-uuiiug a v i-l ainotini of nterciiaudi-c. Tin* g*iii* 1 - impiH'le l -ii far ihi- year have amounted i ■s; :.*.••),i oi) i. w hieh E flOtUni t.iui'■ i h , n w a - emi -minal l ist year up to the same d:ite. and in excess ofany year, excepting I s 7 ”. The export of produce lliis y ear have been M-i'l.lo t o i i. .maiii'l 17 ** - n • *. a ditteren of only *>' 1 7 i' k 4 * V 4 *t*s* - of .t.Y.MNKMKin over \’> e ou-'dit to be doing:! pros¬ perous bn nit -s. Tin Atlanta ('ou-titutioti gives the following figures about negroes in(borg'i. I he property ownt'd by • hem, an t the taxi's they pay : Number of polls, Nli.AlS ; acres of laml. 7 t,;i: city ttr tow n prop! rl\. ; i * ). 1 i't ; all ot in r properl v. jier-o nal , $'!,.iR!.sim; .'iiiiuuiit of money old -olvelit ileitis, >s;). 7 dli; aggregate value of wl oh* properly, b'.I ’i 7 . 7 !ts ; \ duett'' It,! i- imimted in llie ag gr. gate value of w hole property. \muuul of taxi s n,l ‘ ii ie. s;M.- 7 ds.*.c.i; amount of poll i.ix. s. The ConstituRon -«x -; When w< reflect that they hud literally' noth inu when n»; »!*• iV« •• it not only 'peak- xvell for tie in. hut furnishes a complete it ply l»* the wetl-km»wn argument of the Northern senlht xvag, ttial w i* nro <*pprtv><'n.r :u*d try ing to »tar\ e lhem out. 4 UMMKIHM AT. 4 lit !i !1 >lark«*t. <>i ci ns 11 Tit! • - »*'!> 1 *! 1 VT) w, V I V , UjJilll. u u \ ? 4 M l hf\\ i ui: * Nliiirt i Priee* ( nrrent. .us»v 1 : •• •»' i k: v v r, , , .V in*)., t Ilu t . i: r.t u m ti I . \ K ?>. 4 . It U l \ t ’ r tils. v t. i n*. r» i; l.t; w ’. t;. i i 15 * \ t \ \ \ i*i , i .. v X v;;s ! ri Th. On visiting the Ha pi id eliinvh Sabbath afternoon. we were plea el lo see that the inside of the building had been remodeled and neatly painted, ft now presents a very comely appearance inside—relied i»g credit upon the lade and good jmlgo ment of those having the work in charge. Willi a little overhauling and touching np on the outside, our Hap list friends win have a very mil it ilde house of worshiji. ” a ' Special l^olioes. I Hill AM> I-AsT (HIT COXfLKT. IN UDOFTHK iMI 5 15 V OF KKNTITKV. A CAKi> TO THIS I»l IJLIC. Tin* lll!iti;'Ti**ncii: hint* di li-iiiiim d to Ikivi* Hu* *lntwill'/ ol tin* Filili ,*nr! l.:t~; uift < one of tie* I’ublii* l.i'ii-oiy of Ki:M k on ill.* Ilia Dill d.T. of \nvi*m*H*r it,•'-!•. W .* Iioliovi* tiii'di now ! all t'l,* ticki l-will in* sold, ami that in/ will In' :t full om*; tail wltt'lhiw all ar .* M l or ii**-.. Hit* tjrawintrwill m* vri'tlu b .-9 certainly ,j!j *'o*Vo:i flu* day appoint id* ’i *l o!i‘. . i <»i il»*- raid i< to (•:•)! a ” m " r i ut j \U ■ Uil;A?t-l-,!*k*!sal iNihlfc I Jinan 11 nil. **;i i In* 1 . 0 J 1 ..f NoA 4 ii*!*or. to utak«* ar* v:\u-j: uu r.ts in . ..imct jon with iht* . ••miiiin. t* counting appoiutyj It; ilu* 1 Ik* Tvusi s i * * '•up<*ri!it 4 ‘ti*t tin* *-*t t;tlvjuc^iitiiiif the i!iiinbi*r 4*1 ll J kt*I' soM. Wtiih* tlhtc is ho a* »u a j lie Ft 1 - y r«»r thi* pri*son,*t* «»f tirlirt-hoMfr*. a oi*r :trirnvr<*iii 4 **it» : tin* iutvr* w«»ui.l mv t*<iiia!l’. caivil furvei at t!u* sa:iu* tim * I jm’aily pi * f«*t* t••;»* a- itiaavt f tho «• intuiv.-i;**f a • an \vou!»i itdtfji I ltiis uuvtiiii; aiul s!*t* vat* 1 i f ih ,,r *«lts huiiiVlf h<»w porffrtly fair ;Ui*i impartial , (rihu(f 4 »!« must Im*. Mvi- i\v urra;i>r« iiiunt has heeti made fur the <1 : inis—hut tilth* in:>iv than a jih >i*Ui i« - inn aloof t Iim rt-maintic nit* of ilic* t ti; k <•: ever i ** *\onv> HHist In*«lom* 4 **h prompt¬ iy. Tin IS. ly I*»:, I. If T. mi-Vill. t.SS.Yx* aim M iiajrer. Ivy., o, TO r F HE PEOTLE. \V E the Physicians of ITancoelc t t t < unity, whose names are here* unto suhscri'cd. i>eiug controlled by the Severity of Experience, an 1 the necessity <>f the times, which re¬ press medical 1 esourees, rail tnict the legitimate privileges of the public, ami insure damage to our families, have resolved, and pledge ourselves to the following policy: 'licit any pition indebted to any one ol us. must come forward an 1 make satisfactory settlements with each and <*v rv one of us by the 'Jeth (twenty ber. lifth) day i f next .Decem¬ for pant services rendered — which insures for them out* Bat vices for the future. Eke no H er \:cisc,in be c:;p< etc 1 . an t none will bo lvmlet'c 1 V* o farther pledge t > each other that, though we was r, ijuii.*, in tie future, evi rv patron to make annua! s' * t It in "ills, we further agree that the d« ma i ls of r :i-,: ciia.’ity, will ever be r«vogni/,e i and ne t bv ns. A. E Durham, IV. E. Alfriend, 1 *. T Pm, R. fon, M. L. Pm*. II L. A If* i* nd, W. II. Hams, VV. 11 . (ireca, R. •’ t >l:e, duo. Storm, H. Smith, Th. • 1 . . 1 1 mes. IE 1 Seav, J J Ci M . IE Hhim;•. I! !'. Alfri n !. •etld dm -£D. Cj&.StJD. aHOYICIn is licn by givi ii b ’-J lo our (Vie'hls ;ind CIIS toincfs thut s\i- \\ ili not run jimv ncooimJs i'oi* iIm> cmfen: yc;ti* hmeiifi thi*(ir>l Xnvem. ber He\l : :: i'ti r iiieli 1 inn* we v, ill ..fieri 11 ii MX I I!?K stock at i;i i*r< i:u IMJK’l.s rou CASH < ji{ (M)TTOX. \\ c Iioju* tlmt nil partics i;id* ’gci! lo as will mala* prompt pax mt iil. \V . N; . SI A 11 ’SOX CO. !■ rmo up cement s. 8 ;>:• i ;i \ Lo t t i \ < r V- I It: w :i id m. i Aiaaro: <.:i. rot: siis::;ire. I .1 w 7 ? w . M - .1,; II J-—.--S' Ii T. | T. : o. : i '.’.in lor l il Vi . 1 . .lull X -«I\. of M. M \ * #r r. i \v ir The friends of It. II. Miu.r.u, l.iiitun, (ires* nt hi- flttm' to I In • vol«*i> *>f 11 tititt ii k iiiuiily, ii~ a stiiuilile 111.111 I'm* tin 1 j <t inii of Tax t oi.I,Kitoh of tin; county. Mr. Miller if< umini i|iialiltci| in every way for tlie • rii'l; null carries « it Ii him utiinislnktailtlt • ev iilenee of lii; ll.lelif. to his count rv - won! iiiuls ri'fiM e<| in tiieluiitfes for Soutlter’l libcrtv. I.'t us unite, ate I elect a nolile woniulel I'on M AM V< •TKilS, I Ml IllliUV ANXOt’Xt'K m , - i If Hidiiit* fur Hi.* Hfliff t>r T\\ n:rro»; m t»« • i f.* t Mil t<» h<* in •lammry InitilJircinf Ihruuivk <*u;m(v. f •, I: flu* vo'v the t*iti/.i»ii 8 I In* founiv, hrle\ititr tlifil Iran di"* h;n gi* hr tliitic t of iht* lo tlirir sjilfcfiKMiitii : if idectod, this he !iiv aim. m i f >i:i- v j.\ i: rri?Nj:ir. Not iff. < 1 \I*T. T,. I.. T.AS! i it. Iht* i.r: mil inciliiilicnt T olllu‘ip|lit'i*()f '|'a\ e..i! r, Inn my I'.n I lire hi- will in)' In- ;i cji*i |i...... I.'' ;V llie ri i,mis of K. A. I’.I'TT'S, i;,|., him ast: uro tui* niH cfll *i*.*nt ;„*, -,.ji to ilic sai,it*, a, iht* t*h*. liuii i'oi* coiaity oiiicci b. licit! in *!:tiumt*v next. st*io ;,t,| Advertisements, Sales, for December: WII.I.Ih'vM, t»- r r- 1 !,. ‘ > ,r! : in-- «.**. '' ii S|i:t!tn. spavta. bein' Ui't'.v eti <*u v'l' r i * 1 i.l Inna'S of s a.*, on • iii*s! r ; in ,:i n . -a, her ,* la-xi ;i •■* ,,f Inn I. Kr> mr- ;i. lit* llrti'Ci* .*. iei l n«’j«*i:»iiijr lards'of IV. I*.,;,, *. s. I! avi'.-. w. II. !:.*• ■ an li'Vi-R 4 U 1 jMo;u*rt; of III nr. a. >ia. sin:• »v two ,4 ■ . r < oun • 1 . In ' : 'l. in i . r. It?n*j*« r \ ». II. ».! ’ Stan inf. ti •*?!* 1 PliULtlir *s atio.iiry. t.yi, ls; 4 . ‘ At I hi* -alii Bniu n»i«l !a r* will 1 *» -'»11 four I 'III* r 1 ;|m! ,ii*; v a i f* • f land ?.iu»v. n as ttra • v i,l:«; *« an i n i "■ i. . la »f VY. R. lit! till!. M til l III! A. Hunt. Naur Wails ;md iv Rci • V‘.'s to our in a; t,if a,i Ii. fu.. n«*>i iioin il:nu‘<r k i t favor . . 1 . and \ s. \Y. J. liar;;, r, a (ini i i :i nr ir< my Want e. <h -rras \. ]'• o l« rt. [» »inu**l out Uy I»laimi,rv nG *r o*v. .f. w . s!k rig. V iTr, of <h o:‘£i;t, UanerrU i.‘smiily : n U ii t a-, A. ii. * * ■ !•« mi i on • of tU * j-.a oi \> ui. if. > » i-liU. las*of aid . «?u i } , ri.Nva- J. l* I *» tlu* t ourt «»1 < > 1 . ■ i — narv that he has fully tils, har^jvu his duly j*i On e\; i-utiou in thy v;ill of thi.-\*;*. a id’ae¬ ro: tiiiyf tt» law ; this I* ;iie?»*fo*e 1 1 > eite all per* sous com eritt th (o sliow t ausc. ffa»iy the » an, why sani l/.tTUtur f'.ouiu not he «iist'Iiai^e»i iroui Ii — -aid a tuiir.i-iratio., aiel it tviv.* iet id s »»f (i:-*uiis i t.j in i*h* pix-mises. on the ihst Monda , in Novenih* ,• i.exh h i*i t *s my oiheial b*;;i«attiro, this :;c»tlt day *T A’.,::, . ♦ dd. 1 ilo . 1 ;,i i t: . ... j,;;in or J a.y. Executor’s Sale. \\ril.n * iiiui lu* tv- -o!J. ament I»y «»f utiilioriiy Tliwiiu, of .?. tin* Alurcln In t uni faP * of *T:iii, ork «! 1 tin* nan, h*ci-.* i;i i couiti> . • * , at eouri »pi*ir - it i i count’ • c; j Uu* iirst luosiay in Ovfcmhni* fiU \l. iK'tWffll tilt* It Ta! hours »»f f*:»lt*. all tha t tl a •: «m* piuvt l «*f lam! h* !,» i *;inyc to til ; ;* -ia. * ■ of -n *l «l* *• *n>«**u lyiiptr an 1 h i;**_r in -ai*l count iv atlh'inimr lriaU •j:Si of A \. A. s»*al*>. Vi. I s . IftiiiHurV * *. <m nvsi hv tin Mini Jerni^an. an*i north by th • i%»i|y Mapp pla« t*. i <»iji ainiii/ l fmir luiii li «>1 ami fort 1 v-m*v- V- 4 *n anti oni -lia!f a rrt *, Hiurt* • tl’ It Ni im*ty a F 4 < of - t i-i t raid of lau.i • l»ct oil’ J 1 S • b*u r to Mrs Martha Marcd»:;trt!i. hy rc-mmis >jo:i» r< .-**1 *ci!**i mc lcr provi -i of *tlu» will of Mi: ! ic.auvJ. >j*i*l *■ a *r iai.Jv. ill I»c - >[>[ Z ••trail* iroMi the v.l.oh* tiavt. -ubkvt to sani * * *1 4 .' 1 tiO n i 1 A . *i \ M!. - Ii. M \!P OMAN, •Idllj tl. I A ii: i I >1 v N. KXHPIJfO r> i 1 ;.) J. Alarchmau, <h*< '( UM < 1 . Friiii. : V E • ■ pack *bi,ul HANCOCK LANDS FOi? SALE. |* r M>l;!: an i I iy vlri ne of a.i o; Ji*r auvl 1 I is >y !;D* M iMUrUlJ >ra I *< u art oi M’.linavy ..r mid! , will Ik In‘lor, * til;* court li'UlM' »f Hi >j»u*ia. '»ti the tir-; r,u***•!«v in lK*t •cm Im*)’ nt* vt. ui.htti t lit* It*a*al laun > of >al 4 *. »! IMl'dlif . t«* fit*.* hi^lipst l»i IJor. 1 In* i •fill »»i‘ K. II. UlOWH. I lit I? of Mti.l . til V. J, cuii-is-tin^ of four separate ti; u t ;i - 5 *> 11 «. ws; X.', - rt 1 . it All of l!, t! .**’ * M. iv.-ii’t vV V. *»!• I»*. i*,’tti il : .Nil, l of Mt:-I land lailiumi situate hriii'X Me -’C * *:H:*iarv i»l‘i i net, a I ’* laud uf iJi verh A»iio.-- an l olSifi *. .tinmg IW acre*;, m*»re 4 »i* Ivss. till l Hi* tractih» LG it i c- eh* ( J an l in a state « ii!i i v a* *, i! id O!ti* ' >*«. :: : t. All tlmt Ira ult of l railroa.1, leva Urn- \ an i »*f the laU* r* >i *hiuc *»f MU d ‘li*ct id tjci’t,; tin* ir; let * * - * kCHe d a.% is., i, p i to lift* t| i’ Jcr'iktijcd, l: 1 l w hit ii aed* iI d* Into i ideto • ■ 4 'i Kid*! .!.* i. and three oihor b lit luejit**, eoiita • a * imr " ;o re,- of which an* elcil ;•( *.» iiR Hi a -.,• f** 4 *i i diivati .n. Onlv tin* i 1 **V‘ 1 - Moftnry ie«eii ..f l !• (feei a-.uf nj Uif- t r:i let a*. t!i io so!'!-- t he li*Y-»—date of untltT.s i .*n ed h* ing- r t -s■ i■ *»» d. D«‘. h.if t ?'■'*(■ * lying '*i:*v . f jif«' dow. r {?•.**<*( coins-hi iiii.-. . ; v hi. ti a* u s ... »t«r *d, ttiai <*ii \\hit I* Hi. r»* an* two -etiit* Ill* * tib m •ll ha; i: ar i !;■ dhdftmir I a ti*!*. • ■t i ii-liua I:. ~:n <t. I nl i ' h *r-: a h* ii*'. t ha h i it t* 1 of ,]j •):m ! : >.sfai UK* • IM* SN a i t .- ar* It 1 • M ' I , | ( i!. 1 ! tan i at tlie iGTiec J. »*, T, 4 : u •a-’i, tct!,i»v*c ift 1 *J u!**n h*. 1 *•* ‘M ih''* *" ni»*:.r, .‘id H itttMIV-l • .1 jK »• ««*llt. Du • ult It Bit I. i 1 • JatiHMi’, n* Nt. 4 »xi* •ti i gi' ..... !i!‘ afivrl ***r. !i of (j ••*. i*. i \. i.. <>i ::i, in. i.'l. <»;. in * v'- on Mn «»* 1 4 flu■!' *•: h. L . I. . IN'Cix *i. • in if.* fiun «*r u . Ita\ r. in.r HIM'*" ’a;»* I t .*• . * a I: , ■ a, i 4 t - t »1 N^i.r (. i.( i 1 fj:, 4 ir.-tinary. Executor’s Fple IV n ! 1 ’tit: Hit-, ■ i.r ", l„ fun ll t nun tl,. ill* l.'v'i . c l. !. i*>•/ ;*i.*l Ik hi : '■ > i L * . > ut : r»t: In \ * u W in n. s •» i.*■ 11 ii.n \ M •*. V {■. \ /i v. 'i\\ t Ar. V. c . IS. > Ad uni t v at A v oil rt *■ * • > - ’ll i *11 the ' * T. I ll,!;. il Mi * w. • - ■ sK. r. o:.d. m. . ’i t iti'VTY In 1 1 . I.t i I I K. I J A Nnid rr.tor’s SY U \Y I ? m: > ,! f». tin *. r , nr • A. I - .i 1 I For Sale. \V xv 1 x,t ’ ’ \ 12 *• j -i minv iv . 1 . - Siicrlfi -Sales. W f vr v. j **«— 4 v •** Wm. ST-isvEi: GROCERY ANJ) PROVISION SPARTA, CA. Would respectfully announce to hits old friends and cusi people generiy. tlmt lit; is still ready, tit his old staisMflfl to scil thorn floods nt living prices lie keeps coustiiiitiyT class stock, consisting in purl of BACON, LAUD SALT. SUGAR, CUFF HI’, CHEESE. CRACKERS, RAG a Call and I Max TIES, mid see I promise you prompt fair dealing and ns the money as anybody. = 37 * ZIW & JE3E OF m IMr. Thos. A. Young Ins estaLlishe-l a Tin Shop in tin roar of my store and is prepared to do anything in tlmt line with promptness and dispatch <>et 17 tf ' WILLIAM Si EVENS. — —--— •J. It. WHITE. II. W. LANDKAitl. \Y. T. AXPEIISON. Formerly " ith V. Richards .A Rio.] [Fornievly with Richards & Uro. a iA.J $ No. 228 Croud Street, axtgx fisrA, GuoiEtam, New Store! Dry Goods at Popular Prices! We are now receiving our stook of Fall and Winter Goods, bought in the Northern markets for Cash, and which we can and will sell nt very low prices. W e do the most of our own work, making our ex pi'.’isi s light, consequently we are prepared to offer goods to our friends and the pu >li.) at very small profits. <)ur stock,consists of everything kept in a First Class TIouse, and we will take great pleasure in showing the people of Hancock and surround ing country through our house—giving them goods at New York retail prices. W e will send samples, and fill orders, and pay express on all bills ( ten dollars. All wo ask is a call from those who want Dry Goods, and we will con A’inco them of the truth of what we say. I o merchants wo can Ofh r extra inducements, giving them goods at what it will cost them to lay them down at from the New York markets* J. B. WHITE <& CO, No. ItlNS Broad Street, Augusta, tin. Augusta. Oct. 17 3 m 'Die IVst! Hie Cheapest! ’Ml a SIS il Til ilfflii ! People of Hancock, when you go to town don’t forget to call on p i-:t k ii Is E 1 C NT A. X , And supply yourselves with Hoots and Shoes, the like of which has never Lein si eii in this city for many yerrs. llis stock is larger than ever Im ore mid m?» !e strict’y to order iiy the best mniufaelnrevs in the country, lie was in the market just nfbr a crush, amt wilii the cash got •.Teat mlvnnta ;< ; in pun ha--ing. and can e dl under almost anybody, and at less than New \ uric prit es now; therefore m reha ids call rave money by buying from him. lie is prepared to furnish country inerch:,ntH on the In >t t, ins. and gunriint'- s barguius to all who nmv try him Every article .sold is guaranteed, and will be exchanged within three months or money refunded. He glut* fudy nckii xvledges the ’nrge patrouago received from his fri 'iids in the e untrv, and will, ill relu.'n, do his utmost to accommo¬ date and please them. !x HENAN, Central Hotel Cluildiiig, Augasta, (in. O . V . WALKKER 3 Auction Commission Merchant, Aiul I'urnHuiv Dcijlo;*, 317 , 319 and 331 Broad Stroet, A l <i l ST A, (, HO ll <, I A , Furniture of all styhs, direct, from Dm 'r.e’ories. eoii's’ of Chair*. I ' tS, : .')() 1 i th * rent styles. Lounges, Tables, Desks, Hut Ibmk.-i, Cri'us, Cradles, j 1 lockers, etc ? ill*- 'in'ls; bawbeed select .-*d in ])( v sou at the factories to suit ihe Soinlieni market, an 1 will be sold at factory prices with freight and ,• in 11 * - . m mld'd * ■ iv*s me a call, as 1 am dctc.iuiiued to k< 11 us cheap :is any* person f*ou< h. Oct 17 If Q-o To Tiios. Wood 9 s, 7 Next to Lanier House, Macon, Ga„ To Buy Furniture & Carpets Cheap. if :o Lew Goods Just Arrived. lids! C. I’.i .*'-'. ' T . Wn ! i i P. ( arg"! s, <ii!-( ini li Wiu W id. I'ujivr. ,X tV.. Cril and Look. Tietalic Burial Cases and Caskets 4 Wo* »i* « oil IN-. 4 AND < A - K K I - of all kind I’ri i ■ Jioti*t for M:\T 'i t; *1 \MLH 1105 SD. OLIVER, DOUGLASS GL O co. ex z- 3 l ~%ju’ Jzrk. n t r I ^ S T O V IE S 7 9 s-r-a A.'hJ y^/w j£aii JLTlL. Jfcla \ n n SI O UNO 1 ' ii r ii I sli i n *»• X s O 0(1 N , Tin: I. VUo.V'T - I c K or POCKET AM) TAHLE CUTLERY r N T II L c I 1 V . - . via J3AH< tD it S ____ B V., j a ~ on r.rT «•! 'i*i DRY GOOJ ,, C i OT I SCh Boots and Which I am now ofiVri; ■ iho Lowest Mace iced d-1 Shcetmg jit 1 . 7-8 Shoe*:■ at Oc. Best .Prints tit iOc. All other goods in proportion. Call ami examine j»v !*!!>: '•. N ■ iroiiblc to show gin):!-. .s v-. 0:2 yi an. Sparta, (in.. Oct. 17 , e, 7 -l. 4 <* A X l> <: g F T r ‘ r : ’ T Will lie -iv. u iii flu: . . iu.o, North ( ai'uiiua, December 21 , .1211 for tlie purjiosi! of crfi tin;; r, 000 FELLOWS \ 'I’Jii* (Jijin i i ; QENDnW ? :Z! WORTH $ 00 , 0 : ' 0 3 GUAM) < ash $ 10,0 € 1 ). IHSA ii ESTATE (ilf; ' ' *;,•'> CASH CIETS, .,300 Only 100,090 Tl* 1 - : -.t to Sts Is stiwl ITiee ui TieUe' s, ; , ) Agents Wee! :d. I’.UX I'oi'fiii'Hiei'piirUi'iiIai's mji’i'i '• Peiii' #r, S Ol't' 01 !.-Oilt'd. N, ( . ('. 1 *. MEXDt*:: HALT,, svp 2 C.,ta.ei*la ’!;i!U';;’ -r. / A | If dsN: b-i a M Ci i- 1 J SiMMsl, lA* ‘ • ■■ J j BAD BLOOD. “A eoif:;t \ nil me, i'TTi:i:i:." •lo io:-i*lIt h -.*;i;h , rta Hi • a>■! Pi^iimt ■ i nil.’ nor van . ' i; I,!' , a *1.1 , a, I, III, • j 1 1 !' 1 """'I 111 : ll III* 1: • i I ■ ::■! . ■Ui’. . . ' iiml hv.'i I Oi ( an i I . 1 j;, |v 11 leel |H'rl'(i|ilioji wlivri* tlie l>)<..i | ; ' a iikcm mo-'>i ril|»(oil I, stuli', Ii . . *.|i v nt I l‘("'C (< > i VI* llv.lllll : ' ; , , | "I -nils, Ionlife ami Ii: jijii,. • . ' an ixi im im: condition < v : - li.oou lllllllifvsls il.-etr ill tlil'',Ti n! ft,oit 11 / liicoi ". .-Ill'll II - 1 t*l' VI*. sail ll lie..... „| HI,,., "OI'I.'I"', (Idle*, |iii|j|tl<*:.. polls-, vni'llllllt'll’ (tftt!i'll'*-. . , .( aiiias. pu* k . ..... r 4 8 , I it. S" 0 J'l. srl t 'I it Inn - ."''ii', ;; i ■ V. k'lliilL'a' • 11 i 1 1 1 ie jilltuaitias nl Hit* a, • * 1 1 ,,ot. jtnil 14 * 8 , II I cels nf UlC liver, t*»,;;i* ! . ki.ln. ..■?»* limy • i«f | ii 11 th . Im tlii- coii'li'! joi of th in" *ti IV;, ' ; |h need* 4**1 AT OM i: lot -i',i ■ I’"' I- .-• 11 ; mntiial ii! - . i Ii" i'ii< poisnn I that m uxs i na: a ti: s ; • m; m:!', 'll US 'In. i) ll e - is ll 111 r* i; ■ ' i tl' ■ \ •' , , j,,,,. , .,| 9 'If \\ l: f U*l ,i (■ .1 :,. , )r , r<*ii»!i(*i foti " * otii ;-1 ia j ’; • t ■ if - il j.l 'I" III.. (n l' (/Mil'll' *•* at Dili, I ', h »• > . ... pel' . ,i - < ... ■ • j in mI, j j •; ev vf- nf tiSI-.'l f( Odl > he hiuixi iiu-t ■ . id, itti'il iv a Mlljf • lie .-I m • y urr, a a h r, ; • ■ ; , •;. I' 4 »p a 11 ili - . a <*s of I! - 1 . 1 ' l it rt-r: :•! K 1 ( 1 - . , II4*\ ‘. till • hr lit If'j, hi!Ac M: •' ■ is Wll iHHlt «i rival. It will cnvc a >; , ( ll ft 'I II," stllllll inir dii~( a .-a* \\ ho -.* n*al nr e I. IV ‘ , ,1 ll t is inlt ,1 I»| 4 »«hI , l« lie innii I j - ii’, I’.'iit- i i IV in' bones, ( *»m.- l U a: I*>!is hpo n iiiii or other 1 pu; • aic all 11111 i 1 nr Sv I pin!it ie taint, th 'i in i', rii•/ •> ill /‘/'ft it, ,ii A iiml I'jill |uiri!ii r tif ; t, I 1111 | iuuiiS. ■ ■ ii tcslvtl, SO ll'.'lt it oi run*! 1 1 *,>.: ■ j), ('ii nil. in Fif) It '! lieiviiri • nf -. 11 Kill, |n *• Ur. iii.Dii. rm «li .). it. tiii,!)! i* —” u. 1 . a 11 ,, 1 1 -i l j i, ( , A Boon to the V/h Y f: • . i'Wctn^J mi* j. Bit ad; 1 FEMALE RESliiATQR 1 - -m ..... .......• It, I h" mn • nl “I'm : in non i ill u ii NcuiHlfpilof Inlt*.-. Im. I; If ; i , • ;,,, n , oru . « "i; ’ !■ ? !••)•!; flail , , i us t'k'iiiun! ,i p'-dDltur cm •!-. i .*i.i> «*, ,ea all im 14-8 i• I n lila I'lei ..kW rH Jr V; ' iil<* •<! ; ton N \ t • hi ; 4 *It*.! i 1.0 tk'f • cbct-Jx' '.'Aiii^K ID) 1 , t.N . i-rnffW ■ 1" • it > • • ■ d tl... ."J/Dva ,li- , V, il w»ui rev. It i i *" tiiuiii-... i t!, J»l tin- i h't'gy. T.aCRA vtli . 1 . 1 . ■ I s;; V it. hi* A M M.M', ANp 4 <*., Pi,— -oflV "if : I l e : ■ i J *. ir* ; j• j'. t I ! ikvtft fur in; tl ciii 4 i o*V ad* m • ~~ ^ »i■»-.—v. ■. ;nho l>" *i 1'iiiiilii v'im, f n r jftu. „ , , i* r.,. ilu) "is fur V. Ill* til , tern.I, I l~~Tfr I 4 i 1 * 1*11 i aiiiiM* Willi lit ID p«T .?i. a» a lu'.u'i i; ion;a of menu in* fin ■ j 11 n*’• i * »•. it *• S cun in i ;t li *u,i ti, HtifTerin^ fiiiiuh nM, ■ . ;■ i n 1 ,i!t Imji , ihut * v i y Ittdv it; our ' '■ Ic " 0 , HI <• in n uy v.ay pet ;,s.:« . be aid * t »jirot ure n b i*, • ■ • th i i n; / l > * j*r" mu; i ot «n>!. he c • i- . hut th Nil lii.'V In a I #.* j » -top! •! to in (t i t. N ;* . D. V, 1 th I. V kiinic ■ t r**irart.t8, l :t ■, r \ * .... D. t M Altll.. t v <»*... . !. :!!, i (I. V\ M. M); IT ..-Du I ill* me mem’h aim J V I f isi!!! ' nf r.nrfi l . •* l ! . Vt \ l A.l-j, , "1 Ml • t. ;t v i ■ :' L i in l ■ 'll. i! - - a ’ i . . , | j! 1 n tli .*•[.,» o h • si, Uli V ju who ■' v lute i id r* o 7 n% h fi v»* e :*• l yo nr Hi <$i t ;; r.t h li) 111 , ' in nr * u hliy i f : . i a h. e l o <Inti** ;.nd v •• HU nd it to ■ t i |»u - J • V»,ai a Hi . ■ *1, li*-, \v,. ,oni i .. ,/. li. .inns'<ov. ! i .*! 11 ,*t ’' 1 !(. . Em! «* ii ••(■*■: t I|j«ui i *••• ; but (vt cm .-i m. a ; i ntjKoef tjf i; - .i t.i . .i !i « I ■ * r f * * I :,. i * t «.: - , Mi l ' '■ T Itr'ftt * - - t • * ' : ' Vf'HR *••;-. t ' • . , * f , I* I* f'-m* i '■■■■• ;*, »lie I/oi Uv. Muiuilaet tuvd ami -nt I :/;a I.t . f f.D f.-).. I’l ter* S| ..".(1 unia, (> a* t.ij.g -o!*T la all l)i 1,