The Sparta times and planter. (Sparta, Ga.) 186?-188?, November 28, 1874, Image 1

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^Itc ^hit IC.'i amt ^Hauler PlIHMfiHKD KVKRV HAT! IIDAY. JOHN R. CHRISTIAN, Proprietor. KuUscrlpllon I Lite*: One ropy ltlnonllis, - - W ! 00 •4 fi month*, * - 1 OO <4 3 month*, 50 A.tvurtUliiK l.itt •**1 The follow Inn nr . 1 our rate* for advertising, and will be strictly inllimed to in all case*: hi|'i». l week t wontli |Si mo’* it mo'* 112 mo'* I t I 00 $ 2 SO $ 0 IN) If 0 00 f 12 INI i INI S So II INI 17 INI 22 INI U INi 0 78 10 on 21 00 :;n ini ■I 4 IN) !> SO IS 75 25 00 :: o oo I SSi III 25 21 SO 20 INI 42 IN) II Ooi 12 INIi Tli 21 25 55 0.-1 ini I* INI II II 0||I 21 4(1 INI ;;o SI IN) 1 M 15 2:,! j UO U7 !NI, no! 54 30 7n| \Ki 73 SO JINI 132 IN) 34 I* no or 00 I'O A *i|imiv i* one Inch solid Nonpiu oil. c Node. duetioii made for less than a *i|imre. cent.'above “rtpectal Noliee*” will lie charged 23 per re attltir rates. Pe I'ei'sons sending advertiseim- nt* will please dcsignati'Hiedi'Oiiilii"'iitof the he paper in i whirl) they wiill them inserted—-wli ether in tl j)e”reg ular,” “special,” or “lorat" olitmi); also the length of time they wish them lublislird and the spaee they want them tiiumipy. up) Aiiiiotttndlig tilttrii'- <tf eandhlnies forolliee, live dollars, (nvarkahl.v In a h tinee. Marriage amt oldtoarv publish' no: ires not r'xeeedlng ten | ines, ten will lie advertising d free; hut for all over be cli tarfQd. li^es, regular rati - Will Kate* and Knle* for Legal Ailvertl*lng. Hlierllf “ Sale*, per U levy,....................f5 fa sali'H, oo mortgage pci'*'|iiai.'.,. 5 ini C itation* for letter* of adialulni: in loo.... 5 on •• •* •* dl*m|**iou - goo UhiisIii.i ip.....3 . INI Application for from g.dll a Ur llll'IIH'O 'sll i 3 A IN) 01 “ “ leave lo sell III ad..■ .....S <N) . Sale* of land, per *< 4011:0 ...... 0(1 Hale* nt perishable property, per square 00 Notice to debtor* mid ereuilo; *....... ... 3 on Foi'oehmui'o of mortgage, per wiaaiv ... 3 (Nl V.*trav Application notin'*, thtri > da. *.. .. . 3 (Nl for homc*tcu .. I 00 When IU II* are Due. All hill* for a. I vert Ising fn this jiaper are due at any time after the llrsi insertion of the same, And proprietor, will lie miles* collected otherwise III th>* pleasure nrinnged of the by contract. 5 O U 11 Job Department. < \V> are now prepared to do af" 3fu!i Loti er ami Note SI mil*, Itlll (Had*. < liculiir*, Giiril*. Visit Dig ('uni*, Lcga! Blunt.*, I’rluti'il Envelope*, A u4, In fact anything In Ihr.lih Fiiuling liti” yen may w ant, l Mr .toll < liTire i* . • ENT lit ELY NEW, And i»f thtf in »'t M »lu; , n Iu of Typos, 23^:rdo:f3, .... <5s3. )Vo projiosi' tu il” win I. Cheaper tlian Ylaeoii, Vtignst;i, or A (la a I a. A ait in bet ns GOOD HT'i LK, wlilcti ns mu aiTord u, (In. i\» nnr Bt|W'n*c- hit iieiliinir item,mil'. 1 tu ttn-lr*. Ifttl Don’t send off your .toll Work. Patronize home Institutions, and at the name Mum* autu illy anvi* iiumcv, Try Us# am! wo run prove il.^va Wo uac (ho r^lcbnitfil Got clou J t >b I ’rti s The best ami fastest known, mid can tlo jour work on slmrl noliee. Call and see our specimens. th** Mint**, lunv ut|M nee m the finest printing estahlishmenls South, in employed in our Job De¬ partment. 8 i 1 A Paper for W:t Peep e! The avail Mmm m. Il wool.I k unite i*,(. *, ,if i|ntto a In Veltimo lecenlaln tlvo >o... (ihni ■. tli.wino -ai T nliout the Miiumni; Nix- In n- ,, rlc* of the Sent here jitN'** ti 1 * almo-i RliV rvfert*l to a* “the hi -I |>ii|K'r In thcsonlh ' «h* nincofnl li'tt'linit Gooi Km ilnlli, ct. ., ami n i- s all to t>.' In ail r. -iiooi- a iiimli I Noiilh rrn Thi* now*i>»|i«'i. I* fn ilwit the Mormmi the me \ I w - t ids, and no > | all n II I h. -enrol In rt afici to n i akc ik ii wmihu'i t c oo tl w i». c a,,d ,.:* no .ec u( tb* pwidc Nk'IIIWt uf at Gisntrxnt he eid •'I-hm FloridII. THlMItlMkl i-III o will |«> detoitsl 10 th'' I'ttK nl ”1 lln* , a.icr in respir' f*s to iii* n!tf*« i> la «« fariliile* f,u «wth- ul viliiffDt* *rntff' ml « imiideiit* ew • of ill. Inis liny , : Mnl its st, of Slid coi ii Instil I i olgttl wd » uii » \ lew to nu'cltnit every j*i ssUde co llltici'tie) VItlli•( ilthotlKh III ■ nt tin n % Himvivi: nri-i’. N Nl II,' within s til!!(' oi no i ompelii mu the ltd.I id.I of d. cm i il. tiiMt, nevertheless no i ttmt w w ill i Is' «o nlcivd e\|« II III ( ih.K |jio - ihc i i H,;,; fresh i -i infoi in i i'i 1" II ' . tin e » ill In i .• Idas of keep it far ahead o' I! it l lo t. mines the. WMuh . SO p.'l'lll. I will to> l aatiu uii T r|aj itisuirte.i depatlmi nl thmisiitr will ts •HMldHV m mid ■ irm -t d«"*{ n> % chat autu’t the liH'fll, Rlfil th* f i «o th math* vv her Thu MtlftNINto \ I'd : Cl (lift! IMtbUto r r ir.ln ;.r; i i\b\ 1 > N n 3 oik * t III kel o In )ClS<«l|UIO«ld till, h Id.- ll»v biisim .. t. man* ami n..... r In a » or I, th. MeKNINi \ even featuiv thai * *V l'A|« i atti aeioi, i* Hikn ilt'iilly Inuk to it» i mmmtt in rcaaiil t t.'io»t. It wmI adi i*»tr> in »n i rofter Held, M<l alti'W stop «» lc. a »v r+meni »f MirtiAl»«eic u B.cT. >t •tow, " rra V tetH-ko . \ |i,Hv W I 4 ItpHtlUs Nk V lift \ 4 . It l V *>y*> ^■£tp [V W' / rK i R ! m ‘I P i Ml .. W%/ <# r.k l VOL. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. " .1 O It DAN, ATiORNEY AT LAW, SI'AHTA, DKDRttlA. | OBlce ovor Cothorn & W.nkins’ Store. Y A N K I.. LI T T L i: , ATTORNEY AT LAW, SPARTA, UKORGIA. <Xllee in the County Court Room, west of Court House. I A HI A. HAK1IT, " ATTORNEY AT LAW, 81*ART A, GEORGIA. Riiotii* In Law Building, went of the I linin'. OK, ly L. IV. TMO.UA.S, ATTORN ER AT LAW, se|il 8 ,tf ATHENS, GEORGIA. j £ 1 L L & IIAKliH, ATTORNEYS AT l.AW, MACON, GEO lit; I V. lilt. I*. T. PENDLETON, ¥ 11 WAVING returned and jiermancntly lo cnieii insi’AKr.v, o:i\ r» lii* /•ftof't;ss/osA /. > 7 . 7 ,* vr< ICS to the citizens of Haneoek county, ill- ofilee Is lit I he r' iil"/ice of Dr. E, M. I'i XIII, ooaliy KTON, W lie I'i ma. lie found, unless prof, engaged. illl2",72 R0BT. H. MAY & O., [Suei'essor* lo W via AN X M AY, Mati .facia.ere 4L0eihrs in (j! rrinuros 1 »TlkOC * H, AND 1*1, A VTATION WAGONS, Harness, '6a:.iS^u, j.-.i ri. j.- material Shoe I' nidi n gs n ,d J., niher of all kinds, Beilin if, etc., ,, !., 208 Broad St., A cot sta, G a. de. 27, ly .los. II. Echols. J. W. Keliol*. UC 11 O LS kX CO., F 1 n c; 1 o r s — 'ii— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, tiignsOt, until 2i;.'!m Eel iiiwiiiM! IT ' <r M \\ ini w i h in olitain a thorough P a tic I Biisi ess Educrion » Ami |>•*•*| ar th. in cl vum for Ui<* iluiiuMof Ac U ni lot -4 * laic, umtur tin* Iiiki i uu. tjou nu i a iv «»f ** \ ,» i luiicP ;• < ' -ts -—. v Jr:__| ,r .‘ -K\ At F?— /co ym y* ■ 8 ra % A\ V- 5 ss; g l/' H <|o ^ —— ’ ^5 "i* 3 r w rj rt m ■— ^ ■ J ;-7 bv) . ^ •«, w r | , l! , 'i In rift •» n mi 1 »uki l*mutl( tluai Uu?»im‘*s 1 Suh *i u>j "il hi in ihu^oiiih, Hi n»i'I (It *ot j»I v one in i!i«* ultv im ■(•siilcit (.( r l»\ i\iH*riciiuu(l {»u. i»itutuiil.«* nil'I nil ■ 'Ini; ( <*!’»?'-r,«»i ytuiiy i-coin|i!u?i*»|on auiujii I > 11 Jilt! ui,tU*M, mi}»p!i.'if uiili Iitmkinu k in uiiit .'Uu! of !i » i»f!i t, vnmhiniug v\ u» \ Knon ii fn \ for iin• mi; »il > f» just I fi Mitrh prnutiual n»<l " ’' iu li!t«in •*«ill* ;«11 i**i» iii tin- si JM»S *ili|i* | ntp*, nn«| ;• t lh.‘ I I 'M srh .i nis n, , M \ »i f i i« kfrn, »li ithm**, Hiinlunt,** m m a in time, I'rttn !otf||CJ| maiiu.i l iu ). tu ati\ II.I*In * Ii. I\ MfHiHK. \. M., 4U'I.I v I ’ it*-it! un t. OSW K(i() SilvorjLclossShuvh FOR THE LA 1 MlllY, Miiiiltfiiutuied l>\ 7 f hi iiffsjbrrf S^n . , I la- lii'cmic * B>Ih| lloi>YI|D» *’ 'w Ei'SIIV. i i . i till umun tin •tlirr. I <mii ' l'iSi'ai,*i in I. MM. DUD A SON. I'\|in n-RsoaDCcJlha!;’;'" into 1 'inl liin; i a .1 lor Sale lii nil I ir-( < la** linn ei*. P. T. Babbitt s I I > lilt- l 1 . om-t'llt , I fill'll 1 olttvln I oi; i \ • . Of t!.«• *1 ri i ti of any ether > \ I'llM I \ I \t; I lilt INI I , I has rt.iinl 1 • ('tilt a Iu « mcihmlof i*n» kill mv * ( «'. no t am new jm k I dk H Dll] I a I’.a h r \ iVi. ?» , **• f nhovT; t'. iu i i t U*. i oh. t haot'nnTseft K.itfh uth 11 . 11 , i' « I VII. to lakiiiir II. ii cm non caeli ! n \ hi»i i r. » I III h 1 Vi {«■. IltDi.t till !•* Nt-%% \ •»rk. ANOTHER CHANCE! F ft.* /Id L st G ff Ccncert ' IX ID oi- r K 1 BBslSSBiiAhY OF KV , POtfl I l*(»vt:p Tj k Monday, 30 tli Nov. "74 lirauins; Iniahi \t Uni Hair. LIST OF UifTS fine tiiit'.il * «sli 0 0(0 r 'I t’nsl tii t. # Rit»Unnd i < Onv l 0 One \»r.4**»I # il Hif, % 2 & t - # - 4 to ttudv 1 ; id s II *'*X\ I •j*'. l *>» t! HM 0 I .Ota i .» \ ■ i 4 1 ( d l.blb'S 1 I.M( d 11*0 fttoj G a d, 3 yvi.ou rdlft Of TivkETS u >. * .0 r<> i - 5 j D 1 pe«. H *« Ti* b f%># ‘‘ " v * 'ii 1 g I icieu Mi 1 .ei oik* . 1 4* i > nK 181 t'nvftttoiv, ?i drew. ii«i» t nutMi.t.iT. fU In L sunt tl.tinufr. 6 - l s.i.r, Kt Sl'AKi'A, HANCOCK COUNTY, GA„ DAN'S WIFE. by katk run:. l'p in early mortiin# lis'lit, Sivt eplnir, iltiHtiuK, "sellinri^lit,” Oiling nil the household spiin;}*, Sewing button*, tying siring*, Tolling llridget what to do, Mending rip* in Johnny** shoe, Ituuning uii and down the stair, Tj ing hahy in her chair, Cutting meal and spreading bread, Dishing out so mueli per head, Fating us she ean, liy chance, Diving husband kindly glance, Toiling, working, busy life, ‘•.Smart woman, Dan'* wile.” Dan come* home at fall of night, Home so cheerful, neat and bright. Children meet him at the door, Full him in and look him o’er. Wife asks “Mow the work ha* gone?” “l!u*y time* with u» at home!” Supper doue—Dan rend* at ease— Happy Dan, but none to please; Children must be put to bed— All tli” little pinyer* are said; Little shoes are placed in row*, Bed-clothes forked o'hr little toes, Busy, nois . 1 , wearing life, Tireil woman, Duo'* wife. Dan rea ls on, and falls asleep, Seethe woman softly creep; Baby rests ai last, poor dear, Not a word her lo art to < lieer; Mending basket full to top. Stocking*, shirt a.el little frock, Tired eve* and w. arv brain, Sid” with darting ugly pain; “Never mind, 'l.vill pas, away,” she must work InP. in v< r play; ( |os.*l piano, nuns d hooks, ih v\ a!!.* to easy book*, Biigh.ii - in l OUt df I fe, sa i- • i i w inn.,, Dao’s wif-x Cp r-tai.s, to**ing t,, and fro, Fever led'!* the woman low; ( hildr ii wander, free lo play \\ lien and where they will t,,-,lny; III Idget loiter*—dinner'* cold— Dan look- anxious, cross and old; I tons, hold s icw- are out of place, Lacking one dear, patient fare, stead hands, so w, nk, lint true. Hands that knew just what lodo, Si ver know ing rest or play. Folded now and laid awsj ; \V ork of i\ in one short life, Shattered woman, Dali's wife. (iOVEHNOff SMITH. IIin Ii dii tli • K (•(•nt Di'uior/atr Vic¬ tory hcliu t i d ul ( oliuiiliiiw, Uu., TlmrMi.iv, Novi iiiImt The l*liiloso]>li.\ of 1 I»e‘ Greeley Movt IIM'II?? (From the (‘ohitnhiis Enquirer] The Governor advanced without the iiitrodiF tioit and -aid : Frilon’ i 'ilixi rx :—By invitation I am here to night to address you in regard to the late elect ion, and more especially a* to tlie crisis and rr«u!f ot the elect ions. I u order to appr V ciile tills tve hum recur to flic situ¬ ation, and the contesting parties, their mot iv md object's. For very mam long years wc of the South thought we had not a fair chance. A part) organized on one pi ink. with only oneeh'iraeterizirg feat ire, ill l 8 (,l go| | io-s('-ion o' the t invent incut, starling with the abolition idea, il b ig,u lo m ike w ir on Afri¬ energies can slavery and to this bent all il as t Jr, Soil, liepuhli eun or Utdieal party. It had no special view* on the tariff o|- on the Constitution. Il had hut the -ole idea named—no ntlu principal or aim \\ hen to tlie w ar slavery was altoli-hed, there was no reason, no principal iio aim which that party had. Bill the party did not die; it looked around at ooc* toe tl iimum* to perpetrate ii- exigence. These were the mean- to which it ..-sorted. ll rose by treeing Die iDenlv negro. ,t milled to jiei pctiuile lapu. legi-lairon and *o they organized and made him the corner stone of their party. YV .-tin iiglt tley should have satisfied with their freedom, We know he was. not qualified in nny way (or -mirage. 1 ms parly say* the torngner i.iu-t remain live yiars iM'iore incouimg a citizen. Yet il.e-e negroes h> a wave of the Maud was g,veil Ihe powerot ihehal lot » i'hout knowing how to wedd J ' " '* ,ui ' ,: ‘ k,u ,u ' 1 “‘ nt> nor W,re the lb m.h. an,. then what wa- Iheir mo pup* mate their parly, and -o , civil Vp l In ' \ (i.mmil Vi h the> "’'j" bait nude " ” k ' •'■ce.and *o lo obtain lii- vole otiltage uf giving the negro the bt! h>t. In n the negro was a slave. thret tiitli- w 1 ‘ represented: when a ® 1 "'-re free, and now instead ofad dillg 5'K).O.HI vote- to I lie Ihidieal we control and utilize hi* vrotr, %*• - n«t*s<*4 t- 4«* other section do It. I hey tilt- flattered themselve s that W ittl ((•(•( s-tntt thev enubl fotev retarn eonlri •1. Drunk with power thrones they talked about third terms and old o read in that good hook (tie Bible, that fh-y were mar ey ing and git ing iu marriage before the flood. Tidkeng htir-effiitl spree ing it Long Branch, hut the fl- 1 •'yu. amt i. -nu, n..n W e read i>! lieUhaser's iea»i.said the hand wi*l ting on tin wall, “thou art weight'll in tlie h:»hi and found w anting." .and so it W Until, ’thi- was tlw one party . the t'tn* iu power, of t | i( 2 oilier there i- tio ot'ea-ion to speak I « t * vt of! ii* I lil t'd Hot spi ak. u rose w 1, out otttdlto, ih' elded il- polit y md under it t Be |di mu- the gi.ii;ih'*f jfi ih • world, with the taM. immm.nH*. the longest ri\ r- t e-t lien, and most beaut ul w . un ti. In In. it thi grand pam w k down, and f t W Ute-t heemite -ir I D.II* W g for country ami (Vnisiiiu a.(tie other d«ti nk w I >\\ In l ilte -Hiiply Den: at per |>ut un, HI* c party niude .1 ». •nial and ahneg i lltdl lint (puled, 1 -ii took their lifelong euei . tin* man who fought u*—an honest titan, t he «ur< —hut w. took h m :is an evide nce of our honesty, and so showed our devotion to principle. Others went lorGrec ley. men w ho Wert willing u* act with thier eitemit", »vho were w il ling it to sacrifice past hates for nation sueecss. These men acted with tin 7 ' ‘ u t ' fh 7 ’ " ( n ' , sublime - --—-----" i about us who ?’”) snportod ' Grunt or Greeley Gov. oi l.N/2. SOI,IP cry out -its a j mistake! Never vote lor a man | tlonl >ay.that belong to the parly!* to-night. me our success ;.J 1 duetothosarnlH-e we made m do not )'' count, n “' no t ibis . , lt pledge ■‘■J 1 *' 1 s mrihces on the altar of country has won. for it is a law of heaven that such virtue ever wins. It bore no fruit then. We now thank God the little leaven has leavened the whole lump. My friends asks me about the pure Dem ocrats. Well, they had too much virtue to vote for Grant. I can only ask my friend to say he may be mis taken. 1 love iny party, hut if 1 can elect a good matt, I will strike hands with past foes and be all things to men to save my noble country. Kot being able to.precast the future we have barn mourning. 1 do .not use the word lightly. There has not been South an holiest mail who bad a joyful. light heart till (he last ten days. In the good old hook we read of the Jewish captives mourning over the loss of friends and country taunted by their captors to sing of Zion. “How can we sing in a strange land the songs of Zion?" they an answered. So the harps were hung on tlie willows till the day of free tlom came. au«l then the heavens werc rent by the anthems of dr iver anee. Our oppressors us once to re joice in freedom hut we knew we were m in't ied an 1 fettered, and so we could not rejoice. But last week Hie edi' t went orth tla’on i'hout the land, nil in n h. tek— aye, even white ire hence-orth 'orever free, [ Loud cheers.] 1 have seen old neai weep over this with joy. But he cause 1 rejoice in the white man's freedom, I do not wish to he under stood as wishing to enslave the black men. [Uhecrs.] We want no war; Yankees we want equal rights; and if the w nit to sell us any more slaves, we will wage a war to prevent it. Now, I don't care if Federal Govcrcment does give sections lo people favors, hut we object to principle. The people were and are lienco w illing to accept anything lair, and It appreciate llie recent cyclone, came likt* the lightning It struck Bead Butler: (cheers] it struck the mnr-hals and petty officers, and the lightnings of justice will not cease till every rogue is out of public of flee, and this lightnlngis the people's Vengeance. I [Cheers.] colored u rights ant you 1 people to have your ; >ti!l cannot think you qnalitied to take the helm of istnte, which even the wi*cd 111 <l hesi can¬ not direct. How. linn, can the ne¬ gro—ignorant, and m> lately emanci¬ pated—as-unic charge of public til lairs? Wc will give you all your rights, hut no man ran take tin otiicc simply hecatiM' he i- l>!ack or white. Wc have achieved a grand victory. But while we rejoice let us not for¬ get tint wisdom and discretion should ride. I we are not w i ■ and di-erect, we will lo-i every advau i age now it i;ued. \ !ready oilr foes arc planning to lioh! oiflee. and un¬ less w care calm and prudent thev will win. !( will tax eve ry energy and call for t-verx s'leritiee heittre the vidory i- i miplete. Dul witli < iod’s help \\ w ill w in. for \ve have evi-rytliirig to gain; and i f we hut true to ourselves, freedom ami pros¬ perity will come, witli peace to tin* South and tin* old love for the w hole I' ninn. bi» Frequently during the progress of speech mid at il- close. Governor suiiiii was greeted with loud and long continued applause. COTTON. r . ■ o it i«.»» ami | rospeets. N^vvJ.iv,' Voe-mv^Tk. i-i l, *■ t i Y oi >o\. l.tli. Is, L ) The market for t ofton in N.-w York h.i* now touched a point so low that a r. action tow .nl* a stronger tone ami higher prices is dnilv looked for. On the I’ll, of h-t November. under t he pr.—niv of the panic. Iilgli tivigbl*. dear mouev. and a - ling vere depression iu middling goel ami exchange, low < ’o*ioii w torced down in ibis market to U! ,e.. and helievii.g (hat i reaction "" ^ hand, and mu-t hly -ooiieome. we i-.ited a ' -pci ,1 in u hid. we predicated our vow* of the sin, uhm from the -nrroiin ling*, and m eed the* tree I ■ iiHin* deliv. dieting •' 1 hand rilling price.. „„ 1 _ a me nrotit on -„,!i -p. cu!ulion-. Be.oi^ eircuUkr* * the di-t mice, the reii 'ii'Mi In g.m. ami price* idvaie . : ed fully *2’ , een-s w ith- 1 in 2*4<Ia\ b-d o! Mu w . re firm nl Iand -til! J :l _ j ter on a-high a-D S i lo p.leents, and , hale- be ore u-. All w 1... net. ,li prompt I \ or withiiiare.isoUihletime upon our suggestion ret t largs profit- -ider outin-ii vt ui ma s. It w< fttedifli relief hot wet n t c ne— cut anil toirc-poiiditi* tifm: |a-t j in the finaneiaJ -It; j stioii. .and ft - r •wiiniani-. < oltou i- 1 -'" Vila .1 now at 1 J' .e„ than i wo- then at 1 now. w III; a u in er crop in view, u e IN” 5 * tor profit on put 1 lor fuitnv d tv tidily a- pr« li-ing. A y « ar ago Nov. ii. 1'7.'! pa; t^, and a i. tl au fr. w ei < 1 .. id mo: worth from lo 1 I l. Jn r • oil I’o-dtv. g«> 1 MI I -lerliug UfJ. v. i t to r .it d„ and tin - t 3 percent T :UHi!Uu :t ui* / h » w had a r [i liutbrp ii- im* over r u Uiui liUU t :i toii »n\* coitsurv i' *uur lAiiuJiMfto, vshi mim 1 ^ ;* i'i ?t at i ■ .eh hi-* er 1 t li.a 1 V r t r I at t f vear w I j,.,. short of the 1 V revn - one we have i O inrtie!i of nht. 1 - inioii ujion tlie >! Mi'll - ;tti'nr^h- • > the Agrieu’tui Euiv in, rdi ( - ton Exchange- oft uii. and on our private letter - a.i l te.egi fhiiu every part of the Uotton 8u; • we cannot' -t-e how tin rot ean ex coed 5 millions, and pro thh n.:»t t ' x T r ‘“HHoiis. unit -- our adviei then sibili^- hive ol 17U,(MK) n_l million emp, wc biles j,. >s «*> ‘" r by «... on oi the shortamlths.wtivestapi... . tlccnw the i,,,.skins the in prohibit. supplies Iron, o hei immurtes ,here is uo reasoi w I } l»>ros dmuld nof . l( , v;iII( . c in i i n ” " ■>' 1 i'i spring and eumn«?i. lue , poor and medium classy larged consumers oi the people, o! cotton who are the arc about as much for tliit r laboras He n. and with a decrease m the expense ot livin'*; their ability i as coisuraers is even greater than a year ago. Besides this, all the signs of the times indicate renewed ae tivfty in business hv Spring, and cap it'll, so long idle, will be eager for investment, and therefore we ran conceive oi no ventures which promise such profitable results as Cotton at present prices lor future d('tlv**ry. tlie Now let us turn to situation in oilier countries. It is true Indi promises a Egyptian lair average crop, and as for the crop, we merely refer to the following statement taken from the circular of Quentell. Kelly & Co., of Alexandria, issued 17Mi of October: -We regret to say our reports from the interior about the crop are less and less encouraging. suffered In many dis tricts the plaut has material !y from an over supply of water, by filtration, causing too much wood and too little iruit. In other districts where the Xiie has been dangerously high ior the past tv»*o months, the government prohibited tubmkments. the fellah* iroin fouci-ing tit;' t 1 .do as they were teen hum" to in Oi'IiJ er years, when the N ile was at a mod crate Slight, and hence the plant is s id to have suffered in other dis tricts from a want of water. The crops in the upper counties, from which we have received, about 50.0JJ cantars annually during the last few years, are said to be calculated all destroyed by inundation. It is that the overflow in Lower Egy) has de stroved about 15,1.'11)0 ean'ars. and a firth r decrcn ? of about L);).l )00 can tars irom night fogs is calculated.— the latter mud have injured consid erahly the quality as well as the qu uitity. Aiakiug every allowance tor exaggerated reports which one hears at this season of the yeas, we arc forced to the conclusion thaUthe crop is neither as good nor as large as la -t year’s. At Alexandria the receipts since 1-t October are about 15 ».oi I c.ini ir- le-s (h:tu L’V. vear, tor same period. ami ' sis. AV. (*. AVntts S: Co., of l.iverponh in their Weekly Beponof October a-Mh, t'Xpre* Mliem ; (*lve.s as follows: - i iking ;i general view of (he po - ition and prospeeis of Colton, wo are strongly o: opinion that it is now a it** property. In our recent circu¬ lars wc indicated the firohllity of a decline *iie!i as ins notv taken place; bin not with-Eluding the depression now -uirounding the market,the sit¬ uation i not without itsclieerfiil :i-- 1 ” Sum' h< re lire n.od< rate. supplies in pro-peet i 1 (* the roiiiifljf (’il son (* not ( xcu'^ivu, tr;i(h* i> Ii are of stock*. IY< -!i imports of Cot¬ ton are ccunit in at low hrurtd-t prjet's. the ntoiiey market i iii”' cheap, and Indeed alt the eleuisnt* of a healthy reaction are pres m. It only want* some occasion to show it s( liaml this we think will not be long w ill!ing.’* —The stock of cotton held by Eng¬ lish -pinner- we n iw e-timnte at 1 h'. Dt) I hah-, ag tin-! l -.l. i l ) hist year an I I.T Ml the year before at t.'ie saute date.” V» add. tins tion, . c may in co inc< •hat the shipment* front Bombay to Europe for several week- pa.-t -coS» a marked deiyre".-i from tlio corn- pou<!ipg p.-riolt ol la-t year, and that H*verpo.d decided Uojtoii Broker- < the ir euhr -l.-.w* a in. r.-a-e m .jumtiiy taken irom that market lor eon-umptioii on r la-t year. Dtsirue Liverpool i- somewhat , h.wer ai pr.-at Ilian at the same f«n»c I «sf year, but this » accounted «'*■'n« purl by hssnetive in trade g« n erally. and m mily by the well-known fact that Lngli-h people are slow to alter iJleit' opinions when once form ' aid that they are «• deulating on the large receipts o» tin*side us m dicatiujp a crop fully equal, if not in - of the previous one. The Eng b* ‘pimters always me asure their «*-*tHn:»tcs oMl.c American crop by the mvgnitudc con-me-ringtl;ecauseswlm^h oi our port receipt*. wdlipu' l»roilne 1 them. d •m-;-'.- ree, q,-- tli* j, .r are the result oi a nun h earlier mituritv of l, “* ‘"op than u-ual. which has 'has - 11 "v V ' .'a, ;* r ° N'lu fil.. l and 1 December, an.l a* 'iv l>o;uliug:\ ^jn^oir'wTI! ;-r~ f t- • . atwE huv K, ‘ ^'onUhinfrly^sudlen. The line Wf|ii:er im iz nhcffw 7 t he crop. u n . mteffjH.te.l hv '>i»lv w eommcn-culcu,. few *!’>' since i;' ha* n ly for . d the Uotton Into me nort- whei - ue p. inf. ho.d no (O' »d so vam sdl. or -nip a Pro id. fffiir i r nee.* may ad 1 . that our r re crop " 1 red by the e 1 ot the Hi 'Ii—In maiij -a* 'twins > i c —and that a*me 1 a plant; Lii- have already !„^ u »ver i»r i ie -t k u I. V( 'nniK i ig Vi.ok we h-ejv.d i' l ‘>lls oi . provt iiicul i trade, ;»to 4 V idine i'l | v the itvi itovctneu iu tie to. i t iu II. r V'li wiug ihe wi n l‘«*-i ',* \ osjieet ( v> II . ' j. it- mtui ngili. iid lily ' i. Te t! il'. i , ;MUoa n i»;h to . - vr.tlp ah nu \n'uiii. V. UntB-Hil tl k. to our ! if r IU Ni»i* AT r ^ < 1 1 , J s: Among t "Usr -«?'»^TTTT y r. e British -l- in 'n lh Lid . whit - till'd . :mt lor Liv e.*pool. on Tliurad were ten new Georgia pig iron, whirl i >iug aero*- to iiavd it* meriis i - ted. V If uaiitir'. little darV'v refu- J in go f«» e.’inreh^ 4 k - ‘ *'•' ') - ! ’ r u ;; to The Squinting Jury. populous mo, port (own in the of Kind.-mil a much respected eminent attorney, who was ever the qui vivo 'for fun and 7 | 1Iirilor . fIis jokes wer ef rt .q„ 0 Ilt „ m lie was noted all ovdr town for his eentrieities and habitual Being a wealthy man. he freely tributod to public and private tics, and a welcome visitor to , abodes of the poor, as well as rich, 1 well remember the time litis factious "feutlemitii filed the of .Shefill', nml when he indulged penchant for the humorous by the juries summoning of four remarkable to “well and truly try” sons at the Court of Quarter Sessions ior the town and county 'n which he then resided. And first, at the spring term,' our facetious Sheriff summoned a tat jury—twelve of the portly, ponder¬ ous men he could find, and when they yrere called on by the clerk the court to take their seat in the ju¬ ry-box it was found almost impossi¬ ble to cram them into it. And when, alter much hard squeezing and gri r. •■ing. they were slmt tip in the box, they became literally a packed jury and no mistake. The second jury summoned by this droll oifieial was the very reverse of his first panel—twelve of the leanest and lankest men lie could find till over town—men with long legs .and long (‘ices, who seemed as though they had Inen ied on water ■vriiel and never tasted roast beef in the course of their Jives. I'he third jury, summoned by our flections Sheriff for the September term, consisted of twelve barbers whose shaving shops were near the Court House; and so placing those twelve barbers on the jury, all the barristers who attended court that dressed day appeared with their wig S llll and uncombed—a liinny spectacle tor the olfieera of the court, the learned recorder and all the oth <-i's wlio haiipened to be present on Hint memorable occasion. But in hi* selection of a jury for the De¬ cember term of the court of quarter sessions, our good humored Sheriff e:ippeil the climax oi’his otlicini drol¬ lery by summoning twelve men who squinted so awfully at the learned recorder, Ins when he attempted to make first charge to them, that the learned judge could not help joining iu the general laugh, anti exoiiuiu jng. in ni(up, ™ « r, v j*, jn_ sr i'i -.? 5 .«• deed, tod hnd Mr Slieriff." But the latter only remarked in a very seri¬ ous and amusing tone,” -Twelve good and la-.vul men. your honor!” And here let me add that 1 never heard of “i’he Facetious Sheriff'’ serving longer than one year. A Cunning !3vped:cnt. I here is a fable among the Hindoos that a thief, having been detected and condemned to die. happily hit upon an expedient which gave him hope of life, lie Kent for Ids jailor and told him he had a secret of great importance which he desired to ini p in to (lone Hie King, and when this had been he would lie prepared to die. Alter receiving this piece of intelligence the King at once order¬ ed tlie culprit to he conducted to his presence and demanded of him to know his secret. The thief replied 1 lint lie knew the secret of causing a tree to grow which won hi .hear fruit oi pure gold. The experiment might he easily tried, and his majesty would not loose the opportunity ; so, ,,eeoiu|Kinied anil bv his prime minister. hi* courtiers his chief priests, he went with the thief ton spot, selected near the city wall where the latter |H Pl - orillC(l series of solemn imain . ,. lliolH . Thi* done, the condemned declared man produced a piece of eld and that if it should lie planted it would produce a tree every branch of which would hear gold. ’ “But.” he added, “this must be pat into the ground bv a hand that has never been stained bv a dishonest act Mv hand i« not clean.'therefore I pass it to vour kiii-r inaicstv tVmk ” 11 ,J- the piece of ,r 0 ld. | n ,t hesitated. Finally lie said • -J re member in mv vomrer davs that I of te „ fiu-hetl muiicv from n.v father's treasure wl.i.-h'was not mine. 1 have repented rhesin ; but vet 1 Imrd l\ dare >av mv hand is clean. 1 pass 1 (o , I1V The latter, after a brief consider . *. If were a pitv to i,,.,.,,!. t |„, fU' m' j,i un( j e ,. l reciiivo laxa. tl r •*«»*>• fcniptatioii*. how cm ! he sure tlll , j | nve remained perfectly hon oHhe eitVuV” U tl ‘ U tfoVcruor ‘.'U tIlc Governor, i " 11 "I'Cmembcr , thfti I ‘'-CTdii' . f 'pav ..f . -r 'A’! ^ l arf'f tn'O Ania^Di- prie-i -aid : “You forg, t : , , rlVf . ,j H . collecting fltllt and , hl . fiphur-t metiD ior sacrifice.” At h'ugth the thief exehiined; - Your ma ii y. 1 think i( h ere i*e( ter l"3 such ty that all five of u.~ should he h iitgcd. -inn' it appear ti.. iiiil au honest man can he found union g it-.'* III -pi lii o the lamentaifie X’jo sure. tli. kiii'c “ ! ■ i; i u ' I . ° .. • „ a-e i . '• f ' • 11 j i ( <*U Jl Itiflg .'lent, ; t! ho ■ s • ' J i' » .ri'nitl I him; paruon. , - — - *t ** Rian * in st bar be r simp grt ting drived anda fly liie to Oil l*ito 110*1 Rud he give* :t tw it‘ l. to i ■•.■move if. ut t i»/-:.««i' tin- !, irh.-r j ike- n oil* .1 r. who t- to blame —ik* man ihc. burin r. the flv. or the r.zor? An Indi.uuaU A . r a -i•trT'tv i>t win*ii - d itigh TV m in i' I !i a >m«T. No in m ever . ge who k id oin tliS-i' u iii-imu e agent.— T,.,; ■ ......r il /t'. Daniel W. h-n ;• h 8 accepted a po lion <m t e New York police, md it is tkere-bre interred that Lis dic¬ tionary ha- not proved a success. Siiort dre--i - are eoinin*' into f.-kion again, and votin'* ladies are NO. 4 5 AUGUSTA music house O M» Bread RfieeL GEO „„„ 0LU „ G" U * P 1 KlBN UD ” fN ,{1 Z & PI hJ j Just received a Large amt choice assortment SHEET MIJSIO, MUSIC MUS1CAI* MERCHANDISE, AND INSTRUMENTS OF EVi'BV DESCttlPUnN, Sole Agents for Hai.I.KT, Davis A, Co., PiiAtt. & Co., 1! Alsus linos., and the Southern Gem Pianos ’ Mason& Hamlin, TON & Co.. Ond Austin & C<TI ' Cabiaibt Organs. X T3IA NOS and Organs sold nt lowest priees Every for cash, ornesniail njopthly par. me nts. piano mid V organ warranted to give Hand*supplied entire vtltifuction. with IL'nsAjtml SiivCr Instru¬ ment* in” Drums. ( > mlitilv. and Rand .Music, he Finest itafian and Naples ftTni.NOg for tlio Violin and Guitar, sent post paid by mail. Yudin, per set. $1; Guitar, $1 25. Order* for Mitsie and 7,L'nd)itn<.li*e promptly Ulled. GKO. O. ROBINSON and CO. out 17,3m j 0| po-ite Ca iioiio Ci ur li, 75 Jackson St. » Augusta, Ga. DEAL Lit IN Fruit and Cigars, Wholesale & Ret il. Seners Uailroasl News Agsn's. vi old. r* from Country Merchants, pi-O r tiers left Mi New* \ gents on lit • Trains will met with prompt mie tint). WIl USUI! D AI.Klt IN Priz o C a n d i e p , feb I I ly E. J JOHNSTON, Corner Mn’bury and Second Stroeis, Jl.UOSI, (HiOfiUSA. r\E.YI.KR in WATCliES, JEtWJiBY, 17 Silver » a e. Fancy go,als, Ac. Ag’ls for the celebrated 1)1 MOM) MTMTA CLLd, Ky« 1 i la-ses Fino wnifli wot'k a spe tally. Jewelry repuirid ntul engraving 011 '• K5 tf. S3 1cJib3 to £ c S . m •= ^ ^ "c ZZ m > O £ Oil tl —8 r Z. 1 * t-H - r 1 O r*Hvk; V ^4, —s y H ~ h o C ° ^ 9 r. H s u UK cs ” 4-i — b VC Z s H *£.3 M QZ A 2 1 g—' c = & Hi . T 1 3 c.f LU 1! eS .£ I -r CO iC" OilM i 224 DroaU St., AUGUSTA, GA., BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS ) iTZusic and Periodical Healers, \\7‘>1 I.D cnll sjM'cinl nUcntioti totftelf large v T un i well .'•eieeteil stork nt 8’cliool and College Text Books, Books by all tlio Standard Authors. Miscfillaueous Books and Novels, B'ank I ooks, all sizes and stylos, Note, Letter. Foolscap, Legal Cap, and Bill Capers. Initia 1 Capets, ail the Latest Styles, All Envelopes, a 1 Seizes and Styles. Late Styles Fancy Stationery, Office Stationery in Endless Variety Flaying Cards. Visiting Curds, Gold J'ens and Peneil.s Sunday School Books of all kinds, cle Together witli a Krcat variety of otlicr arti¬ in., iiiimcroii- to mention. All of wliicli xvc offer for *al« at the lowest |irirc*. Give c- a call. o- :il,2m Ol. INN & PENDLETON. AVlielch. -l’s 44 NEVER SAY DIE.” I '* » llu. -u \\ ho art * not 1 enjoying health, I VViieluhclV am glad to . ty. that i J mu (ieiwrnl Agmt fol "Nj VKI K S.\\ 1>IK.” and that siiiut* I have been itii il t here ha ve hc( •en cine, mimeitiiM n:re.-«iiffecle«l bv ii'*i ns; thit> i me di which vva* 1>; mniiv thi it the ninn •‘ouht not t,e matte by an v prop/i radon put u »b hum. Hid iniiMJ w:ik Hi st olHHincd from Frenchman, iin.irove'if ninny rear* ajrn, a ml Inn s of late Inen li> Mow* Win h iiel, the l'ro,i i. or.if: lie-atne. Thi*medicine, “Never ^;ty uuiu> i ♦|'u , u''j*, diigti-. n Ultilis Liver 1 o iii >. I : •• la-. < and Kev« er, . 1.1 ' sill llOlIKlM, Son* fe en, and puiilieti Ihc hio.i. . I'rice per hojilu fur chronic <Ic$eAM [*«» arul all m turn ‘f th\- blood, f5. Liniment tor Bone* Ai. itf’- It*8i, fine, N. 0.~ >eml ft!! oHer«. cither hv ' rnale* or t od. A. I.ATHKM, (.euural Ageot, <, ami th * f<;i It twin/ Girt cl ion which is i a- (ioot\ and if you am not uur«t|, ! will uh« eifuH y refund v»»tir tuotiey, fur i want II* nuin'rt nt >n« vy fof tiothiH^. ( ; r rrn ( a t i .s. - ?;r&r ( k Snt* t ;n ito ;utd i Gain % i!U* • i TE - T I MON I \ L«t. th " i -ig!H"l. kn.iwiii 2 i|iin rii”i|ii:jn( e. do f J. y . I‘c ‘11111 lie n I ii t,, ii tilll Jl't.'fl, i aii'i do r»*» h”-|(»ke l*> -ay that Up.*,, • pm-tie* are '■tie, and W iU exactly « ha l they say. signed by Hon. I>. G. ,i:k: lion. M. Vnn Esrr«; How. W. 1 * ■•XiTlr;l , . It. -iMHOvs, Attorwev ut Law: T. 77. Mame.i Iii. fM;ti-lial;.I..T. Mav-k C. s. C; < !.KM ENTS ft Blto.; J. N. I/odkx ; J. U. N. Wis ffCKM, OrJinar. . Gaiuesvilie, Ga. BAGGING & TIES FOR SALK AT THE FACTORY. Coo«l Elnggiti at fi ccn!s prr il». SEIF TIES AT MARKET I I?ICE, En<iiifr<‘ of CKO. \V. XV AIK I Vs, Atren*. Gin-Houses and Contents Insured BV L. Of. MORRIS, Ag’t. TIK I 1 romvH'ut* three Fire tampanies uiul one I.ife. The l''i'nnklln, I'tiiln>to1 pliin. I’enn. Capitol KHZ,500,00® American Central, St. Louis, Mo., Capital 7.1,0 OO Rquitahlo Fire In*. Co., Nashville, Tenn., Capita) mi, Piedn Belli oont & Arlington'o Company. W,iuh Macon Store. JACOB MAAS, PropV. *J Tl’ST OPKNIXtl, next door to Win. Steven*, on Broa<l street, a full line of DRY GOODS, OI.OTHING, Hoot'* and Slioes* ,^Wliieli k^gj-now;offering at tlio Lowest Macoa Prices T-4 Sheeting at 10c. 7-8 Sheeting nt ,0c* Best Prints at 10c. All other goods in propoi'po}]. (.'all and examine inv stock. No trouble, (o iiiuw goods. Jtt on iM.ts. Sparta, Gn., 0ft. 17,1871. 3iu SM \ IS V| \ *1 gft. r FOR 20 YEARS THIS Standard of Excellence TJIROUCi/IOl T THE WORLD. OVER 900,000 SOLD. 100,000 MORE TUAN ANY OTHER KINI>. — T 1 «a vh „ *m" llECKHEI) IN 1873;'“* ^ The IIKUIKST Aw a ui.s or at the Virnna Ex POSIT ION. The dill iii .ii » Mvi mi. ut the Mar vi. a. vp rvurr IT'-- ti: I- AIK Thu i- i'OUK IhGIJKMT lit; l*K umiums, (itiulud ing t WO inudals,) at IjJlokgi.v State Kaik. ■I«»r 4iv ill : Tlie Wli-eler A Wilson Iirm thi appro \ III of millions ol Lii lies who h a ve lisctl d this well t rieil iiiiicliine. 1 ’hvMic i Jill 8 coi'tifv Hint it is t lie only I.oeU-Htlteli SUAVIllft' in MhcIiIiiv fit. tor 1'umll.v lily l I *c. nr. Ils Us light ighl mi,I tin11 ca sy motion (iocs mu fatigue lallgue invalid*. invalids. Il* Il* rapid rapid execut ion of work rccoinnuaidK it to all wlio set v for a tlie living. It is tlie most economical, 1„ I'llllSO most durnblc. Oitr new and popular Machine, adapted for Leather work and general manufaeturing purpose*. i< now u*ed by the leading tailnring esni'.ilishment* and shoe faelories. >■ nd for our rlreular*. Maehine* sold on (”lzy macliiiu's lerms, }Hlt or in iiioiifhly order pn.viucnts received taken, old *s Kl-o-m ii I or in exchange. out. i Savannah Steam Coffee House. TKAS, COFFliliS and SPIC ES, IliO ltroiigton Street, iSJ rJuWVAH, GA. Fresh roHMtaii Ilia* f $5 cent# n pot Fi t-bJi ruastutl Hio, best* iJOuunt** A pou ini. Fru*h roiistuil Mo ha ;>ouunts a pound. 1 Fresh roasted Java 40 cents a pound. Fresh roasted O. (i. .lava 45 cents a pound* ¥rv*h roasted Mocha and Java 45c a poiiadl Teas. Oolong, fine. S(V. “ “ Ctioico, 1’inoat, 70c„ sjj. “ ltc*t. flOO. Entlirth, Fine, f.O.x " " < hire, r, Kinesl UOe. n Best, fl 00. Imperial, ( Finest. hotc.c, 73c. *1 " (id, . Yoi “ Ily.-on, Hi st, fi tft. •i un? Tea, .fl on,Ml 23. ii i» mu tl (Hi, 1 2ii, l 30. Coffees packed mid shinned and (lit a run food fresh. Prompt attention given to ail orders. Liberal dis¬ count. to the trade. Address IU Buitys. Oct. 2D( m A Boon to the Whole Race of WcniaB I'R. J- BIIADEIELD’3 EtMALE RE3ULATC3! aiu Ihm ..... doti*z?jLto| l led; check exocsivo flow ana “ 1 ii i pxularilio* peculiar to ludie*. ,' It w ill remove all Irritation of ICidncv* m B ladder; relieve tonstiveue*.*; purity the Blood ; give clear tone the and skin, strength to the whola to HyKtem tin: check ; ami cheerfulnc-i Impurtin^a ro*y huit to toe mind, Il i* as sure a cure In alt the alum: UiseaMff a* Ladies (Quinine i* in Chill* tlicmsclcc* ami fever. dim cun ithout cure of ttll (lie above use* w which rcvcaliiuK I* theirvomplant* to any their porson, pride and niodcsW. alway* uiortif , \,vg to ii is recommended hf the best ohextclans and the clergy. I.aGr k, Ga., March S3 isn. Bk.\!>ktKU* „ .. nil to., Atlanta Ga.—Dear -irs: I takn pUa-iiin: in stat.inx that I lmv* u-cd for Mm Inst tircnti yritrs the nw,Heine ' you hdd arc now putting up, known u* Dr. Br;ul * KKMAl.i; ltt.ori.ATOK, and consider it th, Im.t combi ii at ion ever potte, together for Ilia • (iRseimes for uhi. Ii it. is reemnim'iided. J hava In .oi fnmiliur with the pc/Nf-j/pf| J0 /|, aH m priicUl loner of lnt'dicine and fn ijome.-t,.; prae ]me. boon and to siitTerinii can iioue.tly females, sav that I eoiiMidcV it » taal lady in and can but tmpo every our whole land, w ho imv iia W e uoylf! ft#M nthonaand mh«‘H bm wvcount ,ertlu a mac a tn, Jv J of iu viitui. .til we ;i-k in afllS Ear full partr.ular*, historv, cPi-irlcates ibcreferreti u, it* iviapperaidi wnmlerfiild to the xlaiMAtoctmcii and *ol4J^ Price *1.50 tebiS Sola