Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, May 30, 1807, Image 2

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S.ngrtted to th'* Covmiry brynufe ha could not J cVVttfh a republic in Ireland fimtlartO our own J •nd he is execrated by the federalifls as a traitor airi an enemy’ to oirr country. It. is, according to them, a virtue to revolt the govern ment of Great* Bn( nin,, The real cause for this iuconfifteney is tube traced to their Havifli at tachment to h ngland to which they would not heiitatetrj FtcrtEge the belt mterells of the Unit* <sd States. .Ft ‘can the Ntus-Tarl Public Advertiser. CULLEN- AGON’S’. 1 It i:’ not for us at. thy time to announce what every bote It Anw-.r tn in New-York lias already so many Hours pondered pop with grief and iiiarne—the prooeis and *jt-e r uilt, oi the eledi : on. Hut n ■., if not ouiidutyj at our i clinaUon to join our regrets with th ac or all true Americans upon a HsVyct which., buift. •vrigii upe>n titer hearts _i|pd i'll them ‘owith fc.S*3|d* r of a mml awWf ore, alub , jyct c! far r; cotift >••• *ce than the < Lection or ‘Arfcjfcititi*; oi aic Vyinoi-riiit?!). .... V v ‘” r EfovD'-Tent .Vyu- hde'.i i,n P’ Its .V/ui . ...j, -oat a few -."O.o , . ■ : . yA A, under ‘<v.’ 1 r>n ujj ; unpccompanp. ! ’ by disgrace, became it had groyf/n tin with dr . conn try a.iJ v.-x t’. chii-A tv \of -.'.sec nvi <{\ •’ gfcutlv. it 1 * • “id tlictn&jv . j . la ; i v:y ft: /Wic.ced.ieu; o’ :i vile i.e.'-v jipAratcd at tb- i ,-a of frwri*----i of *<■■■■ n •“'h t. ciat>ons, aid with ib title to tr :nen .“id a pita! couftitutigo, upon fafer, their political right i, not fairly and <hre t' ; ■ • r-di ivp ihcmfelves, but given op into the ivuids of i;-,.io raill, n rperm-irded and iifedv 1 ref outs, who, i tilend ol being o i-occ-l to b’ permited to ‘oat ton on thus conntry—to cot. the I .t>i .[ iirlul fry, and to be thankful and mode:', i;o fooue, . get fomvich, than tbev tin* i the f-.lackifes and privileges which Ihould belong to uutiv; . alone— jj Ding* Dong, Bell.^ ‘l ‘ll •; America (tv---- to a too mu :/• <•■ -mu -o'yA, who intent upon the itvhdgaK ■ • m ivva hale ? id v--;:m;-.nifn ambition, out retort ’ to the man mtUstpn oj fori cn slaves A of.'run /■’ . power ovhifh h'S countrymen ;■ maid fore -rr h ,-r il, •■-,/ him —and brought hurt tr>r.-auiries to eti-lave ! -his couritryrn-n. Withoottlic wfdorr. or fj .it, • said certainly without tb- n xvliirv o -•>.* mgi tnl found**) pof Renne for and: .up, in, he h -. like them opened n-. ; lylu-.n fur .11 tin* nuigabo; <h, traitors, and vil'd’is veunitlsd firth from Europe, thereby to establish his kingdom. The pi ft tire only wants a rape to complete it, and make it comp:.-lion to true Re nan. Be it if to I, hoy: ‘ and that however the A meric m .men may be, thc*'.-y/.wr/cu Indies will ■ ‘ their facos againlt Sabine women, and th .t our mo dem Romulus- will 80, like him of old, f.'Or Aranflated to the gods with tb-.* v.-o< I will of the k.i.i ate. J ihl ! Oh hoi nt.L ) to i “ ri'iile i j fttL- Half the voters in one ward for c’ ns; ■•'// •; ‘•'W'luld any one believe, after bearing this,, that ! ‘ 4h:; is .the country where the pure fouls who j edits the pubii< prints, are so very exeeptious about foreigners—that this is the place where the feelings of the people are every day?, -pea’ J to upon even the (lighted occaliou agaiidt fo reigners, as U the very name ot foreigner were a difqualification ? Y ■, it ia 3 Adqu-ilin ition in iabordinate things, where lib -ratit ~ juttice and genevofity would {peak againl! it—but is not a 1 disfratichifemei t■— H'tur dir Lathymr. u Can America after i:;is be said to have a eharatlev as an ait ■■■,-. —What is it? What would you call the people in their political character at the-election—after hordes of fo reigners awing the city at its election—voting down its natives, and, after a mob parading the Greets, triumphantly Ihouting foreign names, and insulting the very belt, and the molt refpeft tble men in the community, with the cry of Emmet and liter.rtv I —Why ivhat people can it be truly catted, but a multifarious heterogeneous cvmpou nd—a Gallo-Biberriico-Cvrsicano race, Ov tnr where oAce lived Americans. Oh, rare A- ‘ meticuns !—A foreigner of three years Handing ! is braved up to the lkic >, while yom Walliington ; and your Hamilton are forgotten. ‘ ct it be remembered, that Lad Americans alone voted, the result would have been as it Ought to be As it is, it Reads, and will as ! ipt'si- 31 ji s records remain, Hand a proof of the ! tty of that, man, as low us his life is high, who, ior his own vile purposes, has put the American party down under the feet of a foreign iadtion. Wo have not time to fay more at present—But •nc will not let the fubjedt rest here.” * Thonu* JctTerson. William Woodbridge, Being duly qualified as AUC EIONEE R ten* ; (lord his fcrvices to the PUBJLIC, in the Auction, Commission, ! AND j Factorage Business. ■ I. ° J iiav lug- convenient &'commodious 81 ORES, j t* l : thereception ot everylpeciesofMEkC li VN-; 1)1SE, he hopes that a ftrift attention to the in- I tcraft of his rmnds may entitle him to a lhareof; t xheir EATIU NAGE. kav, M, y law. . ill LONDON, Jdafcli 27. Avery intete(Hn*r osnvei fatioa took place last i;i, :it in the House of Commons, upon the mo tion of Mr. Martin for an address to his Majefly, praying that hi* would not grant any Office for life which had uiualiy beer, granted during plea- ’ lure. This motion was directed againit Mr.! Perceval, to whom it was ia contemplation to grant the Chancellorfiiip of the Duchv of Lan- 1 caller for life, na a compensation to him for giv ing up his prolefiion on accepting the Office efi Chancellor of the Exchequer. Mr. Perceval ’ took Lis feat on the Treasury Bench, and after 1 having expretied hi ; fentiramts upon the motion he withdrew. On a divilioe, the numbers were: For the. Address 208: Againlt it }JS —! Majority againH the New Adminiflration bg{ The flu-idc of Connnon.s was uiicominonly I crow dec with mernln -i s, about SO of wli-..,-n weret obliged to take their kat>. in the lide galicfies,! for want of room in tb? Hou!?. All the memiH-.-s of t -e *^ f .‘*ii,iitn,yk„, • took th -;r 1 . “ 1 - v've tjppofuion - ; s] tln-y .- .•■•a *n j ionie, however, inadven.etiUy Ins ! down bn. the ti ...biry if?nll*iGf., by s. i-roff’d | ’>• i [.- ... u>.r - vliio'i rXivmhm co, f htl|i ’ tfov.-.-ijic-ot.- Ydb; :hf umnia ‘■ i; f fy’-. tiiti ‘nit :. j attended at Buckinguam n■, .. j | j., the Roy.d command u ;-. |-d thvffr feah j ,fyi> * Lor 1 CmtVrllur f-.i '!■:•. \ „,t to f vi render the Pfivat Nvi till VVei -a, as i t is his i'l.ejcftyk; pt; aliite tint l;v fl.ofld ivtaiu ds ;u .di office till tLat p.-riuil, in h.-W t.o -uaojc him to pronounce lbs judgement upon f. ;cr.i! J lutes in the Court oi Cna.icery, upon which In js about to decide. The Duke of Portland killed ha?d :on h.deg appointed First I.ord of the Trealury. h:r. Canning went through Use fame ceremony,: Secretary of State for the Fo reign D- partment, and not as firtl Lord of the Admirality, as reported. The latter fituatibn is, we find, to he ailoted to Lord Mu): rave ; l- wd Hawkesbury alio killed hi- Ma’-lly hand, on being appointed to the M ane dcp.i.-; mesit; Earl of Wdimorehind, Privy S.-al, Lari Lamb den is to be Piefident of the Council. Th<- Lord Charn-i Uor tha morning took leave in a very pathetic speech, in which In h.-eliugs j i-'-emed much cv i powen and by the iuhieCL | The ew minilleral arrangement iias already j excited totifideiable anxiety and alarm. Mr. I*.j.tik.cs, in the Moul<- of Commons lafl rii. ht, : oioved—“ That there be a Rcleh.tiu.i oi’ th. | 1 B,ni v, in conformity with rlicit of th Co-mmr-j I tee of Finance and Inquiry into the State of I'uh • H <: Din -es, that no oilic-.-, place, employment, or ialary, in any part of htn MajulyM domitiioUß, ’ ought her* after to b>* grunted Rxvctihiu” In the dilcuflinn which followed, Mr. Phimer, Member for Hertsfordftiire, dated a report, that 1 it was in contemplation of the new Mioiftr-r to grant the Duchy of, a place hr ■ t ; n ■ i, ,tu a...;., , pH-i,.;.,c, w ioe new Chancellor tsf; the Exchequer, Mr. H. Martin to give notice of j .1 motion this day for “ An humble ad die fa to j hi,-. Majeily, praying that he may be graciously! pie ale and not to grant any office, not at preieut I held for life, for any longer time than it is held at prelent.” The House of I -.ords met this morning at in i early hour, when the Slaw Trade Ah o ji u , ;i Bill* the Irilh License Bill, the Thane. . ivy,,*: : Bills, received the Royal assent, by comp, and >u. ‘ The Commissioner were—the Lord L.naa-rel lor, and Lords Holland and Walfingham. 0 Address to the French Army, By General Bennisgsen. “ Soldiers of France ! “ Formerly when foreign armies medi cated the conquest of your country, and came *ever, into the bosom of your land to attack, you | repelled them with a valor and perseverance :v. liich the whole world admired. The report of your gallant exploits reached even to us.— \ our courage, your loyalty, was known to us; 1 and the soldiers of France become the objedl or’ jourefteem. But it is no longer y. ur country ; which demands your efforts. A war, fort-hm to | your interest, tears you from vour families, yxm ; friends, your home. A tyrant- ■ hole iaf&tL l-ble ambition knows no bou> t, dr? you into jubilant climates, and iheds the Eo*; of French*j j ;nen, that lie mey beftovv crc .m * v..or, his r ;'wLc ari n ady to you pled-cVof’thfrX cient aflettion, but who v II ft id the lafi drop of their blood in the lac red cause of their com.- try. BENNINGSEN.” Russian Account of the Battle of Eylau. No. ) • Extract from the dispatches of General F.i’ fen, dated 31st Janmry, (utis feb. ISO7)—Re ceived 6rh (18th Feb.) “ 1 ha lien to communicate to your excellen cy the happy intelligence which I have jult re ceived from Gen. jßeuningfen. Bonaparte at tacked him on the 3th in it'. (N. S.) with all his forces, near Eylau ; but he met with id ohtti- Date a retiflance, that he was obliged to re ! aounce his purpose, with a loss which is eftima j ted at -S,(XX) men. Genera! Benningfen has , marched to Wittemberg in order to repleni/h ! himiMf with ammunition. ) - Or, toy part, I attacked on the 3d instant, j { K. S.) the corps opposed to me. They were j cefeatni on the whole line. The enemy hav j ing been ; L, forced afterwards by the army of relerve undo* Oudiaot, appeared desirous to al tar s. me ; but I (hall do this niyfelf .tc-morrow, tun* • hope that God rill bleis our arnt*,” vcbuaaj WirTEMBBPG, 1 CD. JI. I Having hra informed that the enemy had c 11. est Ja! his/tees at AMcnftejn,l adtanccd with all nme. feeing arrived at Jankow, 1 wa. attacked hereon my left wing, and drove the] enemy b:k. ‘Hie fame was done alto m every diredtioii'jy my right wing. However, the en gagemar was prevented from becoming general by the pproach of night. I then resolved to change ay diredion* in order to cover tin* . ity . .. n i 1 ■ t *V.„ Hi- W tlK’n of Kwuydrerg, which was the points nt which, all the endeavors of Bonaparte were aimed. 1, thus dew the enemy along by my h ie, am. my ; rear ccntiuue l lighting 4i< days focoelhvely. At | length being armed on the 7th mu. (N. .) at Preutlisch liylau, i halted and waited hts ap-j proaclt. He attacked me, and entered into the J town, which was in my bunt. As our forces could no longer rehtl thole opp. led iu *'. I dis pat died a part of my icferve agaiuli them, and d'.anceil myielf to the atta< k. T•. - town as taken in an instant, and two V> . ~f the enemy, which had not time to vie •> were n. v ~.-* ,-, u u . ..... . ... taken, lojjc- i tin * S’ lull WO colours, lfl cue v... t l lUn iecn-tly, ch.. station that? th f.itetny would fend a body of troops ..>■ the ‘i c.iWr fie of it, iu order to attack my ten Ire ; 1 which in fuft took place during the night, At J the break of day 1 direct and apart id the ntilleryi againfl th: French column ; it was thrown into j diiordcM', and foro uto draw back. Bonaparte himftlf then attacked me on ail points, at the head of four ca ps of hi.- army and of his guards. It ? was every where repidkd •-t w; k*■ ly beaten. He renewed his attack with ho guards repeatedly ; but whole columns of infantry and regiments do cuiraiuers d’ehte, were nearly amn iiihitsd by the tire from the line, charges from our .cavalry, and at the point, of our bayonets. 1 elbmated the lot's of the enemy at more 11 an 15,000 men. We have captured 20 liar,ds of colors, and made 2000 pis loners. I fliall cause this preliminary report to be followed ’ a de tailed relation of this battle, wr.tch i thali lat ~t the ! . et ot io_ insjeity the emperor.” Spruce Beer, Cyder &\ Porter liaise. \ nr\HE Sul feriber refpcctfnlW informs the | ii. public -and his cußomers in genet al, that ’ ? caviieson his brewety of SPRUCE PEER, as usual, at his store in Bay lane, opposite the Ex-; change, where il may be had every week day. At. so, ht il bottled Cyder, I aneb: . Porter, Ale, hell old Port, Madeira and other Win. •, the choir* ft Liquors and Groceries, bed Gofhen Chcife, and a few gv.-.< iof veh ct Corks. He) atfu i.cep-i a supply ot Spruce Beer at his for-1 msr Store, oppolite the Roman Catholic Cha- ] pel. I JOHN BIGAR. i P. S. Those who would with to have Beer ‘on Sundays, will please to get lupplied on Sa* i turdav. May 28 6t 53 j NOTICE. i TF: L Board of Health will proceed to elect a , , CLERK and MESSENGER to the laid; Board on the third day ii June next; which; clerk Hail be entitled to fc; -nty-fve dollars, ami j the melenger to s'xtj dollar , per annum. Ap- j plications to be made in writing ami lodged with ‘ Henry IF. William, on or be: ire 12 o’clock of 1 that da*. HENRY W. WILLIAMS, May 28—23 elk. fro. tan. NO TICK The copartnerfhip of Neyland and Stonf., Jis this day dillolved by mutual agreement. All peri’ons indebted are requested to fettle their ac counts, and all who have any demands, to bring forward their accounts for fettlermnt. G. Nevlai'd.’ William Stone. \\aynet\;, o rough, 26ih May, 1807. 3t*23 I tAoiage <3 Com mission Business. rHE fiitr.i'iber. liavc t.fcen into n.rtncrfliip* JOHN and THOMAS L. MALONE, the bu fmels w !, aftei the fipfl day oi the enfuin* month, j be carried cn under the firm of Bacon, Malone & Cos. John Bacon, I. Malone. McCredie’s wharf. April 48 I0 D. & J. Douglass, Have jufl per brig Bi za , fr wl Philadelphia, 50 pair Gentlemen’ fadvonable BOOTS Afforniof a superior quality, wbith Xev ofFer i for at tltcir (tore, oppofue th Bucks He p April 28 it J Loaf Sugau Os a good quality* in boxes and barrels,. on low terms, by R. & I. BOT.TGN. May 26 ] aw St 22 George Enoe, M E R C H A V T TAYLOR , RESPECTFULLY hi form* hi-, friends spirt lie p U \,lie in genera', that he ha* -c.noved to a hotfc in ilie yellow building* belong*;*)? to the cflute of the liU Mr.Peter Wyllv. and oppefite to Mr. Alov in kier Buh-llreet, facing 1 ‘ c l xch:, where he continues hit buti&us iu ail n* various branches. Having procured additional Wor'cmm of cap ut, ity 1 he hopes to render full latisfadlion in the execution of iiu borders as he may he favcr.d with both m j poiiu of pun Quality dispatch, with U 4 i l - e ** •*&■■■* 1 tube not to he exceeded. i The articles comp, fins hi* alTortmenrarr C 01) o t! Ci ■ A'l.kAl. and v-cll fuucd to the present h i !on. M y iC ts ** REM.OVA i.. TDK fuliscriber mpedlfnHy inform* hlxfriend* in tbit [V- blic, that be i.- rv: *v *! from Di .-d -u' l Npi re, next d< : r above the Prim’: g ‘Alice of M f ran & Barnes, on the Bay, m-a. ft Exchange, v-he e lie iiiit carries on the ‘1 AY J .Oi INC) Bl'.p- ESS where eiders in hi* lite will be attended-to with punctuality, neatneb. a lid dispatch. namull griggs Mivt4 t 7 PROPOSALS FOR carry: r VAILS of the ti nned States , on the following ISst- Roods , will he received at the Gene ral Post Ojjic in Washington , will the ist day of July next , inclusive. IN GEORGIA. From Darien, by lat nail mcl Montgomery c. h. to Fort V ilkinfon, once .ii two weeks. Leave Fort Wilkinforv every other Satim'ay al B p n. and arrive at Da ! t ien the next ’1 hut.sday by 0 r ■ . , Leave Darien on Friday by 8 aw. jand arrive at Fort \Y ilkinfon on /t ed nesday by 0 p in. N 0 T E S. 1. THE PoR-m.iftcr General may ex pedite the mails, an 1 ultei times of an | and departure at any tune during the toil. : tiuuanec of die contrails, lie Ripulating an adequate compeafation for at v extu expcnce- that may be occaftoned iheiD.y, 2. Ff cen n;ii.ales (hail be alluded iof | opening and elefing the mails at ari of j fiecs where no particular time :s Ipecifird. q. F r every tl iity minutes delay, (i.n avoidable accidents excepted) in arriving .at ter the time prcfcitbed in any contiafl, the contractor fhal! forfeit one dollar ; an ! il tire delay continues un.ii the departure I oj any depending mail, whereby the mails i destined for each depending mail Erie a ‘trip, an additional iorieitu; e oi hvedo'iais fha!) be incurred. q. Newspapers, as well as letters, to he sent in ihe mail; and if any person making proposals, defircs to carry m ivfpapets, other than thole conveyed in the mail, h r Iris own emolument, he mud ilute in Ires proposals for what fuoi he will carrv with the emolument, and tor what fuin without [that emolument. £. Should any pmfon making proj-jfa!* detne an alteration of the times of a and dep. nurr ah ‘••** J ui tits propolals tne alteration, a, 1 the difference they will make n the tet;Ti* of the r ‘oiraff. 6. Perions making p:opofa!; arc desired to Rate theii price* by me year. ‘I * !e | who contact will i- ceive their ;*av quar iterly, in the me tubs -I Augufi, Navem !ber, feh uary and May* to ore month *after the expiration of each qtmter 7. No oilier than a Lee white pet foa llrail be employed to convey the mail. 8. Wln re the proposer intends to con vey tire mail in the body *ri a IF g ■ car riage, lie is defned to Hate it in Ins pr?- pofals. 9. The Poft-Mafler-General refeive* to inmfeif the right ol declaring ar y cm tra£t at an end, whet ever three iaih :■> happen, w[licit amount to the io!s c.t 4 trip each. to. The contrafls for the above route? are to be in operation on the full day of Ofcluher next, and me to continue in force two yeais, excepting ihe routes numbered 20210 2to, which ate to continue in force two years and a half. GIDEON GRANGER, Pufl-Maflcr Genera!. General Pofl-Oih e, W fhmgionl City, Match ai, 1807 J