Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, August 28, 1807, Image 3

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idfef Sparulcn, which genera l Brere jAhthe 27th regiment. Twelve Rm made van efforts ; they renewed fv- f-ysn time?, and f.-ven times were repu’Ced. t e V-an time the Prince of Ponte Cos two /Pem-3'Hte) had assembled his troops, but be. „„ for-ithe enemy to retreat. I rus cur. a whole cay, two civuions mad- repeated * wr B f u l attacks on one regiment: but it U ‘ W rCeo>vred this regiment was entrench-: 5 . j lifistfcj w **** fc "7™ “ ! **. j,„ V-.rfhr-i Bernadette was <1 gift >y w-vuvu •’ i-Klf-n -t! render him onacie to relume aui The e-.ernv lon ixQO,’ % ctfoded. BATTLE OF LOMILT.E’N. v ‘V.--'. Ruffian aiviiions from the centre nlfd a;> of General Twrv’shrigGe defended it. Two regiments: repulied the enemy the whole day. T he_ ab- j t thand works were covered with dead Kus r.~-2 ‘ Their general v/a9 killed ; and their lots i VOO killed, 100 primers, sad great numbers We loft 120 then killed and wound- j eci. Meanwhile the Rtiffira commander in chief fT Te.:'’ with the Imperial guards and three diTSons'Stacked l-iarhul’ Key’s portion at ASktrkecn, ‘Gnttlladt, raid W olkwiri, and were [""•-iFM in all quarters , but when Idai fbal iley ittcoeted that bis sSffilanta exceeded 40,000 pi:he oheved hisinlti .tticns, B;.t -.*u sJ2 cops ta Ackendurfi- I BATTLE CF BEPPEN. June SiS, tbee.umy attacked the 6th corps r.t d?Ppea, on the Pfithrg?. They were over turned. The rr.sncc -ivn.3,,, and :p-— * ity of Manfiial K-.y, general Msrchatid, and iheroSccta, are worthy of the ’greateft eulo- Zffie enemy cor-eis the lots C-t h J.X’ .k : ’J t tv.xl 3000 wounded. We had 1.60 killed, $9 wounded, and 270 prifeners, made by the Co&cks, who hadpodeci tacaafeives in t..e rear di the artnv. /-y? T-nre p.t, On the Ota the emperor arrived at D’ppen, rd mire the neceifery orders. The 4th corps moved to Woolfsdorf, where it met a Ruffian division, about to ion anev, attached it, dabbled 50J men, took ,30, and in the eve* Ding took poll at Allkteksn. At this roor-ent the emperor advanced on Buugct, with Key's and La ones’ corps, his rnerds and the referee of the cavalry. Ten •hoafand cavalry, and if,COO infantry, of the jcemy’s tier guard, took pcSeSou of dv-tte.-.i, md attempted to difpste the paflhge. Marlh and jferst, after ikilful manoeuvres, drove Bism from their. pcStioas, and the light cavalry Br.d heavy dragoons triumphed over all the es- Bertscf the enemy, and in the evening we cuter- Id GufHdt by force. One priouers, BtepofTcfOou of the portions before Gufradt and ■hironting of the iufar try, were the confeqo.en |*S Ofthr dTgi“ Th-9- hat ib were ■ecularJyEvenly handled. [ AFFAIR CF JUNE 10th. II The araty advanced towards fie.lsbargh, ari Brried ieveral camps. The enemy’s retr-gusrd, Mi from Id to 18,000 cavalry, and several l - ..; ■f safer try, were formed at a miles—- ■he Spaoiih cairaffiotars, and other corps, cbe. - ■'d them, and ground. Two diviCio .s ■iMarfhai Saak’s cnrp3 marched on. the right, ■:.sle Legrjind 3 dseicioa rnarcaed on the left. B-Tlis sv!i >le Ra.u. a army was at Heilsburgh ; Biey reinforced their advanced colunms. More ■65 field pieces poured death, wbilfl, they ■ere thus fapporting their columns, which our ■ii’iQons d'jve hi *. with the raok uadam.ted ■urage and impetudfity. Several Ruffian c = Brans were muted, a-ud at 9 p. m. we were ] ■dertbe enemy’s entrenchvneris. Several ci. 1 ■Sons performed pmicHgies Verdisre’s divis- j B>n cut of the enemy’s retreat by Land-burgh • i Bd several companies went so fur as to intuit ■ ‘ Ruffians in their entrenchments. Scare Bnve men met death near the p’llii.rdcis. ■ The Emperor paTcd the 1 Ith on the acid of Bttle, making arrmsfements for a deceive ac- I’'’ Tbs whole Ruffian army was afi'embled, : Hd Heilsbargh was full of ftpres and rendered . Bry ilror.g. The Emperor ordered D.tvouft to * Bnn an the lower Aiie, and cut off the read to I ■pan. Each corps had its affignei p ?rd B?e all aSemb’ed, excepting the’ 1 ic which was | ■ the lower ffdlarge. Thus the Ruffians who ‘ B * recommence I hofidmes, f.■ c:c t : *:r*b’v's ■ Bckaded. Rattle was offered t.hem :It was ■>uglit tliey would attack on the 11th wiiilit B French array whs forming *, but i-.dtead of Backing, they began at night to cross to the Hht baak of the Al!e, and rave up the whole Bntry on their left, leaving'their wounded at B mercy ot the viffior, as well as their map:--j Bps, and. tboie eutrein:!. meats, the fruit cfib Bch iiftd'iona exertiofl. ( B*) 1 16t:i, r.t clay orea;c, all the army was j Bntofeen. All the Wes are filled wiiii the! B* 14i9fl wounded. From t.te 5U\ to the Rddi, B enemy's army has been deprived of about B°QO figtitjng tnmi; they left in our hands j r! b to 4000 men ; feve.i or cigh‘ pairs of co- 1 Bio the accounts of defer: era, several impoi- Bt generals. Our. loss is about 609 or A) J H sd or 2200 wounded, and 000 pViffi.,- ■ A Spanilh general is wounded. Gen. ■liiACil of the Imperial. Guards, had his h ai Btj?ti; Marfeu-Mm-m hid two horses killed 5 one of Ins aids (Segu 101 lan arm. °ther officers were wo. aided. Ws| m raagav.ines of H.ulshurg, several j ■Orahd quintals^cf flour, and huge quantities of various kinds. ■=3s Enperoe Alexander left hi; army fume W ll * campaign . From Lo-doit pafatisto n f'J‘tr<t, rittelved cttyTttv- York. BRITISH HOUSE OF LORDS, June *j. Th<? Lord Chancellor, the Arcbhifhop of Canter bury, Lord Dartmouth and Lotd A)!ef rd, tools th “.r feat* Cointnifli iners immediate y below the throns and the o <nm ni being * few minutes aftei l, 1 attendance, below the bar the tot'd chancellor read the following . My Lords end GentUmm^ IVe have <: in command from Ins mujelly, to and. ts to you that, ‘having do med it exps-dint. to re cur to t’.r f rife of hie people, hit inajifty in c nfot mnv to his declared intention, has loft no time in Chilling ti e pr. fe it parti, ment ts bo : fllmb’ --J .. hit m. jc'ly h s greet set s'adtien in acquainting y'u. that, lines the events which led to t!ie difib u of tiie fait pa; cient, Ins nisjc-fty has received in ftuttierous nddri Fee from hi* fubjei'ts, the warm est affurancM Os their ass. flatmate attachment to his pvrfon end government, and of their firm r:-fo ution ; to/tfpport him in maintaining the just right* of his , ! crown, and the true princtp e* of the conftitiu<dn $ ■ aid hr us to expvets his entire confidence that he ill !l expeie c:, in alt bis deliberations, a I determinarnh to afford him an iqua’yl yal, zeal ’ <** *<’ affotfttodare supp .rt, u der oil the arduous circiim fiances of the pr. fan. time. , V, r c arc commanded by his m j fiy to inform you, that his masefty s endeav .rs have been in ft anxious - 1/ employed (or the purpose ol drawing cl oft r the ties by which hi* nvaj ity *s corneflod wiih tbepow- | cr:, o! the continent ; o affitliug lie efforts of those powers against the ambition and opprtjfi not France; i of i- ri* igfurli myageiWents as nav enfnre t cir CO operation C sad of est •tiiVhiug U;at i.iu t sl confidence and ci nfsnt, so effeutiai u der any c ijrfe if evems, to the rest irat.on of a lo id and p riperent peace in Fur- pe. I I It would have afford and bis tnajefty the greatest p’eafurc, to ha'e been enabled to inform you that, t’ e mediation u and it ken by hi* majefiy t r the p°rp ‘e of prcfci vv_r peace between In majefiy s ■ al 7 the emperor of Rullja and the Sitblim P rcli and . proved Cifidluat for tfc.<t imnum t o'.j.fl; lit deep ly< the faiiure oi tb .t mediation, accompa ’-'.ed a- it wa< by th disippum me-t of ibc t-tT.iits of hit majesty fqu.-droi. in • e lea of Ma-m.-ra, and so-towed n it bats {*'icc been hy he hifics vtrli; h have been fuftvhied i y hi- gal amt troops i:i iy.yit His majesty could not nut larne-t the cstenfian >f hoftilit.ei in any qua ter vr\ ich fit uM cr. t. ad ! veruoti in the wa so favors Is ;n tbs v.ew of ; France j but ltn* jog it esp. cU-iv in the iiTtiuc 'of a power with which his m-jeiiv hr* b e” so <■ fu 1 !y ciM:ie<Sed, and which h s b-.n f re mt •- i debt id for it*, protcifti in tgain't th inert ac tr.ents of Franc*-, to the fignat and futcefsia; tut tun of bis irujcfly's srme Mr, m.ijefly has di"o'flsd us to rcqaii -t you. that . lie has thought it right to adopt furh nuafu.-.-s as 1 nughc heft eu ble him, in concert wish the emperor oiT<. fii ~.0 ta-.e a Taut age f •■y !e ppor iu.iity f r bringi igtbe hmli'iti s u wbieb they re erg ged agrjuit the Minis Fort., t* a ctinc ulioa, confident to Pis msj .-fiy s honor, end the iatetefts <■£ 1 is ary.'cmsn of i’s T*onc of Commons. Kis Majesty has or hr and the s for the cur ?o .mar to he iai*i before yo”, and lie relies on t. e tried loyalty and zeal of hi a faithful Cammotb to make inch prcvificn for -be public f ruce, as wall as for thr fa ther implication of the tvm* which were granted in toe Just Far i meat,-as may appear to be . neccftsry. A* and bis M,:je y bearing ~ uftai-t y in m, and tiie nncrsfiiy ,f i cardin’ lad etoncmical admi • ilftrat ioii -f last nermuary .c; urcc of the c “ ‘ty | has and r—fttd u to ex.ircfs “his h’ pe- that y- uwtl! pre | cced, without del y, hi the purfurt of *h fe tncuioes !c- nnedled w-tii the pub‘ ; c -ertio y. w. tth engaged the attention of the U'l Farliameat. My T 4 onis aiul Gtnt lemon, | Ks May ftp commands ui t flute to yon, tW be is and cp-v in-- .raff and ith the peculiar impart;!*** at th** piefent momtut of chetifbmg a ipu t of union and Dr.rmonr among*c i-i- p-npl ; fpt.i- will tr. ft , effidtual'y prom .>te tht pr ifpe ity oi tiie country at . home, • ili give vg- r and efficacy to its councils a .and arms broad..a and can ah ne e'liis M jifty u il-r 1 the b:-: s Bgg ol provide, re to carry on iut ef-.t l!jc, j the great c litcft -n whkh he is engaged, cr fina'-ly to 1 cui uft t to th-t tcrmo'at‘ u wlmn bis m j !tyh mi der. t cn and jafticc l ave ever led 1 nn t > b ek—- • peace in which the honor and ;te of •is dc:n can be fe urc. arid ‘n wh-ch F'lrt).,.- ad the world m y hops :cr in te pend •toan in p f.. c r'2-* it if'} / / jv'if | j ly J -1 ON th” 2d “eptember tv * ■ re.*-rf ar,..fv, betvvc n tl'e luiu - tic ian th *e L: cio_, wi.ib. i Id. the foiloivic,- p psity, so r.ty t.ix- s- v Z Lot TS<\ 1-t C!7ar& oyifTrla; i l , , . f J rr* T?‘ /, si ft />/s7rtirrp /r< Proper>v 0/ i/iuiut-i ly L j.t ji. ui 10 John f,Hhw-*-tax 1 Jo% CIS - G.ot fourth if Lot No 14, Crrf t'rr’s TytN in -j If o.ier ward and lu. ‘■ Ffo t° j a ‘ !s jy ‘ ;e as ’ ’ ! setrm.?;f on th* f.rafsrlj cf Henry tuiza~ t& x j 56 dole. 25 cts. t . r j I Z’ “‘ddf.js or. Lot No 5, Jrlyt iytNoy, .' **• j ~n:rd. io satisfy lbs ajj. fneni on i'y /• ofety oy Juim IVdilates- —•fast ll dolls. hOre.iU. J. jit xl JO.U HALL., c. t. ’ o r* July 2 *6 PUS il J J NE.Yi E t. S lies for cits Taxes. tor Ho. ;o BcUtk.i Tyih'ng. Herth i cote Ward a*'Hid as tc pr ope. tv of li r ■ „ a h B iV’thii Ti'tti br pojttvely ss'd on 1 th- fi>p. fueiliv in Sep- nhsi, . the coin hefts- b'tnc-n th- hoars of 1 1 and 2 o'Nock tNsa'Wiuxrn- been ft f> >n -d ter ” of bi i>s • th‘ property po n-4 out by the adm ■■ijlrator . _ 7 MARS it All- C. I , r , ‘ I A lifts ft 2 u —— - •Grand •> !•• ‘*• SiimineAu Av.gttjl 1 0* I .>O7. I AOf -dOiia-c !y -a— ‘•<*•'<'- } u A< 'P r. 0.) *•.--. ivil lie ‘ii hl .<t ie I * A U -h, <j 11 'uie I'iK ,iS ii U!’ p\Y i.i dept- tuber n.r?t. it o c <cK A. ■. A* \v':iC i t ;itul pv.c. - 1 * c ’ pr'i-icir atircs f the iff.’ c.t hedge Ui er its juris i liftidn will t- n I ... n tiy order o; eR- W. Gr r . -M r, D. -jj. Will -m% ! *2 Ccan.l Secretary j Public Intelligencer. O — rw —— i ■! savannah, FRIDAY, August 28, xß:'7. tsS'AT: U AzAA 55 Ui-gg"- - \V r p r.v p.uthorifed to (late that the Prcfident j o( the United States has called on the Execu tive of this State, for his quota of one hundred thousand Mil:t.a which is 3095 ; and that the- Governor has required of the Adjutant General to make an accurate return of the effective men in each brigade of the Militia of this State. Louisville Gazette- I Lx'raCt of a Ist tec from a gentlin', nn in Aliev: lie,, I $. Carolina, to the Editors, dated August G. *’ On the 27th lilt, we experienced the fe vered h: 1 storm that was ever known in this part of the country ; it came qn from the m. e, About 15 miles n'orih-eaft cf me, there vtas pieces of hail picked up that measured 4- 1-2 by 2 1-2 iaches in diameter. At n\y plantation they were more of an oval form ; and be afTured I ipeaJ wittrtß Imundf,, when I fay they’ were from the fixe of a hen to that of a gobfe egg. M'Cann, efq. of Pendletou difiricf, weighed One that was 16 oz.—it fell :;i grea. quantities in this neighborliood, which has proved very deiiru&ive to the crops in general.’ l Astzrhsion City Cx-c.tts. Trial of Col. Aarcn Burr. FEDERAL COURT—RICHMOND, Tuesday, Argvfl 11. TT proceedings of this day were principal ly confined to the cases ot the jurors, \vh:> were j yeftewkiy fufpeaded’ for aiubfeqaeut examiaa tic n. The case which was mentioned was Mr. C. W. Smith, who cl.fimed obtained the privilege of exemption from his being a pradiiling lawyer in the court. James Heuderfon, who had been absent ca Monday, was next called and set aside, being no freeholder. Hamilton Morrison and Thomas Creel, (two jof .he Tended jury.nna f. uiii Wood county) ’ were iikewife feta tide. j After fume general arguments on the do&rine of challenging jurors, Joan H. Upihw, Miles Seiden, Lewis Tmeheart, Wm. Y. ncey, The. m.-.s PrcjTer, iTathaniel Seldett, John W. Ellis and Armitlead T. Mason, were cslled and ot. jeTtc-d to. I 1 v Tiny then moved the court to award a fveo „ i.i... > as wound i : the pi ee of the deficient jurymen. Some defuitory convert.-lion e.iftted, when the court awarded a venire for forty-eight, and the:, adjourned. j hhiredcy, August IJ, Mr. Burti observed, that just before coming . into court he had received a c’py of the p.v.i T jaw. vded y ‘ft .-day, At was deficient in run ! haEng the pi - cos -jt r. :!ence aiQxed is- the aam jof the juro/n. He (hould perhaps require tis ; th? C. ‘j fie t. morrow to examine. AEe na k ,ion. thi court determined to ad journ till so -T .May, If o’clock. Somecouvcr-uiisii ibeii cnfuc-u, rofvcdt.fig tt* Su’fcno dace, t, su, .'lie:) Mr. Hay fta.ed tt;. he had found general L .tnn s letter araorj Civ tain papers transmitted i; ‘ for. . .or ... v, at. ’.v.ii filed it with the clerk. A.: to general s\ filth:, soil’s letter of the 21st Ottober, he had not found ii among tStofc papers—out ‘■---1 .ec.t lor it a* I i d - ; “ i “ For.r CF SAVANNAH. ARttU’EDf S’fi-1 Colunfi ’a, C New-York Sh Da;cuth, Starr, ditto ] > Olive, Crowell, ditto ! , ritllad -I phia | Rr:.-’ Two F ier.Js, Curtis B film. I’r'g Drake- Stou.l.irt, . ditto i IJchooner Am.lia, Brooks, Bay cf Honduras, in . diltr -fs Si-100 Delight, Cooper, Gb--Lfl:an Shop Republican, Brown, ditto # * kI.F. X A NI)E ?S. ROF, fir. - ‘-, -of b ing in ti.-e op,c? be now h . / . o f VKRkT nf CCUbC'I;-, f. licit# the O’ |ii# fr ends at ti e icfuing e edtion. :S S3 +*._Mir,V E Y \\ r . \Y 11 MA MS ; 8 ~ Ca’ .licia e f>r the OFPL ‘E of Ol.F.’t-K nf he A yOR C OURT, and foHrits fei# fellow citizuu* to Contioun li-m lit ,a-ii oluce. Aujjufl *8 S3 THF SUBSCRIBER, A - r -T ;:4TS the Cit mu* cf Psvajmsb anil, t q e i' C Ar’-- ut Cl at'.-, .m C nnty pci-er. by, tb. tbe v , -| p.. a Catici’t’ -c, at the enltt-i.g Bi-An af't ; hc Olfi . ‘-ov O ■ - M. WHITLT-Y. i August r3 ‘’-I j notice. p-’.r i> in.: -bout t- leave M, Pky for .. a few -Av-i.A lias p ont-tl r !);V!) V V.Y LOR, j mV. if - Lwiu: suoi .-cyu’tir.n - !■- alvenVr, JJHN lili-K'N. *ugull IS jt Si fp.ox & Pope, ‘ . ived per brig Eliza, from Philadelphia t soihtfts frefh hyson! lr ;’ Q ditto young ditto J ‘ %ty boxes genuine Span th SEGARSt, ON HAND 9 Jamaica RUM C-igniac BRANDY H-dUtid GIN Sherry i-nd Lnn. par. T”n. WINES L inf, lump and br v SUGARS COFI EE—C hOk GLA 1 N Turpemi-ne SOAP, &, . dc . which are < ffere-J tor aie at reuuced puces. A nvilfi x3, 5. 53 Abner Webb, Has just received per the Eliza, from PhiladcU phia, FIF rV P .!. FRANKLIN’S Cossack Boots. Augufl 28 St 53 THE Coinmiitee appointed to examine the City MuHhd’S Accounts, report, that they have carefully examined the fatr.e from the 21 ft of July, 180d, up to the 22d of, 1807—they hud by tire Treasurer’* receipts lie uas paid ever to him 257 dollars 31 1-i cents, and he has received 275 dollars 46 3-4 cents, leaving a balance due the city of ] 8 dollars 15 1-2 cents. By the veport of ;t former committee, on the fettlemgn; of his ac*. counts up to July the S3ift, ISO'S, it ‘appears that there was a balance then due the City Mar final :>f 51 53 1-2 cents, after deducting the former sum, will leave a balance i.ue the City Marfini of 13 dollars 44 cents. We alfio report, he has the Trealurer’s receipt for 45 dollars 16 cents, and an account for a law fu’t i iiLliuted by order cf Council for 3 dollars 50 cents, which trinket/the balance of 4-8 dollars GS cents he was to refund as gbakr ore. tem. ‘ GEORGE HARRAL, ■RAJAMIN ANSLET, ED Ward harden, Committee. Savannah, August 25, 1507. THE Oral CowuißdAe report, that they have examined the books and ac* counts of Capt?in M Call, goaler, up to June 24th, 1807, and find them cerredi—he holds the treafurer’3 receipt for 643 dollars 28 1-2 cents, j being the balance then due the city, The com i mittce deem it but just to notice at this time the wry excfik: ; fe;.ie c: the gdin, as it refpecta j cleanliiiefs and ccmfott towards the pr.foners ! co.ifiik !> which reflects much credit on t,.s itumagemeat cf the'prcfent goaler. BENJAMIN AN’S LET., # GEGRGE HARRAL, EDWARD HARDEN, Committee. Savnmffi, Angiffi 25, 1307, \LT . eg TH.I. Is -f..Y ‘ C ,'jy --V- -.:■ f. ih? C 9.4 :-i ----t V j - , y. .. -<r ?,■ . J . -ui /4* tun hurt anC ic, Uhm ii yune ,it e-m ftr:d t* sfesify ibe r •• ‘“-VJ * •’ ,i ~'• £S r i\ .ANSLEV,! „ GnC HAKxAL.i “' mr “ ‘ “ :* cr.-rh, Jrjujt 8.7. L i 3 -CO EUSH T. ‘• 3 .LIVERPOOL GROUND SALT. • o tens IR(.> FT..(ForteJ { o hhtls. SUG. R. fer e very fine o JAMAICA RUM high 4th 10 qr. cilks O J SHFRi.Y Vv INii ,3 pi s . FRENCH BRANDY [Q io- 1 HOLLAND OliiT o boxes NEGRO TIP! s to calks BRO’ VN SI GUI, ,(tju { a!.iy>i wirrame. ) ~0 barrels Ircfh FLOUR C&y ehti Kci.elt §me lat usscrincnt op welt >,kos n GROCERIES, XT RETAIL, 15 OFFERED FOR SALS bY i>. & C. BROOKS. WHO HAVE RECEIVED ON CONSIGN MENT 30 BARRELS Prime Pork, Which will b- SM ’ow or C (li or ap proved P pt r, July to sot 39 D. 8l J. Douglass, HAVE JUST RECEIVED, Per the “rtps 1 uns and Se.i-Ifland. from s e, a laige a uliiiou to tneir former Sto,:k ot 800 TS, SHOES, Arc. Which they t.flfee at Winteralc or Retail,a: tl-fif Sto e, vp -ut'. ihc Bu,k’j Hcsa, Acquit 15 a -9>