Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, September 01, 1807, Image 2

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independence of his country, in deem injj it proper or expedient to have for bidden the enliftcncnt of the (e men ? Our independertce is gone the moment that any foreign power-(hall influence theomiucl of governin’ r.t, in any ref pea or in any degree not author if wl by the laws inter gentry And will Dot thi- he the Case, when we calculate on the unjiilt refenunrnt of a nation ? Vvhli it not be mean fubmiiTion, when ‘eur chief megiftrato shall ticon the fear of anv nation, be-obliged to d:deend tVcm the elevation of the MeSdentidi cfc-tir, and carry his pfuuqJPforecaft, bis ’/lews of national expediency, down to'the lu per intend ’.nee of the conduct of a recruiting oiiicer of ms navy? There is no'biame then to be attached U) or the government -1 f either had intpi sered, the abl woui-’ fiave been difgraceful. But it is t.n. that these were no codlmdn <> {Fencers, for that or:e of’thein had cap r. ji,t, l dont rccoiletd wo bitit i -in tne ftrect Noi:o..c indeed! this v s very-unci/i! a I un mannerly, tout no breach o t.<e psacc “7. it ca>-fs oi nation w otiCi.-e. bu how could the PrelidsiU have imerfer red ? where is it written, ’.ie p. ru but legal language of every man wh is so bluffed as to inhabit our. country, rvh re is it v itten that tor ms i-.< n_o nc*ly*conduct any man n this country is to he puuilhed ? ui this unruly tai liar! allhuked one of our pv;n citizen-, or had Mandated him, our c au<ts o< juflics woo'd have redreftbd the inju iv according to our law—. hey woulu h ;ve given the fa ne rcdrcls to tnis for eigner, audit is allthit cur venerable Fredrlcnt and all the confth uted au thorities of the country can afford t:> redrels the wrongs, or to call the hot b’oo.i of citizens or ft ‘auger, and I de voutly pray it may long continue so. Cl VIS. f'rin the [Salem) Sites Reg::ter, COMMUNICATION, T ~ I g-,t-i ri V 7 encnimße Til's is iot true. . The government have always dii'couhtenanced the enlisting such perfor.e— But who before ever charged an American fea ni.-u with desertion, when He only* regained his liberty from a British man of war J Hundreds of impreifed Americans have run away from Britifij p üblic (hips—nothing is more com.nmon. They have no other method of leaving a service they abhor and deleft, or of ever again feeing their families and friends in their own country. Sritifh fhipsvuk- our epatis—they come into our wa ters —they bear on their accursed decks, the har dy Sons of America, in a (late of bondage ! Tan-’ tainted with the fight cf ids relive (hore, the to wring fteep'.e of the church in full view be fore him, where his fond parents in his infancy pledged him to the Service cf hi? God and his country, the free-horn American indignant at his •wrongs, rapidly revolves all his chances to ef tupe—or of horrid death on one hand, but on tne other there is reparation to the embraces of a fond wife and darling children, the welcome greetings <-.t the friends and companions of hh youthful dr vs—in a word, to the poffiffion of sweet liberty and unbounded happiness. Who could long hefitste ? Alas 1 he is surrounded by bis enemies—-infely watched, and every action every look, raises suspicion. But it is done— the purpose is unalterably (heed—he refolvcs to gam the thore or periih in the attempt—one dcs perate effort is to be made. infant, with one bound, ho finds himiclf in the boat—he hur ries, he flies from the do tollable Blip, as the ar row (hot from the archer’? bow, or as the deer •Heaping from pui suit of the huntsman, ‘i lie bolls oi the deadly nmiV* are heard to whiz in every dire&ica around bin—he heeds them not By the fi.rcr.gth of his nervours arms, the boat is propelled to the hospitable (bore—he gathers rrelh courage us he proceeds. On board the Seating case, of **** all is coniufwn A deserter* destrier, is re-echoed from the mouths <..( hundreds cf fir. -.-sf’ The bullets are ill di reefed—ret on; is per milted to take effect, tt !s God that tempers the rude winds to the thorn i.’ub. It is God tliat turns fide the v.ingcd iaillrumciits cf ‘deft.rufliqn. Infidels, blcfh— hang’ jour head:, ye crouching Antes of the ty rant George, and confcfs the power and gOod ycds of the Aimfir.’ _. ruler ii* the univeile, the protector ot tnr.v ru 1 thc-aveeger of gViit. “.ire deserter* wft ■ r. he I He recedes” ifim ; the fight or i.:s p-jrluers ! the land of his L'-hers 13 yens ! his heart beats for joy 1 hispid-! pjtatms bslo.ii cm fe-rody contain it! he itretcu-.-i out i..a arms a a tra sfport:. ex trey ! , t..e co-! : ..a.-.-s me .. . { . r,. one ft ; mo’t t exceeding the powers of nature, he finds fcimieif j rjflcc more tttutdt.g erect on his native bud!’ he is rr.iE ! ! and proftratiag himfeif, kiffes \ tie eartu in adoring God for I. : sefeso?. I oi*. #icay.iel ci . i ! uiuie his vile pursuers ltnafii their teeth in cef j pair, reftjlving to wreak their malice on the gdiltlefs heads cf other Americans within their power. Will you deliver up such deserters F Will you deliver up any deserters ? Say, ye ve nal apologists of Britain, will you fnrrender your friend, your countryman, your briber ? He who would do it, is but ci Jinnee, cr tire Jit :njr::r.ieni of flavcry In others .” DANTZIC. The following defenption of that important place cannot fail of interefeing our readers at this time. It is taken from “ The Travel ler’s Guide through Germany : Dantzic is the capital of regal Prussia in the kingdom of Poland, ineaft longitude 19, latitude 51,°f, nard ui the weftem more of the river Wefel or-Villula,-which n little below falls into the 1 Baltic’ Sea, -about 1 <0 miles north of War sa w, and 70 fouthweff of konigsberg. It is a large handfomc town, rncompaied with a good wall, and fortificatio is of a great extent. It is laid to have been built by a Danilh noUemmr-of a very weak conflituticn, for the geodnefs of the air, from whence they pv-nended it th.rivcsHts name ©anteic -fignifyiiig >o their language a-sick } mao. T lie knights of the ft ord-.-r made themfeh/es mailers of it in 120.5, and surrounded it with walls; but Cafiihir 111. king of Poland took it from them agai.T in I and graated them very coniidcrable prit h'ges, lince v- hioh time it.has b-.en conllantly in.or-; • log in g- ..- dear and rrehes. ‘ It is no n a very handle n.C town, enepmpaffed with gi rd walk and forttfi- j cations of great extent, fth ‘ home” ore ‘ .11 h lilt of—lh x<B or t.’ -ft, i. ; or ievea itn -.3 ,1 r.i 1 the streets arc pretty large. At the m,;: < * very itrect tliere a m weils for the use of th :a- j ■niiants. The public b ‘.ildings are in general v - j •ytle rant, mid fuituble to the dignity of'this j rrcat —ity. .1 it- tur—*c zohg.e • Ga...e- iic, Lutheran, Gamniil, ere toll! ate J by law, j hut the majority of the i-n .. bitaats are m tire j Lutheran peihiation. There are twenty cpurcirss in Dantzic. r-! mong which the grer# church is remarkable ice j its (me Cr-guii, pulpit and font. There iu bk—j wife a great number of convents, a fine ncad> , j and an excellent I'brary. The Gey F; : ars< hurch ! is taken notice of on account of the fine monu ment of the famous Keckcnaan. • The i! 1 1 houfc is a handlbme building, with a very Id a • : tower and an excellent clock, ft he exchaug.-j and the arferal are also worth*feeing; the for;.: -: has a noble hall adorned with Cornea very good’ piTurcr. l a the arsenal, there is a pro.!, y.ous; quantity cf all manner of military 1.. ’. meats, i aid a llatue of Icing Sigismond fti ofc .c i .’ id on his tomb, and hard by the eifi ;y cf c- t j iigment in lull armour on horseback. Tin- and tifications are also wr-rth admiring, coi.dT:of vety broad v.-slls, derp'ditehry, and tv a :ty bas ticus. The gates arc clyr,ir,;ly l dft,i'---. i of the ViftuJa, there are two firorxjjfu::v |n high tower and hethora to di. xt the (hips j coming into the harbor. The iubunbs are very la-gt*> and the neighborhood rourd zb on, ex ceeding pleasant, being ilrewed with villages and public houses, -whither the inhabitants rir-nir an Sundays and Mi vals to divert themfeft Nat far from the mouth of the Viilula (lands the n= naous aft by cf Oliva cf the Ciftercian order, f . mous for the peace concluded, here between the | Ling s of Poland and Sweden, in 10$5. Thi inhabitants cf this city are fuppofA to be ?.bo‘.’t 209,000 fauis, who are fubjecl to a mixt kind of government. Their nmgillncy con fills of thirty senators, who continue to; die"; four cf whom ara burgo-mafters. There are j befidcs, thirteen coafuk, who eiefl the i’ -id bur | go-made rs out of their own body, a..d nominate ’ the judges and all other officers cf the city.—- From these an appeal lies to the thirteen co.i dfuhand four burgo-mailers, and from them to the republic of Poian . The King antrially nominates a burgo-mafter cut of the coni, is to j represent Ms perlon in the serrate, by whom all Sentences of death muff be fiigned in’tce feme’s t name. Cue hundred burg . .3 rut* tledicd tor*. I present the people’s grievances, defend their pri j vilegee and mfpedft the measures of the govarn -1 went; cad these, with the concurrence°of the j (eiiate, have a power to present the clergy to ; vacant benefices. The jurifi lidtion of i(: j't j extends forty miles round the city, the gar;,'.', .1 of which is maintained at their own ex- cnee. They have a power of coming money with- the image of the king on one fide, and the city arms •on the revevfe. They are laid to be iW the j protection of'Poland, but if they “ had not been j protected by other powers, their (late aaift I have been long since lubverled. “ ! About 290 years ago Dantzic wan a very in. : ; comiuc-rdlue place, but by the application or the ’ inhabitants to trade and commerce, it has rifenj to it3 present grandeur. Its fituaticn withm! ( four.miles of the mouth cf the Viffuk, I receives here two other foal! rivets Moldau,and j ,the Rodaune, conti ibutes vastly to the conveui-i i eucc and i.tcreafe of us commerce, The price!- i ■pal branch of 11s foreign trade is in coca, in j which refpicl it may be properly called tliegra- i n ff ot ’ Europe. The corn is brought fime j from Pomerania but the tfidll part from the in- { .land parts of Poland, which being h plaia a.;U ! • fruitful country, aborads more tlian any r.thtn car- a Lurope with gniia. The magazines. r :.-c the corn is kept, are very numerous, aid | lepers ted from tii-e town by a caual formed by - 1 - 1 : river. It is not allowed to make a fire, or j 1 bhufte in this place, for fear of any accider t. ift;cie magazines of corn, as well as those for av .1 (lores, wiser >f they export a va't qua ;u ----ie-en pr eight (Varies high, r., which the -d ‘ cloi'i auo r m ffi... iucr -, Foreign Nezvs, o NAPLES, May SI. The Englilh landed shout the-end of tns* j month 5000 troops in Calabria. Gen. Reg nicr has completely defeated them ; 800 re mo’red on the field of battle, the remainder were made prisoners. A conspiracy formed at Paler mo, and which was to creak out at Nap.cs c.. Corpus Christi day, has been difeovered. fine five principal confp’.rators were condemned to death, and executed within 2-1 hours.’’ PARIS, June 24. At the fame time that the news of the expul sion of the Englilh from Egypt gains credit, it. is afierted that a corps of 4000 troops of the ! fame nation, landed in Calabria, has been cut to j pieces by Gen. Rignier. The time chosen for, t!:is landing would make one fuppofi it to have , been concerted with the con (piracy lately thi covered at Naples, This would be 1 frefli rea- j son for being aftoni/h'ed, that the Englilh gev-: eminent fliould always resort to means winch j have ever proved fatal to it, which would tarmfh | the-luftre of faccefs, fuppofifig they’ would have j • am"', and which augment a hundred fold the I (name of a defeat when it is the result ct luck | miiiKxiuvrcs. j LONDON,,.June 22. The Vienna Court Gazette draws rr-rery dii- j f-. -r.t picture rs the date of affairs of Turkey! from, me- Tench and Ducth papers. The! blockade cf > he Dardanelles and of the Canal of I ’ Confirm’l.tcri’c has reduc'd the capital r n'great j [ diflrefs. -Thu Captaia Pacha seems yawillirg | i to quit the feeurity c-f the Tea of Marmora, and the Turktih Iquadron which entered into the ; Black -Sen, has* been driven'out by the Ruffians | General Michelfon’3 pefition remains nearly the | iame. Jle has not evacuated Moldavia ard Wal- Gaclva, and has lately received cSnfiderable rein forcements. i It ;s reported that a charge has taken place in \ the Ruffian miniitry: that baion Bud berg has, J resigned, and Mr.- Novozii’zdff r.veived die ; port folio of foreign affairs, an ’. that court Ro ma >zo has been fuccc-t.lcd by count Sirooro : not, m the commercial department. The fet ter not long Cnee-left this countr.g r.nd Lis ap -1 poii.iment will, it is supposed, be extremely fa-. ! vprable to this country. I Holland is at preient fcrargely fituxteu ; fie j :s apprd'.cnfive of an invasion, and (lie is without a tiucf inSgiilrate. Louis Bonaparte, according , to private letters from Holland, bar abd cated ! the throne in ccr.fequencs of a mifundcrUandtng : with his brother. His condufi, though grate i fui to the people, becanfe it favored their com merce, d-fpleafed Napoleon. The wish cf the il ter is .0 distress the Sn<lt(h trade br at?oof ,,* O J x lift means. Does he ruin his ally or his de .o .cr—-.J .1 iui.ier in luumci-arc? Arivate ic, .era ft ate, that as soon as Loins Ji-on.iparte was pL.ced upon the throne he fa tv the ruin his brother’s system was bringi ag upon ’ t-:e country; the people approached him with J representations ot their common distress, and r-.j'iuwi ii.m to abrogate that prohibitory corn “cin* fyftetn, wh:eh by cutting off foreign comm'! ~cation, intercepted ail foreign demand, and tb 5 mined’ a country which could oni\ itippoit itf/lf by means of its richer neighbors. L ni.s Bonaparte appears to have been moved bv the scene of diibels before him ; the system was partially abrogated, and the communication opened between England and Holland through the direst medium of neutrals. It is ilaied, i fhefe indulgences provoked the indignation o’ the emperor Napoleon. j i firft of . t eitner.o reed by the Ruio* of : xlodand, was the desertion of his wife, the • ( daughter of the French empress; who, after j ibm * faccefsiui intrigues, withdrew from her husband to her mother. I Louis Bonaparte, wearie ■ withthefe intrirws, ! and having in v?an iciicited permission to retire, a. leugth aoc.icr.led throne, Hr.d w. 1 1-, drawn Limiblf into Italy. The Dutch -rovkJ cat are in cevifeqaence in the grea'eft conruihn; •they have implored the ref cf Louis— that 1 monarch whoin they have known lon v etioug 1 : to love, and vvhefe retreat will renew‘th.-.t state j of conf,ifio i and tullrefs wbxu hs mod *’ r JU* -xrgua to i Zclirve them. ( , h-vs bc-m received from the feet ui>‘ cer vice-admiral lord Colling wood., off Cadi;:, 1 ’ dated auout vwcive d.iys fftiee, all ot which agree tort the combined f madron, about twelve cr thirteen fail cf the line, arc ready for fee, cd !; is iuppofei :f our fleet were by accident driven -heir station, they would endeavor to make a grand paili oat to g t through th~ gut of Gib raltar, and endeavor td-form a jundfioo with the’ Carthagena or Toulon squadron, cr perhaps oot .. But lora.Colli.igwoodis ever on the alert, and his crufing frigates form a line of commu nication from eff C tdiz to his fleet in the offing, so; the purpose of communicating iaformadon ditliclly by Telegraphic signals. Juste 23. The new Swediib miniiier, M. Adlerbcrs, the of Barron Rehacfen, came over i.i the jacket with a PruiTiau officer, with difpatchea from general Bluch.r to our government, HAMBURGH, Jmie 24. “ There has iffned from Strak'r.,l a prock m ition, or address in French, ia favor of.* Louis V V; 11. king of Fiance and Navarre 1 The fiig is horded ; and ail loyal Frenchmen ye pronuled “ nne difeipfiue paternelle et une T’ ‘ p’>'W ue double, Ac.” This pay isajfo ’ .j c. e.i tp 30 odd iatthing \ t,.-e u., lotto - , ‘ “. y - V [ Js carciuJly dtfcribed—•’with rpeci 1 cc-lc, tr t deserters are to enquire for the r-’gimr-nt o:, the king of France, commanded by Mcnfieur tn diike of Pienr.e. I fend the original as a‘cte> ofity: | “ Soldiers—Under the auspices of (he Jorr| fevereigu of Sweden, the cyhite (lag is Rg.-iu lioifted. Honor calls you to assemble round this . banner; a paternal difcipkae, and ray n.ore tha.i double your preient pay, a'.rmt yen, j: to Europe is tiie objAt you are caned to cotr in the ranks of the royal army of France. In? love of Louis XVIII. yotir legitimate fovereiga is already in your hearts—Vive !e -Lot. The uniform is vhtiCj the, -oCingr, &c. blue, with yellow lace, blue pantaloons, with : the fame. _ . j As soon as llie cavalry is iorrr.od 5 li?*c foi* diers of this army v-i'l resume the iorvtce. I Every loyal Frenchmen, who faall ffrifg ’ over the troop be commends, or caufee ;t to jc.n i the white flag, (hall confequentiy enjoy the fame I rank he already holes, agreeable to the dccir-'i. jtioa cf Louis XVIII. king of France and ift.. i varre, date and December 10, 1804. I Each deferterter is to enquire , - the regi. : meat of the king of France, commcn-crd by 1-i. jLe Due de Pierre. The pay for*the pn-v.a . I soldiers is 91-4 fcbcli-.gS of Pomerania, without * ; bread (about Iff sols 01 I'r . -ce J and with, two j nounds of bread, G 1-4 ichckngt >” r ‘ PORTLAND, (Main) Arguft 10. Lieut. Laumnce, cl the L -ary, who is. nor Rationed here to iuperirtend the depart;; a of the rn-a-beets, who was ordered to .-.i3 • 1 for two months, lur, the iU v;e;k, tecesvt new orders to r hit them for two years. NEW.7OHE, A-.-ghft If. _ , By the (hip St:fan and Sara:, cat lain Henry, arrived last night from Lcr.cor., v;e have recer ed London j vo*trs tatffi ffSth June, a a LlcytVs Lift to the 27th. The Sunday Mealier of the 25th June ft v: rs, that the Britifti force employed in the r.roj**.fcaJ . expedition to l '.iie continent v.oi •’ szth i England ttil government had received ca ts ivem. !trd Cathcart, who had fit eff tu fan: 1 the chief command of the German Legior.;,, wlii-h had failed. In the mean wh-fte every cx ; tion wrs ufi -.g to get the treops in reef . ;;cfs for emb-'-fiatioa. ft he renx.-r.cer cf dig Gen: ‘c Legions fees been errh,irked red raffed, The full divifiun cf the exrftd.tft.n which failed for S.rr-lfund, was however iccn est Yarmouth lllL Hit mors cf the C ft cryagrr.ent between the, . a rt sell and Ruffians are fisted in the feme pa per —tfio’ i;cth% gos the gc. era! xclion ci ..e J 4t'h .Ti'.nc. The new T-inlfterc have a majority ii: the fe of lords cf S3— ft tljp -Cc mmor.s cf i U*. .. va o fie. . ;o Egypt who it. inforcements. ‘ftrtf Gen. Crawford’s expe.'ilft.a Las failedi. ...a. . St. Helena, bound to Rio uc -. Plata. . I -BALTIMGRT, Ar-vk IT EittraSpf a lct;< ‘■from a c--r A. r: r.‘ RUbmcnif j fated. Augusi i5. “ Gel. Burr’s trial is new p.ccv-’in g ; cut of 48 v ‘ iremec, four only -wes. ; - ...'wd ; ths rell obyfiei to, per cause > gym. •> fui j the pr r.rktyof their furring • j • urgued ek A y, yefteiday. The judgment cf t e u.;t - , that they were not proper juryme?, having prejudged the cafe—s...v paimd is c..::.ea for ; tills day.’ 1 j i Grand I odye of pnrg'-';. Lavannah, A -gufi £O, ie?7. A Grand C, nirmn: .>_>nV tueOKA.UD l ODOK. wit’- be : cid s t n , : A vj .y, 0 n tie* ! - iKSf StV’ URI)AY in cp -iri'-er n-t_ t otmc'•! ’A. V,. At Widen time p : it. rht and Kc* pr- i e w.vt, c the diNrent a. its j,ous tiiciion will itttend. 1-y oruet cii>.ic IT. r,'. Cr. -!: ‘ ! D. D. VViiijafns, •*>* J Grand- Zkreury ro, C . r r? • ~ V.y^ 1 Jk. ‘tv K-? AV.•J(-- -t tj I L/Z *L, iBD . ]>#> pr-'a- JIdL c-ral plan <d tho.'e L/ Td uod-.’ - C.'.CC.:'! tlj)v th, 1 |*.e A* Gordon. L tj. V.-dcial Alc’Bijl, as thr> ot Jumi j. Zubly, dec. ,>y the H f§.) flee froot-iog three streets. Q.v ißc pf<!fcr;cj are an a’moft new n\f 1 f c a -,d - kitchen, t fj-(1 tv is •> .li tP'Vi •: n yon ! ii r>! v : r :>t B-ic corn?*.. A!ft ihe unestpircd irufthoM of Jot No. oJ ‘ive, f routing Bry >f Hr; a. to :b,z i.jßi April, s3l.t together v, ■ y c ■ •!•.■,.Utng ’houfe, lljL'p arid other improv.- m there- 1 1 •, 110"/ Occtv.o'ed l-y tire fp’.f-.'ber, :i ’ •"a; and n ‘c -.Kind luf bufioefs. Condi.* <•*<[■.. A jply m EL .AS ?.ALERT, Sav’h. July j.j. j Notice isJicrtuy (ytvsn f THAT afttr the expiration of months cation will be made o the ‘Honor-Sle the lufiiee of