Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, September 08, 1807, Image 3

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the witryeffc - ‘••*“ •*•';; ’ ‘’ “ iCaS !„• .11 r lv- • A- Anatffctr G ‘ ‘ ,h T eight, ore ‘ ™ a: *<’'a(k to pwen ,i ‘very unH - .:m the ! . jrt of ‘the Uiiited States, who had not given in hij testimony. The fellow who pivfented the p o if (>n to him in a glass of porter, (which he is in the habit of drinking when going to bed) is in and lies revealed the whole matter. You v'iii hear more if this hereafter.” ChetrUs. Sept. 4. Ktmm * jZxtr.iS of a letter to a merchant h New-Torh, da ” ted Liverpool,. July 4, 1807, received by the Packet, via Bojlcu. Our market for cottons has been for feme time, and ft.'U continues to be, very dull. The ikoelks of upland cotton, which have lately come forward, have been umf-.mfty of the work des cription, the Hock of which is heavy, and which the spinners will not purchase, until induced to it by~a fcarcitv of cottons, or a fticnfiee in the price. In the course of the lad week, SCO bags cf this defenpuon were foul by auftson at 13 l-i a lid. per lb, the buyers paying the ■a a iliac duty of 5 pc“ ecu-. Cur stock of Mew-Qrjfctns cotton is now confii.-r&ble, and although, from the quality, tlute are much more falcable than upland., yet in the prefect state of the market, tie buyers Tvili take only the choice)! they can {cleft v .Sea Ifiand, except the fiaeft defeription, of wiUth we have not many, are ah© dtul, tau the [.-ocxis couCienihle. ’ u With refpeft to the future prices cf cotton, much anpreheiifion is entertained, in confeqt.ence Cf the accounts which have been received,, of the defeat of the RusEan army. Theft-, by the la!;’intelligence, appeared to be confirmed ; and if true to the extent Hated, they may probably have an effect upon our market, which will be fit for feme time to come. The import of American cotton from the beginning of the year to the end of June, exceeds the import far ;he.. il ‘.t 6 months in 1303, by 25,000 bales. If this is accidental, the cor.oqueace,. though lar'd'&ur: rime, it may b; a depreciation, will, after they a.e taken oat of the market, proba bly be rather advantageous than other-wife ■ but jf it is the of increasing cult ivation, it ar gues n-u‘vcrrb’y with reipeft to future prices. “ The demand for S :e rice is pretty regular; hut the inferior aud*r.iidliiig qualities are nearly vnfaleablc. 14 So iir. jrovement has taken tfiace in,the -pri ccsoi tobacco, except n the low cu for wh.cii there ms been foee demand for export a ihe demand for tar, continues vary regular; for turpentine there is little enquiry, although the arrivals of late have been inconiiderable, ‘ikmbsr and ftnves, of good quality, contin ue in fail c .m.avu, ** In the ©rices of indigo and coal ieal we have no alters'..©© : the latter is much wanted. “ For mahogany, fu Tic and logwood, we have no demand; fine fold Nicaragua wood would command the Ligheil coqimious,” Captain Bowen who arrived at New.York, oa the 12th tilt, ir. IS days from St, Martins, informs, that c-a the 26th of July, a severe gale was experienced there, which done great da- | age to the {hipping iti port, and to the plants ■ trails. A dreger, which arrived just previous . to captain Bowen’s failing informed, that the . gale had extended to St. Kitts, and was ra ter, ded with difufteroqs cuniequenees. Five Englch ships add a number of Americana had’ gore afiiorie. A late Forto-Rico paper, tinder the head of St. Thomas, July 28, is vs, t: We. luve reports from the Spmi-h Main, that the troops frem Peru aadChdi have re-ta'kem Monteveido, aad ‘put tiie Englifti garrifij.i to ice fv.-.ird-—;■ id that :t is alio reported, that the E igiiih ships of war 2nd privateers, which had bee.: criuling off there, were withdrawn to Tortola.’-’ Private letters from Alton*, of the I Gilt Jane, 1 Kite, that the Spanish amb .Nadar to the chart I of Vienna, has oihiaily de..” trad, w tit the c- •- sent of the emperor of the French, the Spnniih i troips now in Germany, would keep rod occu-j Iy Hanover, until tk • tu-- : 0 f . > ,> v2 .-.-n ...: nte Monteveido, red all, use other conquests 11 j South. America, .yim-lar ceclar atio rs -are foo- j posed to have been made by the uainiftm cf ;i.. • i.L Spam at GLiiftaiitmopie, Copenhagen, London paper* c uß aftion'iaft week occupied the cour. or exchequer, in Ireland four days, ft was brought by the perfpnal representative of a lady, to recover damage *, for the breach of a proimie of marriage made to the dccecud. Tlw defendant has demurred. It. bein' l- a novel case much ingenuity and learning have been dlfp’uy ed by the counfellors bn enefj sdo, and the court has taken time till next tvraito pro souace its opinion. * -*I fplcndid embaTy from the emperor of Av-j'iia to the emne or of China, is f.tid to have been refuted admittance into the capital. On its arrival at the great wall, the ambaiTador was met by ap officer Worn the ClxitdF court, with a letter and preffv.ts from the emperor to his brother of Raffia, aad.dtftnag h.m to make the best c-r Ins way back, his imperial majesty being unwilling, after so 5 nig a Turney to allow’ him to extend it beyon4 what was ntceiTary. tine!. A pc. fan oftbic name of Jonathan S. Fianly nas announced hiuneff; in the Vv afliington Fcderalift as the future editor of that paper.— From the tenor of his addreftes, it may be hip po fed that he is fx .ii upon feme nefarious enter prise, which ho is determined to accotrpliftx at all hazard*; for he fa; s, I H-atl press forward in that path which a horde of worthies have tra velled, with a detennina’ ton not to be (Itaken by the threati fug tenors of the midnight dagger.” A man mud really be Tout fume criminal affair when he expefts to ire daggered ; and his pur poses mult be davk, if he thinks to be caught and pumfttt 1 at “ tiudnigii’;.” The people of the Diftrift of Columbia had better look well to the pentlcmaa.— JdJiLierepaper. From several artiCc-s ii our late London pa | peis. it appears, that it is contemplated to try cap. j tai L,ove, lor infbient and un-offtcer-like con j ddft in the Port of Chatlcfton— Phil. pip. ‘ i The following account of a dangerous rock is given in a letter from captain Edward Leigh, of | the {hip Britannia, to his owners at Liveroool, .'dated St. ‘Fiiomas, May 15, 1807. He* dis : covered it on Monday, the 27 th of April, in the ; fume 1 ar j “At ten minutes before- three P. M. difeov. “bred something ahead like a broken malt of a f-ip, with its end vertical: ir. live minutes plain ly law it was a fltarp pointed rock, sometimes covered ; it,was about four feet high, when the sea left it ; there was a great fweli at the time ‘ on the Weft fide ; could plainly perceive a large h-:d of rock about 20 yards square. We were ! so olofe to it, that it was with difficulty we clear ed it, and.had the sea been fmeoth, we should inevitably have 101 l the (hip, and perhaps cur lives, its latitude ts Id- 0,2, N. bearing from the 8 uth end, St. Bartholomew’s, E. by N. 1-2. N* 11 leagnes. At fix P. M. Ew the land above mentioned. The above reck is not known by any person i:> these fans.” JE£tiTy AGRICULTUit-U, ltlPoltT. St KMH —IBO7. Hay—Large crops, exceeding those of any late ‘• year. . Some of it damaged, a great deal well j got in. Bottom and 1-mv meadows cfcaped hoods with kfs injury than common. Harveils—Wheat—more abundant, and better ‘ than any former year since the revolution..— I With daily showers and’ hot funs u harvc.t j. time fonte what grow in places. | Rye—Plentiful, aad well {beared, feme few ! crops excepted. ; (Juts—Uuulualiy abundant r.nd good. More {own than ultsd, and .vhat was town is bet- I ter. I F’nx—Large, thick, and wcll-feedcd—the coat i ir.g not yet aieertaineii. , Car.!—N> vei mure promifibgf and seldom mere j planted. Barley—Jat Llile foivn—that little geaer.Piv j good. ! On the whole, f.ioula I.Ni.n car’ out r*. j as ,t prom Fes, a more plentiful rear Wi*t ne : vsr have been remembered in this date. Fru;—No fearery : except cf apples, o: wiiich there avc very few, Gen. F'-irnadotts rceiveo liis wound, directing the pofitia.i or ens of liis reviments , { he was ff-uclt by, a rnuiket ball in the neck, u .... I der tlte right ear ; the contu/ion was so violent, that lie fffl fonv a a with his head o : the fad.lie : from thts yofture, he however soon .raised hhri '-•;lr; aan white his itrength jail-J, exhort the i-oops to'rev'mre hhn. tie was dually oblige .1. to retire; and will probably resiti.i two o: thre week? bttore his wound is healed. L.ndcn f-t'-er, . * * HMI AV-’V: ‘he beginning cf tire me,nth of Feb 1 ru.wy, 18-.)/, Elizabeth Bowden, a girl 14 v.::in. or age, bora at Truro, in Csrawal!, entered or. hoard his majeffy's ship Hazard, cap tala Di'ics ; ia boy‘s clothes, and remained on bnrd fix weeks before her fix was tlifcove.-ed. Hr...:. , the time the (hip was in the harbor, the five ir in ly we vt to the mail her! to clear-the pen.lar.!,. and after fu ffiip tailed flu tv • known to hr.-, gone oa one ia the middi ci the nlyht j when it was blowing n-nott r. g;>le of r h:d ; I fire would go to the toplkit yr, •• ■: affi'l in r; 1. ■T- f- ( Her Ether and nut:.- >’ ir.g sea i, j she had vralhc : from ‘ir: *o tp i’iym-m.ii t. I her flit-r,. but no', be hag able to y; la any know el i. .. *£ • ttr.utii'K ’van. }to drfguefe herfelf, aad voTuuceeric uis n>areft.y‘s i service. Sino’ file made known her for, th- 1 captain and officers iiavc paid every attention to ket, gave her an apartment to fieep in, and fir: tiiii rcir-vi ej on board the Hhxar-J as an -ttc ant on the officers of the lira. She was left on board il Hazard, off Rochefort, on dir 4th inftaat. Lender paper. Im haste to get *?axris. — Seme few days ago, a man vve ;t from .-J th-ngUm to Li el- j lingly to be married, but not being provide ’, i with a certificate of the banns utvi.ig i/een re, , . burly pilbhiired, the Miniller was under t” ; cefiity of paffperffis g tire wed Jag till th < fiiow day, not thinkii t it juffible that tne man could return in tree, so a diffaace, oa foot, for thp performance of the ceremony toon er. He was, however, determined to na.drc the jttvmp ; and after puffing oil ii hat, and com mitting it to the care of Ins intended bride, dar ted from the Church yard in foil lured, aad retur ned to Heliingly 20 minutes before twelve, com nleteing a distance of nearly 20 miles, in exact ly two hours and thirty-live minutes, to the great joy of the betrothed uamfel, who anxious ly waited his arrival, which hud no foaner taken place, than ?. congratulatory fe.ktc was cxciuuv* j ged, when the fond couple repaired lo the hymeneal altar, and were made happy. VM.I ! Avery melancholy accident occurred in this City iafi: wed;.—A young man came from the country to (he a female relation, who was fervaut Na ipirit dealer, at the Weft end of the town ; Fffi girl applied to iiei mailer for a glafs'of spirits fj? her friend, who, happening to be busy at thej t:m . directed her to draw it from a cafic which he def.-ribcd ; file, however, mi Hook tiie direc tion, and drew off a glass of vitriol. The young man drank the burning liquor at a draught, and expired in the moil excruciating agony in two homo, after. |j Dublin paper J. Fodcial Circuit Court. Saturday, August 22. The court met at twelve o’clock. William Blanrierhaffct was brought into court] for the purpose of being arraiugsd, aiid fixing upon a time for his trial. After the indictment had been read by the clerk, in the usual form, preparatory to the ar raignment, Mr. Bolts observed, that there was a miszosmer in the indiftment j that his cheat, hi believed, was nut disposed lo take advantage of it, and that he himfetf was prepared to auvife him to plead immediately not guilty; betas the other counfcl for Mr. Bkuaerhaffett were thee abffint, he wiftied the airaignment p.oft pored till fome day in the next week, in order that they might have a conference on the tub jeft. There w ■another reason for poilpon ing the arraignment, of ivfinitely more impor tiuce. It was well known that The decision of the court upon the points now under difauf fion, if it fLouiu be rs the counffil for col. Burr contended, would materially affect the evidence lobe adduced in the case of Mr. Bhnnerhafiet. It v :uU, indeed, greatly narrow the objects of enquiry! It was therefore important as it ref pefted the ecoaomiiing of time, to wait the da cifion of thoie points. Should the prif.,r er nov. i plead to the i.idift ment, it might be necessary , for aim to summons an immense number of wit neiles to rebut the evidence of those brought forwa-d an the part of the United States; but i few of whom could, perhaps, be examined. It he Chief J • Lie that one ci the point; made in tlucafe of Cel. Furr, did not occur in that of Mr. BlanaerhaSk-tf. There could be nc queftien but Mr. Blaanerhaffett was pro feu t ‘"hen the overt aft, v h heverit may be, was nlfi p-Net, when Cel. TyLi’s boats.were at the . iffipid. Mr Hay declared, that he had no objeftion to the poilponement, if tire gentle man oil the c ther fide thought t’ ■conduct Would be regn lited by the dec'.aoa.o! the court or the poin t tuder cnnliucra.i.. u ; and Fiat iH- laight name cv.-i time tor tns arraignment. It . -as la- agreed Fuat tlie arraignment o N . In lici t mould take place after i , q'MFoiib esa before the court ihculd be deci ded. The cmirt oa the motion of Mr. M‘Ra.' ; . > v! ,ch wis dppoit d,by Martin and Betts,) •djourucJ till aloud..;-next 12 o'clock. J tiers from Smyrna announce li. m Roffisns, alter having tak n the id-.**v 1 Veuedos, took pofi ifion also ot S’ah jene, or Lemnos, It was aifo Tean hut they v? vutd occupy the island o vjr-ifeliiio, which commands the harhoi ■.I St, - rna. Some Ruffian men ol war l “<Ji icady been to reeonnqttte it. AS Sr E-itiih property at Stnyrra had bear o’ fi.'cattd, __ U.Y.paper. , Pi J“rome Bonaparte is to be c eat sd GrutN Duke of H-.'never. Gun Boats. —A Ittier hem N.-rfcffi ‘.y.s “ tiiegun boats which are now on t •i -cks, -iicot ‘i diE. rent conkruttion tr?- -tale that were k*.-.i*er!y bu: £'.{;?;• >f being very ft t i.t t::s bottom, anti co.: lining two thi ty-two pounders, ore n ae fiern and tire other in the b tor.. tt, r eieni [?:. <j*s arc fnialier, Shaped like pi boats and ihurper rt the keel, end i on ’<• but. a {; t .rty-tw.o pounder i i. r now. A T i’ Gaz. PROPOSALS, F)R rO3LFSHI G B fitoH. A I.IST o. o’s;• u n . e dk v;i- if s ; n tab ’ C i t iviPL . . iL> ban cl Lee it vy* if-is v- . V fin)! bs -x.-'ut’ inn g-*cr paper, a i; fm ty c,qui. i ,: r j ur-.ul fixe - <.ud be detiv r..l :o I’ibfor-her- at nv . i: m ass ■ Co t '>% t > a'-n- I>fi ibers at ux rou.u —tin m >uey to b • in u-Ivaoc-, as ill. xp.-alc v/;ic!i wi* n*T fr .it the. •.vieUton 1 - 11 1 !. grrst, au-J tl . wa'.’J: aim >ft i.-.bk iia. I tUcf -rim r. i. ttety. i I'u- ..-it! Sc deliver!-J in flieet*,if (fed. ! u -ferip lo’i p-v ci ? w.t tic lodjpd -.vitlt thcit-vcral I mint r* :mj Ip .ft- \1 .tiers in ibis ftaic, wh.arc iJ. ci-’ ted to rvcaivi’ fublJriptinh., ait l let urn tU -a to th. > {gre by the lyilt < i Aug'tft next. tg tl.e tVt h the in* received; <1 dnCt a ten per c.-at. sot t.- mb c Oud C- -iiipcre copies will bv diogiy hfe.ultd Lo-avilie C.uctte Otkce, July i >. t poo bushels Corn, Landing this clav atNloor’o wharf, %- ffilc By B. & C. BROOKSf July 30 i-dt 45 For. Safe', A smart ;£tive NEGRO BOY,lab out It? yp-n of gc, a compte e Itoufe fcnait. Alfi. a NE( i<(> FEf-I.OW, who is about 30 ysar o’dja fenfib able bodied man, cxtr#iuc : y well ci)cuiaied for an Xu guiia boat liatid, being a cctapklc buauuau. Lu* quire of li e Priut-.r. September 8 $0 LAMPRIERE’s CLASSICAL OIC IT ON ARY. I IiAVE puttoprels the new dtxf enlarged edition of (he above work, the great met its ol which have railed it in Gieat Iliuain to the tark ar books ii:tt not only occupy the {helves of the TANARUS) ro, but find an bone table place in the fsudies o! the learned. /.% a School-book it is indispensable to the Yeung Reader of tha Clafltcs, and as a Gompendfum, incaJcu isbly uleiul to (lie ek;-crfenced Statefroani and ptoh und Scholar, h indeed, be called the CycloaeJia aMMaffiisi Litera-* ture, w-hich wfnilt a reusers unccfiary .he voluminous and prolix details ui partial Hi'loii-iiis and venal Biogiapl crs pielcnts us with a tdithful piftut-e ot all the ir.Ccre!U mg events which maiked the rile, piofpci itv, and decadence of ancient Gtecce end Some, and other nations diftir.guilheci in liftoff ; and in cr.e cLy, by the excellence of its anangCinrnt, and the accuracy ol its rdeiences, alfirds more geneial mlornia tion than could be coliefted from a whole library ot Urge volumes in twelve mi-in hs. As the character ci the work 5 not gen. rrnily know n in this country, A have id .tied a few articles, iforn which a correft inception may bes jiKied of its ftilc and utiiuy. JOHN WATTS. I'hiUddpkia , August , iSc-5. TERMS : T e price cf this woikis four d*. liars nd Shy cents, bound. A rumber ot co. .ies will be printed very elegantly, cn ‘l’sutiiu’ paper, rxtra binding, at fix del. Nrs. 7. tie London copy fells at sevcntetri 101 l sis. n„ „ w , 1 nmmmit m\mr m 1 1 ASSIZE for August 5807. ’’"TpIHE priced Flour bring 1 e do?. iL hirs a ft a hail per caift), v.e gin 01 lit Ead in uft be, AS i-z ccnls Leaf j sr. 4 I.caf jib. 3 <£. j ilb. in: c z. Ol which a:i EAK-ERS and SELLERS of bread are to take due and particular ;So. cc. JAMES MARSHALL, C T. ■ . .... .V- ——jfr— TO TilE FRIENDS OF AMUR ICAR MANUFACTURES. A , £R. )N. who !ia been bleu in Duta'a ro - ‘.e PO ‘ ii.RY 1.0 INESS. ia *'l it-, brauche*. w .h e cxprcNv; w a. efixbllfhiag t : at imp r-ant Man it Aure in I’hi ad ap'ii 1, La- now ; r ved here, aad •aicen me. fart-, sot the co aiteuu m...t o the vc >u&i(A. jpi u> o. * jeafe th* b .1 ; IB I.* mat; rbb wi. cfe ‘ e h.: ::o ojjjfri arc t i>r t- und in .bundance'a many parts --t r n U ;s.! State ‘ e hereby f Itv'u tl.e mtr >mc off p.nfi i. ends m.!u thr r.g •u£ 11-2 U■ p. -•- uuy tec <1..-une o Pair nize hi* <ftabhfhmeat -o i ,cii C- ‘1 r FLINTo, (particul-rijr ic ihailc Flint) . m y ne found io t’>• 1 i■- e pnltive uev be- r o •• ad . ue* th.m ta fid f ; :erims9 o f;-cti ‘ t- V r u*j : i.i’s worthy of; tv •• ti u to Miff; s- * •• ai- - •on, 1 t’er-F. unfbis P. il and. •& .c; ssr... e.l f wr tt.-.n dtu'i pti >U < C il!-” qua inti) . winch t! ■* ;-r ----c raav be ‘>rocu ;u i:3 -nu t'-ai, tiilta- cc i.’, m wi :tr carriage.* -ml sac- .dir rrmurk -' nt *>• ufefiai mI-.i. li.O V “i.'-'a- ly OrPV: * C ‘..r.-‘U v rnabz iLI- r.f .-t cur.- .umca-ce lo tie and .’nets, if l. ii r:q S and ;tjnt r.ttsrlion rr.n? bs liiit fen.'.i.i., fjiee CiC-.s o. cl yah true ieetn.inal) • t-’giu u -r -.rov.y} as f-.t ,p -Or. alt,- u.ifiu the ;> fc-r the ue forJw oeh th y re m • <ndeil a; all tAofc v.hl h affume'L fir c-dor ~y|ieu l ’.if . wiiltl’-t . tuner t ep.r !: wl ii-e.). Sp c may be Rci palm ill r.enuinM weigh-V.g ‘.r-.ja 1 * ntw poun In. and by (hafnicde -1 cr V: V-mce V” ivh - v -. 1 ‘ e lt. fi cx.peativc. i-hi: .mx, July 3 . Notice is h-rtbx Given, TH VT after the- espiratrna of nine'month* -.ppli -. c .tior, win uc .0 rhi Hc„o;ab!> the Jn..., ,1 of the- I.irerjor C-n.: c. LfJ j liac. ‘.'.we: y r a ‘e.vt t - ed three radio of |.4N*D,c at-inirg tyro hundred a re* each. ir. said c unty, tor tl.e beneS'. of thehei & - crcditari of ] mes Webb, dei-oafert*^>- bl. iIdRD i- GG)N# .a , WILU.vM WKKUM j April? ain 9 tn ST"''. j ‘ |, _ . . .. . Aflcrncy General’s Office, f rernov.-d t< M:. S:i i live coo. j below ju igr Siepljtjip||§ Voiice i> h, rchy”: ’ ! That ni e month* fr: at t! u damgppfeSV.r'r, yrtP* l: rr. de to the 1 loiiora'lft the C T th.'.m Cou -ty. for r.n 1 order o. Ctißit PBi I No. a, 4, &7, in Warren tlfej.- W-> fttingti-n \Vard, a 3of Lot •’ .L * a amt 1 9cf Lot le’ter F in ili V ,’ Jr’ tbi-r with the mprnv.ment. th. rtxm, f { - ‘* r ’’ , c ‘ Cty of v ait nah. for ihe beuelit of the * , c ‘‘ C c ” * diture of Major Edward Hardeu.d'c-f. j £d FS re ’ Edw ra Harden, Only quahfifeti *nd t facfr Exreuic* Sar. April 7 i3oj, *’ c ”' Jf ! .