Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, September 22, 1807, Image 1

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I VOL. I.] SAVANNAH, (Georgia,) printed by ■ we ELECfO RS OF CHAW AM i I CQUNTT, | I Intending to be a candidate at the ■proafcld|’ eleftioß for SHERIFF; ■ this DoiK&jtf - -r? T ANARUS;’ t * i *) bv_j ■•V citizens thereof, pledging myieU; I, a faithful difeharge of the duties ■ the office. —l shall be thankful sot Heir fuSrage I JOHN EFPINGER. I Augu.ll 25 5 s ■ 0 THE fl-t'CTOKS O? CHATHAM 1 COUNTY", I f announce myself a Candida!?, fey ■I A SHE.RIFF. at the ensuing Eleßion. I■ g shall feel grateful to such of my Fef miw-Cttizens, ai may honor m wit's their Uufferages, I'” j. P. OATS. I Sept. 11 57 I JOSEPH DAVIS offers Bitnfelf a candidate for the office of ■Coronor, at the enfiiing ele&iort, and ■olicita the fuffrages of his fello.w-cui ■zens. Augull iS 40 I THE SUBSCRIBER, 1 ACQUAINTS the Citizens of Savannah snJ Ethe tlfttor? of Chatham Cmntjr generally, that ht ■L I he a CanHidate, at the eafuing Elt&u-u far the ■ tlffice of CORONER. I; ft!. WHITLEY. AttgaCfc 28 53 MOUNT-ENQN SCHOOL. A ? same Tenk’s. -crr—rMn,g the import JfjL of the void LODGING, has Net. expressed by some who hove perused tk< communication intimating the opening c; the Grammar School at Moitnf-Enon ; i‘>>. public are respectfully informed, that 1, only intends Bed, Bedding and Hashing The terms of tuition and boarding bang a: the low rate of one hundred dollar s per an num, exclusive of the above mentioned par tculars. The public are further inf or me a the Grammar School is now open for the reception of Scholars. Those Punters who have been kino enough to mention in their columns tie communication alluded to will confer at. obligation by inserting this explanation. September to. FREE CHILDREN STOLEN. STOLEN from the subscriber, in IVakc County, near the Fisk da m Ford, on Neuse river, the 2it r.stani, THREE GIRL CHILDREN* of color, (fret born J viz, the eldest named Folly Valen tine, and ts remarkable for having a large tumor on her breast, which has been ianced ; the next eldest Susan Rennet Valentine ; the youngest Rebecca An Valen tine, The eldest about 15 years old, the next eldest 9 years old next January, the youngest g years old January past. They have ve*y soomth skin, dark mulatto color ; the two young'’st very sensible, It is supposed that some dishornst person has taken them cjj for the purpose of selling them as slaves.— Every person who can give information to the printer hereof so that lean get my children, again, Will be thankfully received, besides making any satisfaction I am able to do. . NANCY VALENTINE. Raicigh, (N.C.f August 27, 1807. ’ 1 ■ ■ ■ , 1 - ■ - |- - imi'ii For Sale. On a credit till the first of January. A PLANTATION on the Louisville road, liltern rmies from Savannah, con taining fity acies of good well timbered pme land, twenty.five of which are now under cultivation and pood fence, well adapted to die culture of com and cotton, known as onr of the bell Hands on the road for a tavern.—For terms of falc, ap. jp!y to the fubTcribei a this Office. WILLIAM WIGGINS. Auguil 25 ,54 I Public TUESDAY, For Sale, A smart active NEGRO BOY, ab vut <6 year* of age, a complete hoofe fer at. Alfa, a NEGRO IT I .LOW, who is about 3© years o!d, a fenSbie able t bodied man, extremely well ca'cula’-d for an Au- | gulia boat being * conq... w boatman In ini re of tl e Printers. September 3 y) Notice. ALL persons having demands against ihe estate of James Shaffer, are requested to present them legally authenticated; and those indebted to said etfafe are required to make imf^ed:ate pay men. to FFEDK. SHAFFER, sidm'r. August $8 50 U NIV EKS A L HI STO RY; Anew and much admired work, A PROPOSAL For publishing by Subscription , ANQU ETLL'S UNIVER S4 L HJa TOR T s EXHIBITING The Rise, Decline and Revolutions, Os all the Nations Word, From the Creation to the Prtser.t Time. f Translated from the French of the Ikie brated Anquetil. “ The public has f rmed iy; cpinionfor ris valuable work and the firfl edition was oon exhaufled. Mr. At qtietil, whole !w rary character is too fully elhblilhed u vant the addition of pitr commendation, ts rendered himfelf fiilf more uleiu by his second greatly improved edition of a onok which to general readers will fupjm he place of an enormous mats of vu- Humes.” ** Upon the whole, it is judiciotifly made, t inculcates pure principles, may lately bt aut into the hasids of youth, and i; per haps, better adapted to be used as a getie al “u le, to htftory than any other booh which it ir. the hands of the public.” British Critic “ The reader will be pleased with theft volumes which comprise an elegant in & ju dicious abridgment of our extcnefive billo •ica! compilation. ‘‘We recommend M. Anqtsetil’s com rilation on account of its plan, to Undent if history. Let them make it their com “isnion for a cor.ud rable time, and l< hem not return it to the (hell until the\ ire complete esafiers of its contents. 1 ’ Monthly Review. CONDITIONS : It fhr.H be printed on vellum paper, ir fine large cfuvo volumes, and rieltvertn to iubferibers neatly bound and lettered ai two dollars and fifty cents each volume. TO THE FRIENDS OF AMERICAN MANUFACTURES . A PERSON, who Pas been bred in Britain to •the POTTERY,BO jIHE.SS, m all its branches, with the ezijrefs view of eff&btiflung that important Man uf.nßure in .PbiinTelpbia, biyi sour arrived here, and • taken measures for the corocreacesnenf of the above huSnefs.’ Being anxious to pr. cure the bell Roflihl materials which he ha* no doubt are to be found in abundance in many parts of the United States, lie hereby solicits th* attention of f.tch patriotic gentle man throughout the Union, as may feci cMpoied to Patronize his eftahlifiimer.t. to such CLAYS r r FuINTS, (particularly the Black Flint) as m y be found in their re'pedtive neighbourhoods, and invites them to fend specimens o; such as they may think worthy of attention, to Me fifes, Binnv Srgßor*Ai.t • son, Letter-Founders, Phii.dclphia,accompanied by a written defeription of the quanr.ty in which the ar ticle may be pro u;cd its siiuaticn, diftauce from wa ter carriage, and such other remark* as may be thought ufeful. when the v-.rious fp-cinitns (ball he carefully anal!red, and the result communicated to the and ners, if required. It is particularly requested, that attention may iae paid to fending specimens of clay that are free from all ierri’g'noits or irony matter, as the p'electee of iron to tally unfits them for the life* for which they arc in tended, and ail those which afiume a reddifli color when burnt will n >t snfwer, ast'.e purest white is de sired. Spcciraens may be ftnt in l'mali quantities weighing from one to tw > pounds, and l>y that mode of conveyance which will be lead eipecfive. Philadelphia, July 3. THE Attorney General’s Office, Is removed to Mr. Suder’s tenement, five doors below judge Stephens’s. TANARUS, U s P Charlton. House Robbery ! 100 Dollars Reward , yfffcj ILL he paid on recovery of the V V M sre;’, end conVibHon o! she vilLiii, who enieieJ rry boufe yesterday morning, between 10 and 12 o’clock, while I vas absent in town, arid forcibly roke open two trunks—from one of wbiclv was taken three 10 dollar Bills oi the Stale Bank it) Charlellon ; they are much foiled and dirfitJ. A'fn, ihteeor four ic D >lL’ N'Ues of the Uotted States Branch Bank in New-Orleans, which are clean ne-v bdls. Wi-oever detrfls the tliief, Ihall be entitle j to the above reward, (or in pro portion to the sum recovered) if the Robber be a white person j and 50 dollars if he-is a Have or person of color. From fome citcumftances attending the Robbe ry, it is ffrongly fufpcfcled to lutve been done by a colored perlon. F. S. MILLER, O.i the Ogechee Toad. N. B. Shop Keepers and Grocers •re re quelled to be particular in retaining Bills of the above defeription, if offered by lulpiciotrs-perfods, Septeiuter 17 ,59 1 c Dollars Reward. j EECONDED about ihrse weeks a- ? TEE. go a NE'-ii\D MoN n*tr,-.-d j tkf : lay lor ; a flout well m?. e f< ;I'fmoett lace, his eyes large, about five feet ten in hes high. Had er. when l,e went off, f u lhan jacket and overt'!?, a bl-nlc bat, and vkite fliirt. He pretends to be (on.c*.hint, . ( a lador, and may probably attempt to 1 get off in fome vessel. Ad malte>T. ‘•’ veff’els are therefore cautioned vgainll talc rg him off. The above reward will b paid to an* erfon who will Lcjie I :m in any g<- tl the slate, or deliver him to the ful.lcri >er j atid five dollars wilt be paid h information that will lead to iecote hiu George Enoe. Sept ember iS 59 10 Dollars Reward • ABSCONDED XfiL frorritny yarctrasmon ing, without the final I IST fft provocation, my Neg.o Fellow ffaac testes- V '-S wrWt®***®'** p s c '-> %*£j-~**a**u*d ,';J’ To tbofe who nave no knowledge of him, th following defeription ol his person and ap |itaratice may he rteceffary ; he is 26 eats of a.fe,* about g feet 6 or 7 inches it icfght, wears his hair very nicely platted, • s a great beau in his dress, effebfs to loft) carriage and ftnu, (peaks bad Englilh, and ‘having been owned by a Fbyflcian talks much of his knowledge ot medicine and lurgery ; fie is a very likely fellow, tells an artful and plausible story, and has a and tvn look when speaking or spoken to ; he i? an excellent houfc servant, and pre ends to know! a little of every mechani cal proieflion. I will give the above reward to any person apprehending him in this City or County, Fifty Dollars upon pitol of his betng carried away in any boat or vefleJ from th'S flaie, and Fifty Dollars upon his being brought to me from, or secured in any prison, beyond the limits of this state. Ilaac has numerous connefifions in South-Carolina, and his efTotts will be ufei to get there in a boat. THO's : U. P. CHARLTON. August 2 49 Intelligencer. September 22, 1807* Norman M'Lkan & William E* Earnfs. FROM iHE AURORA. CULLEN. Upon Cobbeti’s return to Great Britain, he commenced an abuse of his old friends, the lories ol this city, wuh whom he associated, and from whose charaßers and intimacy he formed his criterion of the general virtue of the American public. We have long paU warned the federalifts w ho are A mericans, that the Bntfh fpv, Cul!en ? would, on his return to his employers, follow the fame infamous conduE We have always attributed every thing of bafenef, hypocrisy and impru dence to that Bruifn emissary, but w§ acknowledge that whatever was that opinon, his effrontery has exceeced 2ii our limits. Not content with wait ing for his return to the pandemonium of St. James, the pamphlet called the “ Voice of Truth,” if it is his produc tion, and we believe it is-—has com menced, with an impudence which Gobbet: would have been afbamed of, to calumniate all the fede‘a! merchants of the United States, as the mofl un principled feoundreis, who lust for commercial profit to the exundhon of every public virtue, and a curse to the nation. We pubijfh fome extracts from i: 9 and leave our farmers and mechanics to judge if they can per ceive any fynitutos of the 44 Voice of iruth.” . Cullen and Cofibett’s affociafes were . :n:.r alias mc.vAtchy ami as every traitor, unfortunately for fe deralifm, fbehers himfelf under their wings—Cullen brands the whole body of American fedetalifts, with the tory pr inciples with which he conUsntly af ’ Ibciaied at New-York. -We are surprised that major jac 7 < son has not defended this infamous at tack on the federal merchants, which attack is only-made because our fede artlfis united in the delegation of the murders committed on board the Che !apeake. From toijes or tcry pspets to defence of the patriotism o; our merchants could have been expelled, for those papers advocate entirely ‘he very principles for which Cullen 3bu fes fojullly, every man going under the name of federal ill—these tory pa pers hold out the idea, that occauie foreign commerce might meet with fome interruption, every iniult, pira cy and murder is to be iubmitted to from Britain ;” that any opposition to the murder o\ our seamen, is injurious to the cau'fe of the British tyrant! - in sacs, that tve ought to submit tb ev ery reflricfion on our commerce, and return to the state of vassalage to the British agents and spies who crowd our coffee houses. i EXTRACTS. <f Yet it was in this very class of men, (the federalifts) Britain and her cause had the greatelt number of pre tended friends, and Bonaparte and France the greatest number of seeming enemies. There tvas hardly one of them who would hot accompany a British politician through the whole round of his principles, arguments, o pinion and afiertions, and cordially ring the changes upon them all till he came to the point of the covering trade. Then every thing wore anew afpeft—then the whole artiller y of the counting houses were turned upon Great Britain —then every trace of the ruin of the world by Napoleon, of the danger of jacobind®* of the [No. Co]