Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, September 29, 1807, Image 1

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[Vou I.] SAVANNAH, (Georgia.) printed by TQ THE ELECTORS OF CHATHAM i COUNTY, , j Intending to b~ a candidate at tne approaching elcftion for SHtMIF l oi this County, I now apptife my fej-’ low citizens thereof, pledging invfeo i . & fiithful difclurge: of the duties oi tils Oiuce. —“I iiivid be th<tnkxui mi their fuffrage | OHN EPPIXGER. Align ft 2g 5 2 TO THE ELECTORS OF CHAT IIAM. COUNTY, I announce. m\s.vf a Candidate for SHERIFF, at the ensuing EleSion. end shall feet grateful to such of my I'd. leaf-Citizens, as may honor me with their suffrages. M J. P. OATS. Sept. 1 3 .57 <££■ JOSEPH DAVIS oners ihftnfeU’ a candidate for the office of Coroner, at the ensuing ele&i'cn, and {elicits the suffrages of his fellow-citi zens. August iS 40 THE SUBSCRIBER, ACQUAINTS the Citizens of Savannah and jVe Electors of Chatham County generally, that he will-be a Candidate, at the dihliog EieClion tor the’ Cities of CORONER- M. WHITLEY. Augutl 2S 53 - - - MO UN T- £N O N SCHOOL, AS some doubts concerning the import of the word LODGING, has beer expressed by sous who have perused iiu comm vacation intimating the opening of the Grammar School at Mo'unt-Eton ; the public are respectfully uformed, tint it only intends Bed, Bed ling and IVashing The terns of tuition and hoarding bane a the low rate of one hundred dollars p:r an num, exclusive of the above menti -led par ticulars. The public are fu ther informed the Grammar School is now open jer tie reap den cf Scholars. Those Printers who have been hind enough to mention in their columns the communication alluded to will confer an obligation by inserting this explanation, September jo. FREE CHILDREN STOLEN. OLEN from, the subscriber, in lTake LJ County, near the Fish darn Ford, on Reuse river, the 2 ?.r instant, TURPS GIRL CHILDREN of color, (f>et bornJ viz. the eldest named, Polly Valen tine, and is remarkable Jer having a large tumor on her breast, which has becnJanceu ; tre next eldest Susan Brunet Valentine ; the youngest Rebecca Aon Valentine, Ihe eldest about 15 years old, the next eldest 9 years old next January, the youngest 5 years old January past. They have very soomth shin, dark mulatto color ; the two youngest very sensible, it is supposed that some dishonest person has taken them eff for the purpose nf selling them as slaves Every person who can give information to the printer hereof so that [ Can get my children again, will bt thankfully received, besides making any satisfaction / am able to do - . NANCY VALENTINE. Raleigh, (N.C.J August 27, 1807. For Sale, On a credit till the first of January. A PLAN I ATION on the Louisville toad, fifteen miles from Savannah, con taining fifty acres of good well limbered pine land, twenty-five of which ate now under cultivation and good fence, well adapted to the culture of corn and cotton, known as one of the best Hands ort the mad for a tavern.—For terms cf sale, ap ply to the fubferiber a this Office. WILLIAM WIGGINS. August 25 ,5a Public TUESDAY, B. & C. Brooks, HAVE JUST RECEW D Per schr. Re/In, copt. Barnard, from Nenv-i orl, G pipes real old Cc;;v’>■ ? 3Rp NQY 4 ohm N*; ’ 3 2 halfpipes old Madeira WINE 2 LOAF SUGAR, 20 barrets 3 * ‘ f 3 SDd I cbcSs HYSON TEA. 2,5 bags PEPPER 30 boxe Doolittle’s SOAP * bos luff) LINEN, and 40 barrels SUPERFINE FLOUR, not more than ig days Lom the mill. Which they will f-ri! at their usual low prices, September 2g. 61 % * Final Notice /// Til E fubferibef informs thou per sons who are indebted to the late firm of Event; & M'Lean, that* tin lei’s they come forward and render hint fa ti‘faction, they will foe a find their Notes and Accounts in the pof fcfioh of an Attorney at Law. It is far from ins desire to opyrefs arsy man, and it iseq , *?.!!y as far from his desire to be app .tiffed himfelf; therefore*, it is his with to be tquart with the world, and trails that who are indebted’ to him will not hesitate to give him some affiiftance—incafe of a reinfai, he \mll be compelled, (much ag-doft his wifn) to re lor t to corn pulsatory mea fares. NORMAN M‘LEAN. Sept. 25 Robbery ! 100 Dollars Reward , \JJILL be paid cn recovery of the V K Money, „nd cor.vitlson of the Villain, who entered my bonfe yesterday merniha, between io and 12 o’clock, while I ,vas abfsnt in town, and forcibly broke open two trunks—from one of which was taken three too dollar Bills of the State Bank in Charleston .5 they arc much foiled and dirtied. Also, three or loot’ jo Dollar Motes of the United Stater- Branch Bank in New-Otleans, which art clear) tew bIN. Whoever rlcteßs the thief, ffial? bt rubied to the above reward, (or in pro no:'ion to the luin recovered) if the Robber be a white person ; and go dollars ■i he is a fisve or perfori of color. . From fame circuit:nances attending the Rubbe ry, it is Itrongly iufpefted to have teen done sv a colored peifon. y t? c \inrrn .V w. - i i j~* -L-J X-a * 4 On the Ogechee Road. N. E. Shop Keepers and Grocers are requeitecl to be particular in t staining Bills of the above description, tl offered by suspicious per Lrls, September 17 5 For Sale, A smart active NEGRO DOY, about 16 yew of age, a comp etc house fervaut. Also, a HECRO FELLOW, who it ahout 30 year, old, a sensible able bodied man, extremely well calculated for an Au gulia boat hand, being a complete boatman. En quire of the Printer, September 8 SO Notice. ALL persons having demands against the estate of James Shajf<r, are requested to present than legally authenticated ; and those indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment to I RE DR, SHAT FAR, Ad Dr. I August a Irf ‘ £9 1 From the (Pino York) Aurora, COM M U NIC At IO N. “Plate has with gold, etna the tlrong> “ Lance of juflice, hurtlefs breaks ; - “ Clothe 1 pig.iry’s tlra-.v * “ Doth pierce it.”—Shakespeare, ** Burr's Acquitted- —-Now may the enfigo of rebel’ion be once more un fu’ led, ar*-f all may hurry to its ft aria*- ard fcarlefs of puoilhmcnt. Treason may again fhidow with dismal pomp, the v/eftern dates; and ambitious men may find fit opportunity for the ad vancctnrnt of their own dcfjgn'!,— Ji whofc bands should be fwift and unerring, has .became vapid an inert —Her lance which should be l pointed with unbended fleele —Polic land favour has made it elaPtic, and it has b cn a gain ft the breast of this a gent of confederacy. With’ unshack led power he .miy again form—na\. execute any nefarious ctefign that po (tent ambition may conceive and wan jder feat less of danger or deletion,— j He may promote difeord and difmetn her union, trample cn laws and nteck the power of man— ’- 4 With head c rcct as if lie knew not —guilt.” This wonder working elf Irs es caped the hand of juflice—wc to find the wanderings of that power I reason has been v.urioufiy defined | a true bill oi which has been fount a gain ft Burr. To trace through tlw various flep? he has iJtft sued ; his fe cret Win’dit-g.T, and the conduct cf hi> ffitanized r ents —-voulci he a tall which would defy the power of time, inclination or onpdrtuntiy A rctrc.frebt of the conduft of judsu Mr-rlhßl, in this cam, conveys i plcaftr.'g and affords iumci on* grounds for aniinadvcrficn.- Du ring the whole trial, the prerogative <> a judge was thrown a fide, as a uh-iei incumbrance.—Slow in his interroga lion as it regarded the guilt of the ac cuied; backward in offering his op’ii. on where required 3 atjhbiguous ex preffions ; Orange alluflons f iilcom prehertfible hints, with a Multitude b: other lingular oddities. A proof o? the evint ed towards Burr, was particularly evident in not jy v mining the express veedict, of the juh to he recorded, but in having it inn ply rioted—Not guilty.” , ’J he ver\ vercifil ofthtit itirv deuionfuably fays, we havy no doubt of Burr's guilt, but h.:%e riot fufficiem evidence to convibt him. Our full complaint is tSen, why was the trial ended ere half the e vidence was examined ? And why was the moll material witnefies fuppreiled ? These are points that .demand a leri qus itiyefagation; bccauie fufficicnt evidence had rot yet been oilered— does it implv that fufficicnt evidence did notexill ? The moil infufficient (at Burr’s request) was firfl examined, whilfl the cbnfeqneutial v.itneffcs were laid a fide. A fear of what these evi-i dences might advance, caused them toJ close the trial, by accuitting the pn foner. The iffucof this inve(ligation, Burr was no doubt apprised of, if we mayi judge by the aifuming confidence, the* unhmmed power atiorded, and the! superabundant effulions of choler and | arrogance, evinced by him during the trial, in challenging the jury, the an swers of whom would have struck deep in the heart of all nnaCCVlflomcd IQ ifcacherv. was bftcriP.l to bv tff’ j ” t J- C-/X J. J. C-/ o o SEPTEMBER 29, 1807. Norman M 4 Lean G? William E. Baf.nes, v/ah an unblufiling front, hartienert in guilt, he was incapable of feeling or rcl.'cLlion. What then ensues ? The charge of mifucmeairdr still exitls against him and was ft possible that with any confi dence, his friends could prevent the Luc and itr.prifonmcnt, 1 make no doubt they would exert all their ta :: lents to do fc. But ftis poor fatisf&c-. ticn to khotv, c< vVe have fcotcli'd the snake <£ Net killed it.” Os ail crimes which are diftinguifnet? in the annals of memory, noneextfi f> perniciou vin its cffeCls, deftrutlive ;m its consequences and injurious to man kind as treason. It iapi the founda tion of fociat happiness. engenders ha tred betwixt man and man, promote a ■iifafftrCiion in governments, haired to wards its roeafures—harrafies the mind, and fits it for the reception of fallacious ideas. But when to thi£ crime of treason thJ’.e is added ih? -xcrciie of energetic talent and com orehdnfive powers—every thing to •>e feared from its'active agency. Its ieflruclive venom poisons every vrin > every artery of national happiness, iioia its unhappy effects. The law jf Fates and unionidemand the pun dhrneni of death lap its aggreftion,— ■ - Vhis law, ruffented to by all, has be j orrto ft able and ptrmaneAily fixed ift j civil i-rverpssenw. Hardly ah in stance exiit-. of an individual escaping; ■his just punishment, when convifled -f lire crime. It may justly be sd i'iitrd to be a crime of greater mag ciurte than murder, as it is the pro > ‘You r of civil difeerd, is: which the’ rives of many fall a viFtim to the un •outvied anibiiion of an individual, •F.ich hurries vidt deftruftive force its ciuttnel every unfortunate sd rmu'rcr Who blinded by ambition;, nduljf raiders afiifiance to the un hulefomc ad; iff is of rebeliicn and. reachery. . As it regalrh'Q the gudi cf Eurr, ;trv doubt ol which was vaniffied from the rninris ot all, his acquitrl .herefore will astonish the world and confound the fprclauo of hi> trial .iter t’nc prolpecl o many lives being hilt in a conflict, an imrrienfe xpenefc ib government, greut ipeculation of thought and variety cf arguments on Doth iides, he is acquitted. Acquit ted v. h n his moil recondite thoughts *as known, His intentions made pub : c, and the mofl prcfuiiiptivc, nav 9 pofitiveevidence advanced of his guilt, Yv hen these things do Cos conjointly “ Meet, let no man fay— The result is jv.ft.’.’ From the Evro?can Magazine! Methods for the DesiruSian of Caterpillars TO THE EDITOR., Having heard and read of various means foT’ Sopping the ravages cf that deftruclive in:NS* the Caterpillar, I think none will be found so j efficacious, and so Ample, as the following, \vh;cft. ha3 been fuccefsfully tried in France :—Take a chafirg-ttith with lighted charcoal, and place it under the branches of the tree, or buffi, whereup on arc the Caterpillars : then throw a little brim (tone upon the coals. The vapour cf the ful i phur, which is mortal to these tnfefls, and the fnffocating fixed air arising from the charcoal, i will not only destroy all that are on the tree, but ! will effe&ually prevent the ffirub from being ev er after infefted with them. A pound of lul phur will clear as many trees as grow on several acres. Another method of driving these infects off fruit trees, is to boil together a quantity of rue, wormwood, and common tobacco, (of each cqttal) in cymmon water, The liquor jf Cz ]