Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, October 06, 1807, Image 1

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fVot. I>] SAVA NN A IT, (Georg < a,) printed by TOME ELECTORS of CHATHAM eoUNTT, .■lntending to be a candidate at tne election for SHii.flIFF of-this Coin uv, l now apprifc my fel l..,vf citizens thereof, pt> ‘lging my [eh Ifoca taithml of the dunes ! of the office.-—! IhaU oe thankful tot their full'rage JOHM ETPINGER. Augufl: 25 5 3 -TO THE E-LECTORS C? CE ATK A W COUNTY, jr announce myself <2 Candidate for it SHERIFF, at the ensuing .Election, and, shall feel grateful to such, of my Fel low-Ci'&cns, as may honor mi with the it stiff i rages . J 6 j. P. OATS. Sept, ii 57 . JOSEPH DAVIS offers . himfelf a Candidate for the office of Coroaor, at the ensuing el ftion, and fciiciiii the fufFrages of his fellow-citi zens* Aug'ufl 18 4^ THE SUBSCRIBER. ACQUAINTS the Cttissi*. of Ssv-mnafi and the iilsitors of Chatham County se-eral : y. th •* ht will be a Candidate, at the ernii sg LLCh.a for the Office of CORONLR. M. WHITLEY. Augnft 28 5$ AIOUNT-ENON SCHOOL. A S some dour Is con e'er the import. Jtk.- of the orSi'd ‘Z DSPXG. has been expressed by some who have perused the communication intimating the opening oj ike Gra mar School HM • unt-Enow ; (■■■ pici'dre art respe."fully informed, that it only intends Bed, Bedding mid IVasiting t The terms oft a: tic t: and hoarding being u; the low rate of ore hundred dollars per an mm, exclusive of the above mentioned par ticulars. The public are fw ther informer the Grammar School is new open jor the reception y'Scholars. loose Punters woo have been kind tncagh to mention in their columns the communication alluded to will confer at : obligation by inserting this explanation. biipts fiber 10. free children stolen. STuLEiN from the subscriber, in Wake County, near thi Ft > Adam Ford, o'n Kiuse river, the 21 s nxlanf, THREE (ERL, CHILDREN of color, ffree lorn) viz. the eldest named Poliy Valcn - ("me. ape, is remarkable jor having ala rg e tum-xr on her breast, wkichitds been lanced t Cf next eldest Susan B n?ice Valentine ; tll f youngest Rebecca Ann ‘Valenti he, Jh e ddtsl about igyears old, the next eldest q years Kid next January, the youngest g years old January past. They have very soomih skin, dark mulatto color ; the. fzrc youngest very sensible, It is supposed that some dishonest person has taken them off jor Las purpose of selling them ns slaves.— Every person who can give information to Vie printer hereof so that lean get my children again, will be thankfully received asides making any satisfaHion 1 am able so do ’ . . ■ NANCY VALENTINE. ■Ra.eigk, (N.C.J August 27,1807. For Sale, On a credit till the first of January. A PLAN CATION on the Louisvilh 7C ’•’ b cen ro ’l es bom Sjvmnah, con *3in,,)g ri'tty acres of good well timbered fne land, twenty- fiye pf which are now Oder cultivation and good fence, v eil * f -Op ea to the cultureftf corn and cotton, U , w . n ? * °®C of ‘be bed {lands on the 2“ ™ n av.ern.-r-F6j terms o? faie, ap. P y <o the Itiiiferiber a this Office. . „ WILLIAM WIGGINS. A'* s4 *4 6. -i h t* • T 119HC Avw ti.- > * J&- -O. Sw’ TUESDAY, B. & C. Brooks, HAVE JUST RECEIVED Per sear. Holla, ertpt. Barnard, from Nenv-T'otl, 6 pipes real old Coeunac \ n .. .7 i F BRAi'i >) y > 4 IMIM N t 2 halfpipes rid Madeira WINE A for” SUGAR. ,1 !S“ d }^‘KVSONTEA. 0 5 begs PEPPER 3 > boxes Daoliuleh SOAP 1 box irilli LINEN. 40 battels SUPERFINE FLOUR, not more (ban ig d.l y s 1r- rn the tr PI. Which they wi!J Tel! at their niu.T low prices. Septembei 2 g. 61 D. & j. Douglass, HAVE JUST RECEIVED, Pc? tic 3r!js Luna and Se.-tlland, from K--’ r -A t.rk, a large ad .nuon to their former St®.k of BOOTS, SHOES, &c. Which they offer at Who’efele or Rcta:', at their Store, nppr>i'it<. the Buck's’ Head. August ie <0 GEORGIA, By his Excel! cr--y T-ire-T Irv/jn, G it er nor and Command sr in Chief of ih: Array end Nervy of this State, end oj the Militia thereof : A PROCLAMATION. \ 7T TKE P LAS: r, aao by nn ncx psf- V Lent Louifvillc. on the ?:i> of December, 1805, entitled sa Act to eUablifh the number of Commif- Gonejs for the Totvn of Mliledge villc, an i to eJcUnd and defuie th> if powers,” i is among other things tie cWrd, u that if accommodations in the judgment of the Cornmififoners can be had for the Members of the next l cgiflature, and the State Houle tn such irate as to acts:: tne next iei :ion to be held.there-at. it full be the duty of the Comtniflioners to notify •tis Excellency the Governor thereof, and his Excellency,- by Proclrm udon, ‘o require the tneaiog of the next General Aflembly thereat.” And, tv ft;. r fas. the Lid Commit- Goners did on the lEh irdiant, r> port, that in tbc.H Judgment acconimo rations could be had foi the Mem bers of the next Lcgiflature, a.;d :.t? State IToufe in such (late as to admit, the next ftffion to he held thereat,” \ have thought fit to iHue this my Proclamation, hereby nedfying, tbai the next fefiion of the General AS’ fernbly wiii be held at Miliedgsviile. in Baldwin County, and do hereby require that ail pet ions eKFted to re present. this ft ate in the next General Afientbly,’ to give their attendance at that place or. tire day pointed out b.y law. Given under my hand and the .threat . Teal of the state, at the State Houie in Louifvtlle, on the 24th cay of September, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and seven, and of the Independence of the United States of Ameri ca the thiny'-fecorid. JARED IRWIN. By the Governor. HOR : MAR3URY, (63) Secretary of State. Wanted Immediately, BY TEE MONTH, An aSive negro Bey alcut 16 of eve. Apply at tbk Off a. Sep- 22....60 I POLITICS ‘FDR FARMERS AMD MECHANICS. PROPOSALS BOR PUBLISHING, By WILLIAM DUANE , No. 10% Market-street. PhilaJe'phaa. Two Editions of POL I I’ICS FOR FARMERS and MECHANICS : Corrected and Enlarged. Out* (.‘diti'Hi iball be printed on fuper li’.ie paper and ddivereH in boards a? 75 cel goo are fuberiued for, at 60 cents •h icoO, at go cents il 2000 copies; if re q.Hred to be bound, 25 cents additional. The other, find! be 3 cheap edition, in the p-vnpb Vi i un—and the pi ice fh,.!l be pro portioned to then umber fubfenbed tor ; 2g cents a copy Jor any number under 1000, and 20 cents for any number above 2000 ; tg for any number above 30CO and jibe ufur.i allowance to bookfelleis. v^nikfellers, ‘Piinters and country Store { keepe: $ ’throughout.the United States, are defided to f ir-va: f to-Lie Aurora Editor, •as ffiofi as possible, the number of each edi tion they wifi fubferibe for, iSiibfcriptio.'is forihe city and neighbor, hood, received at Duane’s Book, itcrc, Mffrket-ilreet. Both editions Qta!! be put 10 pie's, as Dor as a fu facias! number of fubiciibcis • > atber edition is procured to pay the ex pense for printing. Different reviews of this Work-. Tt - Nortlutript .u IGiaicr, -a republican ’ ‘I f-% , <- V, t fee! particular gratification, t tjjfct the S'Jtttir ol the Aurora in of the tireHi-ig s trVp d’n rent p l- f ‘be ucioo. ic.i-; -‘A Itopnbhih the A litres for lirtscisand M.-cbsi it ?, int. ■ pamphlet form. When this is dot.v, every ‘firmer will bemnabied (and no or.? <-u :ht to ncgb fll i:) ttr procu-e a copy of ih 3 v.. iusble and highly ititcreflitig votk.” Ft c-m Lang's llcyal Gazette, published in New -York, “ I he !a c- a-trocious and piratical decree of J* rmpafie is -s crirpiete comment 0:1 the witlings of Duane, for fouVe time pail, iri!larly cn thole arcurfed pieces in". ■ eti “ Politics Jof Fdimms.” 7* be Ae-oe- Hcafi fcfi-at wotili c-w piefurre to diet'.} that ibis man is 3a agcr.t of the y rant <*i France, 6 *g>B’- to be held up 3.3 an obj.:£i ,-! y.oW hilptcjon.--- Tbe itnking coi.-ci deuce between this Outrageous attack upon -he very vitals ol our country, and the petit): oas dottrines .T the Aurora in pre -o'ttjfj the pi'uiundcruiing imereti, Lhe a guculturaiifis) oi the United States, for then fi-ivile reception, is 100 obvious to viccpc the moll unthinking. It cannot nr 1 b? denied that rbetf was a ptcconccrt ?d .-;u t etu'een Duane and his Gaitc mus ters to prepatc the public mind ol this country to ( wallow without a mumier, t i? I ddt.erous piil ; this dircH ftib at uur J)i ri h. •ill itttereft. It Congress docs not Hiow 2 becoming (pint on this occafiott, then in : ccd have the execrable agents oi N-.p. 1 *ot> iiuttoo fatally fuecec.ied, to fcaue.ißg she five brands ol dtfiemujn and lututg us u :,. their ;11 fiiatrs. It would tceru t!;.i? 1 ht. Aurora forefaw, or rattier was force; ,ol ■liefe prelent alarming measures ol .oc Emperor of France aganift this country; r put-o keep down our spirit, and by proc fr*; r , our energies, i.e has (or Tome time *',l been fertuloufly and wickedly employ-’ and in making the farmeis feel l oHilisy to their brethren of the cities ; (hiving to perfuad? them that their interefis were dis iinfil from tbele of the merchants ; as it what deeply aji’e&ed the one, did riut di retily injury the other.” r - Printers oF republican r.ewfpapers, throughout the union, are requidlej to in fen thefc propofajs, and receive fubferip tions ; tliofe who adveritfe (hall receive copies oi the pamphlet in payment. Chapmen who travel with books, r other goods, (hull, he furniflied on good terms. Philadelphia, March c 7, 1807. £t_j- Subscriptions for the above Work arc received at the Office of the Public In telligencer. OUobcr 6, Intelligencer. OCTOBER 6, iSoj. Norman MlLean <3 Willia-m E. Barnes. FROM THE- AURORA. THE RIGHT OF SEARCH. The tory writers and papers feetd o be not awGro that by defending and advocating an ufutp4d power ol search by the British drruizers, they are aTuaily defending the like right of search by the French cruizers. There cannot be a jot of difference in the right of jufiice of either nation, both Yr>uft be limilar. If it is a right, as they alledge, it ir- a common riyir, and the powers of liarbary, as well as Britain, France, or any other Ration that fends an armed {hip to sea, poflefs an equal and as. complete a right ao any other nation. But fay the lories and Eiitifh agent? Britain never will, lire never can, give up the exetcife or alkrtion us that right; if Hie does file links as an 1;;- dependem nation. Now it the’ consequence and pow er or Great-Britain, are so fppported by that search, is it not palpable, iliac exa&ly in proportion inuit it be o£ the fame importance to France, to in (iU on that right of search also ? If it is the only falvationi of Britain, Fiance then lias a double motive to att upon—-her own iiuerdl and a ! i equality of power. Now Fiance has not infilled o n Mzt right, and but in few cases have her cruize:'.! violated the principles-o£ i;. r g ovcr I.mei.l. m-r h . 00k at what the toxics would lead us to, Ihouid we follow their advice in fettling our .dif ferences with Great-Britain —concede to th: poution ol the tones and their ‘criL jet's—our merchants cannot but expect that Bonaparte would then be bound as a common principle of reci procity, and relling his claims wholly on iucii concdfions to the Britifii gov ernment, also to enforce tire right of search from all vefiels. coining from British ports. The would be inevitable. These corf;derations ore at this moment peculiatly necessary for the merchants of the United States, eff cially as many are deceiving them* (elves with the idea that if Britain bare ly apologifes for the murders in iho Chetapeake, and disclaims all orders to Berkley, that r!l is then ftnifhed. gain It such infatuation v:c again molt icrioufiy w arn them—infatua ion has prevailed with them too long, it is time to turn to sober uiferetion. T he- conteit in difpnie is far deeper than the outrages in the Chcfupeake ; BiAaiti in her h> pocnly may poluLiy try Humphreys, us {he lias tried oth ers—he may be told by the court; martial that his lword has not been dt{graced in his hands—and the Brit* iih minifiry may thusattempttoquib ble under their naval policy, with the rights of free nations and the blood, of oar citizens. But as we have repeatedly find long ago. the present comtft between France and Britain , can end only in the efta btifhment of a maritime cod: of laws for the whole world, similar to that of the armed neutrality, and the late prin ciples of blockade laid down by the French government. Any thing short of those principles will always iubjeft the commerce of our merchants to every insult and vex ation, and elpecially, Ihouid any thing short of that principle be now conced ed to Britain; for luch a cor.cefiion would be a full and ftrfccl acknow* [Mo. 64.]