Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, October 09, 1807, Image 1

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£VOL* *? J SAVANNAH, (Gsorgia,) pt .'ited rv rnmEELECTORS OF CuAIHA jtf COUNTY, Intending to bn a candidate at the approaching ekflion for SHL.vii a of this Cooni, ! no* f? ?rifc ray,e - |.-vy citizens thereof, pfeug'ng nry-e w for a faithful discharge of the dunes o’ the office. —1 Grail be thankful for sheir futfrage 1 01 1 V I EPPINOE&. Auguil 25 o 3 TO THE ELECTORS O? CSIAHAJI COU NTYj “T announce my self a Candidate for it SHERIFF, at the ensuing Eleftwn and shall feel grateful to such, of my Ft! lou'-C'.i'zcns, as may honor me with their suf rages. J. P. OATS. Sfi. 2 j 57 Ifr JOuF.PH DAVIS offers fciftlfelf i candidate for the office oi Cofonor, at she entiling ele&ion, and folifiiis the fulFrages of hie (Alov/-citi zens. AuguO; 18 40 THE SUBSCRIBER, ACQUAINTS the Citizen* cf Savannah ar,-’ the E*&o' of Chatham County generally, ho wiil bs a Caedidatc, it the eafuirg LlcdUoa for the OSes Os CORONER. u. whitley. AaguS i3 S3 MOUNTUENON SCHOOL. AS some doubts concerning the import ts the word 2,0 DGI FIG hots Ntv expens'd by some vjho have per used i!u communication intimating the opening oj the Grammar School at Mount-Enon ; fit public ere respeQfully informed, tact v only xnur.ii lied. Bedding and Washing.i The terms of tuition and hoarding being a the low rate of on* handled dollars per on ttm, exclusive if the above mentioned Par ticulars. The public are further i-formta ike Grammar School is now open jor the nctpiicn of Scholars. Those Printers who have been kino er.c'jck to mention in their columns the commumcattaa alluded to will confer ac abb gaff}-, by inserting this explanation, September 10. FREE CHILDREN STOLEN. C* OTXN from the subscriber, in Wake Courtly, near the Fish dam Ford, on river, the 21? nslevtl, THREE CIRL CHILDREN of color, (free born) viz. the eldest raised Folly Valen tine, and is remarkable for having a large tumor on her breast, which has been lanced ; the next eldest Susan B-nnet Valentine ; tie youngest Rebecca. Ann Valentine, The eldest about tg years old, the next eldest q years old rrxt January, the youngest g years old January past. They have very soomlh skin, dark mulatto color ; the two youngest very sensible, St is supposed that seme dishonest person has taken them off for the purpose of selling them as slaves. •— Every person who can give information to tne printer hereof so that lean get my f : yjen again , will be thankfully received, j inking any satisfafhon lam able to *• . NANCY VALENTINE. Rauigh, (N.C.J August 27,1807. For Sale, €n a credit till the first cf January,, A PLAN JAT ION or die Louisville fOiJ. SitMn, miles Iron Savannah, con timing Hlty acres of good well titnbered pme land, twenty.five of which are now er f u h J vat!on and yood lence, wr!F ? *Gca to the culture of coin and cotton, .xnown as one ol the best Hands on the. , “ for a ‘sveru.—For terms of sale, an- J'y to the lublcfiber a this Office, . WILLIAM WIGGINS. Aug oft S 5 # 5 a j 1 1 ~w. | -fi 4 V* 1 UUIIC FRIDA Y 3 B, & C. Brooks, HA VS JUST RECEIVFD Per schr. Rolla, toft. Barnard,fcm Nevs-Torl, 6 pipes real old Cogtiwi \ p a vnY ditto Maples J 9. halfpipes old Madeira WINE £“‘}^ ?SUGAR ’ h ‘si 1 ;^son rE‘i -25 bag; PEPPER 30 box <t DonliitieV. SOAP i box Irish LINEN, and 40 bar re 1 SUPERFINE FLOUR, not tar,re than 13 thys Irons the mill. Watch they v/i!I fell at their usual low prices. September ss. €i D. & j, Douglass, HAVE JUST RECEIVED, Per the Brig* Luna and Sca-Iflao.!, fr>m ?>w-Yoi, a large addition to their former Sfor’i of BOOTS, SHOES, <&c. Which they offer at Whole We or fftta’l, at their Store, oppoCto the Euck’a Head, Augtift :4 e 9 ‘GEORGIA, By his Excellency Jared Irwin, Gov ernor and Commander in Chief cf the Army arid Navy of this State, ar.d 0} the Militia thereof ; A PROCLAMATION. WH Es E A S in and by an rffi pas sed al Louifviiic, on the 71 h af December, 1805, ernaJed an Ati • 4 to efiahiliih the number of Comrrif floners for the Town of Milledge villc, end to extend and define their powers,” r is among other things de dared, “ that if sccomtaodations in he judgment of the Commillioners can be had for the Members of the •icx: Legifiature, and the State Koufe in such Rate as to admit the next ief ficn to he held thereat, it {hall be the r di;ty of the Comrr.iuioners to notify his Excellency the Governor thereof, •nd his Excellency, hy Proclamation, to require the meeting cf the next General Affemhly thereat.” And, whereas, the Did Commie (loners did on the i6th inllan?. report, “ that in their judgment accommo dations could be had for the Mem bers of the next Legislature, and the State I Jot; fe in such dates as to admit the next session to be heLl thereat.” I have thought fit to ifiV'e this my Proclamation, hereby notifying, that the next session of the Genera] Af fembiy vd’i be held at Mi’iedgcvilie, in Baldwin County, and do hereby require that all peifi.ns elt-cled to re present this Rate in the next General to give their attendance at that place on the day pointed out by law. Given under my hand and the great seal of the Rate, at the State Houle in Louisville, on the 24th day of September, in the year o( our Lord eighteen hundred and seven, and of the Independence of the United States of Ameri ca thcthirty-fecond. JARED IRWIN. By the Governor. HOR : MARBURY, Secretary of Slate. Planted Immediately 5 BY THE MONTH, jin ertiive negro flop abbvt 16 of age, i Apply at tbit Officg, *'*- *** , - 6 ° POLITICS FOR FARMERS AND MECHANICS. PRO?O3AXS FOR PUEUsHINO, By WILLIAM DUANE, No, 106, JVi ar bet-Arc el, Philadelphia, Two Editions ct POLITICS FOR FARMERS and MECHANICS : Corrected and Enlarged, Ons edition that J be printed on fuper rine papr and delivered in boards in yg cents rt jno are fuberibed lor, at 60 cents i' icoo, a: go cents if 2oco copiet; it rc qn’ired to be bound, 2,5 cents additional, TV? ether (ball L*e a cheap edition, in the pamphlet form.—and the price (hall be pro p rtuinrd to then umber lubfcribed ler ; 25 cents a copy for any number under toco, and 20 cents for any number above aoo® ; ig cents for any number above 3000 and the ufua! allowance to bockfcllers, Bookftl’ers. Printers end country Store keepers throughout the United States, are desired to fertvard to tbe Angora E liter, as foots as pofilbSc, the number of each edi tion they vviii fubferibe for. Subfcripvono for the city anti neighbor hood, received at Duane’s Bock ilore, Market., fireet. Both edition: fiiall be put to pref?, as (ben as a fufficicnt number cf fubfcribcr* to-either edition is procured to pay thtex pence Sot piioting. Different reviews of this Worh The Northampton Fanner, a repubiican ; paper fays— We ixe’ psriicular gratifies*ion, that tffie of the Aurora in conference of effing foHcitatioi s frcT* difFcrrct narts of tho mien, intends ft a pubfifh the Politics for Farmers and Mechanics, in the pamphlet form. Wher. this is done, ever) ‘araier.wtH be- enabled (and no one ought to iiegic£l it) to procuie a eppy of this va luable and highly iuterefiing work.” IIM. \ Front Lang's Royal Gazette., published in Ns rv-York. j ** The lateatlrocious and p:rr*t*cat decrc* iof Bonaparte is a complete comment ot tbewriiirgs of Duane, for fome time pa ft. particuiarly 00 t.hofe accursed pmces enti tled “ Politics for Farmers.” Tiie Arae rican f i at would nova presume to den) hat this tnan is an agent of the lyrant o! France, ought to be held ep an objeS ot genera! Juipicron.—-The tiiking coinci dence between this outrageous attack upon the very vi?a!&. of our cour.iry. and tht poifoncus dotirines of the Aurora in pre paling the preponderating intereff, (de a r;ricu'turalifis} of the United States, foi rheir i<rvii reception, is too obvious t cfcspe the moft yn'hirk'og. It cannot new be denied that there was a preconcert r -d plan between Duane pnd his Galic mas. ters to prepare the public tr.ind ot th country to -{wallow tvithotila murmer, this tjrleterous pill ; this dircfillab at our high sil inteftft. It Congrcfs <k>— not show * becoming {pint on this occafiou, then in iccd have the execrable agents or Napoleon not too fatally fucceedeo’, in fcaitenng the | fire brands at diifetitioo and luring us into heir fell Inarcs. It would leetn that the Aurora forefaw, or rather ivas ioretold of htie present a ! zrm;ng nteaiurcs of Ihr : Emperor of France agsinft this country; j • puto keen dowttow (pint, and lay pros trate, our energies, ha has for fome i rae p-.ft been feduloufiy cod wickedly employ j and in making the farmers sees hoflifity to | their brethren cl the cities; fiiiving to persuade ihcto that the : r interests were dis *irft from tbefe of the merchants ; as il wljat deeply afiafled the One, did not di reFtly injury the other.** Primers of republican newfpapcrs, throughout the union, are reouelted to in set! thefc prcpofals, and receive (übferip tions ; those svbo advertise fhal! receive copies of tlie pamphlet in payment. CSispuien who travel with books, cr other gooduj Ihiti be furnilhed on good %c ni s • Philadelphia, inarch 27, iooy- Subscriptions for above Work a*e received at the Office cf the Pub.UC In- TF.XUGf.NCER. Si Intelligencer. OCTOBER 9, 1807, Korman M 4 Leam fc? Wuuam E. Bahnes. LAMPRIERE’s j CLASSICAL DICTION ART. J. HAVE put to press the new ar<! ! enlarged edition of the above work, the great merits ol which have railed it in Great Britain to the ran* cf bocks that not only occupy the (helves of the Tyro, but find an honorable place in the ftudica cf the learned. Asa School-book ;t is indispensable to the Young Reader of the Classics, and as a Compendium, incalcu lably ufefui to the experienced Statefni&rr and profound Scholar, It rn:<y ( indeed, becalie i the CycLsadiaot CLLica! Litera ture, which whit ft it renders fas voluminous and prolix details of partial Hiftorbns and venal B:cgrep'ncrs preisnts us with t faithiul piffure of all th.e intertft tng events which marked the rife, profper icy, and decadence of ancient Greece and Rome, and other nations diftinguiffied in luftory ; and in one day, by the excellence of its arrangement, ?.nd the accuracy of im references, afFords more general informa tion than cculd be collected Iroiu a whole? library of large volumes in twelve months. As the character ol the work .s not gen erally known in this country, I have fei efted a few articles, from which a cc:r;£H conception shay be “urmed of its dile and utility. JOHN WATTS, TERMS• The price cf this work is four dol’an and fifty cents, bound, A number us co pies wifi be punted very elegantly, on h.autifu! paper, extra binding, ar fix dol lars. The London copy Alls at ievec*£c3. dollars. TO the friends o? AMERICAN MANUFACTURES- A P2R.-CN, ho has brsn bred in Britain rO die POrt ERV BUSINESS, 13 al! its branche*, with the esprefj rie’-r of c'lablifluc.g thr.J important Mar.- En£ttire'in Philadelphia, ftaa now arrived Fere, atnt taken m.rafjres for tb r cf the bnTC‘ “huftncf-i. Beitti; ansicus to procure the b?ft poff.bla materials whish he b* no doubt are to be found in, .bondsnee in many parti of the U uttd dtatej, hs? hereby folkits ch* attention cf such patriotic get;;'te rtian throughout the Union, as ~~rj feci dlt'pofe.V ccv Patronize his efUblifliir.ent, to such CLAW ~ ’ FIIXXh, fp.- rtienfarly the B’atfc Flier) as may be fojud iu their refpedftive neighbourhoods, nd fevitro them to fend fpecimok.s of facia as thty pay thirA worthy of attention, to MefTrs, Bvsrt At Rom sow, Letter-Found'r. Phil-defphia, acciunpanicd hy 4 Written defeription of the quantity inHvbich the ar . tide may be preeured, its situation, dtflbuee from wa ter riT’-iag-, and such cthtr remark* as may bo* thought ul'sfu!, when Ir.s various fpecintern Ihal! k? carefully anatiied, ar.l the ref—it camatucicated t;?- the dnr.ers, if required. It is particulady that attention jnsy bn paid to fending fpcctmejis of clay that are free from a't ferruginous or irony matter, as the prefcnct cf iron to tally unlit* them for the uses for which thy are :n ----3 tended,and all these which atfiune a rfddiC’ color’ l when burnt will not atuwer, as ti-c pored -white h de lired. Spectiueua may be fer.t in fmai! quautitif*- weighing from one to tw pound*, and by that tacd'e of conveyance which will bs 14 id c-peciive, Eldladctphia, Ju’7 3 . A PROPOSAL Er WILLIAM Y. BIRCII to* ABRAHAM SMALL OF THE CITY OF P KILADE LP !ItA, FOti PUBLISHING pr SUBSCRIPTION, A NEW, INTERESTING, and IMPORTANT V.’ORR CALLED FEMALE BIOGRAPHY;, ca. MEMOIRS : ILLUSTRIOUS asd CELEBRATED VVOVIKN, OF ALL AGES AND COUNTRIES. •••■••••• 3. MAKY HAY® FAINTING* Seth 11. Keen, Ipforsu the Gentlencn 01 Savannah and public in general, that he carries on the HOUSE Sc SIGN POINTING, In the (hop next door to Dr. John Love’s, oh the Bay, where all bufmefs in his line will be at tended to, when called upon, with drift atten tion, Grottrlea wfli b? taken in payment n marfi j convenient for the cttryloyer. | Seytcmbw ‘l* W . [No, 65.]