Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, October 13, 1807, Image 2

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JErom the Baltimore American, THE GLEANER, Messrs. Editors , IT in my i'ntcntisn. under this * ‘ anpel'avi-on, now an 1 then to lend you a;i wU story accompanied by such gin a! remarks as the whim of the mo* i nient may iii.frire me v,Uh. I may f> me times a mule a leisure hour, if not.inftn*& of your reader-,. A fe’.v days fmee I found the fol lowing .ir.ecdcu in a ■ BriuJh maga-j •sine for the year 1 793, when it may be j {•ecojlc.ctcd, that the miniUry of Great Britain were much alarmed at the prQ rifeE of yscfybmtseTiJ’ and even the'Onc teemed tube (haken by a ckv {bmioation of a .work entitled and; ** Rights cf Man” written by Thamay Raine. — Every effort ‘t:p made to fun r*ref.. this work, and every eagtoe ot power brought ta hear npon thole who dared to utter, or recommend the po iitica! heresy. The Iging cm fed it—- theminiftfy condemned it to the Our. s. the bilhops, as in duty to their islarir bound, anathemuized it —the ir.ilfO . ly bay oner ted it —the navy sunk it, an the whore hull a] pensioners, place men and mercenaries c-mdemued it yet ftfiil it promulgated, sou;;h the Fiends of reform were compelled t< to many iugenirwis cohirivanc.:- to avoid the penalties inftided by a “ hrayr.n-b.jr:i z::d 4 curious k^g. Among the means taken for tlrcdis femination of this work, the following is worthy o’ record. — The xahiggish ihopkeepry were it? the hT it.o! wrap ■ping the.’ cammed;: tee :n (beets of it, a s waste pa pc r: for this cffenct aged nft Jrijs “■ mo{* fec>; and rna jefty,” who would not permit hit mtig imd lubjefU to -reai % there v;?.x v-.ct remedy. At this hue siting period, when, tfiet loyalty of pridb and. excUcmen, gene j ■Wli ajjtd grcKiKVs of the statc —admi j auc’t criers, of nftoinrs; lunuing toointen-rHord-lieuittn •ftfHs, ai\‘} puppet-(h.tvv ?nen —the houG, til lofds and the theatre—the houfc ufj CGmmor.s ard the vrpneftEs who attend | 3t the court of lung’s bench to rwrai I ” any thing—the keepers of the king’s Confeietice, and tire venders ol bts (beep who died of the rot, and in finc 4 when al! loyal per ions were called upon for the cxercife o! their rcfpeGivc talents to prop a dumpling head and. monarch on 3 tottering 4 the following iuci rjent occurred 5 t: A puppet (hew mao, 34 Bulicn in, introduced by way of ir.- \ofudc, a. baalc between Toro Paine and.the Devil, His ormecefi*!y to fay fhqu poor l om very Coon fell into the Ivrid.s. of bis footv niajcfty j when the latltTs ?(u(U;4 by his brave compeer, £ung God save the ling over Tom’s feaejy j after which the black gentle, tman made his bpw 5 and retired with -his brother &&ors vycifmUftg church pid king h‘ Thst the devil fhouj-i hate Tom Paine for his political, writing” is pro bable enough, and that he is tb“ niipu ?a! ally of kings cannot, be doubted? for they certainly are his. heft fricods., ‘O. Gcd save them” must be 0. fax OS I*o -and church and sta{sA iour.ded through his, dark. dQdsi&iojns. Hvitb joy unceasing, I kaoW of no snore profif’C <>f vilWiny than a union of church, ahd state >; the one props she other in the *syickcdnefx; the lung fins, and the nri.efts. exonerate him, and pray for Glrrvj and he feeds thtm for rherr fer- Tices. Only let him fav hull 0!• and alibis curs join in a common yelping, if their jat wii! permit ibetirtd cr) out, while- the poor fterved journeyman, {ir.icsi has. to do al! the duty, the diig liitary ol iheebuieh flecps in his ch ir, drinks the molt luxuriau-; wines; ut, iers bis anathemas againlt j.actibjnibn; rut of mere charvy fends Bonaparte headlong to the devil, crJ sleeps a gain ! . In the year jygSltheix \ | that Peter Porcupine had; killed I V^-a.purgative babifo! s<s^y : iktpnfc-i quence oT a viut from a yankee- cap tain, who penned hi;n up in a temple of Cloacina for fome hours. Now | the devil, it foetus (whether the same who killed Tom Paine as before re lated l cannot fay) was much aifetled | by his lots, and uttered his 1-anesitation in the follow-mg lines, a dire fling fus “ brave compeers: “ Princes cjr.d peers, and miniiders of he!!, Who er!l terror fnock the imperial plain ; ! Pad news from earth, and news I weeping tell, Our power intuited and our envoy fiain i Let nig lit-(hade drear cad deadly aconite, And mortal upas decorate his tomb ; i,ct; fiend: and alTei, ovvb and wolves vnitc, To chaunt bis requiem and dpp.'Dre lus doom.! Curse on.his vile alfalGn’s—reg;cid;s ; Vile Yankee fcotindrels and free rebels hafe t Arid all ye fi.tvca where liberty refidu;, -♦ Curse o.;i your low regenerated race. His rifmg viejs opening to the da.y Pfefvg’d the downfall of accars’l reform • Hut Ha 1 he’s fallen—.to fwioifL herds a prey, Like tiie young flower beneath the rifthlelstlorv.! Let'Stygian realms in ten fold glooms be lujr.g, ‘ud kindred spirits join the funeral knell: Let doleful accents trill from every tongue, !.\> mourn his loss t ! * pride and prop or hel 1 \r :Hiah now, dirr- source ofc nr \vcc-, dh.',ll ipreaJ his hxr.sf~* cot*’ eat!: J:.r .; , Fite barren dtfart bloflbtr. as the tofc’. \nd curs’d religion ii i.ur.plt over time But yet, perhaps, tr.y ! cvigs aid priafts conttiuh. M ty rqii around the d?athfu!, bloody car j And, murdering all the inno%-aiers, fr. J lit; a just and suenary %'t?r I miiit confefs there v. .-pcajs a ilrcng refeiubUnce b eweerioid kinp Sootv cf \ Jf 4- (the puppet (hew man, j 4 rc| the Beelze bub of the? Poet; but l leave jt to those better versed in the knowledge and history of kings and priefls to la ;d.c the very important quHlion. [ A GLEANER. frivi the Argus* -GB EAT NESS, THE word f;rri, I have very fre qurreh of late heard applied io a:i ep ithet ol uidinction to c.-itaiu v.'iarac er-., and ip itiy mind, f<> iijdifcriiniu dtcly, that I have been ?o ipeuire into its meaning : orseilf johnfbVs definitions is—“having any quality in a great degree,” and he hems to use it cat lice in a good sense : but I am vpt to think that his is not the genera! cceptauon cf the term ; foi in hdlo r v w ” fee it applied to Alexander of Maced on, who certainly had no othrr title to grcairu-fs than that he carried hayoc and deUruOion through all the kaern parts of the world; unlcchng and tcgairdleis of sr.t mtfery and dis* trcG wuh which he aHiicLd mankind. Mss greatness then seems to have con lifted not only m the ability and dis pohtion to do mifchtcf, but in having actually done ir. C 2p{.ir, isalfo called preat, forttcar ly tbs (ame reasons, because he knew how to dilciplinc audcojnroand a mer cenary army, whom he liberally re warded wuh the Ache* ol others, for pfQQro.tit>& his, h lhih and wicked do ings,. Many other tuftances might be adduced; Ufotu hiUaty, to shew that the ’WofdgyfuJ apptic dto au'ii,) has been ttf’ecl i,n ft bad Role ; and has, by the ?o'\r> couCent of mankind,been as. to> tho!e chitatiers who leommvded (he gseatdj outrages upon | ?o?-K*fy.. j£a, this ieivfe, Henry Field ttrg iifts, % cry property bellowed this | epithet upon the lenowned Jonathan ‘-V>ld i in the hiitory of whole life, wt [find the dcJhnitior‘> between, greclfiea land gpcdries% to be as, follows: k - 5 Gvctiihtss ccnbfts, ia ail manner or on, and [food in. ho a* teem.” 1 So, that; every Utthr grime ring of good n.efs hr (he dUpo lit ion os 4. ULUIy, grtei nkHiii. .may be properly cor.fid.ercd, as, so many blemishes ia his cha fabler-, wbiqb leive to show that he partakes in, liuinc degree of the frailty and imp rfection of human nature.— Whence it follows, that thofc men, in all ages of the world, wh.a have diilin guis’ned them (elves by Filling vast auaafers of digit itUQtv-c.*t4-u.rt:, and: in hbrro!*, anJ de(Uu3icn ] in every quarter, for no other purpose than to gratify their own depraved pafijons, have merited and acqutrea the appcliiition o! great. But at *.! e present day, I fear we are about to depart from present ufa- and are likely to pervert the true meaning of a very fignificant and ap propriate t'erm by an improper and in-, j conftderate application of it tocharac ! ters not defevving that honor. From what has been said, it would fee in that one who (135 only meditated, planned and coveted to do the great ell milchief that it is in the power of the moil depraved, abandoned mind to conceive, but who from a redundancy or. deficiency of feme constituent qu.;i i:y, has failed offuceefs in his diaboh cai purpose, i;> not entitled to be rank ed among the great of antiquity, who always atgoarphlhcd their wtekednefs before they acquired the appellation ofgreat. Wherefore, deny that A ‘ ## B #t * is a great mans and I take this eady opportuhiy of entering ruy ca veat againfl the machinations of A vWf IT 5 ’ ;, s f.knds and adherents, in the city o'• Richmond and eife where, v horu I uuve dilcon red in furrepit lioufly be flowing upon him the char at\c r of greatness. Every day, during the trial of this nQloi ious marVj has a certain descrip tion of men been exclaiming, Great Man / how collected ! how com poked ; how criegt-.U hi> language, how perfoi cious, }e 1 how concise and enevgetic; how graceful and commanding his at titudes, a great mar* —a very great man, infFcd, Agiin, I deny it. Itistrue A**" 5 * B% # is entitled ta conftdeyable re nown in having meditated and planned thq overthrow of the federal govern ment : and when wc reikei on the en ormity of the project and the variety of complicated m 1 fe ry in which the fee cels of his plans would have involv ed fix or seven trillions of fouls, per haps for ages to come, v/e cannot with hold the jult dilute ol admiiution ! be does undoubtedly poflefs, in a high degree, ah that execrable depravity, neceflary to conftitutea great man.— But alas! ala* ! the want of fuccels has removed from him forever that enviable appellation—his ur.wicldly pride has undone him. Had he ob served this little maxim, 55 despise not your enemy” he might, at this titne, have been enjoying the Uluftrjous plea sures of weltering in liis own gore, at the foot of bis imperial throne at New Orleans ; stabbed hy the dagger of his moll approvnd friend. But no, he ! said and repeated that the government j was w eak; it wanted energy ;he could 1 not bsook the idea that his wife plans ‘and daring projects, couidor would be defeated by fodifpicable, so pacific an administration. In this particular, ire falls ftioit cf the character of a great man —felf-fbfficiency hasbeenbis ruin, but for this he would have merited that title, his friends now ‘fraudulently beftqw upon him ; he might indeed hane been a great man—but now he has fallen, never to rife again—there j lore call him rota great man, FROM THE AVRORA. m The following admirable and manly expreSion of sentiment will, we are confident, meet the ?.p. piaufe of every American republican. MARYLAND MILITIA. At a meeting of the officers of the 27th regi ment of Maryland militia, and of the ii-depend-, ent Light Dragoons, attached to the laid regi ment, the following resolutions were unanimous ly entered into ;—. Resolved utiaimously, That as citizens and fcl diers, we feel the decpdl interell in the present date of public -affairs, Rnd at this moment deem a not merely our undoubted right, but confider : tto be cur sacred doty to give a lolemn pledge ‘of our iervtucfc to oiu; country, and an open a vowat of our opinion, to,the public. Resolved■utunhnoutly* That cur attachment to and confidence in the President of ti e United F.ites, do net re.uit from any party cor.fidera* t ions whatever, but proceed from the tried qua lities, vi: cues and and services of the man and the patriot. What he ims dor.e n a guarantee for what he will c-o, and on thcjulure we repose with as much confidence as we reflect with Ltis facfioil oa th<? i*4*U Qn enlightened, and policy t-swardls our newwe, 4 f. j curely rely as we fir.cerely zpplsuJ ha /.-aid, *;f r and beneficent adminillratioa over our cca^,. couatry. , . , Resolve J unatdmously, rbut without coijrtip.. war, we shall never deprecate it. The of our country is dearer >P 113 t “ an lt3 wealth.-, : Wftat the wisdom, the thej*atriotism c : ‘cangrefs ftvaß determine, that, as ptizens, ih o, .bey, or, as foldiets we afTcrt. L'ntill .’be de;j. ifion be known, our aad • ; (hall not relax. I F.tiolccd unanimously , That we neither j c , I knowledge nor feel a preference for any f ortl?i | power, vvhatfocver, and are ready to alikrt ol t j independence, our honor, and our rights, ; all without diiliiEtion, who, upon any prei-:-;* (may outrage or invade them. The real Ameri. ; can has no foreign leaven in his character.. big jviwa a national injury with an equal eye, vvheJ . ther it is the result of Eritiili aggrtQoa, ur ; f j French violence. j Rffohsd unar.imujly, That :t is with indig. jnant altonifhnient and a fentimeut of the j profound resentment, that we contrail illuGry | declarations cf Britith minillers, with the fc:,. jtinueu and harailing violation ci our ownjijrii. Idiftion, and even within our very harbors*by i the iliips of war cf the Britilb king ; while kjt jiufults and outrages are unatooed, unrevenged, every American citizen is lefleued in his o\v;i elteem, and feels a portion of the dishonor ted pa hiiTifelfj The trial and puniflunent of the guilty, is fame atonement to our murdered and captive countrymen, if nothing mere is done, and v? .11 leave the p.inciple, like tlie.fufpendedfword, hanging over our heads ; -a magnanimous jo'uv disdains c corapromife of national honor & rights: nor can our claim itop short of inaemnity for tit pus!, and security for ids future. 11 this be re, fufed to our jult demand, we arc prepared, under the will and fanftion w#our government, to stud; the word, and are firm in the consciousness that wc are fo!diets in a just cause. Rather than be. hold a surrender or'oles lo.dear to cur hearts, cur wifiiis, t’aat the ifl'ue may be commit, ted to him who gives the a battle* ‘ and the “ race.” Resolved unanimously, That we have beheld with abhorrence and indignation, a wicked and unprincipled attempt to feperate the wellern ireni the Atlantic fttates, and in tc dr!, troy cur free and happy form of government, dis. iolve our conftitntion, overthrow our laws, plunge us in to all the evils of anarchy,, confufioa and civil war : we bless the manly and vigiilant policy 2nd pretesting ■arm, which averted tb dinger and saved our country. Bat while w exult in the mild, just and benignant fpiiit e: our laws, whose great diftinftion is, that while they puuifh guilt, they proteA., wj cannot but lament that they fhouid hold out entire impunity to deftgns, which have for thtif objeA the ddliuftion of civil liberty and law; and thus eneparage the ambitious and Gnp'diia, pled in their pursuit oi plunder and of power,—. A gain ft such attempts, is is the duty of the cili. ztn loldier to be ever on the alert, and bv his vi. gilance, exertion and patriotifin, to fuppiy that guard over the public welfare, which, in this in. ftance,lhe law refufes, until t fie colie Awe w.float of the country (hall furnifa s remedy for the evil Resolved xnuhirtwusly, That the members top,, pofmg the companies of thetweaty-fcveoth -gi* ment, be invited by their refpe.ftivc officers to join heart arc! hand in the foregoing resolution:, At the request cf the officers. WM. LOWRY,, Lieuteuant-Colonel-Coa. On behalf of the officers of the HUtk regt. JcsEru C. White, Secretary, ■ f < FOR SALEj A aO lof LAN Dkn wn in if $ g?a* _A. era! plan-of thole Lots fold under execution by ihe late Ambrose Gordos, Lfq. Fe iers! MetSuK £s the properly cf J-'hn j. Zubiv, dec. by i!,e No. (5.) five treating three streets. On the femifts ’ Sic an jbc:l nev; dwelling hot (e awl , * kifciiep, lue Est (Fry is well finilbeii, j having a good well of water at the c mrr. i Aito the unexpjred lesfehotd cf lot Ne. foJ five, fronting Bryan llrcei, to the i>'h April, 1814. together with the clwtiling huufe, Clop mid c:hsr ia provementw • here- on, now verified :.y & c fuhfcrtiler, "fit Oglethorpe and good {land IE” buffnefs. Goiiduio- a erfh. Apply to ELIAS ROBERT. Sa.’h, July i a 40 * For Sale, ; On a credit till the first cj January, A FLAN 1A 1 ION ’ on i!.: Louisvi|i? road, fi teen miles from Savaun-b, con taining fiiiy acies ol good well v nbefctf pine land, twentj-five of which asc ii-*’ under cultivation and pood fence, wul adapted to the culture c l com and coup known as one of ti e Left Hands ci: (k road lor a tavern. —r oi terms ol (ale, f j ply toibc lubferiber a ihis Office. WILLIAM WIGGINS. . Augofl $.5 r 2 Uotice is hereby Given, THAT after the expiration oi nm* months app'i cation vi ill lie mails to the Honorable, the JuUket,®f tlie Inferior Court of ClliaKham County, for ‘eivr :r ell three tracts of I,A VD I C'.itfainfa'.g tvro aCrcs each, in said c-Bitty, for the benefit of sheW Slid creditors of J.mes Webh, dereaful. MCHARn VVIGOINj. WILLIAM WIOOINSA t C