Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, November 03, 1807, Image 4

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From the Farmer's Register. A WAP. SONG, Occasioned by the recent outrages of the British, and the diredion of the President for raising 100,000 ‘f the Militia of the United States. By William C. Foster. runs “ RISLS BRITAN Nl A.” FIRM on a rock COLUMBIA flood Tho (urges* at her feet expired ; Sht view'd indignant—indignaut view’d the flood, And g'ory thus Iter song iufpir’d : Arise ye heroes ! —Ye heroes rifeonee more, Maintain your rights—defend your fliore. Arise ye warrior*, rife again, O, hid your font viudidlive rife, Tolccurge the robbers—the robbers of tlemain, At whose command the ocean lies! Arise ye heroes, fee, S.ife fon* of freedom ‘patriot throng,) Whose fathers fought for liberty; Jitvance, avenge !—avenge your country's wrongs, Repulse the tyrant* of the fe.v. Arise ye heroe3, fee, Britons repuls'd and futile in flume, With deeds of death info't our shore; Which walres again—again the patriot (lame, Which warm'd each Urea thin days of yore. At ife ye heroes, Sect Shall WE who in an infant fate Their iegiruj overpower'd, 3J*w grown to mar,hood—to manhood heed their hate When free born rri ! ion* draw the sword ? A rite ye heroes, 3cc, And (half dread a forfign hr.ft, WUofe i'fle, if plac'd on this tar shore Would be unknown—unknown in empire loft, Eclipfrd the fpleador o', her pow'r. Arifa ys heroes, &r. •0, let thole heights to Freedom dear, Where Gate* fubdurd and Warren fell, Aloud procl- im--proclaim to Britain's ear Here InJtprtAincs long thaU-dwc'l! Arise ye heroes, Sici ‘TTaforl the (laniard of ear land, High let the conqvi'rtiig Bogit font, Marti 1 mirth ! — Unite, unite with heart and hand To guard your rights and (hield your fliofe. Arise ye heroes !—Ye heroes rhVorce more, Mainu n your rights—defend your lliors. VMfhingten County, 1 SO/, THE AMIH3LE WIFE. THE Maid T null love mull be free Com dis uife, Wear her heart on her bp?, and her fotd in Iter eye*; A'bu ! by the precepts of virtue inform'd, And a heart by the purtft benevoleny warm’d, Her eonverfc to varied as ever to please ; TJnefF dlcdiy cheerful and polifli and with ease } Her person attractive. her temper fereae ; And her wit rather brilliant and playful, than fctene. .• i —i - t ♦-*--*- A gentleman having provided hunfelf with 6 wife less remarkable for nature than accom* plifhments, was rallied by his friends on the lit le taste he displayed in choosing so fiiort a com* panion ; he replied in the words of Goldi’mith s hermit j—* “ Man •wants hut little here below, For wants that little JLonq.” Southern Stage . THE fubfcribeis bavin” become pro. pteiors of the STAGES on the line fi uir; Savannah to Si. Marys, refpetlfully inform th>fe who may have occasion to travel to any part ol that route, that they have at great expense procured NEW STAGES,GOOD HORSES, and a care. Ini driver, for the accommodation of PAS. SENDERS. Also an excellent fate and well manned BOAT, for water convey. ace. They intend running the Rage twice a week, between Savannah and Darien , dur ing the winter, and will keep a light EX TRA SI AGE tor the accommodation of PRIVATE PARTIES, or others who may be difappoimed in the Mail Stage.— T.hev will also carry PACKAGES ol GOODS, on moderate terms, and be res puiiMble tor their delivery as directed, any where along the line, (unavoidable acci dents excepted ) They trull that their exertions to leive the public will meet with support. M. SHEARER, and W. A. DUNHAM. &av. O&uber } $ Public Sale OF THE Fractional Surveys. WHEREAS by an aft of the General Aflembly of the State of Georgia, patitd at Louisville on the Bth day of December, 1806, it is enacted that all the Fractional Parts or Surveys of Land reserved to tne (late bv the several land laws rrakiiio dil tribution or the lands lately acquired of the Creek Nation of Indians, lying and being on the rivers Gcmulgee and Oconee, and also on the prefer.! and former temporary boundary tines shall be fold in fe par ate lo,ts, to the highest bidder, in the Town of Mil ledgeville, in the following manner, to wit : The Commiflioners to be appoint ed (who the (üblcnbers are) shall, by art advertifeinent in the Gazettes ol Petersburg!!, Wa filing ten, (Wilkes county) Sparta, Augujla, Louifvillt and Savannah ; in which advertife rnent shall be particularly fpecified the day or days on which the I raftions lin each County and in each Diflrict will be fold. We, the Commiflioners appointed ior that purpose, do therefore, in con iormitv to laid a cl, require all persons concerned to take notice, that at Mil ledgeville v/e (hall attend and com mence the sale of the Fractional Sur veys as follows, to wit; — WILKINSON. Tliofe t>f the Six b D.fliift, lying oj he Oconee River, commencing on the tft of December and continuing fron lay so day until the s ’, inclusive, Thule of the i ith Dittrift, on the 3d o’ December until the 4th, inclusive, Those of the 12th Ddltift, on the 51b o’ o*cernber until the 7th, inclusive. Tliofe of the 17111 Difhifl, on the 8'! jt Dec*niber until the 9th, inclusive. Those of the 18th Diitrift, on the tot! f December until the 1 t „h, inclusive. Thole of the 22d Difhift, on the 12th December. Thole of the 03d Ddirift, cn the 14*! December. Tliofe of the c6th Diflrift, cn the ijth Decembers Those of the 27 h Diflrift, on the i6tl December. Those of the 6th Diflrift, lying on the Ocmulgee River, on the J7;h December until the 19th, inclusive. Thole ol die 7th Didrift,on the 21st of December until the 23d, inclusive, 1 hose ol the Bth Duirift, on the 24th of December until the 28th, inciufivr. Those of the gth DiHrift, on the 29 h December until the 30th, inclusive. Those of the 14111 Diflrift, on trie 31st December until the jfl January, 1808, inclusive. Those of the ijih Diflrift, on the si January until the 4th, inclusive. Those of the 20th Diflrift, on the January until the 6th inclusive. Tliofe of the 21! Diflrift, on the 7th January until the Bib, inclusive. fhofe of the 241 b Dftrift, on the gth January until the 12th, inclusive. Those of the 23th Dtilrift, on the 13th I January uutil the 141 b, inclusive. Those of the 28th D. ftrift, on the icth January until the 16 h. inclusive. BALDWIN. Those of the 7th Diftrift, cm the jßth January until the 2s, inclusive. Those of the Bth Diflrift, on the 22(1 January until the 2qd, inclusive. Thofeol the nth Difincl, on the 35th January until the 261 b, inclusive. Thole of the 12th Diltria, on the 27th January until the 28th, inclusive. Tbofeof the 17th Diftria, on the January until the ill February, inclusive Thole of the 18th Diftrift, on the z 4 February until (he afth. inclusive. Thole ol (he igta Diftricl, on the 6.h February until the tfih, inclusive. i hole of the 201 b D-ftrift, on the o-h February until thr 15.11, inclusive. Those of the 151 b Dillrict. on the 16 February until the iph, jnclu&ve. Those of the 14th D fltict, on tin* 18 - February until th. 19 h, inclusive. Those of the loth Diflrict, on the 20 February until the 22 I, inclusive. Those of the 91b D.flrict, cn the £•> February until the 24'f>, inclusive, Those of the 6 h Diflrict, cn ih e 2 - February until the 26th, inclusive. TERMS OF SALE, Os the puichafers bonds with 9*,. proved personal security will be re. quired for the amount of the purchase money, to be paid in four equal an. nua! inftalments, ih gold or Silver—, the fir it payment twelve months afu; date. REDDICK SIMMS. 03 ADfAil ECHOLS, FRANCIS FLOURNOY. Commissioners, MilleflgevMle, 28 h Sept. 1807. (64) Marshal’s Sales. On Iks first Tuesday in November nett, will bo sold , at the Court-house in tU City of Savannah, the following NEGROES, Levied on as the property cj John flood by virtue of an excoiMnoa ebUuied bj Charles M. Liue; JACK, Polly, Dapbney, jenny, j. ie , Prince, Sary, Harry, Billy, Jenney, Cae. far, Dido, Neptune, Ben, Boatfwdn, Quash, Jenney, Ben, Bess, Sophy, L !:ah, Quafli, Sam, Sandy, Ann, Dorati, Sue, Milla, A.nneite, old Hefler, you nr Hrfier, Betsey, Cytus, Lucy, Lawietice r , Frederick, Grace, Fanny, Petty, Mary, Lemon, Marge, v, Tenah, Sue, jiauary, John, Tamer, Charles, Betty, ALSO, The Plantation called Lender* Hill, vMh ti:e improvements ihereosi, the crop <J Cost on, Corn, and other provisions, ivn Mu! s, flock of Cauh and force H&uA noid Furtiitute. Ben. Waif, m.u q, September 28 63 Marshal’s Sale. ON the firft Tuesday in November next, Will |p Sold at the Sue Uoufein Louisville, the following :d£. G ROES, levied on 3s the property v t 10. best Barnaul, at the suit ol I.'aac Hlckc v’.z.—— Newberry, Newport, Mhcheli, Penty,, Nancy and her lour Nanny. Anr.y, Juno and her child 0,2. ihia and Djnald. B, WALL, M. D. G, October t MARSHAL'S SALES, On the firft i UESDAY in November r.sst* At the CourtoHoufe, will be fold, A variety of DRY GOODS, find fat GROCERIES ; levied on as the property of John Hilton, at the Lit of Robert H. Sown?, Conditions Caih, Ben. Wall, m. a, Oflobcr Q For Sale, SEVERAL valuableTrafis of Land® M Intoih, G‘en and Camden Counties. A prime gang 0 J fColored Negroes, An excellent house Wench, A complete rigged Pi.inser’a Boat, ofeafy draught of water, faili veiy and will can y 10 bales of Cotton. Also, an excellent Cypref-. Canoe, And a conOant iupply of New-York tent navy BREAD. _ M. SHEARER, Oelober 16—67 Bait on's iVharf, TO RENT, THAT pleasant and convenient fIQUs?., n on the Corner of South and fPef-Broei> Streets, lately occupied ly Mrs, Trizvant, till Ut 50th of December next, Possession can he its®’ dtaicly given. For terns, apply to the tubtcr&a on the premises, v N< G. RUTHERFORD. •July It 40