Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, December 11, 1807, Image 3

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that i ■ ‘■:? ■ : Freech govern. i;,-m u.i *'■ hi'.fd iSß which regular govern suer.; th -- .hfifiielve’- autltoriied to bellow upon and y.v locollrftm'g. that one of the .uvnei-. -oi utions again ft the French was ft hr mg pre turned to intermeddle in the in pnhlies- of’ other nations— Cah you reh.le joining the league again!! the mur ,tl .>m our aim** the declared enemies of - • fund/, 1 and the avfcftfcd fttbvcrteis of all . cftftftbcd government, order and religion ? I ‘now to what cause your lleFtation is owing A t Ie bees.ufe.yoii give credit to had mini dors— it is hecauie you lend too favorable an ear to the advice of your ir.fniiler Manfredini, a man who J.t.g gained a- pernicious afeendancy over your mind, but who ought’ no longer to have any’ flnre hi your councils.” Lord Hervcy, after! thus independent Prince that was u.otj to listen to the advice of his Own ministers, j might with equ.d propriety have gone on to tell i him that he ought to be guided solely by the cour.fels of the right honorable gentlemen over agaiuft; me. ‘ Your ministers, ’ he might have fa:d, “ are ignorant and incapable ; the Britiih mimlters are wife and able. Observe into what 3 iituatiun they have brought their own coun try, and you cannot doubt with what wisdom and vigor they wiH confiik for yours.“ This language cf Lord Rervey has never been difa* towed by ininiftert. It has even been imitated by his fucceflbr, and therefore I mufb conlider it ai having been the language of his inftru&icns; and thus hy menace and intuit was the Grand Duke of T.if::any compelled to renounce his new iyftem of neutrality, contrary to his own inclination, to the advice of his ministers, and the inters!!- of his people. Such was the con duct of ministers when we were powerful in the M diterrenean. .Lord Hervey wsß at length recalled, and another gentleman whom I perfon a'ly refpsft was appointed in his Head, and in ftrlifted to fellow the fame course. At last, after we hie our power in the Mediterranean ; tfhf.ft events turn oat again ft us ; we submit not only to tk- ufrtirrality of the Dube of Tuscany, but to his concluding a treaty of peace and ami? ty with the French Republic. What has been your conduct towards Ge r.oa ? Ministers hold the fame language towards that Hate, and tell them, “If you continue in your neutrality, it mufl be offenfive to the com si"-d ?cwas,, ami may give occasion to revive .claims which mult lead to ditigreeablp confe rences t” a meaner threat never was employed. Who are the parties in this mighty canted.'?— Great-britain, taking upon herfelf to didtate for all the combined powers, and the Republic of Genoa ; this country not only admonishes the Republic of Genoa agaiuft obierving a neu trality, but threatens her with war if Hie does. Look at this, and’fee a pidture of insolence, in jitftice and mear.nefs, exceeded only by the fee blenefs of the attempt to follow it up ! The fortune of \pr being again ft you, the little Republic of Genoa is stout ; and after blockad ing her port, you are content to withdraw your {hips, and forced to submit to her neutrality with an ungracious apology for the injuftiee you have done. By such condiidt you have impair ed the character of the nation for justice and magnanimity, and given to Great-Britain a char acter of meanness and insolence which was never belore imputed to her, a charadter which has dvftroyed more countries than the loss of armies. Io put this in a ftrbnger point cf view, contrail it with your conduit to America. Did you tell America that all intercourse with France was difgraceful, until France should reft,re her King? No! It is only to the weak and de- j fenceiefs that you talk big. To the great and powerful you. apologise, and agree to pay for all the injuftiee you have done them. Examine the law cf nations ; if any one question in the lavs of nations btclearer and more generally ashtowLdged than another, it is that of a right in every nation, which no treaty obliges to the contrary, to preserve a complete neutrality. — Confider the fscrednefs of this right, and the miserable condition of every weak country, if whenever great powers go to w-ar, for what they snay call the cause of justice, order, religion and regular government, but what others may think views of ambition and aggrandizement, every weak Prrcce, every petty Republic, were to be compelled to take a part in the contest--- ff such were to be the condition of fodety—if men Were not allowed to enjoy that neutrality which their independence entitle them to, they would begin to doubt the benefits of fbciety, and Ijilsjn to the paradoxes of those who main tain, that all tftablifhed rules and principles are isun'i/ i in ignorance and error ; and that socie ty itfelf, as at prefentedconftituted, is not worth preServing.” M&rfhal’s Sales. Ot liefirti faetday t* January next, will be said, at tie Cu>l uouse in Savannah, at the usual haurs, A HGySE and LOT in Milledgevillc, Nc. I ,fi’uar: Vo. 40. ‘ tsao arres of LAND, in Bulloch county, on Black Creek, in three adjoining tradti ; adjoining land* of Ale*. Willie, J-hu Gruber and John Laftiuger, ali jbrvpyr din the name of George Frazier, in 771. Also, an undivided moiety of the Beaver Dam yQLjL-TRACT, in Scriven county; in the whole o acres, formerly the property of John J.FQucnn,;, bounded north hv Briar c eek south east lands uowbelonging to Mr. Reaves. Also, 187 t-2 acres of LAUD on the Alatamiha, formerly th* property of Richard Wall., Ffq Leyied on at, the suit of the United states avtinft Henry others iten. Wall, u. and. g. December 3 82 £3“ An Apprentice wanted ai ihi> Office. INTELLIGENCER. SAVANNAII : FRIDAY, Dec zhiokr 11, 1807. ’ IN our last, we gave fome information, re ceived from the Seat cf Government of this State—this- information caused the Printers of the Museum to accuse us of depriving them of the credit which they wished, by obtaining a pa per from their office in the night, and extracting the paragraphs in question from the fame. We iiavc not been in the habit of fathering the wri tings ol these Gentlemen, however brilliant they may have been—and, trust. we {hall never have occasion to do so. a* ROM MILLEDGEVILLE—December y. * E stated in cur last, that the Bank Bill had palled both branches of the Legiilature—we now have it in our power to give the following lift of Gentlemen, as officers of said Bank : CHARLES HARRIS, Prefidcnt. WILLIAM B. BULLOCH, JOHN MOREL, EBENEZAR STARK, FREDERICK HERB, and GEORGE SCOTT, Directors, together with a number from each Diltrict in the country. Mr. McLean, I have observed in the Ch.arlefton Courier, fome animadversions, which manifestly have for their objedt the extolment of the Eng lifti policy, and the eulogy of the mad king’s Proclamation. With a view to attrad general notice, the Editors of that paper have prefixed to the remarks alluded to “ Political News.” Th e writer of the article asserts that the indig nation, which the outrage committed upon our national sovereignty had justly excited begins to subside, and he attributes this wonderful altera tion to the unfavorable report, (as it operates upon Commodore Barron,) of the Court of En quiry. This is an afiertion, which no man, who docs not feel a great predilection for the Eng li|h fy flora, would make. It is fallacious in the extreme, and may hate been written (but whe ther or no it will encourage) the marauding sea commanders of Great Britain to commit and per petrate new encroachments upon our rights as a neutral power. The indignation, which was kindled in the American bosom by the gross and dastardly at tack of Humphries (till burns as fiercely as ever. It Has been displayed already, and if our rights are refuled us it will burst forth with renewed and additional violence. In the name of common sense I appeal to any man, who pofleffes it, if the writer of a para graph, who asserts that Humphries's condudt is viewed with less asperity, because Barron has been censured, is not greatly attached to Eng- < land. Undoubtedly he must be ; for whatever the impropriety cf Barron's conuudt may have been, as relates to, it can be no jollifi cation to the murderous and cowardly perform aaces-cf the savage Humphries. The crimination too this writer attaches to in case she refufes to give up seamen when demanded by the Eritifti. In the very demand preceding the affair above mentioned, three men natives of our country were demanded. Shall we resign cur own citizens at the demands of. the Haves of a phrenzied king ? Forbid it courage, and avert it honor. If they rob us, by i iiuprefiment, of our marines, We are not so fifth- I as cot to retain cur own, when wc are once able J to recover ft, AMERICUS. THE Office of the PUBLIC INTELLI GENCER, is REMOVED to'the ftorelately occupied by Messrs. JOIIII Hill and Cos. as a Book and Stationary store, and next door weft of Messrs. Seymour and Woolhopter’s Printing Office, on the Bay. Ckareston, December 8. By the Corvtlia, Lescsnc, we have received regu lar files of London and Liverpool papers, to the 24th Odtoher, benig four days later than our previous advices. The following arc the only articles we notice of any interest. LONDON, Odtober 22. The Revenge, in which {hip it was formerly stated Mr. Monroe was to take his passage for 1 America, has failed for France with Mr. Smith and another gentleman. The former is permit -1 ted to go for the purpose of bringing away h:s j daughter, who ass been detained there fines the | commencement oi the war. The latter, we un j derftand, is the bearer of dispatches frorn our j government, on the fobbed of an exchange of ; prisoners. Mr. Monroe has not left this country, as has been e: roneoufly stated ; that gentleman trans acted dv.ifinefs at the Foreign Office, on Satur day. Mr. Rose will, we utiderftand,'accompany him from Plymouth. | Letters were received yesterday from Copen hagen, which state, that Admiral Gambier had failed with the whole Da-fifh fleet, ladeh with !tores, and might foou be expected in this coun try, with the iubftantial and splendid proofs of 1 our late triumphs. The greater part of the Brit ain fleet still remained, but many of the troops \ hao embarked, and the others were preparing ; for immediate embarkation. Our fleet will con tinue to surround the island till the whole are on | board, and ready to fail. j Two vessels have arrived one from Raga, the j otner from Memel. The former in about three weeks, the latter in less than a fortnight. No embargo had been laid on, nor was apprehended, at Raga—-the Englifti vefliels there, about 20 in number, had nearly taken in their cargoes, and were to tail in a lew days. At Memel there was not the ieaft idea entertained that an embargo would belaid on in the Ruffian ports. By fome letters received from Holland, we find that King Louis has liberated all the persons who had been imprisoned during hts absence, under the decree which prohibits the landing on the Dutch shores of any perfen from a Britiih port. French troops, it is find, have begun to reas semble at Boulogne in coniiderable numbers. If the {lores which have arrived at Yarmouth Iroin Copenhagen, are a {air specimen of what is yet to come, we venture to fay they are not worth the freightage. Pieces of old timber, fit for nothing else but firehood, and bits of rope, only a few yards long, constitute the lading of the tranfporti. It may be said, better bring these away than fuller the transports to return empty, j Some people might so reason ; but is it not be- I neath the dignity of a great nation to be robbing the poor Danes of a parcel of old iron, junk and firewood ? LIVERPOOL, Gctobe 2k Dutch papers to 14th, and French to the 11 ill have been received. Their contents are net ve ry important. Great preparations are making in Paris for the celebration of the A nnivstfary of the Battle of Jena. A grand ball :s to be given on that day by the Court at Fontainbleau, in honor of the King and Queen of Westphalia, on the occasion of their marriage! The defenfive operations of Ruffin are noticed, and Britain is termed, with a reference to that country, the en -'v- No. further intelligence has tranfpirad ft*.it Portugal. Our merchants connected with that country confequentiy remain in a state of the molt painful anxiety. Fears are entertained that the recent arrivals from the Tangus >vi!l be the last. It is stated id an article from Copenhagen, that opinions are there entertained of a probable rup ture between Sweden and this country. That the King of Sweden has {Lengthened the works of Hellingburgh and Carlfcrona, and that it is be lieved he has been required to place his navy in the hands of England. The report of the French troops having en tered into the Daniflr territories if confirmed : not so much to possess Holstein, as to expel our troops from Zealand, fiiould they not be difpeied to quit it without. Our Ministers must now pre pare to reiinquifil that country immediately, or to defend the pofleffion they have so konerdbiy ob tained, agaiuft the united forces of Denmark and France. By the late treaty between Russia and Tur key, I’ ranee has acquired fometKing more than influence in that country. We {hall not befuv prifed to find the whole of Turkey ft,only in the hands of the Emperor Napoleon and hL brother Alexander. The houses of Ar.hault, Wa’deck, Scitwar tenburgh, Leppe and Preus, have been added to the Confederation of the Rhine. If Sweden (liouid unite with Rufiia, Denmark *:;d France, how will it be in the power of oar goveixraent to prevent the complctioa of a Northern Confe deracy. Parliament, it is reported, will not meet until tue latter end of January, the Ministers having caflt enough to last until April. ASSIZE for Dec. 1807. price of Flour being nine dol- JL lars per barrel, weight of bread must be, 1 a 1-3 certs l oaf J 6 r-4 cents Loaf alb. 5 o*. j rib. r-s cm. Oi which all bakers and sellers ol bread ate to take due and particular Notice. JAMES MARSHALL. C. T. - --- - 1 - - Wanted Immcdiafely, A SMALL NEGRO BOV.—For particnlara apply at the Office of the Intettiveneer. December 8 83 NOTICE. LOST morning a Red Morocco I'OCK> ET BOOK, containing an Indenture and sundry oth |or papers, of no use to any person but the owner.— ’ A reafuuable reward will be given to the fmder on | leaving it at this Office, or at Mr. Lewis Cooper’s. Detember I 31 THEATRE. The Ladies and Gentlemen of Savannah., are refpeftftilly informed, that the performances st the tljeatie wilf take place This Evening, llthinftant. When a display of grand per formances will he exhibited, which have never failed bf general fatisfa&ron. The public may be allured that Rannie & Berry, Will strain every nerve to give general fatisfac tion. In addition to their other Performances, will be presented a Farce called the Doctor and Patient , Or, the SUSPICIOUS HUSBAND. To which will bt added , the COBLER GOING TO LONDON. And by particular d'sirc, a Pantomime, called HARLIQUIN’s MIRTH AND CU RIOSITY, Which will end with his Death. fT Admittance 50 cents, children half price. Tickets to be had at the office of the theatre. Doors open at (r, and performance to com mence at 1-2 past G o’clock. Soamking Segars in’ the Theatre, prohibited. December 11. Sheriff V Sales. On Monday, 2 tst December znsi. will be sold at the in tkidcity, be~ tween ike hours cj ten and three o'clock, ONE two ftorv HOUSE and OUT BUILDINGS, on Lot No. 3> £w insburg, levied on as the property of James SliafTt r, deceased, to fatisfyißaitliz ferSh.ffer, E r q For ground rent ; levied on by Thomas Robentod, foi tner StieriP, and retui ned by him. JOHN EFFINGER, s . c.c. December 11 Sheriff’s Sales. Laurence Huron, sen. J vs. V ATTACHMENT. Laurence Huron, jun J ON the 26 h day of December, inff. at th CourtsSioule in the City c.F Sivauna’n, between the hours of ten and tfuee o'clock, will be Ibid under an order of his honor Judge Charlton, sundry sv liclcs of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, &c. together with fix Bales cf COT TON, a teebed cs the pro, eny of she de fendant, L. Huron, jun’r. JOHN EPPING6R. 5.c.c. December ji 84 Sheriff’s Sales. (jn Saturday the z6th December injlanf, ■unlike sold at the Court house m Savan nah, between tire hours cj ten and three o'clock, . - ThcS.heoner er an attachroent by fcSSHiBHSsSI order of bis tSOUCI the ludgeoi lire Si.prrior Court. JOHN EFFINGi R, ;.c. c. December 11 B.j Administrators Sales . ; Saturday the :6:h January next, ; \*.Jr with be fold, at th* Ilore formerly orcupied hy Daniel MTntofh, deceased, (Barnard-ft reel) all ids parfonal Fioperty. corfifting ol DRY GOODS. GROCE RIES, FuRIviTURE, & the HOUSES rith the lease. Conditions made known on the day of Tie —By cider of the administrators. N. M'LEOD, Aufi'r. December 7 uw aq Administrators Sales . WILL be fold on the coth January next, it my Auftion Store, the persona! property of Adam Bejcb, cd. confilting of BOOTS, SHOES CALF SKINS, BOOT LEGS BEDDING A Gold WATCH, &c. &c. By order of the adminifti ator. N. M’LEOD, Auct’r. December 11 nw 8^ notice" - ALL persons are hereby forewarned not to employ th* Carpenter Fel : low BEAUFORT, without firft applying . to his owner. Drcembsr u