Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, December 15, 1807, Image 3

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MiskAloi.. Hewa ape lTecll yat njoSfZS tpfx object the'.nd have in bribing ther matter up now'., Mr. C. ha-3 alluded to the fame paper s It war t{ie only paper'cf. any consequence in the city, and the prefiden't y.’ts obliged to take th?t course to circulate official afts through the Union. It had always been the cuttom For the j president to publiih his proclamation?, but in no i s,iA.*nte had be bid them before the Houle— ‘ The two extraordinary feiiions of Congress had; beep held by proclamation pubjifhed in the newf •papers, and if e proclamations for convening them; had nbt been bid before the House. It hav ing been done by another Pnflfident had no bearing on the present case : no law er.illed au ♦hdriFngT’refident ‘Waflnngton to iilue such a proclamation, as that referred to ; but the proc- i Jjmafion now referred to, a? well as that in the • tile of Mr. Buit were issued under an aft of! Congress. Mr: C. had no partica.V objeftion to the call ; but he could not fee the necessity for it. With refpeft to precedents in other coun tries, he wifned th§m to have influence on the'proceedings in this, Mr. Burwell did not rife to oppose the refolu ♦.ion ; he was willing that the proclamation should be sent to them by the Preficent ; but the gen tleman had expressed his furprize that he did no* jjnd that proclamation contained in the report of the cor.mitte?. The only reafen was, that they lad fappofed it was Efficiently official in the rtewfpapers, end had referred to them when oc casion required, as they would have done to any ether authority. He held it a correft proceed ing, that it vvas the right of any member of that House to call for any information relative to any fubjeft; he should always favor such an applica tion'; he therefore did not rife to oppose the gen tleman's notion, but to apologize for the com mittee’s not having reported it. Mr. Dana said, that, the obfevations of the gentleman from Virginia had been made with hie general candor ; he had no doubt but the committee considered such reference as they had made correft:; but as no public prints were ftriSly official, and as they were called upon to deliberate on the proclamation itfclf, be thought it necessary they should have it before them.- Wefe they pot called together on this fub'eft particularly, he nrgbt not fee the fame necessity for having it ; but as it was to be the bails in tome 1 measure of their proceedings, they ought to have an official copy of it. Mr. D. also thought it was more correct whenever Congress were called together by proclamation that they should be specially notified. Ihe gentleman from Mafia chufetts was in an error so far as related to the form of giving notice of extraordinary fitting* ; 1 he had untkriloed the gentleman to fay, that Congress were called together by a proclamation i yblilhed in a newspaper, which was official no- i t.ce. 1 :•.!? was not the correft course. It. was ! t-ue they were now all gathered together ; but their j jurnzle would not shew how. When an ; ieffion had been called fa rarer! y a letfer had dried addrelied to each member from the secretary cf date, enclosing the proclamation for the purpose and this was capable of being done in eve v instance, bv transmitting these let ters to the Executive of each flatr:, who might notify them individually. This had been the course, and he thought it more correft them the other. E Ihe question on the resolution being takc.i, Hvas earned,- 70 to 32 ; and Meflrs. Quincy and ■ Burwell named a committee to wait ou the Pro- Hfideat for the purpose. 1 IN. SENATE, Nov. £(■). ■ Mrt Mitchell, from the committee on that ■ part of the rrieffage of the Preddcnt of the Uni- Hted States, v hich relates to the defence of our ■teapert iuwfes and harbors, reported, in part, the ■ rollo.vine letter from the Secretary of the Navy ; ■ alfp a bil} to appropriate money for the conilruc ■tion of .an additional number of gun-boats. K Atavy Department, !&/’• Nzvmicr, ISGT. 80/A’, ■ In aufwerto your letter of the ‘ S'.li ;„.l. Hn which you afe for fueh information in relation ■‘ to. the defence of our fsa-port towns vd har ■bors, and the further proviuon to be far ■their-security,” as the navy department may ■possess ; I have the honor to date that in aid of ■the fixed fortifications, which will be fubusitted Vy ‘he Secretary of war, it is preferred that ■thej-e will be.required at the ports and harbors, below, the number of gun-boats an ■lexed to them refpeftively, viz. B At New-Orleans 16, Savannahs, St. Mary's ■L Cbavleiton, S. C. 10, Georgetown, do.. I, N. C. 3, Ocracock 4. Albemarle ■jttund 1, Norfolk 60, Alexandria 2, Baltimore ■L Philadelphia 4, Delaware bar and river 10, harbor, N. J. 1, Amboy 6, New.York .50, ■.ong-Ifland 4, New-London 6, Conne&ici’t ■hove6, New-Fort, P. I. 12, Tiverton i, Bos ton 12, Salem and Newburyport 6, Portland 0, 4, Marblehead and Cape Ana 2, ■fork,.. Kcnnebunk and Saco, % Kennebeck, ■hecpscut, Damarifcotta, Broad Bay, St. Geor ■ejh, 5, Penobfcot, 3, Frenchman’s Bay, 2, ■ 3 affamaquod'dy Bay, 3, Pcrtcmouth, N. Ik 4- ■taking in all, 257 ■ Os which we have at this time provided,. 60 I Would leave to be provided, gv i ■:, . JBS § The budding of tbefe gun boats if. cilirbatrd ‘■ n an average at 5000 dollars each. H 188 gun boats, at 5000 dollars ■sake dolls. 010,000 B Dcdufl the amount of timber con ’ B n fted for, as Stated in the exhibit of expenfes incurred by the ■ B av y 4epir.tment fmac the 2£d June #7,500 . Wpuld jeav* to be appropriated for buildihg of 188 gun-briars; “dolls. 852,366 Rcfpeftfully submitted. „ Rt. SMITH. ; Ho~, Samvel L. Mitch at, | Chairman of a Committee of the Senate. | Tine bill: jas follows: i Le er.a'icd, A r . 1 hat the Trefldettt cf the cJ nited btates be, and he hereby is authorized; j and empowered to cause to be built a number not exceeding gun boats, and to equip, arm, man, fit out and employ the fame, for the better proteftion of the ports and har , bors of the United States, and for such other j purposes as in his opinion the public service may ’ require. | Sec 2. And he it farther enabled, That a. futn not dollars be and heredy i; appropriated, for this purpose, out of any monies in the treasury not othervvife appropriated. MOUNT-ENON COLLEGE. Extrxft from the Minutes of the Gener*f Committee of Georgia Baptist., and Tniftee* of Mount-Enon College, convened on Meunt-Enon, ftotn the Bth to the * i th of last Angu ft, inclnfive. RESOLVED, To open a Grammar School, cn this Mount, the firft day of next month, and that the direction of it be committed to Brother CHARLES O. SCREVEN,untiI he.andtheßrethren and Koicom*procure a proper character, at an an nual salary of eight hundred dollars, to fix at the head of this inititutiou : and they are htrtby authorised to employ an Afliftaut in the School, and a Steward of the Boarding-house, at t.hcfe measures may become necessary, at pricei considered reifouoble. Agreed, That pupils finding their own lodging, the price of board here fhail not exceed twenty dollars per quarter, paid in advance—and that but the fame lain per year, paid quarterly, fliall be charged for teaching, with care and accuracy, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar and its everciles, Geography with the ule of the Globes, Mathematics, Aftronomv, Natural and Moral Ehiloicphy, the ?in Arts, Logic, and the Latin and Greek Language*. Refolded, That chi* School ilhallbe opened if futi i thr, and remain a&ive till breakfaft ; after that time, studies (lull be ptirfued ”ntil twelve ; and, rcfn.ned again at two,(hall be continued to five o’clock—and that, in the fchool and out of it, among those whefe board rosy net be underth* direction of this body, aa well a r, others, the ftritbeft attention ft-,all b* paid to deportment and morals. Resolved, That in thecourfe cf the year there (haft be but two vacations, cf three weeks each, allowed in this femtrary; and that there lba.ll commence on the firft days of April and November In confluence of the above refolVea, Mr. Screven opened a Grammar School on Mpunt-Enon, early in September ; but before a cumber cf youth irom dtffeient parts of the slate, who w*te on their tray to fet.unary, could arrive be left it—What led to this measure, as uexpetfted to the board, who had en gaged that rcfpeftaMe agent, as mortify.nj to the liienda of the institution at large, will be a fubjeft of fertous enquiry at their next fHaon. Since this etn bvrrasTn gpveut happened, sso etertiou which could be made, to contract the limits of it* injurious efleifts, l)7i been fparedt and the public are hereby rrfpedl folly informed,that thislchool will BE- COMMENCE under very Mattering circuniftances, on the fit ft Men day in January. Mr, DANIEL MERCER, highly recommended s sn able and persevering teacher, is engaged as Principal ol the Grammar School; and. Mr. JOJIL HILL, a grctlrm .nos character, who’ it Veiled with an amiable family, aud has a productive Stock and fatal, within three miles of Mount-Enon, it to keep the Enstrdtng Honfe. Mr, Hill is promptly preparing, and will h*Vc in re-adinefs, by the fir ft of next month, g-ntecl acecmmodations, cot on';’ for pupils, but fji ladies and gentlemen who may occa lionally vi2t Mount Enon. Should it be inconve nient for parents to fend lodging or bedding with their children to this place, Mr. Hill will furnifti that article at a reasonable rate May the enlightened frieudsof this'i which has derived it* being from their liberality, meet their reward, in feeii g it rife under their lollering han.k, and .he an proving smiles of Pros id. uce, into the bigheft litera ry eui.nenes; H. HOLCOMBE. December Id REMOVAL . Samuel Griggs. OcJ TAYLOR, informs his friends and the pub lic that he has removed from his former ft a. iid on the bay, and has taken a shop next door to Mar quand and Paulding, where be will thankfully receive, end faithfully execute, any orders in his line, Nov. 20 79 A 'dice is hereby Given, THAT after the expiration of nine month* appli cation will be made to the Honorable rhe Juttices of the Inferior Court ot Effingham County, for leave to ell three ttadls of l-ANli,containing two hundred acre* each, iu said county, for the benefit of the het and creditors of James Vvebb, deceased. RICHARD WICGINS, “> , , . WILLIAM WIGGINS, } um Apr;'! “ iafn;;-.! I ASSIZE for Dec. j. 807. F lIHF. price of Flour bring nine dol -3 lets per band, weight ol bread must he, . ni- cent* Loaf j 6 r-4 rents Loaf alb. 5 ot,. I rib. *. oe- Os which all RAK.KR6 and sellers ol G ” ya ;> arc i>> {eke due and particulat JAMES MARSHALL, C. T. An Apprenuc e wanted ai this Office, INTELLIGENCER. SAVANNAH: TUESDAY, December I5 1807. WE havf perused a letter from & member of Congress, from this (late, under date of the 29th ultimo, which Hates, that matters remain iri a Very unsettled state as to PEACEor WAR ; but, the writer is of opinion, that appearances are rather against Peace. The writer mentions, that they have been five weeks in fdlion, and that very Mttle has been done as refpefts defence. No mention is made of Mr. Monroe or the Re venge, CT.'p Tke Charge of ln3 Kcnor Judge CHARLTON, to the Grand Jury of Bulloch County, is received, and which we will, with plea sure, lay befete.cur readers on Friday next. * , Captain Gault, of the (hip Young Eaftcr, who arrived at New-Yor3c left the Downs on the 17h Oftober, and informs that Britiur cruizers had orders to captm*- all American vefiels hound to or from the Continent., and carry them in for examination , Phil. Pal). Feck: tus National Ivtellicsnce?., It is with pleasure we announce to the public, that the Monument to be erefted to the memory of the Officers of the Navy, who fell during the different attacks made by our Fquadron on the city of Tripoli, in 180 b, has arrived at Bollon, in the United State*’ frigate Gonflitution, and that it v ill ihoitly be iandedat the Navy Yard, ct this city. * The expenie of this beautiful piece of Ccttlp. tore, which, for grandeur of design, elegance cf execution, and ftze, far excels any thing cf the kind ever seen cn this fide cf the Atlantic, has been defrayed out of the slender means cl the Officers of the Navy. We underftaiid, that the manager, captain David Porter, intends, in behalf of his brother officers, to present it to this city, ftlfiy re&rving to himfelf, the privilege cf chooftng the spot where it is to fund ; and that Mr. Eatrobe has generoufiv offered his iervices in putting it up. To convey fome idea of this Monument, we fuh’oin a fixirt, though imperfeft defeription : Itsbafe is I S fret square, and its height 23 feel. It, is cempofed of the pure it white of Carrara, tiitli ornaments and mferiotior.3 of ‘--ih bronze. The Pcdeilal is highly ornamented with inferiptions, representative of the aftions, trophie3 of war, See. See, ‘in oafs relief, ar.d supports a Roflral column, furnr.ounted by the arms of the United States, Fame handing cn one fide of the pedeftal’ with the palm aud laurel, crowns ■tn urn, which beats this iafcriplion : Hit Dccorcr Funscru~. in hello Virorurn Cinerts. Hiffory feted at the b?.fc, looking back re cc’d: ng these events. Mercury, the genius of Commerce* lamenting the death of his proteftors —a female Indian repre fen ting the flame cf im mortality. On the pedestal appears the following inscrip tion, in letters of gilt bronze— Erected to the Memory of Cept. ktCKARD So mers Lieutenant* James Caldwell, James Decatur; Henr y W adswcrth, Joseth Is- r ae*., John H. Dorsey - , who fell in the different attacks that were mad: on the City of Tripoli, in the year of our Lord 1804 t, and. ne lie XXMIIIth veer cf the Independence of the United States. /. fame (f glory inspired them, Ahidfame has crowned their deeds. History records t..e events—the Children of Columbia admire—ar.d Commerce laments t heir ’ Gil i “- 1 * . I As i small tribute of resptP. f> their memory, and admiration cf their valor, so worthy of imitation, their Brother Officers have creZltd this monument. The iromimer.t has been imported in 51 large cases, and weighs above 15 tens. The figures are as large as life, and the whole will coff 3000 dollars, which is to he railed at the following rales of funfeription :—Commanders 20 dollars, Wards'-Room Officers iO dollars, and Officers of the rank of Midfnipmen, he. 5 dollars The fubfeription is nearly completed ; and from the known spirit and generality of our officers, We are confident it will Icon be elefed. Savannah /fnacrcontic Society. rHHRS wiilks a CONCERT given in the Long Hoorn of tin Exchange on FRIDAY EVENING nzxt. The Musk will commence at 7 o'clock, P. Vi. ALEXANDER S ROE, Treifurcr and Secretary. December 15 85 Chatham Rangers ! YOU are ordered to appear at your Parade Ground on Saturday, precisely at 3 o'clock, P. JVL’in uniform. By order of the Coinmsndiug Officer. AOSBp.T HOUSTON O 8. Deceabsr 1$ 35 Book and Stationary Store. THOMAS G. COLLIER, KA3 FOR SALB, OPPOSITE Mr. TO JLEft'c WHITAR.ER-STRIET, An asiortr.cnt of Rooks 6? Stationary} Among which are the following : ELEGANT quarto Bihits, with plates Plain ditto ditto School Bibles, of different prices Testaments—lVatds Psalms—ditto Psalms end Hymns Rippon‘s Hymns—Methodist do. Baxter's Miscellaneous Works Henry on Prayer Doddridge's Rise and Progress rs Religion At the soul Doddridge cn Regeneration — do. Sermons Gospel Sonnets—Pilgrims Progress Holy H r ar The genuine works cf Flavius Josephus, 6 dels. Village Dialogues, 2 vol. Scwrins ‘ Sermons Sermons of Majfllon end Pour da!am Davis’ Sermons , 2 volt. Hunter's Sacred Biography, 4 voh. Life of Joseph — Blairs’ Sermons, 3 vohs. Baptist Confession Christian Philosothy Evan's Sketches ffos helm’s Church History, 6 voir. Here Soft: arise, or Essays on some remark aid names and titles of Jesus Christ, 2 volt. Mrs. Warren's History of the American War* 5 vois. Ashe's Dictionary, 2 00/s. Webster's, Perry's and JEntici's School do, , Murray's English Read.,- Ditto Grammar-Exercise and Key to do. French Grammar ldeleter's and Lovstids English Grammar 7'pgethir v/itha very general assortment of School Books, Chap and Toy Books life. life. Beet wove hot pressed black and gild edged Let ter Pap • Best and common laid ditto, by the ream or quire Foolscap, Super. Royal, Medium, Demy, Dutch Folio and other Papers Playing Cards, a variety Wrapping Paper And numerous other articles, comprising a gen eral assortment of STATIONARY, which toil le constantly kept up, and sold at a moderate acL vance for cash only. December 15 lavdjtu 85 The Subscriber, i 7 i Begs leave to inform his /ner.ds and the public, that he ntza opening at us: store, Adjoining Mr. Citizen. Smith's, Mat kit.-square, rco pair NEGRO SHOES qoo do. lined and bound do. 500 do, Ladie* Slippers Trunks and Saddlery 300 bottle* CORDIAL Together with a common assortment cf GROCERIES. Ke al r o intends to keep a con Rant sup ply ot CORDIALS, by the barrel or Itogfhead. The whole ol which he ofTrr.'p and means to offer, low loi or Pro duce, He fiatters himfelf, that the superior qudiiy of his Goods, and the particular a Mention which will he paid to cuflomersi will induce the public to favor him Wilt* their patronage. DANIEL SHAW. December 15 “ 83 Opening & For Sale, x O At the Store lately occupied by M'Lean L Earner, on the Bay, 1200 pair NEGRO SHOES do. Morocco and Leather Slices q calcs Mens ard Boys Hats A tew hhds, Mobile* And packages ol DRY GOODS JOSEPH HAWES. December 15 B 5 In Council, MONDAY, 14th December, 1807. ORDERED, That 1 c Monday t!r* 2<th inffi. that the City Council will proceed to the Election of DEPUTY GOAL VR, vice William Simmon*, resign ed, with a fatary of Five Hundred Dollar* per annum. Candidates, who with to apply for the Office, will fc,r ward their petition* to the City ClctL. Eatraiff from the Miur.te* D IJ. WIDLIAMS, C. C. NOTICE. WANTS a Ctuatica on a Coifon or Rice Planta tion, a man who under (land* the culu.r* of Cotton and Rice, and who can bring good recommen dation*. Enquire at this Office. December ij 35 NOTICE. LOST ycfkrday rooming a Rad Morocco POCK ET BOOR, containing an Indenture andi'undry oth er paper*, of no use to any person but the own*-. A reafonabTe reward Will he Tven to the finder 00 liavtng it at this Office,or at Mr. V ttvi* Coop**’*. Dccepi'.'tr 1