Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, December 18, 1807, Image 1

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PUBLIC INTELLIGENCER. [Vo 1.. I.] Tn e I NTEt; LI GEN CER, is PfIteUSHEU 0* TUr.SPAVS AND F MOATS’, By NORMAN M‘LEAN, CN THE BAY, r.\ 312 DOLLARS *RR AKNI A, PAYiELS CUE i)A Ait .1 .N Ai> I > CL* . * “ ■*“* A If Opening & For Sale , A: t!:S Store lately occupied by M‘L'ean & Lames, oa the Bay, ,200 pair NEGRO SHOES iigo fip*. Morocco and Leather Shoes 4 cases Mens arid Boys Hj;s A low finds. Moiades Xr.dpackages of DRY GOODS JOSEPH HAWES. December ig 85 The Subscriber, Legs leave to inform, his friends and the public, that he is now opening, at his store, adjoining Mr. Citizen Smith’s, • Market-square, jeo pair NEGRO SHOES 400 do. lined ami bound do, qQO do. Ladies Slippers Trunks and Saddlery 300 boules CORDIAL Together with a common assortment rs : GROCERIES. He a!fo intends to keep a conftaot fup pjy at CORDIALS, by the barrel or iiogfhead. The whoie of which he offers, and means tu offer, low for CLfh or P,o ducevv * ■ He flatters h.mfelf, that the superior quality of his Goods, and the particular intention which will be paid to ctsftomers, wdl induce the public ;o lavoi him with their patronage. CAMIER SHAW, . December 13 85 NEW SHOE STORE. , Asahel Howe , FROM BOSTON, jßespedJAly informs the Pul’d, that he has taken c store, in Market-square, next door to Mr. Nichols's Hat Store, inhere he has for sale a genera! assortment of Boots & Shoes, VIZ ‘SO pair SU WAR LOW BOOT'S 20 do. white top do. ‘6OO Ladies Morocco Slipped 500 ditto Leather do. 300 Men’s Fine Slices 500 ditto common do. 200 hoys fine do. 1700 Negro Shoes With an aflortme.nt of Boys coarse Shoes . Mifles Morocco and Leather Slippers Children’s Morocco aud Leather Botees c Ditto do,- do. Pumps Childrens Chocs f LIKEWISE, ’ 40 kerrs Crackers ■v , A few barrels Apple3 _ A few kegs Pickels Which he -will sell, Wholesale and, cheap, for Cash. November 6 ts 74 THE SUBSCRIBERS HAWING entered into co-partnerfliip, under the firm of Small & ATNish, Have taken Stor# and Counting-House on Me firs. SmuU (i Bourke’s Wharf, and tender their I'crviccs to their friend* and tire public in the FACTORAGE & COMMISSION BUSINESS. ROBERT SMALL, John M'NISh: fJSvxnnih, October 2l 69 FOUND, . A handteme .DOG—The ovrttr, By calling at Ifu* OSre, can obtain Information refueding him • l)cc. b S 3 SA V A \NAH, FRIDA Y, Dec> msin .8, 1807. .Book and Stationary Store. THOMAS G. COLLIER, HAS LOR SALE, OPPOSITE Mr. TOBLER.’# V/ii 1 TAKER-b j KELT, Aii assortment of Books 13 Stationary, 1 Among which are the following : “P* LUG ANT quarto Bsides, with plaits JLd Plain ditto “ditto School Lilies, of different prices ‘Uslaments Watt’s Psalms—ditto Psalms and Hymns Rif pen's Hymn'—Methodist do. Baxter's Miscellaneous Works Henry on Prayer Doddridge's Rise and Progress of Relirlon in the sou! Doddridge on Regeneration — do. Sermons Gospel Sonnets—Pilgrims Progress Holy War The genuine works rs Flavius Josephus, 6 vols. Pillage Dialogues, 2 mol. Saurins - Sermons Sermons of MaJJilion and Bourdalone Davis’ Sermons, 2 vols. Hunter's Sacred Biography, 4 vols. Life of Joseph — Blairs’ Sermons, S vols. Baplut Confession Christian Philosophy Evan's Sketches MoshcirrPs Church History , G vols. Horse Solitaries, or Essays on some remarkable names and titles of Jesus Christ, 2 vols. Mrs. Warren's History of the American War, 3 vols. Ashe's Dictionary, 2 vols. b lister's, Perry's and Entick's School do. Murray's English Reader Dil'o Grammar—Exercise and Key to do. French Grammar IVelster's and Lotbth's English Grammar Together with a very genera! assortment of School Books, Chap and Toy Books 3c. 3c. Best wove hoi pressed Hick and gild edged Let ter Paper Best and common laid ditto, ly the ream or quit e Foolscap, Super-Royal, Medium, Demy, Dutch Folio a’id other Papers Playing Cards, a variety Wrapping Paper And numerous other articles, comprising a gen era! assortment of STATION ARE, which wilt he constantly kept up, and sold at a moderate ad vance for cash only. Decern her Id lav 3w 85 Factor and Agent* Cj> M. SHEARER, INFORMS the Planters that hi cuniid ties to fell Produe and other property on Cummiffion, and Stas plenty of fi t prool Ware-house room, on Bolton's Wharf. Otfuhex to by REMOVAL. Samuel Griggs. TAYLOR, RcfpeA fully informs his friends and the pub lic that he has removed from uis former Hand on the bay, and has taken a (hop next door to Mar quand and Paulding, where he will thankfully receive, and faithfully execute, any Orders in his line. Nov, 20 79 PAINTING. Seth He K ecu, Informs the Gentlemen of Savannah and public in general, that he carries on the HOUSE & SIGN PAINTING, In the ihop next door to Dr. John Love’s, on the Bay, where all business in his line will be at tended to, when called upon, with ftrift atten tion. Groceries will be taken in payment if more convenient for the employer. September 22 60 A peifon a frw miles from town, having fblMe leisure time would be glad to employ it in writing for any person having occa sion for his services.—The terras very moderate. Apply to the Printer. November 27 80 TO RENT, A STORE with a good CELLAR, on the Bay. For particulars apply at this of fice. Bov. 20 73 MOUNT-ENON COLLEGE. from tie Minutes of the General Committee oi Georgia Baplift,, and r i rupees of Mentor l-ntv: (.< siege, convened on Mcum-Enon, from the 8:!ito Sue xith of hft Angiift, ineufive. RESOLVED, To open a Grammar School, on this Mount, the firfr day of next month, and that the di-etfton of it be committed to Brother- CHARLES O. . GREVEiN, until he,and the Brethren Marsha-lt; sm) Hoic&alne, procure a proper character, at an an nual Liar.- of c ght hundred dollars, tn fix at the head of this iiiliitini.-n ; aud they are hereby authorised to employ an Afii&ou in the School, and a Steward of ‘lit -Boardcig-lroufe, as tliefe me:-, fit res may Lee; tr.; nccejTary, at prices oonhdered reainnoble. Agrnd, Tnat prpils finding their own I dgiag. the price of board here ihsil not exceed twenty dollsrs per quarter, paid in advance—and that bin the fame sum per year, paid quarterly, shalt be charged f-r teaching, with care and accuracy, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar and its exereifes, Geogtapii : with the uie of the Globts, MathemMicil, Aftronotr.',', Natural and Mora! Philosophy. tl-.e Etus Arts, Logic, auo the Latin and Greek Languages. Rcfulved, That this School {Jiali be opened at fun • iff, and remain active till breakfaft ; aft.- r that thr.e, he put sued nntil twelve ; and, relumed again at two, fiiall be continued to five o i h-ck—and l, in the Ichool and out of it, among t 1 oit> whole board may net he tinder the direction of thi < body, us well as ethers, the firiaeft attention fitai! be paid to deportment and ruora’s. Relolved, That in thccourfe of the year there fituli be but two vacations, of three weeks c*eli, aliow -d in this (eminary ; and that there fliali commence on the firlt days of April and November In consequence of the above resolves, Mr. Screven opened a Grammar School on Mount-Eu;.;i, early in September but before a number of youth from dilfe.ent parts of the Rate, who ivrre on their way to that Seminary, could arrive lie left it—What led to thi* nfeature, as uerpedled to the board, who had i ii £*ged that relpectablc agent, as mortifying to the friends of the inflitution at large, will be a fubyeeb of Ictiout enquiry at their next ftilion. Since this em barrafiiiig event happened, no exertion -which amid be made, to contract the limit* of it injurious c fie tils, hat been lpire.d ; and the public are hereby Tull) informed,that thisfchool will RS-CoKIMINCL uttrfer verv flatteringcircumftances,oh tbifiril Mon day 111 J in .ary Mr- DANIEL MERCER, highly recommended as an able and perfeveiing texcher, is engaged as Principal of the Grammar }>-. hool; and Mr.JOEL HILL, a gentleman of character, v. bo is Welled with an amiable family, and hr.* a productive ltock *nd farm, within three miles of Mo'nnt-Euon, is to keep the Boarding House. Mr. Hiil is promptly preparing, and wit! have in readme**, by ttic fir!! of neat month, genteel actommodation*, not on’y for pupil*, but for ladies and who may o< ca ii ii.„!'y vifi: Mount Enon. f.houid it be tncotive nh-m ibr parents to fend I dgiog or bedding v.-;th heir children to this place, Mr. Hill will furnilh that aiticleata rcafonable rate. */*ay flic enlightened friend*of this cllabuftbictit, Whicli has derived its being irom their liberality, meet then- rtward, in fccii.g it rife under their lofternig hands, and the ap pidving fmlles of Providence, into the- hfgbcft litera ry eminence: H. HOLCOMBE; December 15 TO RENT, f t"'HAT pleasant red convenient HOUSE, j on tie! Corner rs South and IVcft-BroaJ- Strcets,lately occupi dby Mrs. Trivvaui, ill the liOth of December next, Posseision can b: fat me diately given. For terms, apply to the subscriler on the t remises. N. G. RUTHERFORD. July 17 40 NOTICE. AI L persons having Jemimas against the es ! dte of fait: s Sh-’jfer, are requested to present them authenticated ; and those indebted to said estate are required to male payment to FREER.’ SHA i ILL, Adm ’ r . August 18 ,50 FOR SALE, A LOT oi LAND known in the gen. JEM eta! plan oi thole Lots (old undei cceciifion by the late Amhrofe Gordon, F.‘q. Federal iVlaiTnal, as the property of Joint J. Zublv, dec. L-y the No. (g.J five horning li'.rce fireets. On the pretnifei *te an air/;od new. dwelling house and kitchen, tint n* T Bury is finifhed, having a good well of water at site corner. Aifo the unexpired leasehold of lot No. (5) five, fronting Bryan flrect, to the 14th April, 1814, together with the dwelling house, ihop and other improvements there on, now occupied by the fubferiber, in Oglethorpe and a good hand for business. Conditions calh. Apply to ELIAS ROBERT. Sav'h. July 14. 40 TO’ RENT, A HOUSE IN a'central part of the City. Any person who may be desirous of a view of the same, can Is gratified on application to the Publishers of the In telligencer. Sept. 22 Os the hundred bleflings conferred on. man in this life, HEALTH makes a good ninety-nine. PROPOSALS, EY JAMES EWELL, PHYSICIAN in savannah, for Printing, by Subscription , anew. and greatly improved Family Physician, iSYITLbD, THE PLANTER** AND MARINER** Medical Companion. (fRkN this important febj-ti many books have bee 1 written, which, though excellent in other refpefis, have yet preat iy faded of their cfeiulnefs to A nsricans, because they treat of dileafes which, ing in very different-climates and consti tutions, mufl widely differ from outt. The book now offered to the public hue, therefore, the great advantage of havi-o been wiitcrn by a native Ameiican ol ion ■* and fuccessful pratlice in thefs Southern Stater, and who, for years past, hes tuine j much e>! his attention to this very inteief!. mg subj es. He is veiy sanguine that h:? book will prove exceedingly ufelul to aif families, but more efpeciaily to those hy ing in icatlered neighbourhoods, where tegular medical attendance cannot easily be obtained. For the ust ol families thus unlortuna'eiy circuitilancerl, the author has prcnaied his Planter’s'and Hz imps Medical Companion, which (real',, in the moft clear and cocci fir manner, almofi ev ery diferh- to which the human bony is li able, xvith its rams causes, regi* men, cure, and means of prevention :—To which are subjoined, a treatise on ‘hi d;f. safes peculiar to women and ckrildren ; arid a difirrtslion on fuels cases as gencral occur ir.Burgery ; with a DTptnlamry, flic wing how to prepare the rnoft ufelul family medicines, wiili their proper doles ; and a Dictionary, explaining the technical terms ufe.d in this work. With such a guide as this, a country gentleman may la enabled <0 meet a difeajfe in the huf me mento!! its attack, and thus, where 3 phv fician cannot readily be had, may be made the happy inflrumer.t of prefervitig lives 3S VALUABLE 3S LEAS. CONDITIONS. The planter's and Manner's Medical Corfu.arcn, conjarning between three ard four k;,:iditd pages ddlavo, l at.dfunrely printed on 3 fine ivove p : pcr, ,bound a:.d iettered, fiiall be delivered to lubfcnbe/s a. thi ee dollars and fifty cents ; and piii'f ed on an inferior pa; rr, *n board?, a itud 101 l ‘it ‘Jfifty a.its. L i-king paid un til tne JHivciy cl the boohs. :?"? THE fi - v .rcri!-f.r inform* !.’* ittimersu* D 1! hi tl- .wt 1 :lic ■d; : i: .. up.e, that he thaii. i.'i utit iimricliate -; FhiGck'-.hin, topet prime-: m i fr.peri'.i- s!v'e,“ ‘1 he PLANT! R'sand I,fARII-i?R‘ Mi-.DiGALCompanion,” w ichihey v,-c pir-af 4 to honor liim with !■ , h unco inion patronage lla**- pr-.-l*tobeb*ek the firftofNovsmfccr rest t gifinhute tre Book*. Gentletr.-n who holUSubfcription P’pcia arefoi’icitcd to coutim:- their friendly exert'oot to mxitiply copies of a voi k which, ’tis hoped, will prove of great |iuCilit utiliry. I’riutfrt ‘.hrcugi,i' : :t t'e ft'-ite “will p'e.:{? iiTert i.his three time? it their papers, lor which they £hag be paid t:n civ i otunj, JAMES EWELL. Savannah, Ju'y 31 45 -jryi ry X For bale, SEVI-S.-.O ct Lmi.ia •M'lnttiih, Glen and Cara den Counties. A prime gang of feafemed Negroes, An exet fleet house V/encli A complete L hooner tigged F’.inici*cj Boat, of ealv draught of water, fails very flf, arid will carry 10 bales or Cotton. Also, an excellent Cypress Canoe. And a conlf ant Jupply t)i New-Ycrk pai tent navy BREAD. M. SHEARER, ORobcr 16— 6 j Boltcu's Wharf. NOTICE. A your r man zuko has a few leisure Jd% l hours tn the day, would re wiling to employ that tune in Posting Merchants’ Books, drawing cut Accounts, (3c. as he understands U perftlily, bang for upwards of three years in a Counting-house. Those who may wish his services may rely vpoii having their business executed with accu racy , neatness and dispatch. Enquire a} this Office. November 27 Cos [N'o. |6 J