Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, December 29, 1807, Image 3

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INTELLIGENCER. SAVANNAH : TUESDAY, December 29, ISO 7. p—nw ■■■■■■ ii iiw Dispatches from Mr. Monroe have been re ceived at Washington, dated 10th October, t A gentleman of high refpeft"bility has given us th;. following information as to their contents, in the foliowiug letter. dated ** Wellington, December 6. ’ “ A letter of the 10th Oclobcr, was la ft night feceived from Mr. Monroe, containing copies of j. o tes which had pafied between Mr. Monroe and the Britiih rmmfter on the fubjeft of the in sult offered to the honor of the United States jh the case of the Chesapeake. They contain ■to points on which a decilsve judgment can be formed as to the ultimate determination, of the Britiih government. I midenland, however, Btatan inference may be drawn thereupon, that they are willing to difavcw the conduit of Ad rttiral Berkley, smd male’ (what they con ceive to be) a full reparation for the insult on the aational flag, which Mr. Role (the envoy) will be orepared to do ; but they will not agree to any security for the future fafety of our seamen, iennefiled with such Liisfacticn. They will hold themselves ready to ditcuf;, but they insist that it mu ft be perfectly feperate from the Chef peake case. [Balt. American.] Kid, \7th Gdober, 1807. 1 Cant. Jeiten was fummoued l?y the Comman iant of aa Engiifh fquaclron of two line of battle thips, two frigates and a brig, to surrender the jDaniih (hip Prince Chtiitian Frederick of eighty guns, then in Chrillianfand. The summons was rejected—the English fquadrot*. commenced an attack, which was re pulsed by five gun-boats under Captair.-L.ieut. Till, which vefflls pursued the Ettgliffi squadron in their flight. Liverpool, 7th Nov. 1807. By papers from Altona and Hamburg, we have a circumftrtotial account of the failure of an, by a British squadron, to get pofi'effion of a Danish (hip of the line, that had taken (bel ter in the port of Cl:riilianfand. .This it attri buted to the gallant made by foine gun-beats, which not only repuifed our fquad* ion, but pursued it to a considerable distance. Savannah, 27th Dec. 1807. > From the valour exhibited by the American Caraen at Tripoli and elietvhere, we have reason to -think them at leall equal to any ether seamen in thg world.’ May not the citizens of the United States hope to fee the fliips or our Britiih foes put to flight by the brave and jsntriotfc crews of cur gun boats,-as they have been by the courageous Danes ? It is a fact that our undaunted'Pars burn for an opportunity to convince our haughty pirati cal foes that Americans never (hall be slaves. I propose that every friend to America drink a health to brave captain Bill and hi.s valiant ■crews who have ihcvvui the efficacy of gun boats. By the fall failing sch r James, in 1 days from Florfolk, we have received the papers of that city to the 2Cth inst. Mr. Monroe left Nor tfoik on the I.sth, for Washington. Mo accounts Lad been received cl the Satira frigate, Charleston Times, 26th, last. NEW-YORK, December Id. Qa Saturday afternoon, the United States ■ schooner Revenge, Cant. Read, arrived at this ‘port, in 35 days from Cherbourg, with Dis patches from our Mmifters in England ana France. Dr. Bellas, the bearer of the Dis patches, immediately on landing, proceeded to the feat of government. The Dispatches are supposed to be of great importance, as well from France as England—the Emperor of France having declared to Mr. Armllrong, (as capt. Read informs us) that there should no longer be any Neutral Nation. Capt. R. further informs, that there had been an Embargo at Cherbourg for fix v. in con i’equence'ci the fitting out of a frigate and a brig, which had not failed. i ue flap Apcilo, capt. Vaughan, of Bo (lon, {l*:led under convoy of the Revenge, by special permiflioa, having on hoaid Mr. Bowden, A merican Minifterat Madrid, with his family and figle- The Revenge has experienced ferere gales on the coaff. ’ Go the 27th November, was obliged to threw her guns overboard to save the veiTel; and is aim oil a complete wreck. - Married - iii this City, on the 24th inst. by the Rev. Dr. Kollock, Mr.’ Wiuvam Grover, of Bulloch County, to Mira Sarah Mille.n of this City. - Chambers, 7.6 th December, I £O7. Present tbeir hoaon JOHN H. MOICM! . ARCHIBALDS. EITLLOCH. IN conformity to the Rift of the Lfgitlature of; she {lift of December, 18cO, tt c Justices of the t’cai e j of Chatham ( uiitv arc harefiy Notified, tliat an ‘ Pfedtion for Tuk Co'Sector anti -Receiver ->t Tan Re- 1 turns, for the year *BOB, w-il take place at the Court- ’ Houle on the t ; , ft Monday it Isuusiv next. LxrriEt from ‘die Minvi’es, JOB T. BOL&ES, Clerk. | Marine Department *,,BM I'ORT OF SAVANNAH. arrived, Ship Oflavia, Boyd, Liverpool 40 days Dartmouth, Starr, New-York 11 Amazon, Copp, ditto 7 Ajax, Trott, Boston 12 \Brig ScU-Island, Burnham, N. York 11 ! Lovely Lars Wheeler, ditto 14 Sch'r. Rolla, Barnard, ditto 14 Nassau, Leiham, ditto 5 Mecantotr, St. Kitts 12 Two Brothers, lie, Charleston I j Sloop Delight, Cooper ditto 1 PROVIDENCE, D cember 5. The irnall boat Os the Britiih traufport Alexander (•he longboat of which Clip was picked up by a Salem vtfTel) i.-as been picked up, and the unfortunate fuff erers have arrived at New York. I The Boston Ccntincl contains accounts of a great j number of lhipwrecks, &c. in the late ftorrn A brig from Liverpool with pafiengers was loft near Buzzard s Bay, and moft of the pafiengers perilled ■Vch. Freedom of Matb'thcad west on ihore near , Race Point, the crew all perilhed ; this sch. plunged i !icr bow under ami instantly turned completely stern iover, and wa-ifwallowed up A brig went on Ctorc Provincetowu light, and went t pieces, a ta favtd.—Sell. Alligator of Boston was call away on Cape Cod,and all on board perished except one. The lehr. John of Bridgeport and {loop Lively of Salem, were drive,i afliore thy 6th iufton Block Illand; cap tain Gale aud son of the Lively drowned ; the John loft one of her crew. Charleston, December 14. REPORT OF CAPTAIN EHRONSTROM. Capt. Ehrostrom sailed from Buenos Ayres on the 14 th Odder, left at that place ship Diana, Tilbts, of Wiscasset, expelled to take in a cargo in a few days for England—brig Betsey, Forest, of Charleston, taking in a cargo for the Cape of i Good Hope—also the Danish ship Fortune, P'ete \ nor, taking in a cargo for London—and Jive Por tuguese vessels, brigs and schooners. About a week previous to the Franklin s sail ing, all the neutrals received orders from the gov ernment there, that they must depart from the Ri ver of Plate in 40 days from the date cf the order, loaded or not. It was the general opinion there, that she Americans and Portuguese were all spies for the English ; and for the term of two years no 1 neutral whatever would be admitted Into any cf the . ports in the River of Plate, under any pretence whatever, evens/ they should have a Royal li . cense. Gets. Liniers had entered into anew treaty with the commander of the British squads on, left cruising in the river, ( which consijied of a frigate, a Jloop of war , and a cutter) that the British were not to molcjl ths rivtr trade, that is, from Montevideo to Buenos Ayres , or any of the ports above Montevi deo , end that the Spanish government, are to sup ply the British squadron, or any skips of their na tion that may put in there, with what supplies they may want. Maldonado was appointed the port for their rendezvous, and this was to continue in force for G months. On the 17 th oßober, was hoarded off Maldona do by the British frigate Nereid, captain Gobbet , ■vi ho took the chief mate out of the ship, he being an Englfhman, but otherwise treated us politely, l'he P’F of war and cutler were also in sight. Testy informed us, that it was their determination not to ntolfl the river trade, as the Spaniards supplied them •with every thing they wanted. Capt. Cob let t also told us, that he expelled a war between America and England, aud that we should be talcn before we. go: home. On%e2 December, fell in and was boarded by a French privateer schooner from Gaudaloupe, sup plied her with water, and treated politely i lat. 12. 58. j v. long west 50. On the Gth, was boarded by a French govern ment brig, called the Vidor Hughes, and the schoo ner Galiiler,from Cay cnee, with a schooner in company ; was informed that they had. captured an Enghfh brig from Africa, with slaves, bound to Charleston. Or. the sth, spoke schooner Polly, Bond from Turk's Jflund, 63 hours out, bound to Forth Car olina. Marshal’s Sales. WTH-L he sold al the court-house in W the City 0/ Savannah, on the first Tuesdav in hebmary next, between ike limns oj eleven and three, the following SLAVES, to uit : 808, JAFFRAY. ISAAC & MA RY, taken under execution as the property oj the estate of Dr. Samuel M'Conr.ick, a! the suit if John If William Dawson and others. B. WALL, m. D. G. December 29 89 NOTICE. WANTS a situation on a Cotton or Rice Planta tion, man wiio under Hands the culture of Cotton and Rice, smi who can bring goetl recommen dations. Enquire at tkis Oißcs. iDetotabe* J 5 85 HfCH has been exhibited in Charleston, with great applause, will be opened in this city in the course of this week. Particulars will be expressed in the advertisements of the day, December 29 $3“ ON the night of the 23d inst, ‘he (tore of the fublcribers was broken into by foire person well acquainted with store, but contrary to tbeir expe£ia tions nothing valuable was taken but an acceptance by Jofepb Mason on Eleven well, in favor of John Dimond Sc acceptance was in a bia: k book in which they had formerly kept Bank Notes. This is to caution ail per lor>3 again ft trading f or Lid acceptance, JOHN DIMOND 6? Cos, Dece br 29 3* 8 9 FOR SALE, A gang of Negroes, Counting ~t fix TELLOWb and five WELCHES. Ihey are all seasoned Slaves, and will be warranted healthy and well tjtfpoft'd. The owner (should the purchafcr wilh it) will Leufe from 50 to 120 acres of rea.iy cleared COT lON LAND, which with very little trouble can be put in complete order for the min ing crop. On the premises is a large and convenient DWELLING HOUSE and every necefiny OUT BUILDING fit ttated on the Sd s, only ig miles from Savannah, One ol WHITNEY** im proved GINNS will alio be Sold, with or without the Negroes. Enquire of the Printer, December 29 20 Dollars Reward. x! Run away from the subscriber, since (hefirst 10 0/ August lasi, two new c-L JrxL A (lira lelloius, aduck were brought fom the coast df /Unca about one year gust, viz : POMPEY, slim, thin visaged , surly countenance, about fve feet ten inches hgk, sLeaks scarcely a word of English, ’ IVJi L, round visaged, about fve feet, four in hes high, rather a more pleasing countenance than the other. All p.rsens are forbid from harboring the above mentioned negroes ; and a reward oh Tat Dollars for each , with all reasona klecx fences, will be pad ij delivered to the keeper of Savannah. Goal, ir to the subscri ber, on hisplantation, near Savannah. JOSEPH STUTZ. December 29 d)■ ~~ iTcouncil, RESOLVTDi that from and after thr 24th day of the prelent month, until the 2 i day of Januaty next, not more than two negroes from one and the fame plan tation shall he permitted to come into the city on the fame day or night; and that ii more than two negroes belonging to the I lame plantation lhal! be (ecu, or loutid within the limits of the city, on any day or night from the 24'h the ud day of January next, even though they may have tickets, they Ihdl he taken up, and tmprifoned by the C'ty Marshal, Superin teodatit of the City Guard, or any ol the City Cohfiabies, and ihali remain in prison until they shall be rcgulatly chfcturgcd •nd colls paid. Chdered, that the City Marshal do call on three Constables, to afhll him in carry ing this Solution into effefL Extraf.l from the minutes. D. D. WILLIAMS, c. c. December ca 87 Public Sale OFT H li Fractional Surveys. WHEREAS by an aQ of the General Aflembly of the State of Georgia, palled at Louisville on the 3th day of December, s8ob ; H is en6&ed that all the f’raSional Parts of Surveys of Land referred to the state by tlje feVeral land law* making dis tribution of the lands lately acquired of the Ctcek Nation cf Indians, lying and beiitg on the rivers Octnulgee and Oconee, and also on the present and former temporary boundary lines shall be fold in separate lots, to the highest bidder, in the Town of Mil* ledgeville. in the following manner, to wit -i The CommifTioners to be appoint ed (who the fubferibers are) shall, by an advertisement in the Gazettes of Petersburgh, Washington, (Wilkes county) Sparta, Augusta, Louisville and Savannah ; in which advertise ment shall be particularly fpecified the day or days on which the I rations in each County and in each Diftrifk will be fold. We, the Ccmmiffioners appointde sos that purpose, do therefore, in con formity to said aft, require ali persons concerned to take notice, that at Mil iedgeville we shall attend and com mence the sale of the Fra£iional Sur veys as follows, to wit: — WILKINSON. Those of the Sixth Dilhitl, lying cn the Oconee River, commencing on tha iff of December and continuing from day o day until the ad, inclusive. Those of the nth Diflrifl, on the 3d of December until the 4/.li. inclusive, Those of the 12th Diftrift, on the sth of December until the 7th, inclusive. Those of the 17111 Didrift, on the B.b of December until the g'h, inclusive. Those of the 18th Dttlrift, on the 10th of December until the 1 ilh, inclusive. Thole of the sad Diltrift, on the 12th December. Those of the 23d Diflrift, on the iq'li December. Tliofe of tbs 26th Diffrift, on the December. Those cf the 27th Diffrift, on the 16th December. Thole of the 6‘h Diffrift, lying on the Gcmuigee River, on the 27th December until the jqth, inclusive. Thole ot the 7th Diftnft,on the 22ft of December until the 23d, inclusive. Those ot the Bih Diilrift, on the 2qth os’ December until the 28th, inclusive. Those of the 9th Diffrift, on the December until the 301 b, inclusive. Thole ot the iqilt Ditliift, on the gift December until the iff Januaiy, 1808, inclusive. Those of the 15th Diffrift, on the ei January until the qih, inclusive. Thole ot the 20th Duiiitf, on the sth January until the 6th inclusive. j Ihofe of the 2iff Diffrift, on the 71b January until the B.h, inclusive. Those ol tiie 2qth Diffrift, On the yh January umil the i2ih, inclusive. Those oi tKe 2j ii Diffrift, on the 13th January uutil the iqih, inclusive. Those ol the 2.Bth Difftift, on the ij'.b January until tlie i.6rh, inclusive. BALDWIN. Those of the 7th Diffrift, or the 18.a January until the 2iff, inclusive. Thole of the Bth Diffrift, on the ssi January until the £3!. inclusive. Thole ol the nth Diffrift, on the 25.11 January until the sfiih, inclusive. Tliofe ol ii.e :2ih D lb ill, on the 27th i Januasy until the 28th, jpclutive. Those of the 1716 Diffrift, on the 29th January until the iff February, iqcluftve. Those of the 18th Diff/ift, on February un>J tnflufcve. Tliofe of the rqth Diffrift, on the 6:ij Fehnury until the Brh, inclusive- Those of the soth D'flriQ, on the gth Fehruafv until tb 15th, inclusive. Thole ot the I,sth Diffrict, on the s6:h February until the 17th, inclusive. Thole of the 14th Diffrict, on the 18th February until the rpih, inclusive. Those oi the toih Diffrict, on the Both February until the 2?.d, inclusive. Thole of the 9th Diftricr, on the 23d February until the 24th, inclusive. Those of the 6th Diffrict, on ths 25th February until the 26th, inclusive. TERMS OF SALE, Os the purchasers bonds with ap proved personal iecurity will be re quired for the amount’of the purchaie money, to be paid in four equal an nual inlialments, in gold or filver— the farU payment twelve months atte? date. REDDICK SIMMS. OBADIAH ECHOLS, FRANCIS FLOURNOY. Commissioner?. aftb Sept. 1827. (64)