Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, January 01, 1808, Image 1

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PUBLIC INTELLIGENCER. [Vol. !.] The IN'f l . LLIG ENCER, is PUBLISHED ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, By NORMAN M‘LEAN, ON THE BAY, 3A SIX CULL A9. S PER ANNUM, PAYABLE ONE HALF IN ADVANCE. For Sale at this Ojjicc, The fallo'.v’qg BLANKS, which are neatly prin ted ou excellent Paper.- JffERCHANT* ENTRIES, different kinds * I’IFEA-TS, foreign and C- -a- :-g Kir? ct F.XCH.V OE i'EAiVI&NS-’ ARTICLES DEEDS of CONVEYANCE Iff OR! GAGES POWERS of ATTORNEY PRINTJCES INDENTURES BILLS of SALE NEW SHOE STORE. Asahd Howe, FROM BOSTON, PaspeflfvHy irforms the Public, that he has talen a store, in Market-square, next door to Mr. Nichols's Hat Store, where he has for sale a general assortment of Boots & Shoes, VIZ 50 pair SUWARROW BOOTS SO do. white top do. gOO Ladies Morocco Slippers 500 ditto Leather do. 300 Men’s Fine Shoes 500 ditto common do, 500 boys line do. i 27C0 —* Negro Shoes With an affortinent of Boys ccarfe Shoes Mirfes Morocco and Leather Slippers Children’s Morocco and Leather Botees | Ditto do. do. Pumps Childrens Shoes I LIKEWISE , 40 kegs Crackers A few barrels Apples \ A few kegs Bickels ■ Which he will sell, Wholesale and Retail, Ic heap for Cash. I November 6 ts 74 I Boots & Shoes. Just received by the Brig Luna, ■IFAIR TOP and Suwarrow BOOTS ■Ac Morocco s ditto miens Shoes,first, second and third quality wpo. Leather and Morocco Dancing Pumps l#tfyd Suwarrow Bonis min elegant assortment of ladies Kid Slip s pens, assorted colors, among which are a I few white pair miorocco Slippers, with and withcutfuels Wieatker ditto ■Widjer Kid and Velvet Slippers Mkildrens Morocco and K>d Buskins, &c. I All warranted of the best quality. j TAYLOR & SCRIBNER. ■ December 22 y 7 IThe Subscriber, W‘8 S have to inform, his friends and the I public, that he is now opening at his [I store, adjoining Mr. Citizen S/rath’s, il Market.square, 100 pair NEGRO SHOES 800 do, lined and bound do. ■OO do. Ladies Slippers I Trunk:, and Saddlery 100 bouics CORDIAL ;l Together with a common assortment of I GROCERIES. II He also intends tq keep a conllant sup- By of CORDIALS, by the barrel or HgOiead. The whole of which he offers, B<l means to offer, low for Cafii or Pro- Hce, |ss He flatters himfe’f, that the fupeiicr Biality of his Goods, and the particular Hentior; which will be paid to cufiotners, Hit induce the public to favor him with Heir patronage. 1 ‘ DANIEL SIIAW. ■Cecevnber rj 8,5 SAVANNAH, FRIDAY, January i, 1808. Boos, and Stationary Store, THOMAS G. CO LITER, Has FOR SAJ R, OPPOSITE Mr.TOLLER’, WHM'AKLR.SIREET, An assortment of Books f? Stationary, Among which are the following : LEG ANT quarto Bibles, with plates -IL< Plain ( r, ti o ditto School Bill-:, of diferent prices ■ -a—iVotedpsw a; f Hymns Rippm's Hymns—Methodist do, Baxter's Miscellaneous Works , Henry on Prayer Doddridge's Rise and Progress of Religion in the soul Doddridge on Regeneration — do. Sermons Gospel Sonneis—Pilgrims Progress Holy War Toe genuine works of Flavius Josephus , 6vs Is, Village Dialogues, 2 vol. Saar ins’ Sermons Sermons of Majil/on and Bourdalone Davis’ Sermons, 2 vcls. Hunter's Sacred Biography, 4 vcls. Life cf Joseph—-Blairs’ Sermons, 3 vols, Baptist Confession Christian Philosophy Evan's Sketches Mosheim's Church History, G vols. llora Solttarue, or Essays on some remarkable names and titles of Jesus Christ, 2 vols. Mrs. Warren's History of the American War, 3 vols. Ashe's DiJionary, 2 vcls. Webster's, Perry's and Entick's School do. Murray's English Reader Ditto Grammar—Exercise and Key to da. French Grammar Webster's and Loavih's English Grammar Tcgethir with a very general assortment cf School Books, Chap and Toy Books &c. GY. -Best wove hot pressed black and gild edged Let ter Paper Best ard r ■~?r i : •'i , ‘ini, Ij . si in. re Foolscap, Super. Royal, Medium, Demy, Dutch Folio end other Papers Playing Cards, a variety Wrapping Paper And numerous other articles, comprising a gen eral assortment of STATION ART, which will be constantly kept up, and sold at a moderate ad vance Jor cash only. December 15 \ar.Biv 8j THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING entered into co-partiicrffhp, under the firm of Small & M-'Nish , Have taken Store and Cotinting-Houfe on MriTr? Smith & Bouikt’s Wharf, and tender their Cervices to their friend* and the public in the FACTORAGE & COMMISSION BUSINESS ROBERT SMALL, JOHN M'NITi; Savannah, Gcffober il 69 PAINTING. • Seth IL Keen , Informs the Gentlemen of Savannah aid public in general, that he carries on the HOUSE & SIGN PAINTING, In the shop next door to Dr. John Love’s, on the Bay, where all bafmels in his line will be at tended to, when called upon, with ftridi atten tion. Groceries will be taken in payment if more convenient ior the employer. September 22 GO FOR SALE, A gang of Negroes, Confifling of fix FELLOWS and five WENCHES. They are all seasoned Slaves, and will be warranted healthy and well disposed. The owner (fhould*tbe purebafer wifir it) will Lcafe from go to 120 acres of ready cleared COT'i’ON LAND, which with very Intle trouble can be put in complete order for the inp crop. On the premies is a large and convenient DWELLING HOUSE and every ncceffary OUT BUlLDlNG—fu uated on the Sails, only ifi rniies from Savannah, One of WHITNEY’* im proved GINNS will alio be Sold, with or without the Negroes. Enquire of the Printer. December 29 89 MOUNT-ENON COLLEGE, Kxtratff from the Minutes of the Genera! Committee oi Georgia liaplifts, and Trultees of Mount-Enon College, convened on Mount-Enon, from the Bth to t!ie tith of lad August, ir.clufive. RL.iOLVBO, To open a Grammat School, on t- is Mount, the rift day of nut month, and that the diitcTou nl it be committed to Brother CHARLES O. SCREVEN,untiI he, and the Brethren Mareuai.l and Holccmss, precure a proper charadter, at an an neal klary of eight hundred dollars, to fix at the head t>’ this inllitution : and they are hereby authorifed to employ an Afiiftant iu the School, and a Steward ts tiie Boardhig-hnufe, as these mcafurcs may become nectffary, at pricesconfidered rt-ifonoble. Agr- j, 1 hat pupils £ tiding • ’ *ir own lodging, the I “ :t ■ 1 twenty dollars . pa.d in advance— 1 that but the fame itMU per.yeai, paid quarterly, (hall be charged for teaching, av-th care and accuracy, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic Grammar and its eacrcifes, Geography with the ufc of the Globes, Mathematics, Affionomy, Natural and Moral Philosophy, the Fine Arts, Logic, and-tbe Latin and Greek Languages. Reiolved, That this School lliail be opened at fun ri'. . and remain atflive till breakfalt ; after that time, ffiidtes {lull be pursued until twelve; and, refvtmed again at two.fliail be continued to live o'clock—and eh; in tiie febool and out of it, among those whose board may net be under the direction of this fcady, as well as others, the ftiicteft attcntipnlhall be paid to deportment and morals. Refoß id, ‘That ir. the course of the year there lht.ll J be but two vacations, of three weeks each, allowed in this seminary; and that there iball commence on the firit days of April and November j In confequeDce of the above resolves, Mr. B: revrr. i ■opened a Grammar School on Mount-Enon, early in September but before a number of youth Iron:, di.. .rent parts of the dale, who were on their way to that seminary, could arrive he left it—What led to this r.icafure, as ueiptifced to the board, who had en gaged that rdpciltable agent, as mortifying to the Inends of the inllitution at large, will he a iuhjcih of feriou* enquiry at their neat ftllion. Since this cm b;ii raffing even! happened, no exertion which cnuhl be made, to contract the limit* ofit* injurious cffedls, has been fparcii; an 1 the public arc hereby refpedk fully informed,that thisfchoel will RE-COMMENCE uitdcr very flattering circum (lances, on ihefirff Mon day in January. Mr. DANIEL MERCER, highly rccommended as an able and persevering teacher, is engaged as Principal of the Grammar School; and Mr. JOEL HILL, a gentleman of character, who is abHed wiih an amiable family, and has a productive fleck and term, within three inties of Mount-Enon, is to keep the Boarding House. Mr. HHI is promptly j preparing, and will have in readiitefs, by the lirll ot i \ net’ r ‘ ‘ c.ccdniiJiodatioas, aot ca'y ior j pitpiGf but for ladies ard gent'erben who niayocea- j iionaiiy visit Mount Encn. Should it be mccnre- j riitnt for parents to fend lodging or bedding with | their children to this plare, Mr. Hill will furni-I*. that 2 article at a reasonable rate. May the enlightened j friend* of tills eftah ifliment, which has derived iu being from their liberality, meet their reward, in feeing it ill's under their tolleriug hands, and the ap proving fmties oi Lrovi-i uce, into the higltcft litera ry cr..:r.enee: H. HOLCOMBE. December IS FOR SALE, * LOT of LAND In own in the gen- j ii. *a! plan of thole Lots folci undci exerutifn by the late Atiihrofe Gordon, E‘q. lederai Marflul, as the property ot John j. Zubly, dec. by the No. (S.J five lionUn/j three fireels. Go the preroifes re sn aimoft new dwelling house snr a kitchen, the fiift story is well finished, having a good well c-t water at the cornet, f Also the unexpired leafchold of ! b No. 1 i r 5) five, hontino Bryan flseet, l.v she i jtl | j April, 1814, tooet.h”.’ with the dwelling ) house, filerj> jnd other improvements there on, now occupied by the fubferil.” r, -• j Ogletboipe Ward, and a good ft-ind ioi bufinds. Conditions csfti. Apply to ELIAS ROBERT. S- v’h. July 14. 40 so Dollars Reward. vp Ran away from the sub tenber, since thefirst of August last, two new j r.yw . Negro I chows, which were brought frem the roast of Africa about one year past, viz : POMPEY, slim, (bin viraged, surly countenance, about five jet! ten inches nigh, speaks scarcelf a word o/ English. Will., round visaed, about f ßefet four inches high, rather a more pleasing counter a >, e than the other. All persons are forbid from eardohag the above mentioned negroes ; and a reward of Ten Dollar j for tack, with all reasona ble ex fences, will be paid, if delivered to-the keeper of Savannah Gcal, or to the subscri ber, on ins plantation, near Savannah. JOSEPH STUTZ. December 29 89. TORRENT, A STORE with a good CELLAR, on the Bay. For particulars apply at this of • fee. Ncv, 9if) 78 1 “ “ Marshal’s Sales. TWILL be sold at lie court-house in W the city of Savannah, on ike first Tuesday in February next, between the hours of eleven and three, lie following SLAVES, to wit : 808, J AFFRAY, ISAAC & MA RY, i alien under execution as the property of the estate of Dr. Samuel M.’ Cos muck-, at the suit if John & William Dawson and ethos. B. WALL, t!. !* o. December ■■ y 89 - - ■— ‘■ .*■■* —'■ i w * -**-*—~~’ -'■■■ < J im Mar(lial’s Sales. On tic frit t Tu:;ia‘j in January next, xe’.Ulr said at tit , Ccuri-IcHS! in Sansannab, at tut usual Laun, A HOUSE and LOT iu Miliedgeville, No. I ,square No. 4(, 4600 acres of LAND, in Bulloch county, on Elack Oeek, in three adjoining tradti ; zdjoining !atid of Atcx. Willie, John Gruber and John Laftinger, ail furveyeu in the name of George Frazier, in 177!. Also, an undivided moiety of the Beaver Dam MILL-TRACT, in Scrivea county; in the whole traiff, SSCC acres, formerly the property of John M‘Oueen; bounded north by I’rir.r creek by lands now belonging to Mr. Reaves. Alfc, 257 1-2 acre* of LAND on the A'.ataniih:- formerly the property of Richard Wall., Efn. | levied on at the fait of the United States agiinfs I Henry Putncra and others Ben. Walij a. and. c. December 3 So Administrator s Sales. ‘\% i f ILL be fold on the 24th Jinuary V<l next, st my Auflion Store, tbn persona! property of Adax: Beach, dt acaN ed, corfi'ling of 80 01 S, SHOES CALF SKINS, BOOT LEGS BEDDING A Gold WATCH, Lie. &c, By order of the administrator, N. M'LEOQ, Auctv. j !Administrators Saks. jtjT\N Satp-rday the i6tb Janiisr;.’next. ! \:i\i FA fold, ai the !>o.i U-smeiJ occupied iy Danis 1 MTnl< !b, dec af<-’ # (Batnard.Brcct) aii uis pet na! Troju-ity, eonfiilirp oIDLy’ GOODS, GROCE RIES; FURMiru?.:-:, L: the iroUsu? wit!; tiie ieafe. Conditions rap He known or the day Calc—By cider pi the adminifitaior*. U. M’LEOD, A uti’c, Bi’ccniher 7 i*w 44 Notice, is her Ay Given , < T , K \T bn the day < f February ncSt, wHS be X fold, at the lioufe of Sarah Hcinirioki, ir llui loch County, to tochighcft bidder, the ptrfbaai pro perty of David Kendrick*,dec’d. o -lfilling of Horst-. C-’attf'c, House-hold hnd Kitc'cn Furuliure; win- | f Plantation Toctt. Cbnditicru—twelve months em dit by giving Notes y-lth approved tfcu.lty. SARAH MKNDRitiKs, Adm’trio CRT’i'EM Ml/ZELL, Ada.'tot- D -mber isj * . NOTICE. 5. .e::ng’ Van .cho has a few leisure Jf\. hours, id the day, would be Killing to emfij, that bum in Posting Merchants Books, drawing out Accounts, &c. as he understands it perfectly,being for upwards :f three years in a Counting-house, Thost who may wish his services may rely upon having their business executed with accu racy, neatness and dispatch, Enquire at this Office. November 2;> Bt> Notice is hereby given, That Line months from llii* date, wilt be made to the Fionorablc t/if Inferior Court of Cha ■ tham County, for an order of Court to dispose of Lot* No. 4, s, & 7, in Warren Ward, No, 43. itt Washington Ward, of Lot No. C. Jetty 1 tything, am! 1-2 of Lot letter F. in the vilUgcof St. Gail,toge ther with the imptovemem* thereon, fituatc in the Citv of h'ttVann.ih, for the benefit of the Heirs & cre ditors cl Major Edv/ard Harden,deceased Edward Harden, Only qualified and a-fling Haeeutor Sav. Apfil 7 1807. BADGES. Notice is herehy given, that Badges for the year 18:8 will be ready for delivery at rry Office, on the firft day of jenuary, next, and that all persons required Ly law to take out Badgrs aad negleflirg or re futing fnto do, fbali be piplecuted as the law direßs. D. D. WILLIAMS, c.c, December £,5 88 [No. 90. J