Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, October 14, 1808, Image 1

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[Vol. 11. No. ‘tzj TIIE INTELLIGENCES, £3 PUBLISHED ON TUESDAYS AND FR.IDAYS By NORMAN M‘LEAN, ON THE BAY, fI T 3’ Y UOtt-ABS YEA ANNUM, PAYASLft ONE HA3,’’ IN ADVANCE. Fcr Sale at this Office , Tkc fallowing BLAKKSrwWh are neatly ‘Min ted on excellent Piper.* ENTRIES, different fciod* MANIFESTS, ‘oreign and Coaiiifcg BILES of EXCH iNGIi fSKAAIhMS* AKTICLE*. ‘j BEETS of CONVEYa.nCH MORTGAGES POWERS of aTTOPNFY PRIM riCES TNOENIURES BILLS of SALK /T*q *!- Ha OjV C! j iliai o OalcD, , Will be sell on the 1 ?A irjlatt, the slool> tor M £ NT 0 It, ller tatkle > &c * to g c * t!ier -fith a box of Merchandize, and a parcel of Leather. Condemned Lt a breach <.*£ the Revenue laws. Den. V/ all, m. and. o. Qftober n 5* TO RENT, A commodious Two Story HOUSE, in Elbert Ward ; wilh out buildings complete. Terms resfonaLie.—lmmediate pulTefiiou will be given, Spply to P. J. Vsfilotton, or BEN. VALLOTTGN. October 11 5 b THE SUBSCRIBER ttAS 010 HAltO THn TOIIOWIiCG AST/CLEf, Which'be vebl fell low for cash, at his Store opposite the Maiket and next door to Mrs. Rice. Gentlemcn‘slong broad Cloth Coats Jt Coatees Ditto a few excellent Surtouts Cadimers and Cloth P.tntaloons A few of the fit It quality Great Coat# Ditto Ditto E'lglilh Plats. A L o 0, A ferj suits of Sumner Clothing. Orders for Negro Clothes car. be fuppliei r.t z fhcvt notice. joiin Barnes. Mutket-Square. Sepfimbet DO—-48 Marlhals Sales. CONTINUED. 0.1 lot fra TUESDAY in Noye-.-ber next, Will be fold at the Court-ITuuse m Savannah. hree NEGROES.—Levied on a3 the p>c petty of Lewis G. Cuthbert, at the suit of Jo. seph Baker. Ben. Wall, u. and. g. oaober7—s3 * ,i- -—I i I ■ Sheriff’s Sale. Agreeable to executions placed in my hands, by the Tax Colleger of MTutofn count’/, will be sold, on the fird T uesday in November, at the Court-house, in Glynn County, between the hours of 10 and S o'clock, a HOUSE and two LO TS, on St. Simons Itland —to fatisfy the amount of 31 dollars 93 3-4 cents, being taxes due by the eilate of Wm. Gibjs, for years 1803, 1301 1305. JAMES MCOP.E, 3. S. C. September 3® 51 Sheriff’s Sales. Ok the fuft TUESDAY In November rert, WILL be GOLD, at the Court Hcufir in Savannah, e ---twjcothc hours cf tin .u.i tbfec o circle, A NEGRO V/ENCH, stated PHIND.IH, levied on *n<l to be fcM as ‘be property 61 fames Mutfyr.e, daecafei, under * Mortgage lYua. the Lid J.-im-s Mtt'lrync to pmes , Icp'new. jehu Rpptoy, s.c.c. Aygult *9 PI Tbs 1 iu 1 kTY-T J- U .tililvy JIN 1 Rjla 1 • t iA t K i\ \_y lN |\ 0 SA v AN.\AH, FRIDAY, October 14, 1808. i he Subscriber bias just received the following Goods, U ittc/i he offers for sale , law for Cush : Old Madeira Wine of the fir ft quality Ditto London Particular Tenenffe * Ditto Sicily and Malaga Port Wine, 6 years old 10 Medoc Claret Claret m demijohns and bottle", Sweet Oil in boxes Small Burlington Hams, warranted good Double refined Loaf Sugar, in fmsll loaves New Cheese, 29 kegs of the brft Lard Maces, Nutmegs, Cinnamon and Cloves Lorillard‘s Macouboy, Scotch & Rappee Snns Baskets Salt, London Milliard, and frefh Cho colate Wb'te wine Vinegar, Sv the barrel or gallon 29 Boxes of real Spni.iftt Sega vs. ON IIANI \ A general alLrtrnent ®f GrocetieS, F. MORIN. Savannah), Sejt. 3(3 £1 XEJf DRUG AXD Medicine Store. On the 803% ryjr'CLi'e Escharge. Ntx! door to Mr. A. Scrilner. RESPECTFULLY informs his friend* find the public, that be has just received a com* cite and handsome alTortmen? cf all kinds of DRUGS. PAT INF JED OTHER Medicine. T>!3. 3. BtiKTIIELOT, Refpeßtfully informs th? public that he pos feiTes a sovereign remedy for all forts cf vene red diseases. Perfor.s of both sexes can with confidence make ufeof it. Th{ advantages of this remedy are, that a young man may take this medicine, s and be perieftly cured, without a difeovery on the pan cf bis connexions ; also, the patient may, without apprehending any danger, exic ’ehimfelf to c< Id, night air and the rain, and pursue his usual avocations, as it re quires no particular regimen, oth-r than to ab liain from the commifilon of excefies. Those who may apply to him r.t his MEDICAL SHOP, near the Exchange, may be allured cf the moil profound secrecy being observed. Oaober 4—52 Sherift’s Sales, CONTINUED On ih-f.rj TUESDAY in Nov. nrrl, will he sold at the Ciurt-Hoase in the City of S.:- •rjn/iah, let ween the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, ALL mat i lact 01 LAND, .0 .tainm sixry-six acres, rrorc or ids; about two tittles from this city, and being part cf ih Tair Lawn Levied on at the suit of CLi; and Mit 1 ell and others, again ft the Adr"* iftra'cr-s >’ T ‘omas N >rton, dec. JO IN LPFINGEM. s c c. Offcber 7 & Sheriff’s Sales. CONTINUED. On the first TUESDAY m Nov. next. u nil be fold , at the Coirt-house vt the cuy cf Savannah l/e/zocen the hears of ten and three 0 clod, One Negro Woman named CELI A, And her two children named SARY and TOM. Levied m ?s the property of Thomas Mui, to fatisfy *ri execution in favor of Maurice LehtfF. The above property joint-ed out by the r’ -Mtin. JOHN EPFING2R, s* c. c. Savtuotih, Oiiber j 53 From the Wufoington City Monitor. THE TREASURY. From the height of their joy for tne fur cels of th-ir fchrtr.cs m New- England, the federalifts have precipi tated them (elves into the deepeff for row They are aUrmed for the fu ture rrplmifnment of the treasury ; and we b hold them reduced by their anxieties like Miobe to t*ars The jetulernen know, by experience, the mistry of an empty treulury; and by the (late in which th<-v left the nation, a! esch. quer in 1801, they exposed th*;r want of ingenuity to fill it. A direlt tax was the extent of their finan cial aptlity ; and that atl betrayed their political decrepitude to the peo ple. Their fears for the admimitra non are truly charitable, and it would be unfortunate if their friendly solici tudes for the fLeal arrangements of the government should reduce them to an i ‘Curable melancholy. It is mt the fide of the treasury in particular that th prelent admimilra ton is invulnerable. No descrip tion of rulers would deserve the ton (id< nee of the nation, ii they could riot, a.'trt (even yeais management of ih afiaiis of the republic, dispensed Ailh tnie or with two years income. Ihe adrnlnilti aiion of Mr. Adams, wjthotli paving one farthing ol the public debt, v/us not enabled to exon ti#re the people Irorn a tingle cent of uxes ‘l he taxe- of the federalifts were, in truth, fort spent ; for after they had imposed them they borrow ed the money in advance A com panion upon the point in quel!ion may be leiviceable to the community. Mr. Adms adminillcre l (he government of the U. States four year?, and during that period the teder-ldt* loanee* (b< fidesexpending 1 he ordinal y finances of Dollars. thi country.) 11,300.000 Dcduht from this debt the monies left by Mr. Adams in the treasu ry when he went out of office, t 1794,04185 And the acluJ deficit , or debt led unpaid by his imni.lry will be 9*505.955 15 !t w.s this extravagant conduct which 101 l Mr. Adams the confidence of me nation, and prepared the way t-r that happy change of rulers which introduced new and salutary policy into the Araetican cabinet and legis a ure. Immediately on Mr. J ffer lon’s coming into oftice upwards ol three millions ol dollars were laved to the nation in ;he following manner: fedu£lion of olffcrs by (he Preli lent which depended up on his will, and oth er economical ar rangements, prevj ouftv to the felfion of the fir ft congtefs under the present Dollars. admir.illr3tion, 161,695 91 Redtidlioh of the marine corps, 39.00c* Reduction ofthesrmv, 5:2 000 Redudlton of the navy, 200. 000 Repeal of taxes, 2,000,C00 Saving of lees (rein ex cise officer?,- by the re peal of internal taxes, 135,000 Pvepeal of the inferior judicial system, 33 000 Eedußion of commis sion to ccilcdtors of customs, 17.000 Total 3.107,605 gt [Whole No. 172 J With the fame honesty, our pretent rulers htnbanded the national refoup. ces, and rigidly applied the public money to the legitimate objetfs f 0 — which it is intended. Independent of defraying the current expencel !> the gove.ument, the adrmniff rt .j 0 -i Uridiy appropriated the lurp| Us me ntv l the l/atu.y 10 the p.yment ihe public debt* insomuch that a’moft ‘ all the tncuu.biance of that kind th->ft could be paid offha* been dtscharced and the legiffature are lo,king forvvard to the improvement ot the country or* an enlarged fcalc by liberal expends sures of ih* public revenue in the for m a non of roads, canaF, and * o’h useful undertakings. These faffs are too notorious to he denied, and earn/ with them the mod solemn convitfions of the upnghtnefs of our rulers, and the wisdom of their mea! tires. II the intemperance of the Europe an powers continues to thwart and perplex the pacific councils of Ameri ca, the economy of the administration has been so admirable, that no rccur-i rence whatever will be neceffarv tc taxation. Ihe federalifts profefi, tf > think otherwise. But their thoughts on the iubjed entitled to no w- ighc whateverbecause, w'hen reduced to extremities themselves, thev coulc! dtvue no other than the mod odious and offtnfive methods of raffing funds. It is not surprising, therefore, that be-’ inp, so dull of apprehension themfelvc in financial matters, and being filled with conceit cf their own perfpicacitv they should infer that there can be no diff rent course pursued from that which they followed and which led ibem to deftrutlion. Thev do not re .it- tt mat there is all the difference im aginable between a profligate* and a prudent adminiftradon, end that whdlt the resources of the former are ruined by extravagance those of the latter ar preserved and multiplied by circum* Ipeflion and frugality. The present adtnintffration esn com mand to a certainty pecuniary meanq to carry the government through ano ther year at least, which is authentica ted by the following statement, fur. milled by a writer in the National Intelligencer: t. Sale of public lands Dr,liars. for two years, i.ooOjCOO 2. Mr. Gallatin in his report of November 5, ISO 7, sys the amount of ouiftanding bonds due by importers, alter de nuding the debentures issued on account of re exportation exceeds at (his time sixteen mil lions. Add to this sum the new bonds given, and deduff from the aggre gate the duties since pai l into the treasury, arr! there will remain a clear lum outstanding, which may-be computed at a <*h°ut, 12 ,006,060 3. Duties on new im. portations, Gy 2,000,000 15,000,000 Add to this, tin eafh ac tually in the treasury at this time , 13.500,000 Total, 23.500,000 In this eftintate are included, not only the ordinary sources of rtvenue, but an extraordinary and importnc auxiliary a riling from the embargo it felf. This is the amount of draw backs, which the reader will recoiled is a duty lecured to be paid, to the U, States, in case the articles arc net ex*