Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, October 18, 1808, Image 1

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Vol. 11. No. 56] THE INTELLIGENCER, 15 PUBLISHED ON TUESDAYS /.HD FRIDAYS Ey NORMAN k{*LEAN, CN TIIE BAY, AT SIX DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE ONE HAL'* !N ADVANCE. For T.l „p JL to i do Liilb (_/ ;jice , Ir.e ."LINKS, which are ne lly prin ted via ex.c i,*: lA"’ tr,- MER.CH • ? . ENTttliiS, diife-eu. kinds dVI VNiI'K i ( re';; i and Coaliing £ LLb of i.SCd ■ ■'i ° 8; 1 ftVIEixV iI 1 3 IV'.BftS or CO VUVANCE Iv’.'Oß TGAftES POV/ER ; of •TT".T?K Y puitjrr. ess ::-h>2iu-cxL3 ■Hit.Co of BALE rr ‘ “ ■••■ II IM l in i MariMl’s Sales. IVill le sold cu the 1 St/j THE SLOOP tormentor, Cl■isft'stß? Her tackle, etc. toge ther with a box of Merchandize, and a parcel of Leather. Condemned fur a Lteacia of the Revenue laws, i) Est. Wall, m. and. g. OAuber 11 si< npi n i •] f n-r* ‘mi ;Acc*ri II us just re a iced the joUseeing Goods, li Inii.iv i *ir OJj C! & J l// 6 Life VI Cu : j i : Old Madeira Wine of the nrfl quality L)itt.i London a’.irt.coiai- 2.) it to S.fl) and Malaga Port \\ me, G ‘.ears ohl 1 ) Casks M, and ,c CLict . Claret in .lem -ohus baf.les £ vccc Oil in boxes ■ 1 Li>.-n 10iS..wanante,, trood lioubla re!;- e .l Loaf Sugar, n ima'U LuareJ IL-.v die,-se, ‘lO kegs of the heft Lard l.l.xcs, Mutmc ri, Cinuninon and Cloves 2Loriilrrd‘s Macouboy, Scotch .k Rapp * hnuft pmskets Sait, LoiioUi. a,iu ii-.n C.a—- colsle . White wine Vinegar, b the barrel or gallon SO Boxes of real Spai.iih Segars. ON HAND, A general aflbrtrnent oi Gruceiies. i . CiiCJlii • Savannah, Sept. 30 Si rj'to ;.* cTtnqrTMV UAS Btf HAKD THE fSIZS.T/.VG AHUCtHS, Which he will fell low for cash, at his St are opposite the ivearket and next door to Mrs. ivicc. Gentlcmmi‘3 long broad Cloth Coats Si Coatees X),ito a few excellent Surtouts Caillmers and Cloth Pantaloons A few of the fir'd, quality Great Caste Ditto Ditto Englilh H its. ALSO, A free su As of Sunnier Clothing. Orders for Negro Clothes can bu fupphed at a ilttVW UCviC^W JOHN BARNES. Market-Square. September CO —4 3 Sheriff’s Sales. CONTINUED. Cn the first TULLS A ell ™ Ncv next will be fold, at the Court-rouse m Ate city cf Savannah between the hours oj ten and three o decs, One Negro Woman named CELI And her two chdeien nataco SiN-Y attil 1 0) M. Levied on as the property <>f Thoma? svMl,io fati*fy n execun./n m * Maurice LehilT. The bova property pointed on’ by the *- ’ n. JOHN EPPINCaR, s. c- c. Sivanuab, Oil-si 7 A 13 A. N a .ILj IvJ LLt L \ , , ~ ; uijjiaum i” ‘ ‘■-’ JI " J " l -i,i*iw B ' )^i'>,Biii..iuwpw>g— an iih i J |^’ , rill|| - ri>|||iM|||iM|>|^|M| H . SAVANNA!?, TUESDAY, Octojm 18, 1503. TO RENT, A commodious Two Story HOTTf F L Albert Ward ; with out buildings complete ierm, reatonable.-Imrr.edtate po&floh will oe given, apply to P. J. Vallotton, or £TN. vallotton. oa ° bcr H 5 b In Council, kj - - CAj\ J\.-IIJ, WfJi October I orvp Information being laid before council, that a Malignant Fever has made its appcaiance i;i the city of Si. Mary's : And whereas, in and by the full L A ion of an aft cnjiilcd, “ An sna to amend an . . . ~asi jOth or December, 1803, regulating quarantine in the port of Savannah, a, J other phuies within the limits of laid city. c f Sav.tu* it is enacted—“ That from and after the pacing of this aft, it (hall be lawful for the corporation oi tne city of Savatuuli, whenever they have reason to fufp-ft that any ves fei or ve.iels, petfou or persons, has or ivc* fail ed or come from any port or place infected, or supposed to be infected with any malignant or ■ contagious disorder—by resolution or order, to t require and compel the laid vefiel or vessels so arriving, or peiion or persons, toypme to anchor ..or ibp at any place by said resolution or order pointed out, until an examination is made by the Health Odicer, as to the state ar.d con dition of l'tiid velfel or, p-rfou or persons, and until lulStier.t pu -float ion fholl have taken place, and a certiir. ate of the Health Officer ob. taiued to that effect.” /; i therefore resolve.! That the Health- Officer be directed to order all vcfil-L coming flora the city of St. Miry’s, to be brought to a* the mouth of Augultine Creek , or any other situation which he may deem expedient, and there to perform a OUARANTiM’d OF TEN DAY j, including their days of failing— sr.J during the performance of said quarantine, the woNlen and cotton goods, and cotton in bags or bales o.i board, fhaU be, on every fair day, expo fed to the open air, and the holds of the veiie r ventilated in the bait pcf&bls mar.- ner—and that, after that time, they be permit* t-*.d to coma up to the lower end of Fig-island, and there’ to remain until they flv-.U receive a certificate of health from the Heahh-Qfieri— Pnv’ded mvtrlhd f, That the above good; ill di be ex pok'd to the air, and the vefi'el or ... Y. i. v t-.i> slxt.u* Aiot*-fv-'tirc.the 1 said veffe! or veffcls be permitted to come tip to the lad place, not.vithltandiug the ten days from th*’ failing of the laid veffei or vtiicU raav • hatft before expired. A'.::! it it further RrfAved That no peril m or persons ihdl be permitted to come within the limits of this city, unless he or they Ihdl be at lea 11 too days from the aforchid city of St. Mary’s. Ar. lit is further resolved) That the -e resolu tions (hall remain in full force and cfnCf until tile 1. . 1 day or November u-**., melt!.*re, ai.u no longer. A ltd it is farther resolved , hat all persons contrivening these orders lhallbe prosecuted as the Quarantine Law direils. from the Minutes, id. D. WiLLi AM ‘, CM health officf., pert of Savannah. All veffe’s coming from the city of St. Ma ■ y’s arc hereby ordered to come to an anchor at eras near the mouth of AuguiUne Cress:, as t!:e anchorage will admit of; there to remain and perform a quarantine agreeably to the above re iclution. under my hand, this 12th OIL 1803. WILLIAM COCKE, Health JOJicer. Wanted tmrazdlately , A NEGRO WENCH, to do the work of a fmali family. Enquire at this Oucc. September 27 SO - * Information: (AT If the legal repirfmtntives and heirs at law, of Mr. Gsor.CE Haies, deceased, who waa'in his lift* tone employed as an Overieer m date of couth Carolina, will apply to the Printers of tiie Cuy Gazette, Charleitou, tftey will be informed of i'omc property left by the * * As is is understood Mr. Hails had rela tive* in the Hate of Georgia, the editors of the Sivatinah papers may confer a favor on the repre sentatives of Mr. Hails, by giving tins comrnu sication an infertioa ill their papers. September 13 : FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. LONDON', On the 15*U dispatches wftre reociv* m *“ ” a Arthur Wellesly, end nvra Lord Collingwood, the former announcing the landing cf the British troops in Tor .itgal, and the latter con taining an official account of the sur render of Dupont, in the course of the day, a bulletin was circulated at the lYest end of the town, ia the folio wine terms : ° ~ have been, received 2:om hsr L. Cotton, they were brought by the Enco inter gun brig, which left fj‘ L. v*otto:< a fleet on tfte Set ui Aug. 1 hose dispatches state, in substance, Wellesly had landed u : Nguera on the Ist of August, and i- *diinr,iediutely commenced his march for Lisbon. Gencal Spencer joined ■'** v -• Co.ton on the Ist ol August •..if proceeded u ithout loss of time, f<? 1 1 * a junction vttth su A. VVeileelv. Dispatches have also been received fre n Lord Collingwood, which con tain an official account of the surrender of (General Dup'dhri It appears that .he French hue! fjfCtO killed m the battle of Buy !eh, vrhich ttJok place the day previous to the surrender. Gene ral Castanos vras proceeding with his arrnv towards Madrid. A more particular r ecount of the in- Hli'tence from Porta'll was however, po t.i at U>yd’i Coffee-house. It a rood as follows: “ <"• Basilico arrived this morning horn off the Tagus, which he left on Pc 2d mst. Generals V/ellesly and Spcnccr hud fanned a junction, and :ar.ded all h eir troops. “ A summons had fccfn sent to Ju not, Velio had proposed do capitulate on .pertain conditions; which, however, ■is brother oliacer, general LaWde, would not consent to. *’ the Portuguese were in arms, t.-.t-jCh—ii'’ Bmafr i-.x numbers. “ 2-mot had not been able to corres pond with France for three weeks.” it was reported yesterday that a gen tleman had arrived from Lisbon, which pane he h gu me ou. lust. tie is said to state, that on the day previous o his departure a council o: war was held, consisting of generals J a not, La bored, Legarde, and other officers, on -x-~ .. eui. joe affairs, ino probabili ty of being compelled to surrender was toe chief object of the k ; deliberations. On tins point much diversity of opiui on prevail-1. Junot and L tborde wen o: opinion, that they ought to maki .errn-j with the Portuguese. Leg-utL on the contrary, contended that the\ ought to treat with the English. The dispute ran so high between Laborde and Legarde, that a duel was the con sequence, in which the former was said to have been severely wounded. A gentleman of respectability, who was lately at Vienna states, that the military force of Austria is on a most respectable footing. The lhnpcror, warned by the fate of the Royal Fami ly of Spain, as well as of the fallen house of Brandenburg, that his security must depend, not upon illusive promises, but on his own activity and exertion, has now prepared, as we are informed for immediate action, an army of hear 105,000 men, besides the militia. To facilitate the effective operations of the.-.c troops, magazines have been es tablished at every important post, and all the various resources of war have been distributed in proper situations. The accounts from India are satis factory. When the fleet sailed, the most perfect tranquility prevailed in ev ery part of the country. The Native Powers, convinced of their inferiority, shewed no disposition to contend a gainst British dominion. How long t ,!ls c -2ni is to continue, is, however, ; natter <?f some doubt, it -ft be seen ::rom the following extract of a letter that tee i: reach are endeavouring to’ renew that system to which all the dis turLances in India at late years are to be attributed. If the French General c..c*Ci.i lo i a it, and his partisans ores gain a foot mg there, their intrigues will soon excite the Native Powers to make t. es*i Cuorts lo recover their ionu-f strength and influence . “ Bombay, Feb. £l*l3oß. ( Lis said that the king of Persia iias ceded Oraus and GombrOon to tho c, that a squadron which k * the otiier itiy, consisting of Albion, 74, two frigates, Royal George; i.iO!i:iug.Gn, and I erp.ate, arc gore to iutefvep't the French armament gene to’ take possession. We hear also of a i icnc*'! General, and 200 partizans, of all descriptions being arrived at Trht ian ’ h‘ 1 ersia, with a view of getting .on to Lidi . We have received’ accounts iiom Calcutta, diet Seram pore was ta ken and all the Danish snips in tne river ; altogether a \pr. large property. Further accounts have beG frem Holland, which are c confirm the belief tha’ F ranee are cn the ev r * is said, on the an’ gentleman, who ’ few days sine the extraerdi i employed Xf | any rutnfii? France, t 1 that place tiona cf I in not :i til23 17101, on the li between the Thth led each \ ’ J- oiubiMi? f U li that the negom jC‘j——t, h.... con.e j cl.. .... ... ation. I; was the prevailing opinion,- as we have before stated, that it related nrincipally to the evacuation of the Prussian ter Lories, conformably to the A;aides of the Treaty oi Tilsit; that o this Bonaparte, after protracting the discussion, and evading a direct answer as long as possible, had at last met it .viih a peremptorily denial; and that he Emperor of Austria, m consequence ~,d determined to endeavour to obtain .hat by force of arms, which he could not bv negotiation. It appears expected in Holland that orders far anew conscription woqid be Immediately i sued in that country, and generally in all those on the right bank >f the Rhine. To enforce i.t the last cl these the execution of the former conscription, the French Commanders, it is stated, had resorted to anew mode. They issued a proclamation, threaten ing every conscript who did not come forward in a specified time with out lawry and deprivation of citizenship. “ Extract of a letter from Stockholm* dated 30 th July , ISCB “ There is a report here, that the Swedesamdcr Kli.ngspor, have defeated the Russians near Luppo, between die I 18i.ii and 19th mst. The Swedes were only 3300 strong, and the Russians 5000. The Swedes lost in killed up wards of twenty officers. It is said to have been a bloody affair. Klinwspor could not avoid giving battle, for fear jf being cut off.” His Royal MajrJly*S Yacht, /Imocfis , at anchor of Cajtlcnolm, 2\Ji July. His.royal m.jesty went on shore a* three o’clock in the afternoon to review, near Fairsand, a strong battalion of the Finnish Reserve, which was on iu [Whole. No. 173]