Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, October 28, 1808, Image 1

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[Von. 11. No. ss'.] THE INTELLIGENCER, Is PUBLISHE9 ON THtSDAVS AND FRIDAYS By NORMAN M‘LEAN, ft ti THE BAY, IT SIS DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE ONE HAL*’ IN ADVANCE. For Sale at this Office, The fallowing BLANKS, which arc neatly prin ted on ex.-edent Paper.- MER H • NT* ENTRIES, different kinds M ‘.NiFRYi’S, o reign and Coafifag BID of r.XCH NOE $(• VMEMS’ VR IK'I.ES BUKO'S .f CO: VEYANCE MORTGAGES POWER > of TTOBNf.'Y PRINT!. ES INDENTURES BILLS of SALE m - 1 - 1 - ‘’ “ TO RENT, A commodious Two Story HOUSE, in Elbert Ward ; with out buildings complete. Terms retfoiinble.—lmraedme poffeffiou will be given, apply to P. J. VaHolton, or BEN. VALLOTTON. Oftober II 51 - * In Council, SAVAXFfAII, 11 tk October, 1808. Information ■'being laid before council, that a Malignant Fever has made its appearance in the city of £t. Mary's : And whete-.s, in and by the £:ft fe&ion of an ad entitled, “ An act to amend an a£l pas sed tbe lGih of December, 1806, ttgulating quarantine in the port of Savaqnah, snd other places within the limits cf laid city cf Savan nah,” it is enacted—“ That froiapu'd after the palling of this act, it flutl lie lawful for the corporation of the city of Savannah, whenever they (hall have reason to suspect that any ves felor vessels, peilon or perrons, lias or have fail ed or come from any port or place infedted, or supposed to be iiiftcled w>th any malignant or contagious disorder—by resolution or order, to require and compel the said veiTcl or vessels so arriving', or pci ion or persons, to come to anchor cr flop at any place by said resolution or order pointed out, until an examination is made by the Health Officer, as to the ilate and con dition of laid vessel or vrffc Is, person or persons, and until fulfilieot ou ideation shall have taken place, and a certifi ■of the Health Officer ob tained to that effect.” It i therefore resolved, That the Health- Officer be directed to order all vessels coming frjinthe city of St. Mary’s, to be brought to a* the month of Auguiiine Creek, or any other t'.uation which he may deem expedient, and tiiere to perform a QUARANTINE OF TEN D AY'S, including their days of failing— and during the performance of said quarantine, the woollen and cotton goods, and cotton in bags or bjlis on hoard, flii.ll be, on every fair div,expofed to the open air, and the holds of the vessels ventibted in th/e belt possible man.—and that, ester that time, they be permit ted to come up to the lower end of Fig-Island, Tnd thete to remain until they (hall receive a certificate of health from the Health-oific’-r Provided neverihtlefs, That the above goods Hull be exposed to the air, and the vessel 91 vefltls Vetitiiatedj at leafi three days before the said vessel or vessels be permitted to come up to the lift place, nolwithftanding the ten days from the failing of the said vessel or vessels may have before expire And it is further Refolded That no person or persona (hall be permitted to come within the limits of this city, unless he or thev shall be at haft ten days from the aforelatd city of St. Mary’s. And it is further resolved, That these rc.elu tions (hall remain in full force and effed until the fuff day of November next, inclulive, and no longer. And it is further resolved, That all persons Contravening these orders shall be prosecuted as the Quarantine Law dilefts. Extract from the Minutes, D. D. WILLIAM"., Clk. HEALTH OFFICF.. Pori nf Savannah. All vessels coming from the city of St. Ma ty s are hereby ordered to come to nn anchor at Dr ns near \he month of Auguffine Creek, as the Jn chorage will admit of; there to remain and Kjcrform a quarantine agreeably to the above rc ukition. Civea uadermy hand, this 12th Oft. ISOS. WIUaiAM COCKE, tfcahk’Vjjicer PUBLIC INTELLIGENCER. SAVANNAH, FRIDAY, October 2P, 1808. TO LEASE, For i Number of Years. u 'h°' c c >” part of an unirnprevtd corner EO F, in Ewingsburgh, 90 by iSO feet, and situated on Well Broad Street. Immediate poiicssion can be given. Enquire of JOHN EPPINGEB, jun. Oftober 2t 57 Notice. Fhe District Court for this diffrict will he at the Court-House, in Savannah, on 2 UESDAT , the Srh of November following, cf which all Suitors, Juror*, Witneries, and Aliens desirous cf being naturhfed, will take due notice. October 25 &S ■ 11 ■ —■ - Wanted Immediately, AN EGRO WENCH, to do the wlrk of 2 small family. Enquire at thia Office. September 27 St 50 Agreeable to the order of the City Council, the City Treasurer makes t ii following ST Vi EMF.NT OF LOT THNI S DUE TO THE CUT, VIZ t— iralkun ward D. C. Lot No. 2 2 qrs. due Qftr. 13 It 48 3 2 qrs. - - 14 48 4 3 qrs. • - 25 71 5 3 qrs. . - 25 71 6 2 qrs. • - 14 48 10 2 qii. - • 12 88 11 3 qrs. * • 19 32 12 S qrs. . - 22 50 17 3 qrs. - • 24 12 18 3 qrs. • - 24 12 21 1 qr. - S 04 22 1 qr. • - 8 04 25 1 qr. . - 5 90 28 3 qrs, . - 20 88 ?9 3 qrs. 9 . £0 91 30 3 qrs. - 16 03 31 3 qrs. . - IS 03 82 1 qr. . . 5 9 35 3 qrs. - . 22 50 35 3 qrs. - • 24 12 37 2 qrs. - - 16 03 38 2 qrs. - - 15 00 89 3 q>s. . * 22 50 403 qrs. • • 24 12 7 2 qrs. Sept. 23, 18 75 24 2 qrs. • - 16 08 26 1 qr. . - 5 36 27 3 qrs, a • 16 08 33 2 qrs. • a 15 06 3* 2 qrs. = • 1.5 00 WARREN WARD. Let No. 1 2 qrs. due Oftr. 13, 10 73 2 3 qrs. . - 13 68 33 qrs. - - 13 68 5 3 qrs. - - 16 08 11 2 qrs. - - 7 50 12 4 qrs. due ORr. 13, 19 28 13 2 qrs. . - 9 64 11 2 qrs. - - 7 .50 15 2 qrs. . - 7 .50 IS 2 qrs.’ - . 8 04 17 3 qr*. - . 15 27 18 3 qrs. a a 15 27 19 3 qrs. * - 15 27 £0 3 qrs. . . 15 27 21 3 qrs. * - 15 27 2f 2 qrs. - - 10 12 23 3 qrs. - - 15 £7 87 3 qrs. - - 8 85 SB 3 qrs, - . 8 04 7 2 qrs. Sept. 23, 9 12 8 2 qrs. Oftr. 21, 10 72 Washington ward. Lot No, 2 3 qrs. due Oftr. 13, 12 06 33 qrs. • - 12 06 4 3 qrs. - l4 4-6 5 3 qrs. - - 14 46 6 3 qrs. - 12 06 7 3 q r s* • l2 06 9 1 qr. - -3 49 10 3 qrs. - • 9 66 II 1 qr. - -3 22 13 3 qrs. - -‘l2 87 14 3 qrs. - - 9 66 16 Iqr - -3 3-3 17 2 qrs. - - 9 12 18 2 qrs. - - 9 1° 19 2 qrs. - • 9 12 21 2 qrs. - - 9 12 22 3 qrs. - * I■’ 68 50 3 qrs. - - 8 04 3l 2 qrs. * - 5 86 55 2 qrs. ‘ 4> 30 36 2 qs. due Oftr. 13, 4 64 j 3 Hi, 14 io i. 15 3 qrs. - - 9 66 20 2 qr?. - - 9 12 12 2 qrs. Sept. 23, 8 58 23 2 qrs* - - 9 12 £4 2 qrs. - 9 12 29 2 qr S . 18, 5 90 32 2 qrs. August 5, 12 50 LIBERTY WARD. Lot No. 1 1 qr. due Sept. 17, 7 50 2 1 qr. . -6 88 S 2 qr*. * - 13 76 4 2 do. . - 15 00 5 2d. . . IS oo 6 1 qr. . . 6 88 7 2 qre. . . 13 76 8 2 do. . . 15 00 9 2 do. . . 15 00 ]0 2 do. . . 12 50 11 2 do. . . 12 50 12 2 do. . . 15 00 13 2 do. . . 15 00 15 2 do. . . 12 50 16 2 do. . . 13 76 21 2 do. . . 15 00 22 2 do. * . 15 00 24 2 do. . . 15 00 25 2 do. . . 13 76 ?6 2 do. . . 12 50 27 2 do. . . 12 50 28 2 do. . . 15 00 29 2 do. . . 15 00 31 2 do. * , 1 2 50 82 2 do. - . i5 00 83 i qr. . . 7 50 35 i do. • 6 25 88 2 qrs. a . i2 50 39 2 do. . . i2 50 40 2 do, a a i3 76 COLUMBIA ARD. Lot N®. t 2 qs. cue Sept. 18 ag 74 2 2 do, a . 20 9^ 32d ■. . a 21 38 4 2 do, a- 26 6j fi 2 do. a- £6 78 b 2 do. a a 21 38 9 2 fio * - - *3 63 10 2 do. a- 14 88 1I 2 do, - O tty 24 £22 do, a- 29 2,5 13 2 do. a- 33 75 £4 S do, a • Sty 03 16 2 do. a * 85 111 21 3d: 0 - - 38 82 C 2 3 do. - 45 75 ?-3 2 HO. - - 42 76 ,£4 2 do. • 4a 74 £5 2 do. - - 25 66 £9 3 do. - • 27 68 3 2 do. - - 1,9 13 84 2 do. - - 13 96 35 2 do, - - 534 37 2 do. - - id bo 38 2 do. * - 15 20 4O a do. - 21 38 7 2 do. Sept. £9 12 ; 8 32 2 do, - - 788 36 i 10. - • 11 64 2. 2 -o. August 5 18 4,5 28 2 do. - - 18 34 gj 2 do. . - H2U GREENE WARD. Lot N- s 2 q.s.ducS-pi 19 18 68 • • 22 /^O g p do. -a 21 38 £ 2> and a-- 15 8 13 2 do. - - 21 38 Kj 2 (111, • 17 CO lj 2 do. •• . 12 38 jo 2 do, - - 56 17 2 do. . - 4 52 28 2 do. - * >7 56 19 1 qr, - - 13 OO C- 2 qrs. - - 23 96 so 2 do, - - 9 45 27 2 do. ■ a 10 80 go 1 qr, • 5b2 05 2 qrs. - lO 14 36 2 do. - 54 06 213 io* Sirpt. 29 1,5 66 29 3 0. - - 14 67 33 3 do. - - 963 403 do. - - 945 7 , qr. Aog. *SB 16 e 8 2 q'S. - - .9 56 2 and.- - 6 io xJ , /- on 2 UO* • • O IO 34 2 do. 6>h 6 82 3 1 qr. 15 ‘’ 8 39 6 2 qrs - * 1612 11 3 do. 03r. 21 30 00 FRANKLIN NEW WARD. Lot No. t 2 q*. dueOdt.a 45 02 2 2 oi*. - - 3| 7 8 3 2 do. - - *4 4 a do, - - 45 9^ <5 3 do. - • 5° 82 6 z do. - - 33 78 8 1 tir. - - ** [Wion No. 17(.J 93 V’ r - 50 67 ‘ 3-- 5 1 6/ 11 2 do. - * 55 7 ELBERT WARD. Lot No. 1 2 qt. due Sept. 2 10 n± 2 2 do. . . X 7 l 3 2 do. . . l 6 b 6 6 2 no. „ . ij 86 1 1 2 do. a _ | _ f: _ , ‘3 12 2d a . . ~ (^ *3 2 • - 10 54 W3 do ‘ . . 2 2* 7 2 *o . .4 3 , 18 2 f,J • ife IS 19 * d ,° • • *7 44 2j 2(0 • 18 56 22 2d 9 l 6 23 1 qr 8 o> c 7 2 q s - a 14 04 120 14'h 15 43 >4 2 do - . 17 1 > 2 5 1 q r - 8 ,-5 20 1 qr - 8 n 2 9 2 qr* y . 17 4 a 8 1 3 10 • 15 h 7!? 33 2 do a . 3t 2 dii - i3 05! 8-5 2 , ' l, > • - 13 60 87 2 0 * - ij io 3 8 2 ” lj K) 9 3 ( 'o V) .7 24 4& 39 2 do *.4.613 5* 43 2dO a a SEPARATE LOTS; KUNITK'a rorb \\A k. 20 . due An . 50 OO FiLAIURE LOT. g q". ifu< 0n.679 53 COURT-BGUSB LOT. 8 4 • do Ofilr. 675 oO LOT G 8 qrs, t S”pt# 3 23 o> la COUNCIL, Savannah, CQoier i7, jBOB. In compliance with an order of council,*the treasurer laid before the board a ftateraent of rent* due for city lot* : Ordered, That the marfhall re-enter the fame in the name of the city, in term* of the or dtnaiiee in such case made and provided, and that the mr(hal do notify in the gazettes the day of re-entry, which (hall be oa Maaday, the l4th day of November. ExtraS jrom the Minuter, D. D. WILLIAMS, C. C. • In obedience to the above order of council,, Ido hereby five notice, That I (hall proceed on Monday, the i4th day f November, to mat- n re-entry on Ihe above in terms of the ordina: w% in such case made and piovidrd, unlef* the res pedive rents due he paid to the treasurer before that day. CH A RLE3 COPE, C. M. o<tlober 2i—57 NOTICE. AI L person, having any tfemamjs again!! the estate of GEOkCK CUI HBi T. Mr* NNE CUTHBLRT or Dr JAMES CUHiBE'-T, will [1 ud in their* to CHARI .k; HARRIS, Efq.of Savannah, Q;. or be ore the 15th day fjuynexi as it i. propnfed then to dsvice the i fiatc and cbuiol ieuers tiihmllory. WILLI IM MEIN, JOHN M'QUEEN, Executor* cf the L.'.ate Dr jas. Cuthbert. April 1 5 3 -•—■ • ■■’ ..a NOTICE. \LL perfoni indebted to the Sftaie of WILLIAM! MAXWELL, senior, late of Bryan Ounty, decrafed, are requefled to make immediate payment. Those who have demand* ajj-inft the said estate, arc requested to render them in property a ttcited, to JOHN J. MAXWELL. Qualified Executor, , firyan County, January Ip 96 r - PASSPORTS GRANTED by the Department of S. ate to ctt*zens going into foreign parts, having been in sundry tnftances <'b. t.iined from the persons receiving them* by others aflfuming their names; it has been thought proper to guaid againli the abuse by requiring, the tormer to wm their own names in the body of the p-lw. •>arts, ami with this alteration thev w*l be <fued after the 2ill day of June, Department of State 1 Juae 1j ; iDqS. J