Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, November 15, 1808, Image 1

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’Vol. 11. No. C 5 ] TII£ I^X^LI.IGENCKU, ,S rffELISHEB os TUESDAYS AN 1) FRiI>AV Bv NORMAN M‘LEAN, ON THE BAY, IT SIS OOti&RS PEP. ANNUM, PAYABLE ON! HAL* IN ADV.INCE s*^ sjaVo^?i ■! ~— for Sale at this OJjicc , jhc follor’ing bt.ANKS, which arc neatly prin tStl on excellent Paper yCrCHANT’* ZNTRIEs, dilTercnt klada y.’ A j;Llci fcXCH NOP. Sh ‘ MENS’ ARTICI.ES PESOS of CONVEYANCE * ORTOAGIiS POWERS of ATTORNEY yR’.NTiCES INDENTURES SILLS cf SALE J ffßj A 1 M W Sam, r..T,i'i For Sale, At Hunter's JJRiarf, 5b hard Ing - we Brbt 1 ers,j f: a< rivedfront Bojl , 223 hogsheads cf Coarse Liver poo] 5a Si . 40 do, N. E. F. v. *rt A few hogsheads’of Sugar 4 chells of Imperial lea A few bags of Greco Coffee 25 boxes Chocolate, cue ton of c+.r e 10 barrels of Beef 50 do, pickled Shod 100 boxes heft Mould Canales 20 do. Soan io barrels Apples jO do. Pears a6 cases of Cordials A few casks tod. gj. SI. NT’s Ceinleman’s Fine Shoes l adies Morocco Fancy Shoes Mens large thick Shoes 30 mams Writing Paper 30 ditto Royal Printing Paper 2 hogsheads Lamblack A few pieces of elegant Futr.i tore, Tables D sk% Bed Heads, in the newel! fashion 11 patent Clock, Willards m-ske t case of fashionable Calicoes 100 barrels Northern Potatoes 500 large Cabbages, Beets, Car rots, Onions, Turnips * A few barrels Glauber >a!ts Merchantable Boards A few dozen Mats, Pa;"?, Sis tets, Set, Measures, and a few tens ob !Ia v. Me. EBENEZER CLAP, or THEOPH. BERRY. November 11 —S3 BUTTER and S MO A RED BEE F. ihi subscriber respefifully informs the public, and tas customers in particulars that ‘- s b<* JV ” caved per late arrivals , A bapply t f Butter,. Saiked Beef and Tbngtiiis, the hell Spirituous Liquors, Wines, Muftart), With o general assortment of GROCERIES, Which he will cheerfully d'fpofe of to those tdto will be kind to favor hiw with their cuftois, st his store, in Bay Lane, near the Exchange. John Bigur. Oaober 23—6t —59 t-v- Notice. All persons are cautioned again if rgving any person credit on my account, wituout a written order from me. *.N : prmun >A‘Lcan November 4, abl'A, Jt'.UBLKJ INTELLIGENCER. “ , ' i ANNAIi, TUESDAY, November. 15, 1803. I TO LEASE, * , , f or a Number of Years. l rl u whole or part of an nnirtpfoved corner LOl, Ewingsburgh, 90 by i5() feet, and satrtted on Weft Broad Street. Immediate po,Tension can be given. Enquire of JOHN EPPiNGEM, jun. October 2t . 57 Ma^aTvSakT - Cn toe firs! i (j K SDsl TAn December next, will be fold at the court-hotife, in Savannah, On<* undivided moiYfv of a TRACT of LARD fiUiated in Liberty county, contairiiu-r, ’ m the whole, 1,900; 4or 500 of which are f.G quality inland f-.vamp, with a never failing reierYior of black-water, which embraces all the i’.ead waters of Bull-town fivamp ; \5() acres a e cleared and under dam. There are several improvements on the premises. The whole ‘V f this tract will make one of the molt valuable id and rice plantations in tins [late. • Levied on as the property of Joseph Miller, efq. c o Ltisfy n execution obtained by De Wolf, afa nil him, jf L 5 0% Eight NEGROES, (being part of an undi vided property) between Lewis & James Cuth bert. Seized as the property of Lewis G. Ctithhert, by virtue oi an execution obtained by Joleph Baker. Two TRACTS of LAND, in Wilkinson countv. Levied on as the property cf Alexan der. S. Roe, to Satisfy sundry judgments obtain ed by the United State* against laicl and William Smith., efq. ilea Wi.ii, m. 2. c. November S—G2 jXEl'r DRUG AXD Medicine Store* DR.J.B-. EERTHELOT, ‘ On the Bay, oy-posUe the Exchange. Next clnor to M :r. A. . RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has just received a com plete and handsome assortment of all kinds of DREGS, PA VtNTAND OTHER Medicine. r.rt. j. n. bekthei.ot, Re fpcflfnlly info; ms the public that be pos- Lffes a fovertign remedy for all forts of vene real diseases. Perfcns of both sexes can with confidence make use of it. The advantages of this remedy are, that a young man may take this medicine, and be perfectly cured, without a difeovery on the part cf hi* connexions ; also, the patient mdy, without apprehending any danger, expoie liimfelf to cold, night air and the V raiii, and purl'ue his usu :l avccations, a* it re quires no particular regimen, other than to ab stain from the commiflion of excesses. ‘1 i:ofe who may apply to him at his MEDICAL SHOP, near the Exchange, may be a fared of the molt profound feerecy being observed. Odtofcer 4—52 1 o Dollars Reward WILL’ be p id to any person so- epprehendinr; JOHN Wt NN, who deferteu from ray oor.ipany or Artillerist on tlie 4tb inflant hr is : native of Ge .rgia, live feet fix iidies l.igb thirty-four years of a;e. has grey eyes fair hair, fair complexion, l-y occupation a t aylor. VCh. ever will lerurc said WYNN in jail, or driver him to any C< tnmil Smeil flicet m the a'mics of the United States sh ill revive the above reward, and tl rir travelliug eipe ces borne to the place cf delivery or confine- ADDISON B ARMSTEAD, . Capt. U S. Artillcfifts, Conimrading. OA her 18 passports R \NTLD by the DepartmetU o\ ijT S. He 10 c.M-tens going into foreign j oaits, having been in luudry instances ob- Line’l Irnm the pet fens receiving thetn, by oih>r* alTuming their; it b-n been thought proper to guard against wc abide by requiring ihe lormcr to write their own names in the body ol the psl and will. 1 (.is alteiaiion they will be (sued alier the ttlil.c;y cl J-JOt, ‘jB&S. Department < 1 ‘T-te, J r'S ij, tS.o. ;j ’• • . ‘ .■ ; * FRENCH OrriClAL ACCOUNT OF THE LATE EVENTS IN SPAIN. Paris, Sep 1 embe r ti. _ Os enlightened men, and cuiaiged ideas, anxious to sec their country t>-o ----\ rntd by a constitution calculated to secure the rights of the nation, there a,.: ;t great number h. Sj.ani. That kingdom also boasts many men,whose wishes were attached to the success of r any a scene in the revolution of France. One third part cf the territorial pro j city is in Inc possession ol the secu far clergy. Ihe monks, lor the most part, illiterate and bigotted in the ex treme, exe-.cise a considerable influ ence over the minds ol the lower or ders, who are more ignorant than the people of an) other country, and have consequently ior tht last century, only ! made progress in superstition and in- i dolence. I he events at the Escurial and Ar anjuez, which have made a deep im picssion on the respect due to the thr ne, the convocation of a junta at Bayonne, for the purpoie 01 lorming the grounds oi a constuutioig the un foreseen and extraordinary events of the 2d oi May, at Madrid} alt these things have set the passions afloat, and have wound up both hope and Tear to the highest pitch. The English faction could not over look the opportunity to derive every advaY.tage from this state of thinsrs: it vJ O has all along been very active and powerful in the ports, and its influence has been felt even in Madrid, ft has cy the public situation of the contin ent acquired strength, and more parti cularly > bv the sacrifices imposed or the Spanish trade by the cogency of circumstances. Thus seconded, ti.eir arts were not Unsuccessful in es tablishing the notion of giving up the alliance with France, to form an union with England, and this secret wish had a considerable influence on the events of Aranjutz. and those that fol lowed. The majority of the good and en lightened individuals of the nation, composing the nobility and dignitaries of the church, was animated with a” commendable spirit, but the party of ihe inquisition and of the monks, in stigated by numerous agents stipen < hated by England in Spain, availed dnemselves of the blindness and stupi dity of the lower orders of the people, milled them by false rumors, put arms into the hands of the needy class, and at tiie end of May the insurrection broke out, at the very time that all thd arrangements respecting Spain had been perfected, and Mat the junta at Bayonne was meeting, and its opera tions commencing. At Valladolid, Saragossa, Valencia, Seville, £cc. miracles were solemn!) proclaimed; these juggling tricks, which with every* other nation on the continent would only met with con dign dcrison, have made upon tht minds of the Spaniards their fullest impression. On the coasts, a numer ous part)’, known by its antipathy to France,” and which was excited to make common cause with England, in order to recover liberty ol rade, spurred the people cn, and feigned to pive credence to the superstitious an nunciat’ons. Mortal disorders arose from sltch disposition, which eomuni catcd at the same time to the provinces cf Navarre, Arragon, Estremadura, Castile, Leon, Astoria, and Gallicia. They* began on the 17th of May in the southern provinces. The coun sellor of states Don Migtiei dc S.iaic dra was captain general oi the kingdom of Valencia, and attempted to oppose the views of the insurgents, his life was threatened and he fhd to Re- quena; but the insurgents iniomud of his abode eroded tluther, seized his person, Conducted him to Valencia, mid there murdered him near to the hotel of count Cervulloh, -who seemed 10 have their confidence; but whose efforts, nevertheless, to rescue the un happy proved fruitless. The head of Don Miguel de Saavedra was impaled, carried through ail the streets, and subsequently, placed at the top of a p) rumid, w hilst the marquis of Arvti eva, on whom a similar late was ihi | pending, narrow ly escaped it. | . On the first burst of the insurrre-’ | tson i ’he insurgents demanded that all the goods belonging to the French, residing in the kingdom, should be deci.tied forfeited, and their persons secured in the citadel. A few davs . after they dfagged the crew of a French ship, which had !x tn pursued by an English frigate, and sought re fuge on the Spanish coast, into prison. On the 14th of June, they in a fresh paroxym of fury, massacred these cap tives; however bn the 17th June, the members of the junta, who had been constrained, on forfeiture cf life, to part in the committee, arraigned by a solemn act the author of these atrocities, giving him up to the con stitutional authority, and naming as. such, Balthazar Cal bo, a minister of the altar, and member cf the chapter of St. Isidore, at Madrid; At Cuenca, the corregidor and the iiitendcnt were thrown into chains, and carried off by the riotous boors, who, before they departed, pillaged the houses bf these two respectable magistrates, and abused their families. At Carthagena the people murdered the governor; Who had for a long time enjoyed the public esteem. At Gra nada, on the 30th of May, arrived general Truxilio; governor cf Mala ga ; he was murdered by the peoph ; his body dragged through the streets, cut to pieces, and afterwards burnt. At Algesiras, the 2d June, the Trench consul was cast into prison, and the rioters demanded his head; but the resolution ol the well disposed pre vented the commission of this new ex cess. At St. Lucar de Barameda, they massacred the governor of that 1 dace; a man equally distinguished by Ids rank and merits. At Jaen, the peasants forced the citizens to quit their houses and property, murdered the corregidor, and plundered the town. Seville having raised the standard of revolt, formed a factious junta, ;i and 1 art of the soldieiy from the camp of it. Koch and from Cadiz, ivitccl the high encouragements held out to then**, by the insurgents, joined the party, and the first evidence that they gave of the force was the murder of count \quiila, one Os. the most respectable characters of Seville, whilst a captain of smugglers was nominated chief of .he insurgents, consisting of monks, deserters, and smugglers, drew cut 11 arms to beset .he ge through Cor dova. At Cadiz the people rose cn the 29th of May, against the lieutenant general Solano, marquis del Socon o, ihc captain general of the province* and gov ernor of the city, a man hither to universally revered. The insur gents then drew arms from the bar racks, and a cannon from the bul warks, fell upon the hotel of the go vernor, seized his person, and mur dered him in the most atrocious mmi ner. At Carolina, they decapitated the governor, who had presumed to oppose the disorders. No less horri ble were the excesses committed in Navarre, Arragoq, and Catalonia. At Saragossa, the peasants shot the colo nel of the king’s regiment of dragoons 5 and tltirty-three oflaceraoi the same \ [Whol's No. 182.