Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, November 18, 1808, Image 1

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[ /cr.. U. :• Co.'} rs pasui-iiia on yvessays and fi*avs By NORMAN M‘LEAN, ON THE BAY, t~r six DCDGAtts ?tr annum, paya-sde one HAL'*, IN ADVANCE, lor Sale at this Office, Tie BI.AWK3, w Vie! ar<*. neai’v rr’ j ’>*- oa cxcefi in Tiger .- J.:,., il Fr ENT’ GS, CCXrtux kinds •JVIVvM o. .u: | • 0 V ° *5- *-< W ‘ y** i ,*• ! , SMU’sA’ AS. ■••fUi.i.S SD’.'ETs , t co.wu -iiics IvIORTO vg:'.; !-• ■ V Ek s (;i -vTTOPN/.Y n:u^iw<xs BIGGS oiVbALE ~~T<5 LEAS ST” *■ w, _\ G ...GCI 1 C. * CUI'C* THE whole orpr.ri o£nn unimproved corner LOT, i:i Ewing-sLtvgh, 00 by ;50 feet, and situated on YAH Broad Street, Immediate poffcasiqtt can be given. Enquire of CviioOO HI £7 BUTTRPo tir.d SM-OAIIEI)‘BEEF. The iuheril* rcf-ZfuUy infirm she ut’U,and His customers in particular, that lit has iv ecivci! Say Lit: arr'vou ’■> A >iU;ip!y of Butter, Beef and Tongues, the bcfl Spirituous Liquors, V. Tics, Mallard, With a p; • ica! assortment cf • pT>p r p7777 7r- Q ’-J LV/w NL g\l LA *5 , r’ q. . ;q ~-t , t:-,..,<g„r ,r r. \ W’Th)!l be le. .:l t>i G-.v.-r ‘:).■> with their cußon, ati.u ftote, hi Bay Ls.-. 0, -nearth? Exchange. October 28—61—59 ~T\Tr^‘r^ L \ OLICCe A'd oerfona are cautioned ;>'-aii.B rivinff •ay (Avion cre-.ii: on uy Account without a Written oidcr from rue. ’ s 1 < T n i’l'JyaidG .'J -dvi.*l November %, iSOS. XE>V I.ItUG-JXD ; • Medicirc Store. ‘3DII. J. B. BLR ! HELOT, fffMhe Buy, oppe Le the Exchair/ Next do: t j JAr. A. Scribner. ’ RESPECTFULLY informs Us frauds and the public, that he has just-received a con.- Jikte and handsome affortaienf of a!: kind* of IH o Djr'y’ • ?.*; • r iTon?, a. OO / w . i. a.*. & L. _V . .a. */ j-.*’ C_'i a..*... - ’ fi/?Vv] np i DR. . T . 3L NMR Til BLOT, Refpr£*fully t]*e public t-r. be pos •felTe, a laveuiprn femcidy for oil fort* of otr* rV. G.nsof both feces can with roufidt-i'u* H ake ole - I it. ue fcdva.rtage* ot tms remedy are, tiias. a N ur ; man may take ■tais meuicuie, ami Le t<c. Icfitly cured, without a jCLcve- yon the tiart of Lu conaexio'.* ; s K’o, ® e patient may, without apprehend . g Iny expofe himfelf to cchS, i.ight cii tits j la| n, and, piirlue fits usual ayocationi, ai it re-j tJ'Hie* no pai tieuLr regiirien, other than to ab ®‘"n from the commiflion of excelfts. r l hose who may apply to him at dii MTDiC AI, L'-OP, near the Exchange, mav he o. **‘ e tttoft profound fccrcicy being oliei ved. Oadbei 4 5P . NOTICF.. ‘ A GG perfint indebted t the EHate of WII ! * VM ;A VG'-S'-Vq GI. femur, late ot Bryn C m ty, i J: :,T< "h are rc-quclled > 1 m.lce im cdi.u- nayrntitl. G who I, ve and rrund. Pi jiiifl the (a-i 1 state, are render them in pr- perl} attefled, to john j. w/.xv. u.b, flualiSffc f.Xfeep>>. Cctsotj,’animry jy $6 vum ic in nr ft i rirvf^T *■ \7 £X’ T 4 v.T tt ! r> air a t w -. AkA . ■ LWxAJ 4 iuD/iY, November IS, ICO3. | w.. AfL-. .. 1 j 1I f? A $ ’ ‘ 4 ’ j | For Sale, ! 0; l card if; Tec a Brothers, j J anked f. err. j kl o ht : ;v hradi oi Coarfc Liver j poo! Ya't • O-l, \ F “ v -.n r ‘ G'w hogsheads pi :,;r <*? -1 chefth o! Itimciial J t-,i Pi -C\v !::<,s es Greet) (\> r ’ p a 5 ,5oj * cs Chocola!c 3 one :o:i c! Chtefe io barrels of Beef io do. pickbd Shad lo * boxes belt Mould Candles , -io do. Soup io Unols Apples iO do. Pears io cife* of Cordials j A iew curbs 10 !. Ed, Cl. K:ul. \ Ccrultnieu’s Bine .Shoes 1 aches Morocco Fancy bhoes farce thick .Shoes gD reams \\ riling Papei f Gitio Koyal ’Pnntinji Parser a boßsiiends Lamblack F" >v pieces of decant Furni nr-, [)-,ks, JS, i ttcaris, in the nevvdf fshi-.;n • p'.tetu Clock, \v iHards niake i c se of Lvkionahie ('alieocs tco barrels Northern Poiiuon,, 5-0 Lv;.,e (.Tbi-icnes, Beets, C..r i-; , Onions, !in nips A lew kiutehs Glauber SAi& BicsCiG’n’.ble Bpaids *•’ G•• ‘* • I ‘ • ; t l l s, ,b ■ f Me a fitter, --1 ci u i |o|)t- 11 1 H :i\ .<L c EITNEZER CI,AT, or IHLOBH. BUG .... EV• cV : . 1 I—Gd TV 7 1 V? C ) I'Vi .cl mlcii o OciiCds. Cr toe fir:: ’i CJc&sJ s’ Tin December next, j •• 1 ij.? i.>.d at ..if c-jurt-noiiic, in btiviii.iii.ti. j One utulivi-it-d moiety of a TRACT o: j LAND fitUTtcd i- Liberty C< .in- v, . ~ in- me wiioi., >,b(K); 4 t-r tV.'j ot ~ v!iic‘’ a;e ; quality iulc.r.d fvva::i]>. a t-tn; 1 . t-v . , i'cCrvior of bU.- k-water, wL;ch embra-.a t. s', ti.c j ; tiead water* or I’uli-ioWB ie inip; . c'J -n s ! a e cleared aid under Gar. . i...-•• au- tov.:.! impro.vemc;:ts cn the premiies. Tim win G ..} | this ttact win r.:::!.c <;..e u iht n-o:. . . and r.iaud nut- pi-mlano; s t;i litre i.atr. Lrimt. on : as the pro;.er|v c.i Miller, e.-.|. t o iatisfy | an exicutioi.olstaiiiv.i ay - • It! M Uii, “gx:’.l! . ram. I e i.; c, . • j : . Eight NEGRO EL, ( bc-inq par t of an t.r.di- I vi ,; J pit pertyj between Lewis c. James Cuth- | bert. .zed a* ui* property or Lev-’is ,U. ! Cnthhe. i, by v..-vuc of f.n e-teciitioa obtain-rd by i Jwtepu B.aier, Tv.o tracts of i. avd, in v;; , conntv. Laocd on as t. : > ] r ;-*.ty ••{ av.rxatt. j dc-r. and. Roe. to lainfy iaiidry jiu-gTienti r-btain- j ed by trie United State, agam?. Lid iGt ar-u j Yfi’iiarn Smith, c.-,. ; Be;;, m. a. e. j November B—of j f L\‘T -*£,■ P ( irr. “.-'I 1 1 O IJOilCi 1 L ICCHA -Cl ; y'WII.t lie p ill to any person for nppreluiid'i;; . Y 0 *• 11J V.'VI'JN. “.Go criertei- from oiy eon :.-..ny il ; .iniiier It an riie 4tli iiiitam .- lie i* a iiaovt af j Ge-'i via, five fejl fix. i> Gigli _ lurry 1"..r ; -..a - ha. f:ev eye* fair hair, f*ir Ca-t-pG-vion, ‘-y : , ci-upam:n“a ’ t nyicr Win ever wi! secure tne ] uad WVi-N injod. or iTIy-r him to nay C- r.oiu ; IT tiled (,oitt; m the armies at the Uiited ! di !l rcriiiv tlte above regard, and tl eir trai-co -g cx.-e ecu Gommo the place of delivery orconUmi APDIoON II AUMSTEAP.: I Cant U B.rtitiiletift., Commanding: . •CAibcr iJ £s Ifanted Immediately, ! NEGRO WENCH, ffa ‘ yofl ’* \ ffi f7in! irr'Tj, Enquire4t thi# Cdficc. j Sertcfebcr 72 St SO I GRt NCH Off meiAL ACCOUNT OB’ THE LATE EVENTS IN SPAIN. ( CeiiAuded.) Cos; the 30th June, in the tnorni;o, he troops niarched to try the tnfuf -.t-us Gfticrai Goullcj arid bri.'a dicr genera! Uefiieiret proceeded “to ‘’ ;c ’ -math of the river, forced the *i *•! ptifhcd up the right bank t>f n. a king *i! the pofitionsof the in fnrum; S in- the rear, who off. red no i refillr-.;;ce, and experienced * >reat ■’>f • *t the fas)? time the diviii. n of : ’■ ’ ‘ Let chi, afikiled th.- bridge cl I Mo-:, e; del Re, < (>*•• HeiG r v. . f*• kn > ike pa:Tg- - sc/. The r< ii dt • pan of the infuigrms, who were j'• *G’ - ! in'every cliicdtion, fell back ; oi * . ‘Gi iovr!!, their place of rallying -. B' ni ‘l Lecchi pursued them {'worn to hfu and on lodged them fioin ihr;; pohuon. It i? icareefy pofFblc - J 1 G-tggesite their lois ; forty tiiou j **’ ■’ N-.d of *iius were puked up in j Le LB : of battle, rurd all (he artiUeiy I°j G:d had fell a prey to j tf>e vifclors. | . A’ the fide of Fir ueiras, e-srotsp ;'* r *■ sot pea:inis iii.-j iurnit and -u bse*k °*i Et* coimnunicationu of that place. Fr-: 3. 5 iitibie pjcceedcci thither i B -1 LtiLgriide ot) the 5.) of July ;| ai.ct having cud c: iperfed the! in; :vgcint s ’ he provifiona into! i;u* piiice, tid {Lengthened the tt&ni-! ion lIV i;jHI these cvuiG,, of which we have given an account, were uk R'-k place ti; Bifeay, Navarre, Area fi-'H, anti C feialonife, nraiiha! Mi necy put hisiifrlf m snarcii ‘vi:!; his light - in , ,s tenvi res Yah 1 cm. v.ltcte also ... :,: 1111 c-■ - ion had hutfl out. Fn (hr c 1(l of June, he met with 1..- iulu: gents, emit tichid m a fairi ■ • = on. around ire vcL. ? of Pcs- S -■ pri tectSiig vhft lour pie-cBLoS aiiujrry he bruise ot CAbnel ami its en-tancc the r.s stows.. . The biidgv and the uastows were c-rsted, the iiifurg* u;-. left t: A; a.-tilhry, and 570 Sv.ui.- ud gurds came ‘•vrr la car ranks. The i..{urgent* Gc.n'ed -*;b it,ci! tnam astuv, sct.cas. ed to - am iss, a r; heiofe- BicTc .In. nfej, i-here ihrv ssi their own op.niot: emte.'.du"d tl.ct.- feives id i. wi.pieg bk'.sitaaiion. On the a4di msr i'rii Moitcry- attacked Vigosoufl) tbetr ; ; iiuii, iiuly roc cad ; c.d iscluous, . *.■ i v o :of 11. irons il 1 ihc\ Etc : i /id:i -and 1. Il the oi their .hi. v::-, t cchiof tw-el- e rurccs, tireir immumiion and their L.gga l; e. l : army j-utfued its v;iy to \ aim j ciu. where a feditic-ua cdiivtuirele !:ad | rnbied- —He met the j >i-e ui!c end j i.aif from tin city.l ‘L'.cv had cut:encued the:nf; Ivt3 he iii;ui ike canal, ani tlefessded tin L;;-!;-e of the high :oad caking throu; 1; the vilHge, will's astilfcrv, v.hiicige had been broken down * .v atiiliri / were tiit:as;'..v Oi'iitn.. ■, trc-ojiiv n; arc bed on in d::!eicnt . ■g “ nr) in it i 1 * <c.. Itogc ...r c-.ui: mis c; the inlurgeiit?- vtic tuo* she Jjt • re-elNb!i!hed, ihe vil * lags Ouaric takes; pr-ff fi’ion oh five pieces of araii'ery conquered, and the shfciigit.ts entsscly Cli'rrci Ud. Oa the next day, the üßth, at day break, user- Inal Motscey repaired to Valencia .. she vicinage of that city i* i r m rletied bv a cumber of cariais, and covered < . with garden:’ and houks, .he suburbs j r< to she gate*. .Mat(hal Monrey j oiUfstd the attack. French imiepi-| dity furinoutited sill obflatiij; the| fubu'rbi'vetc then taken and brihew ! ed with dead bodie.v ; £Opieicef ar. ullery were teken, but the walls tov. ered wish isvcacfiei, were secure j any Uunn. The minhal pi c lie * ccnip m c..El■*->lv.4 wi IwE.y. CiUliwiy* j [ V. ion No. 182 A few day* alter he received intel ligence, tiiat a divdion of tiie snfur genti, from 5 to 6000 in numccr, in tended to maintain the field. He marched immediately im attack them, Gisd moved for that purpose to the light banks of the Xucar. The height* were im.medtf tely attacked and corned ; the inlurgcnts were difjier fed, with the lufs of h veral t.ieces of cannon, and driven back lo the height os Ahnenza. On the 3d they were 01 pri fed at break ol day, and a great j number of them killed. -, Our troons ; octupAd Almanza,and tr.arfhal Mol,, j ecv w-s ordered to mke up a poutio;* ‘ a( 3u . CiVmcmc, He had colbded i.te pect flary heavy ordnance to be ‘rck1 ’ v -Buicia, w hen the occurrences which took place 111 Andalusia called for different utealuies.. During these various movements, in the course of ■ v/ Bicn niai dial Moncey f"Jght no less liian fix battles, killed a vaU number of the enemy, took 50 pieces of can non,and three Band* of colours. Mia hx. confifffc of 800 killed and 500 ‘wounded. \I htle these opetauons v/erc casT} mg on, the people of Cu cctr.nuued the molt enormous ! C'.cctics agatnil a French officer ar*d Gvcul foldicrs. General Cu.ilain court received orders to pul. himfelf m m-biton with his brigade, to chas life them (or their outrageous con duß. He niarclted accordingly from I erragot) on the fir It of July, u and reached Cuenza on the 3d. at four o c'oek in the afternoon On hi* rp- [ >l ouch the insurgents appeatt and deter rr.tucd to defend the town ; they were thue thfiuland in nunibrr, and had tv.o pitces of czr.not). General Cau liiiicou.:; suaiked them without de lay j they lull their artillery, a.ul were r - * ; ..... * 1... *.>. 1 • 1-- ,1 . • -*v-- •.(*. tut v itiifi quifkcci a!! tiro* cf defending the town, and rctfcaicd from all points to the m. unta’r.s, leaving behind their arms, cad from fevt n to eight hup du and l rilled end wounded. The town which was dele:ted by ail the inha btt-utsoo the eppioat h of the French, was given up to pi!lag*. Crucial Dupont, who left Madrid, i the eii'd. o’ May, p'rocecrtc i to An aii-tha. in the fiifl days of J<me he p fled the Sierra Mor* na. and dirrcL • and h’r nmrch towards the Guadalquiv ir. On his.arrival at Aridujar he re Cr tved iiUeHigcncc that the tnfurger.ts h:.d form.’ and a council'of government in Seville* and part of otic uittticl ot’ |acn, had taifed the !Und/.d of ferii (ion. and that a very considerable bod> of infurgenti wa* all muled in the vienmy of Cordova; lie immediau ly pus hin.'elf in motion to attack then.. On the Oh of June lie took p< fffffien o‘ Tvlontoro Carpi' 1 , and IDgaleava, without having met any infurgema but a recotmcitcruig natty, which had pufl-ied on as far as Alcolea, 0 short difiancc ftom Cordova, reported that they were ia coouderable force in ar.d ccif that town, and ieemed determin ed to difputc the [ -Huge ot the Gd atlalqu’.vir. The mcGMiain cf Alco! *a is cf con siderable rx.rtit cud difficult oi access; w wes defended by a ute du pout, by batteries erected on a height, and by corps of infantry, which, lioui c.ic ba:A of the river k* pi up -a vt ry brif!; uitjfketry lire on the otlrrtq. i tie hilt -uitk was tGEfjc on the yiti ol Jupfat break of day On it being obierved, that the bildge wa tt.'.t de stroyed, orders vvcic lmiTutffciely giv- , e*i to attack ilv entrenchtnetits, whii i> wevc found of an uncommon depth ‘t he bridge head, ihe budge, and the village of Alcoiea, wt te cat sied in a few momenis. The viiff. , .tj i em fled in the UwUiuU euuiuffcuj eehiud