Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, November 25, 1808, Image 1

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PUBLIC INTELLIGENCER. r/oL. 11. No, 63;] ‘-'TT t? 7 !i’ T ! Jf' 1 V*. J ■i --'-i - H, Ii; pC-IUSKED ON Tyjj'sa.AYs; and Fh >D.*.Y IT NORMAN. M-EEAN, ON THE 3.17, A t SIX COLL-iftS PEI 4N.NtiM, PAYABLE ON; ‘hal” :n aivasce. for Sale at i.’fs Oljice, Tie Bt,AVI~§, ‘ . Hcs> are neatly pria t.'~’ on;i--ii l'?pr> jjffi < K . : i? 7 ’ -'"* =•-■;:■'•■ SfH. s vs HXCJ-. •’ *"•- YvtEJfs’ AR'l'i ‘ : i-S La*M ~f cosvi. :• ~:'C2 vii.jicroA<>fcA low*** of crTouK'r.r pis.U*U I ; ; Es INOERTUfecS BiiiA .of ror bale, A Negro Woman, about thirty ’ rs of age. T'i? owner wlihes to difnMeof he’ > Rjr.e R‘ r * fca living'np the country. Apply at t.'iu otuce * ,Nov. 2‘2*~67 r _ , CUTTER and SMOA KA D 3IX F. Jhi n:l>scriler rvpcßfS'; informs thptN'c, t-d k\s customers in parti-ular, tlnu t:s a&> r,- tdad to? Sic arrlw. Is, A Nu; ’Ay of s B iter, 8-no-feed lie :F a H the heft Spirituous Liquors, N, Muh-idj With a genera! us:-ortir.?':t of GROCERIES, • Which he will cheerfully dlfyoL of to those *l,o will he kind to favor tU-sir cuhom, at his Slate, Iv; Bay L=ae, near W Ezdvauge. ,J cl.W* :•. Ufitcber 2 ‘ . t—-'.; TO LEASE, i’er a Number of i airs. THE whole or part of an o* An probed corner X.OT, in Ewingsburgh, SC by toO leet, an-.! s’ noted on Weft Bread Street. Ivnniedjut, poffessioh can be given. Enquire cf JOHN ETPINGL”, On, OSbhcr 2; ■ST r-i *p--5 C f pterin* s bale. On the fi< ft ibuef :*v in U-Turn v nv\ •wjlt b f.sfd dt the C'Htrt-1 -life in the C’ V u * S vjn|iai), i'eiy.'t.u tlie hoi;’ 1 1 i's) ‘I cl'lUK, ONE NEGRO M US n .-.<•* cd jOHE io be .old as t; e property o’ ih>- * ta.e ot the late Robert DU; n, 1 -iv ;i i ~ execr ton founded on a fiucclofuie o’ liicr if h<; e. ’ JOHN EFPINGEIt, S.G.C. N --vetribe* 2-2 / Marshal’s Sales. On the first TUFPRA Y in Dttmbb vent. Will be (old at the courtdioufe, in Savannah, One undivided moiety of a I RAC F of LAND iituated in 1 iberty county, coniainb.r, it the whole, 1,900; 4? or 500 of w'nch are fi ll quality inland fwanip, with a never failing refer vior of black-water, which embrace? all the head waters of Bull-town fwar.ip ; 150 acres a e cleared and under darn. 1 here are feversl improvements on the pretruVs. Ihe whole of tins traft will make one of the mod vahiahn n'and rice pi ititat'ions in this date. Levied on as the property of Jolepli Miller, efq. to fatisfv an -xecutioa obtained by De Wolf, l*im. ALSO) _ Eight NEGROES., (being part cf an tinili vided pioptfty ) fc tween Lewis <fc .fames Cum* hert. Seized as the property of Lewis U. Cuthhert, by virtue ol an cr.-cution obtained by Joseph Baker. Two TRACTS of LAND , in Wilkir.fon County. Levied on as the property of Alexun d. r. Sv Roe, to falisfy fufldry judgments obtain ed by the United States agahift Lid tine and Wilium Smith, efq. Ben W l. d.'. 8. November 8—62 HAV. NNAII, FRIDAY; \ .v ß m, er 25, 1803. Notice. 1 Did id Court for ‘llDiftria of Geor i: ‘ h'av.ds adjotirifed until Wedneftluy, the 2Sd *•’- *vt mtier •inll'ant—of which all couecrncd will .Ke due notice. N„Jfc r ,-JN w=n. c. Marshal’s Sales l SLSDA f the Otis December next, btloliat the court-Itonfc in Savannah,, be t w tea'the* l; oUrs r-fL’c, F f * ‘"f L< nd , , q r _ ■ ‘■*•• ■ . ii.viS cow n fete iwmei ’s, Dr.'lt viiie’s, nd tiririh. Sold as the property of Wrn. John D .vies and wife, idmmtnraters of Adam and William Tum .-.. s-i !l \ on mat aud the subsequent <>••••, wiii be fo.d, in Commerce Row, ‘ funclrv DRY GOODS, LIQOURS, &c.-Levi c don::v,the property of George l‘’oA.-r, surviving copartner, to fatisly New bold and Lawrence Van huderen and Cos. Ben Wall, m. and. G. November 8 —62 -*. it, ifj 2> U i (j j].\'D TV 1[ ] • * tn xViedicme ocore, DE J. Eh BIX ? HELOT, )n flie Bay, opposite tire Ex chan. me. ‘.'jt- *■ Nex l door to Mr A. Scrilne: . RLSPiX 1 I,rJLL\l ,r JLL\ informs friends sud the public, that he has jun received a com plete nandionic alibi tment of all kind ,of UMS G S P j i % m *. 2ND G Tli£ ll Medicine. DR, J. B. BEivTUELOT, Refpeetfuuv informs the public that he pos t-dTcs a iovereign remedy for ail lorts of -.e).e ••■*./ >'i ‘ v-. , !>.V’ V’ L• ■ • • conhdeuce make tile of it. ‘i he advauuc- t of ; tins ruineay are, that a yoinjg man may take this n.-diciue, and be perfect.y cured, wmiun a ! dtfeovery on the part oi his countxious } aLo, ‘the gjltieu: may, without apprehending a.y and mger, expc!e hioucll to cold, nigiu air ami me rain, and purl he his ideal u vocations, as u c quires no particular regimen, other tnan to ab. ttaiu frou;; he comniifiion of exu-fies. ‘• 1 uofe who may apply to him ;.t id. M tf.EiCAL S.IOP, near the Exchange, may be aiLred of the moft profound secrecy being observed. O Sober 4—52 In obedience cf an order of council on the *~th October hill, the marshal reported to con n i that he had re-n tered the following lots : I R iNIi IN WA’.’D. Lot No 7-10. WARREN WARD. Lot No. 11. 12, 13, if , 10, 17. 18, If), 20. W a SHI NGTO N WAR D. Lot No. g, 3,10, 17, IS, 12. 21. LIBERTY WARD. Lot No. 6, 24, 31, 32, f'd. Gv/ i. Ua ; ii> E A u AK D . Lot No. 4, IN Cl, 22, 25, 31, SG, 57,.40. i. R h a.N i‘. W A D Lot No, 4, 13, H, 15, 18, 19,3.5, S3, £9,6. I RAN VEIN NEW U AW). Lot No. 1, 9. E BhRT WARD. Lot No. 17,-18, 27, 25. Court-I'loufe Lot ijot Letter G. CHARLES COPE, c. if. Sav. Nov. My 1 Sob. Whereupon, ordered, That the mar/hal do expole the laid lots to ptihhc Die, upon th“ terms atid conditions prefenbed by the ordinan ces of the citv, giving ten days mitice of Inch jiXided iale by advei tifement in the gazettes of the city. Extract-fr in the tmnu es, D. D. WILI.IAMS, e. c. v r11i.e is lit i bv n ,Vi *' * I sh li-i-cerd oil Friday, the 25th in IE to the sale of the above lots, at the court-house, m this city, between the hours of ten and three o’clock, in terms of the ordinances in inch case made and provided. CHARLES COPE, c. m. November 14—6.5 oi C > ‘vevnpc^j Per sale at this Cf'S.% a pi'hi tha a 2•Ai 2 2 catiii !e siu i ■ cr( is ft. The egiskmirr‘of this ltat*met at Albany on 1 utfday, and ioimcd a lornin ot both houic*. In the he,ufe O afirm!;!}',..James VV. Wilkin-, cq; a rpy.D'kntiitive fr m the county Jf V •f, was cht'frn Speaker by a I nryjority of i 5 j Mr. Wilkins bavin*;! V*v vous, and Mr. S. Van RcufK ; *er 4 “ lhe following is the speech 1 his cxceiit : cy she govern* r ; * EXT*! LtHCT THE GCjVTSKOr’s SPEECH. ! \ ;; ’■•/[<*‘*l J j ■ c ” LJI.M .vC ol iiiC jj £.’ ! . ifion 1 had the hoitor of expressing tn tits iegiO-i ure my opinion relocct-. rij; tire (.tcufure adopted by the nati- i (mi! councils, to prevent ou> beirtj UiVoi.vcd :;i the defouting wars of Europe. No hitig iias in ce occurred to produce a charge* of that opinion oi to ii ptur my confidence in their exert tons end z . i :.o avert, a far as is confiiteni v.’iiii ihe v.ellare and in. depender rof otir c>u iirv, ill cala .outies ol, i howr-vt r, coiu , pehed with regret, to infortti vou. At at E am uoe appriz-.-rj of any matt*. al alteration in ti; * Hate ol < ur so .* un icljti-ms lince th..t period. I he. 1 embarrafinu'-nts to cotnr.ieice and • ;.**,ricultitre, incXnt to the exifEncc ; r the embargo ate Util c hpertenced, iatvtl fhoulU ;hey continue, ihey n,uU i>e afqr.ibcd t.) the per lev ran cos the i ; bcShr.urcnts in their‘illegal a* j unjuil ’ffr- Ihon.*- upon the comfticrce ol the : on: States. I bis coniideratton • ..ilt.jt.s ad-.i.cioi ai t.tottv s hir cnclu- ; tin ; vvuh*pt,acute the privations re X.:ng ror.) the cduiueraciing ftir< sol our tun : -.tiers, and for vield l>. j *) •■* i ‘ ; kioitlit O t IkA Uwe.l u'.'U I ; ’ pport >o X ii prudent and incclLm ‘ ALott? to rrtair.usn vuthout an appeal to arms the honor of our country, a* ti the- rights and tranquility of its |a -;. lYhouid our hirpes ol an I ami; aide accommodation ol exiltir.g | <uir. rences he Iruftrated by an oblii 1 riate adherence ol the belligerents u | their unprincipled and arbitraiy res j *r>ii:us upon neui-aS commerce, and a | icsort to the sv/oid become tne.vtta | hi--, v;c can meet the e c it with acon -1 ictousticfs of the rectitude ol iu; Ah patriotism and bravery of free ,.aen and with a humhlc t liance oi. ;.the prutcCtioi; of ih*.t providence who lias lii bet to Evored . s. The period lot wirch die prefidem .mi \: e-prt ho cut oi the Ut.ti, il AiaU*,-. .*c.c!i.‘ded, expats on the fourth !;r. of Maieh next. l h appoint men. of electors to reprrfem the (fate ,n the choice of successors to thob diftingutfiteci perfo-tisgi s, is the pi t crpa! b’thnel* for wl ci) you are.nov. convened, 1 however, avail .nyfelf o’ l:p, occasion to submit to your con iuieiaiio . some topics not inimedu.e Iv c cicd with this prominen, du tv It hai not probably cTcapcd y ,ur obhervation, that on ti e eighth day of March fait a law was p(Ed tu flifiling death for n crime winch ante cech oily tuhjecled the oil nder to ini priior.tnent in the (late prison for l*fe and atuhor:/.ing whipping for peii larceny. It has been julily observed that punifiiments ini.d, fpeeoy and certain, are the means bell calculated to answer the end of criminal jutis prudence, that they ought always to he conhantly and fteadiiy U 4 t in view. The .spirit of freedom, the dictates ol humanity, und the piir.ct pres of chriflianivy, re quire that the j awfu) penalty of death lhould be in I (jtded as fcldom as poilibi*“. The Icene of distress and agony exhibited at att execution, naturally excites an averhon to the laws which functioned [\\ lor.i No. ] I, wmy. Puni/hmcnts util ufl'a be imuc certain, when moderate and tatibual. B c-use, those who are best able to prove the guilt, or who may be in oft materially affected by the crime.*., will then feel no reluctance jnay, will cheerfully pnform the duiy Ud tleiedtng and expofrng any cfE,t. |de-. The jury will he less to ’ Eizeon specious doubts to jultif'y an | acquittal, add but a feeble hope of Uleaping the sentence of the law, by techr.ics.l cbieHjons to matters of’ ; ;, °r.r.. or by s->:.*cutive ctcnaencj, win be entertained. B tides, bv ting imprtsontnem at hard ! Tor. ! cirty is relieved from the painful ies. por.fibtl.tty of ( tiding o*e ol u.s r.v.-m ----tj* rs lu open iv at:o, pt; baps unprepar ed to the u ilnitial of his God. iY e baits oi his idboi enure to ,he ben.Ait *d the community or his family; i'ne r ‘ 24 *n: nos the prTun ‘preclude* „atn bliiL,'idlenef* and debaucheiy. the uiual preludes to gieater enormities j ana that dis . ipiine. unit and wnh tire re iiMous ex,rctses of the mfh'tntton, a-ff.srci the charitable and phtia’iuhro pic mind, at lealt a glianu ring hope -,of ultimate tcpentancc and reforma :io.i. {,i pr. ! f-d w ufs ad. ci .ed opin ion that the deprivation of file t. 3 f-f. d*7m n cr (I.* rv, and tiiat it is tncutn pattbl, wi.h th.e gcniu> of a hee go : verimumt, and the {fate of civilization : and rehnemem of which wc boalt, [ am conlljatned by a scuff of duly u> fugt.Hl the ab olute neceifuv ot Er : btarance to exiend iht pnniihment to other dimes than those of treason c.:d murder. With r* fpett to whtp ior petit larceny, 1 would tc ’ mark, that there arc various re a ions j which ut.ght b,- idJigrted in favor of confinement to labor in pref.rente to corpora! pains. By th. tormer, the off*nder is de prived, for a period, at lead, of an op. p >ru.u uy of repeating his crime, win Ift in the I* ter caf , h is forthwith i'lehar;>,ed to tenew his depredatt ns. A term *.f ternpv ranee, labor, and pttvati in, snores a hope of amend ment :—'A hi HI. on the other hand, reason and experience abundantly t'es- Ay that t.o in h rtfurmmt’ n can he .•nought by the agonies of a lafccrated i*.dv , R-r tnc puElicitv an 1 iguo oi. iv of die pumfhmc til lit lie rvety rem •icitt ol pri e and ambition and des toy tin* piofpeA; of ever regaining a ha rafter. 1 might alio 1 that the 0 qu tu i xhibition of crii< ! and fan uinary pundhments wound* the fen ;dt!it> of the humane, and corrupts h difpufino and depraves the mo dsol a great proportion of the fp c -jtors. Wi h deference, therefore, I i ibrnii to \our wisdom the piopnety totally exploding corporal chas ofcmetu fr* m our criminal IvAHm. There is much n*af);i to beLevc bat the ptevaience of crimes of a iceper dye. arc too often the reSult <-f impunity fcf ofFeuccs ot an tnh rtor lade. Ahhough the legiffiture ha e by a variety ol ft a tuns, enacted nu i erous regulations to prevent practi ces of an immoral and cariger *us ten dency, and which are gen* the commencement of a career ot more iniquiruous and criminal cortrtu t, and although the provilions of thole ftatulrs aie dailr and notoriously vo ---atd, yet the instances jn which they are enf.irced, are aftonilhtngly rare. The fecum with which one law is puhhclv timingcd, not only creates ait expectation of limilar impunity for ih • violation of oth* r>, but alio pro duces a contempt of the laws general, ly. Your wisdom more