Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, November 29, 1808, Image 1

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[Vcl. 11. No. Mj ■ THE INTELLIGENCE?., Ife ..nTiSLISHtS ON TWESBAYS AND FP.IBAYS Br NORMAN M'l.eAn, Of* THE LAY, £,T SIX COLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE ONE HAL* IN ADVANCE. DOCUMENTS Accomptmrjr.g the Ties* s'ajje’ oi’ the S;h oi’ Nov. 15..8. “” ‘I / u . / ... i . */i. W- . I r . ■. r. fir.- Great CaanTv.. hoid If a sc, Ajjaft iO. ‘.O’ Str—rl have the honor in con {■ q-:cnce -Of the orders of she P.cndertc, to recall you? attention. in the couHe of fcvqtal recent interviws, to the British orders in council of the y h of January and'/uth of Novem ber, 1807, >r ’ to the various other orders founded upon tvr in execution cf them; and I now -take the liberty to renew, in the mode which I :ave ’ uutiet flood to be inch ::cnfab?e, kjv inllauces on that {object. ! need fcarcejy rvjiiind yo-.j, f.r, that the gc.yernmert of; the United Stahls -has never cvafc-d to cotifider these oviicrt* as viplaiitig its right , and affecting mod deilrubii’ fiy j-r inter cfls, up >n ground* whoMy incdtEifij ble both in principle aftcl fa?. The letters of Mr. M.-niTon to Mr. F.islcme, of the 20th and” 20 b of March, 1807. produced by .1; obi Ctal cctrmuiiicatK.n of that minjfier of the order oi the .71 of > ouarv, and the ans. cr oi Mr. Mad; Bin o the £5 h of Match, tbc3, to a bhe cam ntunleatior. of the order of the 1111 Nov. cotiiaihed -the moil dire cl re. M -,di; u . - . ‘ * w n - >*.* •*- .? • ... . ... these orders introduce ;-nd ct-trcut.', and expreifed the confident expefcfa thin of the president th:a ;; would net be peril sled in* Tht’.t expedition his. net v t he. n fulfilled ; but ir iuo. noiwhhUaitdinu ru*t been rclinquifhc.d T he. ptrl:- deru is ftiil pcrSuaded that its accotn plilhment will fefuit from a cart ful review by his rtuijefly-V govern meet, made in-the fpitit of moderation end equity, oi the fa cl s end confiderattoos which belong to the occasion. It is not tay pur pole to recapitu late in this note the'Uaifcroenis and.rea fonings ir* the letters of Mr. Madifuo in (up* port of the claim of the government ol the United iStstes, that the Lriolh ciders be revoked. I con'u nt my fdi with referring to these letters for proofs which it is not necessary to npeat. and for arguments which 1 could not hope to improve. But thofc are explanations which thole letters -do not contain, and W’hnh it is proper for me now to ttuake, Even these, however, may be . fit icily given, lince you ffhve already made acquainted, in our late converiations, with a!! their bearings and details.. ’I hefe explanations go to firew that while every motive of judicc con dpirfcs tc produce a difpofi ton to re fi dl the orders of which my govern tyeru coin plain, it is become apparent that tven their profeffed object will be hell attained by their rcvocauwn. I had the honor to (late to you, that it was the intention of the president, in cafe.Gseat Britain repealed her or detf, as regarded the United .States, to exerctfe the power, veiled in him by the aft ol the Lit session of cori gsrfs, entitled “An to authorise the president ol the United States, un der certain conditions, to luipemi the operation of the atl laying an etnbar go on all Blips and vefiejus in tiie pons hat boss ol the Ujijud <jiaies, and PUB! JO IN TFT x iG-NCER ‘ SAVANNAH, TUESDAY. November 29, 1308. ’ nelevcia! luppfinv nrary a6t there-! to, ’oy sulpeiulmg the embatgo law i * nd its fupplememsj as regards Great ‘5 ii !il UI. I am authorised to give you this Mill ranee in the mod formal manner, ! and 1 trull that upon impartial enqyi. ty, it will be found to leave no, in ducement to perleveraiice in the Bri tilh orders, while it creates the mop powerful inducements oi equity arid policy to abandon them. On the fepre of jufticc it does not Lt ‘• • ; .TVV, *0 ;he ‘r>r, j upon which ibis ovntuic places the ! fuhjehl ; ands venture to-believe I diat in any other view there is as little ; room lor doubt. 1!, as I propose, vour orders .shuu! I be refcinOi and as to the United ..state , I and mir embargo rcfclnded as to < | Britain, the efthets ol thele concur, nt | abls will be tbdt the comm, ich 1 niter- j icourfe between the two C'.vuntiie vd! 1 he imine- lately resumed ; while, if France should adhere to maxim, and ; ccndufct derogatory to ipe j rights of the Umrcd States, tit- inbai , go, continuing cs I-* her,, ill t, th 1 place c'i y tfur orders, and lead, u ij an eliiraCy not only equal to tiit n’ <ut ; rmssibiy u.iuch gteatt., to all the j conilquvbees ‘hat ought to 1 t ti : 1 : from them* On the othet hand, il France flteuld ■ cehccr in rc (petting tn.-fe righis, .11., 1 coujinerci’ Ihbuid tiius teg-iin its fair imminirhe:, c:ul *.he law . i uaii ns in : pdf doiniwioni, ai! ihc allvdg-d purpo les of the Bhitiih ciders wtlf been at once fulhlicd. If I so bear to puri’ue ine* * ideas | through all'tlw* illdiiiatioivs 01 -.viuiti! n. t ’.onal co.rder- nets u> winch 1 have Before'alluded, a-s vv< and as the obvious nature of the ideas thetnfclvcs, reitucr it tinncceloy-y. I cannot conclude this note without ! expr- fling my “imeere wi a that what 1 have now fmgrlted In cottforiiitt) with tlie liberal Icuuinertts and eidight eii"d views of the preljlient, may con tribute, hot only ton move the more immediate obßaclcs to the ordinary intcrcourfe oi trade between yout country and'mint, in a manner con fident with the honor of both, but r. •, prepare the wa< oi a (at)stabtory ad j jnfl inerrt of every quellion itnpor an. , 1 to their future InciKillup. 1 have the honor to be, TVith the litghdl conlidcration, Sir, Your rr.ofi obedient Humble servant, (fi;.:ncc) Wh I'*>KNEY. { ’ , | 1 Extract of a !“ler frMi Mr. Fina'ney to Mr. Maaison. London, ‘-September 24. t O ’ w it : I am r.-rw enabled 10 (ranfmit to you a copy.of Mr. I arming’s anb-ver, ! received only bdi night, to my note of the 23d of Augu’l. i regtet extremely, that the views which l have bden inßructed to iav before this govt rmnent have not been met I'/ it as I had at full been led to expect. ‘1 he overture cannot fail, however, to place in a l-'lpug light ihe i u 't and liberal feniiments by which uur governtnciU is ammaied, and in other refpeits to b- ulelul and nonor ab.e to *mr country. From Mr. Canning to'Mr. Pinkney. Fore ign- Olfice, S- pt. 23 1 Sod. The undcriigned, Li* majeliy 5 principal lecretary-of B*> - lor loieign a films, had the honor to receive the official letter addtefled t<s hfm by Mr. Pi. kuey, mihilter plenipotentiary ol ific Lotted Jitatcsj icipvt,t.g the ci in council 1 Rued by his tnwji (ly m the 7: h of januaty and 1 nit of No vemhm-. 1807. He has laid that letter before ih< hing ; and hs is commanded to afTur Mr.'Pinkney, that the anfwcr to iht propolal which Mr. Pinkney was in truded to bring forward, has been deferred only in the hope that the re ewrii application, which was uniter lood io h ,ve been recently made by the government of the United States I • that of France, might in the new Mi'vof chir'g’ -. ifeo in Ert ope, have met with ~ac. a reception II prance, as would have rendered! the compliance of his m-jelly with.! tint propuLi consistent, as much with ‘ -is map-fly’s own dignity and with the “hrixlis. of his people, as it would have been with his rnajeflv’s difpofi don to wards,tile Untied States, I’happiiy there is now no longer any reason to be in ve that lueh a hope I kelv to be realized. And the uridcrfigiied in ’herefore rommarided io communicate to Mr, Pinkr.ey the tecihon which, under the circutn •’lances as they Hand, his majefiy feels ‘•imii ff compdledj however unwilling ly, to adopt. T c mitigated meafur? of retalia tion announct'd by his ttudelly in the .'orders in council of the 71b of Jany rv, and the lutthcr cxte.itton cf that n-c lure (*it ektentidn in op- ration, but not in principle) by the order* in ’ unci! of November, were founded (as has been already repeatedly avow oh by his majesty ) on ih 1 * u unques tionable right of his no j-. By th retort upon the eiietny tire evils hi his own mjullice.” end i ppn tire ccnfi.rcration O vOIIS.. - J ,0 : lend l>y thele rctaliaioiy n. aiures, tiny wete to feck their redress from tl-e power by whole engmei aggref fion that retaliation was oqc.lioncd.” His tnajHly nothing in the .em bargo .aid on by thepreftdent of the United Mares in Ameiica, which va lie* this original and iimjfie Bate oi the queßlon. It considered as a meafureof im partial hdfiiiity againlt both bellige renis, the rmbaY-o appears to his uiaj By to liave been ii.aniß Ely uo juit. ar, according to every principle ojjuflice, that red re fs (.u lit to have ixeu-firft fought l-om the party on i.-inatir.q the wrong s end his majefiy cannot con sent to buy off ti-at hoitlh •y whicn America ought not to have xtetided to him, at the expend-of a ionctlfi >n made, not 10 America, Lui i* ‘ t > r ranee. If, as it hat mote generally been : rvprefcmed by the government of the United Abates, the embargo is only to he con fide red as innocent municipal i 1 emulation, which aff.dts non.- but the i United Slates thcriiftlves,* and with 1 which no foreign Bate has any con cent j vie wed in this light his mej By ’ docs not concf ive that he lias the right j or the pretention to make any com- I plaint of it, and he has made none, ! But in this light there appears not on ‘iy no reciprocity, but no afiignable i relariQn, between the repeal by the I United States of a meahire o! volun iary fell rrflnthon,- and the surrender by hrs maj sty of his right of rctalia tior againll hij enemies. The government of the United States is not now to be inlotmed, thst the Berlin decree of November si, 1806, was the practical commence uictu of an attempt not merdy to check or impair the piofpeiiety of Great Biitam; but utterly to anni hilate her political exillrnee, through the ruin ofiber commercial prd'pertty ; that, in this attempt, ahnolt the pow ers cf the Luiopean have ucn comp, lied more or lei* to co ‘perate; and .hat the American em bargo, though moll alluredly not in enued to that end (for America car* hrtVC no real intereit in the fub*er(iori *f theßmifh power- and her rulers ••re too enlightened to ad, from any impulse againfi the real inierelU of their country ) —-hut by fame unfor tunate concurrence of circu-nfUnces, without any hofitle intention, the American embargo did come in aid of ”* the blockade of the European con tinct’ j precifcly at the ver-v moment whin, *!..( biockidc could ffjve lucceeded at all, this interpolition of the American government would moss effvtlually have contributed to its fuccds. Bo this universal his rtaji fly has opposed a temperate hut a determined retaliation upon the ene my; trailing that a linn rcsiftance would defeat this pr jett; Dut know ing that the fmalldt cona fli-onwould infallibly encourage a perleveraiice in it. The druggie has been viewed by otner powers not without an app-e ----hcnlion that it might be fata! to this counny. I he Britifil govi rnment has not disguised from it fell that the trial cf such an experiment might he arduous and long, though it his never doubted ol th • final ilfue. But if that ifTue, Inch as the Biiiifit government confidently anticipated, has providen tially arrived much sooner than could even have been hoped; if‘‘the block ade of the conrineni,” as it has been triumphantly By led by the enemy, is railed even bcfoie it had been well es txblßb - snd if tHn r, n t iyfifi fi ex.Ciit i.:ia continuity were -he vital principles, i* br- k n up into frag ments utterly harmless, atid tbie. ii is neverthelefi important in the Mghefl degree to the reputation of ilu country (a reputao m which con- Bitqtes great part of her power) that this disappointment of die hopes if her cnemie* should tuff,have been purefiaied by any conceflion; that n f, t a doubt should remain to oifiaut times of her determination and o 1 her ability to have cm ttnui'd her refin ance; and that no (ftp which Could even miflakt n!y be Conllr&ed into < on. cefliort, should betaken on her pa* while .he tmalielf Ii: k of the confede racy remains undissolved ; or while it can he a quefiion wheth- r the plan devised for her deHrußmh ha* oi has not either completely failed or beets unequivocally abandoned ’ 1 hefe con (ideations compel in's to adhere to the principles on which the orders in council of the 7th of januaty and the 2 nh of N'o vembrr arc founded, fa tonj as France adheres to that f\ fiem by which his rrtajejtyV retaliatory mcafurcs were .ccaSioned and juflified. It in.not improbable, indeed, that tome alterations may be made in the orders in council as they are it present framed;’ alterations calculated not to abate their fpiru or impair their princi ple, but to adapt them more exattiv to the different hate of thin)** which has fortunairly s>rown up in i'urope, and to combine all practicable relief toneu trals with a more severe prefiurc upon theefieniy. £f,ut of alterations to be made with this view only, it would be unci'’ to ukr any advantage th the ■ .uij diiciffliou : however, tt rn’ ’ pref< n j ed, that in their pra^ - . be h- p. mi # h. prove ben-ijeui , U ’ provided cue op,„ i(W iw, were not • . .... •°* prtv * m •*“ [VYt. 1;* No. io^