Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, December 09, 1808, Image 1

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Y OL. 11. No. 72 .] THE INT EvLLTGENCER, IS PUBLISHES CN TUESDAYS AND FRIDAY By NORMAN M‘LEAN, *N Tll£ BAY, AT SIX DOLLARS P ER ANVUM, FAYABLS N S HAL'’ lpj ADVANCE. - DOCUMENTS Accompanying the President’s Mes sage of the Bth of Nov. is, 3. (Continued.) Extract of * letter from the fame to the fame dated February icj, *SoT. “A vr 0c! having been engaged to ‘ carry from the port of New York 1 public riifpatchcs and mercantile Lu | u-rsto Europe, I aval} tm Lit of the opportunity of forwarding you a lories of gazettes which contain the proceed ings of congre is, and inch currtnt j>>. Lunation as will give vuu a vnvv of our internal *ffAis. They will he Hit with this letter into the hands of Ain Noiirle, a pah’ ‘rtger in the dtfpatch \eflil, who mi! deliver ihim at Lon don; and as the veffjjf, which v.ih wvc previ-ouflv touched at’ L’Uitent, will, alter waning ten or twelve days at Falmouth, return to that pt -rt, ano tnuice'to the* TLutcu A’tates, yo „-.t!l ive an Oppoituutty of sending ih.uher any co{mnuuic& ions you may vofh to lit-kc to Paris, wall as of transmit img to your government fiuh as may How up you! cortcfpondence, which at the prefem period will he the more [acceptable, the more n br tr qucui aid lull/’ “ MiV Safi, which was con mated to the fir ufh p; k.t, t iclofed copy of the act ui embargo, t r,pi*niei tin po licy oi the laeafurc. Among the :oniid rart ins - Men enforced nw .< me probability ot in. hdeoees as were iilued by ihc lintifh g v n merit on wi tis the Bn.ifh gazettes, vvt h other in dicaiious, having felt’ { til dou u th..t such wete f ccna cd>. ine . Cikc ol ihelc decrees has bad .i.-ocn ttirci in a,l dclcripitous Huong us to ibe cino/1 go, arm mhx igj in the friends oi tiie uiealure, their ittachment to u provident guaiuuu-’ ship of out manurne inttteils.” “ Mr. Liiknn communicated a few ia sago the Lveui Lte and cievs of sis govern mem, wnh expuflions of he regret felt by h.s iLiumue maj .s Vai Hi; uccmhiy nnpoied on [ ini 1 a Uttitut;ft wnh t.iutra! cent nerce, and all jranecs that his u.aj !:y fould leautly follow the t. : ‘i the Bttiin decree Ihould be re ■ladco, or woulo proceed, pa i pHlu mil Fiance, in relaxing the ligor of litirmealures. Mr. Eifktne Id vv he the i bn government ddluigudii ■ between the operation of the Bftnch decree municipally on land, ■"d its operation on the high leas. B n ihis point ire unable to an fiver; 1 • bcaliu was toenquity, whether th ; ■lebritiih decrees had tefrjciicc to m Lie cxteimon ot the Etench cie- B-e wltii icspccttoihe n Elates. Be iccntcu ai!o, as is perhaps th case Buh his government, to have taken Buy little into couheU ration the v: la Baits oi neutral commerce, t them, the valt t jury to Bhiucc, antecedent to the Brian de- Bu-. it IS probable that lomeching Balier u io paß between us on this Meet.” flbt U dtc ia Mr. Pinkney, dated I March 8, 180. B “ Having j ill karnt that the pre- will, arrive at N w-Yo.k m ■”* Bauih I rUBCTC INTELLIGENCER. SAVANNAH, FRIDAY, Dsctasks 9, 1808. tnyielfof the opponunity . f forward mg your commifimn and leit. rs of CHemx*, fuecc{for to Mr. Monrue n lnc ifh> at 1 ondon. ■ v iuce snv lal!, whieh went hv Mr. Nourfe in a d.fpstch vt ffe], bound hrd to I.’Otient ami then to F 1 tiiomh, 1 have receivetl your com munications of the 23d November, and 0} December, ‘i hefe, with a re prelentation from general Aimflrong !° Ereneh goverrmtent on the sub- J Q °i he decree of I’etlin, ns a pounded and enforced in the c-fe of ; hc ship Ht/rizon, were thought by the pselidem !o rhrow so much jon rhe coutfe l.'k’iv to he pmfued hy ! Great-IJritam arid f ra'nce, in reLtton u> she United S; iUs , that he had .he documents conhduut*'!) hud fcefote Conan fs. “M ■. Ft Ovine has made a wrim- . coniirunicafion on the kihj-ct ..} .r ----iir.uifh orders. 1 Hull anlwrr hi (‘ion as thv vrr\ urgent buhatts < . hana will pi 1 am.” —~ ! Lxtraff of * fettn from th- firr.p to = th<- id me’dated Vi arc Cv j ,t:8 | 4 ‘ lad bore d,te fn s 1 nd j W-. mhy Ihr Bin fj; pa krh it ,c ----knowlrdgui \on Ini <>• , yc.f ci ! *3L a,lCl — — and ike mbci, I h-ve unce it cel c<, uioi rrfes’ < •. u tgf I ‘ii ( r, and dlf th loi u y gj. which came 10 hanu 1..0 v .m g, •‘1 cannot m! |r ;i ...dWrr to Ml i’ fkinc’s louii uno.ti'n of tin* Jjrtuih orders; hr u...ung pr fl <re o. oih*- r matit rs .n f{. •- ,i; health- Hill l< tble, fn.ving ts ui r tie i Lyeu it. V u will .imici; h con'ipk’XMn which will iietefhn , }l -. ,-lvrn to it- by tne ch raA'ier o -,?* ( not only violating tr o rs. ; : Sfithmg <>ur 1 iterefU, he hi, ■■■<■, 1 iuio*. unucr ihe narr? of m n ules, *1 blow at our n•too.n ird • ru de nee, and a iilucke yof out y r Itai'din-s Emm the fame to the f.m . ( r '.XUdC'j ; My iti was of March 22 ‘ nri went und.-i th. carrot \u f J now lor -<mi pn ird 1. o. :r • r.< coircspomienci- vviih luai, <••• . jeCt o! his mdiurn, ,-nd of o dent c’ocuu.eiMsy ftU : .u ■* r. of the Cnelapr-kr. As {OO 5! VoIUH :.iou . rrh -or 0} (iv- - .4,.. canons made t-i jthepr i?, it slidll ill Ibe k b C f I You villi him t.ia ih y inch; t■. j , tain cii.c uuicnts it luting n. F. .s>cr which w re thought pro;,? ior tb k iov,L'Ogc of cungrrf ■ vt t.’ic prciYe. criis. 4 * i o ihof •co niitu in-tio <: I E.i copies of Mi. Eiskine’s I rtc i to i.u on lie ful/j ct oi the iiribiii >.r r r r.i NoVembci Lif, and 0} n v avfa'er And that you may have av: w ,t t’ • ground wtdeh have been i .Tcn, v. refpebt to •he Fiem.ii decree -i No vcitiiK-r 1 8.-6, anc m >he j :-it ial ex pedition in me case of tiic ;loitzon, giving to it an illegal op-ran-on inst ihc United States, ii dole copies oi rwo Ictirrs to gene: 1.1 AiuiUung on thole lubj Lb. •* ihc preiidcnt snade to conoreL-, a few days ago, othet Couimumca.ionb selatiri-, to the prt sent cribs, with (Lcat Biitaio and France; among ! w hufi wc.e Mr. Erskme’s It tier, now i enclnieu, *nd letter liom Mr. Champagrty to genei.l ArmHrong, explaining the courlr in.dilated by the French government, wnh respect ] to thc-counnerce of the United States. 1 Fhc-fc being expedrd from the confi dential character ait,died to the oth ers, h-v tie. n published, and will be found among me printed endofurcs. iiwui lcuer oi EvDuiAry 26 in - Gn the coiniminicadons to coii- Brr8 rr v but not in the exception.” %’i He conduct of the two great comending i*iionx towards this eoun rv, as it w ill now apprarMo i , an lto j the woild, fu T dilpiay* their uiu.ual j efl m to draw the Untied States into a war with their adv Uary. r J he es forts on both {l ies, are too little dis guised to be worthy the difeemmem of rs her, and are addressed, niore ox’er, to motives which prove gr. as i ignorance of ihc character of the Uni | ted Slates, and, indeed, of human n*. I ture.” I k * From tlie poflure in which Mr. j Role’s final reply to the ccrmpromiic nrop .fed to him, placed the question of a yndnrent, in the case of the Che* : -F’ ke, fi remains with the British - ovi irnr.t ut to rcf'umc it, if m jufi 'he their object. Whe ihc r a ’•'“Sr of rrparaiion will be made ‘-rr, or to V‘ u, will also lie on that wuc. It will certainly be mesft becom ing 1 ;! governmm, under all cir i < umf *i ccs, to make tlie reparation I belt ; ami this corn fc might of n^ht, !be 1 fificd on by this government, j * h - pmiident, ncvcnhtkfs, in the li bet.l ffiitt which always governs him, j atj-ho'Am's you to accept the jrp.ita. j'i -'’. pL;vid< dit be tendered fponta |i-m u,'-# be chirped with r.o condi ; jftorr. nil. fs it be, that on the receipt of the t 1 of rep ration heic, the pro. I clron ipm of July % fhaii he revo ! ; Ng : bid provided the reparation! Ilian •*. -d to the dilavmval of ihe at- j titki'i- the Chei.ipeake, an exprcl’s j ■* gage .cut that the seamen reurned ! Ih H be im 1 cdiaiely rettored, and that ! the gu;!.y officer experience a cxetn plai> | umfhmeni. The reparation wdlbethe more fuislafiory, and not A xcft'fi a jiill expectation, it the res torationof ihe seamen be to the vciy (hip from which they were wrrs it and, sou if proviiion be lucde for the wounded f irvivurs, and for the fami ica ol thofc who lufi their lives bv ;he attack. 1 mufi repec?, however, that ii 1* con fide red Ci.ti Hy proper that the reparation should Ue offeied here, ra in London j and it is only in he event of & dec ukJ repugnance t.t •he Briisfii govetntnent to mak- 1 uough a luudionary here, that you ir to ;ccept 11 th re.” fine answer 40 Mr. F.r; kineh let , rout be Biitish trdfis will furnifh ue gtatMUj to be ukeni * your com niunicaitons with his government on • );t fulj ti. it trie c-ibinctca ibe roughi to vie w the orders in t ieii lire light, a revocation of the wool ii thrill cannot fad to tke place, un !cfs thrv mean to vi daie every u.-x tOi ol jusiic •, or are fixed :n hcftilc purpi-tcs againit the Unit and 6'idte>,. Li pot regarding ihc orders, indeed. 3 ails u’f iu-Hihty, and in trolling foi r.-drtfs to tht nioiives and uveans, to M*ich they have appeal, d-, the Unit'd i wtztcs have given tr.v niolt fignalprooi of then love of ptucc. and oi their de ftrr t > avoidz.n interruption oi u with tfic ILittia nation. Still it is to be under'fiood, that v.ldl'd the inlult of feted i.i the attack on the American Ligate remains unrxpiated, you are not to pledge or commit your govern merit to contidei a rccal oi the orders as st ground on winch a rein >? al of th cxiltmg rdirittioni on the commerce ot the United States with Great Bri uin, In*y be juitly expected.” “ Tiic iwo letii is to general Arm strong oi the sad May, 18 7. and Fe hruaiy b h, 1808, aie proof* of the (inceuty and mipartialiiy with which tiie prelideuthas piOcecded tu ri iaiion to the belligerent; and niav, peibaps, aiiid you in rcprdfnig unjult 1 r : *-Vx-b.. 1 hv 41 ” - I* 1 luipicion* tuiv., v ■'-ihjiu k- [VVaoLE No. 183 bn;ct. li would be happ) lur all pr tithe belligerent as well the U 1- ed otates, it truifi could in Hu* c-*f- ? ,c ma- e to pr. v.wl • wnd li the retail, -in.-g riTallhip of che former agaioll tii- latter could o; converted into afS ttnuLiion, as politic as it would be m a lair, lawful, and conciliatory couife towards a nation which has done no wrong to cub r. should ihe expeii client be made on eith r ii ir, it would pr ibably be followed on the Oi.kt • and u couid uver happen th .t i.'.e lute hritdoing jullicc wouid iuSYr on ih.'.t account. In the picknt (late of our rela lions to Great Britain it w >uid be premature to ntaik nut the coiirle to be pur(ued with lefptd to furth rn - : gociations on other topics th.n thole above noticed. You are auth rifed, however, to continue your tmerpoii. j lions to behalf oi our impieffed or tie. tamed Lumen ; and in the event of a I icpcal of she British ordets and of fai isiaoiorv pledges for repairing the ag. gieflion on the Ghriapccke, to enter imo informal artangenieuts lot abolish. ing iitiprvff nents aitojjethei, and mu . tually cilfconiiiiumg to receive the | f amen of each other into uthei mill. I mry ot met chant ferv cc, conloi mably ■ iG the iultrudioos tn tni point 1 an*- iiuticd by Mr. Puivi.nCt. i *• Vcu will finet by a p-ffige in Vlr. j Rtift’s reply oi Matiii 57, that me Brittih government does not maintain I tiic pitnciple that the ob tgation oiths I U.Hicoc s.cxter.Ci beyond ihc ddcharge :Ol delettcrs from their public I :vun : and by an order ol tne navy dep.i - mem here, already earned 1 itcex cu non, of which a c py is enclosed, ill t u lia* lately been dectned tnat no. to reign icauieti, wbmlier deierters, or not litall leiveou no-trd our (hips of ar. i'he ptincipl.A r ipeciiv I) nianih llrd by tltele doct;uiciiis ou-hi to facilitate such an adj liitoem as is contended fur by the otatwS. Extract of a letter from the same to the same, dated April £O, 18C3. “ Mv i.-st was 01 the 4 It uiscanr, and went by a British packet from New-Yotk. i J.ow ijtvtmd a copy of it. 14 Congrc c ss ended their session 01 the night of the 25th instant. T'hc se ries oi ntwipapers hciewith sent, ai’- iorda a view ot their proee.dings sub cquent to :iC communications last made to you. Some c her prints are n dosed, which throw light oil the \v>>ikmgs of public opinion, ;.nd tfio ..ate of public affair s. You will find that the cntical po sture of our foerign relations has pro luced pro isio.ts of different kinds for .•ur greater security; and particularly iht-.t no pains h ve been spared to snap every Ici.k by which the effect of the •mbargo laws might be demimshed. ! t refer you also to the report made by he senate, by a committee on the do. uments relating to the affair of the Chesapeake, and on the letters of M \ Cumpagny ‘and Mr. Erskme; and in dicating the spirit which may be ex pected to influence the future poliby of this country, if kept under the ex citement resulting from the system now pursued against it. “ You will observe at the same time, that whilst a determination L suffici ently evinced against a dishonorable acquiescence in the despotic edicts en forced on the high seas, the U. States tire ready 10 resume their export trad as soon as the aggressions on it si cease ; and that in a hope that might happen during the recess of gress, the president is authori* such an event, to suspend, in 4 in part the embarg l | “ Lhe conditions on witroh t