Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, December 16, 1808, Image 1

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\ OL. LI. No. 74.] THFJ INTI LMGKNCER, IS OH TUESDAYS ASB CXiDAYs By Borman i.plean, ON THC HAY, ‘ ,3tl OOILARS PER. ANNUM, PAYABLE ONE HAL” ;h advance. Cdi&G'ess of the United. butcs. * j { * #-p - kd * a* O t- hp a f ‘ rh 11 i -J s i 1\ U Wa J!/r. IJoyd. /.’ continuation Ts? ;h”S CC'I'’UC.I T IDd 31 ill, a / •i’ fV alt e OstT y’ ■ 1 •’ Iv'm U 1 K S O'. V tj 1 e it* si l ; ,"d. 1 have no <Eiire to indulge rc'.to pc fcii tin j che meaxurt’ wa> ;i .;op:ed by the government : if evii } •, flowed from it, that-evil cannot i >w be rectilled ; it events prov ed ii to be a vre.e arid beniiicud tiiea ;.;:re I -am will tup, that those to v/'hmre js owes its paten age, ihoi-ld Bixetvc all tin- honours ii a? are due u> them ; ] at ii fe.curr y to our navigation ami jvotcction to our seamen weic she i:d ohj.-tii -f t!v; embargo then it has ad ready anfwcrcd ail she efi tis that can bo txf ‘-t-ed from u j in fact its iongu tr continuance will clFefiu;.!!y ccim i-v, Lt. the objects of its adoption, j For it is notorious, that each day ) [fens the number oi our cevßicn bv their emigration to foreign countries i--quell of that employment end id fl it knee which they have been accus Mined to And; but which they can no longer procure at home, and as it re gards our navjgati >n,confidertng it as a part f the national wealth, it is rot p rhsps very matesi-i whether-it is ikrik in the ocean,’ 'or whether it is de tamed to become worthh E. from lay - jnq and rotting at our wharves : iti ci ilvcr case, deliruclion is equally cer ; ::V; :i-E death c;;;d lire only (lifllia. \ cnee {herns to be death arifiog from :■ c up de grace, or death after having Ifufiained ise long protraded torments of torture. What ua:a his this fa re pro duced o:i foreign nations ? What ed ict lias it produced on Fiance? The honorable gentleman from Connect! cut has told vou, un i t >! 1 you truly, •in an expole p:dented by the French niinider of foreign tflfiurs to the em peior, that this tncaiurc is niu-h an-, plau led; i; is called a tnagnanimon me;; lure ol the A met team,! and in ;■ c Miveifaiion which is flared to have re cently pa fled, at Bayonne, b- tween ike emperor oi France and an American gentleman, it !• And, arid I b lievd eor r.’idiy, that the emperor expr. lEd Id approbation of the embargo, i have no doubt that this is the Efci; the mea lure is too confentaneous with hislys tem ol policy not be approbated b) Imn. ho bn fir, as the extreme preponderance of the Britilh ittrii.iinc power {’nail couiinu •, with oi without the exigence of an American embev £O, or with, or without the IJTrit;iti or ders in council, France can enj >v but very hcls foreign commerce, ami that lutb”, t‘’* i emperor of France would undoubtedly tJ> woviJedri byO ‘Oi<*S utfure the destruction <- ; f * *' l * ‘Vj.’F er and more valuable sawun, *•. - “ tifii end American commerce. It i therefore apparent, that this n.Cafurc, confide red as a coercive n'.raune a-. France is nugatory in me ex treme. What arc, or have b-eii is .ou Great llrnm •? When the embargo was fartt h'G 1,1L ‘ alarmed. Engaged in a very exom eel and important commerce wim tuts country, m ci'al and confidential terms, min sere, whether ccnlitieud as r.n atl o; iioltilitv, eras a uuie municipal k'- JiiiCltye i.ot >- u ‘ FF I"UISLJ(J f |si X£TT>flp|^pp SAVANNAH, FRIDAY, Dbchm is, ISCB. Cite a FP !i herflen; for moR o f he 1 wt t; ” rs ‘ediiuD i<> Be: col ,n;es ha’ >* wK*rf .hr belief of .he deptn.lcne‘ I ,ler ,W; it Lie:-. f'tUemcms on * ‘ mteu /States, . for the means of exis :7lce‘, Accordingly for SI verfcl months d(er the uhpdfiiion os’ dm embargo, •Vf* find it remained an objedl of ib|j! j'ttde wiih them, nor luve I anv ioubl tl,at ’be mitiiflry at that time u*rtook of the national f.-e!in • so- ■< ipearo i . i a ie as June, thai f oc h a olpofiuoo exilled wish tho Briiib ninmry-i si inductour niiniijer m | ‘’- court ol London to entertain t’;.> ueljcf end to digfle iuroven to S';s <:o verament theexp: Aao,n he enn’uain Y > ‘-bat fci.s ad j u limciit vvoeid uhe 1 ol led (i.-^crences Lciv/cT n * f.Ho OiL <i t i<i< il. -{. i}{ ? ill, 1 the apprt'henlior.s of the Bijiifh nation ! ■: r and miniflry gradually h, C weak ; us; the embargo hac* B -en fubmittoi: to flic never erring tilt “f ex peso nee, I ami information ol its r. a! ellech flo-,. | cd in iVo in (Very quarter, h was found that instead of reducing the i V’. < U lutfic’e. in f/ur.nn, that th plan ters hi the Well Indies by vaivino • . . * “‘i their ptoccss of agricultuie, and ao ptopnatmg s small p.ut oi their plan tu'.iO’.iii for i}u {• u pole or iuili> ground provan n*, waneeua! led *vj;;i oat tnateriuSly fliar-mflu-ig their usual crops fl produce, tn a g-.eut inealure to tie pen upon ihc-inil I, es *for their own fiiblillencc. The Bradh mini;, uy alio beciMieacq adntul about this time wi.h thes mtcX4'C‘ad and un?A atnpl. and profperay oi their eclrmres ol Can.-da an-u A ova i'ci ;ia; h was per. ceived that one *t. r t i ; n amfiicar. embargo, was Forth to tin m twentv ) car ol peace or was ur .i-.-r any oils r *. ireuiic-isc--:: that the e .*.■! order <d things was leveled, ; u Ua in l,eu ;c t the iucncan incicb r.m malm,., cHates from the ti!* <d the Bruiiit \v. r chand.ze ; r;d F. in!!) r that th.: Canadian ttterch ids weie mafli.rg (■ a tunes of front jo o go or 40,000 pounds Feihug a \ c,ii iioiu the eie uj American n:crchandi/.eand .air. si'an C/tpin;!, for it is nctortcuts tHnt {’.real *V pi of bjmbti, end pot and pcati .'flies been t:anhn;:ied Itt.-ni the j \mcrican to theiiuuflr t;flr: or she 1h k ; this t.r rJiandz-’ lor want I <siupet;;i .n, the Canadian mcrchani j oought at a very re; j’r raie, f ::: | a to la> correspondents in England, aid d;e•>’ c ;;rl'..mge raav it’ tiie in 1 o ra nts; the Lulls for which cm • r, fold to the t.u:rt *f : ■’ U.i:e<f .’Vutes lor lpe-.;o iraaiuoi uvwag on lo.*t!s ; Horn •;*. .:•,••• tr.u.ks 1 j Ihe l ’ni’ and r rate-, over i. : bordets into Can u •'I tfats v. x ‘• ae ( sile man ue rclunt enable .. \vit;j trie feltiil .oiCe only of pood ciedit, to "<rf> ■ >:i an’ 11 • mciil ; v cxu nue<i a:su %* ■'• - C'*il coir-uvrce v iil-oui the air;:: :oy me lit on lus put; ol a l.':e<e ccut c; hi./ ov.'ii tu.l. About Oils time alio tin* revolution . y.i Spam vel.-pcd riled. ie Fit-i udi mmi(try fo.cEi* me * .s •ge | (Ins would be us to tnrir., anti imme f diatcly formed a coalition with the pa- j trusts; by dc-mg this they fccu cu •’ j them! Ives ur dr folic f their enemies, 1 an acceihhle channel ui’ commnmca-j •ton with the c onto i mt; they mu ft htive been convicted that v. nether th.” j eVartMids futaed and in Europe on no F the colonies would declare them-! Hvi 5 inS.'-wndcni and <lfp;nd on iht ; E „i l-rco of G.l lir M their protection, no wu* wojnduc* j have opened to them an ipcakula£> 4 y advantageous pari for their com mi ice j a; ad matiutaduies; for having joined’ ho w'oaniirds yvtttiout Oipulatiou, incy o’-Vmbredlv e* petted to reap hur coiMCKial pn’vdeges that w uld be acceded to ihf-s, . >ii wire they delimits to fa L competitors for th.* favor of the bpan sor>ja -i! ihey could keep the naviga- Hon, ipe sntt-rprize and the capital • “ ! v Coiled Slates itoman interictence with te.emj ii was their imeelt to do ;?, and tin y would from this circurn iHnce pichably coniider a one, two or three ycais continuance of 1 lit* etnbar g i, as 0 boon to thetiu it is ihere :ore u -.doubted* lir, in my mind, that *he oi :;rgo as 11 resp Ms Lugland ‘.veil as France &i urn liicaeious. A hr, it may polfibly be 1. id that dii'lnrbvncrs cmeng the usAnul Mures in Europe •et cA)O, and that they are only n tir’t ci lor the mouie .t. .Sir, toi.g.mi l icrns. nflrtr to have heard ol thr tumults among mcnufac. tutors, i I v* 11. Vt r k own any Icrious result irotn them, but every i petty fpuable between a mard. Vturcr ! and hi;, ivmkmeri i* by the tc igic ul j (onie gentle’s iugetmity converted I into a fcrioiis mfurrettion. fluppede, \ hr. by abllaiiiing frotii the receipt [ of H udh n; ano tael urea, you make | .bankrupts of one hundred of the weal hi it manufacture!s—-what is pro* duced by this ? Within twelve tr.ombs vou have white lied neatly as bankruptcies in one ol yum ov,n ci ties, and yet l iie\t ciiy iLs utu 1 credit and tepuiation fur \ve„Uh —but 10 extend tbitf mgument iurthur, lup. pose fly the cades i !i- v beiore men. Toned you make bankrupts of five 1 hundted t I her weahhiel! manufaiflu rers. and that in -confrquence, \ .u de pi sve of cnploymcnt 56.000 ol her wo! km n. v.'hai is the c ttett produced by this ? These men will not (larve— tlir.y ‘..i1l uot bcotne non. n::.i-*s ; in 11 me of war they k ! vc a certain ai\ Sum Fhey v.’.U be cbfi rb'ed in 1.-era nr, and navy. Why hr wui take f.i.v ; bouLttd of the moli luibul- in <>( b. r civtzens, Vi ho are ‘ 1 coiidaui opp ,fi lion to the government, horn unde r the (ootioului aldXtivil authouiy. .iiid by piecing llim under (hreoe: :- iori lan 1 dicien*. raiinary o;Un Ii u . you add i:i fealif) to toe 111 c 11;v.. 1t •• -i t; v n -:.on, and give to her the 1 c.ns oi cxccmling and ret at nog her inanum O- r i.iS iU • ;V t: 1 iOI tiVl.* a hie. • I’-ut petlisps the Far of famine u, tru-fled. with an i; f-. ictiut. among * : * It! .; - Y y- r t ■ | * ■■'/■'. J 1 • ■ I < ■ F.iU<£.y.uii I. .it u, cvt*/.. of w.S ia:e cxpcf'tfitions, is flu 1 ii.oil idle; it is well known th; t flit harvcU in Crtst-Bmain u get in dur log the month c ! A u gull. anti the cat!. f. :it >s gicpteniber, a net fn in them I iir.d mat A;:i! ucm flour subject t<. be ,y n.cnt oi’imi hi, iofurance, du ll S, coi.. .iiillio.i and other charge*, hk.'l ci t-vi a nine nron.hs continuance .of the emWgo. was felling in England .a .-7;. heilng the bat ml. Anoihet Get v;rll perhaps give gentle men fome mhirm&tum on this iobject. Owiii; to an i ; iditlion of the Hade to i:t continent of Europe, {agars the winter from the \V cft-lnuic? bah been greatly accumulated in Eng lam!, id as ;o render tie nt mr.a'cab < m any conbdcraLlc quae tin ; this • reatlv incommoded the Weft Inetd intercil; they petitioned parliament for a j inhibition of the nE of grain 1 the dilhl'esEs, an.i the f'ubfli.utiou of f::, ar ami enulafFes i: k.u of it, the 11 afons assigned in fuj port of the peii lion were, that it would give a double advantage to the nation, by affording relief to the W';hl India p Vn ter?, atVC alio 1 educe the of food to tne poof ; t; g bill was however opposed bv the imereft, and at that time icj Gcd, oh the (ingle ground ilui bv biittging into market f<> Urge a fundus quantity of grain as fix mil- EeiiC ui buibeij, be mg tc§ rUuvy.vt tin* [Whole No. uy n tally ecu u r.tdin he iitiiu ii t >, .he jiicc woulu oi fi gr a ly reJiicai as ;oi to pay ibe ianiiti torihe labor and xpence of railing p j p jUS lN jr t . v .. ion that we have no chadee oi opera li:'g on the fears of (ireat-Britaia O account f her harvelt, for it is mewit that ill has ii in her r ower, and even with an encourage tneni to her colpni* s; to throw inu> ner coin siTaikct a cpiantuy of grans neatly equal to the whole cxpyit of this country in the year ending in hcptcmbi r ;S 7 ; for by re turnsof the iocretary otme tn afurv it appeared that alt the tl mi and wheat ox soiled b:l ‘ Car .emoti;;! ‘ } niv to what would be* equal to nit 7 millions 303,000 buffi U of wh.-at. Mr. Lloyu then advocated the o pe nng of the trade to Spain and Por 'itgai, and went into a U in'ine u 1 fit -w that the ■•rad -’ t • t.* de ~ t , 3 no; an i. x n deralfle ot e,rt r wa s : * u:i qually or u j.i.tiy Uivt la ; e , I he did rent pans of the U died States. He Ltd that spain and P rtugal ; raj their depend ncics had taken of onr xports nearly twenty millions of rjol- Ers in a year. I’h • exports of S/aei and Portugal ccnfifl<;d puncipally in wines, brandies and fpiii.s; they ;rc not grain tounirii-s, but depend lor th- ir luj/piy of yr dn upon nth r cotin tt’J. s ; they fl, ve forrneily rectived diem from the Mcdr.eir.m- an, ftom the coi.ll of Bobary, nd from the Baltic ; that under the piefent circum ttances, they would proba ly be it ob tain them from the United Abates, snd would it quire bige Tupplies of wheat and flout from the fouthein fl ;es. I’hd Span'attis and Portugut !e probs t'ttv; the Itoman Catholic religion, ami it- tng obliged by us ordinances to a fl it .Iti (ot part of ’h; year from the ufli >; meat, ,n.j being accuitoined to five dutt.ig that time prmcip.Ty on f.fii lias Tendered Spam and Iduuigal t e befl HiMketsm Europe for that fhple ol the northern (tales. /Ilk lumber for their pat kagt s, tbeii ca. k*> and in-x .s, they < b in chic- iiy from Nov. Venk and Mori. Ik tiu lumber of he ;• u. lint it Hates not bein, s so \v< !l ad,:p te 1 for then putpoic : thus then u , p i pears that this tiade, in!iftd < i bun; an m.cQ.ri one, :s more eqn diy di vided among the differ- r.t p r ions 1 f he union than ar y other trace which i> pr 1 cuted Irotn the United biatc* to anv psrt of Europe. It remuins, now, sir, to consider the G ets cf the embargo on ourstlveu ; every gentleman must Le the best • ;cec of it*, effects within the immo dilute circle of Ids opposition; from due observation 1 have been enabled o rc.ab .■, it appears to me to be fraught with destruction ; it appet rs to me to !;e wt sting’ our resources instead < f preserving them, breaking; down the pint of the people and dividing in. .read of uniting- them, it is inxiring f u cign insult and aggression ky E* imbecility which it opposes to ther ()> edit appears to me to become Ol _ reniely h rd upon the comir c a-j and navigating states. The human mind is composed of ava l the same materials \ n -.Ji w , un . t ies ; extend over ou.r enlightened community a great avid severe degree of privation and sv.lFering, without ac companying that suffering without an absolute conviction in thc.pubfic mind jof some and soy t ,c urgent \ üblic necessity dfriiigit, and some tv*n tual good to emanate from it, there si reason to feat you will create great discontent and uneasiness. \\ htnev. er this txi its in a great degree it will be manifested, in men orials to be constituted feuthoii’.ics ol the country. I.egEEtivc ic;oiuuOiiJ will fvl