Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, January 17, 1809, Image 1

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Vot. 11. No. Bs.] THE INTELLIGKMCSR, IS P U?SMSHF.r* OH V'SSOATS AMD FRIDAYS 33 y NORMAN M‘L£AN, ON THE BAY, A r Six DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAYABLE ONE , HALF IN ADVANCE. —■ CONGRESS OF THE U. STATES. SENATE. lVecir.esday, Decmlcr £B. In flic al> fence of the vTApreficlenr, occrtfioiied by ind-Kpofuion, (he proceed©*! Jo the ch.vee o! a prfident re-j tempore, and tlefted Siepken P., Ci . :i■■•,.. ! A ihe(Lgs was received jfrom ! e I fident o.f the UniiTrl Slates, tranfmitiing j a report of the fccrrs-y of the ires ,•?•. j feeding, as far ;re: urns have been recti, j <v?<s from the cEUTVs, the number of ! which Lav.e departed from the Uni. ted States, with perms,hor, and fpeciiying the other par-icuHrs co'.ieroplated by a re. Edition of the i4 !> Novem: er laf}. Dr. Mitchi!) reported the bill, author!- ftng the president so employ an adahh.nal number of revenue cutters, with an a . jnendmenf, reducing ... Vr; number from .twelve to three, under t’ 2 contemplation of the of the bit! for e quipping al j the public armed veffets of the United States, in wh-ch the f.-aat ccijcurre i, an ( j ordered to a .'bird readirr. rrow, 1 oursaay, Uecemvcr a?. The bid, as asnence I, auth', rding the prefi lent to empl. y an a Uni; nai number ot revenue cutters, passed. K DUSE F REPRESS: ■; TATI Vt'J, Tuesday, Do cornier 27. .The hill for continuing the M’diterm. rean fund, was puled in cctr.uiiUee of tbs vrhoje. In d:e hoof? Mr, Tidrra-' , ge or-no fed •he bill. He wished a pod . onement o ! ibefuljecf, until the com min re t f ways and means should mature ami fay before tlehoufeths fyftern of mesfims which Blight be in contemplation as the f.-urci of ©ur future revenue. IT moved a poib jnnement for two weeks. Mr. Campbell o. p ,I'cd the poHpor.e c;ent. Mr. Lyon replied in- his u r ua! lisle of tledfuatiy, which put the house in g ee! ii u Ta or* Motion to pnfloone !oft. Mr. ji.p G. Jack r cr> moved to tils - thaige the committee of the whole, in cr. h r to refer this bill to 3 ft!c£l committee. Mr* J-jekf n and M . Bacon *. know’edg td the objeSli ns to the bill in its mien arm polled-, d so much fusee, that it ought 1101 to pais, or even be further delated, Jntil it fheuld be amended. Mu Sloan ooved to prftpone the order j if the day upon this fMjecl indefinitely r< Jsckfun and Mr. Tu-up if the Motion was in order. The speaker tieci- N that it was. Mr. Sloan fpokc at length in fuppmtof m motion, and in opposition to tbs bid. its speech included many pleasant and le uinen: remarks in reply <0 the speakers •Ithem jorit/in the debate upon the non “Rrcourfe resolution. Mr. Sloan’s motion was lofl. The queflion then recurred upon cl is - Mfging the Committee of the whole, ‘hich, after a debate of considerable !n gth, alternately vehement and humo. D Us, was palT and in the < K - , , * .1 mati v e by a j Rat majority^—Ayes 70. The btll was then referred to 3 Tltvt iommittce of feve~. ’ % Wednesday, December 2o The bill for extending the terms 01 - --* lit cn revenue bonis in cetifttn c<T s, - va!; “’jT* bAVANNALJ, ‘i January IV, ICO K p-fT-:’ wnli a- TD.!nifU>, ore of which t-ro-:ce: that ir lh,dl not he cunfi'.ucd ii es ’ t:n “ *° rniportath n-s in vessels dispatch ed by special pernnfiton of the piefident of the Ltied States, agreeably to the i 0 ‘ rr Vl i- u! tn liim by the embargo laws- T'ue bill granting one thou hand dollars to Andrew Joseph VI lard, lor his new invented mode of mounting heavy car. co t wa- re and the third time, M:. 1 all-;) Ige made a number of r ro-aiks, dtfpUying a peifebl knowledge of the: furjetf, in which he quefiior ed the ut:!ij y ot :i >'* invention. Mr. Newton, replied. Some further -ei*'; nfpon mol; plate, in the courfs of which Mr. Ely c'early exposed ti.e fallacy of the doc. rine that of the U rtftd S ates Ought to pay bounties lor inventions difeovrred by tlieir work m: :i, in the regular roude of 1e u bit firjel s. 11 jn dan red r>t Ire r inven tions made under Inch cirrun.llances, ;he inventojs of which were more met noxious than tire prelent applicant. ihe toll palled—Ayes r, 3. N ,es >54. ‘I he non-iuteroflui fe toll has not keen taken up, FOUR O’CLOCK. J he new #nt bar go full i& t! is n? -meet reported by the feh £i ronit'te, with fume t*- fling amendments. !*s opponents h -ve fucc-re.’ed, m a very th.n ho-use, by 37 vc>,?s to 36, in obtaining a postpone. ment ti ; l Ftiuav. iiIUKSDAY December vg. The boufe r -solved i 1 fell into a comm’:, tee of the ivh. le, Mr. PL kin in the chair, eo the bill compelling v.- ff Is t-ow abroad to return home, and preventing auy c i i ?. n <-.f the United Slues ‘rum talcing from ■a s’ foreign p uver a licence trade, &c. j Various tmendments scene male to ! t’i-i def ad of the h 11.I 1 . The fecund fec !Uo which is ; n tended to prevent Vc-fivh j’rum navTating unde'r a foreign licence, was amend- and, on tncsit-n of Mr. S orv, so as to make tfae aO a mifaeroea?:or. to de clare the vc it Ifo :-{Tending to he forfeited, •nd tc itnpofe a penal y or; ike cfF-rnder of i f"d not exc td n ‘ 10 oco and i ? at'. The iff of Oftoher was fixe! as t!ie day alter which this f- flilon (huuld tak * hT ct. Toe committee then role and reported > l-< i'-i !i as am rde-i. The lionfe iiavingtsxen up the report if ;be committee of t’-s who!?, Ivis. Bacon wifl.-*d the amendments to he pt’Tstive'i, ns he thou.-hr the hi fi fecl nn of the bdi Nor compelling v- fTHs now out to return Ik>*t ) looked [or 3 cor.tiivtance T the embargo f r a !■ nr-r p- rind than he w-ifhed t c r nterr plate, ihe fee n1 !c tion be wss decidedly in favor of. Mr. Newton fail, if the honfS were b r'avorof the fi-3 h etion, he thmight t’’ev should not he prevented front votii g for it b raufe it m:,:h ! be made use of for . 1 -crioneertog purposes. Mr. Dure’l declared htmfelf opnefe-1 If Ihe whole hill. II it w:s a part of a sys tem he wish Ito fee the who e G it. I 1 zppe-tred to him to be the sauce introduc ed before the rnea:. Mr. S'orv coincided with his mi: -ague (Mr. Bacon) in wifl]i r, g the ft ft fcfli- n to be flricken ou'. ET‘ seated that an im prefTton would be niade < n the public mind, that it was ir.'tendeJ to continue the embargo as long as the time gilowed by this ftflion, ( iS uopt • f., r vessels be yond the Cape*cf Good H eto return home. He vf*S not prepared at this mo. ment to Tv, what vote he might give o the further continuance of the embargo; but he was prepared to fay. t at ,or < - 1 * teen months longer, it would rot be the nolicv.or redound to the honor 0. 4he United Sutcs, to continue it- was a r yfirtft which operated indireQly on the belligerents. A ie>- every means had been exhipßed to preserve peace, was now nearly ;be case) lie wi&ed to tee the nation assume the attitude, assettthc fame ptin ciples. end maintain the fame charafier which tnaikc-d our fore : athrri—:l e Fete which marked them in iy;6 — ml vindi cate our rights with honorable and open warfaie. For this rerfon he was opposed to the E ff fefiliors of the bill, bc.Ci.ufe it might convey * impreflioh, which, for one he was :mt wGling tu fantlion. lie did r.ot toofider the till as conncEied rvith the embargo. The fecoml feQion v/3& oc.e, he laid, which every roan pi> j S'n.- tl ? frti,n< sos an American, ought I to vc-.e lor ; for the ciders and decrees, to j hub mat to which, the ho use had declared ! woi ld be an abandonment of cur rights, had ( L.-'ed every avenue of commerce. Ameiica was not deflined to depend lor the exercise pf her maritime rights, on the f r.iles i r trowns of any foicign nation. Sue w o s de{lined to enj y a iree corn, merce, and not to take as a boon, a license to pursue tl at .iade which she claimed as a of nature j and the f cond (etlion ot t: in till was to pi event a f.nv, v;ho had iorfdted all title to tfce hcmiable name ol Americans, by accepting foreign licences, *•- rade. Iron disgracing the charakfer ol ib’ United states. He conlcl ivsfh that Bit li f: feflion should be negatived, that c r t not tip pear ta have legisla ted on an cxiiling fj£l ; that nothing might be left on rccotd ‘.o hand down to pofleri iy -he fc-h tost in the short peiiod of thir ty years frem tut- declaration oi cur pendente, there h-u been Americans wil h°il * l) - rt-t? Ct. r it. I-ic Wished the pritt cipieol tbs let'-oed Itiiton to b.e peima nei-.t and co-exilleni with the conftirution. Irli • S. co the ftpbnrgo as hav I ing been •Re jneGure ;h-t ;t • rr! an- Iwereti ui; ike puipr.* sol p ecaution ; Put ‘be time mull boon aiijv.e when it trof! ei ther be es.ential, or sen its c-ftcM a coercive meafuie u.-i-'i-t he .'•-•uh-cd. H< : wilhrd to do noihing which iliould be con tinu’d lor a constderG ir time longer. The ianjj.u-ige made us.; ol h.-r party pur polea, which had penetrated into ever, ho- el, and been rep. ats-i at every fire-side m the country, in relation to the e.robarg *, was, that it was intr nded top :t th; Nr them and ues at the ieet of the Southern ; net the north was to be drolhed and ren. dficd fubf.-rvient t* the interests of the c-u K M<. Story d.ul n t beli v.- a w-.rd ol it. He had al ways found die ! -uihern -entlemcn fri-ndly-ro our commercial ri.h s ;- and their it ien.’fhiji was on recur ’on tire journals of the h -u!>. What wat. ire < bar o ? A hand for corn efee ; a rea’ure arTing irom ad> si v e that bur u.s: - ’ chants roi ht t-t joy the benefits, and the ‘lortbern leiliou of the union pursue the fair catninetce defig-ied for them by Pio vidence ; that it ii;i-*ht n- t be expoffd t agraiu l c- nfurfiptirn and wafting atva>. •v the belligerents’ e-'ihs. And tt vva ■ because he believed this, that ha did not •v i (li h’ C. 3 feftion to • {Tend ground lor a renewal ol this ciatr.or Mr. Tsflor dec! red his opinion to he in petfeci conf’onance with that of the gentleman from MafFachufeit? ;ti regard to the continuance of the embargo. He {aid that before the ex piration of eighteen months he also should be prepared to engaae j n open and honorable vr?r fare, if the embar go did not in a rcafona'ole time, pro cure a redress ou: grievances. A period long short of eighteen months would havfc exbaulied the patience of the natbn,.and tested the efßcacy of the tneafure. Mr. T. laid there were no veflels now abroad which had not already incurred the penalties of this art, by taking out a lifence. If they had not they would soon fall into the clutches of the belligerents. So that in fad the firfl fed ion was a work of fuperrerogadon. ihe second fefction should t>9 edouied indtfsnderuly of j_ * V HOL£ No. 20 'J ! the embargo or any oilier mealure. Indeed gentlemen who had voted in favor of the reioluuon exprdfive ol a de ermination to resist the belligerent { edids, could not consist -ntly vote a gainil thi’j fedion, lor twent to rt lilt one of the molt odious parts of an c ; did of one of the .belli erents—that pari which requires our vessels to uke out licenses nr order to puGue their la ; r commerce. Mr. Durell exprcfTed himfelf deci ded!y in favor of the principle, but Bid not likc legislating by piece meal, palling to-day and a fedion j to-morrow, a law to-day 2nd a law j to-morrow. He v;jfhfd toscr it con [ nrded with a gtneiai plan of rcdxs-. : tauce. Mr. New ten had no idea by the : fir ft fedion of .this bill to pledge the boufe to the cor.; in nance ol the fin. brrgo for eighteen months. He con- Sdcred it no pledge for even fix or monihs. If the embargo did not operate as a coercive measure, he was prepared to take that attitude which should by force f cure to us that jultice we had hitherto in vain at tempted to procure in any other mode. If the b uropean nations did not meet us in a short time, as they ought to do, in amicable arrangements, he was pre parcel to 61 cty havtxik and let loofa the doyn of vv„r.” A- he had no very particular partiality for the fitif fec tioti, in order to accotmn date the gentleman from hlaffachufetts, he would now withdraw his fuuport of it. Mr. T roup considered the firfl sec tion fuperliuous ; for our veflels could not now c ontinue abroad, ex cept they traded und r foreign iicen fes. Mr. Gardner defended the people j of the eGrern Bales from insinuations againlt their patriptisnr.and used fome to tkew that the angry pas- Jions fliould not ’ be exetteu in the ho use but rather allayed. Mr. Sloan fa id, he understood fome gentlemen to cor.bdcr the present bill as conncGed with the embargo; that firing the case he had done with it. it was fufficient for him to know that any thing had connexion with the em bargo to induce him to reject. Ihe house It ruck, out the (lift fee tion. Ayes 75, Mr. D. Ji. Williams said, he had just come in, and wiihed to undtV 'fiand the grounds on which the decis ion of the house had just now been made. Mr. Macon ma ’e a moth.n that the further cooflciera ion of the fnbjefck : ! e on the table to give time deration ; which motion, however, he afterwards withdrew. Mr, Jackfpn moved to re conflder the vote j>: ft taken. This motion was supported by Meff'rs. Macon, Matters, jackfon and Holland, and opposed by Messrs. Story and Rhea. Kir. Gardinier made a fpeeth of irftf an hour in favor of rc confedera tion. When he concluded, a quorum noi beingppreset,n t, the house ayes 44. at near five o’clock. Sheriff’s Sale. On the firfl Tuefdav in February next, will be fold at the Court.heufe 10(he City of Savannah, between the hours ot 10 and 3 o’clock, ONE NEGRO Man named JOHN, to be fold as the property ol ihe el ute of the late Robert Dillon, under an execution lowruled on a torccloiure of Q mortgage. JOHN EPPiNGER, S.C-C. Nvcifibet 4Z