Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, February 03, 1809, Image 1

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T T—s T T **7 Jk J! § { h A I li t T gyK dnn M -w- -T* -ex* —• I ÜbLio IN i ELLiGENCER. |Vcl. ik xVo- CS-J tiie intelligencer, PUBLISHED ON TUESDAYS AN? FRIDAYS By NORMAN IW‘LEAN, O V TIIE BAY, L SIS DDI.T.ARS PER. ANNUM, PAYABLS ONE HALT IN A’.VANCE. ‘'-Ni *• J J Ci 1 Pill.. ** ■ l >. I AN ordinance, l.'ter and f.r~* nil an Ordinance, entitle! “ An Or. la'ttfe loan.end >d coinfe.i.iate v e different Or- Inawrw, f< r rais.% a Fund K>r iUo iupport oi a latch, in ti<e City ot savanna 1 *..” ||!, Be it ordained, bv the Mayor and leiiucn of tile city ot Savann h, and it |,bv t.l otdamed, by the authority oi be 1./ in cottier . tty with rtc aAi ot he Lfbt'jie, tn that case to-vie and mo via. | ihat lor luppt rtinj a P ic W -tch, ■he city of Savannah, a tax (hail be i I, on persons and property within the Ijts and junsdifelton of the (aid city, as Lws, to tv it; i)n alt bonies, building*, sos and lives, within the (aid city, as well urt |ruved as improved, excep in,. lots he'd I'eafe from t e coip.omion, twenty |tt on every litindrd dollars ‘ aloe l s0 f, to be affefled and v. !ii-.d as ts Liter provided ter, by virtue o? tivs ■nance, and to be paid by the owner irof. ■}:i iiU bottle*, buildings, !o*s ?i ! lives, owned by perions ‘eliding out • f ■•mns ol this fiatej -.a w. IS uoiotproved Bi|>T©V*ii, fifty certs on every hundred liis value thereof, to be paid by the ■er thereof, his agent ot attorney. B, And be it further or* lined, t’. at evr. Icrfnn trading in this < ity, who iefi *s fcn, (ball pay twenty five cents on eve- BtimSi-ed Xti>il.->rs vdu t cAJ>i finc'fcd 1 and that every per fort re fid in.; and Erg in this city, who hath not pod, or Buie InhjttM to the Cl y tax, tot the fall ■ Stall pay fifty cents On every bun. BjOsjuis value of his flock in trade, male v*. idle inhabitant. above Kol twtnty-o n e years, (hall pay i lij two ‘dollars, which non fhati be ■ty pet forts as above described, v. a ■no tax-dole popcr,y. ■nt each and every free negro *yr El cob. r, inhabitant t.-f this cry, pliftn.r any trade or handicraft, <-r tit *fs of a huckfler, carter or drayman, ■pry a tax of ten dollars, over anil m tneir taxable proper) ; ar i that ■'f; I every other fee nevro o'< per lon l-lttr, males from t e age t f fix;-?n to ■•five ye,.r,, and females from the age Euteen to forty -five years of age, ( H ‘• ■ tax of five dul ars, over and abeve ■ tsitdble property. Bat every inbabi ant within this ci’v, K.’.v a tax of twenty .five cervs on cod B *ithi:i the city, from the age t I ■vn to forty-five years, cf wh. rn h ■:is ;he owner, or of whom be or ih ■ have the care or tranroemen.t. Hie wise, the nnderttemini".l burs r ■gM cf pfc-aforc, ot tV.a following cl - ■ions, u>.ed and employed w tl In the ■in-wit; O r everv coach, chart)’ ■'wise, coachee, phaeton, or other ■ wheel carriage, and every curt tele, ■dollar*. ■ every chair, ebaife, c. fu’liy, or ■two wheel carnages, with tops, < i.e ■ ; without tops, (eve'nty - five c*-’ is. B'lihit each and every pratimoncr u: faff or, broker and V merchant, (half pay a tax cl two ■ And be it further ordained, iV* a Wlilty cents be levied on all goods ■ snd rnerch.amliz *, not id e produce ■* date, and with the ex Minion ol ■tmtoi). lumber, corn, tar a.’d ar ■•flured tobacco, t,he produce ■Grolina, which shall he fold on ■‘•non, by any pet fun t est ling with* ■ limits of the city, (except loch a". ■Gold at public-aiituoi } oo cve:y oA v I kIDAY, Februaby 3, 130^. hunnrc.l dollars fold, to he paid by the person fell-.-g the sane ; and it fhi!l be t’ e duty cf every co- rr/ffion, and nth. r per fen felling „„ cwr.atifli n, within the limits of this city, to n> k- j u t( ami true returns there - 1 „n ~,üb, ui ti-e Lity Tie.*l o er, on the firft day o’ J mua. iv, and on iK* fii 1 day i May. jn ,veiy year, alter the puffing < f this Ordinance, end ne or they (hall within ten davs after nvikit g (uch returns, pay int theT eaf,,. !V ol ‘.msec**, the amount of t ; . x , t(,wlicl the (aid p o Is ant) tne-t hanrhze fba’l be . ,IY v m tie of this Ordinance j.; and in or*|*(i‘t . f trial;ine ( lV rfi fftur.n, u’.'h, | j and may he lawful lor the City TieaiV.r, 1 within twemv days thereafter, f.:-im the ! led informati n which he can o**tain, to i .*■o’ !s the V.,n;e of ail goo I < r 57} -| l-a;-. (!:xe. Which may have been fold as aiore. f.iul by every fiich perl n in default, -md a warrant o* difire!* and fab- f. )r the amou t ot ‘ax, con ormahiv to fai l alLm-iem, ’ (Hal! n rthwith be tfioe ; bv the Tr.-.iu-n! i directed to the City MmfiiA, again fi ..he | goods tttid chatties of every such deb<nltei, | *nd i:so again ft the goods .nd chatties of | every person wfu> (hall make a return, but j toall nrgleft to pay the amount of his, her jor their tax at !i>reh,id, at'the u mr r .. ; qmred, am: that such otb"r proc edings j ‘hall ne had as is hereafter cirett; and by vu ; ‘tie of this ( ire!** 4 r ’ . And be it ln> her nr.iair.e J t p v f J )e 3Ut!:ar>ty afer. ‘•;>, that a ui: ol fifi-y cftrus Shah he levied and paid on every I m ( .. t 4 dollars value ol ali goods ( r ineref;tn< -ze w'luch may a-ivi or b$ exposed to i'.ih , ttbin ‘he hmtf’ of this cuv, bv - ir, n<. . resident, after the a!*e'?r.ert shall have j been made at-d the di, A. ion , dc-te. —( uci , I non resident (Hail oh his arm; *1 r V | uc |, ! return on n*!>, and giv <tcu/i’v to the tr :*ft!tei Os the r ty, top? 7 the tax aecru -’Dg on.> and rae. chaml'zVi'i;’,, in ten days alter .A d in cas:* a y fitd, 1 iion.r? Cider': on bis arrival (hall h c .. , j relu*e to make a return, ad pi. - (cm j y i as atoresaic, n fil'd I .fee the duty <■( ih Ci- ’ •y 1 reafurer to ade'B the vhi; of the i goods, according to the b-Mi .1 his in‘of. mat ot',- r.d such otb'-r r, (h-dl j t-ke place for fecurirg and ecu pe’ m | • be pay merit of the (aid tax. as are pu vkl- | ed in and by t'us Ordif ante, f. r c .■■licit, j ;■'* tii’- tax ot tietaulurtg Luiuiiiiflioii tucr. j cha*. - i ,5 And bv it t'rtrrr ordatned, •dl propeity and persons liable to tax a i..n by v ’true of this Ordinance, fh'tll be ;.lses,- sed by commitiees* ap. ou.ied fey C mini, whose duty it fhali be, and they me here by authorised a ; .d to rrsalc* a j. h and accurate fbdetreut and return oi a perions and propem, fnbjeft to the taxe above fpecifieo, a id to afsels and ellima e ;he value thereof, by rbe belt inlormattot winch tan be procured. 6 And bv o further ordained, th;* It lialt be the duty of the laid con nuttee.*. espefelively to proceed in each ol the ‘'i..- titis above (pecified, to njbke the Lid ai ‘..'■fsiTients in ten days after tiie polling ol *isO: and nance,andannualiy in the rnimh o! D cember thereafter, and to make return thereof, certified and signed bv them, to *Ho Guy T* ea!ure> ,* which returns fhail ipecity and enumerate the property •ifses -ed clcatlv arid difiiitflly, and fliali also contain and have annexrd thereto, the va lue by th ;n soafsefsed upon the laid pro perty, and so soon as the iatd rt turns (hall have been made into the Treafnrer's Of fice, it shall be the duty ct the Citv Trea- Hirer to give public notice thereof by ad vertisement in two of the public gazettes within the citv, that die returns ol aisefs ments have been made t o Is Is office, and that any person or persons, who may con fider him, her or theenlelves agrieved by any valuation ol b ; s, her or their proper ty, which may have been so wadq and te ttimed, may enter an apt t ail ihereon in the j Trea/urer’s Office, wiiniti ten days aue* * v,he publication ol luch notics?, and the j Trealuisr fbail be allowed for the eqiry * of such a;-vcals, twenty.five cey,r v J 0 j ’ fi p-id by the appellant. Arid the City I G. a*e hereby aotnoris. 4 an.i requit. cd, at the in xt regular meeting, alter the t'm<* limited lor ente*>ng ap.u . is as; hue i si.d Ifeall expired, t. deci.v on luch ‘[ anu also to di 11! -( , • v<kna tions so tirade and returned, : v a;Uling ft-, or dedufiitiig fiorn any or either .ol them, tied that the l. td vaLmi ..s a | a ;i ?f s . ments so returned, wi'en *?visf*.!, <oir;b . t and .i:i<! dec tried on f y Council, ifial! be Hi: ‘I ai'.ri cor c ohve. 7 ; .h. And be it further ordained, tout , iiur the Ltd AeJlmem s id ail have iu-en i ievi ed, confected and decided o-\ m the . v inner he: is before directed, they lliall j be allowed a compenlai •• n i.t'eighty do!- Ibn -, and coif U n.h'y h>- •• > r'crtve ,ne (“ -it i: .’ I. ■ - !<’ • i be ol! ,wed as a cor ;>v:i fation i* r receiving and -a.. *’ 1 2 the money to be levied and c this'oi ;;iiianc-', two.and a hail oet centum, out ot the muficj io rtuferl# h. And be it fm her ordained, that wit. jij thnty tiovs il-e tinnfuti-t has :gi’ fi nonce t hat the diet ft ; a completed, << -s that he ;s ready to receive it e taxes tbei.e* n, the perions fuf j<*ct to t *.ation as aeove (p.-t ified, (hall ■ •..y* the amounts ol ’Heir aiieilments rtf; ectively to him, and |it a -, y owner ol at.y boule, bu iljiitig, lot, ” kart or other real property, or any ether perron svhaever, Inbj ct to taxati u by vutuc ot this ordinance, (hall n-lule to nay the aifefiments rii-ade as aforelnid ei ther upon ikc!i 1./ufe, budding, lot, wharf or other tea! property, a wauant ol dis. trelsa'ntl falelh.ll iorihwith ne ilsued by ilt.e healorer any gOi*d;s or chatties {•bat nay h i ,uud on the prerum s, and jhe 1...; rt e died he let zed and f> and public auction, ami (~. iT..,tb liicd b - deducted from the . uicotu ol lk-t.h Lie, as wril be iusficient to p. v asses..ouii afotet'aid, and ■ d.-H;,) c ‘it • C.'.ii ... t:n er> t?;Z ----■ lure .mi lalt—tit o.crp)us (iteo ) | (rail t.r ,rd i > the person whole poods or jdi.ttfef iuj \ hove he.- r* been (etzrd a a j f ts. • <!, ;d if nt>‘.-noth or rf-n'tles car; I H to : and tn the pr* ciift's. or tl tne. (k.m L e u.iulf'cier r it> -'l'chc:t. v. h ... Ito Mint (.. ‘as a foie'a ill, ’ * ‘V the bn a j iMiihbr-i', bt, V-* /■ t r,) cr'u-r proper;y (i)j,f !h(I.In at public cut:non by .he trea*ux t jinf!• •h- a mat'tH r, .id r inch !.- j oil <cd refiti tiuns e& -te duetced by ;ht Ia law <.t this iidte. mi). Ad I.? : t ‘i.r *- r ortLinect, ‘hat if an. parson iiil j'ct tA the payrner t ol any t-x ma ; enr*:e. tbv virtue ei tins oitit ■- -in*:, (iiai. n-,-.!?ct e-r r-'nle to pay so tb'. tMvfi.rer, v. ufiin l:t time limite.i a*, ai •re ar*:, ‘lie arm tint td cr. or her tax or asse.w rrfe; ■, i warrant of dilfiels and !a e fiiad fit !• a-u mri p re-, afti on, in tlre maant-t ■ore p trued lit anain !i the goods and •it .'t sol juch de.;i qut"its, And t! at it Ctife any lie.’ negro or free person of culoi iuaii negl'vrt or re'afe to pav the treafuier •us or hei ts.x a*, aii’iefitid within tin* tm e :b< ve lin i. and a v.. < tol riiuiiTs ar.d fill hJI i.siiiV againit f.egoods and cfmtth’S ol orb free mvgi’oof tree * e son of color, ar,< ifeall be proceeded on in the mar. tier above pointed out. iict it no goods or <battle.*, ran b found Klonping to sny free negn >< p'rioa ot cuJi-r, who ui..v be deiierpien as atorciaifl, the uc.ifurer isa thoril dto issue an execution againll *he body of such •tee negro ot free |K'ifon of color, and to comma him i r her to the cuifouv of tin goajer, who is hetthv to receive r!;( ‘.i .dy *•( (ueb (tee rn gto or p rion oi color until fits or her tax with coif arid cbtiyes be paid, an i every ftee nrgn and eveiy frt'e prt-ilon of color, shall in coijfor mttv with a public r;< t.filiation to be give l py the* treainrer, make return of fits cr het name and age, sr.d of the names and ages ot his her childreip, and of b s, (x*r <t the t reipertive places of abode at-d occupation to ih* treasurer, who (ball-enter the lame oi a brook to be kept for that purpole. v tfee iiegto or ft.-e pelon of color fhali neglect or reiufe to un-ke fuel) 1 within the time and in the manner ’V - re r cnked, or OwHfcivetu a wiong [V UCLL No. L.g] naitii , w - til ain t ;>tun to dec vi\ e the tit xuet, he i ; Lw Hull i„ tither c.ffi, be muo y taxe l and ptotei ten again'g m the I -me ttiaitfKt asaouv* d.iccied with ry io irt e tu’gr!-t-s <Sr>d pei lons of color. ‘'7 ! ’- ‘t imtt ‘ r ordained, ,h at rt -. -T 1 property with / the ‘* 1 1 ” 4, ’> jth.t i tax. *ic.Tr as bv the In/ ~ ,r ,N’ * . :i 7 “ l!; ‘•’••“ Hts been r.>a,V, “','l ‘’j , :e ,Q 3!; ' s ®t*m at the fame * ’I- “ “ 3 "'’ I- ponton, ad It: - JCi j O , 1 ‘-rroccisand Otspofenotis a -tr‘V h- t Toperty tn tb- coy o’ which act i-. 5.-.: meet is made, end the is ! e: ’>’ v <fied with the iame powers ,h ci -.'P.ed wan tre fame dunes to enforce ; - > “ int ot ta*Kes on p'l-. -cny discov-red ‘nsard, as . they had i.een v|. (•■ the co* mnucs an ointed by th| 3 oAt>. !!<? R.C? . * f *ti. Ant. be a further ordaiied, ihat in ail warrants 1.1 Gttlrds at and (Ale ex. ceunons issued by the Treafu.ei'pursua ’*. /'! !h:s o, ' a, ‘ d ’ ce > he fliali be cirtttl. ti u nity cents on ead> I2ih. And be it further crc’ainecl, that ,;,e ord ' n '‘ r,cl> entitled an ordinance, to a lurid I. r ihe support ol a Wauh, ‘f £ ‘ r ’ v <l! Savannah, passed the 71b of A?nl, ißc6k and the ordinance er*titled j 2.t 01 un-a-nce to amend an ordinance, * n ordinance, to raise a fund f*.,r i’ c tupp. “5 if a watch, in the city .0 Sa vann (~ (w ;.] tic 241(1 day o> N^-enA * ‘ th u, be and tiie ratne are hereby rc. peal.-n. 1 1 3 ,! ’* Atui he i: further ordained, thit S ,° ‘ * ‘I °* 1,1 1 r ‘b..passed the 14th of) ot Deter,;her, 1807, entitled an or* 7 na,,cs ,0 ‘ ir, t "d and c ~‘ohdare the differ. !' nt c! dit iinres for r, g a fund for the * upper; pf „ v*. a,ch, i,, ;h city of S-vj-. rnh.os tl contrary to or repugnant tot! 7 t-jitwc, Le ana the fati.c is hereby teti ; pej;ed. * An CetJv'ciT., an. g, :Bci) * + Lassed, t L - s - iJ* p. Williamso^, ~r 4. ‘t h*h- 1 Mayor m B. D. WILLIAMS, C e. TV /T 1 1 1 o 1 Marsnai s Sales. O.i ’.he Jtrsi j. l C.SDsiT in Ftbrvary nc:.% \V;Ii be fold at the <ouit-hpufe, in Savannah,, U.:*i undivided mniety of a TRACT of LAND iic.wted in Liberty county, containing, 7 tbe v-Hu!?, 1,900; 4 or 500 of which are Tlr '.t cticuity inland lwamp, v ith a never failing referviorof black-water, which embraces all the head waters of Bull.trmn f-?n-p 5 150 acres a e cleared and under dam. There arefeverai improvements on the prenrife3. Ihe whole ov this met Will m.dte one of the moft valnabn nland the plantations in this (fate. Levied on s til? property of Joseph Miller, efq, to fatisfy a:i execution obtained by Jjs Wolf, gganft fJiU. A L 5 Oj Light NEGROES, (being part of an um’i* vided piuptny) between Lewis & James Cuth* bert. Seized as the pro; * tty of Lewis G. Cuthbf rt, by virtue ofan execution obtained b. JofepU Baker. Two TRACTS of 7.AND, in Wilkmfoa. county. Levied oil as the property of Alexan der. 3. Roe, to f.tisfy sundry judgments obtain ed 1 v tbe TT;iited States *gainll Lid Roc ar.d William Smith, efq. Ben Wall, m. a- c. January f> 7- Notice. A.ll perrons are cautioned again ft giving any person credit on my accouiit, without written order from me. Norman M'Lcaa*. .. v .. h