Public intelligencer. (Savannah, Ga.) 1807-1809, February 03, 1809, Image 3

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.intelligencer. .irfaK? *—,,1,11 SAVANNAH ; FRIDAY, IEERUARY S, 1809. c^naMse< . ; •THE fnbferiber not receiving fnfficiept support to warrant him in continuing the pub lication of th” Intelligencer, informs his patrons j that this will be th? lift number. He feels grateful to those who have aiLd him in this undertaking :He trulls that those who a'e still in arrears to the firm of Everitt and M'Lsctr., and the firm of M-Lenn and Barnes, or to Norman M’Lean , will make fpetdv pay. meals. NORMAN M'LEAN. • Crflfiln John Rett:'one, .was on tie 30/h uti, elected Major of thefirjl Battalion, \jl Regiment cf the Chatham Militia , vice Major Camming , re- h reU The third Battalion of Georgia Militia , in Es upngham court ;, very patriotically precluded a draft, on the 30 tk alt.—the number of volunteers on th: uccafon, exceeding confide rally the quota of men required for i/.—Evswhig Ledger, As Mr. Arnold, living at the two Toils honfe, on the Ogechee road, wa< coming** to V>*in on Monday IH, his dogs feratched up near the road oh >ui a quarter of a mile from His house. a final! pine hox, painted lea l Cob>>. which contained the body of a m le infant. The child appeared to hav been buried fome da) s, and had marks on it.* neck, which indicated its having been (1: angled. -ib. Washinctom, Jintlary 12 The proceedings ol the two bill day’s {dung t f the horde of represent•<- tives are unavoidably podponed tili JSxuir&sw’t Mouiuir. Yeftvrcby the house palled ai bill for dividing the In diana territory. Gencr-.l BUiunt rc ported a bdl relative to lotuficatitins The houfe’ appointed M.t Hrs, Macon Srnitie and Uphatn a committee io conference u"-on the nry bib, to cor. full waif Messrs. Bradley, Giles an Hillboufe, a committee lor th- D".i purpofc appointed bv the (etnte, v/h have refused go recede from th't ir a Inend menu to said bill. Mr. I.ioyd says, 6reßt-Britain dares no. a tempt to drive onr commerce from he ocea: I wifii to knm", whether oblieging us to nav jjnte it under tribute and by permijjiin i not all the driving- (he ever was and can be c. fable of afH wh ther in fa& this is rot now o foliation ? Fed.-valistri means any tiling or n thing, fare' enough, and is rt-luCed \o froth.— £oscon Det Bor. T-f his rhajefty's plnudering force should accep the invitation offered by his polite w off friends in Bo:lon, Newburyport and Portland. a they Onvc mil the money and all the relig.o. they will probably find good picking. 1 hefe ge. tie men have forgotten the human e burning o Portland, Charles-twon and Norfolic the pot fnning of prisoners on bo id the .Ter fey prifon (hip—the turning of many other enoi rnities. • f Query— If the patriots cf the revolution had refufed to submit to privations equal to those of the embargo, v.hat would have been the condition of America now ? To avoid a three-penny tax on tea, our : tr.ers were willing to engage in a long and bloody foo ted—but many of their descendants are willing to surrender the liberties of the nation, .me. pay a (haineful and exorbitant I bate rather than forego the pro-pest of gain. —National JBgit, i bite A inim i Bnrke’.ijopinian of imprifoiC ueut for debt—this paragraph ought to be hi ‘a ted In cvw 7 paper, and read by every person hrOughout the United States, at this particular moment— Aurora. ‘ S lIV re aj - two capital faults in our l;uv with relation to civil debts. One is, that every man 13 P reuim eu fid vent. A presumption, in innu mcrablc catb, direffy again ft truth. Therefore the debtor is ordered, on a fuppofnin of ability ! and fi and, to be coerced his liberty until he make payment. By this means, in all cases of civil in ! Givency without a pardon from his creditors, he is to be impnfoned for life ;_and thus a mifera. ble mistaken invention of artificial science opera te? to change a civil into a criminal judgement, and to fcotirge misfortune or indricretibn with a punmunent which the law does not inflift on the gresteft crime. “ -Hie next t .tilt is, that the infliefing of that pumfliment is rot on the opinion of an equal and public judge ; hut is referred to the arbitrary dis cretion of a private, nay, interested, irritated in dividual. Ile who formerly is, and ought to be the judge, is in reality no more than ministerial, a mere executive inllniment of a private man, who sat o ce judge and party. Every idea of judi -i. 1 order is subverted by this procedure. If th ‘ iuiolvency be no crime, why is it pu .ithed with arbitrary imprisonment ? If it be a crime, why is ‘* delivered into private hands to pardon without diferetion, or to punilli without mercy and with out measures i 4, —Speech previous to the eleSien at Brifioi. Maxims. j l bat man only deserves! to live, who is ready ito die lor his country. The lead modcfly always attends that States man, in whom the people have the lead confi dence, and who gets his power as is ufiully {aid, by t he skin of his teeth. If my neighbor declines honed dealing with] a | me, 1 fliouid decline ail dealing with him—this will apply to nations. A hen judges wink at jtlftice, flie will Toon cfbfe heir eyes to their own interelt and characters. r l hose who chfrefpeft law, will by law loon ic placed in Olftefpidl. Few men who desire honor can bear it so well is those whodcfiie it not. They who have property, have no fouls, and ’ ey w ho have fouls have no property. It. is more honorable to rife to power by the eople's voice than by their negleft. The’ house c.f mourning by the visiting friend ;i the deceased, is often converted into a houii f mirth. 2Tiis is healhenifh. Why are imports the bed means to extra& om tiie people the money neceflary to fuppor government ? Ans. Because thereby the eople pay without perceiving it; or, like tin h, swallow the hook when covered with life ! Dete&or. tk Definition of the triple interest, for the new htion of Johnson s, Sheridan's and Walker's Dictionaries, and. flforfe's Geography. The Adams Federalism is the union of States under a monarchy, the people slaves, but the go yernment free, sovereign and independent, taking ~nly from liberty what fie might other wife lose; The Hamilton, or Fffex Junto Fcderalifm, is •jvifion of dates, civil war, national degradation, Bntifh fubjngation and military defpottfm. This btifinefs is usually conduced on commission, for ac count of his tvsjfy‘; min fry. The Conjlituticnal Democrat, or Republican, is an advocate for fleady habits, equal right of fuf iferage, peafe, fafety, union, equal juflice, nation lal honor, his children's liberty, and country's fu liure glory; and trnfts,in faithfulnefs and krave i r y, under Codi fur final fuccefs.— ib. Prom the Baltlmcrl JRligi Mr. Irvine —Many of our cH* zetis harbor vc ry lerious, \et ground* icis fears, lea It a foreign power should enter the Miffilfippi, and seize New □‘leans. My opinion is, that as long as ibe Americans pol Els thi* upper pot of toe riv r, they will keep the a6per hand. The Kentucki ns could dislodge any force from Now Orleans, come when they may. For so rapid and irrettfhjjle is the current of that immense liver, that a defeending force has every advantage of an amending one. Much ealier would it be for a foreign powei to capture either Phila delphia or Baltimore, than to rednee Nyw-Orleans. U itil the Britifli get hold of Buton Rouge or the hither >an k of the Miffilfippi, above Ntw '-•rleaus as well as Ponchartrain, their menace’ arc not worthy of notice o Agentieman of this ciiv, intiniatdy icqminted with the scire ofthucin, .he river, the lake—and also with past transactions, infotmed the writer that ira he year ijjg a couple of Eng. armed v fTels came m f o the river, and de moded the rebel American agei.t (as they called him) Oliv r ’ iq. from Don Galv z, the cap c . g ( ~o, o oi mat province. He had no vefll Is and w ‘r to refjft them; bu being an in irepid officer, of a fertile invention, he formed a j. ian (and cortimumcated it io Poll j, k) by which he forced them to weigh anchor-if thev waited to weigh, nut J believe they cut their cables, he hauled to be cut great quantities ofdiy iced or cane, which grows to a gr<at hze on the margin of the river. Plac ing bundles of tjufe upon a row of iLats, whkls he prepared to feud adrift (man even line ) down the cunent; re lolving to let hie to them and burn the British V* fie Is; which *h< y muff have done, by failing with the current, and the centre catching on the Item of lie VC if b ihe UrtKi aliii I ecus U) Walds each king would naiurally fail down along fie, and envelope her in a blaze. Tiie Engl sh capiains wc r o so fensitivc as to smell ;he proje-ct, and linmk from, its execution! YVnen I recollect this preltv expedient, and the noble exer uons of the biave captam Pickles , (aa Vmerican) who gained the command of the while Don Galv ez, (attend 'd by P- -Hoc k) was engaged in the re- I ic'tion of Baton Rouge- I have n® curs for the fate oi New-Orleans. AN OLD bOLDIEN. PORT Os SATAXXAH. ARRIVED. . , r ..... Ship /Alexander, Watt, St. Thomas, in diffresS .loop Polly, Stewart, St. Mary's —Good In'ent Hllen, Had wick ——liiduilry, Ruflel, Charlellon NOTICE. An Eleflion will take place at the Court*’ house, on Monday, the 6th of February, fer Captain, Lieutenant and Ensign, to command the Republican Blues, at II o’clock A. m. John Pcttihone, and Justices Alton Pemberton, >• of the Wm. A- Moore. J Peace. For Sale at this Office , The following BLANKS, which are neatly prin ted on excellent Paper.- MERCHANT’S ENTRIES, different kinds MANIFESTS, oreign and CoaXliug 8U.1.S of EXCHANGE SEAMENS’ ARTICLES DEEDS of CONVEYANCE MORTGAGES POWERS of ATTORNFY PRINTICES INDENTURES 1 BILES of sale