The Southern patriot. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1804-1806, July 21, 1806, Image 3

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the patriot. SAVANNAH. JvlyVA. 1806. To the people oj Georgia , I oblerve that Dr. Smelt offers for a feat in Congress for Georgia. He is an honcftmar,a true patriot, and poHeiTed of ma lure and found judgement. Thele are valuable qualities for our Reprefsntative ; and I will therefore give him my vote. I do not mean to disparage other candidates. VOTER. The celebrated Irish orator, J P. Curran is i© le appointed a ju Ige of the common pleas in Ireland in the room of judge Johnson: A worn. O.i Friday last, being the 30th Anniverfaiy of the luj dependence of the U. States, Major Welch held Battalion Multer at the House of Mr. William Mmphy, in Burke County ; after Mutter, at which the Battaiion went, thro’ lever a 1 evolutions and per. formed several firings, which would have done honor to re gular troops, the following toalls were drank, accompanu ed with the unanimous olau dits of the company The 4th of juty 1776—10hg to be remembered and ce lebrated as (acred to free, dom. Tbo’ Jefferfor.—May his fer vices as a Statesman Sc Phi’ lolopher never be forgotten. ■The Vice* Prefident—itcady I and patriotic. ■General Eaton—a fedurge to 1 haughtiness. If he death of our much belov | ed Major General James I to be t egret [ ted ;a :d long may his mer- I ntorious services be remens • [ bsred by every Georgian. ■The Yazoo ‘{peculation—as it I ought to be (dead.) ■The members of our late Le I giflature, who voted in fa. Ivor of diftritjuting the late I cefiion of land by Lottery. ■The Constitution and laws of I the State of Georgia ; whole- B fume. ■The memory of Gen. George I Vv'alhington. ■The heroes and fiatefmen of II the Revolution. BSympathy for the unfortunate B late John Pierce. ■To Whitby, Nairn and Sling I fby, with their vessels and ■ men—perdition. ■“fibfh influence —May it nev B er conlamina'e the lliores I °f Columbia. ■May Wisdom guide our pub. i| be councils, ami peace and I prolperity be the happy re ■ full. and ft iendfhip with all ■ Nations upon honorable Sc ■ equitable terms —any tiling ■ rather than dilgrace. fl>e glorious acqmlition of I Louisiana—May our ex- II ten five country be a happy ■ alvluni to the opprefled of B every clime. Bjealouty and dittrufl are the B guardian angels that watch B our liberty ; and confidence B& security the harbengersol 11 slavery. commerce Sc tna.. B nufatUires. |Bfhe Piough, the plain and the ■H Anvil never negietled. inhabitants of Georgia— fl A * a y they never forget td ce. B lebrate the anniversary of B this glorious day, on which || l, * e y were declared free s.::d independent. May the Government of the United States, adopt such measures as will efFeftually put a flop to depredations on our commerce Sc intuits offered our Hag by the ‘.ob jects of the .Britiih Govern, merit ; amicably if >ie, so it is honorable to us as an independent/Nation. The American and Louilian iati fair—may they never forget this motto, that 44 none but the brave deserve the fair” Our Sea* with Britain’s vessels swarm, Our trade & commerce droop ; Our cities rob’d and left forlorn ; Shall we to slavery stoop ? Ah ! no, ah ! 110, you shall be tree, Liberty’s Goddess sahl; Britannia’s (lag shall strike to th;e, And droop In haugli'y head. Augusta Chronicle. — ’ ■ nr S.ILJ (!) /r.v MAIL. CH UU.E4 I'D duly t. Gun- Bo at No it. Lieutenant Iz a R.D, arrived this inurning, in <.O days ii'Orn Gibraltar. Having completely adjusted oUr diif'-ren cos with aif tine Ba b.rv powers the United Sta-es ana and vessel, have been ordered to quit th>*ir station 111 the Vie Irerran.-an, and return to America. 1 he following squadron aaiied from Gibraltar 011 tile 4th of June, tor the United States.* frigate Essex Comodore Ko gers. Frigate Vixen, Captain Cox. Bomb-ketch Spitfire, Lieuteii nit Hum. Bomb ketch Vengeance, Lieu tenant Cutter Hornet, Lieutenant Crane. Gust-Boat No. 2, Lieutenant Izard. No. Lieutenant M’Gra'h. No. 4, Lieutenant l{ ,nlev. No. Lieu man: fl w son. N>. t>, Lie iten mL 11 -nee. No. 8, Li Utenam Heron. No 9, Lieutenant Klba*-c. No. 10, L euum nit S nellir. Commodore Rogers parted company the night after siding, leaving the squadron un lev charge of capt. Cox, of the Vix en. Lieut, izard lost sight of t >e fleet on the 7th of June, Lr. 34. IS long. 1.5. All the Gun-Boats are ordered for thi* port. Ihe brig* Argus, lieutenant Hull; and Syren, iieut. Smith ; sailed lroia Gibraltar, for Nor foik, on the 2d June. The frigate Constitution, Capt. Campbell, was left at Gibral ar, where she was to remain for some time. The Nautilus, Lieut. Evans, was going in when the mjuadron sailed. Toe Enterprise si ho oner, Lieut. Porter, had beer, sent to Tripoli with dis patches. Tile brig Hornet, capt. Dent, arrived a ( Gibraltar on the Ist of Jm from L’Orient ; and sailed 011 ibo Jj (or .Malaga. ’ July 17. Ihe r.Lip PerseVeiance, anived at Pilaclclptiia on the 6lh instant, Irocn Amsterdam—whde olf the coast of England, w . > boarded by *everd ships of war and piiva tvers, and tre'terl politely , but on the 2d ittst. oft'the Cupts of tlie Delawere, the dav the pilot waa taken on board, he was boarded by an officer from a Britiih fri gate, who was either afraid or a ashamed to tell the frigate’s name. Tlier pressed the mite, a Philadelphian born, and took him on poard, where they tnal~ treated and insulted hitri some; time, when they returned him to his ship, having robbed him of his journal, and some other small matters, Lite above frigate was seen eff the the Capes on the ls f , 2d, and 3d inst. and is supposed to be the Camhnm KEW-YoKK, Jiilv 9. Mr Peter R se, who went out with general Miranda in the ship Leander, and returned yesterday in the sloop Atlantic from Far badoci, gives the following sutc^ 1 mont el ciremivit-aaccs which transpired since leaving this port: “ February l'-Ith, stroke ship Cleopatra, who pressed 19 of the Leander’s men. 15th, arrived at Jacquemel, and lay there until t!u* 26th of March ; then sailed, and arived at Arabt on the 3d April 14th, had a general muster on shore, kod sailed 00 the 16th for Porto. Cavellb. 28tli, en gaged a Spanish brig and schr. who captured our two schooners with 79 men on board,—Mad* sail for Bonaire, and arrived there the day following, Sailed from thence May Ist. 25 spoke sloop Lilly, who supplied us w ill bread I and water. 27th, auchored at I Grenada, unu sailed again on the ! 28th, in company with the Lilly. 1 Four of our ru in were sent on j boaid the Lily for presuming to j enqmrc ot the captain what was ; the destination ol the ship ; and three Spaniards were sent in their place on board the Leander, June 7th, ar r ive-i under the direction of the lieuten.v t o( the Lilly. 14th, whiLt capt. Lewis was on shore, tli:; m<ue w is sent for on board the Lijl.y, and ah o'Sc-r from the Lilly com; to t ike charge of the Lean cLr, and impressed it or 1J A meiicans, notwithstanding they good protections* ; 1 he peo ple in the Lean (hr oiTered to re linquish their w tges if -hey might be p.-.rmited to return hdnu-, but this was refused.” It was reported 11*t admiral Cochrane, with nine siile of arm ed vessels, was to accompany Miranda on his expedition; and Colonel Armstioug, who was at Trinidad, had enli-ted TT) men for that purpose. They weie busily employed in enlisting at BarbadotJ when our informant lelt it, A letter from a gentleman on board the Lea uler dated Barba does, June 1 2, mentions tliat Ad miral Cochrane had delivered to general Miranda, 40 Spanish prisoueis equal to the number of La ricani the jjf lia'rds have in their power—that Admiral Coch rane h I supplied general Miran da with so ir vessels, which are to accorhpany him to Trinidad th at 10 wu> to sail on the 19th lor I i.iii l * I, alistc <1 t.union, ol me G-m- al’s friends where waiting toj in him, and where he ex p cted to receive every necessary assislauce (or the enterprise. Lae letter uitn.ioiis that the son of colonel Smith, whom report iias i freqoeatiy placed among the cap : tured is still vtitit Miiauda. J i!y 1 ). ■ Arrived, ship O’Bri i en, from Ncw-Orleaiis, 30 days Irom Belize, Yesterday at 3 A m fell m with and spoke the Cam brian trigate, who permitted us to make sad ,• but it toeing calm, we remained with.n rnusket shot of each other ant ! 3 A. 44 when a breeze springing up, she gave chase and continued fueiog at us until half past one when she gave up the chase ; 15 shot were fired at us mmy of which passed over and between our masts and Some fed under our stern and alongside but no damage was sustained. J Curd for Sir. Nick. You fay men of the Jirjl ref fcclibility in ibis city, have ai ready formed an opinion on ihe la k ject ofihe extract from the Political Register, which ap peared in tbo patriot on Thursday lad, but does this ac quit you of the charges bro’t agairiil you ? Aniwo this una cuiatc man. It is very cafy for arty one at hill fight, to form an opine I ion of what you now are, and from thence to conjcHurc what you may have been in your various niigradons. — But let us come to the point. Can you produce ere man of ; ihelirlt 1 eipet?ability, who wi.l fay that he does not believe one half of what at various times was publilhed againifyou. I believe it would puzzle your reverence to find fuc.; a man , in this pbcc 1 in 1 1 ante, iAN'c, or any where die. Keep yoarSelf outot Sir ?<ick I have fome more honevL, for you to chew upon. MI FLY robbery: 1 ME Subic!iber’s Store on Med s. lay lor Sc Scarbo rough's wharf was broke open j on the night of the lSth inlt. and the following goods Stolen therefrom, viz. 3 Do z. Sulpenccrs, 2 pieces Olive Cord, 3 Cotton Cadimere Coatees. 4 pieces Irilh Linen, l Do Brown Holland, 1 Dofc. White Clock Stock tngs, I Do. Coloured do, 1 Do. Plad Veils, 3 Jane Coatees, 8 Fine Hats. 4 pair Duck Trow fers, 4 Blue Jackets. 5 Dq. Trow fi-rs Sc Pantaloons, 1 Box Candles, 1 Bolt Oznaburgs, 7 Cotton C alii mere Panta* J loons, J 6 Do, Nankeen do. With sundry uiher articles not alceriained I wdi give a reward of fifty dollars to any per foil or per lons that will apprehend the perpetrators, so that they may be biought to condeigu pu nifhmer.f. THOMSON h TOIIPEY. y J-il- : I _ 73 f. ’ NOTICE, I have an able NE GRf) M V N tli ant I wi/li to hire by the month or year He is a good boatman, fe handles the ax and hoe with dexterity Security for the payment of bis wages mud be given in Sa vaunah. J. BItICKELL. Jiilv 91 13 + HOIV I v CIU TII It>l ‘JAIL. JIM and MARCH. Jim ;s a black ielluw, about ‘6 feci high, twenty (even or xb ycar a of age j caffs him fell a free man, (ays he was born 111 s :. Kut’s, fol obtained bis Iree | dom in St. 1 huina’s. —March j is (i mewhat of a yeliowilh cad ; from eighteen to iwe-ty years u( age, abour 5 feet 6 or 7 inches h:g!i, with a large pot hook iron on hi* neck ; alto a large iron on his lelt leg lays he belongs to Dr. Richard’ fen of South Carolina. V/M. PINDER, G. C. C. July 22. __ 73 iN.IW is CHATIiAM J AIL. Two Negroes, Jack, aoout 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, and about eighteen or twenty ye ns of agr, of a very dirty com plexion ; With a Urge Iron on each leg —ami lays he belongs to Mr. Williams near Coofd hfctchia in South-Carolina. The other fellow is alio c*l led Jack, from twenty five to thiity years cl age, and aoout 5 feetTevcn, he is alio cf a vc ry dark Complexion, has a large Icar on hts tight elbow, which he fays was occalioneu by a burn, he is lame in the right teg ; he fays wa* oc cafiomd by a boric ; call* him* felfa free man, and at other times he fays he belongs to a Mr. William Martin near Au* guff a, in this ffatc. War. PlNDnit, G c. c. July 23. 73. _r>v the sun* SA hi AII SC EL IZ 1, vV^Sy - ’ Ci jit. llonand, having cotton enough engag ed to flow her between decks and cabin, will take freight ot cotton in the lower hold ii ap plication is made by Tuesday next, otherwile she will pro cerd to fill up with lumber. • 11. J. BOLTON. July S3. Ti iL CHEAPNESS, Combined witli Ele gance and Utility. By the in ie arrivals from L l VCR’ POOL and GLA SGOW . Andrew Low Cos. Have received the largest and bes • selected, as well as /V cheap est assortment vs GOO DS t ■which then have e ver offered for sale. ~-C :P.XI3ING—- Womens and Mens Gotten Hois, ery Ditto ditto silk ditto, Boys &. Misses estten tk. sifk ditto Cotton and silk Gloves, all sizes Men’s linen thread Stocking. Patent White and black l.act-s Cotton and thread Lac■** and Veils Footings and lYimmii gs Habit shirts and Caps, cotton and laco Patent Gaiters Black embossed and coloured V< 1 Vet Silk and cotton Fringes Velvet net Trimmings and orna meats Btacilet-, Bsciuf'.nt Ruffs Hibben-', velvet ditto Rich Sarsenets, Modes and L tit - sitings Mew ndi India shawls Lace Cambric and Ler.o do. Very* low Leno and Picquet Veils Plain Muslins, ul! kinds Figured and di'to Figured Cambrics, Cambric Dix mines 4-4 linen and cotton Cheeks 4 4 Apron Checks, very good Children’s Leather Caps Children and youth’s Hrtk Midi’s Hats, com mon and fine Bombazines and Bohib.tzetts Black Cambric and Bubk duslicll Black Lerio and I’ cquet ui to Black 1 >ce Shades and (.loalks Ex Pullicat Ha-.JkerchteTs Firic’iitieji pocket tlaniiktrcliieft Children’s diuo Pirated Callobts, fcTevvry deft .^. lion Dimities, jlluslinets, I* hate and coloured NlarseiileS ‘1 .Urkstits, Ccirduiojs Velvei teens Fustians, Jeans, NankenetS ‘Co lon Keiseynieres Cotton Shir'ings Cotton Cambrics, every Width ana price Cotton and Silk Cliambr&ys and Entires HanJsome plaid aodcorded CaiU brics Clouting, Toweling and Table Cloth I(iat era Coarse and fine Sheetings 7-8 and 4 4 Linens, II nek aback* Long ad French Cair.bru S Biitanmas ami Brown Linens unu .Sheet'icgt Parasols and Umbr lias Fails in,great variety Jdt lplii threads in paper and var-s nislied boxes Marking ditto Ounce and [.isle threads Coloured, Stitching & Oziiaburgs ditto Best White Chapel Needles Paper and pound pins Sewing silks and twists Button moulds and shirt outtOus Mai king Canvass Fashionable plated and gilt bul-* tons Ditto pearl ditto Marseilles limits, Counterpane* B. dticks Furniture fringes and tassel, . iik handkerchiefs and shawls Coloured (..ambries , A lew doz* n fleecy hosiery', Vat invalids , Pavillion Gauze, white aCa ca louretl Best l-la.x and Tow Ostvibnrg AND JUST DEEM. I) * India Lustrings, Bauaaunax ami Htiuibnins Hyson and Imperial Leas Blue Cottons, t*c. IVith many uthur article* nc-t enumerated. Merchants wim find it convenient 10 purchase (or Cash, 01 order* upon peoplt* i| town, will find these goods worth (heir attention. WUy 23. iH tA