The Southern patriot. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1804-1806, August 07, 1806, Image 4

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;Ai an infc-ior Court beg?” and held at Savannah foi the county of Chatham, O’ Wedneidav, the 7: h da) of July, 1806. Pi dent lliii i’ Honors. Edward lel fair, John II- Morel, ■ Arvhd. S- Bulloch. Ordered that the follow faulting jurors he fined in the Jurn of 20 dollars each, unless the v make luflicient excuse on oath, and file the lame in the clerk's cilice of this court,with m and my days. : .mpforiNeyle, Wm, Port, Maths. vv Bay ler. David Heis kv, ‘ mas Flint, James O over ‘Abraham Abrahams, f dir Csurtney, John Eiiji ? vv liticitt* >\ 1 i'J(l) J • ‘ls!.-:, ,j;is Cuthhert, l!aacF c| h E i;< t from the Minutes. .). IUH LO< il, Clk. .*riv?nnah, 28ih July 1806. Cm .m h -h.s. loth July, ibid PRTSFNT Tit 1 IH HONOURS. r Edward Tel fur, John li. Mud, ‘famet Aider, BY the j w .slices ofihe Infe. rior court of the county ol Chatham, and in virtue of a Prociatna. ion of his Excellen lency theGovcrnor so directed The electors of the county. *0 affiant, are hereby notified that a poll will be opened at lire court houf'e, in the city of Sy vanttah, at ten o’clock on Monday the first day of Sept, next, to give their vote.- to supply the vacancy of a mem bet 111 the hotife of reprelcn ta ives of tlu- United Slates, ui the room of the Hon Joseph lit van re igned, to take . fleet until the 41 ft day of Match ru x , of who h ail officers con cerned will take due notice .* Ihe Minutes, 1 HUUOCH.Uk. JL\vcutivel3eivrtmcm G E< >KGI A. Louisi’ i'e, t sth July 1806. ordered, Thatthe lecund Monday in August next, he assigned for the hearing and determining controversies relative to lots of land, drawn in the late I.and Lottery, for which grants have been with-held on account of their being two or more per.. lons of the fame name in the fame county, and not delig natcb on the hooks appertain ing 10 the drawing of the said I orrery, lo that it can be theiuhy afeertained to which oi them lire laud of right be. Jongs Ail per lons concern ed. .tie therefore required to attend at this department, on tb it lay, prepared to fuhstan ti.uc their respeftivcclaims. Attest, G. K. ( LAYTON, Sen na! y. \O i 1 C E. I lot hici any pcrlon or per fens tiom purchasing one half th ■ lim o I ‘Mages now running V. wo Sac annah <& Vugulla, Ik in ! cw *s G:: f:e\, as lu has r <t coin;'bed • ith the terms • ‘e, but made 1 sham pur c 1 order to iwmdie me out oi t tv property, is • /vFFNEY. Juh /• 2.nv ii.7J /(!’ E. • viilg anv I'; n.Si up ■ i 1 ■ !;•;..> Maxwell ‘)■ *. >1 ‘ ; -re rr-qaestell to *'• >tw t-> hi ■u pr tiv attfs ■’ ■ * ‘ ‘ A U i to s ;i:i Wil . are 30:icitut j ‘■ pitV.:•; to ” * GEL, ; /.V , “ii. NOTICK. Mrs. CABOS, HAS the honor of informing I Ue politic, that she has opened hoarding house, at the corner of Broughton ft Jefferson strfeets, near Mr. Deche neaux’s, *0 suit both American and Freni, taste. She ako receives several News-papers for the amusement of her boarders. June 23. “aw if NO I ICE. I forewarn all persons from purchasing or trading for n Tract of one hundred acres of oak and hickory land, lying 011 Savan nah river, Stonev bluff, formerly granted to John Kennedy, as the property of Edmund Wal-h, as 1 -•'• l!C C/iti v OwilCi'* THOMaS WALSH. T - - A "~ r WANTED to hire by the month or year, a negro boy from 12 to 16 years of Hge. Enquire at tins office. June 30. if *—” Attention ! . lie Subscriber oilers for sale, l< 10 following ‘1 1 acts of LAND, lying in Burke county, viz. < >ne hundred acres <4 prune oak and hickory land, on Savannah over, orgrnttlly grantrd to John Ei nnedy. i wo hundred acres of first qua btt pine l.ncl, lying on the waters f Ii g Su'.Tt water, ot'gitially granted toj vnjts Aaeui tt. 1 wo hundred aitrl tony acres divided mm three tracts, oak and hickory land, on Little Sweet water, g-anud to the heirs of bjLt.MM Wilma Ms. I Be above l.uid will hr sold low for rash, or approved notes, pay ihl<- m six months f,om the date of purchase. THOVI \ 4 WALSH. ■Savannah. June i!>. ts To be Sold, OR HIRED rr the month, A middle aged Negro Wench who is a good cook, washer & ironcr.— Enquire at this OL fice. •hdy 3. Saw if. For Sale AT THIS OFFICE, llhe Georgia & South Carolina REPUBLICAN ALMANAC, for 1 he YEAR oi Our LOUD, 180 6. Containing— The Asftrono mtcal calculations, with a va, rict V °f ufcful and entertain’ ing matter. For Sale, 10.000 Bulheis ol Sione Sr Shed Lime, & 60,000 Bricks, for terms,apply to WILLIAM IIOBKIHK.*- Wav 8 5-2 t s FOIf SALE, A Likely NEGRO I'EI.LOW, who is a ccmplete house servant and long used to die care ot horses enquire at this ( dfi e. Sept. 0 iuJITcT.” AH pci lons having any d e mauds against the estate of Be ,er Collli 'o: of Sax annah, dec. win rvmlcj them in, pro penv authenucated, on 01 be m.c the 13, day ol Septetn her ik xt, tithci to the lubfcn fH rin Bcaufoi t, South. Cat o htut, or to J .inn Hcty m Sa_ ‘ 31,1 a b > all thole mdebt ed . ~t e icquested ltllmed,JMe foment. •” tOS Fi LLO, sJdrn’r. Ju ’V 76 Lil.rik deeds o ‘ -t.vcyanctA f or Sale • at.itdj TO BE SO It), ‘ on acredit of 6 month) A LO I in Oglethorp ward, near the river, and adjoining Mr. Pooler’s wharf Jot, with a mall improvement thereon. It is a corner lot fronting lco feet on a Areet, and 80 on a lane. The owner would he willing to barter it for New Negroes. Enquire at this of fice. J iily tt,i Bc6. 2a wtf. 7r. To, SALE, Two adj. i.M.g I PACTS of LAND, on ) - head ot South j Newport Kiver, . A ■ county —otic • f Er a, i4 ‘ vi e otiier of six • ‘ ‘*'•* <" ,me 1-; , 1. “t~; lor boats c 1 , m j l 0 fitly barrel iso, a LOT of two hu ■i ■ two and a halt acres in Baldwin county, second district, known bv No. 352, of prime Land, intercepted by a bold creek emptying into the Oconee river. Terms’ made known bv applying to John Pea* c ck, Uiceborough, (Libettv county) or the Subscriber in Savannah, who has plats of the said lands ‘THOMAS A PEACOCK J une i2. Now in jaii. \ LN-A WA Y Negro Jl\ who calls Itimfelf CY [j L S KEN NY, yellow com ielction, about 5 feet 9 nches, thrrry three years of age, and lays he belongs to a captain John Miles, of St. Augustine. Wm. pinder, g. Savannah, Jan. 3, ißt>6 NOW IN CHATHAM JAIL A voting folio v by the name of JOHNSON, of a black compaction, 5 feet 4 or 5 in ches high, about 20 y ears of age, he sometimes says he belongs toa Mr. Davis on the Ohoopie, and at otJici times lays he is a freeman from N. \ ork, but he has no papers to fliew Ids freedom. WILLI M PIN DE It, G. Dec. 6. 7. ■V—- — ...... ... 0-mmmmrn am A Kuna*voy negroe , Noiv conjined m Chatham coun ty goal, Savannah. } ACl\, a mulatto com plettion, ilencter made, about 5 feet to inches high; and lays his mailer’s name is Geo. Hob, redding in Oglethorpe county, from 20 to 25 years of age. Wm. PINDER G. Now in Chatham Jail. \ NEW NEGRO BOY, a. bout fifteen or tixteen years of age, five feet two inches high lias several of his country marks of Ins cheeks, and calls himse 1 ! Dirk, and says he belongs to Mr. M"dd‘ nsoll, near Ogecliee. WILLIAM PINDER, g. June 12. R U N A WAY Since the 15th nit... a yel low follow named Scioto by ” ade a Cooper. A reafona hle reward will be t aid by de. Jivering him on I'dlai’s wharf’ TllO’s. DOLLA'’ HA.N J"h- +• 3t. u, Ni'/ JCj:.. Nmr dati-applj. cation will bu made to the lion, interior Court of ( hathain coun ty, for leave to sell tract of 4j ac - es of land hi said county, ad orning Mr butler and Belntrs • ‘id-., on I.iule Ogech.-’e, tor the hem-in ot ihf heirs rt ud cr dito-s W ILLIAM W EI HI , ,T>. ’ o’ CABLE, Admrx. J une 10. fcts $3 tl> NOW m CHATHAM JAIL. JIM and MARCH. Jim is a biack fellow, about 5 feet high, twenty fevee or 28 /ears efage; calls liiii-felf a Lee man, fays he was bora in.. s . Kitt’s, ii obtained his free dom in St. Thorna’s.— M.rch is frmewhat of a yellowifli call ; from eighteen to tweity years of age, about 5 sec-t 6 or 7 inches high, with a larep pot hook iron on his neck ; alto a large iron on his left leg; Sc fays he belongs toDr. Richard’ son of South Carolina. Wm. Pindee., G. e r Tnlv 22. 73 Now i-j Chatr m Jail. r r . J bvi-, ttWAUI 5 feet 1 or 6 inches high, and. -bout cig..iCc.i or twenty years of age, of a very dirty com plexion ; with a large Iron on each leg—and (ays he belongs to Mr. Williams near Coola. hatchia in -South-Carolina. The other fellow is also cal led Jack, from twenty five to thirty years of age, and about 5 feet leven, he is also of a ve r /ry dark complexion, has a large (car on his light elbow, fays was occasioned by a burn, he is lame in the right leg ;he fays was oc cafienrd by a horse; calls him le!f a free man, and at other times he fays he belongs to a Mr. William Martin nearAu guAa, in this Aate. Wm. PINDER, G c. c . J til v 23. 73. robbery: I 11E Subfciiber’s btore on Meflis. laylor Sc Scarbo roughs wharf was broke open on ihe night of the 18th and the foliowing goods Stolen therefrom, viz. 3 Loz. Sufpencers, J-2 pieces Olive Cord, 3 Cotton Caffimere Coatees. 4 pieces Irilh Linen, 1 Do Brown Holland, i Doz. White Clock Stock ings, j Do. Coloured do. 1 Do. Plad Veils, 3 Jane Coatees, 8 Fine llats. 4 pair Duck Trowfers, 4 Blue Jackets. 5 Do. liowfers& Pantaloons, 1 Box Candles, 1 Bolt Oznaburgs, 7 Cotton Cali; me re Panta loons, With sundry other articles not afeertained. I will give a reward of fifty dollars to any person or per lons that will apprehend the perpetrators, so that they mav be brought to condeigti p u niflunent. THOMSON fc TORPF.Y Executive Department (Georgia) Louisville , June Wifi, 1306. Thole pet ions who have drawn Lots of Land in the counties of Baldwin, Wilkin son and Wayne, 2n d have not obtained Giants for them, are notified, that such Lots as the 1 reaiurer shall not have re ceived full payment tor, on .he tivil day of September next, will not, after that day, be granted in ihe names of the ncTonswho drew them, but will igreeahly to an act, (TafUd the toth of December, 1803) Iwp piementary to the several laws lor making diflribution of the ands m tnc alorefaid counties, revert to and become the property of the State, and he oki in hke manner as frac (ioOtil j d yts of lu; vevs. G. R. ClajTon, sec’ry, j irORCTA j v>. r ,.| Chat/am Bounty. J,, , ■ Superw Court, held v ; Cr l k the c/untv aforesaid on 0.. .1 . H day of January last past, a j . ry I wa?, sworn to make true inq I of jfie supposed escheated pr.. ty of James Guard, lat. oi city of Savannah, pilot, dece .1., j H reported to have died withoutß will and without heirs, and have possessed a f the tinie ot .31 death the following property ,\u. One house upon a |e lot in Warren Ward, caiculait-dB for two tenements, two Negro ■ Wenches, and three hundred ~i ;j ß fifty dollars in the Back. ■ And whereas the said jury cnn.B firmed ihe report oi’ ihetsch. at .r.B and no person appeared to g./^fl fi/feTo noftfy ail the kindred orl lieirs who may claim under thel said James Guard deceased, that I he died cn or about the in the year 130.3, and was citizen of the United States, anjß tiiat if no person shall appear 108 make right and title to the said I property,within the term limited* by the general assembly, passed* sth December, 1801, the sau.el with both real and Personal, h)l declared escheattd to, and vested* ins aid state ■ Given under mi hand and sealß in the city of Savannah, the 26'h* day of February, in the Year ofl our Lord 1806, and in the HOthl year of American Independence, l 1* DM Ah I) W HITE, Escheatorl r £ —. ■ GEORG IV, j I TH AI after the expiration! of fix months, the fubfcrtbcrl will petition the Honorable Bel court of ordinary, for the! county ofMUrttolh in the fiatcl aforefaid,to order tlie admin.l iflrators of col. William M‘-l Intofij, the younger, decealed,! to make and Execute to the! iubferiber, titles to the follow.! mg trad of lattd, Viz. One! thou land acres in Camden! county lying on Todd’s creek! a branch of Great Sat ilia river! originally granted to Alexand-I tier Ingles and purchased by I the said col. William M‘ln-1 t<Th at the confifcated falesjl which traft the said I fold to the fubferiber, and re r I ceived payment for, but died I before the titles were execute I ed. I T’nefe are therefore to give I public notice, to all pet lons I who may be concerned, to I come forward at the above I time and place, Sc fliew cause, I if any they have, why thel (aid order should not be made I and the titles in tonfequence I thereof executed accorcu. a to I law- I WILLIAM SCOTT. I April 7ih 1806 48 2aw6m. I notice. CEO'CI A, 2 ait a all County. AENEAS, Joshua Sh rp j!i >. bath applied to me for letters of administration on the etiate and effects of John Sharp let;. :ate of ti ts county dec. i nrfe are theiefore to cite and achiionifh ail end singular t!; c kindred creditors ot the laid dec. to be and appear at the next Court of Onhnaryj to be held ior fa id county, af ter the expiration of thirty da) s from this da'e, to ihew cauie, if any they have, why laid. Ut ters fhduld not be granted. Civen under my hand and fcai of office, thin i,nh * day of May, 1806. D. BOivIN sC).\, Cik, SA vANNAH —Pfut.'TEß Bf * J A M F. S II F. L V.. At MX DOLLARS PER ANNUM P .Vi ABLE 13.4 ls YEARLY IN :.Xir