The Southern patriot. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1804-1806, August 11, 1806, Image 1

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the southern patriot. VOL. 11. No. 79.] SALES OF THE FIIAGTION.IL SURVEYS.- MT the Commissioners app lin - ed bv the Legislature to sell and dispose of the fractional sur. vets, of the counties of Wil kinson, Baldwin and Wayne do hereby give nofii e that the gales will commence on Mon day the 27 '-h of august, next, and coiitina • from d;tv to da , i jn he following -na nier, uti. . til the whole aeo sol I. wir.ivivs >n. Thole o< the fun di drier, on the •27 r .h Aug >t nex?, an i CO itllilC ho it d.< .’ ii fay, Sundays excepted, until the 2d ol September inclusive. Thole of ‘h* Second district on the 3d of September, un til the 6th inclusive. Those of the 3 i district ou the Bth September, until the 10th inclusive. Those of the 4th district on the nth of Sc member, until the • 3th inclusive. Those of the g;h district on the,s'hof September, until the 17 h inclusive. HAL D WIN. Those of ihe to district, on the ißtn of September, until the 11 1 inclusive. Thole of the 2d district, on the 23d of Septetnbei until the 30th inclusive. Thole 01 t se 3 1 dillrict, on the id of October, until the 4th iriciufiye. Thole of the 4th diiVicY, on tlv 6'h of Octoaer, until tne jth me 1 -i live- Those of the sth dillrict, on the 10th of Oeiouer. unr.i •*'- i6ui inclusive. WAYNE. Those of the ill difbicl on the 17th of October until the 24th inclusive. Those of the 2d dillrict, on the 25- h of October, until the 27 h ‘delusive. Those of the 3d dillrict, on the 28. h of October, until the 3 1 It me In live. Terms of Sale. Os the purciiafers bond, with approved perfbnal fecu. xity, for the amount of pur chile monev, will be reqat 0 ed, in four equal instalments, to be pai l in gold or silver ; the first payment to be made, twelve months after date, m addition to wliich a m > gage °n the prenriifes will be requir ed. -MOSES SPEER, RED DU'K SI M MS; Paituck J we, Commissioners. J’uhj 7. 69 — 2 awtf. RUN-WVAY From the fuhfcriber, on the ®s c ' n janaary latt, a negro fel low called Jack, he i about 5 stet § Inches high, fluu made, 2nd bow legged :He hadon when he went away, a blue coatee, a straw hat, and white negro cloth pantaloons. It i’ believed he is concealed at pre lent on board of fonie vessel in the river. Masters of veff. b are therefore cautioned against harboring him, or ca-n ing him awav. as in ftfch case tnev will He dealt with as the law ftrccts. DANIEL T. COOK- , 4 Hilton Head, April 21. H. She’ ill ’s Sales. On the I’uelday in Ocfo. her next, between the hours of ten and 3 o’clock.’ of that day, win he loid in the town cl .1 fie! Ton. A negro Man, named Bnitui, le‘zed as the property of Jo(iah Baker, 10 j lafisiy the amount due on a ; mortgage duly forecloied in | I vourol Levin Guaby. JOSEPH CHEWS, D. S. C. C. j Mart June 30, 1806 REMOVAL. DOC lOK SH E 1 ALL, Has'removed into St. James A Square, near the residence oi the late General VLlntolb and between 1. Wood, esquire’s large building and the corner house of the eliate of Justus 11. Schnber, at present occupied by Oliver St urges, esquire. July 7- 3 > factorage; A N 1) Commission Business THE lublcriber has taken the wharf which has for lonic time been occupied by Meflrs Havens id Bilbo , on which he has convenient and fafe Stores for the reception of Produce, and will be happy to serve his ‘riends and the public, in the above line. 1 ROBERT M’DOUGALL February 13, 23 ts Mr. CABOS. U Alii i, ■: t jElt AND B \RBER, T ,•* i.i r■. ... X OFFERS his lei vices to the public in his Biauch of Bufinels, as he perfectty un derllands trimming hair in the handlomelt taste, ala titus A a Legiptieune—he daily ix pests from London an assort ment of tl AIK, with a varie ty of aiticles of Perfumery. Ele has opened his Sti ‘p on the Bay, contiguous to tne Patriot printing O fice. He will wait on the Ladies who will honor him with their orders < ~fr Prentices are wanted. Li 1 7 4t • 69 JAMES LA NS L 9 Is ; LADIES At GE , i LE ME.VS, HAIR D LESSER, AND WIG M \KER. - MOST Relpectfully in form, his friemj.s and the pub. lie at large ; that he has mov. ed to the honSe aij lining vlr. Hober'S, opnome Vlr. John )iiion s ifote, near th<* ma'ket square, where he will attend to the commands of tnole who may honor him with their eultom, with pun t Miity. The price ol cutting hair 12 1.2 Do Shaving 6 1 4 Do Dressing 1212 J urn* -2.3 • 4 NO r IC, E. Ninemon'li> iferdate, r.ppa catio > will he mode to the bon Interior co-’rt of Effingham coun ts- for Rave to sell a traot o land in said countv*. contain!.. 100 acres. Is ing on tne Sijnhurv Ho id, for the benefit of the lioiit, 0.1 -j-Hfiitors v rjH i\ - r ‘*' T ? TO ’ r r A -Inter E. CABLE, Adinr'x. 4 iM O N D A Y, August 11, ißco. CHATHAM SUPERIOR COURT, January Term, 1806. Christina Dasher, . vs- /Pe titinn In* hen s and re- > for Eoi'edo presentatives of \sur e . 7 ‘hn Haupt. dec. ) :F I EON the petition of Christt . na Dasher, praying the foe closure of die equity of re <h mption on the following pi emi- CcS ; Al l. that lot of land in the c>t\ or S ivanimn, known by ih c numniber five,third tvthing He\- nods Ward, containing sixty feet in width and ninety feet so depth, wit h ihe improvements thereon, mortgaged bv Elizabeth Haupt, now Elizabeth Dowell, Robert Bolton, and Justus Hartman Scheuber, guardians of the per sons of the said John Huapt, and trustees of the property of the | ‘■‘id John Haupt, by virtueof an oiderol t'lu hon.tlie superiorrourt of Chatham County aforesaid in he said Christina Dasher, for the sum of eighty pounds steri ng, equal tothree hundred and foi t y two dollars eighty-five cents se ven mills and one-seventh moneii t tile United States, on the sixtv day ot May, which was in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine, and on motion of hiR. CUY LEH, Attorney for the Petitioner , IT IS ORDERED BY THE COURT, that the principle, in terest and costs tint- upon said mortgaged propt rtv, be paid into Court within twelve months from tins dale, and the same be to paid, the equity of redemption shill thenceforth be foreclosed and other proceedings take placed pur cant to the act of assemble an such case made and providey And it is further ordered, in pursuance of said act that this yjaJ^ ‘LIL'ALui this state at lease nee in every iVlontli until ttie time appointed for payment, or served on the Mortgagers, or their special agent, at least six months previous to the time the said mo ney is ordered robe paid into Court as aforesaid. Extract fron the minutes, .1. BULLOCH, CIA. Feb. 29. 18!ti. GILOItUiA, ) \Vnc-re’ Chatham County. f as at a Superior Cos u., heid in ,<nd tor the county aloresaid, on lire lain clay of January last past, a jury was sworn to make true inquest of the supposed escheated pro* perty of John iVJox.iani late of Unadrain county, pinuter dec’d, reported to have died without will & without heus, and to have possessed at the tune oi ins deaths tne following property, viz. One t.Ol iu the city of Savan nah, with a single story House, calculated for uvo tenements. One Negro fellow, and Bonds and Mortgage, upon real estate wiiniu the said city tor abou ■ 1700 dollars. And whereas the said jury con firmed tne leport ot the r-sciieaior and no person appeared to gain say the same. These are therefore to notify all and singulai tne Kindred 01 heirs wiio may claim under the said Jonn Moxham,deceased, who is supposed to have been a native of the kingdom ol Great-Britain, that he died oil or about the Bth day 01 September, 180t> and was a citizen ot die United States of America, and that if no person shail appear to make right and title to the said property within the time limited by the act oi the general assembly, pasted sth Dec. 180!, die same wi II both real and personal, be declared es cheated to, & vested in said state. ’ Given under mv hand and seal in the citv of Savanna, the 26th’ day of February, : n the year ot our Lord, 1806, nud i *h 33fi vearof American Independence EDWARD WHITE, Esclieator. March t “. -eg GEORGIA,” By his Excellency JOHN HIE- I.EDGE, Governor and t’oni mander in t hies of the Arm, and navy in this State, and of the W dips thereof. A PROCLAMATION. \V , T ‘ERE Sin ana by an * * a H palled the 11th February entitled “ An Act to regulate the General. “ Eletlionsin this State, and 64 to appoint the time of the | * 4 meeting of the General Al | “ Itmhly,” it is among other | “ things declared : “ That all | “ writs of elections to fill va ; “ canciesthat may happen for “ members of the General As “ sembly of this state, or 44 Houfeof Mepiefeiitattves of “ ‘he United States, (hall be “ directed to the Jultices of “ the Inferior Courts of th. “ refpeffivecounties, who are 44 required to give public no 44 tice thereof, and canfe the “ fame to be held in manner 44 and lonn and herein before 44 pointed out, agreeable to 44 Inch writ.” And wkeitas a vacancy hath happened in the Houle of Re p'efentatives of the United Mates, by reafort of the resig nation of the Honorable jo. feph Bryan, who was elected and commissioned to serve as a member rlicrcin, for this Hate, uutil the fourth day of March next. I have therefore iho’t /? , rc ? , f ‘hilk'&y 4 ‘Y. ot living, cl i r Cling and ordering the j us tices of the Inferior Courts of the respective counties in this ita;, 1 , to confider the 5 ; fame as a general writ of election for fid ing the aforesaid vacancy, tud Ido hereby charge & ihe said Jultices to give dar, notice, that an election for rj ie pm pole aforesaid, will he |r ! 1 in the fefpect'ive coumies, on MON OIY the fi st day SEP I’EMBER next, Audi do htrebv lunher rr-qi- 4 j re t |iat inch retuMis of said. election, a> the a fore laid act >.>r,us out, tie nude to the Executive De partment within the time pre- Tciibed. C’.ivcn under niv liar.d and the Great Seal of t.lie State, at the State-House in Louisville this twentv-eighrh day of June, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred ami six, and of the United S.ates of America, the thirtieth. John Milledge. By the Governor, HiMarbury, Secretary of the S’ Ue. Moses A Roberts, Has just reedvi and, Per the H ilda a. Am, ro n New York, five trunks of Excellem and lVe'U Assorted s h o i- r. Country Merchants will he sun plied on the hort> : r node’- , ( j on tlie- most reasc ahle 1 , m # A LSO O N F- * \V r* 1 \ few barrels e--e Vi egn Dino Chervy hmoce D'tto Mint Cord als July to, i ‘•**-,orenti'-'-w Tod-^nturcs * for lale at this Oihce. ['A hole Nu m itca 1/3. SheriiFs Sales. Will be fold, on tt.e firfl f LEND AY in September next, at th c court house in this city, between the h urs of ten amt mice o’clck k. Til Hf E N EGRO; g, \ 7* _ , ( t ‘ li ” d| G I’VI two Chudreri, aar.h and Eotn, undivided ’.operiy, taken under fundi yr executions againll Thomas Niilia and flphert Jourdan. A L n O, Jonn and Ins wfe Catherine, together with their dnldien. Charlotte, Juliet and |f a rv, ‘akeu under execution, Ed -m !.<-wis vs. Emanuel poimed out by the defendant. A N 1), The House and ftnall ibii’J ing, adjoining the lot No, - oppofi e VVtiiiain U f* and 011 upi. and i-y Williair ¥ > kcr, tak-n uiukr exeiu'.r n | ihe ot :iaq h jye f Wilham Parker J ** Atlo, Lot V.,. fd-. conel) Tv thing iW 0 . ( j* with theimproveme’.itj, or so much a v s W,| | arjf .p taxes due for dre ’ r .O William Mills, poi ,*N > P Ui .nte<j .ui by the aeferti am. J * Conditions c.iffi H. W. W n ~ . ‘ ’ a Ll AM V D s. c. c. Augulr 4 2>liE Rlfii< ’ s E/v LES On the. fiiß Tuef.L,y in Odd* bernext.attlveCourr'.houQ. in the city of Savannah, f r f y 4 a - J - [ '* c USl’t vl tI'JUIS.* FOUlf iir,*yrot!s viz. Svl v;a. j • uriey, H Dor and Nu ke;/, Liz. (1 and to be fold un<k* x and by virtue of an execution gMjunded on a. u’ ortgage, Johii ‘Poipoil, vs. J'i.nes Smith. 11. W. William , ands. c. c~ •’ ugult 4 77. I’ARE N 1 ) I’IGE. [’hat oil the fifteenth day of September a: the plan® tation of Jacob Taylor, Ire of Bu ka county, decealcd, WILL BE SOLI). Ah tkeoelTonal property be longing to the ell te of laid I deceased W. TAYLOR, Admimltiator. Align ft 4 77. ~1() LEI , THE Farm on the V,’f’ (ej . bluff toad, one and a qfiar>er miles from the city, containing twelve acres of land lately occupied by Mi, Oates. Ors the ptemiles ate a convenient two (lari’ house, which Ini* 1 ’ ■ 11 unuerweht a thorough t’ a chair l.ouic, Hst*jd’ S 3 large out house • e a ;-f'° * ,rws and J’p c • ulent e v 'iciniry of the house to e “ .ad Sc other rirundlan. | ‘ r ., will adapt it to the puri, ofes of a public houfe—for articuiars’ apply to, EIUVI V h ’’CM L, 1” 26 66 ts. T ’w'> a ■ ic tiees are Yt it'd a this Oilice. li.