The Southern patriot. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1804-1806, August 11, 1806, Image 4

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&t an fnfe-ior Cotm lief an and I eld at Savannah lot the county of Chatham, ori Wpdnefdav, ‘he 7th day of July, BcA Pre*enf thier Hoftbri> Fthuar(l Telfair, John H Morel, Archd. S- Kid loth. Ordered that the followingae ia oft in jurors h e fined in ihe sum “I 20 do'iars each, tin.efs they in tke fii’ffictent exciile on oath, and fi . *he fame in the c!ck’s office of this court,with in thirty (lays. Satnpfdri Neyle, Wm P<>> Mathew Barter. 1 ),.v 1 1 H tl * fe . i nomav Flint, James O Jiui <\bi ; *ham Abraham** John Cou'tnev, John Li* I ** bndg<-, William Wilton, J* Meijts.Jas Cuthbert, HaaeFe*** Fx'r iet trom th‘* Mirtures. .1 HU I L') H Clk. * c *: ll* I PQfi __ ■ *. . . t 0 >0 t. t tv :tH r ll I** NODIU. KJwn 1U T-l/tur, John /) Mtel, ytimet Alger, BA he justice* of the Infe_ rior (ourt of the county of Chatham, and in virtue of a ’roclarna iqn of his Kxcellen emy Iv Governor !o ditected I he electors ot the county ff haihnni, are hereby notified fiat a poll will be opened at fie court hoitfe, in the* cify of iavannah, at ten, o’clock on yfonday the first day of Sept, .text, to give then votes to f'upttly the vacancy of a mcnr ber in the houle of reprefen tatives of die United States, irt the room of the Hon. Joseph Biyan resigned, to take effect until the 4th day ol Match next, ol which all officers con corned will take due notice Extra-! tr*m the Minutes, s 1 IJ JOC i. k. 1. 4.0 ut ve Dcj ar ment t. t K l/l r 1.-.mvle, sth July 1806. OR DLRBD, That on idood Monday in August next, be assign’ and for the lie 1 1 my, and detertiiimng c uttiovei ues teiative to lots ©Hand, drawn in the late Land J t-et y, for winch gr mts have been with held on account ut th. ir being two or more per* fort of the lame name in the lan e county, atrd not defig Dated on the hooks apj>eri ( 'iiu ing 10 the drawing of the laid l ottery, fir that it can be thereby a fee. tamed to which of 1 hem the laud of right be. longs—All per tons concern, cd. are therefore required to attend at this department, on that clay, prepared to lubstan* ttate their respective claims. Attest, G. R. (. lcyton, s Sect'tary. . NO TICE. I forbid any perlon or per sons from put chasing one ball the fine of Mages now running l t t ween Savannah <Sc A ugulla, ■from Lewis Calfrey, as he has Tot complycd with the terms <>! sale, but made a sham pur chaletn order to fwinde tne out of my property. J AMES GAFFNEY. Julv 23 2 w f.75 -T , ‘lhe Subscriber, Having utki-K he s ore Lie *Tv oc. copied bv J.Sc J. WvHv. Offers- for stile an asxortmtnt Os Boots and Shoes, (hi modern < icrn*'. tJ. iilg about to leave the ‘tale, fit- has authorised Fr*N’cis Tufts to f rans*'-t business lor him during his ahsi-nco. . DANIEL WOODS. July 10, jt MGTTCE. Mrs. GABOS, HAS the honor of informing the public, rhat she. ha* opt ned a hoarding house, f* r *h e c ‘ )rnt ‘ r of Broughton & jeffersonstreets, near Mr. Decueije aOx’s ‘<> suit both Amncati and Frcnb t ;i sie. She also receives several ■News-papers for the arhusemetti -of'her boarders. June 23. 2awtf w ■ ■■■ ~ - ■ ‘ NOTH E. I forewarn all persons from purchasing or trad mg f<> r a * ril,: ’ of one hundred acres o* and hickory land, R ing •’ Sava "* hah river, Stonev bluff, formerly granted to John Km property off 3MU*d W aLsh, as I am the only owner THOM \S WALSH. June 19 6+ WANTED to hire by the? month or year, a negro hoy from 12 to 16 years of age. F.nqdire at this office* | nne 30. and Li ti+i ‘ ‘*'•* Attention ! T'he Subscriber offers for sain, (lie following R tads of LAND, fving in Burke county, viz. One hundred acres of prime oak and hickory land, on Savannah river, orginally granted to John Kennedy Two hundred acres of first qua lity pine l nd, lying on the waters of /fig Sweetwater, originally granted to J vmes /j ARRf-TT. Tw o hundred and forty acre? divided into three tracts, oak an.* hickory land, on Little Sweet witter, granted to the heirs ol William Williams. The above land will hr sold low for rash, or approved notes, pay able in six months Tom the datt of purchase. THOMAS WALSH. Savannah, June 19. tt —— ■ . - - r \ 0 be Sold, OR nntrn fy the month, A middle aged Negro Wench who is a good cook, washer & troner. —Enquire at this Ot„ fit e. • July 3. 2 iff f. l-or Sale AT THIS off I of;, The Georgia c3 South Carolina REPUBLICAN ALMANAC, For'l'he YF. AR ot Our LORD, . 1806. Containing—The Asdlrono inical calculations, w ith a va. riety of uleful and etuertaitr ng matter. For Sale, 10,000 Bullieis o : S’orrr A - Shell Lime, Si 60,c00 Biicks. For terms ,jpph to MILLIAM HOBKIRK. 1 Mav 8 52 ts FOR S\l E, t'f’ A Likely NEGRO FELLOW, who is a ccmpleie house servant and waiting-man long used to the care ot horse* —•.enquire at this Office. Sept. 9 N O T I C E. All pcrlons having any de mands against the estate of Pe. er Coff tllo: late of Savannah, dec. will rendea them in, pro perly authenticated, on orbe lore the 13th day ol Septem her next, either to the ftlhfcri. her in Beaufort, South Caro lina, or to fames Hely in Sa. vannah ; and all thole indebt ed to laid estate, a;e requested to make immediate pavirerg •JOHN CQSTILIo, Adm'r, Ju'if SI. T 6, j TO BF SO TP, J on acredit of G month) 1.0 1 in Oglethorp vvaH, near the river, and adjoining Mr. Pooler’s wharf lot, with a mall improvement theteon. It is a corner lot fronting 100 fiet on a ffreet, and 80 on a lane, fcf” The owner would be willing to barter it for New Negroes. Enquire at this of fice. July 11. tßc6 2awtf. 7. i-ok sale, Two at j lining TRACTS of ! LAND, 011 the beau ol South j Newport River, in M‘lntos.h j county—one of lour and the oilier of six hundred acres prime Rice and Cotton Land, navigable for boats carrying from forty to fifty barrels Rice. Also, a LOT of two hundred and two and a half acres in Baldwin county, second district, known by No. 352, of prime Land, intercepted 1 by a bold creek emptying into I the Oconee river. Terms made known by applying to John Bea- C’ Ck, Riceboro gh, (Liberty county) or the Subscriber in Savannah, who lias plats of the said lands ;THOMAS A PEACOCK .1 uno i2. Now in jail. AK UN-A WA Y Negro who calls 111 rnfelt GY kLS KENNY, yellow com plection, about 5 feet c, inches , thirty three years u age, and fays fie belongs to a captain John Miles, ot St Augulftne. t Wm. PINDER, G. Savannah, lan i8 >6 NO W IN CHATHAM JAIL A yOuitglcitOw uytuc natite of JOHNSON, of a black compitction, 5 feet 4 or 5 in ches high, about 20 yeais o *tge, he . sometimes says he belongs toa Mr. Drvts on tin Oliou, te, and at otiici times lays he is a freeman from N. \ ork, but he has no papers to litew ins freedom. \v ILLIaM PINDEft, G. I*ec. 6. 7. A Runaway uegroe, Aota confined in L/haitiam coun ty 6 0a U bavantial). JAGK, a mulatto com* plection, Render made, about 5 feet to inches high; and lays his matter’s name is Geo. Hob, residing in Oglethorpe county, from 20 to 25 years of age. W M . PINDFR C T . Now in Chatham Jail. A MEyV NEGinO BOY, a* bout lit teen or lixteen years of age, live feet two inches high lias several of his counter marks on his cheeks, and calls hirtise*f Did:, and sa>s he belongs to ;\ir. Mkli! nsell, near Ogee bee. W 11.1.1 BINDER, g. June 12. RVNA W A Y Since the 15th u 11.. a yel low fe'low named Scipio b y ‘rade a Cooper. A reafonahle reward will be paid by deliv ering him on Telfat’rs wharf,to. ’ T HO’s. DOLLA r HAN. Jtdv 4. sc. V.t. MOV 1C K. Nine months after datt,app|j caiion win be made to the | )0n ’ Inferior Court of t h.,tha m C oun’ ty, for leave to sella tract of 45 acre* of land in said county, ad. joining Mr. Butler and lielluTs ! a " t!s ; on T-'ldc Ogecfiee, for the ,rn lMu”d ]n “" d j WILLIAM WRIGHT, Adm'r. £’ CARLA, Admr'jc June 16. Hyr 83 if, * KrJIV T*i CITATH.myAIT JIM and >’Ant H. Jim is a hiack icllow, abot. 6 feet high, twenty (even or 28 years ofagej calls him felf ; j fee man, lays he wav born in. s. Kin’s, & obtained his free clom in St. 1 noma’s.—Marcl is f( mewhat of a yellowilb caff ; from eighteen to twe..t\ years of age, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, with a Inn.’ pot hook iron on fits neck.jalfr a large iron on hi’ left leg ; fays he belongs to Dr. Richard for. of South! arolina. VV ? m. Binder, G. e. c July 22. “3 Now in Chatham Jail. Two Negroes, abou 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, and about eighteen or twenty yet.r.s of age, ol a very dirty com plexton ; with a large Iron on each leg—and fays he belongs to Mr. Williams near Coofa. hatchia in South-Carolina. The other fellow is alio cal led Jack, from twenty five to thirty years of age, and about 5 feet (even, he is ailo of a vr iy dark complexion, has a arge fear on his elbow, which he fays was occasioned >y a burn, he is lame in he right leg > he fays was oc r.fujtu and 0/ a horse; calls him (clf a free man, and at othei times he fays he belongs toa vlr. William Martin near Au* ;ulla, in this ffa:e. , Wm BINDER, G c. c. July 23 73. Brought to Chatham JAIL. On to the 28 h inst. Bob of i yellow complexion, five feet 7, about twenty two or twenty three years of age, ve* iy large eves and thick lips, with a final) fear under “his right temple, fays he belongs to Doct. Off rntf on the Oco. nee. WIL 1.1 AM PINDER, G. J u| y 3 1 * 7 6 - BROUGHT TO CHA TH 1M | All,, ON the oOth inst Jack of a dark c- mplection from twenty to l well y five years rf age five feet six, !ias i scar on his rigiit cheek which he savs In3 master did ‘vuh a nut mg needle as a particu lar brand and says he belongs to a Mr. Bibbins on lie Alatainahaw r.vtr. WILIAM IMNDFR. n Jnb 31 . iiOiiiiUit i. I HE Subic 1 iber’s on MefTts. Taylor Sc Scarbo rough's wharl was broke open on the night of the 1 Sth and the foilowing goods btolcn therefrom, viz, 3 Doz. Su (genders, fi pieces Olive Cord, 3 Cotton Kerlimere Coatees. 4 pieces Irilh Linen, 1 Do Brown Holland, 1 Doz. White Clock Stock ings, ■| Do. Coloured do. i Do. Plad Veits, 3 Jane Coatees, 5 Fine Hats. 4 pair Duck Trowfers, 4 Blue Jackets. 5 Do. 1 rowfers& Pantaloons, t Bok Candles, i Bolt Ozhaburgs. O 7 7 Cotton CaflmietS Panta loons, With furtHry other articles not aicertaincd. I Will give a reward of fifty ollars to any person or pet lons that will appielm.d perpetrators, so tba they ir. \ I be brought to con eign p U . iiifinnent. TidOJMSON 6 rCRP.'T Executive Depar M (Georgia) I Louisville, June 2 erf,, jl Those pet loin, wj 1n M. 1 awn Lots of Land j-,1 -'unties of Baldwin, i\M on and Wayne, and hav(H htairted Grants for ij, P J TOttfied, that fuefi Lc!, a B : reafurer shall not b. aV( B ■ f ived full payment for, J iuff day of September I will not, after rhat duvß granted in the names effl uerfons who drew i hem, i, l agreeably to an act, (paff* orh of December. i'lementaiy 10 the feverail or makiiig diflribulion oil ands in theaforefaid con* *■ revert fcj and become! property of the State, aij oid in like manner as fl ‘ional parts of fiuvets.” I G. R. Clayton, seci G OIIGIA 7~Whiß Chatham County, j as I ■'uperiot Court, livid m amlß the county on the fl day of January hm past, est was sworn to make tiucmfl 1 i the supposed cm heated !>nfl ty of James Guard, Lt< tfl city cl Eavannah, pilot,'dt cfl reported to have duel :| will and without heirs, arfl have possessed at the time ofl death the following pr operr .B One small house upon a l-fl lot in Warren Ward, calcyM for two tenomeiits, two .\t| VI enches. and three bundled! fifty dollars in the Bank. I And v. herfas the said jury J firnitd the report ot theesehu! and no ‘ perso'n appeared 10 J sav the same.— These are tl! fore to notify all the kindridl heirs who may claim utuhrl said James Guard deceased, I he dud on or about tire I in the year 1803, amltviH I citizen of the U iitid Stairs,Bj that if no person shall npnt-aißp make right and title to the property,within file term lia.fl b\ the general assembly, tmsß” sth December, 1801, the sal with both rial aridPerscnahfll declared escheated to, and vufl ins aid state fl Gi- en under my hand amisW in the city of Savannah, the 2'fl day ol February, in the Yearfl our Lord 1806, and in the 3fll > car of American Indepc-rnien.'B EDWARD WHITE, Escheatfl If NOTICE. I CEOGIA, I Tattnall County’. ■ WHEREAS, jofiiua Sfifl jun. hath applied to me : fl letters of adminiflration rnifl eltate and efie£ls of John Skill fen. late of this county decK These are there'ore to cfl and admonish all and fingufl the kindred and creditors fl the laid dec. to be and 3ppfl at the next Court of to be held for fa id countv,fl ter the expiration ofthiityvifl ftom this date, to shew caufl if any they have, why Laid isl ters fltould not be granted. ■ Given under my handri* leal of office, this nil day of May, 1806. 1 D. BRINSON Clk.l TO Gakdnl ks, I A n, cbmirg well rcco*! merited w ill hear pf a good <* ! ! permanent situation as a Gw* nvr,b\ apply ing at this office. July 3 1 3t SAVANNAH Printed t * J AMES HEL Yr At six dollars per annii Payable half yearly in a! VAN OS,