The Southern patriot. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1804-1806, August 14, 1806, Image 2

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rn Trrr w**rTrpv wc'VJn 77” 77* ////•>■ r ’rtf> ‘">/’ riff tin. f/rv p><Tt'r rnnsf'irnry, £jf yrreTri fl’ r'i t’fA eyperlitlon. l n *’ r- lU* * if rot'sjilran- & rrrret rnmti , r'r*ttfiti, of thaso which I live ; fTerted the Thiited ?tiir “, ilipie !irp iw’iv - of ex• ♦ rnri'dman* ;t fta'nr**, a the Tree at’o'P rt■ nth'r-rd, I‘*. I I'** Ken tnr-V-v Spanish asenri ation wns formed ;*hon* 1 7P5 or FTKA, con tinued until 1 790 : bn* Ifw tnu< h lonp't r i uraertpir —lt l - p n< ral ruppcs'd object, wn c ti e separa tion of Ken'nrkv nrd 11>*• IVet. im ternfnrv bom die ITnitfd State ,t, to add th'-m to the’ ‘•pan i*h tronarchv. 2d. The compi rrx-v of governor Blount, vas a • pier nrr ji pted in 1796, in con. junction whji tin RrtisH poverti. iniTt to ip* a<i *!*■ Spanish ter li’otif’ front f pend. . aided be tjfliifti inb*ted uit tin tin Unhid F'ntt’s. at d1 “i tht- ‘lndian*. Pd. Tli -< li-me of i*t n< rai Mutinda, whatever i* n;. v 7. is l*rforj th'f tno• • eith. *• parlv Xfi utfd o* and f sued. Th<mdv .vtthrntic do. t in n *.-.■• tv hh C h v< been pub ]j I*. it r • p diner i ‘r ■ a It■ tt< r • i ■’ •. phf! Nt’ r , “huh tip pit <iid ‘it tVi * J< t unnri, (Vir pin; a,l Knqmrcr some months hin f.. and ’the meui'i'.il"* latvlt puliHch. “f>* S-onu*'’ O Ogden, in- : W • s >ii* th of N w y ilt *li 0| jri /•<- S Ever t fi t msia ic.t which is clothed h In- silos njviicy, na Hi-iiiv i xc ■ s a gr-atcr degree of tur'Osi v ‘h. ‘I inntl.-nts of in. rinuic “hen open in the p ‘lie • ve. r therefore not nnfr qm tide -mp n*>, ‘hat e vprt ‘- .f ih lo rn r <in < r ption art* st rnianiz and in rrJup.v, and jn “t n< tid t• rm at’ 1 1 o in ire piiMi’ iti’ t ■ a ! r tl r i'in if ll)>’ ill li of -'C ttv O'.td nev-r I t--n'd. Bu ‘ll ‘ Ken title Spanish nssor.i ‘lion tot in* an a •c* pt ; on to ill's n iti.tik. Twenty v ‘ hive Harped since the lor. i; .f ts-is plan, which origin the woods of K mm kv, : ; ice the we'tl’t’n territories ■ the dona oh t’ ol Strain ; Uhotijih a niijoii v of ih. •bttnnts then residiiijv ,| 1( . ,e, an-sa’ul in have combnu tl that put pose, vc’ ihu’.r scln-nu* conducted with such steroev find lidcliH llift the particulars a>'e at present only knywn ui a veiy h w intlividiirls with the tx vepvitm ol the’ parties immediate. 1\ concerned. I vnuld lor us It: ie rv r teinainid huried m nb- I viVflt, \V( 11 We rtiiivinc.'d that all the agents of it had entirely aban doned their idta ol ellccting lt (||. vi'ion of tlie United States u, the imetcst ol son e furtign power. Itui belit ving lrom vat.ons cir cum.lances, that alihengl, the fi'st plan, has been lt>ng * nee dis missed an ‘hf sell me is in agi tation ;■ • them it rur drift to lay bt l'T. ih- pt.hl'c mm It gen ml : lams as have tonic within'our hnowle.'ge. t . tl * hich \vc ate an- 1 tla ri and . y may he sebstm ii- I at* il to a <’ ii tf jn tlce. The j icnsp'iaiv ■ I ibount, and the late ‘ expedii on Miranda, in our ep nittt, mat be tract and to he tn ii *iier o, i.’ and are oniv smiihir j Ep ill. t.oii- pi i neil to a litiir- j er diit't•• * i \\ .en we sav they ! originated * < i i: ri.t same sotnee j Wt vio lli*i tin at. ‘ e vt i , to in. | ,sii i a'’ - hi'’ ‘ln ni n. h. rg ol the 1ii.,1 i .aOi uttion had a | ait in tln to o iaitcr. On tht tontrarv, we belt * vi t v letv oi ,h. m, if any, hi.d a know ledge ritnti es l'i.ooiu’s it mi nat ioro'. < , etal iM it anti-* ; hut Dial the pn | etors ol the fust scheme Ini oih i- cmi Siet'ed with them to tile iidopiion ol < In- i .'O la6t. ‘I he idea *1 a set ol men con spiting wit. t* e ii.un tion .l to, tis-i* ring .. poitiou ot t! a.i courtly ol ihiy ateci /, ‘ ,It • fei elgn |)OWt 1 aIw..JS i. with it >udi an appiat ; l"*'Sttst ttvusill, \'ume didicuUx, it die oilenee cuu ii I* \ > t ii utr he* al ter,'. . v . . .tcuoliabw, i. vas y i a • • !t v i'll m icml of me •<- e■- 1 Uic Kiiitui ky asto 1 um tin ,111)11. as nth n. j ■ a. .luii tn oi ii any ot u-isvui.tuucu who ate not sou- nih Vrotrn fn ns, We are ronfi d ni d’tit onh the- n o * exinme tit rt • site r< rnprlh and tht rrf to take o partin the triarnnabh- sclrerre. It I* tjt'rt iinlv tast f<’r those tr praltV a I out l'h< rV, iedepen there and patriotism, who are pence: bh seated in ‘the heart of a c’i iligecl r'rtirtry,and who rtrer 1 lif t txpetienred the calls of huri. g*r tie fat*rnr of inrf'sant o nn i ii p for n onths toge her in tht wll t'r, and ‘he hot rot •-of an Trr'b'ti wrr—l’ut tie situation of tin Fcptt’f kiat's at ‘he petit and v hen tl i‘ plan was projerttd, was very t ,: f. tent Ire ni a state ol ptateallc timet. After having de i t ied the It f* period of their life, in li e establishment of the irideprudence<of their country ; aftt i havirgshed their blood in its elelerce, and submitted ‘o the i Is of the rcvolti'ionaiy war, if< v -aw th< msi Ives in the decline of age. tinsuppOiftd by their country, art 4 forced / or a sehsist < nee to traverse a wilderness of nature, where dtatl) lav conreal • ti it. t very bushiihd the seal .■mg iti iff of the Irulian threatened tl t m at cVcrv step. When to those evi is the enriitt’ of the .Spni iatels was add. and on-erne side and that of the Canadian jjovem mel'ttm the oilier; e ouglu to pause ami reflect ‘on their situa tion. Il ft pa’aliel is to l)e lound in a> eieut history, it is ’the-case ot tlx Itriti ns, ik their tel. brat ed lette rto Actios, imploring tile aidof ihe Homans, inav conve. some idea “f the situation of the iuhabiumts of this state twent years .(go. ‘1 he elements ot el.:- stiuctioii which hung ever the K- titucl.iatis, were it is tro-e, a iitfie dideretit from those which tlireatciicd the ancient Britons, hut not less tremendous. “ W ‘knownot (a\ die liritoii') vvhic:, w> to turn us. The iiaibattaii drive us to the sea, and the sea forces us back to the Barbarians; between winch w have ofil\ ihe ohotce of two deaths—either to be swallowed up by file waves, o *° he butchered by the sword.” Under these circumstances, the cool and d'spassionate rea -oner-will not see it astonishing’ if ►von V rtue and integrity them selves, yielded to the plausible prop, sal of an intriguing and am bilious adventurer. Ti:is man was general Wilkin son, the pres. m governor ol Up per Louisiana Destitute ol the means (if su iportrng a vain and ostentation- parade in life a mong wealth) settlers ; general VViiUin-On at an early period sought Ihe woods ot K nttickv, in hopes probably ot having one dav the control of the state, lie settled in tin county of YV 00 j. ford —l'lti property lie brought with lint dirt not exceed a few h’tithed pounds, ad tone or lour slav is. ‘I his liovvt \ er, might ’ have been sufhtieut lot a pet on ofa d'flvreiH Cliara. tei tiom YVil kii sen 10 have pii 1 tiin ci ml the nm ssa: lev ot tvnu ni he iohn try at that peroci could atfnid. Hut die naoirit. temper attendant <n vanity ik ambition, soon prompted him to ‘tar. h lor aim liter fit Id where weak was more abundant and pomp and hixmv “ere nut to be letitud u\ me tubs of a republican people. I Y\ i'h tins design, he made an i excursion down die lVii'Msstppi, ; in'lilts hep inning ol th< Viat Trfj; | his stay was snort, fie look mm | tlier tup in iTStI, but previously ! bad the policy to cause an iinpi es j -'ion tube made at Natchez and New Orleans, by propet entissa -11. s dispatched tor the purpose, Unit h< was a prison of the hist inti vine and constquence in Kentucky and the western coun- n > ; and could eon.maud at plea \ Mite an auiiv ot ten or fifteen j ‘h. it sand citizens,—v-ioz > at this ; peiu.d was tin Spanish president at Natciles, a man every way cal culated bom to be imposed upon ana to impose upon others. The nuiuitis anddeportnietu of Uio zo uutl W tlkinson were nearly a* tike ; both loud oi show, mutual ly sincere, auu mutually lavisiioi then services and promises o tl leiinisllip. .m undei standing ut J ‘■he most i . innate natuic was tneftnre scon n hbu-htd be tIVCCU kIIWU. pan O* tile 111 US beautiful bav geMings, which Svillfinsoh bought for the express peipo-e fir m col. Bannister, at Bete r-huigh, Virg. were the next tpring forwarded to the Spaniard. At the rc-tjuest of Gio 7o.Wilkinsfin made out a particu lar report of the georgraphy the resources and populaiion of the state of Kentucky. 7'he inhabit ants he mentioned were in-a state of ihe greatest discontent, and even bordering on insurrection —attt! that they would cheerfully accept the yoke of any foreign powtr which would aid them in a separation from the union. ‘T his report was transmuted to IVlero the governor of New Or leans, and by him to the court of Madrid ; but the Spanish transla tor in some manner betrayed its contents to the earl of Bute, then British ambassad'-r in Spain who procured a copy of it for his go verntnent. Thus Avas the state of Ken tucky to be set up for sale, and to be courted and intrigued for by two European powers -Gar doqne, the Spanish minister at Philadelphia, was applied to for that purpose on the ptrt of Spain while lord Dorchester, the gover nor of Canada, was informed with a similar view by the rtr.nistrv of Great Britain. A copv of WiL k nsoti's report was transmitted to lord’ Dorchester, which is pro_ babh vet in that nobleman’s pos es'ion ; but anotntr manuscript is preserved in the private librari ol tlie tail ot Bute, at his family cat of Mount Stuart in Scot land. „ 7 be Continued. From (he Paris .1/iGUS o Jr ay 24. [Recived at tlie Ain ora Office ] We return to-dav to the l.on lou news prior to the M:h of May, which we were forced to p issovet turn the abundance and iinpmt.iiice of orft r matter. The discussion ot the Irish budget of i .ngiand. The union has saddled Ireland with all the calamities of Great-Britain, with- ‘ nu 1 makmg h*-r p •.> i impute in a ny ol the lem tits ot an immedi ate government. Evert year the debt of Ireland increases bv seve ml mi.lions It is in vain that go. vernnieot endeavours to palliate these charges, bv exhibiting be sides them the benefits which Ire land receives ft mil ti ade ( there is manifestlvno pmportion whate ver between incut. If ,i Country he flourishing in proportion to tlie taxes it is able to bear, it must be allowed that every state upon earth is behind hand in prosperity with the united king d m Ihe b'll presented to modify the laws upon the trade w ith fo reigners with the English West- I nidi a colonies, is generally de precated by the former ministeri al pal y. The principal aigu> tin nt Kiev made use of against it, is tile .ff > t produced by the fa rfi u's navigation act. I’hcv still ii• < k upon that act as the palladi um of their maritime gieatness. But otluf tithes, bring oiher cares, (government is now com* pelted, however reluctantly, to derogate from it, the ruin of Eng -1 ml might at ibis dav he the eon s’ q n nee of maintaining that hue which uniformly raised her to | >wer. It is ilie supporters of the Loll did not dare to „!ldege in o p. n parliament their Strongest rrasson, lest they should tin it by be tray the l atc weaknisjof their maritime em pire. The aim ol ministers is clearly to facilitate the subsist ence ot tile colonies. Is it in the power of the new opposition to secure this subsistence otherwise than by the United States? At a time when England can scarcely lind wherewithal to maintain her owu existence ahd Supply he. navy ; when she secs the pi ice ot corn rising every week in n C r markets and is even uncertain whether she shall in future be a ble to recti Ye ant trom the ports., ol the continent of Europe, can any other than the most factious pint raise a doubt whether-muio* Mca shall be allowed to carry on a trade become evidently as indispensihle for the colonies as the air they breathe ? Vcs ; the famous na vigation act here so itnpfopetlv alluded to, was made for the splendour of the English navy —bn 1 its author cfomwell, was denhtless not at that tint* aware that FnfMa"d would colonize the whole cluster o c islands in the Atlantic. The moment the colo nies became in want of the conti nental powers, everv other consi deration should give wav to this imperious rea'-on. The colohies being the soul of trade, the iia vv exists onlv bv their without fheii support, the hoist ed wooden walls of England wotild soon fall of themselves. ‘llciitr no motive should impede their being abundantly supplied wit’i every thing -necessary to their maintenance T his would be the time for other nations al so to frame their navigation act; it is now that die United States St the eonrtne rcrr.l powers of Eu toiie might agree together. They would require neither ships, nor money, nor blond-shed to bring down that immense and frail scaffolding raised up of. the rights of their commerce. England never ceases vaunting her maritime superiority, to cool fort herself for the losses which are prepairing her inevitable fall —but never was she more ‘de pendant than since she ap pears to impose such haru laws on other nations ; she stands in more need of their help m proportion as she extends her cOnqiiests. It is with the wood and iron of the north that she scours the wide o ■ u an'to forge the chains and yoke “f India j it is with the cbm of the coni nent of America that she supports the West-Indies. ■>he Scarcely draws any more subsistence horn her owii soil, Ik tally turns duo specie the territo rial riches ot the natio ‘s Ov* r which .-tie so ‘.vamonls dnrbibeers —bui the moment they shall huve determined to vires’ them elves and tlmr posterity I on* her ein pile, ih v will onh hive io re t.ise li< r their p odticimis ; their m:-.tress will then bt oth” ineir slave. The British governt.;n as long reigned ov the divisions it contrives to ke- p ; these divi sions have, unfortunately for the coCttneru, lasted upwards of :t ceufry. But the man Who di. rec s tlie destinies ol France holds a sword in one hand and a fl n behu in the other. Get the U. States only follow the example set them in Europe, and England will not stand long discussing whether she shall derogate Tom her navigation act ; she will then implore the one which it shall suit lb two continents to dictate to her. It ts to be remarked that a ge neral cry is now raised from the four q larters of the globe against England. In india, against Iter cruelty—America, her monopo ly ; m tfrtca, her treachery—& throughout ail Europe, against i her netar'Ous system- The En glish-writcrs use every endea vour to conceal this deluge of hatred and curses. Thus they one flat’ g've out that peace is concluded with Ho)ka r , and ‘he next diet give the he to the asser tion. Minister? upon being call ed upon in parliament to give in formation upon this head, wrap themselves up in vague terms. They report that the differences which the Behaviour of the En glish consul Cartwright ha’ given rise to at Algiers, have been set tled ; late auVices, however, lav merit deny the assertion, in m.. neial the conduct of thiTngl ; sb a getus has spread her conduct thro* out the Levant; even there w here assassination has been res umdto for poetical purposes, Hie inhabitant* shudder at sec ing it so familiar to English di plomatists. The seisure of the correspondence of French agents nas already cost England num i>ctless crimes ; many indeed tatt. been bill m die unpenetra ble darkness of the revolution, out since social order is stremr theued upon its sou ition, huw an enlighten -d gi.w,.. orient can haveresomce tomans dt.avow edcwibybailurk ~ ; s what tv c are utterly at a loss to conceit Foreign Intelligent MUNICH, May J 6. The public papers annou that the-Swiss troops are be eegfged in the service of j varia. GENOA, Vlav 21. Several telegraphs have b* plated Upon the favour 8 | points of our coast. Yestird Evening We di-covered a shi the line, anti two br ; g , suppo. to be English, steering tu i westward. N \PLES, Mav 19. The following decrees v.-; posted up td-dav. Joseph Napul oh king of N pies and of Sicily have decreed do decree what follows .• Art. 1. Are appointed cou sellers of state tlie piince oli signano, our minister of finance the diike of di Campo chio our minister of tie tredMir the prince oft aio-a, m mb c r the consetvative iribuuanal oft nobiliti : Mr. Capm Uatro, ire hisli'i’p ot I'acCituui; ,he duk Caffair , our minister if cede* tical .-ffairs ; Air. JVliciief An* lo i i.fnciuiii, our minister o fj ti'C; .he Llieviaiier Nicholas L droitclii ; gen. Maihieu Dumi our minister of jr { j, a Ferri Pisani, our cabinet sen tar y : Mi. Dominique .Vlariuci president of the tribunal oi cw merce ; Mr. Andre Francoi- i ot, our minister of the interim baton Antonie Nolii ; \icb o Carignan,duk ol JVnoli, me bei of • lie Stnatc ; Mr. jo S t. Garisi the commander R*; K ill, our inln.iter ..f u, c oerard ot Puhcasifi) j ,fi e g u( c <te Fi anci- Ktcciaid i Cm iophe Salii.eiiipo.')i mini ter general police ; the prince JDv 11. The prpfesso Tito Man; - appo nted secretary g ucra) Cle c m.siil of siaie. 111. Ttte advocate Joseph G i anti is ap mHited librarian of i touncti if Mate. (S'go -I,) JOSEPH NAPOtPOY YVe Joseph Napoleon, kir g! Naples and Sicily, hav*e de i and do decree what folio i S ; Art. i f Ihe duke of St. ihe tlore is appointed grand master the err monies. rl Ate appointed our chan her ft, ns ; || je p. ince d’Angri— ii prince of D.tlaoreto- the uuli ot Lanzane— tue prince of (_'->r manico ; the p .Pecos (Jerac the duke of Malvtzz j the dul of Montckont the prince i Monte Milcio ; the duke of N ja Carassa ; tile princ- Pignauli the duke . f Kiaiio SLrza ;.u count ile la Hocca. S'gited. JOSEPH NAPOLEON. r WESER, May 13. We are assured to say that An trian Istria will rot he incorpora ed with the kingdom of Italy .8 taria will lose part of i's territi rv; which it ig proposed to tb into a sovereign principally Ii Marshal Barnudotte, ihe brct'c tO'.’latv ol priucu Joseph now km oi Naples. WETZLAK, Mav 18. The report still continues, w hole ot the right bank of ti Rhine is to be incorporated wi* tile federal states; In con-t quence of the late artes t at fa* le, two of tlie principle honi have duierminect to retire fra business entirely. LONDON, June 1. Extract of a letter from a no! liccr on board the Orpheui da'e l at lea, April 30. “ On tiie 25th ult. in the eve* mg, we observed a Danish skf which tvas to windward of u* Upset; It was at this- time ble*