The Southern patriot. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1804-1806, August 25, 1806, Image 4

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ift an TrrTenor ronrt “began ‘ and t.etd at Savannah lor the county of Chatham, on \V unefday, l hc 7th clay rOl July, 806. Prelent hir Honor?. Edward Tejuii'i John H. Mrel, A rend. S■ Bulloch. Ordered hat the loiiov.'ing de faulting jurots K e fined in the funi id 20 dollars each, tinlels they make lufiicient excule on ©ath, and file the lame in the clerk's office of this court,with in thiity days. SamplonNeyle, Wm, Port, Mathew Bayler. David Hers’ fer, Thomas Flint, James O jiver Abraham Abrahams, John Courtney, John Lilli bridge, William Wilson, J. Meigs,Ja* Cuthbert, IfaacFell. Extract from the Minutes. J. BULLOCH, ClJt. £: v: rift 1 .Inly IPOO. CHAMBrits, 18:h Ju’>>. 1 B IRJSM-NT Tit MR m-NoURS. Edward W/lfirr, John //. Morel, Janie* Alger, P,Y the justices of the Infe rior court of the county of C l aihatn, and in virtue of a Pi iclatna ion of his Excelleu- Icncy thcGovernor so directed I he electors of the county ©fChatham* are hereby notified Chat a poll will he opened a’ the court house, in the city o Savannah, at ten o’clock on M mday the first day of Sept, in: \r, in give their voter 1 fu dy the vacancy of a mem h in the !i 11 cos re. relen ta: ive <>* ih<- United S. ‘c, in the room a r she H >n. (ofeoh Bt van resigned, to take rffiu u’ ! the . 4 h da> o* March IK X', of “Jr h n'l olficirscon rfci i.ed wi)l take due notice Extra i frm the 31'ttutes, 1 BULLOCH, Clk. Executive Department G EOKGI A. l. -uhv le, 1 St'h July 1806. ORDERED, That the iccond Monday in ] .August next, be assigned for the hearing and determining com t over sics relative to lots ©* land, drawn m the line Land 1 ■>• e‘V,lor which gr nts have b-e wi’ 1 helti on account of \) > i Vi g two or mure per., f>n of ‘he fame name n the f. e c un : >. and not defig natod on the hook- at t cro in. tug 10 the drawing of he laid ] oUcv, so that it can be thet by ale \talne:i u> which ,if ;hem the lard of right he. loii'TS —\ ll pier lons concern, fd /re therefore required to aticvd at th s department, on hi c; \, prepc-ved to fuhstan ihetr respective el urns. AttCSt, G. K . ('I. A VTON, Sen etat y. ♦ M )'i It K. I for .an , per lon or per so >s tio :i purchasing; one half the line o I Mage> now ‘.Unjlh'g be: weenS .vanuah & Vogufta, iiom Lewis Gabrey, as he ha> not coin vea wuti the terms of s le, i-u made a sham pu :haie in order to fwu rhe me out of 111 V prop; !i \. .i -v VIES ■ 1 Vr FN EY. July S'J 2ov ii. 75 K L\ V iLll .1 • • Inral in Tr ff-rs < :)>". ii < Ui tall re? _• It v oik, i.iiul Kmg ‘Hi • —< Oi ‘!>;■, 1 <r I.alt t a • . la ■ n h T nail ,ra iou i) ‘ ive month ’ ip_.t ’ OiUec, . lit? It. T^UTTrE. I forewarn ail persons from purchasing or trading for a Tract of one hundred acres of oak and hickory lann, tying on Savan nah rfier, Sioney bluff, formerly grained to Js.jin fvEMNEItiV, as the pioperty of 1 UMisu VVaLjH, as 1 am the only owner. THOMAS WALSH. June IU <>s Al tent ion ! t/jTlit Subscriber oilers for sale, 1 o following iidCts of LAND, •ingin Burke county, viz. One nuudreii acres 01 prime oak and Jiick ry land, on Suvannah liver, orgiaally granted to John Kennedy. I wo hundred acres of first qua lity pine End, lying on the waters if /rig Sweetwater, originally granted to James B arrett. Two hundred and forty acres divided into three tracts,'oak and hickory Li>cl, on Little Sweet water, granted to the heirs ol VV ixliam Williams, r ! he above land “ill be sold low for cash, or appro'* and notes, pay able in >ix month* from the aiate of purchase. THOMAS WALSH- Sa*anti ih, June 19. ts To be Sold, OR ‘HIRED RV THE MONTH, A middle aged Nepro Wench who is a good cook, washer & itoncr.—Enquire at this Oli. fice. July 3. i.'.w ’ ts. For Sale \ T THIS l) vfi ce, The Georgia A? Sonin Carolina ’ REPUBLICAN ALMANAC, For The YEAR of Our LORD, 1 SOtL Containing-—The ASftrervo. mical calculations, w ith a va riety ot tifbful and entertain’ iug matter. For Sale, 10 000 Bulheks of Stone Si-.ell Lime, & 60.000 lbicks.’ For terms ,apply to W I LLIA M 110-B KIRK. • May 8 Si ts * TOITsaTe; fKf* ‘ A Likely NEGRO FELLOW, who is a conipleie house servant and waiting-man long used to the care ot horse? t squire at this Office. Sept. 9 “ notice. ‘ Ail lei ion.> havto; any do mauds a. a *■ t the estate of Be. ter Lofitii©: late of Savannah dec. will tend, i them in, pro j'eiiy authen:nated, on or I*\ lore the -13th day of Septtm her next, euher to the fuofeti hertu Beau foil, Sou'h Caro Itna, or toJ a ires iiely in Sa_ vanm h ; and ail thole indebt to to laid estate, ate requeued u m. k immediate JGi.'N COS 11 LL(>, Adufr. JU y 21 4 7^* Oij OF r Lii IN’Ji.y J\ QUEEN. JOII < JOHES, tut hgSPßfr?c?;.Lr T V FORMS the |KI lie, -,hat L h has ryn;ed that conveni . ih 1 A; pieaiantiy sruand houb • n pie south comm ms, so t neply occupied bv M's. Wti n, vviie:e heinunds keeping meel'. Hr • I*l also keep well furnifhec • Be: with an experience off Iff, W 1 •*’ 1 to hire i •nemo i- two N> r’- me 1 ••■•* ‘ll, whofc v - v ‘ .e. 3 ulujy ♦ • . . __ __ TO BE SOLD, (on a credit of 6 month) A LO r in Oglcthorp ward, near therivtr, and adjoining Mr. Pooler’s wharf lot, with a small miprovement thereon. It is a corner ot fronting lco Ret on a street, anu 80 on a -ane. $3- The owner would be willing to barter it for New Negroes. -Enquire at this of fice. July rl, 1806 sawtf. 7 FOR. SALE, Two adjoining Tit ACTS of L.\Mj, on .he head o’ South Newport Hiver, in iVTlmosh county —one of four and ihe ottier of six hundred acres pi ime Rite and Cotton Land, navigable for-boais carrying iiom l fitly barrels Nice. Also, a LOT of tw-o hundred and two and a half acres in Baldwin county second district, known by No 352, of prime Ear.d, intercepted by a bold creek 1 log into ilie Oconee ri\ei. Idm made known by applying m Pea-, cock, Riceboro .gb, (Lifaeitv conn y) or tne oub-crib r jn Savannah, ‘who lias plats of tiie said lands IMG IA-S P .CAOCK J.;ll ; 12. Now in jal /. VR UN-a WAY Negro who calls himfclf CY K US KENN Y, yellow com* plection, about 5 feet 9 niches, thirty three years of a t) e, and fays he nelongs to a Ce 1 -'lam John-Miles, of St. Augulline. Wm. BINDER, G. Savannah, [an *<- 1 Rofi NOW lIN CL ATH AM. J AIL A young ti .0- -y the nine of jOH N *SON\ of a b• yck cotiipleciion, 5 \c; 4 or 5 it ekes high, about 20 years o ..gc, he lonictui cs says he belongs toa Mi. D vl. on the Ohoopie, and at other times lays he is a freeman from \ ork, but he l as no papers to Blew his freedom, WILLIAM BINDER, G Dec .6. 7. uTi Runaway tT’gro, Now conjmed in Chatham conn t) goal, Savannah. JACK, a mulatto com pleci ton, bender made, about 5 Icet 10 inches high ; and lays his mailer s name ts Geo- Hob, refiditig in Oglethorpe county, from 20 to 25 year, of age. Wm. BINDER G. RUNA W A Y •r Since the 15 h u)t... a vel low tell nv named Scioto hr tiade a Cooper. A reafonahte reward wiii be ppid hv deliv ering him on TeHai’rs wharf,to ‘1 HO’.DOLLA.’ HAN. Jdl 3r. .'i. /V 0 r fc e. Nn* months after clad npp 1 I i vvi:l ba made to rh-; lion, iufet c-ourt of t h.-tkam conn for leave to sob a tict of 4.- ,w es of laud in saidooimtv, ad lining Vl,r. Butler unit Bd ur\ mds, on Little Ogechoe, ‘oi ttie oenefit of the lieirs tud creditors il ILL IAM If RIGHT, A-hn'r. L‘ G iBLE, Atlmr'x June lu. 11 V P3 t>. , Wants a Situati->:i. A PERSONS, ho haMjten m * *• ‘7 ‘ear; m >1 <’o;ron Plan 1 •” m the West Indies .md 1 w b acquainted with the nv. “agethopi. or* ; wish.. 0 ob'aiq Ahe man . • in’m ’ •> id ■ • -■ r ayoiisstau Moses h■ P oberts, ’ Has jus? received, Per the Hulda k Ann, from New-” York, five trunks’ of j Excellent air! Well Assorted SHOJiS. Country Merchants will be sup plied on the ihortest notice ana cn reasonable tenm*-. HE hasalP> lately received pei the Biig Georgia, one trunk of tafhiojuble Suwarrow boots which be will Fell very low sot CASH. August 18 80. Constables Sales, At the Court house in this city on Thursday the 28 lh Inst, be tween -the hours of 10 and 3 o'- clock. WILL BE SOLD, ONE ioire! hoile levied on to latisfy executions, ifiued a the lui>s of Mariquand a.-, ci Paulding, Seymoui Sc Wool ho. ;cr, net John Gindrat. Conditions ( ASH. OMN P. P'JURNEL, C. C. C AugU't 11 79 Henry Butman, > lILL, vs. Georgia , 6th J. A band anon, j Circuit cow t, May J’erm, 1306. On motion it is-ordered that publication be made in the Sa. vanrrah papers lor one month. tba : the defendant come in & file the above bill on or before 4 he first dav of the next term. O'herwife the said Bill will be taken pro >nfefii). Extract from the Miuutes. STITES , Clk. Savannah, IMh July 1805. I m 12 90 Foils Swedes Iron, ASSORTED. G‘ round, :qu.i.r, and fiat liars, and of various ditnenst CMS, JUST RECEIVED , (Bythtt ship Abe-na. Captain Shaw, fiom Copeuhageu,) and will be fold by large or m.df qualities at a l®w price, and fold loon for ready money, for town notes at short dates. R &? J. BOLTON. Auguli u. bt. New in Chatham Jah.. 1 neg 1 man .-fio call, aitft i l ivlach lie I* f pit what of y : - :owifh cattfrom eighteen to we..t\ years of age, a;> >u 5 i et 6 mcites high, with a 1 >ge ifon pothodc on his neck •a; o a-a: g : iron on hi leit ieg ; & fays he belongs to tJ<. .< um ad ton ot South Ga . rolina. PlNBiiR., G. C. C J Hv 22. 7j GE-iiiGli, i ’ .1 ‘1 a.lei the expi atio. v. fix months, the fubicri.u. vsil pcimon the Honoiabk ; court oi ordinary, f u j- t .. count) ofMHutiilii m tf.e alorefai.ijto order uie a dtnn utrators ol ci':. VV _i!iam A; Imolii, the younger, ueceaL, ‘O make and Execute to t ■uol’cribti, ikies to the fol'c v mg tract of ianii, Viz. Ot • • non band acies t „ Cartu ■.onmy fyiti-T on To.jij's c, 1 h'auciio; -eat S, tJ ! a nv , • cigiuaUy gr to Alex a’ ier Itigii eurchaied ‘•he fa id v .... ypi ll 'fo at ■ -r! fai B. .iecea. (old r,i j , .ci and , e , - .1 AC l . before the titles were V TheFe are therefore to piibiic notice, to all who may be concernitl, come forward at the ab •! J* une and ,place, & (hew A any they have, why : id order should not be .ltd the titles in hereof executed accorm.w law- WILLIAM SCOTT. ■. April 7th 1808 4-B'2aw6’'i Execu ti ve Depa rtn:ca® (Georgia) H Louisville, June 28 lh, ISO3. 1 hole periods who u a iJ| drawn Lots of. Land in counties of Baldwin, VV ion and Wayne, and have notH obtained Grants For them, aioH notified, that Inch Lois as Treasurer fiiall not have re.H ceived Fu!! payment For, on tit ft day of September will not, after that day, hsH granted in the names of ;b?H perfonswho drew them, but wiifl agreeably to an act, (paif.-d :heß joth of December, 1803) iup-H plementary to the fevera! laws I tor making distribution of thel lands in the aforefaid cotrn?ies,H “ revert to and become thel property of the State, -and be I fo'd in like mariner as fVac* , l donal parts of furvevs.” I G. R. Claytdn.secVw 1 GEORGIA 1 Vvheie- I Chatham County, j ks r.tal Suptrtor Court, held in and furl the counti aforesaid oo the r; 111 day oi January last past, a jury I wap worn to make true inquest I oi the supposed escheated proper-1 ty ol Jains-s Guard, late oi thel city of Savannah, pilot, decea s 4 I rcpcrteri to have died without witfstnd v ithout heirs, ml to have possessed at the time of !:i death the following property, viz. One small house upon a leiuej lot in Warren Ward, caicula cd for two tenements, two Nty XV eitches, and three hundred ..:iJ fifty dollars in the Bank. And whereas the said jufv con firmed the report of the escheat or, and no person appeared to gain sav tließame.—These are there fore to notify all the kindred of hews who may ciairn under the said James Guard deceased, that he died on or about the day in the year Iso3, and was a citizen of the U’ ited States, and tl'at if no person ‘iltail rppesr ‘o make right and title to the paid property,within the term limited fey the genera! assembly, cd sth December, 1801, the pae. e with both real ar.dßersf nf<l, )>e declared escheated to, and vesttd ins aid state Given tinder en hand ar.d real in the city of Savannah, the 26th day of February. m vhe Yea ot our Lord 1806, and in the 30dx ‘earof American Independence n V \ ’?D V UT! - Km >r i J o - .. j i lF.>; i'j’i s \ ni.t c-i.n.-.-g w*i! recom mended adl hear oi a good J <e> niuwni. siruation as a Gaid ner, bv app , iug at this-office Just 31 3t -- - •* v notice. ALL Persons having any Re mauds against WiHianv Maxwell von. deceased ; are requested to .eiicler them in properlv attes , and , those indebted to said VV il* - , a i Maxwell, jun. are solicited 0 make immediate payment to SARAH MAXWELL, „ Administratrix. Bryan County, December 24, 21 ‘3 iWtf .6 VAN N AII : }’r inti and IT j A VUE S H EL V. t SIX DOLLARS PER ANt 1 P ayable ha 11 yearly in . ... VW” —*^