The Southern patriot. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1804-1806, September 08, 1806, Image 1

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THE SOUTHERN PATRIOT. )L. 11. No. 87.] VMWTSTRATOR V SALES Tuesday the nth 9f Sept cm cr next, between the ■nand three •’ clack, WILL lE SOLD, at the court home, i the city of Savannah, ILL the personal proper, lelonging to the ellate of er Coiiillo. late of Savan dec. v IHN OOSTILLO, Adm\ uly 31. 76. sHcrEX JST kECEimi) , At THE SAVANH ‘. K SHOE STORE, the schooner Columbia, 1 Boston, sundry Trunks IHOES, assorted. —ALSO— NINETY-SIX REAMS mi Printing Paper. ugust 115. 3t 83. NO J ICE. forbid any person or per from purchasing one half me o t Stages now running eenSavannah Sc Auguita, 1 Lewis Caifrey, as he has complied with the terms le, but made a sham pur tin order to fwindie me ofmy property. JAMES.GAFFNEY. Iy 23. 2.uv tf.75 FOR S\ LE 1 tract of land in f ff rso’ Itv containing 150 acres :ipallv oak land, lying on O tc—Terms, one half Oa :i *"nf title*, the other hah ar xpifaMon ol twelve month*. V h; this Oihre. RUN A W A Y nee the 15'h u!i.. a yel fellow named Sctpio by a Cooper. A reato.iable rd will be paid by deli * jnitn on Telfair’s wharf,to THOS. DOLLA r HAN. *>’ *• 3t. VL Attention ! Ie Subscriber offers for sale, ol'owing Tracts of LAND, ‘n Burke county, viz. acres of prime oak h,c kory land, on Savannah >°rginally granted to John S 'I)V. hundred acres of first qua 'neland, lying r>j\ the wates (; 5 Sweetwater, originally Sli t 0 JAMES /Jarrktt. ,0 hundred and fi*rfy acres 6d mt three traces, oak and 7 land, on Little Sweet ’ Brant>:d8 r ant>:d to the heirs ol Lu m Williams. e above land will be sold low s b, or approved notes, pay n months from the date lr chase. t HO\IAs WALSH. ,Jn n<<h, June 19. ts Jo be Sold, OR by the month, Imaged Negro Wench u a good cook, washer & r ‘ Enquire at this Os„ • Saw ts. For Sale, w°o Bulhels of Stone A’ lrne > & 60,000 Bricks. er s (q Gillum hobkirk.- _ 52 ts f, Two apprentices a. e ted afthis Olfice, iu*t 1L I for sale, fcf* A Likely NEGRO J FELLOW, who is a complete house servant and long used to the care of horse*. —enquire at this Office. Sept. 9 N o r ICE. All perforis having any de tnands against the estate of Pe. ter Coftillo: late of Savannah, dec. will render them in, pro perly authenticated, on or be, fore 111 13th dav o f ’ Septem her next, either to the fuhfcri. her in Beaufort, Soutlv Caro lina, or to J tmes Hely in Sa. vannah ; and ad those indebt ed to (aid estate, are requested to make immediate pay may. JOHN COSTILLO, Ad>r. Ju'y 3 1. so. SIGN OF THE INDIAN QUEEN JOH !V jons, MOS r /{ ESP EC TF U/ Lt INFORMS the public, that he has rented that convene ent Sc pleafantiy situated house on the south commons, for. meily occupied by Mrs. Wil fun, where he intends keeping genteel entertainment. He will also keep wei! ft/rnifhed ftablet with an experienced holfler. For Sale AT THIS OFFICE, The Georgia & South Carolina REPUBLICAN ALMANAC, For The i E Alt of Our LORD, 1806. Containing The Asftrono nrncal calculations, with a va* riety of ufeful and enteitain'’ Wig matter. N WIN Chatham Jaii- A negro man wm> cads him fell March, he is ft inewhat of a yellowiih cait, from eighteen to twe..ty years of age, about 5 feet 6 inches high, with a large iron pothook on hr neck ; also ala ge iron on hr left leg; Sc fays he belongs to Dr. Kicbardi'on of South Ca rolina. Wm. Pinqeo., G. c. c. Jnlv 22. 73. Mo ses Koberts, Has juM. receiv and, Per the Hnlda <V Ann, from New York, five trunks of Excellent and Well Assorted SHOE S. Country ‘Merchants will be sup plied on the shortest notice and on the most reasonable term 1 -. HE has also lately received per the Brig Georgia, one trunk of fafnionabie Suwarrow boot; which he will fell very low for CASH. August t 8 80. GEORGIA, | THAT after the expiration *of fix months, the fubferibet will petition the Honorable the court of ordinary, for the county ofMMntofh in the (late aforesaid,u> order the admin, iilrators of col. William M‘- Intolh, the younger, decease , ,0 make and Execute to t> ,üblcriber, titles to the follow ing tract of Viz, Ont? M O N D A Y, SEpriMasß 8, 1806. thou land acres in Camden county lying on Todd's creek a branch of Great Satilla river originally granted to Alexand der Ingles and purchased by the laid col. William M‘ln tofh at the confßcated (ales, which trafcl the (aid deceased (old to the fubferiber, and re r ceived payment for, but died before the titles were execut* ed. These are therefore to give public notice, to Ml perlons who may be concerned, to come forward at the above time and place, Sc (Stew cause, if any they have, why the faiu order should not be made and the titles in consequence thereof executed ar cording to law- WILLIAM SCOTT. April 7th lgOfi 48 2a*v6m. Executive Department (Georgia) Louisville , June 28/A, ISOS. Thole persons who have drawn Lots of Land in the courines o( Baldwin, v ilkio son and Wayne, and have not obtained Grants (or them, are notified, that (uch Lots as the I realm-r lha!! not have re. ceived full payment for, on the fit(l day ol September next, will not, after that day, he granted in the names of the persons who drew them, but will agreeably 10 an ad, (j.afled the 1 Oth of December, 1803) fwp piernemary to the hw for making dillnbution of the lands in the aforefaii counties, “ revert to and become the property of the State, and be lo and in like manner as frac’ tional narts of (urveys.” G. R. Clay ton,sec’ ry. GFORC.IA } Where- Chatham Counit, j as at a I Superior Court, held m and lor the count* aforesaid on the iSth day of Ixuuat y last past, a jury was sworn to make true inquest of the supposed escheated proper ly of James Guard, late oi the city of Savannah, pilot, deceased reported to have died without will and without heirs, and to have possessed at ihe time of his death the following property, viz. One small nouie upon a leased lot in Warren Ward, calculated for two tenements, two Negro Wenches, and three hundred aud fifty dollars in the Bank. And. whereas the said jury con- ! firmed the report ol theesehcator, and no person appeared to gain say lire same. —These are there fort* to notify all the kihdred or heirs who may clann under the said James Guard deceased, that he died on or about the day in the year IRO3, and was a citizen of the United States, and that if no person shall appear to make right and title to the said property,within the term limited by the gene.ral assembly, passed Mh December, 1801, the same wuh both real and Personal, be declared escheated to, and vested ins aid state. Given under mv hand and sea! *u the city of Savannah, the 26tit day of February, in the Year of our Lord 1806, and in the 30th year of American Independence. DWARD WHITE, Escheato r TO GARDNERS. A man coming well recom mended will hear of a good and lermairent situation as a Gard ner, by applying at this o2ke. 31 at NOTICE. ALL Persons having any De mantis against William Maxwell jun. deceased ; are requested to render them in properlv attes ted ; those indebted to said Wil liam Maxwell, jun. are solicited to make immediate payment to SARAH MAXWELL, Administratrix Brvan Couuty, December 21, 2t ‘i tV’ Mr CAB )$, HAIR OR'ESSBa AN D barber, Lately from London. OFFERS his (ervices to the public in his Branch of Business, as he perfetlly un derftands trimming hair in the handiotnelt tade, ala thus 6c a Legiptieune—he daily ex pests from London an abort.. incut of HAIR, with a varie ty of articles of Perfumery. He has opened his Shop on the Bay, contiguous to the Patriot printing Olfice. He wit) wait on the Ladies who will honor him with their orders. ‘4~]r Prentices arc wanted. July 7 41 69 • 1 ‘ ‘ r - JAMFS L ANGLO Is LADIES GENTLE MEN’S, hair dresser, an r> WIG MAKER. MOST RdpetUully in_ forms his friends and the pub lic at large ; that he has tnov. ed to the houle adjoining Mr. Roberts, opposite Mr. John Drilon’s (tore, near the maiket square, where he will attend to the commands of those who may honor him with their cultorn, with punctuality. The price of cutting hair 12 1.2 Do Shaving 6 1 4 Do Dressing n t*i June 23 3t. CHAATIiM SUPMtI Jll COURT, Januart Term, 1806. Christina Dasher, vs. / Petition The heirs and re- > far Foi'sclo presentatives of \ sure. John L/aupt. dec. * UPON the petition of ChrUti- 1 na Dasher, praying the foeclosure of tne equity of re demption on the following premi ers j ALL that lot of land in the citv of Savannah, known by the nyihtoberfive,third tvthmg Rev nods Ward, containing sixty fee in width and ninety fee: m Japt i with the improvements thereon, mortgaged bv* Elizabeth Haupt, now Elizabeth Dowell, Robert Bolton, and Justus Hartman Scheuher, guardians of the sons of the said John Haupt , and trustees of the property of die said Jolm Haupt, by vtrtueof an order ot ch*> sup *riorcourt of Chatham Cos 1114 V aforesaid in the said Christina Dasher, for the sum of eighty pounds, e*pv7tl tothree hundred and foity two dollars eighty-five cents se ven mills and onc-sevcritii moneii of the United States, on the sixty day of May, which was in tti-* year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, and on motion <d Mr. CUYLER, Attorney for the Peti doner, IT IS ORDERED BY THF COURT, that the principle, in terest and costs* due upon saiu mortgaged property, be paid mt [Whole Number 183 Court within twelve month* from this date, and unless the same be “O paid, tilt; equity of redemption sll thenceforth be foreclosed and other proceedings take pla.-eo pursuant to the ac t of assembly m such case made and prove led And it is further order* 4, ia pursuance of said aetthat this rule b published in one of the P U }>R 0 gazettes, of this state at lease >nce 111 every Month until Oie tone api>ointed for pavmc , r 1 ‘Ve*l on tii* Maitcawer . tUeir H .-‘* Ci u .igt ru, at le-i- r six m >n*b previous to the ti.n - the said mn. p’ .s ordered r*> be pa,d Lite Court as aforesaid Extract fron the minutes, J. BULLOCH, C!k. Eel 29. lu*. * PKoPjTTIh “ For publish- ng by Subscription) the w rks of DR. BENJ AjII.V tRJSfc LIE, PHILOSOPHICAL, POL [TIC l, AND LITERARY. Komnum rerumque rebertor. This edi ion will be p i!)||,j, e( j from the copies revis-d and cor rected bv Dr. Frankhn, the corl rectio'l3 of which are m the hand wiring of the author, and nuy be seen by any gentleman in the possession of the edimr of the Aurora. Toe publication of the wrir tngsofDr. Frankhn , n a com plet,; edition, was long conie-n ----plated bv the late Rcni. Frank tin Recche nis gtand aon vis. transcribed the. cop wiuc x ,* devi,.;,l to Mr. w. Fratisnn, tor puijitration t ■ VA s originally designed ro p tha. cone. ,e,j M in tnree languages, & i a England ‘i er . “U N, France, a,d S me ric-,,ar UIO fiAi f. Irn • frttu , expectation was fnistiao.d by the d'visi (ty I’euiji c Frankhn who ii , s v rretl with great apparent proln. )ll,t G Si r,iJ ,; d tha work <nd the honor d,. e trust repo-. and .11 lunrt iy money, to r„t. mortal ha tred of cue Engu.ii vintry.a. gams- the deceased s age , As Soon as ! his fact was ktown, the eohor of die; Aurora u , ,>.4 It s attention to the c Hectiou of every paper and ci,c Um taoce winch could end to preserve tnd do honor to the uiemorv of a ui to wnoin parucu.arty A ,, nca owes so much, and wh, *, ho was among the first who n’fl t *d back lusire to itis native country must continue to be ranked to the latest poster it v, among its greatest beuaiactors uu d 0 ,- na . nttiuts, Early admiration of Dr . F riinJc . un ; located m veuLation . :„I .evorence ot hi, character- St other m., den...,| circumstance* not necessary to be ported out, have concurred to f a *,r the coU lectiou 01 the nest mtteriais ‘.hat couu.loe ontv.oe i, aft r the sa enhe*. ol me; work bv Hi-devisee. WHb some in l aß t ty , atl d vith soin . vxpcuse iue edimr has pos sessed luoiieii, not only of :,hr* _ copy vviiii the corrections e 1 addition. Dr. Fraakim’s w.-uuigibut also of -ever j “ ‘ C4C.S ri f 1 V'C fipvf'r ■ o,•>■* ■•.IB .IKIIIIB Hive ’s m prim. •" Vet appeared ’ - nis cuv. had not un hr! ‘' e, "' ent °f intended e. ol, > been publish J in the via* and' l -| J p inis , the present editor t iou i> a ‘ might bo possible that t,lti cd.tiou advertised was that ‘ V, uch.vli. 1 empie Franklin was entrusted with ; bill it no w ap p ars tlia: ttie English edition i< •> dy anew add iioii of die f>r uer compilation with -cqne na!i iJditiuns ; outs ill deficient, on p enutpanaju with th. c • -