The Southern patriot. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1804-1806, September 08, 1806, Image 3

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jLors jo help them ; bat v:e cMnat [Three strings ■Vawpum.).. , Father; W e are a little ■p'ie, not equal to you. We ’rje you will give,us charity dM, we are in need of it. We ■verv poor. dL Father ; since the Big, iMyej, [Americans?] have here, we have been I treat rd. You have been Li father. We hope you ■continue so and coniider ’ ■ > B v {y Father; It is very A when our children, can ■ pay all our debts, that ■ ihould be put in prison ; ■ are very poor and can :|pay all their debts. Ay Father; some of the ■rsare here present, and ■ may have lomething to ■when I have done, i wish I would consider us, and ■e traders bring their runt tig with them when they )|e among us. .By Father : we, the chiefs & •liorsof the Chippeways Sc ■was here present, are your ■ children. We love our |c brethren, aud are ready L them good. We fhail lys hold them firmly by the ■ We hope, father, you ■not let th<f merchant* ini’ In us for debt. ■iy. Father; We hope you not forget us, but ask. our It Father to fend us the Is Gen, Wilkinson pro I I us. We are very poor. I will not allow you to Ic his milk [rum] per- Ihemay fend us iomc to. ■o to Smoke. y Father; I hare no :to fay; we love your tchildren, and will alwav* hem good. I hope you emember us. ii.t Jjy ing jof wampum.] DDITION AL T'A.t>K. he old chief Kitchi Nf. iu, or Grand Sable (about 0 years,) formerly princi al proprietor of the island Michilimakinac: y Father; The mouth of ‘ [reat chief has been open, tou have listened. Now sit me to speak. y Father—l am an old i very old. lam now ad isig you for the laid time; peyou will lillen. y Father; We have been tened with being put to ; we hope you will not fal se merchants to put our in goal; when they can lay ail, we hope for your ;we wilt pay all we can. y Father ; I lhail soon go ep. I hope ‘ou willcon : your kindriefs to o ur 3 and children, and to our ! g men ; and let them let feet on the Round \jland. r eftmg place of QU r lrs - Welove to lit by their es when we are wearied hunting. I Hiall soo n 2 o ei t and deep with , nv d*. • Father ; Our young arc not like soldiers, they °l like to be (truck. If ir cfoolj|fi, wc hope you not give them pain or give them. / I’ ather; The traders locked up their milk •J ds very hard : 1 hope will giv e your orders to loose. l s Father ; We have : iick people among us, ope you will speak to the spirit to make them well; ‘itour hearts my be glad i l “* ir kindred rejoice. ’ Lr I hope the great spirit will ha ve pity. 1 My Father.; I have no more to lay. I now take yriu by the hand and bid you fare well. [Eight firings of ■wampum ] [Capt. Dunham's answer to the Joregoing talks, will appear in our next.) We learn from the agent, who arrived from Halifax, where hfe had been as advocate for the owners, of the ship Herkimer Captured last June within sight of the Hook, by the Leander,%apr. Whitby, and sent in for adjudi. ration; that on the 25th July they came to trial, and on the 2d An gust the judge pronounced his decree, whioh was that the vessel and the whole of the cargo, not even the captain’s adventure ex cepted be condemned. She was owned br Robert Gilchrist, Esq. and othei of this citv, and was from Lima, with a cargo worth in this market between two and three hundred thousand dollars, i he principal ground of condem nation is.said to be the unaccits tomed trade. Nnu Tori Evening If it were really true that & princess of England bad commit ted a faux pus ; there might be some cause for English exulta tion ;as t.oey would have some prospect of u change of the breed the race of Hanover, has run down to the lowest extreme of hereditary stupidity ; if anew breed could be introduced ; John Bull who has never bean squea mish about the kind of kings ; foreign or home made, would not quarrel much about them, i heir Williams and Henrysand Elizabeths and Marys are memo rable examples, of merry begotten monarchs and princes ; and m the lucre article of breaking down the ties of marriage ; the whole of the races, native and import ed; Norman French,- Plantatre nets and 1 mines ; Hcots Stuarts and Dutch Mynheers and Von Guelphs of Hanover, have fur nished in the houses of Clifford the Fitzroys, fitzjamCs and dutcliesses of Portsmouth, and numerous others ; nob hey the fruit of depravity enough for any two or three nations. Aurora . We are misinformed in stat es* yesterday, that the whole of the crews of the two schooners, belonging to Miranda, had been put to death by the government of Caraecas : their fate, however, is equally deplorable. The fol lowing, whom we presume held commissions under Miranda,were put to death, and their heads ex hibited , as stated yesterday, a few days previous to the saling oftiie Endymioo; the remaining 48 were sentenced to ten years imprisonment in the mines. James Led He, formerly of this city. He was indueed to join tlie expedition at Port-au- Prince, and is said to have had the comrnissiou of a major. He was naturally tend of enterprise. Mr. Lipincott, a young genile mau of amiable and respeptable connections in this city. He al so jo ned the expedition at Port au-Prince ; and was no doubt se duced into the fatal project* Captain Donahue, also oi this city, who has left a wife and a small family, to deplore his un happy end. lie commanded a vessel belonging to this port; and, urgrd by tiie infatuating tempta tions of Miranda's agents, aban doned her a: Port-au-Prince, and ettt Sreii into a caiiae ts inch has cost, hi milts life. Mr. Gesrge Kirkland, this gsntleinan was form;rly a cap tain in the provisional army of tiie U med States, bat wu dis charged on the redaction ot that establishm nt. He was after wards concerned in the publica tion ot the YVdniingion Federa lists. Ha was not detiwient in many o tiie priinmatai aid use ful attain trends oi literature. He after war Is counts iced mercan via basinas* in tais cny, bat proving unfortmiat*, adventured to Hayti, with a view, it is said, of offering Ins military talents to Dessalines. fj e there joined Miranda, and is represented as holding a very important rank in hir establishment. Captain Gardiner —Of this per son we have no knowledge. Paul George—We are° equally ignorant of this character ; as ’ Well as of Mr. Smith, a butcher of New- York, and a Polish gentleman. We have heard some individu als express a doubt of the truth of the above melauchely intelli gence. YVc are sorry to observe that the sources* through which it has been received admit of no such consolatory hope. Four bovs only, belonging to the crew, had their lates undetermined They were still confined in the castle. Phil. Gaz. Capt, King, on the 82tl olt was about 15 leagues to the N. and E. of Hatteras ;it did not blow with much violence. Off Frying Pan, on the 31st, spoke a British brig dismasted and leaky, endeavor ‘ng to get hilo the nearest port ; She was out of the Jamaica fleet #ud confirmed the account of the oss of a great number m the gale. The brig Ann, capt. Cory under jury masts, returned this morning. Cape. C. informs us that he took the late gale on the 2lst ult to the Eastward of the Hole in the Wail; it blew from o. E and was tremendously se vere , his vessel was thrown on her beam ends, ui which situation she lay two hours, aud her mists weie swept by die board .- tie cargo is probably damaged. On the outside of the Gulf, captain Cory saw the wrecks of tlirec dismasted ships, probably a part of the Jamaica fleet. Since our last we have con versed with the Mate of the Brit ish ship, one oi the Jamaica flee: which wi mentioned in cur pa per of yesterday, as having arriv ed at Ciuarautin* in the ‘Pocotaii” go Packet; he informs us that me account which we published yesterday, stating the loss of on; half of the jauicica fleet, was Cor rect ; the ship to which he e ---longed, wa9 the Exeter, of .Lon don, with a valuable cargo of su gar and rum ; and he thinks there cannot be a doubt that tile Packet would have brought her to this port, had tuey not been fallen in with by the British sloop of war Snake, capt. Crcighter, with a couvoy from the Bay of Hondu ras, who destroyed the Exeter, to prevent her fading into the hands of an enemy, a-ad took out the people. Captain Stiles, of the •Pocotahgo Packet, pledged him self to trie commander of the stoop of war, that if ha found himself unable to get her into port, he would himself destroy tier ; but cap:. Creighiet*, altho’ he behaved hi die most polite and gentleirtan l;ke manner, ob served that as he conceived ic to be hi s duty, he must destroy her. Could the ship have been got into port without damage, she would proOahly have been worth jOjOUOL Times . On Tuesday last, off Cape Hatteras captain Simpson spoke brig Pnosnix, from Ha van ox for Philadelphia ; they informed, that in lar. 2 7 * jey had taken the crew from off the wreck of a bng. Dn Thursday last, off the Frying Fan, saw the wreck of a ship en tirely under water ; the masts were yellow, with black hoops, and the topmast* of dark pitch pine. Capt. Slocum sailed on the 2lst uit. and ex our: sliced the late gale—-North of Cape Hatteras, fell m with the wreck of a vessel bottom Upwards, supposed to be a brig ; fell in with great qunti ließ ol naval stores, fragments of wrecks, Stc. On ti ie coast of 1 North Carolina saw four or five vessels on. shore, most of them small schooners : Sa\r ildtlu >g of the Hasb-in-Bloinii. Aid. ftnthe 24tfi ult in lat. 32. 3*“ long. 76 !2. capt. Haswell fell (n j w ! th tlle Patriot, French 7t, one o! Jerome Bonaparte’s squadron ; she was in a very distressed situ, anon, having been separated from the fleet a few days before m a violent gale of wind, in which she had carried away her • mizen-mast and fore and mam top-masts. Capt. H. went on ‘ board ; they were Very anxious to obtain a pilot acquainted with the coast, and were endeavoring I to get into Norfolk, r the first , fncudly pore. jij. The Y enus capt YVassen, was upset in the late gale: has lost botu her maste, and is otherwise in a distressed situation. Her passengers and crew are very much bruised. The day after the , gale capi. Wasson fell in with the Hoop Nancy, Staples, from Bal timore, tor thi port, with a car go of gin and flour. The Nancy had carried away her masts, and and had her decks toru up. City Gazette. ?Crt of Charleftou, The brig George, Doyle, be longing to Gen. Stevens of N. York, anchored off the Fort on Saturday. Tile George sailed from New-Orleans, on the 3d for Bordeaux, and took the gale on the 21st in lat. 85, long 75, w. to the eastward of the Guif. It commenced at N. E. and va. ried lrom the poi n E. S. E. The toprttasts Os tile brig were cut, and m falling carried away the the nad of her foremast and bow sprit. She has alsosus* ‘ tained much injury m her upper works. Her late captain James N'assivet, of NewOrieans, and a negro fellow, were unfortunate ly washed overboard and drown ed. On Wednesday last, capt, Doyle apoke ship John Jones, ] of Philadelphia, 4 days from Sa yannao, lor Jamaica, all bands 4ck. Captain Callahan took the klaie about noon on the 19th inst. in lat. 24, 20, long. 70, 18. It con tinued with great violence from N. E. and E. g, E. all the Stoih Captain C. spudding before it, wa* thrown on his beam ends, by the vessel broaching to ; but far tuiutey, she righted in a few minutes, Saw a dismasted schr. standingin for the Uud on Thura d*y morning. iOr A gentleman of ref. pe&ablc literary acquirements, whole political principles are Democratic, would receive the moll liberal terms, in con ducting the editorial depart ment of the Bolton Courier Sc Democrat. B. PARKS. no. 16, A on street. *** Republican editor* will confer a particular favor by giving this notice a few inser tions in their reipeexive pa pers. Sept. 3. Sheriffs Sales. On the Tuesday in October next, belvoeen the hours of’ t > and 3 o'clock , will be sold at the Court house, in the city of Savannah, _ ALL that Lot of land in said city with the improvement there on in the plan thereof hv the number one Tyrconnell Tything Da: by* YVard coritsitVing 60 feet in wedth and 90 f eet in depth Under and by virtue of a foreclo. sure of a mortgage. The trustees bt the Crpitan lioase, vs. Willie am ttuu. ALSO, A negro man named Luke sold under tJtecution at the suit -or John McFarlane vs. John Wilroy die property pointed out by the plant iff. aitorney. T. ROBERTSON, S. C. C. ■September 8 sr fJ- Two appiiyiticga. tie. wanted at this O.fies, August 11. Cotton tinned, ?HE SCIBSCtIdE .'S’ H ’ WING establilh-d Yamacraw, on the lot where Joseph Hill ere Heda om. Mill, & aojoining to the n . u fb of the Rev. Mr. Clay, 2 ro | ct COTTON GINS, on ah ap proved and fupet ior const ruc tion, offer to Gin ‘Cottoh at the reduced price of * cent* per pound. Fhey will obligate them. (elves to stipulatep.iime ofd®. livery for Cotton received u> be ginned, and will store the Dme, after being-prepared for market, until convenient for tnc proprietors to remove it, without making the usual charge of storage, and will al to put chafe Cotton in the feed tt the fair market price. ALEX JEFFREY, WM. WILKIE. Savanfiab, Sept. 4, uso6 -8® r - J HE SUB<SCRM£r gMNG about leaving the city and receive pitVfnen . oant * g• . . ‘ VM - CAMPBELL, beptefnb.-r 8 ‘- j ‘ i sker ffs~Sakf. On the fir,, i„ Q.t. next, will be .< old at the court hours of I0 and j o\Uk. f“ Lot of L“nd in ib m fityof Savannah known by 1c - diird Tything Ryh„| da ward, eontamingeo feet in wide * n,,94> s'depth with the * prove, nets theron, bv virtue Tt *i-. r c ? t,r, * ilc * representa riwi > f J °n n , ffau l n Deceased t® Christina Dasher. A Negro man named Dick tak eu under execution to satisfy pbmliff rottlett I,ointed out b r th T. ROBERTS ON, S.C.C. Sav. Sept. 8. /.oar sucT\Tts7 Have just received on con* - fignment from Philadelphia, c 2i) bbls. Loaf Sugar, which will be (old lor caih, or on a (hurt credit. They will endeavonr to keep a constant supply of this article. H-ScJ HOLTON. August 1 t Notice is hereby Gi ven! T A H A I at the expiration of ‘Hue months from the date hereof, application will be made to the Honourable the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to fell the following tiacts of Land, be* longing to the eltaie of J ame* Doors, decealed, viz ; Two hundred and fifty a cres, old survey, hr' lia te, lying and being in Chatham Coun !y bouuded by Great Oge chce river, land of Goldivire, arid land now of Joseph We Ift cher, £lq.—The fame being for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the said James Doois, deceased. THO’s. MILLS, Adtn’r. Savannah, Sept. 4, ISO 6. am 9m 86. io be Jiired by ti c year, A likely Negro Man.—• ■Enquire at this Odkc. July 31. 76. {f.