The Southern patriot. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1804-1806, September 18, 1806, Image 2

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COPENHAGEN, June 28. (>ur government has at reded to (lie just demands of the French court, and at the fume time gratified the wishes of all who \ ere intetelled in thewellafc‘of die DamflrGo lor ies. All commerce between our Wed India pofleflions & the negroes ofSt. Domingo is prohibited under tiie Icvticfi reilriciions. FRA> KFOhT, iitme 21. Gen Vai damtne s dtvilion. that was on then march 10 return -to Fiance, has halted loV ionic days | alt. Only*® few r< ■ ts ht onginii to' 1 tins <orps!iave continued this root to i\ . , eriu. 1 h;. to p.s under marshal Angerrau and Loire hre, fit i i<m<r.:r in iht ir can. torunr 1 ts, and it doe? not ap pear hat they have been or dendio approach the Ijlvne .'1 lie Aufi n-iri ofliceo, pi 1 fe-ners of war, have obtained permission to iKorn honie ; trVny are already on then loute. June 29. The tcaide rielligence of the departure of the French tr/ops from Go many, is more snd more Two regiment? Vrionging to G*en Oudinotjdeft the district orileiibrOrf on die 241 b, and; Cions ate making at Gcis inben for the reception ol Marshal Souk's corps. NAFLES, June 1. Vesuvius coutij ties to rage. The’ ctater liiii discharges a quantity cf Hones, re’ ji milling hail. On thr 41b and £ln a” continual nolle was hr; td extrtn ely Idiid, 1 while the ihit k eon and that etrveh'peri the Itinuiui of the nu trntnin wa*- altet l’ ctely p* net rated hv fluffit s<t firre, amazingly vn%i, rc Uii bhng ligh tit- g. ‘! he j course of the lava inn to. ■Wards the Terre de* Gieco, end along the < mint nee upon vliioli ti c (. h'rflet <• Carnal, duna is (ilitau and. and has ex. tc in < and i) the diliani c ol fur rsrises, deli roving all die ttees, vineyards, aid habitations it Fas met with in its coutft. Just now 11 has reached the high road in the neighbour hood of Terre del Greco, while a great number of strati gers and curious j ettons are repairing to the foot to be \vitnels efthe Angular phem’ ine.non. The Terre eki Gre co is fitnated at the loot ol Vesuvius, with a population ol 15,000 luuis. LONDON, July 18. T he Leeward llland fleet lias linlely amved. Tins a g'ocabie intelligence wa T . com in. imated t<> admiralty ol sue I t 1 < gta; h. The hono able Mr. Lr'- v r e, is to let ft lor Amenta immed’ tc y, as muniler Lorn tins coiii.uv. ‘1 he Marquis of Douglas will let off on his ttnhall) to , the court o! I’etcsbuigl in the comic Os ti c inxi week. 1 oui Caledon goes out go tenor to the cate ol Good Hone. M'. L'.atuord accom patnc h"> as third lecsctaty. lOtt td the troops intended for foreign let vice, have bee.*) ordered to \y mlai is at Kutt.l gau- nnmcdiaie y. beverai te have aheauy cm oke.dand arc in (he i>< wns. its toy tuc L)uh* ‘bf ski flex* is certainly'going •jamaictn This mealute ha? arisen front his ill Hate cf health; which requires his re sidcnce in a warm climate ;& ( r on> motives©! political Hite rest, which demands the ella hlflhment of the Viceroyalty in that iffenel. The govern 1 , merit of |amaica, it is thought, next to that of Ireland, iv ‘he belt thing under the crown. DUBLIN,‘June fer. An article from Stettin, of the n li June avs, “ T he Russian Consol vesterday gave notice 011 ihe P.xfchabg** here that the King of Sweden would not p. rfnit . ven j Russian ships with Russian pro- I per'v to come out of the harbour j ofSwinemunde.’ He hoped, horv | ev e -, 10 be shortly able to an -1 flounce an alteration in tins mea- SUrt ‘ - * , , Tonissaint, late a captain, and Barnard/ fate a fieuu nant Ij n Toniss.iint L’OuVbrrnrc’s ar my. and who ac empanirtl him to France, die Lords of the Ad ctirfnlty have generously ordered to |, e co nvevr<l li< me in the Wol vVTOtie jtoop, which is under or dtrs to take a convoy to the West Indi*s.— They have been sent from the Voluntati s on board the Wolverene. The celebrau and Irish patriot a p.i Banister Mr. < urran, has ! obtained from the minister, the j most lucrative at dpfeasanl p ace in Ireland, that of Master of the Rolls. It is to all intents and purposes a sinecure. Ph n u del phi and paper. PARIS, June D. “ <sj r —J acquaint you, that ac cording to a decree ol his majes ty ( .f this daie, tlie embargo is taken off all Russian vessels de tained in consequence of the hostilities between rhd two conn tries, and that it is hr* majesty’s pler.ure that all such vessels be at lib-rtf to depart. This measure must be con sifh red- as indicative of a speedy tuliii tm< nt of the differences he. tween the two countries. M. D’- O until. was i*p cted 10 have 1. It Vi nua for Pari ome time, iigi. ; bnt from the frequent fan b n trees that have taken pfaCe betr* een him and Mr. Ada*, since the iinivai of the l.itu-r in die .'tistiian rapitirl. it should sum as ’il M. D'Oubril had been di n'd ed to remain theie for (he purp'os* of co’ntening wife. Mr. Adair previous to his departure for Paris. Vv hat prohubili’v is there that Great Britain can peace, in die present postute of affairs upon honorable terms ? Bona p-arte would give us Malta we have little doubt—would he con sent to onr keeping the Cape ol Godd Hope ? From his late de„ deration to Holland we should infer that he would not. —Rut would ihe surrender of Malta, the Cape, anil I’nodieherVy be deem ed a peace honorable to this conn., try i They are desirable posses sions, it is true, but need we make peace to procure them ? We have all of them in our hands and we know that the whole pow er of France cannot wrest thehi r i om us. But is Russia, is Great Hr iff” n to (h serf the king of Na- ples, the victim ol Ins Alliance wi'k its ? —Are we to make Ins | n isloVtuncs a source of pioht to j us ? I bat is, are we to obtain ! tbe absolute surrender ol Malta j or any other place, on c.ond ttoft j of acknowledging the n w king j <f Naples i The minis* ur mat would do Midi an m” , would <ie erve the curse of man And. I t peace be made wi'houl die c*■i pbte re-vstabhsluueht of the king j of Naples m ill possession oi nl. i Ins territories, hat peace can i net h.. r be honorable to Great j btuain nor to Kus-ia, V\ 1 ilst tie list ol the funds I would induce us to suppose that peace was at no great di Unee, date state of atLirs on the conti nent, the piejects winch liona paite ha. l.uev ex. cm ed, and. vbe dctigas ht ‘ , : ;dst developed w .-uta fo.hid our entmai'iln,? •he. slightest expectations of , oeace. For under such circum stances can any one expect to makepeace upon honorable and advantageous terms ? When wt r,der to the motives iLat made Hu*si take up aims, will an\ n,;.n say that ‘any peace she can uegociate cart he honorable 1- Tuat she. catnrot at present ot)og’ Bonaparte by force of arms, to nieasuie back die lit tras taken tnay be true- But why sanction them by negotiat ing pitc with him r ku'ia has nothing to fear from France, and wiih respect to commercial re.a tious, she well knows that t l ance cannot do without tire ptoduce of her tetritorics ; the lion, the sail-cloth, the hemp, the fhx, tar, timber, etc. We have received a Hamburgh Correspondc-nkn of the 25 h nil. which is Liter bv one da than the p/ - ern brought hv the la>t niai.K From tliis Journal we bextracted the following ve ry inteiesting articles : VIENNA, June *3. Every wish and every hope here ccrrter in the desire sos the prelcrva'.ion of the peace of ihe continent. The financial plans wi-h which the government is at prefcti’ etfgaged, can onlv iuc ceed upon the foundation of a general confidence : ami the court neglett- nothing that can eiiftire this object. The Russian ambassador. Count Von Rasumbusky, l ,as had an interview with the french Ambassador, M. de la Roche— foucanlt. M. ()übril has frequent confe rences witli the otw English En voy, Mr. Adair. MUNICH, June 12. Prince berth er, has resided sometime at his country house, bur he comes daily to town in the forenoon, and returns in tlie evening—MadaiYie Viscount is here, on a visit 1 corn Paris. A French c wirier ‘who passed through here, was ifse bearer of passports for M. Outrr'if. Within fourteen dav or tliree (weeks, the French army will be. \ gin to break up, and leave IJava- I ria. A long expected courier from Petersburg!) nas arrived here. Our political relations wi h the couris of Peters burgh have it is true, been interrupted by tit circumstances of the tunes ; bur the family intercourse and the direct correspondence ha- not thereby sustained any real de triment. The fatter, jollied to tlie new pacific disposition of the Russ l an Cabinet promises us the speedy restoration o 1 me former. mUNsndf, July it. The so lowing notice was this day published here ; “ I , asten to inform von the merchants of t'ne lloval Westpha lian provinces that, according to a rescript of Baron Von Stein, private Minister of State, dated Berlin sth of June, the English government allows the navigati on of the Baltic to remain undis turbed, atid the passage of neu trals to the ports ot the North Sea, is permitted—\lso that the navigation ac'.(according to which no foreign ships can carrv tile productions ot uieir country to England] is suspended with neur trill vessels, with cargoes from Prussian ports. V, VINCKE, President of the Chamber ot Commerce. These tew articles, it attentive ly perused, wnl be found io con tain mailer ot large importance. 1 hey shew in tile fir.-,t instance tlie par Ac intentions ot the em peror ot Uus ia ; to r if Bavaria is forgiven, the offences of Fiance must be lorgotien. The utter course beiween the Russian, r.ti gtisn, and French, Ministers, however indirect between the two lauer, put the quesiiou ol a pacific negotiation beyond ail .pe culation anti doubt, Luo result .fthore conference has Ey this time reached Id* 1 ■ l “ 1 ’ Yarmouth mav tl.eicfoie Oc . x pvcbdto return m tin ctunse < ■ Ihe week, charged uid •i-tsh overture tium the Prent.i minister. Isxzzsx, NEW.YOi K, Sept. t. Letters fiom Haiti, x, te reived from very telj “clab’c gentlemen, Hate, ihatcaptaiti Whitby was put under aired, and fetit home as passenger, m the ship Leander, ol which capt. W. formerly had cofn* mar,d. Capt. Whitby we un derstand, is sent to I’ ngland to account to die Briiifn govern j mein for his conduct on the American Ration, and the de,. predations he committed oft Sandy Hook. Capt. Heron of the ship Minerva, from London, was informed by the American Cor.ful, that Mr. Pinckney had met with a favourable re ception at tlie court of .St. lame’s, arid that our duler” euces were likely 10 be amica bly adjitfled. Fir* ! L.aft night between II and 1 l o’clock, a fire broke out in ihe Printing Olfice of Meffis Lang and Furrier, wmc;i wasentiiely confmned ; and we are exiremely lorry to (fate, that not even the bobks of Ute office \yefe laved. ALEXANDRIA, Sept. 1. Ai rived, Ichooner Alert, Lucket, 20days from Curra’ coa—('apt. L. has politely favored us with the following information ; By an anival from Mary cabo, on the Main, on the §ih Auguff, the following in formation was received by a gentleman there ; —“ We have now at anchor in Veto Gulph, two large ships, two brigs, and leven ichooners, all ol which fleet appear to be armed, have landed feme troops and diove our men out of a itpall fort which they now have m jioifession j we have not been able to learn whether they he lint;Hi or Miranda.” Another Fho oner thr.r ar- rived ti e day 1 le't Cm race,a, luetnioiis leaving the fleet to anchor in Varo Gulf.— Captain Eldridge, who arriv ed tlie 6ih, was boarded to windward of Bonair, on the 5 h, by a lii itifli sloop of war ; the lieutenant informed capt. Eidridge that Mil a rid a had (even armed vtllels when they test the windward ifiands, and that admiral Cochrane had forbid the imprelsment of Miranda’s men. It was gc 4 nerally believed at Curracoa, when I lett it, that Miranda was in this fleer, as the British would have no such fleet in that quarter. No arrivals at Curracoa for ten days before I left it, from any part.of the Main near Vero ; this had 1 caused Spaniih vefl'els to re. ■mam neatly that length of tune in port for information, , with cargoes on b.iard for the Main. Weft India prouuce using hourly at Curracoa, in cor.lequence of this alarm— coffee a6 (ous.— m txprefs latled in company with me lot Port Acavcilo, with the above information. NORFOLK, Sept. i. Yesterday morning the French Frigate Cybele, men. tioned in our la It, came up in r to the harborj on passing Fort Nelson, Ihe la'utcd with 21 guns* which were returned by at) equal number, TJefjjCCting tHjs ship, t<> ai ntai on the 19th ult. ip non; 20, 60. lut. 64. long, in ■ inpany with the Kegulus,of, CS4 guns, and the president of they were encountered Ky . violent hurricane at S. £, w ich compelled them to ‘cud for nearly five days, j 3 which they Jolt their nuzen mad, main* top* mall, quar ter pieces tore ( fF, & the ship generally much injured. Jhe lad that was leer; of the Re yulus and President, they were Icucititng br loin the gale. From inlotmadon, in which we plate confluence, we can fay, that this sq adron has never joined the fleet of je reme Bonaparte s. On Friday fell a French gun fliip came into the Capes, and proceeded up toe bay. —She was seen on Sa<- tut day rnoming going under New-Tomt Ctutilbr: to an. choT—This ship has loft all her top-niads, and appear ed to be oiherw ife nuich in juted. T’hefe has not been a ny person from her, but. we understand it is the Patiwt, one of the fleet to which Je rome Bonaparte belong?. Ci ther accounts lay it is the he” guiux, which ftom every account,we shot id think molt -probable j wefhaTinro biably kmnv ceitatmy tilth: cout ie 0} the day. THE PATRIOT. SAVANNAH, Sept. i8- I*s. On die I-i'h insf. C'aptai! thigh M’ Call, was appointed Jai lor ol this city, vice Captain Wna. Finder, deceased. V> hen w announce this appointment t> thi public, we cannot omit statu'” that captain AI 1 all’s name ha been made use ol on this wa-i on for thv ck.dusiVc benif of the family of the cltccas (and, ai dat the request of large and respectable numbero the citizms of Savannah, ani 1 that he derives n6 etnoluiri utoi I advantuge from the-fice Republican . ‘The /Inter} leans at Carrut chs The destiny ol those fortunate men is no longer ciout tul Ten of them were execut on iTle ‘2l si ot Job , anil the 1 maimier consigned to tun ye 3 irr.pi i sonhient A letter is how before US v ’ ten I>V one of the officeis (to I friend in this city) the day befo his 1 xecutioti, from winch w<- ‘•> permitted to take the loiiotvii extract: “On the *Bth of April, sight ol the Spanish Maine, engagement to<'k place bet"'® tht Leah tier and her sciioch? tmd a Spanish brigand sebeot of double our force. In the c° u! of the day bo:h our school* were captured. We were cadi into the port of Cavcllo, wnt we were loaded with Lons, 3 confined in the Castle. ActntA afterwards, officers Were n*n t> Carrttccas to take ouf exaot lions and confessions. ‘d were transmute 1 to that jr*3C triil; and this day we we'e o’ ! cut to receive onr stflt' Dt Out ot 57 men. 47 were sti" a ed toiigiitand ten ve ais soument, unu ten of whoa’ ■ one, were oooinetl to tlie scslr We are tub executed a’ bbi Clock to-inorunv-iiior. iug. cepi, my dsatr tellow, the ia* 1 surance ot stuceie irientlsbip- Jurti‘ We were informed laA c ing, by the pilo of- tb e ‘S rail, lrom f>s. V incent , d l,l '. ship Uosi:-tn n ßlooi. b-i-i a .tune at li- ij-. • paper w. iU*