The Georgia journal: and independent federal register. (Savannah, Ga.) 1793-179?, December 04, 1793, Image 3

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NEW BURY-PORT, O&ober 2* By a late visitation of the feleft men ard lchool-committee of this tow n, to the public schools, it appears that there are about goo children now educating at the expence of the tow n bitch is the opinion of the inhabitants of this town, with regard to the ne cefiit) ol educating the rifirg genera tion, that they cheei fully fupportnine pub ic and leveral private schools. BOSTON, OGober 30. Asa specimen of the validity of effiaai accounts published in London papers, we extract the following pa ragraph from the Star, refpefting the memorable engagement between the Ambuiaicle and Bolton i rig ties. At ter mentioning that the Bolton de coyed the Atnbufcade into arrengage nient —that they were within piltol ftiot —that the action continued up wards of four hours, and a number of ether particulars tquady as true, the official account concludes thus : “ Ihe Anihufcade had a tender with lier, which lupplied her with frefh hands three different times.” Another London paper, with a great degree of model! affurnnee, fays, It is now certainly afeertained, rha f nothing but the present Indian war prevents the American Hates from cbmrhenciiig holliliiies againlt Great Britain*’* NEW YORK, November 2. The brig Robert, Steele, which returned yelterday a prize to tlie Cherf, a French Hoop of war, is laid to have brought intelligence, that the French fleet under the command of admiral Sercy, had abandoned the expedition for which they were de;- ti -ed, and had failed for France. — That this movement was occasioned by citizen Rompard, who having ie duced the people of the Juoiter, im -35-.; Jiarclj- flood si-way for France that the crew of L’Eole dec’arec! for followiig the Jupiter, notwithftarul jng the positive orders and the molt animated remonltrances of the admi ral; and that, on the dilcovery ol this, the rest of the fleet did not he sitate to lodowthem. PHILADELPHIA, November 4. On S a urday lalt the President of the United States arrived at German town, from his (eat in Virginia. We hear with pleasure that nir. Hamilton, the f’ecret.iry ol the trea.. fury, is at Germantown in good health. Fellow -Citizens of Philadelphia, Theunletrled state of the weather, changing suddenly from cold to heat, and front heat to cold, renders it utt fafe for our fellow citizens, who have for lome time redded in the country, to crowd with too much precipitation into the city, especially into houses which have not been prepared in the manner heretofore recommended. Although we can with confidence afllrt, that thediforder had abated, as was formerly mentioned, and that there is the greatest reason to hope that it will fitortly disappear ; yet we cannot fay that it is totally eradicated, as there is realon to fear that it may (till lurk in different parts of the city. The committee wilb to impress up on the minds of their fellow ci izens, I the absolute necellity of cailfirig thole houses to be opened and aired, which ■ have been long shut up, before they venture to return ; and that this he done inflantly by themselves, to pre.. Vent the necellity of its being done another way. M. CLARKSON, President. BALTIMORE, November 9. | European accounts, down to the *5 r hos September, further confirm the advices received by the different arrivals in the ports of the United States ; that the mod energetic mea_ lures were taken by the combination of powers leagued against France, for placing the dauphin on the throne ; and for reducing that gal.ant na tion to a compliance with those terms, which may hereafter be iuhmitted for their acceptance, and ratification, (should they be able to conquer them) by ttie crowned he..ds who are now acting againlt the cattle of liberty, in Europe—From the very numerous fleets and armies employed at the pre sent time, to subdue, if not entirely overthrow the republican system in b ranee ; it is a very difficult talk, to form any decided opinion with re flect to the fate of that now diltradted and unhappy country : torn by in tefline broils, and surrounded on all Tides by the enemies of freedom, flie ltill maintains a superior force to combat with the delpots of the old wmrld ; and if unanimity and engtrgy were the Iprings of adion in then councils, there would be the gieatelt probability of fntcefs in the grand iiri dertakings that nation is now engaged in, with a view r to repel the attacks of all her enemies : 1 hat (lie may lucceed in defeating the machinations and evil deligns ol these monarchs, and princes, who are opposed to her , and at lilt come off victorious, tri umphing over tyranny and slavery, in the dow nfal of kings, and a corrupt nobility—mult be theuppermoft wilh in the heart of every true and patriot citizen of United America. Anew tontine, denominated the * Washington tontine,* has just been inftiruted, for the improvement of the new federal ciry ot Wa-hing ton. Each (hare 100 dollars, ten per (eut. paid on (tibfcribing, and the rest •y initdlment thereafter. PETERSBURG, Nov. 8. On night the 27th ult. a French brig trom Cape Fran< ois, with a great number of emigrants on board, ran a lliore in Lynbaven Bay, and went to pieces. As no person was laved, it is impoffibie to state- how many perifbed—t he bodies of men, women, and children, to the amount of forty eight or fifty have been found. Many of the bodies were so mangled and torn by the furf, that in many places the heads, arms and legs, were scattered on the fantl. Ail the re mains were on Thursday lalt co lefted and committed to their kindred earth. CHARLESTON, November 21. Extract of a l it r received by the sch roner IV-hum ton Packet, arrived from the kVe/i-Indies, dated St. Eujiatia , Atf vember the 1793. “ I this moment saw captain Wil liam Newton of your port, in a Ichooner, loaded with negroes, bound to Havanna, he informs me that a Bri'ifh (loop of war, fix days ago was chafed into St. Vincent, by a French fcjuadron, consisting of two lliips of the line, one large frigate and a iloop of war. It is generally thought here, to be the French squadron from New York, on an expedition to retake To bago.” AUGUSTA, November 28. Extract of a letter da edFr and rickjburgh, November 7, to a gentleman m this town “ There is a report in circulation here, which is deemed authentic, that general W'avnd’has had a general engagement \*ith the Indians in the welt ; has killed 700 and wounded and dro vnetl by pulhing them into the river a great number of others. Wayne loft, it is laid, fix hundred men in the engagement. General S ott, who commanded the Kentucky militia did great execution towards the close of the battle—upon the whole, ’tis conlidered that Wayne has obtained a complete victory.*’ SANANNAH, Dec. 4. I By a letter from general Wayne! to general Scott, dated head quarters, I September 18, we learn, on the 16th he had received politive orders from the president, to commence hos tilities against the Indians.—This ren ders the account of the engagement between the federal troops and them (under the Augulta head), highly probable. ‘1 he governor of Pennsylvania, on the 31st ot October, wrote to doctors Duffield and Meafe, pbylicians of the port ot Philadelphia, informing them, that as the rime for the fitting of the state legislature approached, he wilhed them to make the enquiries, to alcertain w hether the members could, with fafety, alfemb'e in Phila delphia ? l o which the doctors an lwered, on the 4111 ot November, that the disease had l’o rapidly de clined, particularly within the two weeks preceding, that there was great realon to conclude, that it would not 1 e known in the city, or adjoining diltricts, in two weeks from that time. And that they were decidedly of opinion, that the legislature might meet in Philadelphia, at the appointed time, without apprehenlion ot danger from the contagion which had proved lo fatal to a number of citizens. We are informed, that the day before the floopßetley, Aultin, failed from New York, the Brit sh October packet had arrived there ; and that it was immediately c irculated, and very generally believed, that London pa pers received by her, mention, that the duke of York ami his whole army h.d been made pr. Toners ol war, by the French :—and further, that the allied armies were in the greatest dill, tress, and had been very unluccelsful in their various Ik rm Hies and lerious actions with the republican forces.— Whether these reoorts be well founded 1 or not, ceitain it is, that the French veiTels in New York harbour teftified their belief of them, by a grand dil plav of colours, and repeated firings of their cannon. Lalt week a countryman was com mitted to our gaol, charged wiih forging the paper medium of South Carolina, or uttering it, knowing the lame to be forged.—A day or two previous to his apprehenlion, he had offered four ten pound bills for goods, in a (tore in this city ; the ltore keeper believing them to be counter kits, and that the poffeflnr had been impoled on, informed him thereof, and advised him to return them to the person from whom he had them : inltead of attending to this salutary hint, he (old them the next day, for eighty dollars—this extraordinary de preciation naturally affording a ltrong prelumption of his criminality, he was in conlequence secured. Saturday iall being the anniversary of the titular faint of S otland, the St. Andrew’s Society celebrated the day at the filature, where an elegant dinner was provided, and the evening Ipent in feftive harmony and convivial mirth. The port which arrived here on Monday, did not bring the northern mail, as usual—nor, indeed, any ci ther letters or newlpapers than thole from Augulta. Ricketts, the celebrated equestrian performer, has arrived at Charlelton, from New York ; he proposes exlii biting his performances there for lome time, and from thence, we under hand, intends to make a fliort excur lion to this city. Yelterday commenced the races of Sunhury.—ln our next we hope to gratify our (porting readers with a lcale of each clay’s running. A point of honour—The ful lowing occurrence took place a few weeks lince, in Charlelton, and as it has not yet appeared in print, we think it worth noticing here.—The boatswain of the fliip Alfred, captain Scott, belonging to Jamaica, having fallen into company with a French seaman, and politics becoming the subject of converlation, the latter made use of lome injurious exprellions towards the king of Great Britain ; the boat! wain thinking his honour in jured in that of his lov.ereign, infilled upon fatisfa&ion.—The Frenchman, “ nothing loth,” attended him to the appointed ground ; from whence he retur ed a corpse, the firft fire of his antagoniil having laid him lifelefs on the earth :—the ball entered his tem ple.— Ihe fuccelsful hero immediately repaired to his excel.ency governor Moultrie, relabel his “ plain tale,” and lurrendered himfelf to he amena ble to juftite ; the governor enquired into the cirtuniftances of the fatal af fair , from the leconds, and finding nothing foul had taken place, directed the boat.wain to enter into a recogni zance, for his future app arance to ltand his trial, and then d.liniffed this triumphant foil of Neptune. PO R T NEW S. ENTERED INWARD. ’ Sloop Cbarle/lon JP.ult t , Stevens, Charlefion Engle, Ross, do. CLEARED outward. v Sloop Sufannab, Rowe, H v nr.ah Schooner Columbia, Thornton, Rb> le IJland —o.j>o<as-o-sa— TO the public. AifraCl plan of this nenvffaper. It will invariably be conducted on a perfectly liberal and Jhiiily impartial plan ; and neither exertion nor expence lliall be fp.tred to procure the earliest and moft authentic intelligence in every department, foreign and domestic. Extia&s iroin new books and approved au thors, in the various branches of uf.ful and polite literature, together witli pi ccs of wit, ■ tumour, and plenfantry, lliall orcahonally oc* .upy tome ol our columns.— And “ though Ia ft, tot leaf! in favour,” the amateurs ol the unities nay always expert to find tuch P.trnaliian lights as.arc efhmn'de for harmony of num ber., as well as eifulions of genius, taste, or Liniment. Terms of publication and fubfcriptlon. I. The GEORGIA JOURNAL will lie pub tillied and distributed early on the morning* it Wcdnefday and Saturday in each week. U. The annual fubfcrlption is lix dollurs;_ •e be paid half-yearly in a Ivanee. 11l As soon as three hundred and fifty fub* bribers shall have entered their names and ptid their fubfcriptlons, The Ctr.gia Journal tlia.ll thenceforward he published thrice a week, without any additional cxpence to the lab* fcr.iber*. *, * Subscriptions are now taking in by Me firs. Markland and MHver and Mr. John Harris, Charlfon ; Mr. A. M'Mitlaii, Augujia; and by the editor, on the Bay, Savannah. DIANA MASSEY ETURN3 her thanks to the ladies and IN. gentlemen of Savannah, for the great en couragement flie has met with during her reti dence here ; and begs leave to inform her friends, and the public in general, that the con tinues to carry on thebulinefs of A Pajiry-Cook and Confeftioner, near tint filature; where all kinds of pies, •akes, tarts, die. may he had on the shortest notice, and linewife dinners and suppers, for any number, provided in the genteelcft man ner, upon the mod reasonable terms. Sue will dress dinners or suppers, at gentlemen’s houses, or for public societies and private clubs, when applied to, in a manner which, no doubt, will give eutire fatisfaiftion :—and it will be conlidered an additional obligation, if those who are in her debt Would speedily dis. charge the lame, in order to enable her to make a settlement with those to whom flie i* indebted. Savannah, Nov. Is, 1793. N O T I C E. THE fubferiber being duly authorized io collect tile debts due the estate of John Ruppert, in his own right, or as surviving co-partner of Ruppert and Emanuel, informs all perlbns concerned, to call on hint and pay their respective bonds, notes, and accounts, as speedily as pofUble : tlioL that do not avail themselves of this notice, for the last time, may depend upon being sued immediately. MOSES VALLOfTON, jun. Nov. 30, 1793. Q,LJ I L la S,/ OF THE FIRST QUALITY, For sale at the N ~u Printing ofice, on the Bay. W A N T E D, An APPRENTICE to the Printing Bufmefi Apply to J. Carey, on the Bay. Cfy A youth properly qualified may now have on opportunity of acquiring one of the mo ! lucrative and genteel profeffions in Europe or America, on terai J highly advantageous to b.mfelf < *