The Georgia journal: and independent federal register. (Savannah, Ga.) 1793-179?, December 14, 1793, Image 3
SAVANNAH, Dec. 14. Ext'-aSI of a letter from Angujla, Dec. 4. “ The legislature have allowed all negroes! free or slaves, to come this state from the Weft Indies, or any place elsewhere, under certain reftrictiqns on the free ones :—The reftriftions on the free negroes are, that they {ball, after thirty days refi-. dence in the state, have their names, places of abode, and occupations, re corded in the cieik’s office; Ibould they neglect so to do, they lhall be confined for any time not exceeding three-months, or until they can give t .vo freeholders security for their good behaviour in future.” Extra ft r fa leit r from Angujla, Dec 11. Oa Saturday we received the joyous confirmed accounts of the ge neral defeat of the several divisions of combined despots against the only real republicans in the world. On this continent we have been taught to be -1 eve, that our conftirution breathes more than freedom itfelf, but when I compare it with that of the French, I find we are shackled with nearly as imhli ariltocracy as when under the f!a villi chains of British tyranny. —To- morrow we are to have an ox killed and barbecued on the common :—the governor gives powder to tire a f ti de joye ; no person is to be at it, but thole who are real friends to the re public of France—nor dare a fellow who has been hardy enough to pol lute the name of freedom, or abuse its came, approach the sacred ground. A notification to that effect will be handed round, although there are not more than twenty such above the line of •” Mr. CAREY, Sir, you will pleafeinfert in your pa per, the Planter, No. Ill—lt was handed ‘forward for publication se veral weeks part, but a demand that was thought improper for the for mer numbers of that paper, ob n,-....... ■ pu ..lieatj l. l p; —-11le lea nt res of liberality which mark the firft production of your press, in duces the author to hand it to the public through the medium of The Georgia Journal. ToIIENR Y WOOD, efq . nova fktriff of Liberty County. There is, fir, in the moral as well as the natural state of man a point of .depravity, that no remedy can reach, or admonition amend ; a mind that is once loft to the flings of reproach, the tits of confidence, and the pleasures ariling from fclf approbation, in the pradice of honesty, can only be check ed in iiis milchievous pursuits, by the lenience of the judge, or the h ind of the executioner.— Fo this ultimate reward, of such daring delinquency, it was my intention to leave you ; but your boasted merit, proved by a majority, requires a comment : hail your crimes been cf milder hue, you had been fuffered quietly to fink into oblcurity ; in the prelent case the public mind required a facrifice—and it seems, fir, they wilh you led to the altar, with all your appointments a bour yen. You twicecharge the Planter with Ifalfhood ; at firft you beg a fufpenlion ot the public opinion, until you can [bring for ward authenticated document*. Ito prove his allegations falfe : a week [elapfes, and you fur-prife your friends I with an acknowledgment, nay a proof, jot the truth of his affections.—T he IPhoter’s second publication, has in Iciiyrge against you, a variety of mat |te:-; you reply, generally, it is falfe : [this is ever the last resource of deiecled Ip'iilt— from Cain to the present fiieriff oi Liberty County, the plea cf not guilty, ha. been in uniform use with even the moll atrocious offenders *—the jut jut an Aw, doctor, is certainly Ge Lit, and ought to be the moft fa* crcd, test of a man’s finrcn.ty You are charged witii having, more than once, fingered fees, from which this Solemnity, it was thought, would exclude you.—And tlie pitiful half poundage, on a paltry .hundred, ex acted of mr. Winn, fixes your price below what is current among the tribe of profeflionals, lo ufeful to unfortu nate adventurers on Blackheath—the Planter has your hand-writing for moft, it not all, the charges exhibited against you : Accusations thus ground ed, will, at the next superior court, present themselves for debate ; and there are lome, who are judges, that believe, the reasoning will be so pointedly addressed to your'feelings, as to fender an irreparable injury to the foundation on which rests the or gans of your hearing—nay, fir, there are those, who albert the fiftulous hand of the executioner, will so taint them, that the pencil of an Apelles, or the ehifel of a Buonaroti, would more effectually remedy the evil, than all the applications of the materia inedica. —With no hope of your amendment, or the moft distant belief that any rea foiling can arrest your progress in the purluit of iniquity, but as a matter of curious enquiry, on which yon owe the public lomc informat on—l would alk, is it nature, or is it education, doctor, that has thus led you, wi’diy devious, from all that is estimable ic man ? If the firft, sure the puriftum fallens of (uch a mind, timely brought on the tapis of investigation, mult have thrown anew light on the fubiect of anatomical research ; and when I so limit the wtlh, that to this you had been applieJ, with no other lois to society, than the chasm that wou’d be created by your absence, I doubt not its being echoed by every honest mind, that you had been the caule of foine hypothetical error, even in that moft ufeful Lienee, rather than in the full-grown fiieriff, you lltouid continue to martyr the estates of your fellow citizens—but perhaps it is education -if f >,* wc learn how necefiiiry it .s, to impress on the opening mind every virtuous, every amiable habit, left the man we are rearinc with fondeft ex pecbitiotis of his use to society, fliould. like you, blaze out a monitor ; be bound by no ties, be governed by 110 principles, be, in short, fir, a walking satire upon his progenitors, sin active curie upon his neighbours. I lhall now take my leave of you, and close for ever a correspondence, pain'ul from the eternal reprelenta tion of man in his worst colouring; •wirh no gleam of virtue to lighten the defcriptiorl, or iutermiffion of guilr, lufforing humanity to relent— and afford you a ray of pity, that you are a.lied to her in species. A PLANTER. TO CORRESPONDENTS. FrizkdlvL hint dull be attended to. PORT NEW S. ENTERED IN WARD. Schtontr B other t, Sounders, C jurltjh.n # Sloop Lydia, C f gejhaU, Rhode JJland Dove , Ro\ en , Chdrlejloi Venus, ‘Tb ttifj n New York CLEARED QUTIVARD. Sloop XJvbrilpre Packet, Moore, Cla r led an THAYER 6- WRIGHT, EAST SIDE OF IIOGG'S-S^UARE, OPPOSITE THE CHURCH, INFORM the public, that they carry on the BOOl’ and SHOEMAKING BUSINESS, in all its various branches :—They have 011 hand, for sale, ladies’ and gentlemen’s Ihoes of all kinds, on as reafotiable terms as at any (tore in Savannah. Any gentleman who may favour them with his custom, may depend on having his work executed in the ncateft manner, and on the thoi test notice. * ( * They have on hand a quantity of NE GROES’ SHOES, for sale, at a very low price. Savannah, LKc. ij. JUST LANDED, F; 1 m on boat’d ibc tloop Neptune, and for /l, b\ JOHN ROGERS, ON EERY LOW TERMS, For cafhtor pi oditce at cap price At the (tore occupied by rnr. Robert Watts, The following articles, wr. NEW-ENGLAND RUM, in hints, tierces. and barrels—Gin in cases Bar-iron, luitablc for waggon tears, axes, &c.— Beef, in half-barrels, lalt-petred—Pork, in do—One half-barrel neat’s tongues, falt-petred—Ten hhds Turk’s llland ’fait—Twenty barrels cider, of the firft quality—A few barrels potatoes — A few firkins of butter, of the firlt quality— Narraganfet cheese, of do.—Spermaceti and mould tallow candles, in boxes—Cotton cards —A few reams writing paper—J, and 4-4 brown tow-cloth— -4-4 Irish linens, allotted in quality—Two calks ten-pennv nails, fliarps— Uuflia and raven’s duck—A few coils cordage —two bands and one bag of coffee —A few • O patent (team jacks, for roal ing, which only require a trial to come into general use, Beftde the following goods, imported direct from Can ton, in the left fiips : , Silk and cotton stripes, fnitable for gentle men s funinier wear nankeens coloured, and embroidered luteftrings, of luperior qua lity—Black latins, of do.—Tadics embroidered fat in fiioe patterns, black and coloured- Hair riband—Enamelled china, in tea lets of 49 pieces each—Enamelled china tea cups and laueers, coffee bowls and faueers, and pint bowls—Penciled china punch bowls-—Two sets children’s tea china, 4 9 pieces each—Lacquered tea trays, of various sizes—Lacquered oval and round waiters, and tea caddies and bottle Hands—Common paddle Hick fans—lvory te.i cheds—Cinnamon—Souchong tea, in I'm all boxes—Two quarter cherts bohea lea —A few barrels India sugar, firlt quality. Savant.ah, Dee. 1 4- Wanted to hire, BY THE MONTH OR YEAR, A sober, hone ft, and induftriotts Negro wench, who under (lands cooking and walking. Apply to the printer. JOCKEY CLUB. r J NT's; races at Savannah will commence the X second Tutfday in January next. i"y order oj the flnvards, JOSEPH MILLER, tresfurtr. Dec. 10, 1793. £.V a of the members is requeued, ..t Blown s Ceff; ■ honfc, on the evening pre 'c ling, at 6 o’clock. I'NIE knowledge the fubferibers have of the SOUTHERN COUNTRY, ariling from their having mule an accurate and adtual urvey of the sea-coast and inland navigation if this state—induce them to proffer their ervice to gentlemen poffdhng land in these counties, as ftirveyors, capable and disposed til difeharge their duty in that line.—And if required, plats of the fame elegantly decorated. PARKER, HOPKINS, & MERCER. December 11. KOTIC E. ALL persons who have demands against the late Mr. JAMES INGLESBY, arc re quested to deliver them to the fubferibers, pro derly attested ; and those indebted to laid eftatc are desired to make immediate pay ment. ELIZABETH INGI.ESBY, adminifratrix. THOMAS HILLS, adminif rater. Savannah, Dee. 11. ILLS, OF THE FIRST QUALITY, For sale at the New Printing-office, oil the Bay N O T I C E. ripHE fubferiber being duly authorized to coileifl: the debts due the estate of John Ruppert, in his own right, or as surviving co-partner of Ruppert and Emanuel, informs ail persons concerned, to call on him and pav their respective bonds, notes, and accounts, as speedily as possible : those that do not avail themselves of this notice, for the last time, may depend upon being lued immediately. MOSES VALLOTTON, jun. Nov. 30, 1793. W A N T E D, An APPRENT ICE to the Printing \ Bufisiefs 9 Apply to J. Carey, on the Bay. A youth properly qualified may now have an opportunity of acquiring one of the mo s lucrative and fail:el profejjons in Europe or America, on terms highly AJvuniMgctus /# lumf ls SALES at AUCTION. On Monday the 16/i infant, lfore my V.r.due Store , nvi lbe fold, to the ef.cji bidder, ALL the PROPERTY beloi-dng to the ESTATE of SAMUELL HI . fi, late of this city, merchant, deceased, conliftig of his (lore of goods, a Negro hoy, two hoglheads tobacco, wearing apparel, Sic. Conuaieia ; — CASH. By order of the admuiifrciior, Wm, EWING, Anctionlei'. At fame time and place will be exposed for file, The I OT, with the BUILDINGS thereon, situate at the corner of Broughton and Alier corn-ftreets, at present occupied by William Cooke, E(q. and Mr. Samuel Mordecai. Conditions will be declared at the time ol fate. For private sale, A likely young NEGRO WENCH, capable of every kind of house work, and a prime NEGRO FELLOW.. Afo, SUPERFINE FLOUR, in whole and half barrels, MADEIRA andTENERIFTE WINK, I'V the pipe or quartet-cask, white and brown IRISH LINENS, NEGRO CLOTH, BLAN KETS, fine andcoarfc HAI'S, BAT H COAT INGS, &c. Savannah, Ds.ember 7, 1793* SHERIFF’S SALES. On TVFSDAY, the nth Jay of January next, ‘ WILL BE SOLD BY PUBLIC OUTCRY, At the COURT-HOUSE, SAFANKAH, bk.Tiveen the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock, QKVERAL field negroes, 4$ yoke of oxen, O between 30 and 40 head of ( cattle, 1 boric and chair, 12 head ol hogs, a crop of rice, partly beat our, and partly in the rough, ertimated at 60 bairtL, an ox cart, several articles of household and kitchen furniture. A tract or parcel of land, containing 400 acres, fuuate in the dirtriet of Little Ogcchee, being the unimproved part of the tract 0:1 which the defendant now relides, and is corn poled of part of several tr3ifts bounded on the north-weft by lands of Francis Courvoiiie, late box’s, on the north eart and south-east by lands of Jofcpli Clay, Esq. and on the l'outii vvert by lands of William Fox’s estate. One undivided third-part of all that traifl or parcel 01 laud, situate in the parish of Christ Church, in Chatham County, bounded ibuth caft part by lands ol David Fox, decealed, and on aii o.her lides by lands vacant at the time of the original survey; granted originally to Benjamin Box, decealed. Om undivided third-part of all that traifl of land, containing 150 acres, situate tu St. Andrew’s parish, bounded at the time of the survey thereof, nortli-wtftvardly by landsfur veyed for Donald M‘K;sy, and 011 all other (ides by vacant land; granted to Benjamin Fox, deceased. One hundred acres of land, diftriift of 1 ittle Ovechee, adjoining on the north-east by lands ot VV illiam Mathers, and on all other lides by unknown lands. The whole seized as the property of David. Francis Bourquin, Esq. Conditions of file, —CASH. 0.1 account oj former purchasers not having lomp/ied with the conditions of fate : Several five acre or garden lots, situate to the south-west of the city of fftvannah, seized as of the estate of the Thomas Let, de ecaicd. N. B. Plats, grants, and titles of all the above lands may be seen at the iTieriff’* Office.’ EDWARD LLOYD, S.C. C. Savannah, December 6, 1793. TO THE PUBLIC. Alfred plan of thit newspaper. It will invariably be conduded on a perfectly liberal and Jhic/ly impartial plan ; and neither exertion nor expence lhall be (pared to procure the earliest and moft authentic intelligence in every department, foreign and domestic Extradts from new books and approved au thors, in the various branches of ufelul’and polite literature, together with pieces of wit, humour, and plcafantry, lliall ortafionally oc cupy fomeofour columns.—And “ though laft* not lead in favour,” the amateurs ol the muse, may always exped to find such Parnaflian fl ghts as arc estimable for harmony of num bers, as well as elFulions of genius, taftc, or lentiment. Terms of publication and fubfcriptioH. I. The GEORGIA JOURNAL will be pub lished and distributed early on the morning* o. Wednefdav aud Saturday in each week. 11. The annual fubfeription is fix dollors; te be paid half-yearly in advance. 111. A* soon as three hundred and fifty fub feribers shall have entered their names au< > paid their fubferiptions, The Georgia fount... lhall thenceforward be publiftied thrice a week,*l without any additional expence to the lub- . fetibers. J *,* Snbfcriptions are now taking in \y , Mefi'rs. Markland and M‘)ver and Mr. y/_. Harris, Char!f on; Mr. A. M'Mlllan, AuguJLt, and by the editor, on the Bay, Savannah,