The Georgia journal: and independent federal register. (Savannah, Ga.) 1793-179?, December 14, 1793, Image 4

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—I— *O-300
Mr. Carry,
S.'o/ilyou think the f-'h-f'-no hires worthy of in -
Jeti/Oss, they are tit your jet vie. , Z. A.
Robin, who to the plftw was bred,
.And who could ncitlier r.-ritc nor read,
Seeing the good old people use
‘ln read with g!a'Te *crof the nofc,
’Which they for ever wore ab >ut them,
And said they eou’d not read without ’em j
Happen’d one day to come to town,
And, as he laurctcr’d up and down,
He fpy’d a tbop, where such like thing*
Hung dangling in a row on firings :
It tonic him in the head to (lop,
And ask the matter of the lhop,
If he could furnifh folks that need
With glade* that could make ’em read ;
■ O: fell ’n a pair of what d’ ye call it,
W ould fit his nofc, and would not gall it ?
The man his draw’r in one hand took,
The other opes a bilde book :
The draw’r contain’d of glades plenty,
From.three times one to one and twenty;
Some set in horn, and loins in leather;
And when a hundred pairs h’ad try’d,
And lliil had thrown ’em a!! aside,
T lie mun grew peev?(h ; Boh grew vext,
And fworc lie could not read tin text.
• blot read ! confound you for a fool ;
‘ I’ll hpng if e’t-r you went tOfchool:
‘ Could you e’er read without the help
• Os fpcdtacles ?’ “ Why, no, you whelj) :
“ i o people who can-walk without,
“ 11 uy wooden ley s to f .imp alaut 1 ’
n/V iv -rS- **■ Sj->j ■■■ ■
N ts. W-\OR K, November 14.
A c -rrefp oident lift evening
favoured us with “ The Courier,” an 1
evening paper, primed at London,
b pic.nber 14th. fie account in this
paper and Bi 1 to! papers, Hate (in pro- j
ceedings of the na ional convention of
S1 1 ‘inher 1, a, 3, n l 4,) That gene- >
ral Duoua had chnged the Spaniards 1
with ) y diets,ai Line, near Perpignan,
who r. seated precipitately, took and
barm itorcs, &c. 1 hat the enemy at
the Riiine weie continually beaten by
the bravery of french folditrs—that
ncai 2000 Austrians were lard in the
dull near Strafburgh, about Augufi
28t!i, the whole people resorted to
arms! ihai thedteree, “ that the whole
*po iple thai! rile agamit tyranny ,” is
carrying iiiloextcuiion w ithenthnfiafm
- dial the gr ra of counter revolution
is entirely crallied a’ Rouen—that the
rebels in the env.rons of Bourbon and,
Goupillieu are adtually subdued—that
September 3d, (of Ame
rica) Villt i>, in the name of die
‘niitice of commerce made a report on
the petitions oi the captains of vellels
of the United Stales lie proposed the
following plan of a decree, which, was
adopt'd :
“ Inc national convention, dt firous
to obi uteall the difficulties which may
a rife with rcfpetl to the execution of
th. decree oi the 15th of lall month,
by which she ex portal ion of several
articles is prohibited, and secure the
in ans 01 exchange to the captains of
neutral velf. ls, who bung into Fiance
e-ther proydions or raw materials, after
hiving beard the report of i*s com
mittees of commerce and marine, de
creed feveraj articles tending to pro
do e th? dclired < ffetl.” 1 hat fever 1!
fucceflVs against the rebels at Saurnur
increased daily, and that the rebels,
who advanced in three columns at St.
M iixent, were cut to pieces, and jeo
tnxen pri Toners. ‘1 hat near ia Motile
Atiiard, the patriots live no quarters
t>* the rebels ; the t* ive garrilon of
Mentz had arrived there, and fevear
never to depart the Vendee until all the
are killed, or b.ought to a sense
♦heir dui’-. Ihe miuifter of war,
> iiiber 4h, announced a complete
‘ ’ ■ }’ over the Spaniards at the foot
\ V I out L 1 tire, with the Infs of their
**y to and all their equipage, not a
-*'s Tha, eignt £ glilh
‘-‘ t S Tjulau, null
missioners from Marfeillcs, dated Au
gust 29 ; received with firmnefs by the
conven ion, who were also interned,
hat general commanded aii
ti e leading pailes to Foulon, and that
the English could, make n > important
txcurfions in th. f< uth—that new,luc
celfcs attended th - patriotic arms at
Nantz. The pe. pie la 1 t irrhed in
to battalions in A face to the amount
of uo,ooo men !—Thus far in con
The Courier further ftotes, under
the London head of Saturday evening,
September 14 —T hat 86 offLersot the
allied army were killed on the spot,
while the duke was effediog his junc
tion with marshal Freytag ; 60 wag
gons of wounded were lent to Furi es
on that evening, and 60 more the ru xt
day; 2000 barrels of powder, w re
taken by the French —that the Fiei ch
afterwards attacked Yprrs. but wore
repulsed with the lofsvf 2000 met —.
and that immediately after ‘he duk*
had planned a return to the (lege of
Dunkirk ! that the prince Adolphus
had returned to his royal father at
Kew, with a flight wound.
Anv York Journal.
A gentleman arrived this morning
from Burton, reports, tlrat when li ■
leh that town, a vcftel arrived from
Ca liz,after a short pafTige, had brought
th? following in'el'igence ;—“ Tile in
habitants of Toulon had refufed to
participate in the c,ime of th fe who
had fur rendered the to wn—’h y had
taken poss flion of the fort L male,
which commands the road, and it wa
very probable, the Kngli'h would not
find it so eify to go out as to get in. 1 ’
NOV EMBER 15. ——.
We have a report that in Canada
they were in conrternation for Ear o!
an att-ck on Qj bee, from admiral
Sercey’s fleet, who, it was tin re said,
had. 13.000 troops, with him ; and that
form: of the forces from Upper Canada
had been adualiy ordered clown to
Qneb c. It was also reported, that
the Flora, a French forty gun frigate,
had en'ered the ol St. Laurence,
and dellroyed form: fiflicries there.
The committee appeihted to pre
vent the icitrodudlion and fpeading of
infe£fious diseases in this city, taking
into confideiation the favourable re
ports from Philadelphia, concerning
the situation of the inhabitants of that
city as far as refpcrSLs the ma-ignan:
disease which lately prevailed there—
and being persuaded that there will be
no inconvenience or danger to the citi
zens of New-York to open the com
munication between the two places,
so far as refpefts palfcng- rs and their
wearing apparel : it was upon motion
That palfengers coming from Phil
adelchia to this city may be admitted
in future, together with their wearing
apparel, without any rtftridion as to
time, until further orders from this
By order of th? committee.
JOHN BROOME, chairman.
Tiiuifday Evening, Nov 14.
0:i Saturday arrived here the flip
Canada, of and for London, from the
Bay of Honduras, burthen 500 tons,
deeply laden with logwood, a prize to
the.FreiKh Citizen of Bourdeaux, of
36 guns. The tirrt gun the frigate
hied burtt, and killed 14 of her u,vn
Extract of a letter from a genrte
ma‘. in Edinburg, to his correfpon
dent in this city, dated Augufi ißth,
1 793*
“ I am glad to hear that you have
ma le so good an exchange, from ;>cr
fecution to eale, an 1 a profpedt of
comfort: a fmail tbare of which is now
left to this unfortunate and devoted
country. Increaiiig burdens, lot's of
credit, genera bankruptcy, and public
perfeem Dus .are among the long caia
lugue of evils that have increaftd, and
are increasing, fioce your departure.
“ ihe great Robinfons, bee>.ieilers,
in London, hove been tried and found j
guilty, ( he whole linn, fix partners)
fir ieiuing tliree copie- of Paine’s
R ffi s >f Tvl u to a c mnt y books 11 r,
tonisorde., among other books to the
am uit of fwVenty-two pounds Iter-
> VV. have rec-ived a viriety of other
.ext its of letters, in the I one rtyle,
; he limits of the Fue lera! t .a
----z ate prevent us from ( rtering. One
of taefe, from Loudon, ttates that
fifty beuk uptcies happen in that city
every week.
A renort has this day prevailed at
themom mtof our puiting this paper
to rhat an exprd's t.- arrived 10
the P ert lent from citizen G net, at
N. w-York. which itaies that the
duke of York, his two brothers, and
a great part of his army have been made
prisoners of war by ‘he army ol th;
Fr< n"h republic.
Extradl of a letter from an eminent
commercial eflab’ifhmer.t i t Ortend,
to hiffriend iu this city, dated 2irt
’Sept. 1793.
“ We have been very uneasy this
eight days part, the French having at
tacked the Fnglifh ‘he 9'H. who
were ergagf A in the ft g?of Dunkirk
Th? Eugofh were totady routed and
left 80 pieces of cannon, and the great
ell part of their baggage and provifi ns,
an ‘ fled with great precipationand ands
older, plundered the different towns
aid villages they palf.d through, ihe
D itch, on the other fide, have bv?en
q :.a!iy thrown in disorder, and pursued
as far as Alh fl and Ghent. The
French en ered Menin and totally
plundered it—they are Hill at Fumes,
where they are un! vading the English
(lore houses. In fadl, my dear fi , it
ha been a total rout, ahnort in Ls ef
fect without exam ole—happily th-
French confined th mftlves to the
plunder of Menin and furne?, for had
they come on here, not. much would
have been left for them to do.”
Captain Ayers S ockley, of the brig
3 Am, just arrived at this port, who let’’
London the 26th of September, and
lailfrom Gutrnfey, which place he left
so iuteas the nth of O&ober, confirms
ali die circumflances of the total over
throw of the army under the duke of
York—but mentions nothing of his
being made priforer; vvethersforc con
clude the report of yeltealay was pre
PETERSBURG!!, November 29.
ExtraFl of a letter from Thomas Jef
ferfun, efq. secretary of fcate, to a
ge.illeman cf Richmond, dated Ger
man-Towr, November 14, 1793.
“ I have the pleafureto inform you,
that after the great rains which fell the
hrfl three or four days of this month,
not a single new infection of the yel
low fever took place; that those then
ill of it, are either dead or recovered ;
and that there is the molt refpedla
b!e that there is not at this
time a finale fubjr£l remaining under
that disorder. The refugee inhabitants
have been returning into the city ever
fiuce the rains, without incurring any
accident. Some who had returned be
.fore therains caught the difesfe. It is
jprobable that in the course of this week
and the next, 99 out of ico of those
who had left the city, will be returned
into it. As the m .mbers of congress,
coming from a dirtance, may be unin
formed of the real state of thing-', he
nrefnlent will probably remain here
(though he has been into the city)
t > form a point of union for them to
assemble ?.t, and decide on their own
view of things.”
WINCHESTER, November 11.
A report circulated Lft week, said
to have been brought by fome peifons
arrived from Kentuckey, that the army
nnuer gin rai Waynfe had engaged the
Indians, slain itco of them, and that
800 Americans tell. Ihe Kentuckoy
gazettes to October 19, tectived by
OatuiCay’s man, areentutly liient With
refpe£l to the movements of the army ;
we may thereioie pronounce the report
to be a mere fabi ica ion.
M ARTINSBURGH, November 18.
By mr. R. Campbell, who arrived
in this neighbou h ‘ch! a tew days since,
frrmi Lcxirgtr n in Kentucky, which
he left on 25th ult. we were in
iorm .and, tl at the evening before he de
parted that pi ire news arrived there,
that general Wane, with the army
ill n ind r ‘lis command had reached
Fort Jfferfon, but tliat the baggage
waggons, twenty two in number, un
der a guard of too men, (which were
left 15 miles in the rear of ’he army)
were intercf p ed by a body of 400 In
dians who ki led and took the whole
guard, with all the waggons, corn,
vvhifkey, Ac. The credibility of
our informant leaves us little hopes
but that this unfortunate event is too
WORCESTER, November 6.
On Tv.urfday la(t, Saniu“l Frcfl was
executed in t is town, pursuant to his
sent nee, for the mu refer of captain
Elisha Alien, of Princ ton, on the
16th day of July lart. This man, just
ten years before he mmdered captain
Allen, killed his father, for w hich hor
rid crime he was tried, but acquitted
by the jury, who supposed him inf'ane.
Before execution a sermon was preach
ed by the reverend Aaron Bancroft, to
a very la'ge audience. The criminal
was present. Alter which he was car
ried to the place of execution. He
(hewed few or nofig is of penitence.
On being asked by the high fhenfif if
h: wiihtd to fay any thing io the lpec
tafrs, he ans vered th-A he had not
tnu h to fi y —he would not have th.-m
follow’ him. The high lheriff repeat
edly asked him if he wiihed his execu
tion delayed r hearTwered as often as
asked. No !—as he was to go, ( hat w as
his expression) it had Better be soon
over. The fcaffold dropped, and this
uncommon murderer was launched in
to eternity. * It is :h tight the num-oer
of lne£lutors pre-fent were about 2C(/0*
PROVIDENCE, (R.I ) Nov. 16,
The grand jury have found bills
againrt captain Russ, and his mate, on
a charge of having defignediy funk a
bng which the former co.mnande i,
near the harbour o: Newport, as m u
tioned fame time finer.—-Their tiials
are to commence on Ti.eiday next.
Extra£l from the Journal of the boufe
of delegates, Friday, November t,
1 793* .
A motion was made that the house
do come to the following resolution-:
Resolved, 1 hat the committee of
the whole house, on the flats of he
commonwealth, be difeharg-d fr- m
furt'ter pioceedii g on that | a.t oi the
governor’s letter, refpc-dlmg the m a
b'rt’S adopted by theexecu'ive of ‘he
United S ates, f( r preserving the
bleifings of peace, as it is conceived by j
the house, that it is a subj £t which :
exciufivcly belongs to the legislature of
the 111 ion, and one which tf:e general
ass mbly of th : s commonwealth is not
competent to decide upon, ei .her irom I
the power left wi h them, or the in-
formation bes-re them.
And the said refuiution being twice ‘
read, a motion was made, and the
question being put to amend the fame,
by (Ti iking out from the word “ Re
solved, to the end of the ref ilution,
and inserting in lieu thereof the follow- ,
ing words, “ that th? proclamation of
the prtfident of the United btates, en
joining a drift adherence to existing
treaties, and the principles of neutrali* |
ty fubfirtitig under them, was a puli’ic I
and coiiilitutional m- afure, wifely V
adopted at a critical jundure, and nap- \
ptly calculated to prt serve to this conn*
try the inellimable bleflings of peace |
It was relohed in the aflmnadve ; 1
ayes yy —noes 48.
Ordered, T hat mr. Corbin do tary 1
the ref ilution to the senate, and deii.s |
tiieir coiicurrence.