The Georgia journal: and independent federal register. (Savannah, Ga.) 1793-179?, December 18, 1793, Image 1

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The GEORGIA JOURNAL: AND • -* 5[ -a K. Independent Federal Register. .Ful. twice a week. ] Vol. I.] LONDON, September 5. JUGII COURT OF ADMIRALTY. DOCTORS COMMONS. Yesterday fir James Marriot, judge of the court of admiralty, lat by ad journment, when prize causes to the amount of fixty.eight were heard and determined. The ST. JAGO. This cause, which had been argued on the part of the raptors, and which had been adjourned to this day by fir James Marriot, in order that time might be given to the parties to al certain whether the court of Spain had adopted any regulation reipelting the capture of the velle's of allies, was again poflponed to tae next fit ting day in October ; the Spanish ambassador not having asyet received any answer to theexprefs he had lent off to his court on the occahon. A veil'd called the Hope, prize to the piivateer, the Loyal Anne, was among the lilt of condemnations this day ; the particulars as follows : A French merchant, M. Godfrej') brought a cargo of sugar, cotton, and coffee, from Cape-,Francois to Charlei Carolina, which he there iliipped, together with a quantity ol tobacco, the property of two other French merchants, on hoard the above prize for Bourdeaux. It ap peared, from the papers found on board, that the Ihip and cargo, being entirely French property, were tranl ferred nominally to an American gen tleman, in whole namethey were clear ed out of Charleston. The captain and crew were Americans. The French gentlemen, the real owners, were passengers on board the prize when taken. Sir James Marriot. was clearly of ©pinion, that the capture was perfectly conformable to the law’ of nations, and as such condemned the whole, for the benefit of the captors. FGRTUNA, Danish ship. This is a case of great commercial cor.lcquence to America and ail other neutral powers. The (hip was laden with wheat at Hamburg, and failed tor Brett, in the early part of March last flie put into Yarmouth on the 12th of March, where she was flopped by the pert officer, and the wheat taken out for the king’s use, and the current price being paid, the ship was libe rated. This application was made for the freight and cotts. Several affidavits tvere read to prove the ship and property to be Daniffi. The treaty between England and Den mark, in the year 1781, proved, that wheat was not an article liable to confifcation, unless it was intended for an enemy’s town or port, which was befiegcd or blocked up. In favour of the claim it was said, that there could be no mala fJis on the part of the Danes *, as they had put into an English port, being un_ confeious of any ill intention toward ; England. That his majelly’s inflruc tions to the port officers, particularly directed that the article of wheat was not lubjetfl to confifcation, but, on the contrary, that the value and the WHERE LIBERTY DWELLS, THERE IS MY COUNTRY.”— Franklin. SAVANNAH: PRIN TED BY JAMES CAREY , ON THE BAY, NEAR THE COFFEE-HOUSE. freight were to be paid.— That the niealure, for many reafous, would be impolitic, as well as unjutt. Sir William Scott, for the crown, argued againtt the claim of freightage# under this nice dittinclion goods, which are the growth and produce of Denmark, shipped in Daniih ships, if the cargo is flopped, the goods, toge ther with the freight, mutt be paid for ; but in this case the ship fails from Bergin to Hamburg, and takes cn board a cargo of foreign corn, avowedly under the influence of France, through the agency of a French gentleman, monl. Botie. The king’s advocate further ar gued, “ that by means of this mil chievous activity. Denmark would be carriers tor a 1 Europe and there fore he contended, that the freight and costs ought pot to be allowed. Judge Marriot f id, that it was, a case of infinite weight and confe cjuence. It was evident that govern ment had taken up this matter, by fir William Scott’s llrong oppofuion to the claim : the policy or impolicy of it he should not question. On a for mer occahon he had, tov many It TOlip reafonsy recommended the payment us freight upon A. goods that were not subject to but the privy council over-ruled him. He there fore thought, that as this was a case of such magnitude, that time mutt be taken to conlider it. . . V JUSF LANDED, From on board the jlooij Neptune* and for [ale* by JOHN ROGERS, ON VERY LOIV TERMS, For cajhyor pi oduce at cajbprice At the store occupied by mr. Robert Watts, Tin -following articles) viz NF.W-ENGLAND RUM, in hhds. tierces, and barrels—Gin in cases Bar-iron, fu it able Tor waggon tears, axes, &c.—Beef, in half-barrels, lalt-petred—Pork, in Ao —One half-barrel neat’s tongues, salt petred —'Ten bbds ‘l urk’s Illand fait—l wenty barrels cider, of the fix ft quality—A few barrels potatoes — A few firkins of butter, of the firft quality— Nairaganilt cheele, of do.—spermaceti and mould tallow candles, in boxes—Cotton cards —A few reams writing paper—J, and 4-4 brown tow-cloth-—4-4 Irish linens, allotted in quality—Two’ calks teh-pennv nails, fliarps— Kullia. and raven’s duck—A Tew coils cordage —two barrels and one bag ol coffee —A few patent fleam jacks, lor roalting, which only require a trial to come into general use. BefiJe the following gods, imported Sir 1.7 from Can ton. in the l. jl fipi : Silk and cotton flripcs, luitable for gentle men’s summer wear nankeens coloured, and embroidered luteftrings, of superior qua lity—Black satins, of do.—Ladies embroidered f.itin fltoe patterns, black and coloured- Hair riband—Enamelled china, in tea lets ol 47 pieces each—Enamelled china tea cups and saucers, coffee bowls and saucers, and pint bowls —Penciled china punch bowls—Two lets children’s tea china, 49 pieces each— Lacquered tea trays, of various iizes—Lacquered oval and round waiters, aim tea caddies and bottle (lands —Common paddle Hick fans—lvory tea chcfts—Cinnamon —Souchong tea, in small boxes—-Two quarter clicfls bohea tea —A lew barrels India sugar, Bril quality. Savannah, Dee, 14. . QUILLS, OF THE FIRST QUALITY, F* tale at the Seva Printing-off.,, on tlu Bay- WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER iS, 1793. THAYER 6- WRIGHT, EAST SIDE OF HOGG’ S-S SgVARE, OPPOSITE THE CHURCH, INFORM the public, that they carry on the BOUT and SHOEMAKING BUSINESS, in all its various branches :—They have on hand, for sale, ladies’ and gentlemen’s shoes of all kinds, on as reasonable terms as at any store in Savannah. Any gentleman who may favour them with his cu(tom, may depend on having his work executed in the rVeatcft manner, and on the fliorteft notice. * t n They have on hand a quantity of NE GROES’ SIdOES, for l'ale, at a very low price. Savannah, Dec. ij. ---- ---- * “ JOCKEY CLUB. THE races at Savannah will commence the second Tuesday in January next. By order of the fcwiards, JOSEPH MILLER, treufurer. Use. 10,1793. , %y A met tirrg of the members is requeued, at Brown's Cofft e-house, on the evening pre ceding, at 6 o’clock. THE knowledge the fubferibers have of the SOUT HERN COUNTRY, arising from their having made an accurate and adluat survey of the fea-coall and inland navigation of this Bate—induce them to proffer their , ►<> gentlemen poffcffmg land in these counties, as lurveyors, capable and dilpofed to difeharge their duty in that line.—And if required, plats of the fame elegantly decorated. PARKER, HOPKINS, St. MERCER. December XI, W ANTE D, An A P P R E N T I C F. to the Printing Bnfmef Apply to J. Carey, on the Bay. ft? A youth properly qua! fed may now have an opportunity of acquiring one of the mos lucrative and genteel profejfwns in Europe or America, on terms highly advantageous to himfelf. DIANA MASSEY RETURNS her thanks to the ladies and gentlemen of Savannah, for the great en couragement llje has met with during her refi derice here ; and begs leave to inform her friends, and the public in general, that flic con tinues to carry on the business of A PaJlry-Cook and Conftfhoncr, near the Filature ; where all kinds of pies cakes, tarts, &c. may be had on the fhoiteft notice, and likewise dinners and suppers, for any number, provided in the genteelest man ner, upon the mod reasonable terms. She will dress dinners or suppers, at gentlemen’s houses, or for public societies and piivate clubs, when applied to, in a manner which, no doubt, will give entire fatisfaiffion :—and it will be considered an additional obligation, if thofewho are in her debt would speedily dif eharge the fame, in order to enable her to make a fettlcment with those to whom she is indebted. Savannah, Nov. 2j, 1793* NOTICE. ALL persons who have demands again!! the late Mr. JAMES INGI.ESBY, are re queued to deliver them to the fubferibers, pro derly attested ; and those indebted to said edate are dciired to make immediate pay ment. ELIZABETH INGI.ESBY, admiuifratrix. THOMAS HILLS, adminiflrator. Savannah, Dec. XX. Wanted to hire, BY THE MONTH OR YEAR, A sober, honed, and indudrious Negro wench, who underdands cooking and walking. Apply to the printer. SHERIFF’S SALES. On TOESDAY, the qth day of January next, WILL BE SOLD BY PUBLIC OUTCRY, sit the COURT-HOUSE, SAVANNAH, BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10 AND J O’CLOCK, SEVERAL field negroes, yoke of oxen* between 30 and 40 head of dock cattle, j horse and chair, iz head of hogs, a crop of rice, partly beat out, and partly in the rough! edimated at 60 barrels, an ox cart, Icveraf, articlesol household and kitchen furniture. 1 A tr;u£l or parcel of land, containing 400 acres, iituate in the diftridt of Little Ogechee, i being the unimproved part of the tract on which the defendant now resides, and is com. posed of part of several tracts : hounded on the north-welLby lands of Francis Courvoifie, late Fox’s, on the north-cab and fouth-ead by lands of Joseph Clay, Esq. and on the fouth wed by lands of William Fox’s estate. One undivided third-part of all that tradl or parcel ol land, lituate in the paridi of Christ Church, in Chatham County, bounded ibuth eait part by lands of David Fox, decealed, and on all other Tides by lands vacant at the time of the original survey; granted originally to Benjamin Fox, deccafed. One undivided third-part of all that tra<sl of land, containing 150 acres, situate in St. Andrew’s parilh, bounded at the time of the lurvey thereof, r.orth-wedwardly by lands sur veyed for Donald M‘Kay, and” cm all other Tides by vacant land; granted to Benjamin Fox, deccafed. One hundr ed acres of land, diftricTof Tittle Ogechee,’adjoining on the north-east by land* of William Mathers, and on all other ikies by unknown lands. The whole seized as the property of David Francis Bourquin, ETq. Conditions of sale, —CASH. On account of former purchaser, not having complied Wills the conditions of Jal,: Several five acre or garden lots, situate to the south-west of the city of Savannah, seized as of the estate of the late Thomas Lee, de. ccafech N. B. Plats, grants, and titles of all the above lands may be seen at the Sheriff’s Office. EDWARD LLOYD, S.C. C. Savannah, December 6, 179 V TO THE PUBLIC. Abfrafi plan of this newspaper. It will invariably be condu&cd on a ferfe/tly liberal and ft icily Impartial plan; and neither exertion nor expense lhall be spared to procure the earliest and moft authentic intelligence ia every department, foreign and domcftic.— Extrails from new books and approved au thors, in the various brandies of ufeful and polite literature, together with pieces of wit humour, and pleasantry, fhalJ occasionally oc cupy fome of our columns— And “ though last not lead in favour,’’ the amateurs of the muse, may always expecl to find such Parnafliao are estimable for harmony of num bers, as well as effulious of genius, taste, or fer.timent. Terms of publication and fubfcriptlon. I. The GEORGIA JOURNAL will be pub. I idled and didribnted early on the morning# of Wednesday aud Saturday in each week. B 11. The annual fubfeription is fix dollurs te he paid half-yearly in advance. 111. As soon as three hundred and fifty fub feribers fliali have entered their names and paid their fubfcioptions, The Georgia Journal Hiall thenceforward be pll blidled thrice a week, without any additional expence to the fub feribers. ** Suhfcriptions are now taking in by Mdfrs. Markland and M'lver and Mr. John Harris, Charlefon; Mr. A. M‘Millan, Augufai aud by the editor, on the Bay, Savannah. NOTICE. | THE fubferiber being duly authorized trj colleifl the debts due the estate of Job f Ruppcrt, in his own right, or as furviviaN co-partner of Ruppcrt and Emanuel, informs, J persons concerned, to call on him and / their refpedlive bonds, n,tes, and accor y 11 as fpeedilv as polliblc : those that do aor/__ /ij thcmfelves of this notice, for the I t l,‘:y ( j] may depeud upon being sued imnieoia'cly. n MOSESi VAHOXTON, jun. Nrv. 30, 179#. [6 Dollars per Ann. [No. 5.