The Georgia journal: and independent federal register. (Savannah, Ga.) 1793-179?, January 01, 1794, Image 1

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The GEORGIA JOURNAL: AND Independent Federal Register. Pub. twice a tw/.] , Vol. I. NASSAU (N. P.), December 3. . Accounts which may be relied on, are received here from New \ork, that the Ambuscade, and three smaller French Ihips of war, were to fail from that port on Sunday the 24th of last month, and that they were destined to cruise ofF the toast of South Carolina and Georgia, and among these islands. A letter from Turk’s Ifiand, dated the 26111 of last month, mentions the , arrival of a velfel from St. Vincent’s, in ter. days, which brought intelligence of the fleet with troops being arrived at Barbadoes. We are informed, that a very va luable prize was taken .by the Hermi one frigate, about three weeks since. She was an American vefiel, called the Riling Sun,, mounted 8 iron and 12 wooden guns, was bound from Port-au-Prince for America, and had on board property, in Ipecie, plate, and goods, to the amount of two mil lions of dollars, plundered from the unfortunate inhabitants, by the exc el able commillioaers. —wa— r* BOSTON, November 20. -O-t. t!. f [ rencu pr.vateer I brig Cornelia, captain Ainiott, of-16 guns, arrived herefrom a cruise. It is laid she has not sent any prizes into port. The Cornelia was one of the squadron which failed with admiral Sercey, from New-York, and was formerly the Little Democrat. . We are informed, that shoes to the value of 7000 dollars have been ex ported from one lioufe in this town, within a fortnight. The manufacture of this article for exportation was scarce known five years ago. NEW-VORK, December 9. Extract of a letter from Cadiz, Sept. 18. <l According to a late treaty of al liance entered into between this court and that of England, often five and cie fenlive, they mutually agree to do ail in their power to prevent all neutral vefiels from carrying to France, grain, flour, fait provisions, ammunition, or any warlike ffores, cr to the French islands. They will not even be al lowed to carry the produce of the Did colonies to France, and those vefiels that may have carvees and bound to France, will, if met with by any of the maritime powers at war, be de tained, and the cargoes confifcated.” K2M n.B PHILADELPHIA, December 5. Isy tli£ (hip Diana, Cane, in sixty days from Cadiz, we are informed, that two American vefiels belonging to Boston and Portsmouth (N. H.), freighted by mr. Fenwick, the Ame rican consul, with a cargo, bound from Bourdeaux to St. Ihotnass, were captured by a Spanish frigate of 30 guns, and carried into Cadiz. Ihe Spaniards had the American captains and.crews priloners on board the fri gate, arid would not permit any Ame rican to fee them. We hear from Baltimore, that a British frigate has arrived at Norfolk, and that fix other frigates and a 56 gun ship, .all British, are on die coait. “ WHERE LIBERTY DWELLS, THERE IS MY COUNTRY.”— Franklin. SAVANNAH PRINTED BY JAMES CARET, ON THE BAY, NEAR THE COFFEE-HOUSE. Hills, May, <3c Wood bridge, HAVE received, per the brig Mary Anne, captain Ramagc, from London, and- other veilels from Europe, a and nvcll-.bfen •jortment of ’ EUROPEAN GOODS, which they will fell, at the very lowest prices, at their (fore, nearly opposite the Vcndue houle, for present pay, in cash or produce— as they do not mean to extend credit, after the last of this month. gjT They beg leave to tender their be(l ser vices to all who are pleased to entrust them with business on consignment, &c —They may depend on the utmost fafety, punctuality, and dispatch. Savannah, Dec. iB, 1793, INFERIOR COURT. npHE Inferior Court for the county of Chat -1 ham, being adjourned in October term last, will be held on Tuesday the seventh day of January next, at the Court-hoUlc in this city, at io o’clock, in the forenoon ; of which all perfens concerned will take notice—speci ally the jurors that were fuirimoned for that t<;i m, arc required to attend. By order of the Court, JUSTUS H/SCHEUBER, c. i. c. c. c. Savannah y December 26, 1793* unioFTsociety! MONDAY the <ltV of January next, being a QUARTERLY MEETING of the U NION iXiCIIVTY, -.1 ■ rs n-t lc-qu-'Qid to attend the fame, at the Filature, precisely at sunset, for the dispatch of bufinds. JUSTUS H. SCHEUBER, See. Savanna! , Dec. 26, 1793’ e-pHE public is hereby notified, that a fait 1 hath been militated, in the Superior Court for the county of Chatham, upon a mort gage to the (late, given by major Day, in his life-time, on the plantation called ORANGE GROVE; and that, at the next term, a decree will pals for forecloling the cqirty df redemption there of, unless a farther flay of proceedings may have been direfted by the legislature :—That Mr. Alexander Watt, late tax collector, In no right or authority to rent the said plantation, and therefore it will not be in his power to uphold tiie pofleflion of any person who may take a lease under him. JOHN YOUNG NOEL, Solicitor Gen. Dee ember 24, I 793. TptHF. fubferiber takes the liberty to ?.c- JL quaint the planters and the public in general, that he continues to prosecute the FACTORAGE £r COMMIS SION BUSINESS only, and hopes, from his afTiduous endeavours, to promote the interest of those who may favour hint with their commands. —His floras are as convenient for tiie leception and fccurity ol produce as any in this city. Orders from the country will be punc tually attended to. ROBERT WATTS. Savannah , Pc • 2J, 1 79 a* TO THE PUBLIC. iDO hereby caution all persons from taking an alßgnmcnt of a bond, given by me to P e ter Godet , for one half of the schooner Thomas, for the sum of two hundred pounds ; given time in the month of August, 1786—as the said bond is entirely dilcharged, by my taking up, by his requell, a bond lie had given to Lewis Piofs , for £.66, and given up to the said Peter Godet ; and aifo a bond of Peter Le ction, for the sum of £.144, or thereabouts. — After having made the above payments, 1 trulted my bond i mr. Godet’s hands, upon lus promise of returning it to me, as soon as polfi ble; which he has not done, although repeat edly called upon ; I am, therefore, but too ap preheafive, that the fame may be attempted to. be alligned. ” BENJAMIN WEBLEY. Savannah , Dec. 24, 1793” A VARIETY of DUETS, SONGS, GLEES, MARCHES, &c. let to mulic for dif ferent instruments, for sale at the New Printing ! Ojficc WEDNESDAY, JANUARY i, 1794. I JOCKEY CLUB. THE races at Savannah will commence the lecond Tuesday in January next. By order of the fnvards, JOSEPH MILLER,,er. V.c. 10, 1793. €‘f A meeting of the members is requeued, at Brown s Coltcc-houfe, on the evening pre ceding, at ( o’clock. HT'HIi knowledge the fubferibers have of the JL. SOU THERN COUNTRY, arising from their havyig made an accurate and actual lurvey of the fea-coalt and inland navigation of this Hate—induce them to proffer their ferviee to gentlemen possessing land in these counties, as furvtyors, capable and disposed to difeharge their duty in that line,—And if required, plats of the fame elegantlv decorated. PARKER, HOPKINS, &'mEERS. December Ij. N O T 1 C E. ALL persons who have demands again ft the late Mr. JAMES INGLESBY, a: e re quested to deliver them to the fuhfcribers, pro derly attcllcd ; and those indebted to laid ellate are desired to make immediate pay ment. • ELIZABETH TNGLESfiY, admlnifirairix. THOMAS HILLS, to dminif.rator. Savannah, Dec. 11. THAYER 6* WRIGHT, EAST SIDE OP HOGG'S-S^UARE, OPPOSITE THE CHURCH, i NT OEM the public, that they carry on the 24. BOOT r,nd SHOEMAKING BUSINESP, in all its various branches:—’l hey have on hand, lor sale, ladies’ and gentlemen’s lhocs ol all kinds, on as realonable terms as at any (lore in Savannah. Any gentleman who may favour them with his custom, may depend fin having I,is work executed in the neatell manner, and on the ihorteft notice. %* They have on hand a quantity of NE GROES’ SHOES, far sale, at a very low price, Savannah, Dec 15. sherlfFn sales. On TUBS DAT, the Jtb day of January next, WILL BE SOLD BY PUBLIC OUTCRY, At the COURT-HOUSE, SAVANNAH, BETWEEN TIIE HOURS OF IO AND 2 o’ci.OCK, OEVERAL field negroes, yoke of oxen’ O between 30 and 40 head of llock cattle, 1 horse and chair, 12 head of hogs, a crop of rice, partly beat out, and partly in the rough, estimated at 60 barrels, an ox cart, fcveral articles of household and kitchen furniture. A trade or parcel of land, contaii ir.g 400 acres, iituaie in the diflricl of Little Ogechee, being the unimproved part of the trad! on ’ which the defendant now refidcs, and is com posed of part of several tradls : bounded on the north-weft by lands of Francis Courvoi fie, late Fox’s, on tbe north-eafl and fouth-eafl by lands of Joftph Clay, Esq. and on the fouth weftby lands of William Fox’s ellate. One undivided third-part of all that tract or parcel of land, situate in the parish ol Clirifl Church, in Chatham County-, bounded fouth eafl part by lands of David Fox, deceas'd, and 1 on all other Tides by lands vacant at the time of the original lurvey; granted originally to Benjamin Fox, deceased. One undivided third-part of all that traeft of land, containing 150 acres, situate in St. Andrew’s pari ill, bounded at the time of the survey thereof, north-vveftwardly by land; sur veyed for Donald M Kay, and on all other Tides by vacant land; granted to Benjamin Fox, deceased. One hundred acres of land, diftrielof Little Ogechee, adjoining on the north-eafl by lands of William Mathers, and on all other sides by unknown lands. The whole seized ns the property of David Francis Botfrquin, Esq. Coalitions of sale, —CASH. On account of former pofchafers not having complied •with the conditions of sale: Several live acre or garden lots, lituate to the south-west of the city of Savannah, lei zed as of the ellate of the late Thomas Lee, de ceaftd. ,p N. B. Plsts, grants, and titles of all the above lands may be seen at the Sheriff** OlTice. EDWARD LLOYD, S. C. C. Savannah, December 6, 17 93. I CATONN ET 6 s GOUPY, NEAR THE COFFEE-HOUSE, E eve far sale, on reason l term.,, for cajh or produce, -4 AN ASSOR TMENT OF WET 6’ PUT GOODS , viz. Jamaica,W. India, and jj northward rum hr, Cogniac brandy v Hollands and north- 1 ward gin—Molasses Ij Cider in barrels Cherry bounce y Lemon ic orange juice 1 Annilced water | Allortment of French .-i liqueurs j Sallad and lamp oil 4 Lavcndar water | Bell Bourdeaux, Port, j Malaga, Li Ibon, Te - neriffe,vin-de-grave v and Madeira wines (j Pr. fcrved ginger, ta- fj marinds and citron a Sugar candy j Barley liigar (| Sugar plumbs fj Bell bloom railins A Muscatel ditto Ditto in barrels l! Currants | Be fljordanfnft-fhcllcd j almonds 11 ird ditto Spanish filberts Ij Savann h, Dec. 21. WILL Bit SOLD, on thi ~A day ol i c |> ru . j ary next, at public outcry, on the ifiand j of Oflabaw, all the negroes belonging to the I ellate of JOHN MOREL, deceased Conditi ons of sale —C tfa, h fore the prop -,/y , s altered, Peter Henry Morel, ") John Morel, C Executors. Bryan Motel, \ Savannah, Dee. 24, 1793. iVp P. S. lhe file will commence between the hours of ten and twelve, NOTICE is hereby given, to all persons in debted to tiie ellate of GEORGE RI CHARDSON, deceased, to make immediate p ivmeiit, or to fettle their accounts ; and those | to \yhom the said eltatc is indebted are re- 3 quelled to fend in their accounts, properly at- I tailed. —Persons neglecling the above will, after the firfl day of February I their accounts placed in the hands * ‘ | torney at law. | BENJAMIN WEBLEY, li * Savannah] Dee. 24, 1 793. / TcTraE pUSEKufSr: j birth. “ P| ” ‘ i( Aljlrai 7 plan of this * laced It will invariably be conducb *• ?/ a^c l fair ■* liberal and frUily impartial plan l^'l,or 1 ler< -* 1 exertion nor expence fhali be fpaU„„ . . the earliest and molt authentic in™ l ‘ $? f every department, foreign and V qjj/p, t ” Extracts from new books and apprl n j n thors, in the various branches of ujc >n t j je polite literature, together with pieces m * a | humour, and pleasantry, ffudJ occasionally 0... j cupy fume of our columns.—And “ though laftt ra not least in favour,” the amateurs of the mule, 9 may always expect to find fitch Parnaflian t* flights as are eflimable for harmony of nunt- m hers, as well as effufions of genius, taftc, or 9 entimeut. fl Terms of publication and fdfription. •’ 1. The GEORGIA JOURNAL will be pub- 1 lillied and diflributed early on the mornings ol Wednesday and Saturday in each week, 11. The annual fubferipdon is fix dolltns a tc be paid half-yearly in advance. jj 111. As soon as three hundred and fifty fob- ’■ feribers fliall have entered their names amt ;Jj paid their fubfcriptioils, The Georgia Journal |H illall thenceforward be publiflied thrice a week, iSI without any additional expence to the full fcririers. *,* Subscriptions arc now taking in !•-. M fl'rs. Markland and MHver and Mr. jollff H Harris, Char Upon j Mr. A. M‘Mil!an, Aagujla , (w and by the editor, on the Bay, Savannah. M ’ STATIONARY I POCKET-BOOKS, letter-cases, and \ randuin-bo iks, of various fixes nndV * it} ings, for sale at J. Carey's, on the Bay. a [6 Dollars per Ann. No, 9. | English walnuts ’ a. Prunes and dried figs y Brandy fruits, of all $ kimls | Pickles of all forts Spanith and French o | lives, capers, &c, I Durham mallard | Allfpice,black pepper, | nutmegs, cinnamon, , niace, doves & Hour v of ginger I Oranges, limes, apples, % &r. j Loaf and brown fuoar V Bell liylou, foucheiug, ‘ f green & bohea teas I Coffee and chocolate •i Caflile soap 1 Turpentine ditto I Good Poland ftarcli | hair powder I Stick & pot pomatum | Candles of all forts y Gunpowder and fliot ($ Gun flints I *** ( i) ‘JU Id file a variety of f nl --r articles, too tedious i (j) to enumerate.