The Georgia journal: and independent federal register. (Savannah, Ga.) 1793-179?, January 15, 1794, Image 3

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grain, Tailed provisions, and other ch i’fts of which France had the molt pressing need, added to the refufai which he had already made officially, of favouring this arrangement ; the nofitive declaration, that even if it were practicable, the United States could not cement to it, became Eng land would not fail to conlider tins extraordinary reimburfment, furniih ed to a nation with which The is at war, as an ait of hoftiliiy. Bth. That by ir.ilructions from the prdident of the United States, the American ciu zens, who ranged themselves under the banners of France, have been prosecuted and arrelted ; a crime a gainst ‘iberty unheard of, of which a virtuous and popular jury avenged with eclat the defenders of the belt of caufas. 9th. That incompetent tri bunals were Suffered to take cog nizance of facts relative to prizes, which treat es interdict them exprefs ]y from doing : that on the acknow ledgment of their incompetence, this property, acquired by the right of war, was taken from us ; that it was thought id of that our can fills pro tested a gain ft these arbitrary acts; and that as a reward for his devotion to his duty, the one of Bolton was im prisoned as a malefactor. 10th. That tiie prdident of the United. States, took on himlelf to give to our treaties arbitrary interpretations, absolutely -contrary to their true sense ; ijnd that by a Series of decisions which they would have us receive as laws, he left no other indemnification to France for the blood die ipilt, for the trea„ fures ihe diflTpated, in lighting for the jf indeperftlcnce oi the United States, / bur the iiln ory advantage of bringing -*itito their ports, the prizes made on their enemies, without being able to fell them. Tith. That no anl’wer is yet given to the notification of the decree of the national convention for . opening our ports in the two worlds, to the American citizens, and pram., ing the fame favours to them as to the Trench dozens : advantages which Wft eaiV. it there he a continuance to treat us with the fame injustice. 12th. That he has deferred, in spite of my refpectful infjouations, to con voke congress immediately, in order to 1 :ke the true sentiments of the people, yto fix the political system of the Uni ted States, and to decide whether they will break, suspend, dr tighten “their bands with France : an hon est measure, which would have avoided, to the federal government, much con tradi&ion and fubterfuge : to me, much pain and difgult ; to the local governments, embairafTments, lo much the greater, as they found them feives placed between treaties which ’ are laws, and decisions of the federal government, which are not : in fine, to the'ttiburjals, duties so much the more painful to fulfil, as they have .been often under the neceffify of giv ing judgments contrary to the inten tions of the government. It remits from all these fads, fir, that I could not but be profoundly affected with the conduct oi the fade-:, ral government towards my country, a conduct so contrary to what the will of their Sovereign, to what the pro ceedings of mine, gave rne reason to expect'; and that if I have shewn firmnefs, it is becaufeit wasindifpen fable that my resistance should be e quid to the oppression—to the —which were in eppofition to thein terefts confided to me ; it is that if was not in my character toipeak as many people do, in one way, and ad in another ; to have an official language and a language confidential. 1 have done flrictly my duty ; 1 have defend ed my ground, and I will fuller no precedent against any of the rights of the French people, while there re . mains to rne a breath of life ; while they (hall not have persuaded the Arm- Fan people that it is more ad vantageous for them to become infen ftb'iy the Haves of England, the pal- fiive trioutaries.of their commerce, the fperc of their politics, than to remain t!;e a;nes of the only power who may be intereftod to defend thlr sovereign ty and their -independence ; to open to them their colonies, and to their riches these markets which double their value. Ji it be to this that tend all the machinations set in motion against the french republicans, and against their friends in the United States ; if it be to attain this more conveniently, that they with to have here, instead of a democrat ambafi'ador, a minuter of the aricit nt regime n, very complaisant, very mild, well drlpolcu to pay his court to people in [’ace, to conform hirnfc 1 f blindly to whatsoever may flatter the!r views and their projects, and to prefer above all, to the model! and lure society of got ‘ farmers, plain citizens, honest artizans, that of dif tingufthed pvrfonages, who speculate i’o patriotic*; 1 ■on t ... public funds and the lands arm paper t.-f* ihe Rate : I know not if Ihe French republic can find for yon, a: this day, inch a man in their b> k m —but in all events, fir, I can alTir e you, that I will pref- vt ry ftrougly is government toy! -cr:f.ce in without htJitAtiony if this injustice ‘offera the le'aft utility. Accept my refpeffs, G E'K E T. Note. -t-I h x let ter wn. cue amorq fevcral others which were received a. the lefret.iry of it ue> t-iTice, in Fhila delphia, there formed i.uo a packet, , September 30, adure.Tod to him m forwarded by. poll, to By fome ace idem ofHie pole. the', did not get on to bi ,1 in Virginia were returnee to i Fikukdphia au. there received by hit:: only the 2d day of Dc mber. BOSTON, December 7. By a vefiF arrived at \ -wbury. Porr, from St Marks, in that island, we learn, that the Spaniards have made then:liftes maftem of Afire Balois, an exrenitve and iu.por : 0 quarter, betv , n tbr • 1 -p. . V Cut dc Sac, Archaic and Ar;mcmic. tint the cominiffioner, Samhowu, erfi'-f at St. MarkI*the 1 *the 281,1 <F October hi!’ and wasto pro: c, u c,. Per. u S'; ..1 soon after. Tim: F . tl ■ opinion that St Fieri y. dcr to the F idh w tic ntl thereof fljeui 1 he n.m'm thonax had hi ought with F ; ic • Marks, t,reive vc g-n It 1 c; p and lilveFtm • ; ac. mb,: crdtnpanied by a copper bettor. J armed lliip ot 1 a auesmmmm CHARLES’! OFF, [rniK-ry 6. From tfcg Lexington mazetw (Km rucky) of Nov’. 16. The Kentucky volunteers have -e ----turned home, they sustained no kirtFr damage on the expedition titan fin lois of a few horffcs, and otie ns a killed. File federal army have go into winter quarters, on the fo.<rh weft branch of Miami, fix miles in ad vance of Fort Jellbrfou. Extract of a letter from New York, dated December 13. u A mailer of a brig lately from Jamaica, fays, the malignant fever is now raging at Kingdom—it is laid to have been brought there by a brig front Philadelphia.” A moft melancholy accident hap -1 pened on Friday morning. Five 0: ; the parish boys had t ken a canoe into the dream for dherfion, but trout tin fkilfulnefs (he was upset, and every one on board peri died. SAVAN NA H, jami ary 15 1 ♦ We hear from Augusta, that on Saturday last the reverend mr- Al'eij, of that town, l hot major Foriyth, madhal of this date, with a pift )i— ----the ball of which entered at on. ol his eyes, and occasioned his death wiajin an hour— i'he offender was instantly apprehended, and committed to gao.. Theftpry, a we have heard ; told With luch aggravating tin fiances on the part of mr. A. tha sh:.!!, for the present, forbear ei ing into the particulars. SAVANNAH RACES. Ttifj, Ly, JOcce; her tq. i Mr. J. M'lntopi’s Diclator, i | Mr. J. Wood’s Liberty, Major Beryan’s Comas, d'j. Same day. Siveepjl,. kes. Newmarket, ‘ j Boxer, • 2’ Comus, and j. . For THE GEORGI A jOUHNd . ‘ 0 ior the welfare ot govermpent is generally allowed, and’in evi cc-inurnity agreed, that a nv:>j<il has the i biolote right of-govern and lubjeding the minority to lav, . htid their consequences; but tj a levy fltould prkm upon themselves, responsibility of leading opinions principles is improper and ungenen and in no case more so than eccerv anel partial deliberations; and vv: it h..;;nens,it becomes the duty of citizen to nroteft against it with fii nd . and no doubt he will be lie wit - etten ion and approbation by old.avers. | B 1 ring lfi;vh ralpecl for tire nfil ationof ievcral citizens whocelobrff* I ihe Vviftl-em and policy of the prefhj lie h : nrei ervation ot u-utrafiiy in ;. or crisis, and ml: owhi .ng t’w real and just claim be defer and merits for fu el coodud, I am j led, v h iii’otndbon, to ren>ou;i podiii'e, impi v illons win n at e . ft vi j .iy he created by tie n (obifii ’..'tidy pafiUd, by perlons fop <>i) he meeting of citizens tocc . -pofc general assent of Ch - h nil Coilhty , as for my ftriclures, if they are lo ailed, they will not be violent of in decent ; but only the fame privilege of jxjeding where o hers have ap pto. Ot. ; i1- e,> t, nlli v. . |: 111 or \ to\v the -mlwnen’ who U their public ■ oin.■ c'r 1 ‘.iiiCTtoneo uni” Irrippy ii. jcraii . v, but I abode only to the r.t• her vi. 1 oltrst cetfibre thrown out ;u; lin'i citi .. i .itiuiber of tn;. -ns no , rrvd or ) iieard of toe rublution. ; for 1 am | than ill! i> -r o.rry gt-atlen n \ < e rrefent nt their adoption ; and i Know, |',v ly’ignorant of any fo-.h intention : ; — it. that thole retolw .v thou Id • onfi-lerefi tad printed as the voice lot Sa-.anrah, and ihe sentiments of the people, cann t be calmß fu'lvrcd for, why r fled ngaiaft a character ho, from daily in eftiomion, appears -n hdve been injured a id m ,’reprc ; iented ? why a-trribdite criminal acti j ohs to him., with* ■ f reason or proofs? 1 ‘.’ by wound his audibility by oppro * r ous hma u : it f upon Inin rn v, it art c.i bavin, purhmd an in d-gnenf mw’ ai ? Vv : my’ fel low citizen , your proofs ( v. here our •ri a: . ;• (i wfime yonr'evi .dciK'e ? The gene r 1 clairumr, paf fipiiate rumours, fade and wicked publications, have been ‘confulted and lowed to way, instead of tiie mild .appeal to reason and good sense : Such omipt-d vehicles of news are the -word awihyiifies to build upon • they are in getter* i! doubtful and never really true ; they are the t ft'.pwng of envy, and too often fupr.orteJ by men who hope tn iei - e tin ir purp.olMdjy the honed but deluded iv.|,ief yf the people : the charge of citizen/Genet’s railing troops in ‘ America/Is prema ture ; he ivasof Jiiinftlf no such pow er, nor has it r been shewn that * / he folirits any ft: h cjAaeditions. I am doul the toe French came, when an untimely ahtife comes forward at the vcry.-fatne time ;• qinft tt.-ric. ntative, and by tlm: .cans rcil.a eycniufifty. upon their cii-ice. / • > , oak STA\ ES a: J HEADING. UFNRY PUTNAM. - h J 15, r%J4. I NOri GE. ‘ j ONST AN’ : ’ at:-n da nee w ; i lie given, at J ‘ • , ‘ X fir veil! piy. ; I’l .•■’ O’ t.’ .>• , > mil the iir (t;:v of Mu ch : Miy floit day, wilt I : .*it.'! un i <!if; tiiTiiu:- 1 "<-ii. v : upr. c. c. c. r 1 e/ -> ■ 1 ■'-s . “ -''".v 14. 179 :♦ /< cavi' ■ cr ihe j i':‘w A-iti/c.-v /, caf t iin • --d, dire v from C-.rk, ... wm a ii. ti l’ IRISH * * INI • f • by the lub e i cr. ■ • v> ‘ II r ary* ) <>r ‘ iiv ■ V . -, if : : ( ; 11 am. ii • , m v ■ ;S. .; 1 ii,;>< r, or any i ’HENRY PUTNAM. , dor file by ibeprinter h.rcf, ALi IAN A( S for 1794. Alf, BILLS Os LADTVG. D *; D /tii of J :ui. ry, 1 794, fi om a Ea-'iH., . i] a- g r camu -Imilt •W( i-ty-Mv.-j feet long, tliree fret ten ’ i whle, o;v . ,tr. in the middle of-lier ■‘ pyka.: ; I!- ~, to [! ."ii; on.-.- * u I ■’ ‘2* U !'f— ftarbj>ca-d bow; w :’ ‘ : ■ : “-i yd!- a ire-.’c, • Lck <j.<i'.vales, and ‘i■; ‘ ‘ --i 1 V, fr ■ cyder will deliver \ to -not-.-r ’ er, on Sf. Helena, or to f Ifoliefi Bolton, in SajKuinal), tliail receive a reward at t v dall<frs. ’ / JOHN POPE. I ./k -rs>or file or charter, fuA;: a :p thl rnv t'jWfbng Wp i ALGISTA; - /?• fix American bottom, all- co.nplete aiul ready for fe u—Unk-fi speedy application / made, the present plan will be altered. Y lor terms ap- vto . -- f % -S| RGBERT BOLTON. Savannah, Jail. 14, 17)\. Two Gif n chs Reward• ’ ]) AN-AW W, .on tha 26th Decemb: r u!t. a IV Giiinea-bo-ii Ilegro,called POLI.VUOREe —aoout live feet two inches high, l’peaks Eag ln very rapidly’ and i.i.p.-rflkcly; founvrly the property of Hr. Abr,.!. in de Lyon, of this ci: .-—lt is tuppoi-d tlo-.t In las taken refuge f i,Ui‘ . r- n r Ogcciice, where He i fai-J to hi w: 1 •vi;-*.—V/I'oi. .er .-••;.ireliend* said Ne gro. and lodges him i-i or delivers him to . • fr, i hfvc two guinea* re ward, aad m : 1 ! • i ir- : -o -. : [OHN MOOR r G r , T J .unu 1 , S:iv ku, Tm. H, H 9- , \ ..ic tren- F