The Georgia journal: and independent federal register. (Savannah, Ga.) 1793-179?, January 29, 1794, Image 1

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The GEORGIA JOURNAL AND Independent Federal Register. Pub. tivice a Vol. I.] PUBLIC AUCTION. ON Friday, the 31st inst. at ten o’clock, i n the forenooon, will be disposed of, before my store, Four very likely, valuable NEGRO MEN. Two of them arc excellent boat hands, and not fold for any fault. Conditions —CASH. DANIEL COURSE, AUCTION IE R. Savannah, Jan. 24, i’94. Vocal and hijtrumental Mafic. A YOUNG gentleman who has just ■** arived here, and proposes to teach the FORTE PIANO and SING ING, addrefles himfelf to the ladies and gentlemen of Savannah, hoping for the ir encouragement, as they may depend upon every pojfible afii.duily and attention being paid. N.B. Application to be made to the printer. MUSLINS^ UPWARDS of 150 pieces muffins, confifling of plain. (1 ripeel, and croft-burred, 6-4 wide, VERY ELEGANT PATTERNS. Also, 200 pieces of Irish Linens, ■rjv T _ I v for fMe. on very low terms, for CASH, bv bANIEL COURSE. LEMUEL CLARK, Hf\ s just opened store, in St. Julian-street, whene he has for sale, on moderate terms, for cafli or produce, the following articles, viz. Men’s {hoes, coarse and fine Ladies* fluff ft roes and fand.ds Misses and children's fliocs A quantity of Northward hams And cheese Satins, broad cloths, and Irifli linens CalKcoes and Chintzes With r. variety of other articles, too tedious to enume rate. “for Tale, A NEAT RIDING CHAIR, almost * new, with harness complete— Rice,- at a moderate rate, will be re ceived in payment. —Apply to JAMES M‘CONKY. Savannah, Jan. 22, 1794* — | 11 AN AWAY, from the J V fuhfcriber, on Monday . % /jUpv • night last, a likely Negro fel low, named CAL LOS, about \ 3 eet 10 ‘ nc ‘ l£S an^ \ twenty-three years of age; Y f& lbs ears were bored, but it i-> not recollecfted whether he hacTringsYii them or not; bespeaks French, Spanilh, and Englifli tolerably ; and is a cai per.ter by trade. —Whoever delivers him to me, in Savannah, lliall have ten dollars re ward, and all reasonable expences.-- If he re turns of his own accord, he will be forgiven. JOHN WHITLY. N. 11. It is recommended to whoever may apprehend him, to secure him well ; as lie is very fining, and equally treacherous. . Jan. 23, X 79- _____ Two Guineas Reward. RAN- AWAY, on the 26th December ult. a Guinea-born Negro,called POLLY DORR —about five feet two inches high, fpea „s Lvg- Irfli verv rapidly and imperftcliy; formerly the property of Mr. Abraham de 1 yon, of this city.—lt is supposed that he has taken refuge somewhere near Ogechee, where he is Budl to have a wife.—Whoever apprehends said Ne gro, and lodges him in gaol, or delivers him to the fuhfcriber, flial! have two guineas re ward, and all reasonable charges. JOHN MOORE. Savannah, Jan. 14, 1794- WHERE LIBERTY DWELLS, THERE IS MY COUNTRY.’’ Franklin. SAVANNAH: PRINTED DY JAMES CARET, ON THE BAY, NEAR THE COFFEE-HOUSE. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1794. JAMES WALLACE HAS just received, per the brigs Fame and .Sally and Polly,from London, via Chariel ton, an additional supply of DIIT GOODS; which, with his former (lock on hand, he in determined to fell on the lowcft terms, for calli or produce, via. Superfine and second & Ribands and cambrics broad cloth ™ Writing paper Do. fafltionable coat $ Quills and wafers patterns | Men’s fadults and bri- Do. waistcoat do. A dies Caffimeres Plated ftirrap irons Bath coatings |” 4d. sd. fid. Bd. iod. Rose aiidDuilield hi an ■ | 2cd. and 3cd. nails kets | Pewter ware Flannels & Glass ware Corduroys and thick- y Blue-edged plates and sets ‘ | diilies Men’s and hoys’ hats |An assortment of cut- Do. do/ ft iocs | lery ri Hi linens of all prices • Carolina broad hoes 1 r sill and Rullia Sheet- -j Mill and crois-cutlaws ings | Axes and hinges Flaxen and tow Ozna- ji iron pots, Dutch ovens burgs i and frying pans Shalloons and durants * Wrought-iron tea ket- Corded dimitty ands ties muflinets | Iron dogs Striped, checked, and / Coffee mills book, mu ft in V Chatmgdifhcs Jaconet and book mus- 1 Rice sieves lin handkerchiefs ‘| Flair brooms & ferub- Printed and check do s king hrmhes I, allies’ Morocco and | Hair powder and po ftuff ll joes ‘I ma turn Printed cottons | Mustard M,u's and women’s 4 l .ontlon refined fa gar <Mf r.n ft.;*'.’ \ Cr.rtH White and colourcJ f Gunpowder, bar lead, silk do. I’ and {hot Vulture plumes and j. Boiled liufeed oil, in fox tail feathers J jugs, &c. fee. FOR SALE, AVERY easy-running CHAISE and Hamel's, nearly new, which will be disposed of low for cash. Apply to the printer. ‘January 20, 1794* N OTIC E. ALL per Tons who have demands againfl the late Mr. JAMES INGLESBY, are re quelled to deliver them to the fubferibers, pr,> perly attested ; and those indebted to said eftatt arc defiled to make immediate payment. EL !Z \ BE TH INGLEHBA , adn:iuiEratrix. THOMAS HILLS, aiminiflralor. Savant b, December XI, 1793* RAN AWA V, • FRANCIS BRENNOCH, a thick flout man, curly hail, flutters, and is about tweuty fix years of age; a Welchman by birth. GEORGE BROWNSON, a smooth - faced young man, about eighteen years of age, fair complexion, five feet five inches high, or there about*; by birth an F.ngliftimao. The foregoingfeamcn deserted from the brig Diana, captain Gerald Forrester, laying in St Mary’s harbour, carrying with them the long boat and vawl.—The boats have been in me about eighteen months, and both payed on the ontfidc with varnith. The long-boat has a rowler in her stem and stern. They at the fame time carried off the main-top-gullant-fail, be longing to the aforefaid brig. A reward of TEN DOLLARS will be paid for apprehending either of the above-defen bed ft amen, and lodging them in gaol, and all rca fonable expences paid, bv applying to RICHARD WAYNE. Savannah, December 30, 1793* W;LL BE SOLD,on the 3d day of Febru ary next, at public outcry, on the ill and of Ofiabaw, all the negroes be longing to the estate of JOHN MOREL, de ceased.—Conditions of fal c—CaJh before thepro peerty is altered J eter Henry Morel, John Morel, > Executors. Bryan Morel, j Savannah, D. •'24, 17 9.3 • ■ff P. S. The sale will commence between the hours of ten and twelve, HPIIE fuhfcriber takes the liberty to ae- JL qi.-lint the planters and the public in ge neral, that hc.contimies to profccute the FACTOR AGE & COMMIS SI iN BUSINESS only, and hopes, from his ail! duo us endeavours, to promote the interest of those who may favour him with their commands —His (lores arc as convenient for the reception and security of produce as any in this city. k’F Orders from the country will be punc tually attended to. ROBERT WATTS. Sjvann.'b, December 28, 1793. SHERIFFS SALES. On TUESDAY, tic \th day of February next, WILL BE SOLD BY PUBLIC OUTCRY, At the COURT-HOUSE, SAVANNAH, THE SALES TO COMMENCE AT TEN O’CLOCK, A LI. that traeft or p arcel of land, containing * 862-’ acres, more or lei’s, lying and being in the county of Camden, on Great Satilla River, butting and bounding fouthwardly by said river, notthweftwardly by Robert Mont foul’. land, northeaflwardly by vacant land, and foiitheaflwardly bv Ebenezer May’s and Elicnezer Hill’s land, granted, on old bounty, to Solomon Pendleton, and seized as of the et tate (being pointed out) of the laid Solomon Pendleton, deceased. 100 acres of land, situate in the parilli of St. George, now Burke County, bounded north ealt on Savannah river, and on all other tides on vacant land, at the time of the survey. Granted in 1764, to Alexander Wood. re ...r-- ■ f laud, situate in the pari ill and county afircfald, bounded eaftwardiy by m vaunali river, northwelhvardly -by Alexander Wood, and fouthweftwardly by lands of i’ho mas Red.—Granted in 1765, to James Red. 300 acres of land, Innate in tlie parilh of St, Paul, now Burke County, bounded north east by Savannah river, {’outheall by land of Peter Uandou,and on all other tides by vacant Ends, at the time of the survey.— Granted in 1762, to William Struthcrs, and conveyed by Thomas NcthcrcJift and Anne lbs wife, to Ste phen Smith, on the 26th of May, 1786. Ijo acres of land, situate in the parilh of St. Paul, now Burke County, near Bryan Creek. - -Granted to Zebulon llollingfwoith, in 1784. A lot of land, situate at Eflringfburgh, con taining feet in front, and feet in depth, together with the dweiling-houfe and improvements thereon ; at prelent in the oc cupation of mrs. Herfeman. The whole ftized as of the eftatt (being pro perly pointed out) of the late Stephen Smith, efqui e, deceased. jV. IS. Plats, grants, and titles of the above lands (except the latt), may be seen in the She riif’s otlice. A Negro fellow, named HECTOR, fc'zed and taken under execution, as the property of James Bullock, esquire. A Negro fellow, named WII L, seized as of tiic estate of Jonathan Bryan, elquire, deceased. Conditions of fate, —CASH. Line-wife, at fame time and place, wilt be fold, All that valuable illand known by the name OSSABAW: Containing between seven and eight thousand acres, situate, lying, and being in the county of Chatham ; bounded on the north by Great Ogechee river, on the north-weft by liland river, on the east and north-eaff, by the lea, and on the south-east by St. Catharine’s river : on the illand arc three fettled plantati ons, in the"occupation of JlHtit, Peter-Henry and Bryan Morel, esquires. * The above illand seized and taken under ex ecution as of the estate of the late John Morel, esquire, deceased. Conditions of sale, —CASH. TV 1 he plat and grant of the island may be seen at the therilF’s office. EDWARD LLOYD, S. C. C. Savannah, January 4, 1794- N. U. Such property as may have been pur chased at the last Tales, or which may be pur chased at the ensuing sales, will, where the conditions of the tales are not complied with, be re-fold on the ensuing days of sale, without anv public notice to that e lie (ft, at the risk of firfl purchasers. EDWARD LLOYD? S. C. C. N O T I C E. (’’IONS l AN l attendance will be given at J tlie fuhfcriber s oil ice, for receiving pay ment of the taxes, until the lirft day of March m y Alt taxes unsettled by that day, will he levied upon, wuliout diferimination/ FRANCIS COUR VOISIE, T. C, C. C. Savannah, January .14, 1794, T) R S U ‘JV: o* January, 1 -94, f roin 1 0 * 1 tna ‘ n’dj a live oar canoe-built boat, twenty-two Let long, three feet ten inclus wide, one feant 111 the middle of her bottom from stem to stern; one iar-e piece, about three feet Jong, in her ftarbomd how • vh,t<f hdc, yellow rtreafc, black gunwales, and nhite quarter-boards. Whoever will deliver her to the fublcnher. ou St. Helena, or to Mr. Robert holton, -n Savannah, lliall receive a reward of twenty dollars. JOHN POPE. r j the ‘“bh'tibers have of the 1 SOUI HERN COUNTRY, aritiug from heir having made an accurate and ‘a.lnal luryey of the. fc.t-coait and inland navigation ot this state—induce them to protT.,- their to gentlemen poflefting land in these cmrnties, as lurveyors, capable'and disposed to difeharge their duty in that line.-And if re quired, phits ofThe lame elegantly decorated. I VRivDR, HOPKINS, & MEERS. December xr, 1793. WAN T E~IL Front 30 to 50,000 WHITE OAK STAVES and HEADING. HENRY PUTNAM. Stm>atsnan, y unitary ic, j 1/a ci; cs SI 1 oes a Gloves* { il! ’ lubferibcr lia 1 iuft received, per the lloop I,ark, captain Austen, from New Aork, three rhefts of weU-afEir ted ladies’ Cue am! coarse limes. Also, a box of habit and long gloves, oi the firft quality : which will be (litpok’d ol on the lowed terms, for cafli or rice. HENRY PUTNAM. Savannah, J a n. 10, 1794. Hills, May, Sc Wood bridge, HA VE received, per the brig Mary Anne, captain Ramage, from London, and other veliels from Europe, a general and -wtll-chofisi ajjortmeut <f EUROPEAN GOODS, which they will fell, at the very leave ft prices, at their store, nearly opposite the Vendue houfe, lor present pay, in cafli or produce as they Ti not mean to extend credit, after the last of this month. _ tlf They beg leave to tender their heft fer viecs to all who are pleafed/to entrufl thens w ’-th bufmefs on consignment, &c.—They may depend on the utmost fafety, puaHuality, and dispatch. Savannah, Dec • jS, 1793. Received, per the/now Minerva, captain Scovel, elireO j'rom C rk, \ SMALL consignment of BEST IRISH S jl LINENS, and for sale by the fuhfcriber. Who will charter laid veil'd for any port in the Weft Indies,, if applied for soon, SheN ‘g strong, and well calculated for lumber, or any other cargo. HENRY PUTNAM. xQ-vTof File or charter, dse new ftji-f tiling (hip JrCffddkAU---**. A U C US X A ; 4 N American bottom, all complete and Fj. ready for fea.—Unlci; fpcedy application is made, the present plan will be altered. For terms applv to ROBERT BOLTON. Savannah, Jan. 14, 1794. Taper mediuvi ’Si OF THIS STATE, for hie t>y DANIEL COURSE. Savannah, January IJ, t J )4. ~ y i ~ FOR. SALE BY THE PRINTER. j"6 Dot L A RS per ante. [No. 17.