The Georgia journal: and independent federal register. (Savannah, Ga.) 1793-179?, February 15, 1794, Image 1

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Hie GEORGIA JOURNAL: AND Independent Federal Register. Fub. Snvi.e cl n’ffi.J Vol. I.] NOTICE. THE subscriber is under the necefiity to ac quaint thole who have bonds in his hands, for Negroes purchased, that unless they dif chargc the fame, or put produce in his pol ieilion for that purpoi'e, on or before the firft of next month, the bonds will, without dif tu'ction, be put into the hands of my attorney at law, to be recovered. R. WAYNE. Scvannahy February 11, I 7 )\* “Liberty county. 4 Ta SUI’P-EME COURT, began and hol den in ’SUNBURY, for the County of I.IBF.RTY, on Tuesday, the 2 id ol January, 171)4, before his Honour GEORGE \v nLION, Tfuuire, one of the Judges of the Superior Courts of the laid State; Mr. Solicitor Geue vll ; n formed the Grand jury, he had no more llufine!’ to lay before them : l>e\r 1 rtLiit vaents were received, and read, as follows : WE, the Grand Jury for the County ol Liberty, on our Oath prefeut, ill. We present the Collector of laxesfu; the Relief of the Poor of this County, tor withholding the Monies raised for tliat Pur poie. By Information ol Captain William Peacock. , . ad, We prefect Henry Wood, Sheriff tu j ibertv County, lor Extortion and Male- rac tice in Office, Tor demanding of John Baker the Sum es lcventy-two Pounds fourteen Shil lings and feveu-Pence. contrary m tncLaws ui this State- By Complaint of John Baker. and. Full'/ persuaded that tuc H.-ppmels anu Profpeiitv of any Country is Ultimately con* jjcO-Ll u-ith, and in no ftnall W^ei.ds p*,a. the Knowledge wind, its Ini Rents pofiefs; we c-anftdcr the Education of youth, * as an ObjeA of immediate Attention; and la ment tha - : more has not been done by thouj appointed by our Legislature, to carry lo great an ObjeA into Fflect. 4th, It is requeued, that these our t rt.etit m, nts mav be pubhflicd ill put,lie Gazettes ; of this State. 70HN LAWSON, Foreman, PETER WINN, WILI IAM WAY, JOHN Ml 1 CHI I E, JAMES CASHEN, T )HN CROFT, WILLIAM !. BAKER, LA ZARU.s'MA'hI.A R O, E. HENRY SCHMIDT. WILLIAM GIRK ARDEAU, JOHN ROB A RTS JOSEPH WAY, sen. PHILIP J- SCHMID, JAMES HOLMES, WILLIAM STEVEN, Sanlury, January 23, 179*1 * ’ Ottered, That the Preferments of the Grand JnrV be pubiilbed in the Georgia Gazettes; and'fuch be converted into Indictments ihail admit thereof. Catfid copy from the mhr.Lt, JOHN GRAVES', C- S. C. C. L. -"LEMUEL CLARK t jAS just received, from on board the Hoop ■* a Pmdcnce, captain Young, from Boftoii, the following articles, viz. a few barrels of r.ew rum, a quantity of northward elite.e, wipes, atini'fced, clove water, a few barrels of apples an afl'ortinent of Engiilh and India <’nods,'a 6c pieces of dark chintz cal.ico, plain and striped nankeens, striped muffins, corded, spotted, cross-barred, and plain muffin hand., kerchiefs, ladies’, men’s, and boys hats, fifty or fixtv pair of boots, of the bed quality, and fundrv other articles, too tedious to mention. Savannah*, February IT, 1794* f |~ , HE knowledge the fubfcriber* have of tne- SOUTHERN COUNTRY, ariiing from their having made an accurate and actual Purvey of the sea-coast and inland navigation of this statc —induce them to prolTer .heir service to gentlemen possessing land in tlicle counties, as Purveyors, capable and disposed to difeharge their dury in that line. —And n ■ quired, plats of the lame elegantly decorated. PARKER, HOPKINS, & AIEERo. December ll,’ 179.3* . VVA N r E Y /.n apprentice to the panting business. Apply to J. Carey, on the Bay. “ WHERE LIBERTY DWELLS, THERE IS MY COUNTRY.”— Franklin. SAVANNAH: PRINTED BY JAMES CARET, ON THE BAY, NEAR THE COFFEE-HOUSE. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1794. W A N T E D, From 30 to 50,000 WHITE OAK STAVES and HEADING. HENRY PUTNAM. Savannah , January 15? 1794* NOTICE. ALL persons who have dsmands against the late Mr. JAMES INGLFSBY, are re quelled to deliver them to the subscriber-,, pro perly attested ; and thole indebted to said estate arc desired to make immediate payment. ELIZABET H INGLESBY, aJmiuiJtratrix. THOMAS HII.L.S, aJmiiujlratcr. .<?.• n • b, December It. 17}',. i>HE subscriber tunes the liberty to ac quaint the planters and the public in ge neral, that he continues to prefecute the F,-i( T'R/iGE & COMMIS SI N HU SINBOSS only, | and hopes, from his alTuluous endeavours, to j promote the interest of those who may favour j him with their commands. —ITis (lores are as convenient lor the reception and iti urity ol produce as ank in this city. jf-T Orders from the country will be punc tualiv attended to. ROBERT WATTS. S.ivaltab, ‘December 28, 179.1- T he subscriber having entered into THE VENDUE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS carneftly solicits the patronage of the public in general, and hopes hv his punctuality and attention to merit their confidence. \VM, BELCHER. Savannah, F-b-u >ry 8, 1794. i O 15 K SO L 1), FOR C4SH OR PRODUCE, a TRACT OF LAND in Effingham Crvnty, f\_ emit lining 400 acres. ’1 he foil is excel lent for railing cotton and corn : it is also happily fmtated for the lumber trade, as it abounds with the (inert ranging timber, has a line mill feat, with a courtant I‘upply of wa ter, and lies on both iiries of Savannah River. The filtration i;-alfo well adapted for a tavern, the Augusta road running through it, and no tavern within twenty miles thereof. for terms apply to JOHN WILLIAMS, HAIRDRESSER. Savannah, February 8 1794- RAN A\VA Y, - TV Negro NEi), known J\jL in this town as a , .* \ waggoner abfented him fclf about four weeks ago. \ WJ V rom bis inclination to \ he a sailor, I apprehend he \ % may endeavour to embark on board l'ome vefFel—J ~faitherefore caution all mas ters of vefft Is from carrying off laid Negro. He is neither tali nor lufly, and about 27 vears old, remarkably active, and Virginia horn. BENJ. PUTNAM. Savannah, T.binary 8, 1 794- Hills, May, & Woodbridge, HAVE received, per the brig Mary Anne, captain Rarnage, from London, and other vends from Europe, a g.neral and ivtll-cljofen ajjortment of EUROPEAN GOODS; which they will fell, at the very loweff prices, at their (lore, nearly opposite the Vendtie houfe, for present pay, in cash or produce as they do not mean to extend credit, after the lart of this month. 0- They beg leave to tender their heft fer viecs to all who are pleased to eiitruft them with buftnefs on conlignment, &c. I hey may’ depend on the utmoff fafttv, punctuality, ancl dispatch. Savannah, Dts> 2%, 1793* Received, per the fn-vo Minerva, captain Scovel, direct from Cork, A SMALL consignment of BEST IRISH . LINENS, and for lale hv the subscriber. ho will charter laid veiled for any port in the Weft Indies, if applied for soon. She is strong, and well calculated for lumber, or any other cargo. HENRY PUTNAM. Baltimore, Superfine Flour, hlejs hers, pork, and pickledfalmon, To be fold, wliolefale or retail, on board the fchoontr Bonita, of Baltimore. Savannah, January 28, 1794 Famine a vsndte, et gros& cn detail, Abord la goeilette Bonita, du Baltimore. ’ EDWARD GRIFFITH, WATCII-MAKER, ON TH E BA TANARUS, RETURNS his molt grateful thanks to his _ customers, for their kind patronage; — hopes in future to merit a continuance thereof. Begs leave to inform them and the public in general, that he repairs all lorts of watches, and has all kinds of Gold, silver and hair-work done in the nioft elegant manner, at his ffiop —wherfe mav be had, on very low terms, fur calh or produce, a variety of gold and illvtr work. :j ■ All persons having demands against the laud Griffith, are requested to bring in their iiccb'if.its for payment ; and those persons in debted to him, are required to make payment immediately, as it will be very disagreeable to be obliged to have recourse to legal steps. Savannah, January 20, I 794- PUBLIC AUCTION. ON Tuesday, tlie Bth of April, 1 will be disposed of, b fore my < Bore, at ten o’clock in ti.e forenoon, 3 JACK ASSES, 2 JENNIES, 2 ASS COLTS. DANIEL COURSE, AUCTION lER. Savannah, FT. 4, 1794. M USLINS. UPWARDS of 150 pieces muffins, conliffing of plain, (biped, and crofs-barrcd, 6-4 wide, VERY ELEGANT PATTERNS. Also, 200 pieces of Irifll Linens, well assorted, tuff opened for sale, on very low terms, for CASH, by , DANIEL COURSE. DRIFTED, the 7th of January, 1794, from St. Helena lit and, a five oar canoe-built boat, twentv-tvvo feet long*, three feet ten inches wide, one seam in the middle of her bottom, from Hem to ffern; one large piece, about three feet long, in Iter (larboard bow; white (ides, yellow (beak, hlaca gunwales, and white quarter-boards. Whoever will deliver her to the fubferiber, on St. Helena, or to Mr. Robert Bolton, in Savannah, (hall receive a reward of twenty dollars. JOHN POPE. Ladies’ Siioes and Gloves. ■yHE fubferiber has jufl received, per the Hoop Lark, captain Auden, front New York, three cherts of well-allorted ladies’ fine and coarse ihoes. Also, a box of habit and long gloves, of the firft quality : which will he disposed of on the lowest terms, for cash or rice. HENRY PUTNAM. Savannah, Jin- 18, 1794 For sale by the printer hereof, BLANK PRICES CURRENT, AIR, BILLS OF LADING. ’ CONGRESS. HOUSE OF rejresentattfes. M Ildar, January 13. / A report was brought in from the fecretarv of the treasury on the iub jecl of th. tonnage. Ordered to he printed. ‘The house then, agreehly to order of the day, went into a committee of the whole, nir- Trumbull in the chair, on the report of the lecretary of Rite, relative to the lituatton of our commercial relations with fo reign countries. The relolutions proposed by nr. Madiion, Some daysfiute, a copy of which we gave, it will be recobedeci were before the committee. Mr. Smith (S.C.), rule. He hoped that it would be in order to take into view the general scope and tetionr o the whole body of relolutions before tlie committee. . . . Amongst the various duties o 11© legislature under the conlbtuuoo, none appeared to him more impoitant than those which had for object the regulation of commerce, as they mu involve the conli leration of a great variety ol interests. _ . These interests open a copious he la for dilcufUon, as they ailect the agti culture, navigation and manufadures of a country: this being conhdered, the committee, he hoped, would, viewing the importance of the iuo ject in Yhe fame light he law it, ex ! cute him if he took much of their tune in adverting to a variety of facts con nected with, it. As the committee were on the re port of the fecretarv of fh'te on a commercial fubjetft, he Ihotud not go into political conftderations, wmc might by lome be considered as in a degree connected ; lie hoped . other members would lee the propriety o pursuing the lame plan. It would argue a diltrult of itrength ot the ground on which the relolutions pi o pofed Hand, if the advocates for the resolutions permitted thetnlelves to recur to politics to iupport theai* He imagined it wou'd be right to dis miss the consideration of all questions relative to Indians, Algerines and Western Posts, at the present time. There will be a time, and perhaps not far and ft mt, when these questions will come under consideration ; when this happened, he said, he should be prepared to give liis opinion with finnnefs, and according to what he conceived the true in ter efts of the country ; but the fubjetft, he conceiv ed, was not properly connected with the present, which gives of it lei E fufficient scope for argument; he iliould not therefore mix them. The present is a delicate crisis ; this country ftnee the revolution has probably never been in so critical a situation ; it ought then to be weigh ed with calm reflection and delibera tion, paftions should not be substitu ted for reason, and thedeofion ought not to be founded on narrow or prejudiced views, F The report of the secretary of ftaf is before the committee ; it gives a [6 Dollars per nun. [No 22.