The Georgia journal: and independent federal register. (Savannah, Ga.) 1793-179?, February 19, 1794, Image 1

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and’ Independent Federal Register. Pub. tnvice a ttvt/f.] Vol. I.] MISCELLANY. A late pfiyfuian of F.lgin, Scotland, was reproached for living leparate from his wife : His defence was very laconic ; “ My wife,” lays he, “ has all the bad qualities common to her lex, and Tome that aVe peculiarly her own.” The fame prntleman, when on his death bed, was visited by a neigh who with the kindnels cf friendlhip s&cd him, if tin re was any thing in which, after his death, lie could ob lige him ? “ Be particular y kind to your three youngest children, ’ re plied the dying man, “ for they are ail mine.” RonfleaiTs description of the differ ence between a lean e<‘ n an anti one of a good natural underltandinjg, is, far. from die vorft ol its kit'd. “■ i lie j learned tran,” he fays, ‘‘ is always i looking behind : rite latter be fore him.”—A vt r\ good reason why tlie j latter generally get on in ‘lie wot* and. j It was once happily aid of a Ituptd preacher, whet was force and to 1, do tor j debt, “ Six days he is inv itible, and on Sunday he is incomprehentible-” RILLS . On New To* k or Philadelphia, May be had, by a not - ‘nf to G. DENISON. Sawatirahy Felrrarv if, T 794 \v an\ en, “; Immediately , tr in the cowfc oj this month, rpi-N ‘i HOIV \NI \VL ! E O.ih :• -!i J HICKORY HOOPS, fit fm ns. la; is luigfl cads. Auv pcri’e.n wilting to furniil: that or a smaller number may apply to W. WVod viHe, tin board the F booner Bonita, of Buiti n ore, at Mr. Alexander Watts’s wharf, who will pay a generous price, in C ASH. Savamwb, Fc.'. 15. 17 <7 4. N. B. Choice mess bee, pork, pick'cel fal xrnn, ane! excellent butter, in firkins, will be bartered for likelv young fia- cs. KLJZABEThPASHLEY, INFOV MS lit rfs tends and the pi’ IS . 1 1*. t flic has just taken a houic oppifte t!i. Dutch church, where il.e propoics taxing in ai! kinds of KEEDLE-WCRK & WASI INC, which will be executed in tlie heft manner, and i on reafonabie terms. itF S.ti jiucFi/gj Si ovtD and made to look nearly m ivell as i. r:r. Savannah, February If, 1794. STOLEN ORTrRAV-Td,’ FROM the fubferiber. on the 2tl of January, u't a bright bay beirfe, riling nine years old, fourteen hands tliree inches high, has a black mane and tail, branded on the near but tock with K. A. and on tlie -off buttock J. w, a heart on one of his shoulders (supposed to he the mounting one). If stolen, twenty tlol! r* reward will be paid fertile horle and thief. Or eight debars for the horse r.h ne, by EDWARD GRIFFI i 11, ON THE BaY. Savannih, February 15, rpj. Received, set tlje fww Minetvi, cast dm Scovei, direct from C tk, A SM M l. consignment of B 1 ST IRISH / LINENS, and for fate by the fable ii t: V. ho will charter laid vt-licl for any p-rt in ti.e Weft Indies, if applied for fix n. She is Gong, ?jid well calculated for lumber, or any other cargo. HENRY PUTNAM. “ WHERE LIBERTY DWELLS, THERE IS M& COUNTRY —Franklin. SAVANNAH: PRINTED BY J.f.IES-CAREY, ON THE BAY, NEAR THE COFFEE-HOUSE. WEDNESDAY,’ FEBRUARY 19, 1794. N O T 1 C E. AI.I, persons having demands against the eft.ite of EDWARD HART, of this city, defeated, are requeued to deliver them, pro perly attested, cither to WILLIAM F.WING, litre,or to me,in Augusta ; and those indebted to said eftite, will please to make’ payment accordingly. JAMES WAX KER, adminifiraior. Savannah, February It, I -94. ~T^T — jP'HE property heßbn ; ng to the above es jL tatc, qonfiiting of h;s flore of GOODS, ‘hiec NEGROES, a! GOLD WATCH, and WEARING APPAREL, will, on Monday, tue 24th day ol March next, be fold at public ■ nation, to the highest bidder, at the store formerly occupied bv th&deceafed. Conditions— CASH. “” 1 am EDWARD G'UFP LLPI, WATC II - MAKER, 0 N ‘t II £ is ar, kETURNS his mi ft grateful thanks to his . cufto ners, for then Kind patronage;—■ fii'pe i:i future to merit a continuance thereof, ii- gs leave to inform them and the public in general, that lie i> pairs all forts of watches, and lias ili kinds of Gold, Liver and hair-work. done in the nv.ft eleganr manner, at Ins frtop where may he had, on very low itrnts, for ca'ii or produce, a variety of gold : U ,d 111ver work tff .All persons having demand, against the said Grltfith, art: rtquefietl to htir-g in their accounts In payttu-ut; and thoie on> iu- !! to film, . rc rcanired to make pavmeui immcdiaidy, a-. It will be very dif.-s-reoble to ! be obliged to have rect.urfe to legal fi, pa. Savannah, January ?.g, I'y f. public’auction. ON I uefdav, the Bth of April,’ will he tfilpiTeel of, b fore my store, a t n o’l lock in the forenoon, 3 ] ■■■■. C R ASbES, 2 JENNIES, 2 ’ASS colts. Daniel course^ ALA . on I hi. $ t > rwalj. Fid’, j I*. MU S JN S, L TP WARDS of 150 pic-cc muslin cor. lifting J of plain, striped, ami crofs-b.trrcd, 6 4 wide, VERY ELEGANF PATTERNS. A! ft), 200 pieces of Irifli Linens, well afiori. .i just opt ned for fl.le, on very low terms, for CASH, by DANIEL COURSE. DR.FFFO, the ytb of January, 094, from .It. Helena Ifiaiui, a five oar canoe-built boat, twenty-two .feet long, three feet t n inches wide, one learn in the middle ol her ■trout, from firm to Item) one large piece, about three feet long, in Iter Itarboard'baw white tides, ye'lo v streak, black gunwales, and vhite quarter-boards. Whoever wi 1 deli vet ner to-the fubferiiter, on 3t Helena, or to Mr. R Mert Bolton, in Savannah, fhail receive a rewaid of twenty dollars. JOHN POPE. Ladies’ S.uoes and Gloves. pH” fu fc iber has just received, per the Ho >p i.ark, captain Austen, irom New York, three cherts of well-aborted ladies’ line and courier times, Also a box of habit ai.d long gloves, of the firft quality : which will b( dHpoled of on the low ft terms, for cafli or HENRY PUTNAM. Savannah) “j ■ fl Jo 1/94 For I ale hy the printer here f, BLANK PRICES CURRENT, w, BILLS OB’ LADING. ’ ‘ i - WANT ED, From 30 to 50 000 WHI TE OAK STAVES and HEADING. HENRY PUTNAM. Savannah, January 15, 1794. N O T I C E. 4 LI. persons who have demands against the p\_ late Mr. JAMES INGI.ESBY, are rc quelled to deliver them to the fubferibers, pra ;k Ily attested ; and thoie indebted to said estate ,ue deTired to make immediate payment. ELIZABETH INGLESBY, aSiKii.iJratrix. THOMAS lIILI.S, admi ijlralor. aiv n h, 11-ien ’rr 11, 179*. i'>ripl fubicribcr takes the liberty to ac quaint the planters and the public in ge neral, he continues to prosecute the F f CT R 4GE & COMMIS SI N bUSINEsS only, and.hopes, from his assiduous endeavours, to prom.ite the intcreft of ihofe who may lavour him with theii commands. —His (lores are as convenient for the reception and fccurity of produce as anv in this city. • V Orders from the country will be pune tually uttenued to. ROBERT WATTS. T ;m h, December 28, 1793. The utj) fori her having entered into IHE VENDUE AND r 1 \ IMTSSION BUSINESS 1 1 n fl'y iolicits the patronage of tlie public in ‘ Mu ral, and hopes by bis pumftuality and attention to nient their confidence. WM. BELCHER. ?'ii'rvnh I'fh’iiirv ?, I7n. i O 13 K SDj ,D, FjR CASH OR PRODUCE, \TRAC F OF L AND in Fißnghain Countv, cont lining 400 acres. The foil is excel lent t;r railing cotton and corn: it is also happily situated lor the lumber trade, as it abounds with the fiueft ranging timiier. has a fine mill feat, with a court,tut fop ply ~f wa ter, and o: t hah a mile front Savannah River. The ii’uati. n is also well adapted for a tavern, the An uft i road running through it, and no tavern within twenty miles thereof. For terms app'v to JOHN WILLIAMS, HA ’A’ DRESSER. ‘savannah, February 8, 1794 TTa n a \VaY, ”j\ ft Negro MED, known in this town as a V, V ” K o ‘e him 'V&T- felf a ; >ut four weeks ago, \ * , i From his inclination to \ * ,e a fail ,r 1 apprehend he \iß ‘*V may endeavour to embark ,*J m board Tone vefFel—l rr ‘ ”■■— l ” ‘** herefore caution all maf ,,.r of veilefo om carrying off said Negro, He is neither tall nor iufty, and about ij vear* old, remarkably adtive, and Virginia joru. BENJ. PUTNAM. Savannah, February 8, 1794- Hills, May, & Woodbridge, HAVE received, per the brig Mary Anne, captain Ra na >e, from London, and othet vefie from Europe, a g acral and vcell-chofen aJforimcH! if EUROPEAN GOODS, which they will fell, at the very lowvft prices at their store, nearly opposite the Vendue tioule, for present pay, in c -sh or produce— .is they do not mean to extend credit, after the i ift of ,his mouth. iFf They beg leave to tender their Left fer ■ ices to all who ire pleased to entrust them with bufinef- on consignment, kc. Thdy may depend on the utmost ialecy, punduaiitj, and dispatch. , < Savannah, D,s> 28, i 793* C® 1 ’ NOTICE. r *f”'llE fublciiber is under the neceflity to ac- J. quaint those who have bonds in his hands, for Negroes purchased, that uitld's they dis -1 harge the fame, or put produce in his pof feiliou for that purpole, on or before the iirlt of next month, the hands will, without dif timftion, be put into the hands of my attorney at law, to be recovered, R. WAYNE. Savannah, February 11, 1794, LIBERTY COUNTf. AT a SUPREME COURT, began and hol dni in SUNBURY, for the County of I.IBERTY, on Tud'day, the 2id of Jatn.aiy, X 794, before his Honour 1. EG ICG li WAI.’i’ON, Elqnire, one of the Judges of the Superior Courts (if the laid State'; Mr. Solicitor Gene ral informed the Grand Jury, he had no more liulinels to lay before them : Their Prefent* ments were received, and read, as follows : WE. the Grand Jury for tlie Comity of Liberty, on our Oath present, ift. We preient the Collector of Taxes for the Relief of the Poor of this County, for withholding the Monies raised for that Pur port-. By Information of Captain William Peacock. ad, We present Henry Wood, Sheriff of Liberty County, for Extortion and Mart-prac tice in Office, for demanding of John Baker tlie Sum es seventy-two Pounds fourteen Shil ngs and leveil-Pence, contrary to the Laws of this State- Bv Complaint of'John Baker. id, Fully perfuaued that the Happiness arid Prosperity of any Country is intimately ctm nedleJ with, and in no small Degree depends upon, the Knowledge which its Inhabitants pofief*,; we conhder tlie Education of Youth, a- an Ohj, ■ V of immediate Attention; and la ri. nt that more has not been done by those appointed by our Lcgillature, to carry so great an Objetft into Effeiil. qtli, It is requefled, that these our Prefent-’ merits may be publiffied in the public Gazettes of this State. JOHN LAWSON, Foreman, PETEK WINN, WILLIAM WAY, ‘ JOHN MITCHELL, JAMES CASHEN, j TIN CROFT, WILLIAM J. BAKER, LAZARUS MALLARD, V. HENRY SCHMIDT, WILLIAM GIRRARDEAU, JOHN ROB ARTS JOSEPH WAY, sun, PHI).IP J. SCHMID, JAMES HOLMES, WILLIAM STEVEN, Sanbury, January 23, 1794. Ordhnt, That the Prcfontments of the Grand Jury he publiffied in the Georgia Gazettes ; and fucli he converted into Indictments as lhall admit thereof. Cat fid copy from the minutes, JOHN GR AVES’, C. S. C. C. L. LEMUEL CLARK. r. JAS just received, from on hoard the Hoop s 1 Prudence, captain Young, from Bolton, the following articles, viz. a few barrels of new rum, a quantity of northward cheese, wines, auuifeed, clove water, a few barrels of apples, an ailortment of Euglifh and Indjs * goods, 260 pieces of dark chintz callico, pkfiu and striped nankeens, striped mullins, corded, spotted, cross- barred, and plain muslin hand k rehiefs, ladies’, men’s, and hoys’ hats, fifty or sixty pair of boots, of the heft quality, and lundry other articles, too tedious to mention. Saaann h, February It, 1794. - knowledge the fubferibers have of the X SOUTHERN COUNTRY, arising from their having made an accurate and actual urvey of the fca-coaft and inland navigation of this ftitc—-induce them to proffer their service to gentlcinen polTeffiny land in these counties, as surveyors, capable and disposed ta niicharge their duty in that line.—And if re quired, plats of the fame elegantly decorated. P \RKKR, HOPKINS, & MEERS. D :ember 11. 1793. ■■ 1 )■’ iiii.i. ii.i ■—■——y W A N T E D, An apprentice to the printing bujinefs. Apply to J. Carey, on the BJfl [6 Dollars p,r ann. [No. 23.